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PFLPism refers to the ideology and principles associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a Marxist-Leninist organization founded in 1967.


Founding and Early Years (1967-1970s):

The PFLP was founded in 1967 by George Habash, a Palestinian Christian physician, and several other leftist Palestinian activists. It emerged in the aftermath of the Six-Day War, which resulted in Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and other territories. The PFLP was one of the first Palestinian groups to advocate armed struggle against Israel and played a key role in launching attacks against Israeli targets. During the late 1960s and 1970s, the PFLP carried out a series of high-profile hijackings and other acts of terrorism, including the hijacking of airplanes and attacks on airports. Ideological Evolution (1980s-1990s):

In the 1980s and 1990s, the PFLP faced challenges as the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) shifted its focus towards negotiations with Israel. The group underwent ideological changes, moving towards a more pragmatic approach while still advocating armed resistance. Despite internal divisions and external pressures, the PFLP remained committed to its goal of Palestinian liberation and opposed what it saw as compromises that undermined Palestinian rights. Post-Oslo Accords (1990s-2000s):

Following the Oslo Accords in the 1990s, which established limited Palestinian self-rule in parts of the occupied territories, the PFLP criticized the agreements as failing to address core Palestinian grievances. The PFLP rejected the Oslo process and continued to advocate for armed struggle against Israel. The group remained active in Palestinian politics, participating in elections and maintaining a presence in the Palestinian territories. Recent Years (2010s-Present):

In recent years, the PFLP has continued to be involved in the Palestinian struggle, albeit with reduced prominence compared to other factions like Hamas and Fatah. It has been critical of the Palestinian Authority's security cooperation with Israel and has opposed peace negotiations that it views as detrimental to Palestinian rights. The PFLP has also been active in providing social services and grassroots organizing within Palestinian communities.


1. Anti-Imperialism: The PFLP opposes imperialism, particularly Western imperialism, and sees it as a major source of oppression and exploitation in the world. The group believes in challenging and resisting imperialism through various means, including armed struggle.

2. National Liberation: PFLPism advocates for the liberation of Palestine from what it perceives as Israeli occupation and colonization. It seeks to establish a secular, democratic state in historic Palestine where Palestinians and Israelis can coexist as equals.

3. Socialism: Rooted in Marxist-Leninist ideology, the PFLP believes in socialism as the solution to societal inequalities and injustices. It envisions a socialist transformation of society where resources are distributed equitably and the means of production are collectively owned.

4. Armed Struggle: The PFLP historically embraces armed struggle as a means to achieve its goals, including guerrilla warfare and terrorism. It has conducted numerous attacks against Israeli targets and other actions aimed at challenging Israeli occupation and asserting Palestinian rights.

5. Secularism: Unlike some other Palestinian factions, the PFLP advocates for secularism, rejecting religious fundamentalism and promoting a secular state where religion is separate from politics.

6. International Solidarity: PFLPism emphasizes international solidarity with other liberation movements and leftist groups around the world. It sees the struggle for Palestinian liberation as part of a broader global struggle against imperialism, capitalism, and oppression.




  • Hamasism - You do a good job resisting Israel, but you are too Islamist for me.


  • Capitalism - Abominable economical system, DEATH TO CAPITALISM!
  • Zionism - We will defeat you!
