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Brazilian Liberalism: Difference between revisions

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I support environmental regulations such as laws against over-deforestation and the promotion of green energy. He is also against the extinction of endangered species and thinks the government should work alongside non-governamental organizations to reduce the effects of animal extinction in Brazil.
I support environmental regulations such as laws against over-deforestation and promotion of green energy to decrease the impacts of the Climate Change on Brazil and the world. I am also against the extinction of endangered species and thinks the government should work alongside non-governamental organizations to reduce the effects of animal extinction in Brazil.

===[[File:Fed.png]]States' Rights[[File:Antiun.png]]===
===[[File:Fed.png]]States' Rights[[File:Antiun.png]]===

Revision as of 23:29, 23 June 2024

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Gato Matador's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Brazilian Liberalism is an economically and socially center, statist, liberal, nationalistic, and imperialistic ideology of the Polcompball user Killer Kitty. Brazilian Liberalism is essentially a form of National Liberalism or Radical Centrism.



The economic model I support is largely inspired by the Chicago School of economics, Blair's New Labour, Nordomics (term I created two seconds ago to describe Nordic Social Democracy, A.K.A: Nordic Model) and alike. I believe there should be a compromise between capitalism and socialism, as while I a self-proclaimed capitalist, am still a welfarist. Natural resources should stay in state control, and I say the same for healthcare and education, which should be public and avaliable for all. While non-essential services, like the Postal service, should be privatized, as they seems to be a burden on society and should be held in private hands.


A country with huge inequality like Brazil needs to always deliver it's services to the lower class populance, that's a basic thing in every developed nation. In a world like today, where the poor earns much less than the rich, welfare services are always welcome by many, even the upper class. Some of my proposals to reduce inequality is an income of 1600$ to everybody who lives in extreme poverty.

To reduce the dangers of *welfare parasitism*, like the one in Northeastern Brazil, were the local population is trapped in infinite circles of poverty by leeching social services and refusing to find jobs using welfare as a way to survival I propose a welfare reform inspired by the one applied under Clinton's government which forced welfare recipients to find a job within certain months on welfare, otherwise they would lose the benefits.


I believe Protectionism is just another form of Crony Capitalism who only helps the rich and makes the poor pays more for international products who should be cheap, and the Protectionist arguments are really nonsense, like the United States is one of the most industrialized and export-oriented country in the world and has dropped protectionism in the 70's. The solution for employment problems are more structural, like awful infraestructure, few workers' rights and too much bureaucracy and cronyism. Trade should be liberalized and tariffs should be reduced, but the process should be slow to avoid the same problems Argentina had in the 70's (with the national companies literally having no ability to market against international companies).


While I am personally against taxes, I still believe they are a 'necessary evil' to the society. As much we hate them, we must agree they can be used to provide for all of us. Some taxes I support/at least agree within some parts includes:

  • Land Value Tax - I am largely inspired by Henry George on this one. Land should be taxed, and that's it. Rural land on Brazil is very high, we could use this as an opportunity to tax it and provide to the country.
  • Pigouvian Tax - for those who don't know, a Pigouvian tax means taxation on activities which are generating negative outcomes to the markets as whole. This ideally would promote businessmens to act responsibly in their business decisions.
  • Church tax - Brazil has way more churches than schools and hospitals, and while I do believe Christianism is a good and moral religion, I still believe churches should be taxed. After all, Brazil is secular at the end of the day.
  • Pollution tax - being born in one of the most environmentally rich countries in the world, I have to extend my support to environmentalism and taxation on pollution. The tax should be low, so things don't go expensive, and the income should be used to invest on green energy.
  • Income tax - I believe income should be taxed. If someoene is rich enough to afford a lavish lifestyle, he should contribute to the system.
  • Sin taxes - there are many dangerous products around in my opnion, cigarettes, beer, guns and alike. These shit should be taxed, and I am not going to elaborate further.
  • Corporate tax - corporate taxes should be low, to reduce the burden on big business so they can employ more people. It's a necessary evil.

Social Issues

Despite having conservative stances on Police, Military and Woke Culture, I still have progressive stances on Race, LGBT+ rights and drug legalization. Plus, I am still a Brazilian Patriot but I see nothing wrong with safe, legal and assimilative immigration since Brazil was founded by these principles. Progressive Conservatism perfectly describes my cultural policy.


I do believe in selective justice. It means punishment and rehabilitation will depend on the crime commited. If Person A steals to feed his poor family, the government will offer a rehabilitation program to Person A, while putting his family on welfare, and when Person A is released from prison the government will offer him a job for making an income for his family. Another example is if Person B kills his wife and sexually abuse his daughter, the Person B will be executed in a eletric chair while the family of the Person B (talking about his parents and siblings) will be forced to, not only give a compensation to the family of the murdered wife of Person B, but also raise the daughter of Person B.


I support environmental regulations such as laws against over-deforestation and promotion of green energy to decrease the impacts of the Climate Change on Brazil and the world. I am also against the extinction of endangered species and thinks the government should work alongside non-governamental organizations to reduce the effects of animal extinction in Brazil.

States' Rights

I support Federalism and Regionalism, because I do believe it's unfair a province has to change it's law without approval of the local government because another province has enacted this law. My ideal model for Federalism is inspired by American Federalism, meaning not only states can pass their own legislations, but they can also be economically independent (though there will be some small restrictions).


Have you noticed every country who is poor, or at least has huge inequality, has a natality rate above 2:42 (which is the average of the world). Recently, I have become more and more in agreement with the Malthusian Philosophy. And even in a country like Brazil, where the population is shrinking, our poorest and unequal regions have more birth rates than richer regions. Due to my Malthusian way of thinking, I propose the creation of a Family Planning Campaign in regions with high natality rates (for example the Northeastern Brazil). This campaign would distribute contraceptives to teenagers, build abortion clinics in the region and warn parents about the dangers of having more than two childrens.


I believe immigrants should adhere to the "Five Principles:"

  • Agree to use Portuguese as main language;
  • Limit the use of their own national language privately or among other immigrants, but they can teach the language to their childrens if they want;
  • Assimilate to the Brazilian society, starting a job and never do anything to damage the nation;
  • Promise to never use the country's social services before assimilating, and only use them if they are unemployed or in situations of extreme poverty;
  • And finally, never engage in criminal acts,

If a immigrant break at least one of these laws, he will be deported.


The religion should never be in the way of progress like in the Middle Ages, and the government must guarantee it. I propose a series of policies aiming to secularize Brazil, being inspired by Kemal's Turkey and French Laïcité, including: banning clergymens from public positions, small taxes on churches and the promotion of freedom of religion.

Foreign Policy

Brazil should, at most, promote their own interests and cooperate with both the Western & Eastern worlds. Even joining the Non-Aligned Movement to promote our interests and increase our presence in BRICS.

I also believe we should take a harsher stance against the Chavist government and send troops to Paraguay and Colombia to destroy the EPP and FARCs due to their targeting of Brazilian citizens in those countries as well as smuggling drugs to our borders.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

I propose an Isolationist take for the Brazilian Foreign Policy in this conflict because if we start to support Ukraine, this could damage our relationship with Russia, and if we support Russia, this could make Brazil seen as a country who supports war crimes and invasion at the world stage. So ideally Brazil wouldn't take any side and treat it as a non-issue, especially because it is none of our business and more of a issue for EU and USA to solve. I still support Ukraine nonethless since it's a invasion against a sovereign country.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

I believe the United Nations should establish a new mandate in Israel and Palestine to gradually transition the Jewish and the Arab nation in a new and Secular country (the name doesn't matter). The transition will last for 60 or 70 years and will have five main principles:

  • Punish Hamas and Israeli War Criminals
  • Increase efforts to create a Secular and Multicultural society in the Levant
  • Demilitarize the Israeli/Palestinian society and promote peace in the Middle East
  • Hand power to factions who are willing to accept the said proposals, like Labour Zionists and the Fatah
  • Educate the population and promote Anti-Racism


The Mercosur is a great way to expand the Brazilian influence towards other South American countries. This pact would promote free trade among countries.

Venezuela and Communist Guerrillas

Regarding Maduro's Regime in Venezuela it must be overthrown, and a proposed way to bring it down is called Operation Caracas a Neocon LARP I created which the Brazilian government would arm the opposition with firearms to start a Anti-Communist insurgency in the country with the mission of ending the Chavista Rule. Other aspect of the Operation Caracas would be that some Brazilian Police Officers and Military Personel would train them to be more effective.

In light of my Anti-Communist Foreign Policy I would send troops to Paraguay and Colombia to better assist the fight against the FARCS and the EPP - two terrorist Communist organizations who attacked either the Brazilian Government or Brazilian citizens in the past, and must be punished accordingly.

Personality and Behaviour

Brazilian Liberalism acts and behaves like his founder, Killer Kitty.



  • National Liberalism - Literally me. My love for the Brazilian nation and my support to liberties shall go hand in hand.
  • Progressive Conservatism - The path to the future... Is staying in the middle ground.
  • Third Way - I care more about economic issues rather than social issues. And the way you mix both Social Democracy and Fiscal Conservatism is what makes you special. You were very successful in United States and United Kingdom (prior the Iraq War).
  • Brazilian Neoconservatism - Sometimes we need to help our Colombian, Paraguayan and Venezuelan friends against some threats . I am still against NATO interventions in countries like Syria, Iraq, Lybia and Yugoslavia.
  • Pedro II Thought - The savior of Brazil who bravely resisted against our enemies . It's a shame you got couped.
  • Radical Centrism - We don't need to trust on these Right-Wing or Left-Wing ideologies, we need to trust ourselves.
  • Authoritarian Democracy - Pluralism is important, but authoritarian actions can be justified to defend stability.
  • Malthusianism - Overpopulation is going to kill us if we don't take action.


  • Social Democracy - I admire the idea of fixing the problems of Capitalism without abolishing Capitalism itself. But you are a bit woke nowadays.
  • Anti-Clericalism - We both agree religion has no place in politics, and we both believe clergymen should be banned from political positions. That's said. A problem I have against you is the fact many of you banned religion as whole, while I believe religion should be everyone's personal choice. That's why I like to call myself a Laícist.
  • Socialism of the 21st Century - You did alright in Bolivia, Equador, Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil, but you did an awful job elsewhere.
  • Indigenism - We both believe Amerindian people should be treated with equality before law, hate those dirty prospectors and believe natives shouldn't be subject to oppression or genocide. But you should assimilate into the Brazilian society and adhere to the Brazilian law.
  • Neoconservatism - Thanks for protecting Brazil from the Communist menance. But Brazil should still pursue an independent part, focusing on their own needs and problems. You are a reliable ally from time to time.
  • Fourth Theory - Same as above, but somewhat worse, since you hate Liberals while I am a Lib. The BRICS are still good allies for us by the way.
  • Dengism - I remember when I sucked a lot of your dick few months ago. Thanks for all the investments, and your economic model is inspirational for me. But please, can you give Macau independence?
  • Progressivism - We both want to redistribute wealth to the working class, give civil rights to minorities, secularize the society and promote liberty. But your lack of national pride is disgusting.
  • Conservatism - We both want to promote free markets, a national revival, thoughter stances on crime and remove the Bolivarian threat from the horizon. But your hatred of liberty is disturbing.
  • Zionism - Israel is the ally of Brazil and vice-versa. But Palestinians deserve basic human rights.


  • De Francism - A ultraprogressive communist freak who attacked us for no reason. I am glad you got what you deserved.
  • Rosism - A despot who did the same thing as above. We could never let such dictator take control of the most important sea in the continent.
  • Chavismo - The Bolivarian Revolution will not spread to Brazil. We will do everything, I mean EVERYTHING to save South America from the Communist threat.
  • Macronism - You literally want to take the Amazon rainforest and imperialize us. You are taking a fat L from Putin right, lmao.

If you wants to be criticized by me, just put yourself here. You don't need to ask.

  • Template - Template.
  •  Baxism - Too Socialist, Progressive, and I honestly prefer Bonaparte and the Girondins in the context of the French Revolution. Otherwise it's not that bad.
  •  Neocarlism - We are way more closer politically than ever. I dislike your Socialism and Reactionaryism, but your other beliefs are so acceptable that you managed to be good. Would recommend, but in a moderate form.
  •  Levism - Our ideology is extremely close. We are both Nationalistic Authoritarian Liberals, and your economic and social policies are pretty good as well.
  •  DECBism - Too libertine and dogmatic. Otherwise, you aren't so bad after all.
  • Neo-MugiKotobuki8814ism - Literally the worst ideology on this website. You support EVERYTHING most people find disgusting, and don't get me started on the fact you simps for mass shooters and this pedophile. At the very least you are banned.
  • Corporatist Pan-Hispanism - I don't view a Reactionary, Theocratic, Pan-Hispanist, Monarchy in the Brazilian borders as a good thing. Since they would do everything to undertemine us. Very cringe.
  • Imperial Socialism - Pratically just Brezhnev as a self-insert. I don't like the idea of expanding Communism to other countries through war. But some parts of your economic policy makes you more tolerabe.
    • - I what to spread Socialism through Imperialism
  • Volker41ism - I really dislike this ideology. The Theocratism, White Supremacism (even if you are an amerindian), National Syndicalism and Nazism made this an extremely brimstone ideology.
  • Argentine Theory - My opposite!
  • Paleo-Guirism - You are too radical...
  • Evenoskyism - Utopic and theocratic. Your economic views are too extreme for me by the way.
  • Calmism - Same as above. You are very conservative and socialist, and I am not a big fan of neither. Otherwise, it's not that bad.
  • link:User:SocialistWorldRepublicSocialist World Republic(//) - Your Socialism, Authoritarianism, Conservatism, Globalism and your uncompromising foreign policy are rather, well, kinda scary. At least your icons are high-quality, and I value that.
  • ActualCaesar - Just me but more conservative and nationalistic. Pretty good.
  • Meowxism - Don't agree with most of the ideology. I don't like Marxism-Leninism, Revolutionary Progressivism and others.
  • Revolutionary Frisianism - I think your ideology became worse, since not only have you abandoned Centrism, but you are also now a Libertarian Socialist (I am not a fan of neither Libertarianism nor Socialism), a Reactionary and a revolutionary. I also disagree with File:UniNat.png Universal Nationalism, but I can respect it since it has a good ideological basis. Though Progressive Conservatism is very based.
  • Neo-Dankeism - This ideology, in short, is just big-tent LibLeftism. But at least it's tolerable than 80% of the ideologies from this site.
  • Psychocommunism - I really dislike the Fisherian elements and the part of "proletarians creating a new culture and rejecting capitalist cultures". Furthermore, I don't like the economic policy. A descentralized planned economy is still a planned economy at the end of the day, and I dislike Cybercommunism. A thing we can agree is Laicism and Internationalism.
  • N.Brioism - Fucking dystopian ideology. We disagree on everything. Also, you're Brazilian, cope.
  • Zelligism - Liberalism means a shared ideal of democracy, individualism, equality, capitalism and liberty, you can remove one of those but you will still be a liberal at the end of the day. And I also think humanity was destined to have authority figures, since if we didn't had any form of authority, we would have killed ourselves and lead to a state of forever chaos. Thomas Hobbes had a great argument about a stateless society way before Anarchism, and it's still relevant to this day.
  1. Even if I am not aligned with the Western World and wants to trade with both the political blocs (Western & Eastern Worlds), I stil believe Brazil should have a interventionist policy in South America - helping governments like Paraguay and Colombia to crush far-left terrorists and helping to bring Maduro's Regime down.
  2. Despite the icon I do not endorse genocide or human's rights violations
  3. I still hate Xenogenders and SJWs

Recent changes

  • Officernasty • 01:02
  • Aperson14 • 00:12
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 18:04
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 17:54