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Polcompball Wiki
This page is about an important IRL ideology
"This knowledge is essential to political science!" - Scientocracy
This page is about an ideology that not only exists in the real world, but is also of reasonable importance. Please do not make major edits to this page without citing sources, so that it may stay accurate.

Progressivism, also called Cultural Liberalism or Cultural Leftism, is an ideology that represents the cultural left-wing. Progressivism usually views reality through a constructivist lens, and believes civic and cultural advancement is more important than preserving tradition. Many progressives are also egalitarian, and believe all inequalities are the result of some form of injustice.

While any economic or civic system can be culturally left, Progressivism is usually heavily associated with left-wing economics due to it usually being culturally left and egalitarian. However, some examples of culturally left ideologies that are not economically left-wing include Pink Capitalism, Kemalism and Homofascism.


Social Justice

Social Justice is justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities and privileges within a society. Although not directly linked to social progressivism, social justice is a form of economic progressivism that supports the creation of social safety nets, environmental justice, and equal opportunity regulation and taxation to advocate for gender, ethnic, social equality, environmental justice and for the physically and developmentally disabled. Because this is a form of economic progressivism, it can be practiced by both socially progressive and socially conservative ideologies, such as social democracy, of which social justice is one of the fundamental principles, or Christian democracy.

Social Progressivism

Social Progressivism is a socially constructivist view of society that advocates the progression of morality and scientific advances based on science and philosophy rather than things like religious dogma. Socially progressive ideals include things like: legalization of same-sex marriage, cultural tolerance, religious tolerance, LGBT rights, feminism, etc.

Cultural Progressivism

Cultural Progressivism is a form of progressivism that focuses on the progress of societies' identities and the defense of equal protection of people for things such as disability, sexual orientation, gender , etc. Cultural progressivism differs from cultural liberalism because cultural liberals do not favor things like identity politics to defend the rights of minority groups.

Economic/Fiscal Progressivism

Economic Progressivism, or Fiscal Progressivism, is a political and economic philosophy that incorporates the socioeconomic principles of social democracy and political progressivism. Economic progressivism is rooted in social justice through the improvement of human conditions through government regulation and spending, progressive taxation, economic interventionism, nationalization of some key industries, redistribution of wealth, investing in infrastructure, establishing a social safety net, free education, expansive social programs, universal public services, expanding workers' rights and social welfare. Economic progressivism differs from social market capitalism to socialism, and criticizes capitalism in such ways as: market fundamentalism, wage slavery, "socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor", as well as rugged individualism.

Religious Progressivism

Religious Progressivism, also known as religious modernism, is a form of progressivism that justifies progressive ideals based on theology. These ideas themselves are almost always rooted in philosophical religious humanism as justification. Religious progressives support things like abortion rights, LGBT rights, feminism, and other liberal ideals that use religions as justification.

Progressive Christianity

Progressive Christianity is the ideological justification of progressive ideals based on theological Christianity and Christian humanism.

Progressive Islam

Progressive Islam is the ideological justification of progressive ideals based on theological Islam and Islamic humanism.

Progressive Atheism

Progressive Atheism, also known as progressive secularism, is a form of progressivism that justifies ideologically progressive ideals based on secular reasoning, or is simply an atheist who holds progressive ideals.


What is considered progressive and what is not considered progressive is highly debatable, however, some ideas that are generally considered progressive include LGBT+ rights, feminism, multiculturalism, open borders, legalized abortion, secularism, racial equality, drug decriminalization, religious tolerance, sexual liberation and more. It is important to note that while all of these ideas are generally considered progressive, it is not necessary to support all of these ideas to be progressive and, conversely, you can support some of these ideas and not be generally considered progressive.


Intersectionality is a false idea that oppression based on identities is mutually reinforcing. For example, they believe that a black woman could face discrimination from a company that is not clearly due to her race (because the company does not discriminate against black men) or her gender (because the company does not discriminate against white women), but to a combination of the two factors.

This concept is criticized through the counter-concept of the "Oppression Olympics" in which identities are constantly mixed to find the most oppressed individual in existence, causing an endless downward spiral of awareness. Another criticism of the concept is that it is not clear which identities count, with memes about various groups being included as oppressed, such as landowners or gamers.

Whig Historiography

While not exclusive to cultural progressivism, Whig historiography is the justification for much of progressive doctrine. Whig historiography views history as progression toward the point of increasing equality and liberation. From this point of view, there are no repeated cycles, only obstacles to inevitable progress.

How to Draw

Main Design

Flag of Progressivism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color the ball with acid green
  3. Add a black umbrella in the middle
  4. Add the two eyes and color them white

You are done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Acid Green #49DB0B 73, 219, 11
Black #141414 20, 20, 20

Atom Design

Flag of Progressivism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color it with purple
  3. Add a black atom symbol in the middle
  4. Add eyes, colored white

You are finished!

Color Name HEX RGB
Purple #9C28B1 156, 40, 177
Black #141414 20, 20, 20


Social Justice Allies


  • State Liberalism - You have the right ideas, but you are scary, even for me.
  • Homofascism and Stranserism - LGBT is cool and everything, but why are you fascists?
  • De Francism - Miscegenation should be forced to end racism! You are too radical though.
  • Socialism - Equality is cool, but many of you are conservative and/or pro-east.
  • Fordism - If only this was reality... You're bad for PR though.
  • Maoism-Third Worldism - Minorities are standing up against systemic racism by the evil whitey! WHY ARE THEY COMING TOWARDS MY WHITE SUBURBIA?!?!?!
  • Cosmicism - Life is meaningless, but WHY ARE YOU RACIST?!?!?!
  • Radical Feminism - Misandry is cool, but why the transphobia?




Recent changes

  • SocialistWorldRepublic • 37 minutes ago
  • JAcket • 49 minutes ago
  • Iziaslav • 21:24
  • Iziaslav • 20:34