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Not to be confused with Liberalism.

Libertarianism, or more precisely Right-Libertarianism or Libertarian Capitalism, is a civically libertarian, laissez-faire capitalist and culturally variable ideology. He inhabits the libertarian right quadrant of the political compass, generally being in the middle of it unless specified.

He believes in a very limited government and the individual's natural self evident rights of life, liberty, and property. He likes the use of militias to watch them.

He technically believes in the same principles of classical liberalism of equality before the law and the basic rights to life, liberty, and property, along with most librights, although some people debate most libertarians are only libertarians because of the precise ideology and not the principles of it.


Naming Controversy

A narrative often held up by Left-wing Libertarians is that the term "Libertarian" was originally a socialist term, which was later appropriated by the right. This conception is a half truth.

There are two origins of the term.

The term "Libertarian" was originally coined in the enlightenment File:Enlightnenment.png to describe supporters of free will (as opposed to determinism) and with it generally free action. With the first recorded usage of the term being in 1789 in reference to metaphysics. While the first political usage belongs to the libertarian communist, Joseph Déjacque, who used the French word libertaire in a letter to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Déjacque also started employing the term Anarchism at a similar time to Proudhon, but conceded it to him, calling Proudhon a " center-right anarchist, liberal and not libertarian (...) you want free trade for cotton and the candle...", in favor of identifying as a "Libertarian" only.

Déjacque, from 1858 to 1861, ran a paper titled “The Libertarian”, but it wasn’t very successful, and only lasted around 3 years. After that, from 1861 to 1884, the term was rarely used, before being revived by Benjamin Tucker to refer to individualist anarchists, alongside of course the term “anarchism”. The term thus gained more popularity, during these times, in the United States than in Europe.
The term “libertarian communism” was also used at some French regional conferences in the 1880s but it was popularized by Benjamin Tucker before it was reclaimed by anarcho-communists.

After this resurgence of the term Libertarian brought about by Tucker, the term once again started to be popularly used as an euphemism for Anarcho-Communism and other radical left-wing ideologies, half a century before it became widely used within right-wing circles.

The term "Libertarianism" only acquired its present meaning at the split from liberalism before the 30s. Put simply, what was originally Liberalism split into what we now know as Classical Liberalism and social liberalism.
The term Liberalism had been associated with the Democratic party ever since Grover Cleveland became president. However, during the campaign of Franklin D. Roosevelt the term started to be associated with the social liberalism. This, in turn, created two definitions of the term liberalism, the American definition, by which Liberalism was associated to the modern Democratic Party, and the definition in many other parts of the world, where Liberalism kept its meaning being about the same thing as modern day libertarianism.
Later, with the radicalization of the classical liberal circles in the later 20th century, and taking inspiration from some already radical classical liberal thinkers of the 19th century, some of them prefered to stop being called classical liberals and adopted the term "Libertarian" completely. Classical liberalism thus started to be associated to Chicago economics and the free-market wing of Neoclassical economics, while Libertarianism became closer to the Austrian School of Economics.
The western definition is also closely tied to anarcho-capitalism as the radical wing that sought to split itself from more moderate classical liberals was predominantly made up of Rothbardians.


While Libertarian ideals could be considered to be rooted in history since antiquity (with examples being the 6th century B.C. Chinese Philosophers Lao-Tzu and Chuang-tzu), the modern incarnation of them can be traced to the radicalisation of Classical Liberal principles that occurred through the later half of the 19th century and through the 20th.

The most influential of these 19th century movements is generally considered to be French Liberal School, of Frederic Bastiat and Gustave de Molinari fame. With the former being known for positing that law becomes unjust and corrupted when it punishes the right of self-defence of one individual in favour of other individuals' plunder and the latter for being originator of ideas that were essentially Voluntaryist.

How to Draw

Flag of Libertarianism

Libertarianism's design is based on the Gadsden Flag.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Draw eyes on the ball.
  3. Fill the ball around the eyes with yellow.
  4. Draw a coiled timber rattlesnake.
  5. (Optional) Draw grass under the rattlesnake.

For more detail add "DONT TREAD ON ME" or the simpler "NO STEP" under the rattlesnake.

Color Name HEX RGB
Yellow #F5DD00 245, 221, 0
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
Green #124412 18, 68, 18


True Freedom Fighters

  • Capitalism - The only good economic system.
  • Classical Liberalism - My father who is more moderate than me but influenced by views greatly.
  • Constitutionalism - Shall not be infringed, suckers!
  • Austrolibertarianism - My radical and influential son.
  • Chicagoan Libertarianism - My more moderate son.
  • Paleolibertarianism - My culturally right self.
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - My culturally left self.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Basically me but more extreme, we disagree on some stuff like the NAP but overall we get along well.
  • Minarchism - You're pretty similar to AnCap which is why I like you but you believe in some bare bones government which is good.
  • Libertarian Conservatism - Pretty much me but conservative. Tell Conservatism to piss off and we're good. I'd still vote for Ron Paul (and maybe for his son) over anyone else in the GOP though. But at the end of the day, we agree on almost everything.
  • Hoppeanism - Much more radical than me and very racist too but we have a mutual love of free markets and we both hate commies so we're good.
  • Hayekism - Your work was flawless.
  • Pink Capitalism - Good ideas economically, love them in fact but I'm not a big fan of your ultra-progressivism, bear in mind that I don't hate it as much as Paleobert or Hoppean but you're still going too far left on the cultural axis.
  • Liberaltarianism - Liberalism? Libertarianism? Is tha- Wait, it's just the mix of me and that lib.
  • Civil Libertarianism - I get that you don't want people treading on each other, but don't go bossing around people. Otherwise you are cool.
  • Libertarian Feminism - I would say I will shoot you if you touch her without paying her first her consent, but who am I kidding, my pumpkin is totally capable of shooting you herself! Go get them gal!
  • LGBTQ - As principled libertarians, we should support everyone's right to be free!
  • MGTOW - Based individualist self-reliant masculine men.[2]
  • Neomasculinity - Same as above but alpha male.
  • LGBT Conservatism - Is awesome how you trigger leftists!
  • Libertarian Monarchism - Hans-Adam II and Liechenstein are based.
  • Helvetic Model - Switzerland and Liechenstein have far better economics than Scandinavia. Also that non-interventionism is based af!
  • Ordo-Liberalism - Too moderate, but you're overall still cool. I usually vote for him.
  • Progressive Conservatism - My cultural model.
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - Fellow freedom enjoyer
  • Reactionary Libertarianism - This feudal thing maybe isn't so bad after all.
  • Anti-SJW - Social justice is injust and their followers are all a bunch of liberticide leftards!

Tolerable Statists

  • Anarcho-Pacifism - Won't tread on me, but also too cozy with the socialists.
  • Authoritarian Capitalism - We agree on economics but he wants to tread on me.
  • Anarcho-Naturism - I respect your personal lifestyle choices, but do it in your backyard, ok? Also, stop hanging with socialists!
  • National Capitalism - You think contained free market is a good idea AND you want to tread on me also but at least we agree economically.
  • Pinochetism - Statist fuck, but the way he dealt with commies is based. Pls no step.
  • Conservatism - We agree on a lot of stuff like markets and we both hate socialists but he tells me I don't commit to my nation's values like he does as if I even care. Otherwise I normally vote for him.
  • Liberalism - He has the right ideas, but is far too moderate and is usually too much of a corporate puppet.
  • Social Libertarianism - I mean Andrew Yang is a kinda based but wtf is this welfare stuff?
  • Libertarian Market Socialism - Has similar economics to me, but what about entrepreneurship?
  • Green Libertarianism - If you wanna be an environmentalist you'll need to be a statist, at least we agree on pretty much everything else though.
  • National Libertarianism - If you wanna be a nationalist you'll need to be a statist, at least we agree on pretty much everything else though, mostly.
  • National Liberalism - Same as above but classical liberal.
  • Neoliberalism - Because of you everybody calls me Neoliberal, at least you're capitalist.
  • Neo-Libertarianism - What are you exactly? Get that interventionist garbage outta here and we're good.
  • Hoxhaism - DON'T STE- wait, what you mean you abolished taxes? That's good, but why are you communist?
  • Objectivism - Everyone says we look exactly the same, so why don't we get along more?
  • Progressivism - Slightly more cultural left and could use more economic libertarianism and gun rights advocacy, but at least we fight for Hong Kong and love weed.
  • Post-Libertarianism - Grandson? How could this happen?. Formalism is pretty based though.
  • Korwinism - JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!, still I'll probably vote for you.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Another weirdo, Thierry Baudet, Ayelet Shaked, Andrè Ventura, Rubèn Manso, Yoon Suk-yeol and Vaclav Klauss are based.
  • Classical Conservatism - you are a statist traditionalist although Powell was based.
  • National Conservatism - Statist but usually somewhat tolerable.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Well you're too statist but I admit that some of you are kinda or even pretty based also we both hate the left so let's sign the Madrid Charter! Just keep the tax and regulation cuts and you're somewhat tolerable.
  • Paleoconservatism - The old right was pretty based and still are respectable representatives but others like Groypers and recently Tucker Carlson are... let's say are the worst part of you still preferable than leftists.
  • Traditionalism - He also hates when the states interfere with the parents rights over his children, mandatory equality pay, anti-discrimination laws, affirmative action, civil registration and likes firearms but he have serious problems with LGBT people,prostitutes,drugs etc..., though it’s interesting talking with him about abortion, death penalty and inmigration.
  • Thatcherism - Heroine of our economic prosper but was really disappointing with interventionism and anti-hemp laws.
  • Liberal Conservatism - We would've been an identical match and I vote on his side every time if he isn't aligned to Him. Clint Eastwood is gigabased.
  • Carl Benjamin Thought - Mostly based, but too statist
  • Liberal Feminism - Liberty for women is based, but you're way too statist. I prefer her ideas instead.
  • Illegalism - We both hate monopolies and are against police power, but stealing and terrorism breaks the NAP.
  • Left-Rothbardianism - Excuse me?!
  • .Nowoczesna - Have some good points sometimes and along with Korwin were among the best mainstream parties, sad you're gone. However, you're not a Libertarian!!!
  • Alt-Right Libertarianism - You're usually good but beware of hanging out with them .

NO STEP!!!11!!1

  • Socialism - Literal opposite of me! Stop with the "Not real Socialism" shit! DON'T TREAD ON ME! Also, what you hate is just nasty corporatism! Not real capitalism!
  • Anarcho-Communism - Also hates governments but also wants to tread on me! (At least you are pro gun.)
  • Syndicalism & Anarcho-Syndicalism - Actually, unions hurt the worker and my profit.
  • Marxism–Leninism & State Socialism - The logical conclusions to all Socialists! AND SCREW YOU!
  • Social Democracy - You are literally the last guy! NO STEP!
  • Social Liberalism - You are just a moderate verson of guy above! NO STEP!
  • Fascism - FASCIST PIG! NO STEP!!!
  • National Socialism - As bad as ML! NO STEP!! Probably an actual socialist
  • Anti-Fascism - As much as you claim to hate the two guys above, silencing opponents makes you similar to them. Also, no step!
  • Social Authoritarianism - THAT'S IT!! I'M GRABBING MY RIFLE!!
  • Ingsoc, Neo-Bolshevism & Death Worship - MY WORST NIGHTMARE! NO STEP!!!!!
  • Corporatocracy - NOT REAL CAPITALISM! CRONYISM! CORPORATISM! please step on me daddy, uwu
  • Plutocracy - Dirty lobbyists! Except for Elon Musk, defender of free speech!!!!!11! Pls step on me and put a chip in my brain!
  • Third Way - Stop bailing out the banks!
  • Authoritarianism - NO STEP ON SNEK DAMNIT! *Loads Rifle*
  • Dengism - 光復香港, 時代革命!!! 五大需求, 缺一不可!!! 如果你坚持下去,我可能会找个香港老婆.
  • Oxymoron who stole my name - Who? Oh yeah, that one... Also stop saying you came first please.
  • Another oxymoron - Okay, what the heck? You're even more of an oxymoron!
  • Alt-Right - Piss off Neo-Nazi!
  • Alt-Lite - You just call yourself libertarian to trick people into thinking you're not him.
  • Alt-Left - Even worse than the two above!
  • Conservative Socialism - Also another socialist, but conservative! NO STEP!!
  • Particracy - Just end the duopoly already dammit!
  • Fitzhughism - "Slavery is the form, and the very best form, of socialism."? More like "Socialism is the form, and the very worst form, of slavery"!
  • Jacobinism - The French Revolution was an egalitarian disaster, you're practically a socialist!
  • Illegalism - Liberty doesn't include violating property rights and murdering people even if they are in police!

Further Information


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