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Revision as of 10:09, 14 January 2023 by imported>TheFedGuy101 (Simplified the CST sub-ideology to be reflective of the Seven Themes of CST from the USCCB website)

Catholic Theocracy, sometimes shortened to CathTheo, is an authoritarian, culturally right, and an economically center ideology inhabiting the upper center political compass.

CathTheo seeks to have the values of the Catholic faith upheld as the law and to have a state very closely tied to the Catholic Church.


On 27th of February of the year 380 AD, the Edict of Thessalonica was issued by emperor Theodosius I, making Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire, outlawing all other religions and legalizing the prosecution of their followers, establishing the first de facto Catholic Theocracy in the world.

After the fall of the Roman Empire most of the Germanic tribes that previously practised Arian Christianity adopted Catholicism in order to ally themselves with the religious figures of the regions they were invading, leading to most of the former Western Roman Empire remaining a Catholic theocracy loyal to the Vicar of Christ in Rome, while the Eastern Roman Empire evolved into an Orthodox Theocracy loyal to the Emperor of Byzantium.

The Catholic Church maintained various degrees of control across Western Europe throughout the Middle Ages. Perhaps the place where this rule was most dominant was in the Papal States - a territory in central Italy directly under the rule of the Papacy. In other parts of Catholic Europe, the control of the church varied depending on both place and time. On one hand, the church maintained a great deal of sway over secular rulers, and Catholicism was the official state religion of most Western European states until the Protestant Reformation, with the church able to enforce her own laws in Ecclesiastical courts alongside state courts (such as in the Inquisition). On the other hand the church often found itself in conflict with the various monarchies of Europe, most notably in the Investiture Controversy with the Holy Roman Emperors and the 'Babylonian Captivity' in France. The Papal States aside, assorted territories scattered across Europe were under the rule of prince-bishops, mostly located in the German territories.

The Papal states were dissolved in 1870 during the Unification Wars after Rome was captured and Italy was unified. But despite this, Vatican City was created in 1929 as a deal with the fascist government. Vatican City controls less than a square kilometre of land. Despite the small size of the only remaining catholic theocracy, Catholicism still has a lot of power due to having more than 1 billion followers.


Traditionalist Catholicism

Traditionalist Catholicism is the set of beliefs, practices, customs, traditions, liturgical forms, devotions, and presentations of Catholic teaching that existed in the Catholic Church before the liberal reforms of the Second Vatican Council. In particular attachment to the Tridentine Mass, also known as the Traditional Latin Mass. Many traditional catholics tend to be fundamentalists, and oppose progressive ideals.

Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching, commonly abbreviated CST, is an area of Catholic doctrine concerning matters of human dignity and the common good in society. The ideas address oppression, the role of the state, subsidiarity, social organization, concern for social justice, and issues of wealth distribution. Catholic social teaching is distinctive in its consistent critiques of modern social and political ideologies both of the left and of the right: liberalism, communism, anarchism, feminism, atheism, socialism, fascism, capitalism, and Nazism have all been condemned, at least in their pure forms, by several popes since the late nineteenth century.

Human dignity is one principle of Catholic social thought. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "Being in the image of God, the human individual possesses the dignity of a person, who is not just something, but someone. He is capable of self-knowledge, of self-possession facts, and of freely giving himself and entering into communion with other persons. And he is called by grace to a covenant with his Creator, to offer him a response of faith and love that no other creature can give. Pope Benedict XVI has taught that "love for widows and orphans, prisoners, and the sick and needy of every kind, is as essential as the ministry of the sacraments and preaching of the Gospel". This preferential option for the poor and vulnerable includes all who are marginalized in our nation and beyond—unborn children, persons with disabilities, the elderly and terminally ill, and victims of injustice and oppression.


Gremialismo, or Guildism, is a religious, conservative, and social ideology based on the social doctrine of the Church, neoconservatism, anti-communism and Catholic nationalism that calls for the depoliticization of intermediate bodies, being against which political parties or political ideas enter civil society.

In Chile, guildism was the doctrinal support of the conservative movement, born in the second half of the 1960s, which led the opposition to the university reform promoted by the centrist groups like DCU and JCU.

It was founded in 1967 as a university movement within the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile - the Trade Union Movement of the Catholic University of Chile (MGUC) - by the conservative liberal intellectual, Jaime Guzmán Errázuriz, in opposition to the university reform that was brewing in said house of studies. Guzmán led the resistance to the occupation of the central house by reformist groups from the center and in turn, tried to take over the university to reverse the impending triumph of the reformists. Although it failed, as a result of these events the union movement came into existence.

It soon became a real mass movement of the bourgeoisie, but also with a strong trade union component among the miners and transporters, against the government of Salvador Allende in 1972, which would have had a strong role in delivering a popular base of consensus for the coup of the military junta, led by Captain General Augusto Pinochet in 1973. Guzmán was the ideologue of the Chilean constitution of 1980.

In 1983 Guzmán moved to more liberal and conservative positions, but stayed close to Pinochet's government, founded the Independent Democratic Union and was its leader until he was assassinated by the communist guerrilla in 1991.

Four Principles

  • It recognizes the human being, possessing an inviolable dignity and a transcendent destiny. Both its being and its end are superior to that of any society of a temporal order. Humans are capable of grouping together to be able to fulfill theselves as individuals. Consequently, the State must be at the service of the human person and not the other way around.
  • Every human institution has its own specific purpose. Each human grouping can be objectively determined, without the need to resort to any political ideology.
  • By definition, every society is capable of achieving its own objective and objective by itself: "social autonomies". Go freely to your own specific end.
  • Both ideologies and political parties have to place their action at the level of the leadership of the State.

How to Draw

Flag of Catholic Theocracy
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Draw a pope hat.
  3. Fill the hat in very light gray.
  4. Draw an inverted T on the hat in light cream yellow.
  5. Draw the Vatican flag.
    1. Draw a yellow line vertically across the ball.
    2. Fill the left side in yellow.
    3. Draw 2 crossed keys in the right, one golden, the other silver.
    4. Draw red threads tied the keys.
    5. Draw a tiara on top of the keys.
  6. Add the eyes, and you're done!



  • Distributism - A friend of Leo XIII is a friend of mine.
  • Integralism - That's the right spirit.
  • Elective Monarchism - The Holy see's system.
  • Crusadism - Always ready to serve the Lord and retake Jerusalem.
  • Orthodox Theocracy - Betrayed me, but we are friends.
  • Pan-Latinism & Pan-Hispanism - The whole Romance/Neo-Latin World is loyal to the Church of Rome. Expect Romania, which is Orthodox, but I will let it slide
  • Scientocracy - Georges Lemaître, Galileo Galilei, Gregor Mendel, Erich Wasmann, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, all of them were brilliant scientists who followed the word of God. Apologies about the Galileo Affair, though. It was really embarrassing.


  • Christian Theocracy - Be more Catholic.
  • Jewish Theocracy - We ripped you off, technically, but you're not us.
  • State Oriental Orthodoxy - Be Catholic.
  • Reactionary Modernism - What, is this a troll?
  • Catholic Fascism - You may be a Catholic, but you are too hateful for my taste.
  • Person Dignity Theory - Same as the above. Why are you so keen on killing Buddhists?
  • Bonapartism - Thank you for restoring me in France, but did you have to invade the Papal States? Also mate, did you just fucking crown yourself? You can't do that!
  • Pope Francis Thought - You might be trying to use modern social media like Twitter to spread love and Jesus Christ to teach others about the Catholic faith, but your attempt to shift away from Catholic traditions and rituals, too socially liberal views and push for Ecumenicism really gets on the nerves of my more traditionally minded followers... That being said, I also think you're doing your best enforcing reforms of the Second Vatican Council, Big Papa.
  • Christian Socialism - While I certainly am more open to hear your arguments justifying socialism, I'm still quite skeptical, especially considering the anti-clericalism of historical socialist movements.


  • Christian Communism - Fake Christian. Cattocomunista! Also, a lot of your historical followers followed his heresies.
  • State Atheism - Atheists are banished to hell!
  • Islamic Theocracy - Jerusalem is mine! *Starts another crusade* Thanks for translating Plato's and Aristotle's works
  • Esoteric Fascism - Pagan filth, Nazi traitor.
  • Anarcho-Syndicalism - Infidel, you must burn for destorying the houses of god!
  • Satanic Theocracy - VADE RETRO SATANA!
  • Kleptocracy - On top of commandment #8, The HRE attempted to weaken me by selling clerical positions, and corruption inside me (which I later got rid of) caused them to show up.
  • Protestant Theocracy - Heretic!! Mary Tudor was right!
  • Pagan Theocracy - Not as bad as Esoteric Fascism, but still. Filthy Pagan.
  • Freemasonry - May God curse thou, Masonic heretics!
  • Eugenicism - Absolute abomination. While I am perfectly fine with the teaching of genetics and evolution (unlike my more traditionalist followers), you literally advocate with the idea of playing God!
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism and Anonymous - Stop misusing the Guy Fawkes mask for your anti-statist goals.

Further Information







Recent changes

  • Dr. Occo • 7 minutes ago
  • Gato Matador • 10 minutes ago
  • Thegoldensoutherner • 17 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 23 minutes ago