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Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

UJANism is the Ideology of UJAN, Union of Argentine National Youth (Unión de Juventudes Argentinas Nacionales in Spanish).


The Union of Argentine National Youth was an argentine Discord server. It was an argentine nationalist server founded by Gerotypus .

The UJAN ended because the delete of the account of Gerotypus by the bosses the Discord Staff by "hate incitement". After being eliminated, a new server has been created and the UJAN has been revived.


The beliefs of UJANism vary in each of its variants—such as the thoughts of Gerotypus, Daniel Sansón, and Matteo—but in general, UJAN seeks to establish a completely Justicialist state in Argentina, return to the Argentine Confederation, and improve the economy in Argentina through a more socialist corporatism.

UJANism is typically conservative overall, but it doesn't matter if you are progressive ( Reven) or conservative, atheist or Catholic, as in UJAN, as long as you are a Peronist, you will be accepted. There are even liberals ( "El Restaurador"), which shows that UJAN is a diverse and inclusive political party.

On the international stage, UJAN seeks to strengthen relations with other Latin American countries, basing its foreign policy on principles of solidarity and regional cooperation. It promotes economic and cultural integration with neighboring nations, aiming to establish a united and strong Latin American community.

Regarding education, UJANism advocates for an inclusive and equitable education system that ensures equal opportunities for all citizens. It proposes reforms to improve the quality of education and promote technical and professional training, with the goal of preparing the population.

In the environmental sphere, UJANism is concerned about sustainability and the preservation of natural resources. It proposes policies that promote sustainable development and responsible use of resources, seeking to balance economic progress with environmental protection.

In terms of social justice, UJAN advocates for the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequalities. It proposes policies aimed at ensuring universal access to health, housing, and other basic services, with the goal of improving the quality of life for all citizens.

Additionally, some members of UJAN propose a totalitarian state.


Gerotypus Thought

“I’m literally Mishima.”

Gerotypus Thought is a narcissistic, nationalist, corporatist and bisexual ideology based on the thinking of the leader of UJAN, Gerotypus.

Gerotypus has openly declared his bisexuality, and, in fact, his boyfriend is Santiago Corfield.

Gerotypus is currently the funniest and most influential member of UJAN

Gerotypus has openly expressed his fandom for the poet Yukio Mishima, as he has even stated on Discord that he is a fan of Yukio Mishima.

Although he is a fan of Yukio Mishima, Gerotypus has also professed his admiration for Seineldín. In fact, Gerotypus has even set Seineldín as his profile picture.

Santiago Scorfield Thought

Santiago Scorfield Thought is the ideology based on Santiago Scorfield, the boyfriend of Gerotypus, the Leader of the UJAN.

Daniel Sansón Thought

“I am an ideological salad.”

Daniel Sansón Thought is a post-fascist ideology based on the thought of Daniel Sansón. Is an ideology based on third positionism and fascism. As the phrase has been stated, the thought is based on the fact that we can "be or not be" as we want. It is an authoritarian, conservative revolutionary, Bismarckist thought, and in general, based on Peronism and fascism. Statist in nature, and economically corporatist, with different social thoughts. For thought, there is only one type of man; the one who works

Daniel Sansón he is a founding member of the UJAN, along with Gerotypus.

Daniel Sansón He is a great fan of Perón, and as mentioned, with a syncretistic character, he has a variety of idols; as much as Mussolini, D’Anunnzio, Seineldín, López Rega, Knudsen, Gentile, Primo de Rivera, Rosas, Uriburu, even idols like Cooke, Baxter, Mao Zedong, Jünger, Splenger, Sturzo.

Daniel Sansón has expressed strong anti-communism and anti-capitalism, in addition to his antiglobalism. Daniel Sansón, even though he is anti-communist, identifies as a socialist and has, in fact, referred to himself as a Prussian Socialist.

Daniel Sansón has claimed to be of a third position, although he is closer to the authoritarian left.

Daniel Sansón has been labeled as right-wing authoritarian, which doesn't make sense since Daniel Sansón himself has stated his opposition to capitalism and right-wing authoritarian ideologies. In fact, Daniel Sansón has expressed support for the working class.

Daniel Sansón he doesn't like philosophy, because according to him, "it is an atheistic thought", something that makes no sense. He says that "Simply, I has a philosophical thought based on Thomism. The other styles of philosophy are too atheistic".

Matteo Thought


Matteo Thought (also called by Matteo "Matteocracia") is a national-syndicalist, and militaristic ideology which is rooted in the highly autocratic and narcissistic thoughts of Matteo, a member of UJAN, who has the following principles:

  • Nationalization of businesses: Matteo Thought supports and advocates for the nationalization of various companies (owned by corrupt bourgueois or jews ) to put an end to neoliberalism in Argentina.
  • Third Position: Matteo Thought believes in a oppossition between neoliberal capitalism and Marxist socialism, although Matteo supports non-Marxist socialists like Nasser, Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein or Perón. In his own words, Matteo defines Perón as a Socialist.

Also, Matteo hates the Opposition to him.

How to Draw

Flag of UJANism
  1. Draw a blue (#203583) ball;
  2. Draw a white circle in the middle of the ball;
  3. Draw the Federal Star on the white circle;
  4. Draw the eyes, and you're done.
Color Name HEX RGB
Blue #203583 32, 53, 131
Red #B60C00 182, 12, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255




  • National Bolshevism - Please, leave the marxism and be a common russian fascist.
  • Socialism - You are good. The progressives are corrupting you, go back to normal.
  • Conservatism - Leave liberalism, become more doctrinaire.
  • Progressive Conservatism - One of our leaders believes in you, good there.
  • Religious Nationalism - Most of us are Catholics, there are agnostics. We don't care about other religions.
  • Left-Wing Populism - You are good. But like socialism, progressives have corrupted you.
  • Progressivism - Some members are progressists.
  • National Socialism - If you weren't so anti-Semitic and full of race nonsense, you'd be better off.
  • Radicalism - At the beginning of the century with Yrigoyen you were good, but then you became shit.


Further Information


  1. Their leader, Gerotypus, has been accused several times of being a femboy, something he himself has denied. Still, that is still rumored.
  2. Daniel Sansón has been nicknamed by Anthony Bax, the "Argentine Povl Riis-Knudsen" because Daniel Sansón has a very similar thought to Povl-Riis Knudsen.
  3. The UJAN has been accused of being a Gerotypus personality cult, something that was denied and the personality cult is still debated.
  4. "Soy indígena." -Daniel Sansón




Recent changes

  • Officernasty • 01:02
  • Aperson14 • 00:12
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 18:04
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 17:54