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*[[File:Volu.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism#Voluntaryism|Voluntaryism]]
*[[File:Volu.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism#Voluntaryism|Voluntaryism]]
*[[File:WhiteNatBert.png]] [[White Nationalism]] [[File:WhiteNatAnCap.png]] (Accused, denied)
*[[File:WhiteNatBert.png]] [[White Nationalism]] [[File:WhiteNatAnCap.png]] (Accused, denied)
[[File:EnochPowell.png]] '''Powellism''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:AntiAm.png]] Anti-Americanism
*[[File:Anti-Colonial.png]] Anti-Colonialism (After 1947)
*[[File:Antifash2.png]] [[Anti-Fascism]] (Self-proclaimed)
*[[File:Antimultcult.png]] Anti-Immigration
*[[File:Hibernophobia.png]] Anti-Irish Republicanism (In Northern Ireland at least)
*[[File:Cball-UK.png]] [[Centralism|British Unionism]]
*[[File:Civlibert.png]] [[Civil Libertarianism]]
*[[File:Conlib.png]] [[Conservative Liberalism]]
*[[File:Euroscept.png]] Hard Euroscepticism
*[[File:Isolationist.png]] [[Isolationism]] (After 1947)
*[[File:Libclasscon2.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism]]
*[[File:Neobert.png]] [[Neo-Libertarianism|Libertarian Imperialism]] (Before 1947)
*[[File:LiberMon.png]] [[Libertarian Monarchism]]
*[[File:Monet.png]] [[Monetarism]]
*[[File:CONNATCLASS.png]] [[National Conservatism]]
*[[File:MidTory.png]] [[National Liberalism]]
*[[File:Natlib.png]] [[National Libertarianism]]
*[[File:NatSocCap.png]] [[Welfare Chauvinism|National Social Capitalism]]
*[[File:IFL Partyball.png]] [[Nazism|Nazism]] (Accused, denied) <ref>In addition to his controversial views on immigration, Powell was also arrested during WW2 as a suspected spy for singing the ‘Horst Wessel Lied’</ref>
*[[File:ToryPopulism.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism]]
*[[File:PostSoviet.png]] [[Capitalist Communism|Soft Pro-Sovietism/Russophilia]] [[File:Soft Russophilia.png]]
*[[File:SyndieSamCon.png]] [[Syndicalism|Trade Unionism]]
*[[File:Whitesup.png]] [[White Nationalism]]
[[File:Tesak.png]] '''Tesakism''' {{Collapse|
[[File:Tesak.png]] '''Tesakism''' {{Collapse|
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*[[File:Paleoaltr.png]] [[Paleolibertarianism|Ryan Ramsey]] (1977-), [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Paleoaltr.png]] [[Paleolibertarianism|Ryan Ramsey]] (1977-), [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Anarcho-National Socialism.png]] [[National Capitalism|Christopher C. Cantwell]] (1980-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Anarcho-National Socialism.png]] [[National Capitalism|Christopher C. Cantwell]] (1980-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Map.png]] [[Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism|Nathan]] [[Manosphere|Larson]] (1980-2022), [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Altliberalism-icon.png]] [[National Liberalism|Joseph Owen Gibson]] (1983-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Altliberalism-icon.png]] [[National Liberalism|Joseph Owen Gibson]] (1983-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:LibertPlcon.png]] [[Paleoconservatism|Augustus Sol Invictus]] (1983-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:LibertPlcon.png]] [[Paleoconservatism|Augustus Sol Invictus]] (1983-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA

Latest revision as of 18:12, 30 August 2024

Not to be confused with National Liberalism

"A crown paid to the state is a crown paid towards the deterioration of the fatherland"

Mogens Glistrup

National Libertarianism, also known as NatBert, or GreyLib is an anti-globalist, anti-communist, anti-government, culturally conservative and libertarian ideology. He is very close to Libertarianism on the compass. However, while Libertarianism tends to focus on the world at large, National Libertarianism focuses on his nation.

Unlike normal Libertarianism, National Libertarianism believes that nationalism is not mutually exclusive with liberty, but in fact required to attain what he terms "the most realistic, sustainable level of liberty". National Libertarianism believes that conflicts of interest caused by globalism, and diversity leads to government tyranny. Some NatBerts think that the best way to prevent such is to break up existing nations into culturally homogeneous states or nations.



Alt-Right Libertarianism is a synthesis of Alt-Right and Libertarianism[7]. Both are culturally conservative and civically liberal most of the time, but AltBert expresses racial supremacist and xenophobic tendencies[8][9][10][11][12] [13], as well as showing sympathies towards some fascist and national socialist ideas.[14][15]

Even NatBert believes that those aftermentioned peculiarities are incompatible with general libertarianism, so he tries his best to distance himself away from Alt-Right movements and people.


Bernierism is based on the political beliefs of the current leader of the People's Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier, who has led the party since it's founding. The People's Party of Canada is a Right-Wing Populist party modelled after other Right Wing parties in Europe. With policies positions such as decreased immigration, economic reform, and advocating for federalism and province cooperation. He speaks out about his desire for more provincial autonomy. With strict opposition to Progressivism, Socialism, and Authoritarianism.


Coolidgism is based on the political philosophy of the 30th President of The United States, Calvin Coolidge. Having served as Vice-President in the corrupt Harding administration for over two years, Coolidge assumed the role of President after Harding's death in 1923. Coolidge would serve the rest of Harding's term before winning his own Presidential election in 1924. Coolidge adeptly handled the aftermath of several Harding administration scandals, and by the end of 1924 he had dismissed most officials implicated in the scandals. Coolidge was a small government conservative who favored Fiscal Conservatism with low taxes and laissez-faire economics, as well as Protectionism with high tariffs to protect American manufacturing. Coolidge's economic policies led to the booming economy of the roaring twenties, combined with restrained government spending, Coolidge consistently produced government surpluses and shrank the federal debt by one quarter. Coolidge also expanded civil rights to racial minorities in The United States granting citizenship to all Native Americans, while permitting them to retain tribal land and cultural rights. He also spoke in favor of civil rights for African Americans and tried to pass anti-lynching legislation which was blocked by Southern Democrats. He appointed no known members of the Ku Klux Klan to office; indeed, the Klan lost most of its influence during his term. On foreign policy, Coolidge held Isolationist views, keeping The United States out of The League of Nations and limited immigration with the Immigration Act of 1924.

Fegeleinism Feiglinism


Lowellism is based on the thoughts of Maltese political figure Norman Lowell.

He was born at Valletta, Malta on July 29th 1946 but then in 1970, he became interested in martial arts in which lead him to founded a fighting club called the "Ch'uan Shu" and years later he was a qualified banker along with being a painter who has it's own abstract style called Dionysian Action Painting that which it an Ancient Greek art form based around intoxication, frenzy, ecstasy, barbaric instincts, feelings & the sublimation of the beast into man.

In 2000, Norman Lowell founded a political party called "Imperium Europa" that advocated a homeland for all White Europeans instead of Non-European immigrants or descendants in which it was called the European Empire and it lead to a Europid bond forged through Spirituality that was closely followed by race that nurtured through high culture that was protected by high politics that enforced by the Elite but also in formation combines Cosmotheism with the ideas of Francis Parker Yockey.

The political party "Imperium Europa" advocated a temporary national unity government with a dual system of elitist elements mixed with democratic elements in order to protect the elite minority while simultaneously allowing democratic freedom but this would occur by having the populace democratically elect a President who would selected experts from every field to form a Technocratic Cabine and there would still be a current Parliament that informs the nation of the policies from the cabinet while simultaneously gathering feedback but after four years a referendum would be held to determine whether the people wanted this system or go back to the parliamentary representative democratic system but if the former is chosen, the President or technocrats will carry on for another five years while the parliamentarians would be dismissed with an attractive pension in return.

Other Political Policies

  • 10% flat rate VAT and the abolition of income tax.
  • A dynamic foreign policy.
  • A more rational planned approach to building.
  • Abolition of victimless crimes.
  • Building an artificial island that would be used to generate energy and at the same time serve as a landfill.
  • Civil liberties, freedom of speech, and freedom of association.
  • Absolute Gun rights.
  • Allowing abortion and free access to in vitro fertilisation.

Norman Lowell who is the leader of "Imperium Europa" took part in the European Parliament elections of 2004, with 1,603 votes as a result while he has been involved in campaigns against the legal immigration facing Malta along with a campaign for freedom of speech & expression but then in June 30th 2005, Lowell was charged with instigating racial hatred because of his political vision following the interviews that appeared on a political satire site called the "Maltafly" and also his comments denigrating African migrants to the country as well as his reliance on Anti-Semitic rhetoric or conspiracy theories that lead him to been described as a Nazi sympathizer but he uses the parlance of White Nationalists elsewhere in which he states that he is a racialist.

Normall Lowell argues that he is not a National Socialist or a Fascist in which stated that he would be booted out of almost any Nazi group within five minutes because he's a strong Libertarian but he described Adolf Hitler as the hero for writing down Mein Kampf as the book while he called the Holocaust a holy hoax and he praised Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

On January 10th 2006, Norman Lowell filed a civil libel suit against an "Malta Today Newspaper" editor Saviour Balzan for writing publication articles such as "Norman Lowell organises BBQ", "Lowell’s Neo-Nazis hit out at press after arson attack" & "Get the bastards now, before it is too late" to ruin Lowell's public reputation and on March 27th 2008, he was sentenced to a years in prison with a four year suspension due to his conviction on three charges of racial hatred with one charge of insulting the Maltese President Eddie Fenech Adami but Lowell won the case relating to insults hurled at the president on grounds of Freedom of speech but was ordered to pay a fine of 500 Euros for racist terminology against Jewish people and Judge Quintano ruled that while a politician is free, this kind of freedom is limited by the fact that Jews make up a part of the Maltese society no matter how small that part is, such talk constitutes about racial hatred.

Norman Lowell stepped outside of the courthouse to told reporters along with a small crowd that he stated "This is a sad day, a very sad day for the Maltese because the he lights of freedom have been extinguished so we are going back to the medieval ages and the media will be the first victims of the establishment since they have to be extra careful on how they report items."

Norman Lowell was a candidate of the 11th & 12th Districts in the Maltese Parliamentary election of 2008, with 84 votes as a result for campaigning heavily against illegal Immigrants and also he was a staunch admirer of Carmelo Borg Pisani who is a Maltese-born Italian Fascist who thinks that British rule was destroying Malta's Latin soulso he advocated the expulsion of the British by joining the National Fascist Party. Lowell was known for the quotes that he says such as "Carmelo Borg Pisani, Presente!" or "Onore a Carmelo Borg Pisani!" and during an interview with a television network called "One", he asked the presenter for a minute to remember Carmelo Borg Pisani but then stood up to began exclaiming these quotes whilst holding a staff in his hands.

Norman Lowell who is still the leader of "Imperium Europa" took part in the European Parliament elections of 2009, with 559 votes as a result for just over one percent of the vote and then he took part of the European Parliament elections of 2014, with his votes doubled to over 7,000 that surpass Arnold Cassola who is the leader of the European Green Party.

On April 30th 2019, Norman Lowell was at a meeting of his party "Imperium Europa" in which he compared Auschwitz concentration camp to Disneyland that was in Poland but when asked about denying the Holocaust that was happened he responded with "How can one deny something that never happened and this whole hoax is the biggest lie since the Virgin Mary" and then Lowell took part of the European Parliament elections of 2019, with 9,693 votes as a result that made "Imperium Europa" the third most popular party in Malta but then the party become inactive when it was officially registered.

Norman Lowell believes that breeds exist but that they are distinct from each other but then he wrote certain books dealing with his political ideals such as Credo : A Book for the Very Few, Imperium Europa – A Book that Changed the World, The Aristocratic Manifesto for Imperium Europa & Jesus the Usurper : Murderer of Christ.


Molyneuxism is a culturally and economically right-wing, (usually) civically libertarian ideology based on the views of Irish-born Canadian political commentator and self-proclaimed philosopher Stefan Molyneux, creator of Freedomain, a website dedicated to philosophy, religion, politics, and personal relationships. It can be thought of as a sub-variant of Alt-Libertarianism. Stefan used to identify as an Objectivist, but has since described himself as an Anarcho-Capitalist. He has contributed to Lew Rockwell's website and has appeared on InfoWars, among other websites. The media and other sources have accused him of being a White Nationalist, which he has denied.

Molyneux is a men's rights activist. According to him, feminism is a type of statist socialism that aims to lower the birthrate of white Christians. He thinks that young men are being held back by gender politics that are progressive. Stefan is also concerned about the already gone eggs of women who have chosen not to have children yet, like Taylor Swift.

Felipe Neto (Não Faz Sentido era)

Utilitarian Ethnonationalism

Utilitarian Ethnonationalism is the official ideology of the Danish Party Stram Kurs created by anti-islamist, marihuana legalisation activist and lawyer Rasmus Paludan, it can be considered a sub-variant of Alt-Right Libertarianism. It stems from two pillars which have the objective to achieve "The greatest possible of happiness for as many ethnic danes as possible". The first one is the identitarian pillar which consists of improving national homogenity protection and assuring that the majority of Danes ethnically, linguistically, religiously, culturally and normatively profess the same or related values which is a prerogative for the next pillar. The libertarian pillar consists of limiting the government size and intervention against citizens' development of their individual freedom as much as possible[16] [17][18][19][20][21][22][23]

Stylistic Notes

In his spare time, National Libertarianism can normally be found at a firing range and/or drunkenly ranting about "The way the constitution was intended".

He shares his time mostly with National Conservatism, National Liberalism and Alt-Lite.

AltBert prefers to talk about racial differences and their importance, commonly saying that whites hold the most right-libertarian values because of genetic differences. He can sometimes rant about Jews and be sympathetic to Fascism and/or Nazism.

He prefers to spend his time mostly with Alt-Right, White Nationalism and Hoppeanism.

How to Draw

Flag of National Libertarianism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Draw Eyes
  3. Colour around the eyes in a greenish grey
  4. Draw a rattlesnake coiled around a sword
  5. Under the snake, write "DONT TREAD ON US" or "NO STEP ON SNEKS" or something else similar.

You're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Greenish Grey #4E5D51 78, 93, 81
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
Green #194619 25, 70, 25


Freedomites Patriots

  • Libertarianism - Taught me everything they know about the NAP, the state and why it should be restricted. Is progressive sometimes, but still likes me to some extent.
  • Nationalism - Taught me all about the importance of nation!
  • Confederalism - Good friend, has the same general idea.
  • Federalism - Regional self-government balanced with the federal government is also based.
  • Paleolibertarianism - Best friend who emphasizes on tradition!
  • Hoppeanism - 2nd best friend. Racist but has some solid points.
  • Korwinism - Same as above. Crazier and monarchist for some reason.
  • National Liberalism - My more moderate self! I'm sorry you got butchered by Alt-Right.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Mostly the same as above, but good God, get off crack. That stuff will kill you...
  • Libertarian Conservatism - Wants free markets and small government. Did I mention that Ron Paul is based?
  • Austrian School - Mises was based AF.
  • Alt-Lite - A proud adherent of his movement! Keep your distance from him.
  • Isolationism - Let's not violate the NAP and focus on our own nation.
  • Constitutionalism - The Chilean constitution is great and should be respected, Viva el rechazo!
  • Conservative Liberalism - The first of our glorious heir.
  • National Democracy - Roman Rybarski and Adam Heydel were great economists and patriots, also we make a great team in his homeland.
  • Right Reformism - Based Center-Rightist pal!
  • Cultural Nationalism - Culture is what defines a nation.
  • Homoconservatism - Pim Fortuyn, Bruce Bawer, Peter Thiel, Justin Raimondo, Ricardo Delgado, Alice Weidel and Gerald Grosz all of them are trustworthy patriots and right-wingers.
  • Helvetic Model - Switzerland is the most based country.
  • Buchananism - Paleo-alliance old righter pal.
  • GOPism - I usually vote for and align with him over the LP but please be less warmonger and social democrat.
  • Powellism - A legend and great inspiration for limited government nationalists, even Rothbard backed up him.


  • National Conservatism - Statist half-sibling. We're brothers in arms against globalism and leftism, though sometimes can be too authoritarian and some of them are economically left-leaning.
  • Paleoconservatism - Similar to above, I hope you become more like your original self.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Too statist like above. But I'd proudly vote for Maxime Bernier and his party!
  • Post-Libertarianism - You're pragmatic but you really scare the heck outta me.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Only care about themselves and money, not the nation. That being said, Rothbard was quite based, especially late in his life.
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Too progressive for me. At least we agree on economics and civil liberties.
  • Liberaltarianism - Also too progressive, but Freedom and Solidarity is based.
  • Green Libertarianism - Annoying hippie. But hey, at least we both don't want to be tread on.
  • Minarchism - Advocates for the most minimal state possible, which is super based! But can be progressive sometimes, plus I'm not sure if they really care about the nation... what was that? Come on now, "nation" and "state" are two different things!
  • Civil Libertarianism - They have some very based ideas like free speech, gun rights, legal marihuana etc... though too progressive.
  • National Anarchism - A... pleasant acquaintance, to say the least, if a little too left-leaning. And ethnonationalist.
  • Nilssonian Anarcho-Fascism - Another pleasant acquaintance but slightly better than the one above. Please get rid of that fash garbage.
  • Pink Capitalism - SJW trash, based economics and liberty though.
  • Separatism - The state shouldn't tell everyone how to live their lives in their own land, it's up to them to decide- HEY! WHY ARE YOU SECEDING?! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!!! DON'T MAKE ME VIOLATE THE NAP!
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - We hate each other when it comes to economics and the state, but, at last, we are bounded by our love for the nation.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - You're a more crazier LeftNat, though somewhat better.
  • National Capitalism - Good economics and nationalism, but too much statism and racism!
  • Venizelism - The most tolerable leftist.
  • Crusade of Romanianism - You may be a libertarian nationalist, but combining this with socialism and fascism is an unforgivable sin.
  • Protectionism - Some of us, specifically Paleoconservative NatBerts, are more open to you in comparison to other right-libertarians.


  • Globalism - You violate the NAP!
  • Anti-Fascism - Domestic terrorist who ruins small businesses!
  • Nazism - Insane racist and statist who makes nationalism look bad!
  • Alt-Right - Stop masquerading as libertarians, you're not one of us and never will be! Leave us alone! Plus, our son is weird as fuck!
  • Democratic Socialism - Just admit it, Sanders will never be president.
  • Luxemburgism - Bitter enemy!
  • Marxism–Leninism - Centralized, undemocratic, freedom-hating commie animal!
  • Reactionary Socialism - What the hell is wrong with you?
  • Progressivism - Actual SJW trash!
  • Marxism - You ruined Western civilization, you lunatic!
  • Neoconservatism - Fake conservative! I'm not going to die in a war somewhere in the Middle East for some drops of oil!
  • Fascism - You're not a nationalist, you're a freedom-hating despot who ruined its name forever!
  • Neoliberalism - Piss off, SJW globetard!
  • Trotskyism - Permanent communist revolution? Aren't you just a tankie neocon?
  • Zionism - Neocons steal my tax money and give it to you!
  • Neo-Libertarianism - Not a real libertarian, you're just neocon in disguise! Why does Johannes Kaiser likes you?
  • National Bolshevism - Yeah, this is the worst.
  • Islamic Theocracy - Assimilate or leave.
  • State Liberalism - Globalist? Authoritarian? Progressive? Plutocrat? You are the worst!

Further Information




Organisations and Movements






Further Information (Alt-Libertarianism)




Organisations and Movements








pl:Narodowy libertarianizm

  1. The party wants to cut off economic aid from the United States and Great Britain.
  2. Party founder Moshe Feiglin has made comments that are seemingly supportive of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
  3. https://www.t13.cl/noticia/politica/kaiser-vuelve-militar-al-partido-republicano-rn-y-udi-estan-dejando-huerfanos-su-derecha
  4. Molyneux has claimed that his mother's family is of Jewish-German descent, but he has been accused of promoting anti-Semitism by the media and other sources.
  5. In addition to his controversial views on immigration, Powell was also arrested during WW2 as a suspected spy for singing the ‘Horst Wessel Lied’
  6. https://web.archive.org/web/20200120213148/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/politisk-grundlag/
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20180415034235/https://radicalcapitalist.org/2017/11/08/for-a-libertarian-alt-right/
  8. https://web.archive.org/web/20180415033454/https://radicalcapitalist.org/2017/07/22/the-benefits-of-ethno-nationalism/
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20180415033515/https://radicalcapitalist.org/2017/09/04/there-is-nothing-unlibertarian-about-white-nationalism/
  10. https://web.archive.org/web/20160921082806/http://proudboymagazine.com/white-nationalists-need-libertarianism/#disqus_thread
  11. https://web.archive.org/web/20191213194659/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/udlaendinge/
  12. https://web.archive.org/web/20070311202804/http://www.nationalvanguard.org/story.php?id=2016
  13. https://libertarianuniverse.com/2016/11/29/white-nationalism-vs-white-supremacy-theres-a-big-difference/
  14. https://web.archive.org/web/20180415033317/https://radicalcapitalist.org/2018/04/10/fascism-is-a-step-towards-liberty/
  15. https://web.archive.org/web/20061014014452/http://www.nationalvanguard.org/story.php?id=1225
  16. https://web.archive.org/web/20200120213148/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/politisk-grundlag/
  17. https://web.archive.org/web/20191213194659/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/udlaendinge/
  18. https://web.archive.org/web/20201024223805/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/skolepolitik/
  19. https://web.archive.org/web/20201024223805/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/skolepolitik/
  20. https://web.archive.org/web/20201024231118/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/ligestilling/
  21. https://web.archive.org/web/20201024234716/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/koen-og-sex/
  22. https://web.archive.org/web/20201104033108/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/retsvaesen/
  23. https://web.archive.org/web/20201130234307/https://stramkurs.dk/vores-politik/grundloven-og-konventioner/
  24. Party Constitution (Part II Names and Objectives,Objectives)

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