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Crusade of Romanianism: Difference between revisions

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(139 intermediate revisions by 34 users not shown)
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|title=[[File:Crusade of Romanianism.png]] Crusade of Romanianism  
|title=[[File:Crusade of Romanianism.png]] '''Crusade of Romanianism'''
|aliases=Stelism <br>
Panait_Istrati_Countryball.png|Panait Istrati 
Mihail_Stelescu_Countryball.png|Mihai Stelescu
|aliases= [[File:StelescuThought.png]] Stelism <br>
[[File:PanaitIstratiThought.png]] Panait Istrati Thought<br>
White Eagles<br>
White Eagles<br>
[[File:LibertarianNazbol.png]] Libertarian Nazbol ([[File:PanaitIstratiThought.png]] Panait Istrati, Some Modern Interpretations)<br>
[[File:LibertarianStrasserism.png]]Libertarian Strasserism ([[File:StelescuThought.png]] Stelescu, Most of The Original Movement)<br>
Stelists <br>
Stelists <br>
Romanian Strasserism <br>
[[File:RomStrasser.png]] Romanian Strasserism <br>
<s>[[File:GypsyCrusader.png]] Gypsy Crusaders</s><br>
[[File:LibertLegion.png]] Libertarian Legionarism (Accused, erroneously) <br>
[[File:LibLeftFash.png]] Libleft Fascism (Accused, erroneously) <br>
|alignments = [[File:Libleft.png]] [[:Category:Libertarian Left|LibLeft]]<br>
<s>[[File:GypsyCrusader.png]] Gypsy Crusader</s><br>
[[File:Trad.png]] [[:Category:Culturally Right|Cultural Right]]<br>
|alignments = {{Info/LibLefts}} ([[File:StelescuThought.png]] [[File:NeoCrusadeOfRomanianism.png]] Most, Hated by almost everyone in it)<br>  
[[File:Soc.png]] [[:Category:Socialists|Socialists]]<br>
{{Info/Left Unity}} ([[File:PanaitIstratiThought.png]] Some, Hated by almost everyone in it)<br>
[[File:Fash.png]] [[:Category:Fascists|Fascists]]<br> [[File:Libertarian.png]] [[:Category:Libertarians|Libertarians]]<br> [[File:Ultranat.png]] [[:Category:Ultranationalists|Ultranationalists]]<br>
[[File:Syncretic.png]] [[:Category:Syncretic|Syncretic]]
|influences = [[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]]<br>
[[File:Legion.png]] [[Legionarism]]<br>
[[File:Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism]]<br>
[[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism]]<br>
|influences = [[File:Anticap.png]] Anti-Capitalism<br>
[[File:Anticommunism.png]] Anti-Communism<br>
[[File:AntiNazism.png]] [[Anti-Fascism|Anti-Nazism]]<br>
[[File:Antifash2.png]] [[Anti-Fascism]]<br>
[[File:RevNat.png]] Revolutionary Nationalism<br>
[[File:Antibourgeoiszionism.png]] Economic Anti-Semitism<br>
[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]]<br>
[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]]<br>
[[File:Anticommunism.png]] Anti-Communism<br>  
[[File:Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism]] <br>
[[File:Anticap.png]] Anti-Capitalism}}
[[File:Strasser.png]] [[Strasserism]]
|sub =
*[[File:StelescuThought.png]] '''Stelism''' {{Collapse|
**[[File:LRpop.png]] Fusion Populism 
**[[File:Thar.png]] [[Anti-Authoritarianism]]<ref>"For the good management of a state, it is necessary to form an elite of leaders.
There is no possibility of a regime without this elite.
It must command, dictate, and the subordinate elements should execute.
The elite must have a leader, its exponent, born from within itself, and by no means should the leader choose, out of the desire to be a chief, a staff of bowing servants.
This elite, in turn, must not create subordinate elements as partisans, because in this case the collaboration is not done by virtue of a belief, but of an interest, and since there is interest, there is compromise and the goal it's missed.
I do not understand, for example, why, since the incapacity of a minister is found and his ousting is predicted, this ousting brings with it the fall of the entire government, through the pressure of the clique and personal partisans, at the mercy of the latter." 
Mihail Stelescu (2023).  ''My Crusade, Or Ours?''. Black Front Press. pp.19</ref>     
**[[File:Orth.png]] [[Orthodox Theocracy|Orthodoxy]]
**[[File:LibertarianStrasserism.png]] [[Strasserism]]<ref>"Today's clique of capitalists pontificating over the wealth of a Nation and their lackeys of politicians, will no longer be in the Romania that we want and fight for tomorrow.
From the industrialist, great entrepreneur, who can masterfully manage a group of factories, to the humble street sweeper, all will be workers, all will form the working nation...
The Romania of tomorrow will be a construction site, where a body of 14,000,000 workers will toil side by side, to knead with sweat the dawn of a new era: the era of work.
This is why the “Crusade” understands not to campaign for the right wing that has included in its programme, among other things: “the creation of a small Romanian bourgeoisie, instead of the foreign one”, that is, a simple replacement of small masters and tyrants.
No, then the whole nation should become a petty bourgeoisie, if by petty bourgeoisie is meant a relative well-being.
The nation can no longer be differentiated into small and big bourgeois, into workers and drones, into plunderers and the plundered.
The nation will have to become one through work." 
Mihail Stelescu (2023).  ''My Crusade, Or Ours?''. Black Front Press. pp.43</ref>    
**[[File:Anti-Marx.png]] Anti-Marxism<ref>"Class, in the Marxist sense of the word, is a deliberately artificial delimitation, with all the real appearances of existing, but which collapses in front of a Nation, which understands that in its entirety it forms a class, a working nation...The difference between a bourgeois and a proletarian consists only in education and wealth.
Either of these two things can be leveled through another education and a fair distribution of wealth.
Marxists condemn the class struggle where native, fundamental differences still can and do exist. One race is distinguished from another by soul and physical structure, by qualities and defects with atavistic depths distant in time and yet, for Marxists, the antagonism between classes is eternally maintained and fueled by hatred, which between races seeks to be mitigated.
If race hatred is called savagery by Marxists, then class hatred, fictitious and false, is more: it is criminal." 

'''Crusade of Romanianism''', or '''Stelism''' is an economically left-wing, libertarian, culturally far-right and ultranationalist ideology. It is a fascist ideology that takes elements from libertarian socialism. It is anti-capitalist, anti-communist, anti-Nazi, and anti-Semitic. <br />
Mihai Stelescu (2023).  ''My Crusade, Or Ours?''. Black Front Press. pp.42</ref> 
== Personality and Behavior ==
*[[File:PanaitIstratiThought.png]] '''Panait Istrati Thought''' {{Collapse|
**[[File:Orthlen.png]] [[Leninism]]<ref>"Lenin was the purest of monarchs. That is: the devoted man who wanted nothing for himself, but everything for mankind. He was the man without “family”, without “friends”, without “relatives”, without camaraderie. Although an absolute dictator over 160 million souls, Krupskaya continued to patch his pants. And when, during the terrible famine of 1922, the peasants brought him mounds of butter and eggs, he would send them to the supply center and demand that the common ration be served to him, this is why, when an embryo of the camarilla once tried to put the decision “to the vote”, he stood up like a god and shouted:
“If you continue to discuss this, I will go out into the street and call the sailors for help!” 

=== TBA ===
Panait Istrati (2023). ''My Crusade, Or Ours?''. Black Front Press. pp.31</ref>   
<br />
**[[File:Trot.png]] [[Trotskyism]]<ref>"If our democratic doctors, entirely true scientists, will laugh at this thesis, declaring that the practice of democracy in the bosom of a dictatorship is a fantasy of painters, I will send them to Trotsky, in whose programme there exists such goal: the democratic party of the Russian communist and the granting of freedom of expression of thought in life Soviet public. Or maybe Trotsky is also a painter? Or maybe what is possible in Russia, which is threatened by all internal earthquakes, is impossible in Romania, which is the most compassionate?" 

== History ==
Panait Istrati (2023).  ''My Crusade, Or Ours?''. Black Front Press. pp.29</ref>   
Originally called the White Eagles, Crusade of Romanianism was a splinter group of the [[File:Legion.png]] [[Legionarism|Iron Guard]]. One of the two leaders who founded the movement, (Stelescu) was arrested by the [[File:Cball-Romania.png]] Romanian government.  
**[[File:Authdem.png]] [[Authoritarian Democracy]]
**[[File:TharMonarch.png]] [[Absolute Monarchism]]<ref>"IF the “crusaders”- or people bearing another name, but having a permanent revolutionary mentality - were once called to govern, they can only be monarchists...When the Monarch proved to be of divine essence, the peoples deified Him. When he was but a bloody puppet in the hand of an equally bloody chamber, he collapsed.
When thousands of people understood to die in order to give meaning to the words Liberty, Equality Fraternity, these words were some torches that led humanity on the dark paths of destiny. When from the same words people have made nothing more than an inscription that can be read on the frontispiece of all the prisons in France - they fade away, they die" 

== How to Draw ==
Panait Istrati (2023). ''My Crusade, Or Ours?''. Black Front Press. pp.31</ref> 
**[[File:Civlibert.png]] [[Civil Libertarianism]]
**[[File:Anti-Stalin.png]] Anti-Stalinism
*[[File:NeoCrusadeOfRomanianism.png]] '''Neo-Crusade of Romanianism''' {{Collapse|
**[[File:Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism]] 
**[[File:Semidirect.png]] Semi-Direct Democracy
**[[File:Thar.png]] [[Anti-Authoritarianism]] 
**[[File:Orth.png]] [[Orthodox Theocracy|Orthodoxy]]
**[[File:NicolaeCeausescu.png]] [[National Communism]] (Sympathetic)
**[[File:Natan.png]] [[National Anarchism]] (Sympathetic)
|song =

=== TBA ===
'''Crusade of Romanianism''' is an [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism|economically left-wing]], [[File:Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism|libertarian]], [[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism|culturally far-right]] and [[File:Ultranat.png]] [[Ultranationalism|ultranationalist]] ideology. It is [[File:Anticap.png]] anti-capitalist, [[File:Anticom.png]] anti-communist, [[File:AntiNazism.png]] anti-Nazi, [[File:Antifa.png]] [[Anti-Fascism|anti-Fascist]] and hates Jews for Economic Reasons. <br />
<br />

== Relationships ==
Originally called the '''White Eagles''', '''Crusade of Romanianism''' was a splinter group of the [[File:Legion.png]] [[Legionarism|Iron Guard]], created by Mihail Stelescu and Alexandru Talex to offer an alternative to all the political parties that were present at that time in Romania. Later, Panait Istrati would join The Crusade after an exchange of letters back and forth between the three figureheads, and he will add his own thoughts and ideas to the mix aswell. 

=== Friends ===
The group will start to experience hardships first with the death of Istrati, and later on because of the assassination of [[File:StelescuThought.png]] the original founder of the movement by [[File:Legion.png]] a death squad. What followed soon was a short disintegration of The Crusade, mainly due to the fact that no one was pleased with the new Leadership and soon resignations started to appear, leading to a total dissolution in 1937.

* [[File: Anfashf.png]] [[Anarcho-Fascism]] and [[File: Natan.png]] [[National Anarchism]] Very good friends of mine ! Even if they take things a tiny bit too far sometimes.
* [[File: Strasser.png]] [[Strasserism]] We are the exact same, just that you're a statist. However, both leaders of our respective parties purged us all the same.
The main ideas that seemed to revolve around the movement were a mix of [[File:Thar.png]] [[Anti-Authoritarianism]], [[File:RevNat.png]] [[Nationalism|Revolutionary Nationalism]] (Because the Group was set on "reviving" a "New Romanian") and a strong support for a [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism|Socialistic]] Economy.  
* [[File: Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] Based ! We should have allied with Mussolini only, not with Hitler !
* [[File: Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism]] Decentralization and fighting capitalism and oppression are very important. If only you weren't a degenerate culturally.
* [[File: Nation.png]] [[Nationalism]] Trăiască România ! (Long live Romania !)
* [[File: Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism]] Romanian traditions need to be upheld.

=== Frenemies ===
The Crusade rejected any implementation of [[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]], [[File:Nazi.png]] [[National Socialism|Nazism]], [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Bolshevism]] on [[File:Cball-Romania.png]] Romanian land, and strove for originality in finding solutions for the problems the country was facing at that time. They expressed their hatred for all the parties in [[File:Cball-Romania.png]] Romania, stating that they are nothing more than cheap copies of something they saw abroad, as well as seeing them as a type of "gang loyalty" that should be directed to the Nation as a whole instead.

*[[File: Legion.png]] [[Legionarism]] Damn it, Codreanu ! Why did you have to take down the movement !? And stop collaborating with Hitler !
There are some variations to those beliefs in the [[File:PanaitIstratiThought.png]] [[File:StelescuThought.png]] two main figureheads of The Crusade. [[File:StelescuThought.png]] Stelescu was much more anti-Marxist than Istrati, proposing instead for everyone to come together and form a [[File:LibertarianStrasserism.png]] "Worker's Nation" with a bottom-up hierarchy. [[File:PanaitIstratiThought.png]] Istrati, on the other hand, took much more inspiration from [[File:Orthlen.png]] [[Leninism|Lenin]] and [[File:Trot.png]] [[Trotskyism|Trotsky]], praising the former as being a [[File:TharMonarch.png]] "True Monarch" and the latter for his [[File:Authdem.png]] Authoritarian Democracy Ideas.
*[[File: Zapa.png]] [[Zapatism]] Nationalistic Libertarian Socialism ? That's kinda cool, but I am still a third-positionist and you are still a degenerate commie and a cringe anti-fascist.
*[[File: Natlib.png]] [[National Libertarianism]] You understand the importance of nationalism and decentralization, but that decentralization is to be third-positionist with socialist elements, not selfish capitalist idiocy.

=== Enemies ===
==Personality and Behavior==
'''Crusade of Romanianism''' is an eccentric, very nationalistic Romanian who enjoys reading novels by Panaiti Istrati and his nation's traditions. He is more of a loner and is not well-known, much less understood as an ideology. His views are seen as rather wacky by the [[File:Legion.png]] [[Legionarism|Iron Guard's]] main wing and is often mocked or shunned by them. Yet, he still aggressively criticizes [[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]], [[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism|Communism]], [[File:sec.png]] [[Authoritarianism]], [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|Nazis]], [[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism|Fascists]], [[File:Jewish Capitalism.png]] Jews and the Iron Guard's leaders with a burning passion.

*[[File: Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism]] Fuck communism ! You are oppressors who ruined Romania !
==How to Draw==
*[[File: Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]] You think of nobody but yourself ! I will destroy you !
{{Flag|Crusade of Romanianism flag.svg}}
*[[File: Anqueer.png]] [[Queer Anarchism]] and [[File: Hfash.png]] [[Homonationalism]] You sinful degenerate oxymorons !
*[[File: Nazi.png]] [[National Socialism]] Damn you ! You are not a real Socialist or a real fascist ! Working with you brought Romania her downfall !

== Further Reading ==
# Draw a ball;
# Color it dark red;
# Draw a white shield;
# Add the eyes and you're done!

=== Wikipedia ===
|c1 = Carmine
|h1 = #97151F
|c2 = White
|h2 = #FFFFFF

* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusade_of_Romanianism Crusade of Romanianism]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panait_Istrati Panaiti Istrati]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusade_of_Romanianism Crusade of Romanianism]
*[[File:Natan.png]] [[National Anarchism]] - Very good friend of mine! Even if you take things a tiny bit too far sometimes. <s>But I am thankful to [[File:Swordc_ballthing3.png]] SwordComrade for translating my works!</s>
*[[File:FashBert.png]] [[Libertarian Fascism]] - I would like you to drop the Fascism admiration, but I can work with some of your left-wing variants.
*[[File:Strasser.png]] [[Strasserism]] - We are the exact same, just that you're a statist. However, both leaders of our respective parties purged us all the same.
*[[File:Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism]] - Decentralization and fighting capitalism and oppression are very important. If only you weren't a degenerate culturally.
*[[File:Nation.png]] [[Nationalism]] - Trăiască România! (Long live Romania!)
*[[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism]] - Romanian traditions need to be upheld.

*[[File:Zapa.png]] [[Neozapatismo]] - Nationalistic Libertarian Socialism? That's nice. But why are you so soft in regards to degeneracy and overall nation focus?
*[[File:Natlib.png]] [[National Libertarianism]] - You understand the importance of nationalism and decentralization, but decentralization is supposed to be nationalism with socialist elements, not selfish capitalist idiocy.
*[[File:Nazbol.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] - I mean, ultranationalism and some elements of Socialism are cool. Not to mention that you're mostly popular in Eastern Europe. Stop being a commie authoritarian tho and drop nazi stuff.
*[[File:Altr.png]] [[Alt-Right]] - A zoomer who is open to my ideas, but likes [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism|him]].
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism]] - Fuck communism! You are oppressors who ruined Romania! <s> Ignore [[File:PanaitIstratiThought.png]] his admiration for Lenin and Trotsky. </s>
*[[File:Jewish Capitalism.png]] [[Capitalism]] - You Bourgeoise Jews think of nobody but yourseves while we all walk in chains! Out of Romania with you!
*[[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] - Bullies who harassed Istrati on his trip to Italy.<ref>https://docdro.id/3GWeDYd</ref>  We don't need your corporatism here, or your [[File:Romanfash.png]] puppets.
*[[File:Legion.png]] [[Legionarism]] - Damn it, Codreanu, you butcher! Why did you have to take down the movement!? Also, you're just a copy of Mussolini, you do not represent real Romanianism!<ref>"When Mussolini yawns in Rome, the Codreanists prostrate themselves on the ground, and when Hitler laughs in Berlin, Mr. Vaida feels obliged to laugh too.
So does our gathering of communists who feel cold in their mouths when Stalin drinks water in Moscow. All with thoughts, souls and eyes abroad. Many swear and turn off the “radio” devices when they hear the national anthem, but they listen to Horst-Vessel, Giovinezza or the International."
Mihail Stelescu (2023).  ''My Crusade, Or Ours?''. Black Front Press. pp.49</ref>
*[[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism]] - Your imperialist and industrialist party is not real socialism! We don't want your kind here!<ref>"Fascism and Hitlerism will serve us as elements of comparison in our studies, serving us with the painful experiences and abdications that each made, in order to avoid them here.
But the “Crusade” will also seek to be a school of high civic and moral dignity. Because our target is not power, we don't need the chaff of mediocrity, but elements of creation, people with the embers of purity in their souls and the flame of truth in their eyes. The friends who reach out to us and to whom we extend it, both they and their comrades, will never be able to buy, through this gesture of friendship, the silence about the mistakes they will commit."
Mihail Stelescu (2023).  ''My Crusade, Or Ours?''. Black Front Press. pp.50</ref>
*[[File:Anqueer.png]] [[Queer Anarchism]] - You sinful degenerate oxymoron!
*[[file:Statlib.png]] [[State Liberalism]] -
Legend2T-Fascism.png|Credit: [[File:Colmin.png]][[TheLegend2T]], [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompballanarchy/comments/mv4oia/the_fascism_compass/ Source]
File:Stelism flag.png|Stelism Flag
File:Panait Istrati Thought flag.png|Panait Istrati Thought Flag
File:Neo-Crusade of Romanianism flag.png|Neo-Crusade of Romanianism Flag
Stelism.png|Old portrait
Panait_Istrati_Countryball.png|Panait Istrati 
Mihail_Stelescu_Countryball.png|Mihai Stelescu
Romanart.png|By [[File:Bax.png]] [[Baxism|Anthony Bax]]
===Comics and Artwork===
<gallery mode="slideshow">
Legend2T-Fascism.png|''"The Fascism Compass"'' by [[File:Colmin.png]] [[User:TheLegend2T|TheLegend2T]], [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompballanarchy/comments/mv4oia/the_fascism_compass/ Source]

==Further Information==
*[[w:Crusade_of_Romanianism|Crusade of Romanianism]]
*[[w:Panait_Istrati|Panaiti Istrati]]
*[[w:Mihai Stelescu|Mihai Stelescu]]
*[https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruzada_del_Rumanismo Cruzada del Rumanismo] (In spanish)
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcX_vulAK5g What is The Crusade of Romanianism?]
[[Category:Libertarian Left]]
[[Category:Libertarian Left]]
[[Category:Culturally Right]]
[[Category:Culturally Right]]
[[Category:Revolutionary Nationalist]]
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Latest revision as of 22:14, 11 February 2024

This page is about an important IRL ideology
"This knowledge is essential to political science!" - Scientocracy
This page is about an ideology that not only exists in the real world, but is also of reasonable importance. Please do not make major edits to this page without citing sources, so that it may stay accurate.

Crusade of Romanianism is an economically left-wing, libertarian, culturally far-right and ultranationalist ideology. It is anti-capitalist, anti-communist, anti-Nazi, anti-Fascist and hates Jews for Economic Reasons.


Originally called the White Eagles, Crusade of Romanianism was a splinter group of the Iron Guard, created by Mihail Stelescu and Alexandru Talex to offer an alternative to all the political parties that were present at that time in Romania. Later, Panait Istrati would join The Crusade after an exchange of letters back and forth between the three figureheads, and he will add his own thoughts and ideas to the mix aswell.

The group will start to experience hardships first with the death of Istrati, and later on because of the assassination of the original founder of the movement by a death squad. What followed soon was a short disintegration of The Crusade, mainly due to the fact that no one was pleased with the new Leadership and soon resignations started to appear, leading to a total dissolution in 1937.


The main ideas that seemed to revolve around the movement were a mix of Anti-Authoritarianism, Revolutionary Nationalism (Because the Group was set on "reviving" a "New Romanian") and a strong support for a Socialistic Economy.

The Crusade rejected any implementation of Fascism, Nazism, Bolshevism on Romanian land, and strove for originality in finding solutions for the problems the country was facing at that time. They expressed their hatred for all the parties in Romania, stating that they are nothing more than cheap copies of something they saw abroad, as well as seeing them as a type of "gang loyalty" that should be directed to the Nation as a whole instead.

There are some variations to those beliefs in the two main figureheads of The Crusade. Stelescu was much more anti-Marxist than Istrati, proposing instead for everyone to come together and form a "Worker's Nation" with a bottom-up hierarchy. Istrati, on the other hand, took much more inspiration from Lenin and Trotsky, praising the former as being a "True Monarch" and the latter for his Authoritarian Democracy Ideas.

Personality and Behavior

Crusade of Romanianism is an eccentric, very nationalistic Romanian who enjoys reading novels by Panaiti Istrati and his nation's traditions. He is more of a loner and is not well-known, much less understood as an ideology. His views are seen as rather wacky by the Iron Guard's main wing and is often mocked or shunned by them. Yet, he still aggressively criticizes Capitalism, Communism, Authoritarianism, Nazis, Fascists, Jews and the Iron Guard's leaders with a burning passion.

How to Draw

Flag of Crusade of Romanianism
  1. Draw a ball;
  2. Color it dark red;
  3. Draw a white shield;
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Carmine #97151F 151, 21, 31
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



  • National Anarchism - Very good friend of mine! Even if you take things a tiny bit too far sometimes. But I am thankful to SwordComrade for translating my works!
  • Libertarian Fascism - I would like you to drop the Fascism admiration, but I can work with some of your left-wing variants.
  • Strasserism - We are the exact same, just that you're a statist. However, both leaders of our respective parties purged us all the same.
  • Libertarian Socialism - Decentralization and fighting capitalism and oppression are very important. If only you weren't a degenerate culturally.
  • Nationalism - Trăiască România! (Long live Romania!)
  • Traditionalism - Romanian traditions need to be upheld.


  • Neozapatismo - Nationalistic Libertarian Socialism? That's nice. But why are you so soft in regards to degeneracy and overall nation focus?
  • National Libertarianism - You understand the importance of nationalism and decentralization, but decentralization is supposed to be nationalism with socialist elements, not selfish capitalist idiocy.
  • National Bolshevism - I mean, ultranationalism and some elements of Socialism are cool. Not to mention that you're mostly popular in Eastern Europe. Stop being a commie authoritarian tho and drop nazi stuff.
  • Alt-Right - A zoomer who is open to my ideas, but likes him.


  • Marxism - Fuck communism! You are oppressors who ruined Romania! Ignore his admiration for Lenin and Trotsky.
  • Capitalism - You Bourgeoise Jews think of nobody but yourseves while we all walk in chains! Out of Romania with you!
  • Fascism - Bullies who harassed Istrati on his trip to Italy.[7] We don't need your corporatism here, or your puppets.
  • Legionarism - Damn it, Codreanu, you butcher! Why did you have to take down the movement!? Also, you're just a copy of Mussolini, you do not represent real Romanianism![8]
  • Nazism - Your imperialist and industrialist party is not real socialism! We don't want your kind here![9]
  • Queer Anarchism - You sinful degenerate oxymoron!
  • State Liberalism -



Comics and Artwork

Further Information





  1. "For the good management of a state, it is necessary to form an elite of leaders. There is no possibility of a regime without this elite. It must command, dictate, and the subordinate elements should execute. The elite must have a leader, its exponent, born from within itself, and by no means should the leader choose, out of the desire to be a chief, a staff of bowing servants. This elite, in turn, must not create subordinate elements as partisans, because in this case the collaboration is not done by virtue of a belief, but of an interest, and since there is interest, there is compromise and the goal it's missed. I do not understand, for example, why, since the incapacity of a minister is found and his ousting is predicted, this ousting brings with it the fall of the entire government, through the pressure of the clique and personal partisans, at the mercy of the latter." Mihail Stelescu (2023). My Crusade, Or Ours?. Black Front Press. pp.19
  2. "Today's clique of capitalists pontificating over the wealth of a Nation and their lackeys of politicians, will no longer be in the Romania that we want and fight for tomorrow. From the industrialist, great entrepreneur, who can masterfully manage a group of factories, to the humble street sweeper, all will be workers, all will form the working nation... The Romania of tomorrow will be a construction site, where a body of 14,000,000 workers will toil side by side, to knead with sweat the dawn of a new era: the era of work. This is why the “Crusade” understands not to campaign for the right wing that has included in its programme, among other things: “the creation of a small Romanian bourgeoisie, instead of the foreign one”, that is, a simple replacement of small masters and tyrants. No, then the whole nation should become a petty bourgeoisie, if by petty bourgeoisie is meant a relative well-being. The nation can no longer be differentiated into small and big bourgeois, into workers and drones, into plunderers and the plundered. The nation will have to become one through work." Mihail Stelescu (2023). My Crusade, Or Ours?. Black Front Press. pp.43
  3. "Class, in the Marxist sense of the word, is a deliberately artificial delimitation, with all the real appearances of existing, but which collapses in front of a Nation, which understands that in its entirety it forms a class, a working nation...The difference between a bourgeois and a proletarian consists only in education and wealth. Either of these two things can be leveled through another education and a fair distribution of wealth. Marxists condemn the class struggle where native, fundamental differences still can and do exist. One race is distinguished from another by soul and physical structure, by qualities and defects with atavistic depths distant in time and yet, for Marxists, the antagonism between classes is eternally maintained and fueled by hatred, which between races seeks to be mitigated. If race hatred is called savagery by Marxists, then class hatred, fictitious and false, is more: it is criminal." Mihai Stelescu (2023). My Crusade, Or Ours?. Black Front Press. pp.42
  4. "Lenin was the purest of monarchs. That is: the devoted man who wanted nothing for himself, but everything for mankind. He was the man without “family”, without “friends”, without “relatives”, without camaraderie. Although an absolute dictator over 160 million souls, Krupskaya continued to patch his pants. And when, during the terrible famine of 1922, the peasants brought him mounds of butter and eggs, he would send them to the supply center and demand that the common ration be served to him, this is why, when an embryo of the camarilla once tried to put the decision “to the vote”, he stood up like a god and shouted: “If you continue to discuss this, I will go out into the street and call the sailors for help!” Panait Istrati (2023). My Crusade, Or Ours?. Black Front Press. pp.31
  5. "If our democratic doctors, entirely true scientists, will laugh at this thesis, declaring that the practice of democracy in the bosom of a dictatorship is a fantasy of painters, I will send them to Trotsky, in whose programme there exists such goal: the democratic party of the Russian communist and the granting of freedom of expression of thought in life Soviet public. Or maybe Trotsky is also a painter? Or maybe what is possible in Russia, which is threatened by all internal earthquakes, is impossible in Romania, which is the most compassionate?" Panait Istrati (2023). My Crusade, Or Ours?. Black Front Press. pp.29
  6. "IF the “crusaders”- or people bearing another name, but having a permanent revolutionary mentality - were once called to govern, they can only be monarchists...When the Monarch proved to be of divine essence, the peoples deified Him. When he was but a bloody puppet in the hand of an equally bloody chamber, he collapsed. When thousands of people understood to die in order to give meaning to the words Liberty, Equality Fraternity, these words were some torches that led humanity on the dark paths of destiny. When from the same words people have made nothing more than an inscription that can be read on the frontispiece of all the prisons in France - they fade away, they die" Panait Istrati (2023). My Crusade, Or Ours?. Black Front Press. pp.31
  7. https://docdro.id/3GWeDYd
  8. "When Mussolini yawns in Rome, the Codreanists prostrate themselves on the ground, and when Hitler laughs in Berlin, Mr. Vaida feels obliged to laugh too. So does our gathering of communists who feel cold in their mouths when Stalin drinks water in Moscow. All with thoughts, souls and eyes abroad. Many swear and turn off the “radio” devices when they hear the national anthem, but they listen to Horst-Vessel, Giovinezza or the International." Mihail Stelescu (2023). My Crusade, Or Ours?. Black Front Press. pp.49
  9. "Fascism and Hitlerism will serve us as elements of comparison in our studies, serving us with the painful experiences and abdications that each made, in order to avoid them here. But the “Crusade” will also seek to be a school of high civic and moral dignity. Because our target is not power, we don't need the chaff of mediocrity, but elements of creation, people with the embers of purity in their souls and the flame of truth in their eyes. The friends who reach out to us and to whom we extend it, both they and their comrades, will never be able to buy, through this gesture of friendship, the silence about the mistakes they will commit." Mihail Stelescu (2023). My Crusade, Or Ours?. Black Front Press. pp.50


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