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Psychocommunism is a neo-marxist and culturally revolutionary political ideology believed in by Vistula. It combines together theories from different people such as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, Antonio Gramsci, Alexander Bogdanov and Mark Fisher. On the issue of praxis, it takes a revolutionary stance, believing liberal democracy to be inherently for the bourgeoise, marking it as merely an implementation of the "bourgeoise dictatorship" and therefore unable to be used to achieve proletarian goals.

Iconographic Guide to my ideology:


The Government

For the governance of the state, I favour a one-party federalist (but not on the grounds of nationalism) republic. The single party should espouse an internationalist approach to Marxism, against both Stalin's revisionist "socialism in one country" policy and the reactionary dribble found within parties like the CPGB-ML. The party must also be composed of the working class, acting as an antithesis to the bourgeoise parties we see not in the UK, but also across the world, which are traitors to the common good of society. I believe the party to be the superior form of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

The Parliament

The single chamber of the Parliament of the Republic shall be the General Assembly, and all members of it must join one of the various, freely creatable factions within the party. These factions will have certain requirements though such as being anti-capitalist and being more loyal to the proletarian than to their own self-interest.


Any member of the party aged over 25 and having passed an intelligence test as well as a relevant knowledge test (passing point will be 85% or higher) may apply for Presidential candidacy. The president shall then be elected by the working class from each and every sector in mass e-democracy, will then be able to vote on which presidential candidate they believe should lead the state.

Foreign Policy

The state should take an international foreign policy, supporting satisfactory communist movements abroad, in order to internationalise the party as much as possible into a strong anti-capitalist force. The state should also not support non-communist states, even if they stand against the liberal capitalist order. Instead, it should be vehemently opposed to any party that calls itself communist whilst doing this, as it shows they do not fully commit to proletarian liberation.


I would describe myself as a moderate militarist. I think a military is necessary in this day and age, especially for a socialist state, which The Western imperialists would wish to take down as soon as possible. It also pains me how we have our military veterans on the street, for although I disagree with wars like the Iraq War, I do not think those who rallied to serve the country (because of government propagandising that it was a just war) should be living on the streets. We all worship our veterans until they aren't fighting anymore.

Core Tenants


Internationalism is a core tenant of Psychocommunism, as I believe Luxemburg to be correct on the national question rather than Lenin. I see nationalism as merely a tool of the upper class which can manipulate and divide us, hindering the exemplification of class struggle. Due to this, I argue that the revolution (led by the international vanguard party) should transcend national boundaries, with all nations merely being dictatorships of the bourgeoise anyways, which to me, renders them as enemies of the proletarian worldwide, who should not be compromised with.

Vanguard Party

I am a firm believer[1] in a proletarian (and therefore international) vanguard party, which should be the vehicle for the politicising of the proletariat, which can counter the bourgeoise. This international party should be composed of multiple factions and assume control of the state during and after the revolution, as the sole party. My arguments against the hatred towards one-party states is that all parties are currently of the bourgeoise class and so can be considered a single class entity, this proletarian party is simply the same idea, just organised differently and extremely majoritarian.

Class Struggle

I believe class struggle is one of the most important factors to the revolution. Without intensifying the struggle between class in order to stop it from being a one-sided match full of own-goals, there can never be a successful revolution. Not only should there be class struggle in the industry, but also in the state, everywhere. Class struggle must be international, it must not recognise the bourgeoise states for even this can be considered compromise. The bourgeoise state and the proletarian state are two opposing entities within the world, and so it would be ridiculous for the latter to follow the rules of the former, especially when the former has kept the latter under the vile capitalist system for so long.

The extension of class struggle to the state means class warfare taken to its extreme. Completely antithetical to the bourgeoise pacifism seen in the modern "left" movement, which I consider to be merely a parody of the former proletarian movement, after years of it scrolling through the shorts of society and adopting bourgeoise trends.


The proletarian must refuse to follow the law of the bourgeoise state during the revolution. Let the flames of our cause engulf the Commons and Lords. The bourgeoise politicians who fight against the proletarian cause must be hung, sufficient force can end any debate.



Occupation is a tactic central to Psychocommunism in which proletarian control committees shall be set up in various areas, under the guide of the party. This shall generate a network of occupation zones which shall be strategically planned for the advancement of the revolutionary front.

The Economy

Beyond Wage Systems

Ending Money Fetishization

The Role of the Party

Informal Labour Exchange

For the withering away of capitalist currency, we must make use of new systems. One system I propose is an informal labour exchange in which individuals exchange others labour where each person voluntarily does gigs for the other person, based on their skillset. If one of the people were to stop, the other one would also stop. This acts as a completely moneyless labour system which allows for peoples skillset to shine.

Various Theories

Capitalist Realism (and why its bad)

Business Ontology (and why its bad)

Cultural Hegemony (and why its bad)

Proletkult: A solution to Bourgeoise Hegemony

Moving Away From Gender



  • Orthodox Marxism - Marx and Engels were brilliant thinkers, and right now humanity has failed them.
  • Leninism - Many of your ideas were brilliant such as the vanguard party, you were just incorrect on the national question.
  • Luxemburgism - You were the one who WAS correct on the national question. But economism is wishful thinking.
  • Bremen Left - Incredible, rejection of economism and good views on the national question.
  • Trotskyism - You get a lot of hate but you're not too bad.
  • Cliffism - Oh Cliff, you must be shaking in your grave, the Labour Party has become even worse...
  • Internationalism - National communism is bourgeoise communism and bourgeoise communism is no communism at all.
  • Acid Communism - Rest in peace, Fisher, may the afterlife be our stolen future returned.
  • Corbynism - I have to say, you were quite moderate, but still, you're definitely preferable to the shitshow of The Labour-Conservative Coalition.


  • Socialist Militarism - A majority of socialist militarists are pretty bad, but I recognise the need for a military in this world of war.


  • Reformist Marxism - Proletarian power cannot be achieved via the use of bourgeoise apparatus.
  • Marxism-Leninism - I'm pretty sure it was meant to be "he who does not work does not eat" rather than "he who does not obey", disgusting revisionist.
  • Social Democracy - A wretched traitor to all things socialist.
  • Third Way - The above but worse on multiple levels, at least you don't claim to be a type of socialism though.
  • National Communism - Oxymoronic, there is no such thing as a national proletariat for the proletariat is part of no nation.
  • Neoliberalism - Pseudo-defiance is a simulacra; death to Neoliberal hyperreality.
  • Capitalism - Nothing capitalist survives the future.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Let's count to 3, will you survive until 2?
  • Conservatism - "When you are accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."
  • Gallowayism - How dare you call yourself Tony Benn's vision! Your party is full of conservative undertones, and you're nearly as traitorous as the Labour Party itself!
  • Syndicalism - The syndicalist approach to the destruction of capitalism will merely end in co-optation and corruption, you will fail to make any meaningful change.
  • Dengism - Evil traitor to socialism and communism alike.


  •  Great British New Left (/////) - You're probably the most similar person to me on this wiki and a chill guy. We're both influenced by Fisher, Luxemburg, Gramsci, Marx and Lenin and share a love for Corbyn and disdain for scumbags like Galloway. Only difference is you're an entryist. Still, definitely 10/10
  • Venatrixism (///) - Lucy, Lucy. You're a very interesting one. Your pessimism is something to look at with understanding, this world is not meant for extremely happiness, the biggest mistake of the Utopians was being optimistic, that's why you don't see any Utopian states today, they fail for they do not understand the human. But do we? What is the human? The tool of ideology seems to be to think of human as an algorithm, like a business does. They think we are merely predictable responses, isn't it crazy? I guess they're right - unoriginality is programmed into us, we're so damn predictable and that's so damn annoying. Next, your Communization. I'm not the biggest fan of the Communizer movement. It rejects the party and it seems extremely hard for it to cause international communism. The liberating of a few workers is not enough, as long as a single bastion of capitalism stands afloat, it shall never be enough - the liberation of the proletarian's of all lands, it must be done. Now then. Insurrection. Yes, the revolution is branded with fists of gold. The revolution has become a hypothetical, a style, isn't it wretched? The answer to this is not to deny the revolution. Now then, let me switch back to Communization, bit of zip-zap, how eccentric. Immediate abolition of capitalist social relations. The state is a tool of class domination, to proletarianise the state is not to "fall to workerism", it is not to embrace the oppression of the proletariat as a good thing but rather to change the conditions of the proletariat via the use of necessary force. The attack against the bourgeoise, how can that not satiate one's ego? Furthermore, the change from capitalist to communist social relations is not all that is needed. We must go through sociocultural changes as well, we must take the normal away from the capitalists, we must become the normal. Communism must become the natural system. Immediate abolition will neglect this process which is so important. Anyways, that's all I can write for Communization, feel free to comeback with some epic communizer critiquing, they're always awesome.
  • Nuriskianism - Honestly the best nationalist I've seen, and a very aware one at that. Guided democracy is great, we need democracy but in a way that capitalism doesn't show up at all. We need democracy where the people vote for people's parties rather than bourgeoise parties. (Because to say the bourgeoise are "people" is a bit of a stretch). I'd say the tradition isn't the best but it seems to represent something okay, so whilst it's not the best, it's also not the worst. I also think the values of Pancasila are pretty good.
  • Frenemies

    • Dankeism - A non-marxist socialist, eh? Hopefully you're not one of those ones who says Marx was the living devil (okay thats an overexaggeration on my side), your page doesn't have enough for me to determine whether you're a good or bad utopian, just like how there are good and bad marxists. I can't really judge based on that. Going by the fact that you're socialist (just sorta too moderate) and progressive (again a bit too moderate...or maybe I'm just a bit extreme...but I'm staying with my extremity forever), I 'd say you're okay overall. Oh yeah by the way reformism is pointless, achieving proletarian liberation when the bourgeoise are your middleman is ineffective, unrealistic and clings too much onto bourgeoise pacifism. THE LABOUR QUESTION SHALL BE ANSWERED WITH BLOOD!!! (joking, sorta.....)
    •  Romantic Egoism - Anti-humanism is something I have mixed feelings of, I dislike some parts of humanism but some parts I consider good. But honestly, I agree a lot with your critique of capitalism, what's "bourgeoise suicide" though? Do you want the bourgeoise to rid themselves of their dominant position or something? Am probably getting that wrong. Oh yeah a lot of this stuff I don't understand btw, I definitely have to learn more to give your page a better review. I guess I'd say economic anarchy is not something I'm the biggest fan of, I associate it with the anarchy of the capitalist market.


    •  Distributist Reactionaryism (/////) - An ideology full of terribleness. I would formerly think your economics are bearable, but no. The Communist Programme must never be betrayed! Proletarians of all lands, unite! (btw the code on the top of your relations still says Alstūdist stuff so you might wanna change that)
    •  Alstūdism - A utopian, nationalist, and syndicalist. How horrendous. The proletarian class has no nation, although I guess you wouldn't care for what Marx says for you are not a Marxist. Would be like critiquing a nazi for not focusing enough on helping jews. This is a based wiki though because of some based people (i wonder who) so you can say this shit and everyone can be chill innit.
    • Matteo Thought - Vile. Please get guillotined.
    • Socialist World Republic - Culturally revolutionary yet cannot accept kissing men? You might wanna check your revolution - it seems to have fallen ill, might have caught some homophobic tendencies on the way. Oh yeah you also like anti-Western Dictators which is antithetical to the idea of international communism, so please change your name to "lying traitor who shall cause a conservative degenerated workers state". Rainbow capitalism is bad because its capitalism trying to use the gays, it's not gays creating capitalism, some people are just....mind...it's not there. Like, where's your brain gone to make such conclusions? Also you're against feminism so I'm still not seeing anything culturally revolutionary. Also you like Pol Pot, Marxism-Leninism and Juche so uhhh yeah, no. Get this degenerated workers state away, before it degenerates any further.
    • Imperial Socialism - Still not good, it's now nationalistic despite the fact that the proletarian belongs to no nation, you also term yourself a "communalist" and yet say your ideology is where workers control the country, that's not what communalism is. Yeah, with your nationalism, you've just gotten worse. Also, you hate LGBTQ+ because its a "waste of time", goofy ass opinion, everything's a waste of time in the end, doesn't mean you have to hate it.
    • N.Brioism - The guy above but on a whole new level of bad. Pretty much the same last sentence as the guy above, just it being shouted angrily. Oh yeah you're also a nationalist so fuck you, even more bourgeoise. Anyways, finally thats done, let's go get some tea.....hold on what the fuck: "he often doesn't deny any genocides or atrocities commited by Communist governments, praising them instead" WHAT THE FUCK. Praising genocides doesn't make you cool, you're on a place where we represent politics with circles, you're permanently getting 0 bitches, maybe you might be forced to be the homosexual you say you hate, with how its going, please go die in a ditch revisionist rightist bourgeoise bastard.
    • Argentine Theory - Bourgeoise culture detected, opinion rejected.
      • - Then why do you like the Bourgeoise Culture of Radical Liberalism
        • - Never said I did, also are you a Killer Kitty alt?
    • Dexterism - These views seem very contradictory so I can't particularly tell what you believe in, but the kraterocracy, nationalism and conservatism are absolutely disgusting either way so you belong here.
    • Brazilian Liberalism - Not a big fan of this ideology. I do like the laicism though, that's a good touch. The restoration of the monarchy is rather abysmal though, the monarchy is merely a cultural symbol of how much we praise those who treat us like dirt. Blair's "New Labour" ruined the old, beautiful thing that was Labour, now we have Zionist opportunist rightist revisionist scumbags like Starmer as the leader of a party trying to call itself the party of the working class, is rather shit. The nationalism is also rather bad but my reasons for hating it wouldn't really apply for you, would they? I don't believe you'd appreciate an international proletarian revolution... Social democratic and third way policies, ergh...anything that wants to paint capitalism in a new coat is horrible. The inequality in capitalism is not the main issue, the entire structure of capitalism is in itself unliveable. Capitalism is no ideology of hard work, high reward, like people seem to think they can make it. Your Israel position is pretty vague, so may I ask: What d'ya think of Netanyahu? He recently blamed a Palestinian for the holocaust, never thought I'd see a holocaust revising Jew, but damn here we are, world's gone nuts hasn't it?

    Tier List Thing





    1. Not opposed to other systems of organisation, but I believe a party is the most effective one.