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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Kamilazer's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Vynism is an Authoritarian, Culturally Right, Environmentalist, Internationalist, Religious, Socialist, ideology that believes in the axiomatic truth of the world and a return to Nirvana. It views Capitalism, individualism, and Liberalism, as being Enemies of this goal and is against them.

Things to do when i have time

Add how you like esperanto

add how you like brazil and indonesia as tropical multicultural areas.

add benovolent dictatorship to this

add defense of salazar

add a defense of immigration

add a concern for immigrants

add a healthcare for all policy

add love of japan

make page more clean

organize the literature section

add how mha vigilantes and the concept of the anti hero

add the vertical vs horizontal capitalist distinction

Social Media/Contact

Telegram: T.me/TheVynlazer


hello hydra 🇵🇱

Personality and Behaviour

Despite His Worldview Extremism, He always tries to be kind, nice, compassionate, and good to people, He always strives for wholesome, good, and moral things only. He believes in the restoration of chivalry values, the beauty of the soul, nobility, humility, righteousness, compassion, help towards others, self-sacrifice, empathy, and kindness.

I like Shin Megami tensei, community work, Dogs and animals, sharing food, sharing knowledge, and anime.

Discussion Board


HEW Thought

  • Vyn-Bestie!!! i love your stances and positions!!!

User:Khomeinism - Hello, I have added you, if you can add me too.

  • Vyn- Based Iranian Friend!!!! My "monarchy is just a grand father figure that everyone can connect with and my state would act like Napoleon with a Emperial Republic instead of the Shah.
    • - Hello, please help me, block me on the main wiki page, tell them I will delete the article about the holocaust, tell them I didn't read the rules, please talk to the administrators.😢🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
  • - I meant I got blocked on the main page of the wiki, help me.🙏🏼
  • - The manager who blocked me was named User:Athena von Krab, tell her to call me and I care if I talk to her for a few words, and this person's Twitter is also written as Elon Musk. which cannot be distinguished between Twitter users. Tell him do you have Telegram or Instagram?
  • - In addition, if you can send a message to my pv in Telegram, because in the social relations section that you posted for Telegram, I will search for your address in Telegram, but I can't find it, please send a small message.



Jefbol Thought -

  • Vyn- Cool guy with nice marxist analysists. Hopefully he doesn't buy into the fascism is cap in decay nonsense.


Meridionalism - Add me?

  • Vyn- Your ideology seems pretty cool, i just dont like supporting the spanish republic because they murdered nuns for no reason and were masonic. I also dont like you liberal cultural progressivism or confederal statism. you would probably go in the frenemies tier



- add me? :D (also if you want me to add you can you chat me up in my page? thanks)
  • Vyn- Literally just a libertarian with luddite aesthetics. Very poor understanding of what socialism is, which boils down to the same tiring line of “socialism is when the government does stuff”. However, it’s to be expected from someone whose political background comes from watching ridiculous anti-communists like ShortFatOtaku and Ben Shapiro. I’m sorry, but I cannot take this seriously, especially after seeing you claim social democratic “economic progressives” are socialists and are responsible for capitalism’s problems, and with you being an unironic neoconservative libertarian. Also capitalism in the way we view it today exists because of industrialism, so I'm confused how you reconcile capitalism and anti-industrialism




Vynism views are considered Reactionary modernist. He believes in the implementation of Axiomatic Truths. Thus it is opposed to Communism, Liberalism, Anarchy, an Capitalism. Vynism is extremely influenced by Perrenialist and Theosophist School ideas believing every Religion has at least some truth in itself and ultimately leads to God. He believes God forms both personality, energy of totality of universe and nature making Him an extreme form of Idealistic Monist and Pantheist. He believes corruption, sin, wickedness, and evil is not separate force, but rather a byproduct of false ego and believes that one day, a world in its totality will reunite with the Pure Force of God (Its Primordial State) and everything will be once again Perfect.

Societal Worldview

When it comes to societal worldview Vyn stands for:

Limited Racial Nationalism combined with Limited Ethnic Nationalism

I have no problem with small communities made for the purpose of racial nationalism and continuation of racial communities.

I am not against race-mixing and i don't care if someone race mixes.

My view is that communities should shade into eachother to avoid conflict like with color theory.

i believe that white and black are liberal enlightenment terms that are social constructs to make people turn towards liberalism. Some may say that me opposing these is opposition to internationalism but it is me opposing liberalism trying to go internationalism instead of my unity in diveristy belief.

I am not against someone just for the colour of their skin.

File:Art mixing.png

File:Anti-Semiticbig.pngAnti-SemitismAnti-Judaism File:Antizionbig.pngAnti-Zionism

I used to be very supportive of Jews and bought into their "gods chosen people" rhetoric. But this changed when I realized that what i was giving them i wasn't getting back and that they were taking from me at the same time.

I saw the racial apartide in palestine and how they saw me as inferior just for not being them and i saw it as just another form of racial supremacy which I abhour. They are allowed to kill palestinians and colonize land just because they think they are some superior racial group and stomp on others.

I hate jewishness, judaism and zionism on a personal and altruistic level due to the suffering they have caused me, my friends and the world.

From the gnostic perespective i hate them because i believe they are worshippers and the chosen people of yaldaboath.

If someone renounces their Jewishness and ceases it, I have no problem with them.


The social justice that progressives flock to is false and consumerist they dont want to change the system they want to suck up to it.


LGBT is a bourgeois perversion that degenerates society. Just as i would not allow for drug dealers to come into society I wouldn't allow gender ideologues into society. I won't kill them, i would send them to rehabilitation that doesn't feel like a prison center, drug user's and homosexual's are not criminals, they are sick people who need our help. The people that spread the ideology or the drug are the ones who need to be removed entirely like Lee Kuan yew said with drug dealers. These people harm the users and the community around them with their rhetoric.

Trans is absolutely disgusting, it's a capitalist perversion that preys on kids and says their incomfortability due to their growing bodies means they want to mutilate their genitals.

Anti-Liberal Globalism

Anti-Liberal Multiculturalism

Liberal multiculturalism is consumerist and anti cultural,

In America there is this idea of a multicultural melting pot. This Idea is only good when you choose what goes into the pot in order to make a stew. A stew with just unseasoned chicken is bland. That is why you add spices and vegetables. You don't add something to the stew that does not compliment with the other flavours.

The Mass migration capitalism causes uproots people from their communities and creates a false multiculturalism by depriving economic opportunity from the third world. This economic opportunity also deprives cuylture from these people


This is a capitalist scam that turns women into inferior men. Feminism is a capitalist perversion to get women into the workforce in order to raise the prices of houses, food, childcare, healthcare and more. Even now with the only fans culture


Marxism has an insufficient view of society and doesn't use morality for its values. It sees capitalism and its effects on economics instead of its effects on culture and society.


Usury and its consequences have been a disaster for humanity. Getting money through doing nothing and sabotaging anothers misfortune is evil.


Progressivism is the most reactionary ideology out there. It wants trannies to be the new eunuchs, it wants to bring back segregation, it wants strict control over bad food.

Anti-Vulgar Racism

I am spiritually racist i can see the spirit of a person and discriminate based on that not because of skin color like vulgar racists like white supremacists or black supremacists do. This is why i can have an extremely diverse group of friends and be racist at the same time.



The atomizer of people and the creator of the most selfish ideologies.

Left-Right is a white centric ideology that denies other thnic people's political compasses and political views

Anti-Liberal Democracy

Democracy, in effect, is no more than an aristocracy of orators


This goes against the ideology and foundation of America not the American people. America was founded as a liberal masonic hive of individualism.


Satanism believes in the following


Lust is one of the Seven Deadly Sins from Abrahamic Lore, which is directly condemned in the Sixth and Ninth Commandments. Like all of the capital sins, lust is considered to be a gateway to other forms of immorality. Lust is a form of intemperance which is directed towards sexual pleasure.

While lust can be a physical form of perverted sex (such as when sex is not open to procreation or is not in proper marital unity), it can also be in impure and excessive desires for said pleasure. It is related to other sins such as gluttony, among other forms of abusing earthly pleasure. In Buddhism, one of the Ten Precepts used to train novice monks tells them to refrain from lust. In Hinduism, Krishna proclaims lust to be one of the sins that is a gateway to hell.


Gluttony is the overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste. One reason for its condemnation is that the gorging of the prosperous may leave the needy hungry.

Medieval church leaders such as Thomas Aquinas took a more expansive view of gluttony, arguing that it could also include an obsessive anticipation of meals and overindulgence in delicacies and costly foods.


Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, meaning that it can lead a person to do other things immoral or act as a motivator for evil. Also known as "covetousness", "avarice", or simply as "greed"; all describe an excessive desire to possess something. A person may commit greed through coveting other's possessions or qualities, or by willing to do something evil to get power, money, physical possessions, or knowledge. The demon that represents greed is Mammon and the corresponding virtues for greed are generosity and detachment. Greed is condemned in the Tenth Commandment.


Sloth is one of the Seven Deadly Sins from Abrahamic Lore. Sloth is a sluggishness towards doing good. It is a kind of laziness which is not interested in other people's prosperity, but only in whatever is easy. Sins like idleness, negligence, and despair can all come from sloth. Unlike the other seven deadly sins, which are sins of committing immorality, sloth is a sin of omitting responsibilities. It may arise from any of the other capital vices; for example, a son may omit his duty to his father through anger. The state and habit of sloth is a mortal sin, while the habit of the soul tending towards the last mortal state of sloth is not mortal in and of itself except under certain circumstances. Sloth subverts the livelihood of the body, taking no care for its day-to-day provisions, and slows down the mind, halting its attention to matters of great importance. Sloth hinders the man in his righteous undertakings and thus becomes a terrible source of human's undoing.

The demon that represents Sloth is Belphegor and the corresponding virtue is diligence and zealotry.


Wrath is one of the Seven Deadly Sins from Abrahamic Lore. It is based on the emotion anger and if left uncontrolled it leads to violence, hatred, self-destructiveness and bloodthirst. It can manifest in many ways such as becoming a vigilante, revenge and being impatient. Originally, the sin also represented hatred for oneself as well as external hatred. Committing suicide is viewed ultimate expression of hatred for oneself as a result. The demon that represents this sin is either Satan, Amon or Moloch. The corresponding virtue is patience.

In Hinduism, anger is equivalent with sorrow as a form of unrequited desire. It is one of the five hindrances in Buddhism.


Envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and it is a form of resentment directed at other people's success and achievement. Rather than lovingly rejoice in another person's happiness, envy acts bitterly and seeks to bring the person down. Envy is often brought up from a fear that another person's goodness takes away from one's own. Its associated demon is Leviathan and its corresponding virtue is Kindess or Love.


Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins from Abrahamic Lore and is the most vile of the seven, as it is the source of the others. It is an inflated desire to be more important than others, attractive than others, refusing or failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of one's self. It is often synonymous with hubris, which is extreme pride. The demon that represents Pride is Lucifer, whose Pride led him to oppose God as he viewed himself above him. His defeat at God's hands and fall from grace gave rise to the phrase "Pride before a fall". The corresponding virtue is humility. Pride can also be an emotion with good thoughts behind it, such as satisfaction with one's or others' choices. National Pride is born out a love for one's nation and its people, while racial pride is born out of love for one's fellow race.

Pride, also known as hubrisor futility. It is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list, the most demonic.It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins. Pride is the opposite of humility.

Pride has been labeled the mother of all sins and has been deemed the devil's most essential trait. C.S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity that pride is the "anti-God" state, the position in which the ego and the self are directly opposed to God: "Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind." Pride is understood to sever the spirit from God, as well as His life-and-grace-giving Presence.

One can be prideful for different reasons. Author Ichabod Spencer states that "spiritual pride is the worst kind of pride, if not worst snare of the devil. The heart is particularly deceitful on this one thing." Jonathan Edwards said: "remember that pride is the worst viper that is in the heart, the greatest disturber of the soul's peace and sweet communion with Christ; it was the first sin that ever was and lies lowest in the foundation of Satan's whole building and is the most difficultly rooted out and is the most hidden, secret and deceitful of all lusts and often creeps in, insensibly, into the midst of religion and sometimes under the disguise of humility."

The modern use of pride may be summed up in the biblical proverb, "Pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" (abbreviated "Pride goes before a fall", Proverbs 16:18). The "pride that blinds" causes foolish actions against common sense. In political analysis, "hubris" is often used to describe how leaders with great power over many years become more and more irrationally self-confident and contemptuous of advice, leading them to act impulsively.


This removes purpose from people and leads to degeneracy.



Prostitution is disgusting and should be banned, it produces no benefit to society morally, or material.



Drrug's get you addicted to an unhealthy self destruct


  1. Alcohol leads to weight gain.
  2. Alcohol interferes with memory and learning.
  3. Alcohol increases the likelihood that you will use other drugs.
  4. Alcohol increases your risk of developing cancer.
  5. Alcohol can lead to liver disease and other severe, chronic diseases.
  6. Alcohol may trigger emotional or past traumatic experiences.
  7. Alcohol can lead to dependence and alcoholism.
  8. Alcohol increases depression and anxiety.
  9. Alcohol accelerates the aging process.
  10. Alcohol disrupts normal sleeping patterns.

They ask you about wine (khamr) and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." — Qur'an 2:219,

"O you who acknowledge, Do not go near prayer, (Salat) while you are stupified (under influence), until you know what you are saying" —   Qur'an 4:43

O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants (khamr), gambling, [sacrificing on] stone altars [to other than God], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful. —  Qur'an 5:90




My friend died of the Covid vaccine, He was a perfectly healthy 32 year old father of 4 and he died in his sleep unexpectedly. He would always go out of his way to make sure people were fed and happy giving free food to the needy and making a multicultural kitchen where all could be welcome. Big pharma and their capital greed to turn us into lab rats robbed me of a friend, the community of a beacon, a wife of a husband and 2 daughters of a father just so some capitalists could watch a bar go up.

Animal Rights Advocacy


Vyn's economic beliefs advocate for the organization of society into specialized employment sectors, such as agriculture, military, engineering and others, referred to as "corporations". Individuals are assigned to these corporations based on their interests and skills, and their employment is aligned with the goals set by the government, such as achieving a monthly production target of 40,000 cars. Corporatism promotes a cross-class system of regulation, where workers, employers, and the state engage in negotiations to efficiently manage the economy and ideally satisfy all parties involved. He is very opposed to capitalism, claiming its immoral, materialist, and wicked system which is a byproduct of modernity. He is a supporter of Limited individual private property, natural agrarian socialism, and at the same time, he is opposed to wage labor, corporations, and "work" in the unnatural sense of a consumption economy. He hates big businesses which he sees as unnatural and abusive economic entities to man. He also is extremely opposed to modern banking, and sees it as extremely evil and immoral, with things such as usury. He is opposed to capitalism. He also supports an eco-friendly economy and protectionism.

Anti Capitalism

Capitalism is a system which prioritizes profit over human health and well being

Capital is an abstract parasite, an insatiable vampire and zombie maker; but the living flesh it converts into dead labor is ours, and the zombies it makes are us.

Vyn considers wage labour to be a form of slavery and wanted to abolish the wage system. On housing he criticized rent because for him it compromised freedom and instead wanted people to own their own homes. He wanted income to be a partnership between people and for people to manage their own income instead of gaining it from others through charity or wages. He wanted people to own their own lands rather than having it rented from another person which he considered to infringe on freedom.


Technocracy is an economically and culturally variable anti-democratic ideology who supports a system of governance in which decision-makers within the area are selected on the basis of their expertise in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge, and supports the formation of a government of scientists, engineers, urban planners, etc. The term can also sometimes be used to describe the idea of approaching social and economical problems through the lens of sustainability and the scientific method as opposed to the pursuit of monetary profit. Sometimes, Technocracy can advocate for economic planning, although this is not always the case.

Post Industrialism

Post-Industrialism is a technological and social stage of development in which the economic output of manufacturing is surpassed by the economic output of the service sector. It is distinguished by a technological focus on electronics and communication technologies as opposed to analogue technologies and heavy machinery of Industrialism.

Fair-Trade Protectionism

Fair-Trade Protectionism is a version of protectionism that is designed to help producers in developing countries achieve sustainable and equitable trade relationships. The fair trade movement combines the payment of higher prices to exporters with improved social and environmental standards. The movement focuses in particular on commodities, or products that are typically exported from developing countries to developed countries, but is also used in domestic markets, most notably for handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, wine, sugar, fruit, flowers, and gold.


An electoral process like irans with a supreme leader monarch, a president , electoral monarchs and an authoritarian democracy.

Elective monarchism


The People must be in unison ideologically with the axiom. Therefore, Vynists must go unto the masses and consult their needs and gather information, which will be further relayed to the party. The party then interprets this information within a Socialist framework and applies this in a cultural or economic change.

Ceremonial necrocracy

The term necrocracy has been used to refer to a type of government in which a leader remains the head of state even after they died, akin to the role of the monarch in a ceremonial monarchy. An example of a ceremonial necrocracy includes the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in which Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il are given the title of eternal leaders (eternal president and eternal chairman respectively) of North Korea.[1][2]

Rule through Will and Testament

The use of will and testament can be said to be an example (even if minor) of necrocracy, as a person dictates what should be done after they are dead. A notable example is ROC, where Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Last Will and Testament (國父遺囑) influenced the 1947 constitution.[3]. Currently in Taiwan, Sun's Last Will and Testament accompanies his portrait and the Flag of the Republic of China to be displayed during official events and in government buildings except for the Ministry of Defence, through the public reading of Sun's Last Will and Testament is no longer practiced.

Tradition as the democracy of the dead

According to the distributist writer G.K. Chesterton the usage of tradition within politics can be said to be the "democracy of the dead".[4]

Tradition may be defined as an extension of the franchise [to vote]. Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about. All democrats object to men being disqualified by the accident of birth; tradition objects to their being disqualified by the accident of death. Democracy tells us not to neglect a good man’s opinion, even if he is our groom; tradition asks us not to neglect a good man’s opinion, even if he is our father. I, at any rate, cannot separate the two ideas of democracy and tradition; it seems evident to me that they are the same idea. We will have the dead at our councils. The ancient Greeks voted by stones; these shall vote by tombstones. It is all quite regular and official, for most tombstones, like most ballot papers, are marked with a cross.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1908), Orthodoxy p. 43

Hoppean influence

In his book, titled as "Democracy - The God that Failed," Hoppe contrasts and compares western Hereditary Monarchies against Democratic Republics. To Hoppe, a dynastic monarch (a king or queen) is technically the owner of the country, at least from their point of view, since property is passed generationally, and is able to be sold; on the other hand a president elected democratically is like a "caretaker" or a "lessee."
Both the king and the president have incentives to exploit the country that they are in charge of in their self-gain, whether it's power, wealth, or both. The difference resides in the time preference of both. In the same way that the owner of a house has inherent interest in maintaining the house's "capital value" (contrasting with the tenant) in the long run, in a democracy, due to being temporal (with a higher time preference) rulers, functionaries democratically elected have all the incentives to sack the wealth of the productive citizens as soon and as fast as they're able to, without caring of anything that might happen to the country as a whole, much less caring about what might happen after their period in office is up, and, since they only have access to the government revenue but not to the actual capital, they only focus on increasing taxes without caring for its effect on the prosperity of the country, thus leading to more government exploitation and slowing the civilization process of increasing real incomes and decreasing social time preference more than a monarchical system (or even reversing it).
Another issue Hoppe sees with democracy, is that since what the public sector controls is inalienable (for instance, schools, public hospitals, police stations, or even the country itself) and doesn't have market prices, their value can't be calculated, thus not only exploitation will tend to increase but it will also do so less rationally.

Another argument that Hoppe presents is the "class consciousness" of the governed or ruled. Since the monarch is the owner of the state, the monarch will distribute jobs only to his family members, relatives, and friends. The monarch has little to no incentives to give jobs to the general population, doing this would let the people get ahold of his family's benefits. Because of this, we can say that in a monarchy, a sense of "class consciousness" develops within the general population. The people start seeing a clear and well-defined distinction between themselves and the ruling class, so the people fiercely protect their liberties. They resist any kind of high taxes and they see wars as the monarch's problem, not theirs. The monarch does not have the power to draft his subjects to the army and he is forced to hire mercenaries. The people also expect the monarch to fund his wars out of his own pocket. During the old monarchies, the rulers funded their wars with their own money, in democracies, on the other hand, since there is no clear distinction between the people and the rulers, a kind of emotional identification develops within the nation. Because of that, the people tolerate the draft and the taxes.

In June 2005, Hoppe gave an interview to the German newspaper "Junge Freiheit," where he qualified monarchy, although he's not a monarchist himself, as a lesser evil compared to democracy, and said "Liberty over Democracy!". In the same interview, Hoppe also condemned the French revolution and said it belonged in "the same group of vile revolutions such as the Bolshevik Revolution or the Nazi Revolution" since they all had provoked "regicide, egalitarianism, democracy, socialism, hatred for religion, terrorist measures, mass looting, rapes, homicides, conscription, and an ideological and total war."[5]


Vyn considers liberal democracy to not represent true democracy as true democracy is the rule of the people rather than representatives who are really representing their own interests and not the people. He considered the only way to get around this was direct democracy with the use of popular conferences. On the question of law he rejected any secular law and wanted law to be based on Religion he considered this to be in line with democracy as religion is practiced by all the people in society. On the question of press he wanted press to be created by the state so it would be democratic rather than independent press which he considered to only represent certain groups in society and not the entire population.

Democracy (Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan dalam Permusyawaratan/Perwakilan)

  1. Put the interests of the country and society first.
  2. The deliberations to reach consensus are covered by the spirit of kinship.
  3. With good faith and a sense of responsibility to accept and carry out the results of deliberations.
  4. Deliberation is done with common sense and in accordance with a noble conscience.
  5. Decisions taken must be morally accountable to the One True God, upholding human dignity and dignity and the values of truth and justice.


Interculturalism is a cultural ideology that holds that while different cultures should be able to co-exist, they should also engage in cross-cultural dialogue, interactions, and cultural fusion with one another. The government should promote common values and ideas between different cultures to hold them together and create a common but diverse identity. Another way to see it is akin to a milder form of "cultural-assimilation" or "globalization", where people of various backgrounds focused less on their cultural backgrounds and more on how their value can help the community's well-being as a whole. However, this varies much as Interculturalism represents a broad umbrella of different movements based on cultural unity, with some motivated more by nationalism/patriotism while others see it as a way of implementing more cosmopolitan ideas.

Despite the similarities with Multiculturalism, Interculturalism rejects the former's identity politics. Additionally, Interculturalism criticizes the way many multicultural societies have a tendency towards self-segregation, division, and lack of communal identity and cohesion instead of proper integration.

Civic Cultural Nationalism

Civic Cultural Nationalism is a form of cultural nationalism that shows none of the ethnocentrism that's often associated with cultural nationalism and monoculturalism. Although civic cultural nationalism varies, it usually supports immigration so long as it's legal, but will allow for multiple different cultures in society to exist so long as they engage in cross-communication dialogue with each other.


Polyculturalism is an ideological approach to the consequences of intercultural engagements within a geographical area which emphasises similarities between, and the enduring interconnectedness of, groups which self-identify as distinct, thus blurring the boundaries which may be perceived by members of those groups. As such, it opposes assimilationist/monocultural ideas, but also opposes traditional multiculturalism, which it sees as focusing too much on pointless identity politics and needlessly dividing people.


Assimilationism occurs when one group of people take on the customs, beliefs and culture of another group. This is usually done by a minority group to fit in with the majority and can either be enforced through government policy or happen naturally. Assimilationism is often favoured by National Conservative groups as they believe that immigrants should adopt the customs and culture of their new country.

Doubled Citizenship

Emperor Marcus Aurelius believed every human being has two citizenships and two sets of responsibilities that come with them. First is the citizenship of your homeland and responsibilities you have to your countryman and the second citizenship is to the Cosmopolis - The community of the world, that comes with responsibilities to the world and humankind as a whole.

Social Justice

Social Justice is justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. Although not directly tied to social progressivism, social justice is a form of economic progressivism that supports the creation of social safety nets, environmental justice, and regulation & taxation for equal opportunity to advocate for gender, ethnic, social equality, environmental justice, and for the physically and developmentally disabled. Because this is a form of economic progressivism, it can be practiced by both socially progressive and socially conservative ideologies, such as social democracy which social justice is one of the main principles of, or Christian democracy.

  1. Develop sublime deeds that reflect the attitude and atmosphere of kinship and gotong-royong (communal shared work).
  2. Maintaining a balance between rights and obligations.
  3. Respect for the rights of others.
  4. Do not commit acts that harm the public interest.
  5. Tolerance and hard work for the betterment of a society as a whole regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, and moral backgrounds.


Maternalism can be generally defined by the belief that men and women are "Equal but Different" (Christina Hoff Sommers) and that the sexes have distinct roles to play, this is in contrast to much of modern Feminism, whom Maternalists would argue to consider men and women identical or nearly identical in terms of capability.

Some early Feminists considered Maternal Feminism to be merely a strategy to achieve normal Feminist goals of equal rights, although some Feminists and Maternalists may disagree with this assessment.

One way which Maternalism opposes mainstream Feminism is that while Feminists both historically and presently argue that women should have a place in male dominated fields, Maternalists believe it's better that new jobs and positions be created that women are specially capable for, such as in teaching and medical fields, they similarly believe that Women have a unique role to play in political reform, many groups linked to Maternalism have supported movements such child labor laws and prison reform.

Vyn also criticizes the liberal mainstream feminist movement, as it sees it as being focused entirely on women in the West. Vyn analyzes how liberalism and the sociopolitical consequences of colonialism have affected women in postcolonial countries. Vyn opposes the use of the term "Women" as a single, universal group, as doing so causes women to only be categorized by their gender, and not their class, race or ethnicity.

Vyn also believes that the oppression of women is directly caused and reinforced by Capitalism in order to increase the exploitation of the working class. According to Vyn, Capitalists keep female workers underpaid by threatening to replace them with "better working" men, as well as also more exploit male workers by threatening to replace them with "less demanding" women. So, by intentionally putting male and female workers at odds with each other bourgeoisie are preventing the proletariat from uniting against them. In Vyn's view, one of the ways of achieving their goals is the creation of the special state-backed "Women's Committees", run by women. Their role would be to directly promote and defend women's rights on the local and national level; propose and prepare gender equality-related laws; and also agitate, educate, organize, and generally help women all across the country. Vyn also despises Bourgeois Feminism, saying that female Capitalists are oppressing the working women just as much as the male ones do.

Nation In Arms

Vyn is greatly influenced by Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz's idea of a "Nation in Arms". The Japanese Empire had a code of Bushido (The Way of the Warrior) and indoctrinated all Japanese young men into believing that there was no thing more honorable than to fight (and die if necessary) to protect the Emperor. Vyn was impressed by how well the Japanese fought in the Siege of Port Arthur, where thousands of Japanese soldiers were mown down by Russian Machine Guns, but they kept advancing out of love for the Emperor. Vyn wants to emulate Bushido and the culture of Japan on an international scale. Vyn also observed the Russian troops, tired and not even knowing why they were in Manchuria or at war with the Japanese in the first place, and concluded that troops needed a reason to fight or they wouldn't be effective soldiers. This is now more relevant in the modern day with the Neoliberal world fighting against Russia, Saddam's Iraq and Afghanistan, where the american troops would be tired of the guerilla warfare and want to return home. People's of the east" didn't care if their lives were sacrificed for the greater good, but westerners foolishly clung onto their lives with all their might to return to the capitalist materialism of their home country. Vyn believes that the people should be motivated to fight for the concept of Theosophist Jihad , and dying to achieve Nirvana and fight Liberal AntiCulturalism.


Vyn believes that the main job of the party is not just political agitation and revolution, but also to educate the People. He thinks that political revolution is not enough and that it has to be followed by a cultural revolution. Bourgeois culture will be replaced, and a new culture would be formed.

Vyn does not think people should reject the rich cultural heritage of the past, its material and spiritual achievements. Instead, people must look it over critically, choose what is of value and use it to produce a new culture.

Vyn Cosmism

Cosmism is a theory of natural philosophy and the combination of elements of religion and ethics and the development of human existence within the cosmos. Vyn is therefore very fond of Cosmist's theory. Vyn also desires to take the ideas and themes of Cosmism to radical conclusions, such as the development of science to not only traverse the skies but to also change humanity and achieve immortality. Vyn also believes in the potential of blood transfusion to develop humanity through human rejuvenation. He sees blood transfusions as a symbol of solidarity between the generations, where elderly people benefit from the rejuvenating effects of young people, while the young receive immunity to diseases from the blood of the old.

Cultural Revolution

The conclusion of the initial anti liberal revolution and the dawn of illiberal dictatorship does not wipe out bourgeois ideology. On the contrary, it asserts that the anti-liberal struggle is intensified during socialist transition and a near-continuous struggle against such ideology and its social roots. The target of cultural revolution is often aspects of the superstructure, often encompassing various existing markers of a capitalist or even a reactionary past.

King Culture

On the internet there are some men-focused movements and groups which are opposed to the ideas of both Manosphere and Men's Liberation. It dislikes Manoshere's toxicity and hatred towards women and its usual non-traditional and one sided view of relationships. It does, however, also dislike, even more, Men's Liberation's attempt to "free" men from traditional masculinity and its general progressivism. Instead it wants men to embrace traditional masculinity and work on self-improvement. It is generally against the "modern wester lifestyle" and wants men to free themselves from modern degeneracy, such as pornography and extreme consumerism. Work out and read good litterature (such as the Bible or philosophy) is what it believes men should do instead of partaking in the lifestyle which western society promotes.

Alienating capitalist Spectacle

Situationists philosophized about post-war modernity from a framework that Marx got it right with class but missed a few things, and assert that capitalism is beyond just materially vicious, but also philosophically insidious. It has sown alienation, commodification, and isolation of community in favor of fetishized corporate brands and a conception that excessive spending on consumption will bring the cure to that isolation. Their solution was to subvert the culture by sowing the seeds of what may be arguably called prototypical Post-Modernism.

The two seminal books to come out of the movement were Debord's Society of Spectacle and Raoul Vaneigem's book, translated literally as "Treatise on Manners for a Younger Generation". Debord's book was written as a set of aphorisms, a subversion of the Tao Te Ching that critiqued capitalism's emphasis on spectacle as replacing representation with reality and essentially gutting the cultural fabric that was the working classes' last respite. Whereas Vaneigem's book, possibly sarcastically titled, takes a more pro-active critique of how people fail to truly communicate with each other, encouraging the youth to engage in being more socially open.


The first edition of Internationale Situationniste defines the constructed situation as "a moment of life concretely and deliberately constructed by the collective organization of a unitary ambiance and a game of events."

As the SI embraced dialectical Marxism, the situation came to refer less to a specific avant-garde practice than to the dialectical unification of art and life more generally. Beyond this theoretical definition, the situation as a practical manifestation thus slipped between a series of proposals. The SI thus were first led to distinguish the situation from the mere artistic practice of the happening, and later identified it in historical events such as the Paris Commune in which it exhibited itself as the revolutionary moment.


A détournement is a technique developed in the 1950s by the Letterist International, and consist in "turning expressions of the capitalist system against itself," like turning slogans and logos against the advertisers or the political status quo. Détournement was prominently used to set up subversive political pranks, an influential tactic called situationist prank that was reprised by the punk movement in the late 1970s and inspired the culture jamming movement in the late 1980s.


The Situationist International, in the 15 years from its formation in 1957 and its dissolution in 1972, is characterized by a Marxist and surrealist perspective on aesthetics and politics, without separation between the two: art and politics are faced together and in revolutionary terms. The SI analyzed the modern world from the point of view of everyday life. The core arguments of the Situationist International were an attack on the capitalist degradation of the life of people and the fake models advertised by the mass media, to which the Situationist responded with alternative life experiences. The alternative life experiences explored by the Situationists were the construction of situations, unitary urbanism, psychogeography, and the union of play, freedom and critical thinking.

Art and politics

The SI rejected all art that separated itself from politics, the concept of 20th-century art that is separated from topical political events. The SI believed that the notion of artistic expression being separated from politics and current events is one proliferated by reactionary considerations to render artwork that expresses comprehensive critiques of society impotent. They recognized there was a precise mechanism followed by reactionaries to defuse the role of subversive artists and intellectuals, that is, to reframe them as separated from the most topical events, and divert from them the taste for the new that may dangerously appeal the masses; after such separation, such artworks are sterilized, banalized, degraded, and can be safely integrated into the official culture and the public discourse, where they can add new flavors to old dominant ideas and play the role of a gear wheel in the mechanism of the society of the spectacle.

Work, leisure, and play

The situationists observed that the worker of advanced capitalism still only functions with the goal of survival. In a world where technological efficiency has increased production exponentially, by tenfold, the workers of society still dedicate the whole of their lives to survival, by way of production. The purpose for which advanced capitalism is organized isn't luxury, happiness, or freedom, but production. The production of commodities is an end to itself; and production by way of survival.

The theorists of the Situationist International regarded the current paradigm of work in advanced capitalist society as increasingly absurd. As technology progresses, and work becomes exponentially efficient, the work itself becomes exponentially more trivial. The spectacle's social function is the concrete manufacture of alienation. Economic expansion consists primarily of the expansion of this particular sector of industrial production. The "growth" generated by an economy developing for its own sake can be nothing other than a growth of the very alienation that was at its origin.


The word psychogeography, suggested by an illiterate Kabyle as a general term for the phenomena a few of us were investigating around the summer of 1953, is not too inappropriate. It does not contradict the materialist perspective of the conditioning of life and thought by objective nature. Geography, for example, deals with the determinant action of general natural forces, such as soil composition or climatic conditions, on the economic structures of a society, and thus on the corresponding conception that such a society can have of the world. Psychogeography could set for itself the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, whether consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals. The charmingly vague adjective psychogeographical can be applied to the findings arrived at by this type of investigation, to their influence on human feelings, and more generally to any situation or conduct that seems to reflect the same spirit of discovery.

Random Walks

The Chilean Poet society that Alejandro Jodorowsky was involved in, documented in his film Poesia sin Fin, is a roughly contemporaneous example of Situationism. The protagonist and his poet friend decide to begin walking in a straight line no matter what and encounter a series of home owners as they march through doors, climb through windows, amble over public barriers and so on, which causes a variety of fun social interactions and blurs property boundaries. However these Chileans do not qualify as Situationists as they are not French, thus they are merely Sparkling Surrealists.


Environmentalism, sometimes called Green Politics, is an non-quadrant ideology used to represent a range of ideologies which fall under the belief that nature should be a significant factor in deciding public policy, be it increasing recycling, decreasing CO2 emissions, or stopping water pollution, etc.


Technogaianism believes that the preservation of Earth's Natural Habitat would only get easier with the creation of better technology and thus the pursuit of Humanity reaching space colonization and environmentalism is complementary as dirty industries can be moved off-Earth. There are also other ways you could interpret Eco+.

Blue Environmentalism

Blue Environmentalism, also known as Aqua Environmentalism, Ocean Environmentalism, and Marine Environmentalism is Environmentalism focused on the Ocean. Mainly about cleaning plastic from the ocean and looking after sea animals.

Social Ecology

The current social and economic systems are based on the assumption of scarcity, where resources are limited and therefore need to be controlled. He contends that this scarcity mindset perpetuates inequality, exploitation, and environmental degradation. Vyn argues for an ecological ethics that prioritizes the well-being of the natural world and recognizes the interconnectedness of human and non-human life. By integrating ecological principles into society, this can create a harmonious relationship between humanity and the environment.


Agrarianism is a political and social philosophy that emphasizes the importance of agriculture and rural life as the foundation of society. Agrarianism believe that small-scale farming and a rural economy are preferable to industrialization and urbanization.

At its core, agrarianism is based on the idea that a healthy society must be rooted in the land and that the cultivation of the earth is the most fundamental human activity. Agrarianism believe that a society based on agriculture is more sustainable, equitable, and fulfilling than one based on industry and commerce.

Agrarianism is often associated with the idea of agrarian populism, which emphasizes the importance of the small farmer and rural community in American society. Agrarian populists often advocate for policies that support small-scale agriculture and oppose corporate agribusiness and factory farming.

Pancasila Beliefs

Belief in God (Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa)

  1. Believe and be takwa (i.e. god-fearing) to the One True God according to their respective religions and beliefs according to the basis of a just and civilized humanity.
  2. Respect and cooperation between religious people and adherents of different faiths so that harmony is built, as said in the national motto.
  3. Mutual respect for the freedom to worship according to their religion and beliefs.
  4. Forced conversions are deemed inhumane and uncivilized.
  5. Atheism and agnosticism is regarded as the lowest tier in society (as according to national law).

A Fair and Civilized Humanity (Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab)

  1. Recognizing the equality of rights and equality of duty between fellow human beings.
  2. Love each other.
  3. Develop a tolerant attitude.
  4. Uphold the values of humanity.
  5. Encouragement of humanitarian activities and aids.

Unity in Indonesia (Persatuan Indonesia)

  1. Placing unity, interests, and the safety of nation and country above personal or factional interests.
  2. Willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the nation and the country.
  3. Love the homeland and the nation, with the promotion of patriotism and nationalism.
  4. The feelings of pride as an Indonesian, recognizing our cultural heritage as seafarers.
  5. Advancing association for the unity and unity of the nation with the motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" (Unity in Diversity).

Fourth Theory Influence


Dasein is a concept and is one of the main ideas of Fourth Theory. Dasein goes back even before Dugin to Heideggerian (and Hegelian) philosophy. Dasein is basically translated to existence or presence and one experiences this Dasein by confronting personhood, morality, and the dilemma of being together with other relationships while still being alone in oneself or maintaining your single identity. Essentially, it's a weird version of individuality and consciousness put together as one along with the many paradoxes of life and the choices that are made to fulfill this Dasein.

Neoreactionary Influence


Formalism is the belief that actual power and recognised power (especially in the form of ownership) should align as closely as possible. The belief in formalism makes the Neoreactionary movement especially skeptical of democratic forms of government, favouring forms of government based on ownership.


It is the general belief that absolutist systems of governance work best, specifically when the line of succession is clear (which coincides with Moldbug's criticism of dictatorship).
Royalists don't favor a particular mode of succession; some favoring something akin to an elective monarchy (see Neocameralism below) while others favor hereditary monarchism, and such; and is less so an indication of a particular view on the de jure process of monarchies than it is an indication of support for the de facto 'virtue' of monarchism (stability and order, which NRx's generally associate with freedom)[2]


Neocameralism is a form of government proposed by Mencius Moldbug and developed by others as a replacement for representative democracy. Neocameralism is a form of government organised around the profit incentive. As such the Neocameralist system is a system of nigh-absolute rule in which the Monarch-C.E.O. (which Moldbug calls a Delegate, based on the corporate title used by colonial-era Quakers) is accountable to a group of shareholders.

Neoreactionary Neologisms

The Neoreactionary movement came up with a lot of neologisms to describe various concepts. Neologisms are perhaps the most influential thing to come out of the movement, appearing in political discourse outside of the movement.

The Neologisms include:

  • The Cathedral - "The Cathedral" within the context of Neoreactionary discourse is a term used to refer to a society's intellectual elite meaning a class of people who are able to decide what the average person thinks is true or false, right or wrong and important or unimportant.

Historically this role was fulfilled by religious institutions hence the usage of the term "cathedral", this is intentionally contrasted with the institutions that fulfill the role of the cathedral in the modern age that being Schools, Universities, the Media and the Entertainment industry who largely market themselves as "Secular". It is worth to note that the Cathedral (in it's modern incarnation) is not a formal institution that people just belong to but rather an informal network of leaders of the before-aforementioned institutions that happen to agree on most important matters (Harvard, The New York Times, Disney and The Guardian rarely disagree for example)

  • Redpill - Within the context of Neoreactionary discourse a "Redpill" is any realisation or experience that disconnects an individual from the established cathedral. The term is a reference to the popular film trilogy The Matrix.

The concept of the Redpill is THE most influential term to come out of the NRx movement, being practically ubiqutous within political discourse on both the left, right, centre and beyond. The term "Redpill" spawned many off-shoots generally named after the specific realisation the redpill provides (including terms Blackpill (Pessimism), Whitepill (Optimism), Greenpill (parnamormalism) and more) and also the combination with the term "Based" forming "Based and Redpilled". The various pills have also expanded into apolitical contexts, especially on dating (examples of dating-specific pills being the Purplepill and the Dogpill) and fitness (example of a fitness-specific pills including the Onionpill).

A variation on the term "Redpill" to have actually come out of the NRx movement is the term Clearpill which is the concept that the best way to come out to political conclusions is to separate yourself from current political factions you have an emotional attachment to and think about policies and systems in an outside context.

  • The Iron Polygon - The Iron Polygon is an extension of the concept of the Iron Triangle.

The concept of the "Iron Polygon" is a neoreactionary idea that describes a system of interlocking societal institutions that mutually reinforce each other to maintain the status quo of a particular political order.

According to neoreactionary thought, the Iron Polygon consists of three main institutions: the Cathedral, the Corporate-Managerial Complex, and the Military-Industrial Complex.

The Cathedral refers to the institutionalized power of the mainstream media, academia, and the government bureaucracy, which the neoreactionaries see as an interconnected network that perpetuates a progressive and egalitarian ideology. The Cathedral's power is derived from its ability to control the flow of information and shape public opinion.

The Corporate-Managerial Complex is the second institution in the Iron Polygon, and it includes large corporations, the financial sector, and the managerial class. The neoreactionaries view this complex as an essential component of the Iron Polygon since it helps maintain the dominant political order by providing resources, expertise, and access to power.

The Military-Industrial Complex is the third institution in the Iron Polygon. It includes the military, defense contractors, and the intelligence agencies. According to the neoreactionaries, the Military-Industrial Complex provides the necessary force to maintain the political order and protect the interests of the ruling elite.

Together, these three institutions form the Iron Polygon, which the neoreactionaries believe is a self-reinforcing system that is resistant to change or reform. The Iron Polygon ensures that power remains in the hands of the ruling elite and perpetuates a system of governance that the neoreactionaries believe is efficient, stable, and just.

  • Red and Blue Empire also called the Red and Blue Governments - The concepts of the Red and Blue Government, clipped to RedGov and BlueGov is a specific power analysis of U.S. politics, it's the notion that the United States is not under the control of a single government, but rather of two each with their own internal and foreign policies.

Those two Empires being the Military and Police-based Red Empire represented in the U.S. congress by the Republican Party and the Blue Empire based around every other part of the iron polygon represented by the Democratic Party.

Illminist influence

The New Village Movement

Saemaul Undong, or The New Village Movement, was an economic reform initiative created by President Park Chung-hee to modernize Rural villages for the national economy. The idea was based on the Korean traditional communalism called Hyangyak and Dure, which provided the rules for self-governance and cooperation in traditional Korean communities. The movement initially sought to rectify the growing disparity in the standard of living between the nation's Urban centers, which were rapidly Industrializing, and the small Rural villages, which continued to be mired in poverty. Diligence, self-help, and collaboration were the slogans to encourage community members to participate in the development process. The early stage of the movement focused on improving the basic living conditions and environments, whereas later projects concentrated on building rural infrastructure and increasing community income. It was also during these reforms that Misin tapa undong or "movement to destroy superstition" reached its peak. Old zelkova trees that had stood at village entrances and have traditionally served as guardian figures were cut down in order to erase superstitions.


Ilminism also believes strongly in Confucian philosophy & principles, including (but not limited to) the moral & ethics of loyalty which have elements attributed to the western philosophy of the Great man theory, belief in the Traditional family structure (a man, woman & X amount of children), and deep respect for ceremonies, old Korean culture & elders. An important thing to note is that Confucianism in Korea often refers to a specific version called Neo-Confucianism, a more Secular & less spiritual form of Confucianism that stresses a more logical & practical view of traditional Confucian practices, making Neo-Confucianism a philosophy rather than a Religion. This would allow for additional religious accommodations such as Dr. An Ho-sang being a Dangunist, Rhee Syngman being a Christian, and Park Chung-hee being a Buddhist, yet all of them simultaneously being a strong supporter of Confucian philosophy.

The Communist Question

And of course, the One People Principle is vehemently anti-communist, given the indefinite North (communist)/ South (anti-communist) split of the Korean peninsula since the 1950s (due to ideological conflicts & foreign intervention). In fact, under both President Rhee Syngman's & Park Chung-hee's respective reigns, many communists had been brutally suppressed and in extreme cases, executed outright.


The theoretical egalitarian underpinnings of Ilminism would be to herald a class-collaborating society under firm central leadership. In an Ilminist society, the upper and the lower classes would both work together to rid themselves of materialism & class conflict, in favor of a more metaphysically balanced & fulfilled society.

Georgist Ideological Foundations

Arguments for or against Georgism usually boil down to two forms of argument; Arguments regarding an inherent moral superiority of the system (deontological arguments) and arguments regarding the positive outcomes of the system (consequential arguments).

Deontological Arguments

Georgists generally believe that land naturally belongs to all people for a very simple reason: no one invented land, therefore nobody can claim a special monopoly on land or other natural resources found in land such as coal or various metals.

Georgists often compare land and oxygen/air in the sense that nobody invented it as it is a natural resource. If we have established that nobody invented air we therefore should naturally accept that nobody should be given special monopiles over the air we breathe since no one invented it, it follows that this should also apply to land — a resource that, much like air, no one has invented and therefore no one can claim special ownership or monopoly rights too.

Therefore if you wish to own land and keep the general population off your land, Georgists propose you should pay a LVT (Land Value Tax) for the privilege of owning that land and it's resources. As opposed to just hoarding a monopoly on a item which you did not invent and therefore can claim no special privilege too.

In short, no one invented land therefore you should pay a land value tax for the right to use the land you claim to own.

Consequential Arguments

Georgists believe that implementation of a Land Value Tax would help with problems such as Speculation and undeveloped land, and would allow us to cut down on other taxes.

Georgists believe that because an LVT taxes unimproved land, Land Hoarders who just buy land and wait for it to become more expensive as time goes on without improving it will be taxed on the value of that land completely, giving them no profit. And because landlords have an incentive to make money, they’ll have to actually develop and improve their land.

Georgists also believe that a Land Value Tax would put down rents and housing costs. Since unused space would be taxed, landlords and developers would have an extra incentive to create more housing on said unused space, which would increase supply and lower prices.

And of course because it inherently put money into the government, Georgists believe that this money should be redistributed to the people in some way. Originally, Henry George believed that an LVT would be able to abolish all other taxes[6], as well as providing Public Transportation and a UBI, but most Georgists think his belief was unrealistic. Most Georgists believe that an LVT could replace current property taxes, cut other taxes, and perhaps still increase revenue when combined with similar measures such as taxes on negative externalities (which Georgists near-universally support).

In short, Georgists believe that a Land Value Tax would be able to cut rents, end Speculation and lower taxes.

Dengist influence

Scientific Outlook on Development

Scientific Outlook on Development is the ideology of former President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao and their administration which was in power from 2002 to 2012. It can also be applied to current Premier Li Keqiang, under the Xi Jinping administration. There isn't much to say about Scientific Outlook as an ideology as Hu Jintao and Li Keqiang are probably the most loyal adherents of Deng Xiaoping's beliefs.

The social programs and opening up policy of the Hu-Wen Administration continued to reduce poverty while accumulating economic growth that peaked during the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

the main content of Scientific Outlook on Development: First, adhere to economic construction as the center. China is in and will remain in the primary stage of socialism for a long time. The fundamental task at this stage is to develop the productive forces, which is the first priority of our party in governing and rejuvenating the country. As a large developing country, China needs to maintain a fast speed for a long time and achieve the unity of speed, structure, quality and efficiency. Only in this way can we provide a material basis for the all-round progress of society and the all-round development of people.

Second, we should adhere to coordinated economic and social development. While promoting economic development, we should pay more attention to accelerating social development and strive to solve the problem of "one leg is long and one leg is short" in economic and social development.

Third, adhere to the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. We should study and solve the "three rural" problems from the perspective of the overall situation of national economic development, implement the policy of "cities leading townships, industry promoting agriculture, urban-rural interaction and coordinated development", and gradually change the dual economic structure of urban and rural areas.

Fourth, adhere to coordinated regional development. We will continue to promote the large-scale development of the western region, revitalize the northeast and other old industrial bases, promote the rise of the central region, encourage the eastern region to accelerate development, and form a new pattern of interaction between the East and the west, complementary advantages, mutual promotion, and common development.

Fifth, adhere to sustainable development. We should coordinate the harmonious development of man and nature, and properly handle the relationship between economic construction, population growth, resource utilization, and ecological environment protection. Build a resource-saving and ecological protection society.

Sixth, adhere to reform and opening up. We will promote reform in all aspects in an all-round way and provide institutional and institutional guarantees for promoting comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development. We should make overall plans for domestic development and opening up to the outside world, properly handle the relationship between domestic and foreign demand, and between the use of foreign capital and domestic capital, and make full use of both domestic and foreign markets and resources.

Seventh, adhere to people-oriented. This is the essence and core of the scientific outlook on development and the inevitable requirement of adhering to building the party for the public and governing for the people. We should regard the interests of the people as the starting point and the end result of all our work, constantly meet people's needs in various aspects, and achieve people's all-round development.


The Liberal world order is a blight on the earth and has caused the displacement of people for corporate profit and "individual success".

Great replacement weaponized

Vyn believes that western society is too individualistic and the trumpist/national conservative proposed solution of closing the border will only have the liberalism of america grow inwards for the next neoconservative war. To fight this Vyn wants to create a minority 5th column within cities that act as psuedo societies like Huey Long's share the wealth club. These societies should discriminate from liberals and be strong enough to seperate liberals from liberal society to cleanse them of their liberal impurities.

The second and third world will be used to counteract liberal aggression and hijack the great replacement happening in these Western countries. Vynism believes in the Pancasila ideals of unity in diversity.

Protracted People's War

Protracted People’s War, often abbreviated as PPW is what Maoists view as the proletarian’s military strategy. Protracted People’s War combines insurgency with guerrilla warfare, offensives by the People’s Army, concentrated under the leadership of the Communist party, It is a misunderstanding to believe that this form war is simply a peasant strategy used in semi-feudal and semi-colonial backwaters. The People’s War uses three revolutionary instruments. The United Front, the People’s Army, and the Party itself. The United Front allows for agitation in areas where the party has yet to establish base areas. The People’s Army is the method of keeping politics in command of the gun, the Party having an armed wing. The “Party” is self-explanatory. Protracted People’s War also emphasizes the protracted nature of revolutions, hence the name.

USA capitalist oligarchy

Princeton University made a study of the analysis of the government programmes and made the decision that the the USA had converted from a Democracy to an Oligarchy, where elections became just a ceremonial procedure. The top 1% of the U.S. population by wealth in 2007 had a larger share of total income than at any time since 1928. In 2011, according to PolitiFact and others, the top 400 wealthiest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined." thus, they had a big power in American Politics in the Senate.


Africa has been used as the millitary-industrial complex's test ground to make tribes fight against eachother and create monstrous wars. Africa has been used as a capitalist colony to try and spread america's consumerist culture to. Africa has been injected with liberalism to destroy their axiomatic values in order to break their culture in order to commodify it and atomize them. A united Africa is the only way for scientific progress , culltural maintaenance, multicultural integrity, social justice. An AfroPancasilla would be the greatest way to facilitate a stable African Union to resist capitalism, liberalism, and revitalize the continent.

Three Delineated Worlds

In the early 1970s, Mao Zedong put forward a thesis which analyzed the contradictions between imperialist powers and the semi-colonies of the world. He theorized that the first world, (in his case the US and the USSR) are imperial powers which compete for hegemony and fight over the division of the globe. The second world involves the imperial periphery (in his case Britain, Japan, France and others). The third world involves the colonies and semi-colonies of the world (in his case most of Africa and Asia). Many successive figures have put forward their strategies for handling the contradictions between the worlds, the most prominent of those being Deng Xiaoping.

Global people war

He insists a global people's war is a necessary military strategy for bringing an end to the historically unequal relationship built between the First and Third Worlds. This strategy includes the systematic delinking of the exploited economies of Third World countries from the parasitic First World, and the unification of international forces to deprive the imperialist countries of resources and wealth extracted from Third World countries. To break this relationship Maoism–Third Worldism proposes a joint-dictatorship of the proletariat of oppressed nations (JDPON) to work as a centralized organization to defeat the First World.

World Federalism

Vyn also believes in world federalism. World Federalism is an ideology and movement aiming to create a global federal government. A world federation would have authority on issues of global reach, while the power over local matters would reside in the members of such federation, the overall sovereignty over the world population would largely reside in the federal government. Vyn's world federalism would be anti-liberal and relatively autonomous to work within axiomatic truths.


Buddhism Tenants

  1. Life often—in fact almost always—involves suffering.
  2. The reason for this suffering is that we want things to be a certain way.
    • Paññobhāsa considers this "the most politically incorrect doctrine of Buddhism".
    • This does not mean you should be a religious rejectionist that does not have any ambition, it means that you should know that those cause suffering.
  3. The way to cure suffering is to rise above this desire.
  4. The way to rise above desire is to follow the Noble Eight fold Path, practices which help us change our minds and understanding.

Noble Eight-fold Path

The Buddha told people to follow a special way of life called the Noble Eightfold Path if they want to understand the Four Noble Truths. These are:

  1. Appropriate views. Know and understand the Four Noble Truth(no liberalism)
  2. Appropriate thought. Turn your mind away from the world and towards the Dharma
  3. Appropriate speech. Tell the truth, don't gossip, and don't talk badly about others.
  4. Appropriate conduct. Don't commit evil acts, like killing, stealing, or living an unclean life
  5. Appropriate livelihood. Earn your money in a way that doesn't harm anyone
  6. Appropriate effort. Work to make your mind more good and less evil
  7. Appropriate mindfulness. Remember the Dharma and apply it all the time
  8. Appropriate meditation. Practice meditation as a way of understanding reality

Five precepts

Buddhists are encouraged to follow five precepts, or guidelines. The Buddha taught that killing, stealing, having sex in a harmful way, and lying are not signs of skill.

I will not hurt a person or animal that is alive.

I will not take something if it was not given to me.

I will not engage in sexual misconduct.(no gays)

I will not lie or say things that hurt people.

I will not take intoxicants, like alcohol or drugs, causing heedlessness

Alot of this can be changed by redifing people


Right now im pondering gnosticism and how that would affect my ideology.

Fulfillment is brought through works

The personal relationship of the believer to God is not the most important relationship to God.


In the arch-dualist ideology of the various Gnostic systems, the material universe is evil, while the non-material world is good. According to some strains of Gnosticism, the demiurge is malevolent, as it is linked to the material world. In others, the demiurge is simply ignorant or misguided.

He was known by different Gnostic teachings as Samael, Saklas, "Fool" or Yaldabaoth, "Son of Chaos." Gnosticism portrays Yaldabaoth as an inferior "evil" god who created the world who appears as the "God" of the Old Testament. He is said to have been the devil, but most sects consider them to be two completely different entities.

In most schools of Gnosticism, Yaldabaoth (the name for this demiurge), also known as the Leonine Serpent, was created by Sophia, the lowest of the aeons who dwelled in the Divine stone of the Pleroma. She was exiled from the Pleroma for her desire to create something outside of the Divine Totality, but could only form a monstrosity of imperfections, an abortion full of pride and malevolence. When she created the Demiurge, she was ashamed by it; to hide her folly from the Pleroma, she created a great cloud around him and built him a throne. With no awareness of the Pleroma or the Monad, from which all things were derived, the Demiurge concluded it was the creator of all things.

In an attempt to create order from the perceived chaos of the cosmos, Yaldabaoth chained the soul and heart in mortal forms and punishes those who refuse to adhere to his rule. In ancient times, the making of the world is ascribed to a company of seven archons, whose names are given, but their chief, known as Yaldabaoth comes into still greater prominence. The Demiurge arrogantly declares that he has made the world by himself.

After Yaldabaoth claims sole divinity for himself, the voice of Sophia comes forth calling him Samael, due to his ignorance.

It then fashioned the material universe in an unconscious imitation of the Pleroma, and made the first human in the image of the true first man, Adam. Though it could not grant him a soul (having no awareness of the Pleroma) Sophia pitied it and granted him a divine spark that gave him life. The Demiurge was infuriated when Adam thanked the true God for his existence instead of him and sought to ensnare him in the material world through Eve; however, Sophia sent the serpent (sometimes depicted as Satanael or Sophia herself) to tempt Eve, granting her and Adam the secret knowledge of their spiritual nature. The Demiurge expelled them from Eden when he learned of this, and has since sought to keep the souls of mankind bound to the material world.

Some schools of Gnosticism say that one angel had found out that he was a fake and betrayed him, giving humanity the gift of free-will. This fallen angel was known as Satanael who became Yaldabaoth's own opposite and enemy.

Political Journey


 Libertarian Municipalism


Debunking Ideologies


While Bookchin gave many good insights to Vyn and was a family friend who took care of him before his death. there is many flaws in his thinking like his belief in anarchism or hostility towards the state. The state is the only thing that can fight international capitalism and lifestyle anarchism.

Russia Ukraine

There is no point in supporting Ukraine. It is a liberal creation and is run by Jewish oligarchs and a Jewish president


Zelensky supported the creation of a jewish apartheid in Ukraine

Imperial Japan

Japan didn't need to be Nuked

The atomic bombing was not even on enemy combatant's it was on civilians including women and children. Nuclear war isn't a quick process if effects the land and people and the fallout is dangerous. It's not some magical reset button.

7-8 Five star generals and admiral's

The whole point of the bombing was that america had a toy that they wanted to use and then their toy got leaked to the soviets. If the bombing never happened than the cuban missilie crisis and cold war would have been delayed.







Religious rejectionism is stupid


Suharto was a scumbag that ruined indonesia and stole millions of dollars from the people of indonesia and murdered those that were not apart of his National Conservative Kleptocracy

Floating mass

While some scholars and analysts have drawn parallels between Suharto's approach and corporatism due to its emphasis on state-led development and control over society, it's important to recognize that they are not the same concept. Corporatism, as mentioned earlier, is a distinct economic model characterized by the organization of society into hierarchical, functional interest groups (corporations) representing employers and employees, along with the government, to make economic decisions collectively.

Suharto's regime did exhibit some elements of authoritarianism and state control, but it did not fully embrace corporatism as an economic system. Instead, it employed a mix of centralized state planning, crony capitalism, and authoritarian rule to pursue economic development and maintain political stability.

Most Corrupt Politician in history

Suharto enlisted a group of mostly US-educated Indonesian economists, dubbed the "Berkeley Mafia", to formulate government economic policy to solve the economic crisis left by the Sukarno era. By cutting subsidies and government debt, and reforming the exchange rate mechanism, inflation dropped from 660% in 1966 to 19% in 1969. Sukarno's economic autarky policies were reversed by opening selected economic sectors of the country to foreign investment under the new Foreign Investment Law of January 1967 and foreign companies that had previously nationalized were re-privatized and returned to their original owners. The government began a series of large-scale intensive investments in infrastructure under a series of five-year plans. Indonesia experienced massive economic growth during the New Order coincided with rapid expansion in https://static.miraheze.org/polcompballwiki/d/d5/Klep.png corruption, collusion, and nepotism as Suharto used his dictatorial rule to enrich himself and his family and cronies, Suharto embezzled 15 to 35 billion dollars which makes him the most corrupt politician in the history of the world.


Myth: The North subjected the South to military rule during Reconstruction.

This is the great myth of Reconstruction... that it was an oppressive set of regimes sent into the South to invent the Republican Party, using the black vote, running the legitimate leadership of the white South out of town and out of business, and putting Americans under a kind of oppressive rule by the federal government. Part of that whole story is also deeply rooted in this American tradition -- which isn't just Southern -- of localism, of faith in states' rights, that the federal government is an oppressor when it crosses state lines to create institutions, to expand liberties. And part of the myth of "Negro rule," or the tragic legend, is rooted in this states' rights reaction to the use of federal power. This has been at the heart of our debate about the nature and meaning of Reconstruction ever since. Was it truly a military occupation? You could argue, no, it really almost never was. The numbers of troops still left in the South by 1875 and '76 at the end, were tiny. And most of them were garrisoned in forts along the coast, never had anything to do with the enforcement or operation of the internal politics of Southern states. They guarded no state houses. They didn't even guard ballot boxes, which they should have, in most states by the middle of the 1870s. It really wasn't a genuine military occupation after 1868, in any sense of the term we've come to understand military occupations in the 20th century.

The idea that the South was under military rule and military occupation is really a myth. The Union army was demobilized very, very fast at the end of the Civil War. Some people thought, too fast, because there was so much chaos and violence in the South. By 1866, there are 10,000, 12,000, maybe 15,000 soldiers left in the South. But most of them are in Texas, fighting the Indians. You could go for months and months in the South without ever seeing a federal soldier. There were small encampments of federal soldiers around. And if there were outbreaks of violence, they would sometimes be brought in to try to suppress it. Sometimes the Freedmen's Bureau would call in a few soldiers to arrest a planter who refused to pay his workers or something like that. But no. Law and order was in the hands of governments, not of the army. And military rule was very, very brief. And the occupation was quite short-lived, really, in any practical sense.

Yankees and blacks conspired to exploit the South after the war.

There's a deep and complicated legend... that Reconstruction was essentially a Yankee conquest, the occupation of the Southern states and the oppression of the Southern people; that they were put under so-called "Negro rule" or "carpetbag rule." And this is all based on the ideas that Southern state legislatures under the radical regimes, from 1868 on, were really ruled by blacks and by Northerners who came South. There was only one Southern state legislature that ever had a majority of blacks and carpetbaggers.

There were a few carpetbag governors -- that is, Northerners who came South. The vast majority of carpetbaggers, Northerners who moved South, moved there early. They moved there right after the war. They moved there because the South was now the new pioneer society... It was a place of opportunity.

And we need to remember that there was a good deal of skullduggery and "get rich quick" motivation among some carpetbaggers. But since when is it not a great American tradition to go where the main chance is, to go where the new opportunities are, to go where entrepreneurship is so welcomed? The South dearly wanted Northern investment. It's one of the ironies of this. Early on, they wanted Northern investment. They wanted federal investment to help them rebuild their harbors and build some railroads and rebuild towns and cities, re-establish agricultural production. Most Northerners that went South and became carpetbaggers were already there in 1865 or '66, before the radical regimes are even created. So that idea that they all went there to exploit and establish radical Republican political organization is not exactly the case.

Lincoln's greenback currency only funded the international Elite.

Lincoln's greenback currency was the only thing stopping them. It was the only way of stopping usurious loans from Europe. The sources that try to say that Lincoln was in international business are the Mises institute who critiqued Lincoln and Bismark for not being liberal enough.


You are an exploiter of vulnerable people into your sex cult.

Not having gender affirming care causes suicide

Genital Mutilation is the cause of suicide. Reframe the conversation that it is the same as saying opoid users will kill themselves if not given their next fix.


You dont progress anything, you make people's lives worse by giving them the "freedom" to do stupid things then you encourage them to do stupid things as "liberation" your progressivism progresses nothing.

Progressivism is a regressive

Progressivism is a reactionary ideology that seeks to return to the past and call it progress. We see segregation coming back, we see eugenics coming back, we see eunuchs in the form of trannies coming back.


You have never been about helping women all you have done is made them into inferior men, you are trying to put a square block into a triangle hole and actively whittling away the square's uniqueness to fit a society and culture hostile to them


Black Lives Matter



I need a peer reviewed source

peer reviewed sources are only as good as the peer reviewing them. people will use this line to be cemented into their liberal world view. The people that use this argument are lazy and want to stay in their closed mindedness

You cited X source so they must be biased

Are you so incapable of having an open mind and dont have the skills to use sources in different ways.

When assessing the credibility and reliability of a source, especially in a situation where bias and corruption are being discussed, it's important to take a thoughtful and balanced approach. Here are some points you could consider discussing with the person:

Multiple Sources: Encourage the use of multiple sources when researching a topic. If a single source is deemed biased or corrupt, it's important to cross-reference information with other reputable sources to get a more complete and well-rounded understanding of the subject.

Transparency and Objectivity: Evaluate whether the source openly acknowledges its potential biases or conflicts of interest. Some sources may openly disclose their affiliations or perspectives, allowing readers to factor that into their interpretation of the information.

Critical Analysis: Explain the importance of critically analyzing information from any source, including those perceived as biased or corrupt. Encourage the person to critically examine the evidence, logic, and reasoning presented in the source, regardless of its perceived bias.

Consider Context: Discuss how the source's bias or corruption allegations might impact specific aspects of the information it presents. Are there areas where the source's bias might be less relevant, or where its information is supported by other, more neutral sources?

Bias vs. Facts: Emphasize the distinction between bias and factual inaccuracies. Just because a source is biased doesn't necessarily mean that every piece of information it provides is incorrect. It's essential to separate opinions or interpretations from verifiable facts.

Use as a Contrasting Viewpoint: Suggest that the biased or corrupt source could be used as a contrasting viewpoint rather than a sole source of information. By comparing it to other sources with different perspectives, one can gain a better understanding of the range of opinions on the subject.

Expert Opinions: Consider whether experts in the field have evaluated the source's claims. If reputable experts have analyzed and engaged with the source's content, it could provide additional insights into its credibility.

Acknowledging Limitations: Acknowledge the limitations of using biased or potentially corrupt sources. While they may provide some insights, they should be balanced with more objective and reliable sources to ensure a well-informed understanding.

Remember, the goal is to promote critical thinking and informed decision-making. Encourage the person to approach the subject with an open mind and a willingness to engage with a variety of sources to form a well-rounded perspective.

We should't listen to fascist on their own ideology

i guess we shouldn't listen to Marxists about their ideology, or liberals on theirs. No historians study these topics from many perspectives, to be needlessly dogmatic to try and be on the "right side of history" shows your own bias.


You have failed to conserve anything except israel, capitalism and the same liberalism that got us into this situation.

Conservatives use political excitement to fuel themselves and only use it to create more political excitement instead of turning it into material political gain like shelters and community hubs.

Muh cultural marxism



It should come as no suprise that the idea of "social justice" in its true Christian sense, strikes fear in the minds of the libertines and even among their pseudo "socialists" who are far removed from any genuine notion of ethics. There can be no socialism Jewisht faith in God. All else leads to Mammonism.

Vulgar racialism


The KKK was a jewish brainchild of Judah P Benjamin who was a British citizen and jewish. The KKK was also created by albert pike who was the father of freemasonry in the south. The KKK was also financed by Dr. Kuttner Baruch of the B'nai B'rith

You admire X fascist you are just simping for that race

No i am finding ideas that i like and I'm using them. Both wignats and liberal race nats use this argument to call someone an uncle tom or something else.

Culture comes from race

Culture is a multifaceted and dynamic construct that cannot be simply attributed to race. Individuals from certain racial or ethnic backgrounds might share certain cultural practices or traditions, culture itself is shaped by a complex interplay of historical, social, environmental, and individual factors. Culture is not genetically predetermined, but rather emerges from interactions, exchanges, and adaptations over time. It is crucial to recognize that people of the same race can belong to vastly different cultural groups, while individuals from different racial backgrounds can share common cultural elements due to shared experiences or influences. Reducing culture to a product of race oversimplifies the intricate tapestry of human heritage and overlooks the richness of diversity within and across racial groups.

Through archaelogy the people buried together are the same geanology

Archaeological evidence often indicates that people buried together in certain contexts share some degree of genetic or familial relationship. However, it's important to avoid generalizing this observation to the entirety of cultural development and identity. While burials can provide insight into familial or community ties, they represent only a specific aspect of culture.

Cultural practices, traditions, and identities are shaped by a wide range of factors beyond genetics. Historical, social, economic, and environmental influences have all played significant roles in the formation and evolution of cultures. Additionally, archaeological findings might not always paint a complete picture, as they can be influenced by preservation biases, cultural practices, and specific historical events.

Furthermore, human history is marked by migration, trade, and interactions between different groups, leading to the blending and exchange of cultural elements. People from distinct genetic backgrounds can adopt and adapt cultural practices from each other, making culture a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon that can't be solely attributed to shared genetics. Therefore, while archaeology can offer valuable insights, it's essential to consider a holistic and nuanced perspective when discussing the origins and development of culture.

  1. Language and Dialects: Even within the same ethnic group, variations in language or dialect can lead to distinct cultural differences. For instance, Spanish-speaking populations from different regions might have unique idioms, accents, and linguistic nuances that contribute to separate cultural identities.
  2. Religious Practices: People from the same ethnic background can practice different religions or variations of the same religion. For example, among South Asian communities, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians might share common ethnic origins but have distinct cultural practices associated with their respective faiths.
  3. Culinary Traditions: While sharing a common ethnicity, different regions might have unique food preferences, ingredients, and cooking techniques that contribute to diverse culinary cultures. Italian cuisine, for instance, varies widely between regions like Northern Italy and Southern Italy.
  4. Social Norms: Social norms and customs can differ even within the same ethnic group. One community might emphasize certain traditions or behaviors more than another. These differences can be influenced by historical experiences, migration patterns, and interactions with other cultures.
  5. Festivals and Celebrations: Even if two groups share the same ethnic background, their celebrations and festivals might vary significantly. Chinese New Year celebrations in mainland China might differ from those in Taiwan or among Chinese communities abroad.
  6. Art and Aesthetics: Artistic expressions, such as traditional clothing, music, dance, and visual arts, can vary among groups of the same ethnicity. Indigenous communities around the world often have distinct artistic traditions that reflect their unique histories and environments.
  7. Historical Experiences: Different historical contexts can lead to variations in cultural practices. For example, African Americans have diverse cultural expressions influenced by factors such as the transatlantic slave trade, regional migrations, and experiences during the Civil Rights Movement.

Bible forbids race mixing

it does'nt all the examples given are people against religion mixing not some sort of racialism like you see with wignats.

Iran, Khomeinism, and Hezbollah

Is Iran Pro Trans?

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution and the first Supreme Leader of Iran, did not hold a positive stance towards transgender individuals or transgender rights. Khomeini's interpretation of Islamic teachings and his vision of an Islamic state did not align with recognition or acceptance of transgender identities.

Under Khomeini's leadership, the Islamic Republic of Iran implemented strict gender segregation policies and enforced traditional gender roles. The state did not officially recognize or provide legal protections for transgender individuals instead they would target homosexual people. In fact, Iran implemented a policy known as "gender reassignment" in the 1980s, which required transgender and homosexual individuals to undergo medical procedures as a condition for legal recognition. This policy was criticized by human rights organizations as coercive and violating individuals' rights to self-determination.[7][8][9][10]

Some may say Iran is pro trans because of the fatwah that was implemented but they fail to realize that this fatwah was not for a liberal progressive reason but for a medical reasons in the country. Klinefelter syndrome is a common genetic condition where a male is born with an extra X chromosome. Typically, a male has one X and one Y chromosome. People with Klinefelter syndrome can experience breast growth, breast cancer, osteoporosis, infertility and learning difficulties due to this defect. The surgery is meant to help them be put into 1 gender not 2 and not be confused because of their body. This is not like in the west were people without this defect are able to get transgender surgeries in private. This is further proven by Ayotollah Makarem Shirazi (who is known for being even more Pro Welayat Faqi then Imam Khamenei(ha) himself).[11]

Is Hezbollah Neoliberal

Recently Online western marxists have argued that hezbollah is neoliberal because they found a faulty paper made by a syrian professor.

Hezbollah cannot be considered neoliberal. Here's a breakdown of the reasons:

  1. Property Rights: Neoliberalism supports strong pro-private property rights, which means that individuals and corporations have the right to own and control property, including land, businesses, and other assets. However, Hezbollah is a militant group and political party based in Lebanon with a history of supporting collectivist ideologies, advocating for the redistribution of wealth and resources, and challenging private property ownership. Hezbollah's military activities and presence in southern Lebanon have raised concerns about land expropriation. They have been accused of taking over private lands for military purposes and building infrastructure without the consent of the landowners. Their actions in expropriating land without proper compensation and due process indicate a disregard for private property rights.
  2. Pro-Market with Correcting Market Failures: Neoliberals generally support the idea of free markets, but they also recognize that market failures can occur and might need government intervention to correct them. On the other hand, Hezbollah's ideology leans towards a more socialist and collectivist approach, with a strong belief in the role of the state in managing and controlling the economy. They have been critical of the unregulated free market and promote state intervention in economic matters.
  3. Pro-Fiat Money: Neoliberalism is generally supportive of fiat money, which is the currency declared by a government to be legal tender. It allows for central banks to manage monetary policy and the money supply. While the stance on fiat money might not be a primary concern for Hezbollah, they have expressed opposition to the economic policies and influence of international financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, which are closely associated with neoliberal economic policies.
  4. Free Trade and Free Flow of Capital: Neoliberals advocate for free trade and the unrestricted flow of capital across borders to promote economic growth and efficiency. On the other hand, Hezbollah has taken a more protectionist stance on economic matters, especially when it comes to Lebanon's economic policies and relations with other countries. They prioritize domestic production and local economic self-sufficiency rather than embracing global free trade.
  5. Open Immigration: Neoliberalism typically supports open immigration policies, allowing for the free movement of people across borders to foster economic integration and cultural exchange. However, Hezbollah's position on immigration is not explicitly clear, but given its focus on national identity and resistance against external influence, it is unlikely that they would fully align with open immigration policies.
  6. Individualism: Neoliberalism places a strong emphasis on individualism, where individual freedom and personal responsibility are valued. Hezbollah, on the other hand, is a collective and ideological organization that prioritizes the group's interests and objectives over individual autonomy.
  7. Opposition to Populism, Collectivism, Socialism, and Austrian Economics: The provided definition explicitly mentions opposition to populism, collectivism, socialism, and Austrian economics. Hezbollah, as an organization, aligns more with collectivist and socialist ideologies, and they are known for their opposition to neoliberal economic policies and free-market capitalism because they are Islamic Populists.


Lincoln was no different than jackson

Lincoln was fighting a war against men armed with guns and european battle tactics alongside british support. If the confederates won there would be no native americans because their manifest destiny wanted a full golden circle. His decisions were out of wartime necessity. Jacksons decisions were because he was bat shit insane and actively manifest destineyed native americans out of the lands simply for whote supremacy. There is no comparison between the two and people making these arguments are historically isolated individualists who cant see history holistically.

Pol Pot

Agrarian Laicist retard that murdered religious people and refused help when cambodia was starving

Vietnam Started the War

Out of fear of Vietnamese expansionism, there were continuous border clashes between Cambodia and Vietnam. In January 1978, the Cambodian Army launched raids on various Vietnamese villages. The Vietnamese Politburo then concluded that it must not leave Pol Pot in power and began to train Cambodian refugees to overthrow Pol Pot’s government. Pol pot started the war against Vietnam, this is no different than the Russian ukraine war.


popes authority is illegitimate

Solis scriptulawads


Jackson was a white supremacist libertarian retard. Jackson's small-government fetishism and crank monetary policy views stunted the attempts of better leaders like John Quincy Adams to invest in American infrastructure, and led to the Panic of 1837, a financial crisis that touched off a recession lasting seven years. Jackson was succeeding John Quincy Adams, a truly great, scandalously underrated president who was an enthusiastic supporter of government intervention to build necessary infrastructure ("internal improvements") and fuel economic development. Adams believed that "taxing and being taxed were essential to responsible self-government; the country required a modern, national, and regulated banking system … and the federal government had an important role to play regarding the 'general welfare' in the creation of educational, scientific, and artistic institutions, such as the Smithsonian Museum, the national parks, the service academies, and land grant universities," according to recent biographer Fred Kaplan. Jackson believed none of that. He believed government was a threat to be contained, that national banks like the one originated by Alexander Hamilton were abominations and threats to freedom, and that the federal government's role in building infrastructure should be limited. He vetoed a bill to run a road in Kentucky, arguing that federal funding of such infrastructure projects was unconstitutional.

"While he criticized the Maysville Road for being insufficiently national, Jackson did not wish to be misunderstood as favoring federal funding for a more truly national transportation system," Howe writes. "Instead he warned that expenditures on internal improvements might jeopardize his goal of retiring the national debt — or, alternatively, require heavier taxes." The veto, Howe continues, ultimately led to "the doom of any comprehensive national transportation program."

Contrary to Jacksonian propaganda, the Second National Bank worked quite well. It produced reliable paper currency of consistent value across the country. But Jackson, as an avowed opponent of paper money and of national economic institutions like the Bank, vetoed the renewal of its charter in 1832. His rhetoric against the bank drew upon populist anti-bank sentiment, but its real crime in Jacksonian eyes was propping up a powerful government. "The advocates of hard money did not condemn banks as agents of capitalism," Howe writes. "They condemned them as recipients of government favor."

Jackson's war on the bank, combined with his intent on paying off the national debt, would lead to one of the worst depressions in American history. Once the government started running a surplus, Jackson had nowhere to put the money, without the bank around. So he divided it among the states. "The state banks went a little crazy," Planet Money's Robert Smith explains. "They were printing massive amounts of money. The land bubble was out of control." Before long you had the Panic of 1837, and years of recession.

Not all economic historians accept this story of the Panic. Others think Jackson screwed up in other ways that caused it. Vanderbilt's Peter Rousseau, for instance, blames two actions Jackson took in 1836 — requiring public lands be purchased with coins rather than paper money, and "supplemental" transfers of money between banks by the Treasury that summer — for causing the crash. This interpretation, Rousseau writes, "calls into question claims that the nation’s seventh President was an innocent bystander and casts serious doubt on his financial wisdom."

But muh populism

Jacksons populism was towards whites that wanted to expand their slave plantations and was geared towards the south. Frequent censorship was apart of his

Austro Fascism

Dolfuss was a pinochetan dictator

I know about the mises situation, mises was in the same situation as schatt and left because he felt he wasn't being listened too. Austrofascism was in no way like Pinochet Chicago school.


Fascism is capitalism in decay

read faces of janus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX4y5Bny81c

The Lebanese Kataeb Was not Fascist

The Lebanese Kataeb was a paramilitary anti-communist group that followed the status quo in Lebanon except they wanted to emulate the fascist aesthetics of Mussolini such as discipline and nationalism. Their party was more inline with a paramilitary YMCA than any fascist group.

Fascist Aesthetics

"The Kataeb party was established on November 5, 1936 as a Maronite paramilitary youth organization by Pierre Gemayel who modeled the party after Spanish Falange and Italian Fascist parties he had observed as an Olympic athlete during the 1936 Summer Olympics held in Berlin, then Nazi Germany. The movement's uniforms originally included brown shirts and members used the Roman salute." This passage shows how the aesthetic was what drove Pierre not any actual fascist doctrine.

He(Pierre) founded the party along with four other young Lebanese: Charles Helou (who later became a President of Lebanon), Chafic Nassif, Emile Yared and Georges Naccache.

Economic liberalism

"The Phalange Party motto is "God, the Fatherland, and the Family," and its doctrine emphasizes a free economy and private initiative. Phalangist ideology focuses on the primacy of preserving the Lebanese nation, but with a "Phoenician" identity, distinct from its Arab, Muslim neighbors. Party policies have been uniformly anticommunist and anti-Palestinian and have allowed no place for pan-Arab ideals."

No fascist believes in leaving the fate of the country to the free market, that is a liberal economic philosophy.

Western Reaction to SSNP

The foundation of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party by Antun Saadeh in 1932 was the trigger for the establishment of the Kateb Party, since the former actively tried to influence Lebanon towards the Syrian interests, leading to direct challenge for Lebanese nationalists. The founders of the Kataeb Party were young, French-educated and middle-class professionals who committed to independent and Western-oriented Lebanon. Charles Helou, who later served as Lebanon's president from 1964 to 1970, was one of the founders. By the time of his presidency, however, Helou was no longer a party member, and Gemayel unsuccessfully opposed him in the presidential election of 1964.

The creation of the Kataeb was a reaction based on a western oriented reaction to block the SSNP from removing western influence from the levant.


The beliefs of the Lebanese Kataeb align more with national conservatism because of their lack of syndicalist rhetoric, their focus on national sovereignty, their privatization free economy rhetoric, and their alignment to western states like Israel.



Franco was not a fascist

A further impetus to economic liberalization came from the September 1953 signing of a mutual defense agreement, the Pact of Madrid, between the United States and Spain. In return for permitting the establishment of United States military bases on Spanish soil, the Eisenhower administration provided substantial economic aid to the Franco regime

A former correspondent of London's Financial Times, Robert Graham, described the Franco era as "the triumph of paleocapitalism--primitive market skills operating in a jungle of bureaucratic regulations, protectionism, and peddled influence."

A debate took place within the regime over strategies for extricating the country from its economic impasse, and Franco finally opted in favor of a group of neoliberals. The group included bankers, industrial executives, some academic economists, and members of the semi-secret Roman Catholic lay organization, Opus Dei (Work of God).

Chinese Blueshirts were not fascist

The chinese blueshirts adopted fascist aesthetics but they were not fascists. They also engaged in elitist activities that mimicked freemasonry.


Sun yat sen was not a mason

The sodality of Freemasonry that evolved out of the European Enlightenment bears no resemblance, other than the name, to another society—one that finds its origins in Southern China. Styling itself in English as The Chinese Freemasons, this body might be better termed the Vast Family (Hongmen) or Hall of Universal Justice (Chee Kong Tong).

first explanation

Chinese revolutionary and political leader, Sun Deming, often referred to as Guofu or "Father of the Nation", played a prominent role in the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty in 1911 under the pseudonym Sun Zhongshan.

The history of that overthrow, and the myth-making accompanying it, has lead to some confusion as to Sun's relationship with Freemasonry. While never a member of regular Craft Freemasonry, Sun appears to have been active in at least one society commonly referred to as Chinese Freemasonry.

Through his writings Sun attempted to depict the earlier Tiandihui Society as anti-Manchu, a perspective without historical merit but with great political value in mobilizing support for his revolution.

Sun is believed to have joined the Zhigongtang (Chee Kung Tong) in Honolulu. It is also said that he "was a Triad official of long standing and is reported to have been a 426 "Fighter" official of the "Kwok On Wui, as it was called in Cantonese, in Honolulu and Chicago; this society came under the general supervision of the Cantonese-named Chi Kung Tong, a mainly overseas section of the Triad Hung Mun." The terms Tong and Triad, generally used in reference to criminal gangs, also incorporates a grouping of mutual aid societies under the name Tiandihui or Hangmen Society.


Second explanation

Sun yet sen joined many organizations and like Ataturk used them for his own gain. He joined the white lotus and the Taiping society and was all around had one goal in mind. So if he did join the masons as someone claimed there needs to be backup reasoning as to why.



Napoleon was a FREEMASON

napoleon fought against the masonic powers and destroyed freemasonry's influence in the countries that he went to.

Napoleon was a Jewish pawn

Napoleon was extremely antisemtic and he showed it in orthodox ways. His support for Israel was an attempt to have all the jews in one place so he could keep tabs on them. This is consistent with early answers to the Jewish question.

King Louis emancipated the Jews and gave them special privileges in 1791.

Napoleon rescinded these privileges and in the "infamous decree" he banned Jews from any form of finance/money lending or owning newspapers. He annulled all debts owed by anyone to Jews. And he changed the law to " guilty unless proven innocent" to any Jew accused of financial malfeasance



Before we killed Muammar Gaddafi he led his nation to become the wealthiest in all of Africa. A decade after his demise, it is riven by tribalism, terrorism and slavery, all because the West could not allow an Arab leader to succeed. NATO’s bombing of Libya and support for rebels seeking to overthrow Gaddafi had little to do with wanting the country to prosper. Under the guise of ‘human rights’ and ‘democracy’, the Western military alliance helped murder one of the Arab world’s most prominent leaders in order to steal Libya’s resources and protect Western hegemony. Here’s what Libyans were getting: 1. There was no electricity bill in Libya; electricity was free for all its citizens. 2. There was no interest on loans, banks in Libya were state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law. 3. Having a home was considered a human right in Libya. 4. All newlyweds in Libya used to receive 60,000 dinars (£34,470) by the government to buy their first apartment, to help start up the family. 5. Education and medical treatments were free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83%. 6. If Libyans wanted to take up a farming career, they would have received farming land, a farming house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms... all for free. 7. If Libyans could not find the education or medical facilities they needed, the government funded them to go abroad. For it was not only paid for, but they got a £1585/month for accommodation and car allowance. 8. If a Libyan bought a car, the government used to subsidize 50 percent of the price. 9. The price of petrol in Libya was £0.09 per litre. NINE PENCE!!!!! 10. Libya had no external debt and its reserves amounted to £103 billion -which are now frozen globally. 11. A portion of every Libyan oil sale was credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens. 12. A mother who gave birth to a child received £3447.


The nazis hated native americans

That's really fucking funny because the Nazis Mythologized native americans and considered them native american. The attempt to wash this away from history show a clear white supremacist agenda to remove native american history.

Muh manifest destiny

The native americans were manifest destinying eachother way before any white came into america. Imperialism isnt a monopoly of the nazi's and them adapting and revising manifest destiny has no correlation to wanting to genocide native american's. Marx revised utopian socialist arguments that doesnt mean he had all the beliefs of Fourier.

Hitler was a wignat

Hitler believed in 6 races and wasn't into a no more brother wars ideology like wignats like to portray him as some white saviour when he isn't.


Stalin was a jew

No he was not he was a georgian.


Kim Jong Il

Kim had a "reputation for being almost comically incompetent in matters of economic management". The economy of North Korea struggled throughout the 1990s, primarily due to mismanagement. In addition, North Korea experienced severe floods in the mid-1990s, exacerbated by poor land management. This, compounded with the fact that only 18% of North Korea is arable land[61] and the country's inability to import the goods necessary to sustain industry, led to a severe famine and left North Korea economically devastated.


Lifestyle anarchism

The problem of lifestyle anarchism, as articulated by Murray Bookchin, refers to a critique he raised against certain strands of anarchism that prioritize personal lifestyle choices over collective social and political action. Bookchin argued that focusing solely on individual lifestyle choices without engaging in broader societal change is insufficient for achieving meaningful and lasting transformation.

According to Bookchin, lifestyle anarchists often emphasize personal autonomy, self-expression, and non-conformity through choices such as alternative diets, fashion, or subcultural practices. While these lifestyle choices may embody anarchist ideals on an individual level, Bookchin contended that they do little to challenge the fundamental structures of oppression and hierarchy that exist within society.

Bookchin criticized lifestyle anarchists for their detachment from political struggles and their failure to address systemic issues such as capitalism, state power, and social inequality. He argued that without actively engaging in collective action and working towards structural change, lifestyle anarchists risked becoming apolitical and ineffective in challenging the oppressive forces that perpetuate social injustice.

Bookchin believed that anarchism should strive for a comprehensive social revolution that seeks to fundamentally transform the economic, political, and social institutions of society. He emphasized the need for organized efforts to challenge and dismantle hierarchical power structures and replace them with decentralized, directly democratic alternatives.

In Bookchin's view, lifestyle anarchism alone was limited in its ability to bring about meaningful change because it did not address the broader social and systemic issues that contribute to inequality and exploitation. He advocated for anarchists to participate in grassroots organizing, build alliances, and engage in collective struggles aimed at achieving a free and egalitarian society.



  • Pancasila-One of my main inspirations, UNITY IN DIVERSITY. Rest In Power Sukarno
  • Technocracy, Noocracy, [[Meritocracy]-This is how the economy should be organized.
  • Longism - One of the few American figures I like. Every Man A King! Coughlin is a great man due to being a pro-welfare clerofascist.
  • Russian Huey Longism -Friend of mine from russia
  • Bonapartism -A main inspiration. Many people mischaracterize you as a masonic or a Jewish puppet when you are not.
  • Falangism- One of My main Inspirations. Jose Antonio Presente
  • Gaddafism - Another inspiration, Very similar in theory to my beliefs (the sensical ones at least).
  • Vperedism -Another inspiration of mine. His theories on the intelligentsia are based as well as his cultural critiques.
  • Legionarism - Based inspiratiob of mine. The antisemitic waffle man!
  • Fourth Theory, National Bolshevism, National Syndicalism, Neosocialism - Legendary truly Socialist Brothers, may we restore what's good in the world dear Brothers :DDD
  • Khomeinism - An inspiration that showed that Trotsky's permanent revolution can be used in different ways. Ralsi is doing a good job as well.
  • Nationalism - A little bit of Nationalism is always good.
  • Federalism - An excellent concept that works perfectly for my vision of a unified humanity.
  • Ikki Kita Thought-Based Japanese man and inspiration
  • Integralism -Another big influence on my ideology. Also Paxtube is a good friend
  • Environmentalism - Defending our environment and countering climate change are perhaps the most pertinent issues of our time.
  • Pragmatism - I try to make friends whenever i can.
  • Welfarism - We need a global welfare state to help the unfortunate around us.
  • Brazilian Integralism - Based Brazillian friend
  • Globalism, Internationalists, Interculturalism, Cosmopolitanism - We will unite under the axiom and create a united world
  • Fusion Populism- The best populism.
  • Platonism - One of the main cores of my Philosophy as a whole, thank You, Plato, for existing and being such a great expression of God's Divine Essence.
  • Red Fascism, Fascism, Monarcho-Fascism,* Democratic Fascism, Counter-Enlightenment, Geofacism - Alliance of Fascists, Socialists, and Monarchists against Liberalism.
  • Ilminism -Park chung hee was extremely based.
  • Showa Statism - Liberator of Asia against Liberal Supremacy. Your left showa is very based. Your right not so much.
  • Paternalism,-- We must ensure what's good :DDD.
  • Keith Woods- Pretty Good guy and helped redpill boomers on capitalism.
  • Christian Socialism - Based
  • Cybercommunism - Makes my job even easier!
  • Anti-Free Speech - We must not allow immoral and full of swearing speech to exist.
  • Deep Ecology - I really like your views on the environment. but you need to understand that humans have a special role to play within the environment.
  • Radical Environmentalism - Animal agriculture is the second largest contributor to human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions after fossil fuels and is a leading cause of deforestation, water and air pollution and biodiversity loss.
  • Bismarckism - Created one of the first welfare states that functioned. Extremely Based.
  • Cultural Nationalism - A shared collective identity is my end-goal.
  • Allendism -Based dude who tried to make chile better. he wanted to remove jew from the country for terrorizing the populace. He wanted believed in a cure for homosexuality, and he worked with fascists like peron and velasco. Only bad part was he was a freemason.
  • Integral Nationalism - Based Friend from France
  • Mexican Fascism - Traditionalist, nationalist, irredentist and economic third positionist? Based!
  • Boseism Based Indian Man
  • Yockeyism -based american
  • Natural Law Theory, File:PCB-RomSto.pngRoman Stoicism, Virtue Ethics, Moral Universalism, Absolute Idealism - Very important ideas to my philosophy as a whole.
  • Utopian Socialism, Agrarian Socialism, Gift Economy, Guild Socialism, and Distributism - My economic friends indeed, one day surely, we will restore a proper economic order of the universe into reality and free people from the oppression of capitalists of any kind.
  • Hobbesianism - I really like your work.
  • Tolkienism - Thank You Tolkien for existing and expressing such Eternal Principles and Truth in Your Works, I believe that LOTR, Silmarillion, and similar books of Your are expressions of both exoteric truth in the world's history and also of esoteric deeper one. May we restore Arda.
  • Tsarism - Based men from russia!
  • Mladorossism - Very based socialist monarchism.
  • Eco-Fascism - Natural Environment is sacred and we must defend it.
  • Arab Socialism - Nasser and the pan arab state are based.
  • Conservative Socialism - Sadly, You're too moderate Brother, but Your ideas overall are good
  • Putinism -you have your own problems you have to deal with. But you have done a great job for Russia and have been an anti-liberal force.
  • Abraham Lincoln -Based Proto fascist president. It was the right choice to end slavery during a brutal civil war and it was a good idea to send former slaves back to their natural homeland but it never happened because of a Confederate con artist.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - We should have you across the world and create a united left wing nationalist world.
  • Theocracies - There is Perennial Primordial Truth common in World's Religions, Your pure form ultimately leads to God indeed.
  • Juche - Basically national socialism, but even your autarky is extreme for me.
  • Socialism - Very based, Too bad your modern followers are uneducated liberals
  • - Nuclear energy is my favorite type of energy and my nuclear program is purely scientific. URANIUM PURITY LEVELS AT 84% of 90%, ERASING THE ZIONIST ENTITY SOON...
  • British Fascism - Based British inspiration.
  • Dengism, Xi Jinping Thought - Occupies a similar region to me on the political compass, just be less friendly to Israel and you are good.
  • Syndicalism - Syndicates should be the backbone of the workers.
  • Gaullism - You were robbed of a good future by liberalism and forced to make so many hard decisions and compromises. Algeria wasn't your fault, you inherited a France that was exploited.
  • Blueshirtism -based irish friends
  • Keynesian School - "Fascism entirely agrees with Mr. Maynard Keynes, despite the latter's prominent position as a Liberal. In fact, Mr. Keynes' excellent little book, The End of Laissez-Faire (1926) might, so far as it goes, serve as a useful introduction to fascist economics. There is scarcely anything to object to in it and there is much to applaud."[12]
  • Euskadi Carlism - You are better than original Carlism!
  • Eco-Socialism - Good ideas but needs to be more forward-thinking.
  • Castroism - The based closeted Falangist himself.
  • Alter-Globalism - You want to unite the world while protecting workers and the common people, wonderful! Still doesn't like my idea of a single world government but I try to get along with him nonetheless whether he likes it or not.
  • Georgism - Your ideas are surprisingly compatible with mine. The land of the world belongs to all people and those that claim it for themselves do so at the cost of others.
  • Catholic Workerism -good friend, the anarchism is only to create a seperate society within america so i dont mind.
  • Lee Kuan Yew Thought -Crypto fascist friend that made on of the greatest cities.
  • Scientocracy & Technocracy - We have similar interests and I particularly like your dedication to science, knowledge, and education. CERN is a great example of international scientific collaboration.
  • Tridemism - Very based principles to modernize china. Too bad Yuan shikai went haywire. I know there are masonic conspiracy theories on you but i mainly hate chiang kai shek.
  • Austrofascism - My Austrian friend, dolfuss did good kicking out mises. Too bad he was killed a month after.
  • Cameralism - "Science of the state"? That definitely sounds great.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - Good friend but usually to ultra nationalist.
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - I like Teddy, he also agrees with me on trusts.
  • Universal Monarchism - This would be acceptable if it is a constitutional or ceremonial monarchy.I wish I was the Emperor of Mankind (pre-Horus Heresy).
  • Bukharinism - It was sad that you were purged when you would have made russia even better than before.
  • Pan-Africanism - Our independence is meaningless unless it is linked up with the total liberation of the African continent!
  • Sandinismo - I support the Sandinistas!
  • Infrared -Pretty cool guy, his community is pretty retarded though.
  • Sanationism - Respect for The Marshal! Very based poland. Smigly may have been a mason though which is cringe
  • Socialism of the 21st Century-Based South American friend
  • Nkrumaism, - Based guys, too bad the CIA took you out.
  • Environmental Globalization - Climate change is a global issue and requires global cooperation.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Vietnamese friend! If you were to see the terror that israel has cause you would surely have withdrawn support.
  • Peruanismo - Really cool guy inspired by Tito and others that tried to make Peruvian fascism that wasn't disgusting.
  • Rodrigo Duterte- Cool guy in the phillipines


  • Pacifists - (Sigh) Look...... I prefer peace too, but if you won't even fight Liberals or other Degenerates then de factoly speaking you're as well as helping them, this should be elementary-level common sense.
  • Trumpism - If only you kept your pro-M4A views and weren't cucked to the GOP establishment...
  • Stalinism -hes allright, too bad he repressed religion and purged bhukarin.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Cultural Marxism is Cultural Liberalism, as long as we have capitalism and liberalism we will have this degeneracy you see today. Receptive of my cultural ideas thought but is being slowly subverted by liberalism.
  • Left-Wing Populism - On the right track, but way too progressive for me. People like RFK and corbyn are based, while Bernie is cringe in social policies. And BLM is a capitalist scam.
  • Guild Socialism - He's pretty cool but his business model is very old fashioned.
  • Attlee Socialism - One of the only good UK prime ministers.
  • Hindutva -Based party in India, I don't like that you killed Gandhi or that you dont have a corporatist or socialist system. Try not to be nazcap and don't support Israel.
  • Aristocracy - The aristocracy of a country can be good or bad, depends on the country. Supporting it just to support it is idiotic.
  • Alt-Lite - Too moderate and economically right-wing sadly, but at least you've got some decent ideas.
  • Salazarism -Based and way more tolerable than franco. Too bad he joined nato but he led portugal for the better.
  • File:Nagy3.png Nagyism - I agree with you on your reforms except for blatant liberal reforms.
  • Socialism with a Human Face - same as above.
  • Goulash Communism - More tolerable than nagy.
  • Japan LDPism - Friends from the Far East but War interventionism isn't a smart idea...
  • Fiscal Conservatism - I understand that having a big public debt sucks and a balanced budget is important, but you could cut other expenses instead. And what's wrong with higher tax rates anyway?
  • European Nationalism, Ethnic Nationalism - I will fight for your right to exist, but miscegenation is not the main evil you say it is.
  • Mastrianoism - Really dude, Qanon is one of your influences? you need to get out of that bubble and learn to hate capitalism and liberalism.
  • Francoism - You abandoned Jose Antonio to die, then you neoliberalized. You were in it just for yourself and used others to get in your way. But at the same time you prevented spain from becoming a masonic pit for a time.
  • Situationism - One of my Influences and teachers. It taught me the spectacle of capitalism. Too bad it was used to foment egoism and individualism.
  • Guevarism - Pretty cool guy who worked with peron. His foco strategy is something that I adopted too. Too bad he is anti religion
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Economic liberalism only breeds more degeneracy. At least we both backup Alex Gauland also Jean-Yves Le Gallou is based.
  • Christian Democracy - You're more moderate than me on diplomacy but you're bearable, just cut it with supporting the sodomy. American solidarity party and Kanye are based tho.
  • Nordic Model - You seem to have economics similar to mine but refuse to call yourself Socialist.
  • Industrialism - Polluter and destroyer, Ted Kaczynski and Tolkien were right.
  • Carlism -Too reactionary but a good ally against liberalism.
  • Social Democracy - Is a good mask to use. And a good segway to third positionism. Too bad people try to liberalize it.
  • Nehru Socialism-I looked at your page and i like the stuff i see with the anti zionism and left social authoritarianism, but i heard you cucked to the liberals.
  • Horthyism- You were allright for hungary, but you were to conservative to become reactionary modernist.
  • Person Dignity Theory -you had a good corporatist system being created but your killing of buddhists ruined any hope for it to be implemented.
  • Democratic Socialism - You were based back then but usually you are a cringe liberal nowadays
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Good guy, I'm sure if you saw Israel now, then you wouldn't support them. Still better than pol pot
  • Constitution Party)-Your party worships a piece of paper that does none of the things you want to fufill. Liberalism is incompatible with your views and you keep trying to go towards it. Embrace distributism already. It embarrassing i used to be with you guys
  • Paleoconservatism - Isolationist boomer who follows liberalism, my experience with the constitution party was a dead end boomer circle jerk. Tucker Carlson's fusion populism are cool. Marjorie taylor greene's qanon is extremely cringe. The groypers are in a civil war with oneanother and have a homo side they need to purge.
  • Marxism-Leninism, State Socialism, State Capitalism - I appreciate your revision from Marx to create something new. Too bad it often becomes a degenerated Crony state.
  • Anationalism - While we both agree on a united world, I definitely don't think anarchism is the best way to achieve that. I guess I could use Esperanto as a way to unite the human race.
  • Democracy -Tyranny of the stupid, system that puts majority opinion above what's true and good. We will fix you
  • Neoreactionaryism - On one hand, you are often a stupid liberal, and many of your transhumanist ideas are dangerous. And Nick Lands' plans are outright disgusting. But often, your ideas are derived from the same sources as mine and you often have a certain respect for tradition.
  • Civic Nationalism - You have been corrupted by liberalism. A revision is needed just like in Yugoslavia Or China.
  • Modism - Very good out of the options for india, just be less capitalist and less zionist.
  • Maoism -I do appreciate that you achieved a successful land reform, though. But it was too violent and ineffective, which only hurt farmers later.
  • Multiculturalism, Humanism -You have some good ideas, but you're too focused on pointless identity politics and putting people against each other for you to really work. We need to actually unite people, not divide them. Liberalism has warped you into anti cultural commodity egoism. We will fix you
  • Mutualism - I don't like anarchism, but I can appreciate his economic model. and his otherbased views.
  • Libertarian Market Socialism - Same as above but with some state.
  • National Conservatism , Paternalistic Conservatism, Lawsonomy - Good candidate for radicalization.
  • Nazi-Maoism/Franco Freda Though -A lot of my friends like you, me not so much because of your anti church sentiment.
  • Nazism - I don't like your racial policies, I'd rather have them for everyone. But I won't forget that you were the main adversary of liberal power.
  • Liberation Theology - Usually liberal and degenerate, but your conservative aspects are based.
  • Aung San Suu Kyi Thought - God, you were a disappointing leader in so many ways.
  • Alt-Right -I used to be one of you until i realized that you are just racist liberals. You do not want to help your own race, you just want other races to be hurt and you do not want to get out of the liberal capitalist system that exploits you. Still you may be the only willing fighters to go out and fight unlike boomers.
  • Reactionary Socialism - You're head is in the right place, just ditch the decentralization and strict reactionism.
  • Neoluddism, Agrarianism - Head is in the right place but we can't completely remove industrialization. You will help us create a post-industrial society.
  • Khrushchevism - Don't know enough about you but your persecution of religion is cringe. Your we will bury you speech is based tho.
  • National Anarchism - I like your anti-capitalism and social views, but get a state anarkiddy.
  • Pahlavism - You may have been a friend of hitler and educated on fascism but your obsession with westernization and becoming a resource cursed economy is extremely cringe. If you listed to the islamic revolutionaries you could have broken from the west.
  • Jason Unruhe- Taught me a lot of things when i was young, too bad he became more tolerant to cultural liberalism and cant understand fascism.
  • Social Capitalism - A good cover for my beliefs.
  • Pol Potism - I can always appreciate a fellow socialist nationalist, and what you did with the banks was based, but you're f*cking insane.
  • Neo-Ottomanism - You're not perfect but I would rather support you than those cringe liberals and succdems.
  • Leninism - Had some ups and downs
  • Hoppeanism -"That is, they subsidize immigration- they force taxpayers to subsidize immigration. In particular, they also subsidize domestic employees who contract foreign cheaper workers". Hoppe is a weird mixed bag, I don't like his economics or his cultural views but he presents his arguments in a way that I can use. Democracy the god that failed is a great book. Too bad he's an ancap.
  • Democratic Confederalism, -Bookchin used to babysit me when I was a kid. His anti-capitalism influenced my beliefs. The only thing I don't agree with is your libertarianism and fear of authority. Rest in peace
  • Cardenismo - Why did you send volunteers to Republican Spain to kill Catholics when you just got out of the cristero wars and criticized Calles for doing the exact same thing the Republicans were doing? Without your terrible foreign policy I would say you are based.
  • Black Hundredism - Basically the russian version of hindutva and has the same problems as it. Its ultranationalism clouds its visions.
  • Sandersism -A jewish liberal, but he is one of the best out of the shit options we have.
  • Marxism - It is now sufficiently clear that even the socialism—or sociology—of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, which emerged as the opposing worldview, is a very vulgar interpretation of society. In spite of all claims of opposing it, they could not escape serving capitalism—even more so than its official ideology, liberalism. This is sufficiently clear from the trends, movements, and state systems of real socialism, Social Democracy, and national liberation. Despite their highly noble traditions of struggle, if the above mentioned trends and movements, while acting in the name of oppressed classes and nations, have found themselves in this situation, this is closely related to their knowledge structures. The knowledge structures that they rely on—both in their positive and negative aspects—have produced overall results that have contradicted their intentions. These outcomes would not have emerged so easily if there were not a chain of serious flaws and mistakes in their fundamental paradigm and structures.


  • Spanish Republicanism- You killed Jose Antonio, his black bodyguard, and the innocent Spaniards who didnt follow your liberal ideology, you white supremacist, masonic liberal fuck!
  • Confederalism - You are too decentralized, but you may be used for a gradual transition. HRE and CSA are horrible. The former is too close to Patchwork and the latter is both racist and separatist.
  • File:KKK.pnG [KKK]- Liberal reactionary white supremacist, you will never be a fascist with your beliefs.
  • Liberal Conservatism - Just another cringe laisses-faire who pretends he's a conservative. Chris Sunnunu did listen to me which is based. Hopefully he becomes a distributist one day.
  • BLM -CAPITALIST SCAM! you trick black people into abiding the system that opresses them.
  • Sorosism -Your open society is the cultural liberalism that is poisoning the world
  • Racial Nationalism - Our True Nationality Is The Axiomatic Truth
    • White Nationalism - Your entire existence is based off of liberalism and a separation from religion. There is no white race. Its fun to see wignats fight each other on whether greeks or italians are white.
    • Black Nationalism - you have the same problems as the white nationalists trying to seperate yourself from the community without fixing the underlining problems.
  • Rockwel Neo-Nazism - This retard perverted fascism and national socialism into retarded racist liberalism. It's good that the Greek that got kicked out of the party for being knowledgeable on fascism killed you.
  • Eco-Capitalism -An Oxymoron. Capitalism is inherently cancerous and profit driven instead of environmentally driven.
  • Authoritarian Capitalism - Authoritarianism and unregulated capitalism. What a nightmare.
  • National Capitalism - This what happens when rightists dont read literature or understand socialism. They become economic liberal totalitarians.
  • Trotskyism - Your Permanent revolution idea is mine now. And i like purposefully misinterpreting your works to make you seem like a fascist. Your modern day counterparts are liberal pawns.
  • Frankfurt School - Disgusting Jewish liberals that larped as marxists and ruined the American old left to create the new left.
  • Ultranationalism - Easily the worst nationalist by a long shot. "Nationalism cannot flower if it does not grow in the garden of Internationalism. Internationalism cannot flower if it is not rooted in the soil of nationalism.
  • Isolationism - Why are you so distrustful of outsiders? You only further divide the various people of the world. We got your little cottage in the forest surrounded, consume the corn syrup!
  • Reformist Marxism - Bernstein and all his spawn were liberals trying to disguise themselves as Marxists.
  • Fitzhughism - Your Ideology is gross. I dont want a confederal slave society.
  • MLK Jr -You are a Jewish liberal puppet that perverted socialism and made the black population degrade into what it is today. Fatherless poverty-stricken and infighting.
  • Churchillism - Masonic White supremacist warmonger who brought the world into war.
  • Civil Libertarianism - You expand degeneracy among people and lead to cultural decay.
  • Gonzalo Thought - ..Retard that boiled babies alive in peru
  • Liquid Democracy - Oh, a bottle! I sure hope this won't be one of the reasons that caused the breakup of Yugoslavia.
  • Anarchism - While a few of my more left-leaning supporters may not outright hate you, the fact is that I don't care if you say that 'anarchism' and 'anarchy' somehow aren't the same thing. Believe it or not, we can have a borderless society without your gullible idea of just completely getting rid of the state.
  • National Primitivism & Odalism & Volkism - Now what, Fascist-Tribalism? Where are these abominations coming from?
  • Ethnocacerism -Retarded Racialist Nazbol who wants to do a genocide in peru. You are insane!
  • Vaushism -Pedophile degenerate who is a corrupt manipulator.
  • Capitalism, Jewish Capitalism - Expression of Enlightenment, Satanic Idea that is one of the cores of nearly all problems we have in existence.
  • Eco-Anarchism - Anarchism will not save the environment
  • Enlightenment - Core of most problems of the Modern Universe, Enlightenment put humans above supernatural, reason above wisdom and intuition, and liberty above morality and proper behavior.
  • Zelenskyism -Faggot Jew Who brought Ukraine Into war
  • Zionism, Kahanism - Your leaders are the same as NWO leaders and founders of Enlightenment ultimately. Horrible beings they are indeed, who are responsible perhaps for the majority of the world's problems. Funny how everything in the protocols of zion are coming true and observable in daily life.
  • Objectivism - My opposite and is one of (((them))), truly evil.
  • Liberal Feminism - The experiences of first world priviledged liberal upper-middle class white women do not represent all the women of the world.
  • Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism, Neo-Libertarianism - Status Quo of System of Diabolic Powers, Your end is near, and Goodness will be restored. We will Bury You
  • Liberalism - The real power of capitalist modernity is not its money or its weapons; its real power lies in its ability to suffocate all utopias - including the socialist utopia which is the last and the most powerful of all - with its liberalism.
  • Bundism - International Jewish supremacist organization who saps the wealth from other countries.
  • Pinochetism -Jew puppet that ruined Chile and terrorized it with his rape dogs. Very suspicious that you went against Allende after he said homosexuals can be cured and that jews are a poison.
  • New Ageism - disgusting perversion of theosophy. Liberalism corrupts everything it touches.
  • Libertarianism - Surely, the worst version of Liberalism, may you be purged from Universe, for allowing immorality, pollution, and disorder of things that are sacred. If you believed in Kindness you wouldn't be a libertarian.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt - Masonic plutocrat that plunged the world into war. I don't care if you met Mosley and i don't care if you admired the soviet union. You are a white supremacist piece of shit.
  • Thatcherism - Ding dong the witch is dead!
  • Plutocracy - Oligarchical Rule of any kind including of Pseudo-Aristocratic Elitarists or Corporatocrats is horrible and is the opposite of Natural Humble Leadership that is close to people. Under the current system of global governance, large multi-national corporations avoid taxes and regulations, damage the environment, and cause global wealth inequality. Also, the influence that military contractors have over governments is one of the main reasons behind many recent wars.
  • Individualism - Same as above, but applied to Individuals, reject your False Ego and embrace Eternal.
  • De Francism - OH GOD, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS??!
  • Mandelaism -i don't approve of apartheid. you existing and ruining south africa is not a good alternative.
  • Anarcho-Egoism - You seriously think you can just go around serving your own interest instead of the state? F*cking cringe... AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU READ HEGEL AND FOLLOW HIS TEACHINGS?! GGGAAAAAHHHH!!!
  • Jewish Theocracy -Your entire identity is built off of rejecting jesus and racial supremacy. You are disgusting
  • Liberal Socialism - Liberalism corrupting socialism
  • Girondism and La Plaineism - The original masonic warmongers
  • Yeltsinism -Retarded Alcoholic that destroyed the soviet union and made crony capitalism in russia.
  • Azovism/Biletskyism-NazCap wignats who are israeli and liberal pawns.
  • American Republicanism - You are just a liberal on a speed limit and a part of the liberal hegemony
  • Silver Legionism -You are the reason that leftists today are so retarded with your new age shit.
  • Rockefeller Republicanism - The Original Rhino
  • Jacksonian Democracy - Libertarian mason who brought the us into a depression.
  • Progressivism - Perhaps the worst expression of Enlightenment and Liberalism, polluter of everything that it touches.
  • Feminism - A disordered Idea that cannot work properly. It wants to turn women into inferior me
  • Eisenhowerism - It was you who vastly expanded the MIC and the powers of CIA and military lobbyists in the first place.
  • Reaganism- Neoliberal who destroyed the american dream.
  • Jeffersonian Democracy - Decentralizer that wanted jacobin revolutions in europe and wanted to spread liberalism.
  • Anti-Fascism - Crush the Anti-Fascist Mob.-
  • Hedonism, Sexual Liberationism, Sexocracy - The easiest way to destroy your life as whole.
  • Pink Capitalism - Wicked and Evil Enemy of Universe as a whole.
  • State Liberalism - Same as above, just wants his wicked government to enforce this. You have no right to exist and will not last.
  • Three Represents -You are Chinese Reagan and are responsible for all the corruption in china!!
  • Wilsonianism -Racist who tried to spread white supremacy worldwide and destroyed the monarchies of europe.
  • Suhartoism-You undermined sukarno and made indonesia into a capitalist pit, good thing you kicked out.
  • Secularism - The state must be an expression of the Higher Divine Order of existence. and You want to destroy it, everyone can notice surely how much of evil you and your other enlightenment liberal zombies have spawned.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Stateless (((Bankers))), your theorist is literally a bourgeois Jew.
  • Apartheid - Stop oppressing black people, You racist sh*tty-ass son of a b*tch! They are humans like us, NOT animals!


The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present by David S. Lanes (Shortened Version

  • Boulard, Garry. Huey Long Invades New Orleans: The Siege of a City, 1934-36. Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing, 1998.
  • Kurtz, Michael L., and Morgan D. Peoples. Earl K. Long: The Saga of Uncle Earl and Louisiana Politics. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1990.

Marx and Engels





Zionist literature to understand their ideology

Alexander Hamilton

Some of Henry George's major publications


Democratic Confederalist

Distributist Literature



  1. The Constitution of North Korea (1972): 'The great idea of Comrade Kim Il Sung and the great achievements made under his leadership are the lasting treasures of the Korean revolution and the basic guarantee for the prosperity of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Korean people will hold the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the eternal President of the Republic and carry the revolutionary cause of Juche through to completion by defending and carrying forward the idea and achievements of Comrade Kim Il Sung. The Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea shall be called Kim Il Sung's Constitution, the codification of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Juche-oriented ideas on and exploits in State building.'
  2. 2.0 2.1 Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2012): 'Under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Korean people will uphold the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung as the eternal President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Comrade Kim Jong Il as the eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and will carry the revolutionary cause of Juche through to completion by defending and carrying forward their ideas and achievements.'
  3. Constitution of the Republic of China (Taiwan): "The National Assembly of the Republic of China, by virtue of the mandate received from the whole body of citizens, in accordance with the teachings bequeathed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in founding the Republic of China, and in order to consolidate the authority of the State, safeguard the rights of the people, ensure social tranquility, and promote the welfare of the people, does hereby establish this Constitution, to be promulgated throughout the country for faithful and perpetual observance by all."
  4. Orthodoxy, Chapter 4
  5. "Freiheit statt Demokratie" Der libertäre Vordenker und bekennende "Antidemokrat" Hans-Hermann Hoppe über seine provokanten Thesen / The libertarian thought leader and avowed "anti-democrat" Hans-Hermann Hoppe on his provocative theses (2005).
  6. https://www.econlib.org/land-taxes-the-return-of-henry-george/#:~:text=George%20proposed%20to%20tax%20away,building%2C%20would%20not%20be%20taxed.
  7. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpsy/article/PIIS2215-0366(22)00070-0/fulltext
  8. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2020/03/iran-forcing-gay-men-gender-transition-surgeries-make-straight/
  9. https://www.dw.com/en/how-irans-anti-lgbt-policies-put-transgender-people-at-risk/a-53270136
  10. https://www.dw.com/en/iran-how-transgender-people-survive-ultraconservative-rule/a-57480850
  11. [1]
  12. James Strachey Barnes, Universal Aspects of Fascism, Williams and Norgate, London: UK, 1928, pp. 113-114