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Confederate Crusaderism

Confederate Crusaderism (alternatively Confederate Crusadism) is the based, far-right, ideology of Confederate Crusader. It is inspired by Fascist, capitalist, and conservative ideas.

Economy and Government

Keep it as it is

I want to keep the good, American way of economics mostly how it is for the most part. The having business and money has worked perfectly fine and it should stay that way. My ideology doesn’t require any weird, delusional economic takes that have to be established because the good economy is already there. Corporations and money should keep operating as they do. End of story.

Cutting taxes

I want to cut as many taxes as I can. Yes, socialism IS when the government does stuff. I gonna shut down governmental aid programs. They are literally socialism since you steal my money to give it away to some lazy unemployed NEETS or some lazy fat illegal alien fucks. I’m gonna get rid of medi/Obamacare and other (((governmental aid))) programs because unironically, that’s literally communism. I’m also gonna cut funding for goofy ass governmental projects. Those can instead be funded voluntarily and by corporations. The only thing that should be taxed is for the military and police. Since I’ll be cutting down on taxes I’ll heavily weaken the IRS. I don’t want those communists to have too much power.


I’ll mainly use the government for hunting down and killing communist perversions in our society, and also for bombings dune coons and communists across the globe. I’ll give large corporations a say in the government, and allow them to vote and give influence on laws. I also want influence from Nazi Germany’s government to create an SS like police force to kill communists and progressives and to enforce my views. An authoritarian government isn’t inherently mutually exclusive to a free market. The market can be free, but a ”free” society breeds degeneracy.

Muh forgive student debt!111!1!1

Lol no way would I ever do something as communistic as forgiving student debt. It’s almost as if these people don’t know how a loan works. You borrow money, and (gasp) pays it back. People who get meaningful degrees and get jobs are able to pay off their student debts. I’m not going to pay for your goofy ass gender studies or liberal arts degree, and no one should.

Muh economic inequality

A lot of commies and socialists, and strangely, some fascists too, always bitch about “economic inequality.” However, I truly don’t give a fuck. The only reason there is economic inequality is because some people choose to be lazy and stupid with their money while others work hard. I want to cut governmental programs, and I know that might not be good for homeless or poor people, but I don’t really care. Maybe they shouldn’t be lazy leeches and maybe they should get a job. Maybe get a degree that is actually useful for shit.


I’m going to have a huge, Berlin Wall-like wall of my own built on the border of Mexico to keep all those illegal SPIC leeches out. I’ll use my aforementioned new SS-like police force to deport or kill all those fucking illegal Hispanics



I support Ukraine, arguable one of the most conservative nations in Europe, in their crusade against Russian Bolshevism. I especially have a strong respect for Zelensky. If I were in power I would send American troops to Ukraine to kill as many Russian people as possible. At home, I’ll have every Russian “person” killed, deported, or put in concentration camps for their communist crimes. For now, though I advocate for sending money to Ukraine and I’ll resort to sending death threats to Russians online and punching Russians IRL.


I know that I’m antisemitic, and I have to be since I’m a fascist, but admittedly I support Israel. For starters, I like how they kill those fucking communist “Palestinian” terrorists. Lots of people bitch about how Israel abuses Palestinians, but even if that happens I don’t care. I hope all those primitive terrorists get genocided. If Israel can kill more Palestinian kids then I’ll continue to fund them. Despite being Jewish, admittedly, Israel is the ideal model fascist state, and I view Israel as something to look up to. America should treat illegal Hispanic wetbacks, faggots, commies, and Muslims in our country like how Israel treats Palestinians. Secondly, I can send the Jews to Israel and make America fully Catholic.

War on Terror

The war on terror was incredible. The US military taught those fucking mudslimes a lesson they’ll never forget. Every single one of those dune coons deserved to die or have there houses bombed for committing 9/11, being terrorists, and forcing people to wear blankets over themselves for some fucking reason. If I was in power I would invade Afghanistan again and try to kill all the mudslimes again.


NATO is based and they were the good guys in the Cold War. Commies like to bitch about how NATO is “fascist” and “imperialist”, and they say that like it’s a bad thing. Real fascists support large military alliance like NATO against Russian and Chinese communism.

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  • Nurisk6 • 21 minutes ago
  • DarkEgg's other account • 52 minutes ago