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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Jefbol's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Post-Jefbolism is an "ideology".

Essentially, this is my attempt to combine post-structuralist and schizoanalytic study of signs and psychology with Marxism. I am influenced primarily in my writings by Baruch Spinoza, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels , Friedrich Nietzsche, Anton Pannekoek, Wilhelm Reich, Jacques Lacan, Paul Mattick, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari , Guy Debord, and Antonio Negri.

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The Spontaneity of the Proletarian War Machine

The proletariat are not silent and passive players in their struggle, they do not sit back and only act in reaction to the actions of Capital, not at all. On the contrary, they play a much heavier role as the slayers of Capital and its bourgeois personifications, they are active participants indeed, and especially in such a condition of chaos and uncertainty. This is something we have ignored, and no longer can we. We have isolated ourselves from the movement in the process of isolating ourselves from the role of the proletarian himself in everyday life in making change. The proletariat has a history; it has a story of course. And yet we can only see this through the external. In order to analyze Capital and the modern course of class today more clearly, and develop strategy, we must do what the Johnsonites, the Autonomists, the Situationists, and others did, and look directly through the eyes of the proletarian.

The proletariat's revolutionary power is often misunderstood. It is not to be understood strictly in the sense of consciousness or anything of that sort. Rather, it is its spontaneity, its status as a multitude of destructiveness that desires to free desire from capitalist hands, that spontaneity that is exercised in everyday resistance and affirmation against the boots of this power, that makes it a war machine against Capital even when bourgeois forces attempt to coopt and integrate it. From strikes to riots to full on rebellion, the proletariat refuses to become just another part of the capitalist structure and engages in action in accordance.

And yet, we are faced with the problem of the suppression, and even cooptation, of this spontaneity by Capital, through the state and economic apparatuses. The war machine and its spontaneity obviously in its quest to free its own desire, seeks to topple the regime of money-commodity-money, the suffocation reproduction of therefore the commodity-form and therefore of the demon of Capital, which as a parasite upon humanity relies on this flow of production for its continual and ever-growing feast. In its aim of perfecting society to its own ideal for its own survival, of extracting as much plunder and as much energy from as many places as possible, Capital must constantly territorialize and coopt everything already not part of its structure. The war machine is no exception, and so Capital seeks to coopt its spontaneity and use it to fuel itself. (WIP)

On the Oedipal Family

Our modern analysis of desire and on ideology is deeply flawed and reductive. The question of why individuals desire their own repression has been a contentious subject for hundreds of years. From Spinoza to Marx to Freud to Reich, we have asked this question over and over. And yet, we are stuck in abstract and reductionist nonsense when talking about this. For example, Marx and Engels' thesis was that the repression of the individual was a simple ideological false consciousness, an ideology that alienated the proletarian from liberating himself. It is much more complex than this however. It is the proletarian himself who desires his own repression, who gives himself up as sacrifice to his god, Capital.

How is this possible? Why would the proletarian fight and die for his enslaver? Such a question came back to prominence with the emergence of the fascist movements of Europe. Millions attracted by the mystic petit bourgeois conception of the nation and the state, willingly repressing themselves for such an ideal. The proletariat and their movement, the war machine against capital, had been swept and coopted by the Fasci, its resources used to fuel the statist machine and maintain itself and the iron grip of Capital.

The question is how people are inclined to actually do such a thing. Desire for Deleuze and Guattari is something spontaneous and affirmative in its natural state. But under for example capitalism, it must be coded and strictly controlled in order to benefit and not turn on Capital. It does this through the machines and territories of society, which act to control and maintain the status quo. Capital must discipline human desire to be fit its own desire, through the production of molar desire. The school, the factory, the prison, the hospital. They all exist to codify this submissive desire into us. But the most important one even today is that of the family.

The family exists as the primary radiator of repression upon of the desires of the individual, where this self-desiring for the enslavement of desire originates from, which then carries on into the school, the factory, the prison, etc. The family has, of course, existed before capitalism, its origin being the division of labor between and reinforced through gender. The modern nuclear family arose however, as a consequence of the mass territorializing of old feudal relations by Capital, the family relations of old destroyed and turned into nothing more than those suitable for capitalist reproduction.

Wilhelm Reich in his book "The Mass Psychology of Fascism" explains this well, when he shows how future proletarians, the children of these slaves to Capital, are infected and made to sexually repress themselves, repressed to fuel absolute loyalty to the ideals of militarism, the fatherland, authority, the brotherly spirit of the great nation. Self-repression of sexual desire is transmitted through the parent into the child, preparing the desiring subject for life in the school, in the factory, and elsewhere. For Deleuze, the family acts as the introduction to the cruel and harsh world of control, it exists to zombify the individual into a delicate servant of capitalist consumerism and production, because it codifies certain behaviors into the individual, including codifying them into an abstract subject of power. It exists to produce subjects for Capital to market to and psychologically control. The nuclear family, the Oedipal family more accurately, acts as the reproducer of the conservative subject, of the molarity of desire under capitalism. For Deleuze and Guattari, this goes much further, because the nuclear family as a power relation underlies the entire Oedipus complex, and ultimately justifies it justifies the family, by placing the development of the child as some sort of necessarily familial thing, enforcing the role of the subject, enforcing the traditional role of the family, and ultimately justifying the iron fisted hammer of the police state. It is the ultimate justification for Capital, the state, patriarchy, power, and control; even in its most progressive and liberatory aspects, such reinforcement of such nonsense is ultimately conservative in the end.

In the new age, Capital now reigns as totalizing, something which has expanded past expectations, it is now a producer of life itself, its master. The desiring subject is something manufactured into something that is totally submissive and even consciously supportive of Capital. It is through this that family in this new capitalist order based around what Foucault called "biopower", acts as the beginning stage for the subject to become conforming to capitalist standards and values, those of consumer society, that acts to artificially create the next generation of proletarians to slave away in the workshop, the school, the barracks, and everywhere Capital manifests itself in. The bourgeois game of reproduction is no longer and has never been purely economic or political, it is a psychological game of control. A cruel game of the suppression of spontaneity, the family as its primary weapon of repression.

The Social Factory and Biopolitics

The Imperium of Capital

A Rethinking of the Study of Ideology

Symbolic Commodities in Postmodern Capitalism

On Civilization and the Death of the Human Community


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Messtarded Tier


  • Glorified Communism () - Very cool guy with very cool beliefs, perhaps the closest to me in terms of philosophical and political matches. I have little to disagree with.
  • Kimno Thought () - Even with our political and philosophical break with each other (me embracing post-structuralism and spontaneity), you're still quite good in your foundation and in your beliefs, though obviously with typical classical Marxian limitations, alongside your humanism.
  • Venatrixism () - My student! Very much like the above, but less well-read.


  • Nurulisme () - Very good analysis of for example, capital as a deity, which I for the most part agree with, along with a few other things. My main problem though is how you cling on to psychoanalytic and Hegelian nonsense, which makes it very confusing when you claim to be a Deleuzian at the same time, but otherwise fine.


  • Neo-StockMarketCrash Thought () - Fellow Deleuzian and Nietzschean, but god damn am I disappointed looking through this. Firstly, I dislike your mutualism, because although you proclaim yourself to be against capitalism, what you don't see is that markets and their existence necessitate capital accumulation, the survival of the commodity-form, of wages, etc. And your nationalism sticks out like a sore thumb, contradicting everything else you believe (yes, even Proudhonianism and Sorelianism).


  • Proletariat builderism () - I despise the Christianity, the Platonism, and Natural Law nonsense, otherwise quite hard to follow along due to the contradictory and confusing influences.
  • Alstūdism () - Very cool as a person, but this blind petit bourgeois romanticism that you and the rest of the fascists hold dear is indeed vile, with it encouraging the self-desiring of his or hers' own repression by the abstract ideal of the "nation" and by such an ideal's militaristic fury.
  • Meowxism () - Incredibly contradictory beliefs, and you've shown yourself to not understand anything about Deleuzian or post-structuralist theory, let alone your own movement's theory. Fine person, however.
  •  BERNHEism () - What saves you from being in brimstone is how honestly you present your political and economic views, for you seek only efficiency and stability no matter what for capitalism, your politics stripped of any democratic illusions of rights and the people's power, something that I very much so can respect. You're also a very good friend of mine, so there's that.
  • Pantheonism () - Here it is, the petit bourgeois socialist who wishes to relieve society of the dangers of big capital so the small capital of the petit bourgeoisie can hang on for just a short while, a reactionary at heart who seeks to entrench the tyranny of the guilds of small producers like what was in medieval times, all for the sake of some vague anti-capitalism.


  • Brazilian Liberalism () - Pathetic and delusional priest of capitalism, nothing much to say.
  • Tedcruzfan Thought () - Libra, you're unfunny and retarded, and this is the greatest showcase of this.

Post-Post-Post-Post-Incomprehensible Tier

  • Voidvill Rajandeep () - I'm sorry but what the actual fuck is thi-
    • - Blud doesn't even recognize one of his students 💀
      • - I don't know what you expect from a demented old man as myself.
        • - What do you understand or comprehend at least of my thought?
          • - The actual concepts on there I get, I just don’t get how they all fit together into one.
            • - I thought I had finally made something sensible/understandable, but eh, thanks for giving me a writing style that works and frees the insides even if it is not really essays


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