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Second Anidiotoncrack Thought: Difference between revisions

(→‎on womens place in society: due to something that happened in the discord, i should note these were jokes)
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====on womens place in society====
====on womens place in society====
women, despite being weaker, less intelligent, slower, and shorter then men, do have their uses, such as taking care of children, cleaning, giving birth to children, cooking, looking nice, and keeping their husbands happy, now there are more but im tired, so with all of this what would their place in society be, well they wouldn't be able to leave the house alone, own businesses, adopt without a husband, make
women, despite being weaker, less intelligent, slower, and shorter then men, do have their uses, such as taking care of children, cleaning, giving birth to children, cooking, looking nice, and keeping their husbands happy, now there are more but im tired, so with all of this what would their place in society be, well they wouldn't be able to own businesses, adopt without a husband, drive etc etc
purchases without the husbands consent, drive etc etc

====do I view women as inferior====
====do I view women as inferior====

Revision as of 13:17, 1 July 2024

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Anidiotoncrack's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

This page is being rewritten
"This page has been nuked to give lebensraum for a better page to grow." - Burgundian System
Anidiotoncrack is currently working on this page. Please do not interfere with their work. Instead, contact them to propose additional edits.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.


notice:i wont fuck with your alias or page, but if you edit or comment on my page again volker im blanking your self insert and user page

got a gf, not an incel anymore



catholic capitalist, bit more but shuddafukup


read the article dumbass

5 points of Second Anidiotoncrack Thought

there are 5 main points of Second Anidiotoncrack Thought, which are as follows:

1. ensure the creation and stability of a white(and mostly celtic) nation
2. remove non whites from the nations population
3. ensure the nations government is a dual monarchy of king and pope
4. the creation of a regulation free market, in order to help the nation prosper
5. the complete ban on immigration, dissent and anything else that could harm the nation and its people

on guns

even though i am now a a authoritarian, i still love guns, and believe that people should have the right to own guns, but you would have to get a permit from the government, where you would tell them your name, your address, and why you want guns(basically any reason would work), then you would be able to purchase guns

on government

as i have stated before i am now a authoritarian(context i used to be a ancap), however i still hold on to some of my old beliefs, such as absolute capitalism, and white supremacy, i believe the government should be run by partially companies, such as defense companies and the like, in order to keep the country running without taxes, however there still would be some form of natural government, with that being a theocracy guided by the pope and the king of the country(their separate people), with the company's being in government to prevent taxation

there will be a senate type system, with the companies electing an official to go to the senate and represent the companies interests

on taxes

i dislike taxation, viewing it as a necessary evil. however idealy the government the government would be producing enough profit on its on to not need taxation, and as such there wouldnt be any. inheritance, income and sales tax(on items costing less then 300 dollars) wouldnt exist.


im a laisse fairre capitalist, im gonna expand more on my views in the tabs just give it a bit

on socialism

my view of socialism is as follows, i believe that socialism is a utopian ideology which could never work in practice. its followers view it as a perfect one size fits all ideology which will solve all the worlds problems, even though every time socialism has been tried it has resulted in problems becoming worse and ending in socialism failing.

on (((marx))) and his followers

Marx is a dirty cuck who sucked Engels dick in order to have money to be a homo. everything pro marx would be banned and those caught with it fined. marxist media will only be allowed for educational purposes only.

Marxists are retarded degenerate losers. Marx would hate his modern followers. modern marxists are lazy, retarded, degenerate, whiney, fat faggots who would be executed in any real marxist society. marxists claim to want marxism but a majority of them probably haven't even read any of his work, most of them dont even believe in marxism, they just want to be edgy(but not too edgy) and piss people off.

on women

i still hold basically the same views on women, that is that they are weak feeble minded individuals who need to be protected, as well as that they shouldn't be able to make decisions on their own as they are not as intelligent as men, this goes back to my view on jihadism

on womens place in society

women, despite being weaker, less intelligent, slower, and shorter then men, do have their uses, such as taking care of children, cleaning, giving birth to children, cooking, looking nice, and keeping their husbands happy, now there are more but im tired, so with all of this what would their place in society be, well they wouldn't be able to own businesses, adopt without a husband, drive etc etc

do I view women as inferior

no I don't view woman as inferior, I do not view woman as equal, but not inferior, I do not hate woman, I just believe that there are some things men are better at then women and vice versa, the state should accept that and make stuff fit around that

women and IQ

there was a study done by Mankind Quarterly[2] about IQ, interracial dating and women, and the results of this study showed something pretty obvious to me, that white women who engage in interracial dating tend to have lower IQs then those who dont, and hispanic and black women who engage in interracial dating tend to have higher IQs then those who dont.

on blacks

i still hold pretty much the same views on blacks, their inferior, but i have reasons for why i believe that, they have lower intelligence, IQs and SAT scores, and the lower a IQ the more likely the person is to commit crime, meaning black people are INHERENTLY violent and should be REMOVED from existence(or at least the country)

a look at crime rates supports my claims, with 60% of crime being committed by black people[3], as well as looking at SAT[4] result charts and IQ test score averages[5], Blacks are more violent and more stupid then white people

on muslims

islam is wrong, just wrong, all forms are wrong, muslims must convert from islam to catholicism(assuming their not arab, i hate arabs), if they dont they will be executed and have their body's cremated, quran's would be burned and made illegal to own, any form of pro muslim content would be destroyed, and anyone caught with it would be punished.

on jews

imagine a group of people who hate you, want to destroy your race and mix you with 65 IQ negroids, have the negroids rape and beat your women and children and kill you, and they control your education, your government, your economics, your history, your police, your banking, your food supply and nearly everything else. That group exists, and their the jews.

the jew hates gentiles, but they hate white gentiles more. they support immigration because it harms white people, they support rape because it hurts white people, they support race mixxing because it erases white people, they would support anything if it meant hurting white people.

the jew believes themself to be god, they believe every jew should be worshipped by the gentiles. they'll do anything in their power to deface white institution, white countries and white people.

i suggest a purges, any jew found in the country would be killed. jews in power would be killed and jews who are civilians.

on the LGBT

I have been rather open with my take on the homosexuals. I believe it is a mental illness which is only accepted due to the jews forcing people to act like its normal. Homosexual marriage will be illegalized, Homosexual couples adopting will be illegalized, Pride Parades will be illegalized, pride flags on government buildings will be illegalized, gender transitions will be illegalized. Government officials who engage in homosex or transition will be fired and arrested, and those who express support will have the same fate.

on Transhumanism

(chat gpt wrote this lol)

Transhumanism presents a complex tapestry of ideas that both intrigue and concern me deeply. At its core, transhumanism advocates for the integration of technology into the human body, aiming to enhance our physical and cognitive abilities beyond what nature has endowed us with. Proponents argue passionately that such advancements hold the key to solving many of humanity's most pressing challenges, from curing diseases to extending lifespan and even achieving a form of technological immortality.

On the surface, the benefits of body modifications are undeniable. Imagine a world where injuries can be swiftly repaired, where those who have lost mobility can walk again, and where blindness is no longer a permanent condition but a treatable one. These possibilities inspire hope and excitement for a future where human suffering is greatly alleviated through scientific progress.

However, my reservations about transhumanism begin with the concept of genetic modification. While proponents see it as a tool for enhancing human potential—boosting intelligence, eliminating hereditary diseases, and perhaps even extending lifespan—I can't shake the feeling that altering our genetic code comes with profound risks. It feels like tampering with the very essence of what makes us who we are. By manipulating our genes, are we not also tampering with our ancestry, denying the lineage that has shaped us over millennia? It's as if we're saying we're dissatisfied with our biological inheritance, which troubles me deeply.

Furthermore, the pursuit of immortality within transhumanist circles gives me pause. While the idea of living indefinitely might seem appealing at first glance, the reality could be far more complicated and perhaps even nightmarish. Immortality as envisioned by some transhumanists implies an existence where our bodies might continue to age and deteriorate while our minds are kept alive artificially. This prospect raises profound existential questions: What does it mean to live forever in a world that is constantly changing? Are we prepared to face the emotional and psychological challenges of outliving loved ones and witnessing the passage of civilizations?

Moreover, there are broader philosophical concerns about the consequences of achieving technological immortality. Will society be able to sustain indefinitely prolonged lifespans? How will resources be allocated in a world where some individuals could potentially live for centuries? These questions highlight the ethical dilemmas and societal inequalities that could arise from the widespread adoption of transhumanist ideals.

In my view, progress should be guided by principles that honor human dignity and respect the natural order of life. While I'm open to the potential benefits that transhumanism promises, such as curing diseases and improving quality of life, I believe we must proceed with caution and mindfulness of the ethical implications. We must ensure that our pursuit of technological advancement does not come at the cost of our humanity or our connection to the past that has shaped us.

In conclusion, my stance on transhumanism is one of cautious skepticism tempered with curiosity. I believe in harnessing the power of science and technology to improve human well-being, but not at the expense of our fundamental values and what it means to be human. As we navigate the complexities of a rapidly advancing technological landscape, let us strive for progress that enhances rather than diminishes our humanity, preserving the richness of our past while embracing the promise of the future.

on Agrarianism

imma re write this

am I an Environmentalist

imma re write this

random other things i believe

  • obama is gay, his "wife" is a man, their kids are adopted
  • i like mormons, though I don't believe they are Christian
  • I'm a Ethno-Nationalist, I just don't think my ethnicities are superior


yeah this is pretty larp but whatever

  • gothic
  • roman
  • orthodox icons

books and quotes




  • - "2045: The End Of White Genocide"

plan to write

  • - "The Final Solution: A White Mans Guide To Race"


  • Volker41
    • The 24 Point Program of Volker41ism


plan to read


Please put your reading recommendations here

"Example" by John Doe"


"Marxism coined the phrase that Socialism is as much opposed to Christianity as fire is to water, and it may here be said of National Socialism; its relationship to anti-Christian activities is as that of fire to water" - Cajus Fabricius, in " Positive Christianity in the Third Reich"

"swarthy masters of international finance have adeptly positioned their god of mammon to ensure absolute damage control" - James mason, in "Siege"

"This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests." Ted Kacznski, in "Industrial Society and its Future"

"Humans are emotional, they are driven by emotions, guided by emotions and seek emotion expressions and experiences. Monotonous repetition of immigration facts and statistics will simply bore the masses, and drive the people away from the stale and uninspired speakers that propagate them." - Brenton Tarrant, in "The Great Replacement"

"There exists no such thing as rights or privileges under the Laws of Nature. The deer being stalked by a hungry lion has no right to life. However, he may

purchase life by obedience to nature ordained instincts for vigilance and flight. Similarly, men have no rights to life, liberty or happiness" - David Lane, in 88 Precepts]


what does it sound like?




  • Diarchy - this would be a better way to describe myself then monarchist, as i state on my page i believe there should be 2 monarchs, the pope and the king, which would serve to compliment the roles of the other, also the pope would be the pope still

25% GEM

  • Orthobro Theocracy - here for clear reasons, also catholics didnt rewrite the nicean creed, and you split off of us
  • Monarchism - while i am a monarchist, i would say im more of a theocratic diarchist, as i believe that one monarch wouldn't be able to do the job by themself


25% COAL

  • Neo-Marxism - YoU wOkE lIbErAl NeO-mArXiSt, communism is retarded
  • Dengism - whilst you claim to be a communist, you aren't one, your a regulationist authoritarian capitalist(which would be based without the regulations), your better then mao though, but your goal of socialism is coal.


  • Social "Capitalism" - you shouldn't be able to call yourself a capitalist if you believe in welfare
  • Chinese Theocracy - as far as i've seen, every asian born religion has been pagan coal, this is one of them


  • Secular Satanism - horribly cringe, at least you dont call satanism a religion, your just an anti theist cuck
  • Tragenderism - a mentally ill zogbot who exists only to push degeneracy
  • Socialism - if you couldnt tell what the laisse fairre capitalists view of socialism is, i really dont like it. i find utopianism retarded, economic leftism retarded, any type of democracy retarded, and marx retarded. the people who believe in this tend to be progressive retards who support immigration and multiculturalism, this has caused cultural decay and the destruction of white people and white countries.


  • Antinatalism - aside from obvious moral problems i have with this, this would be horrible for the economy, as if no people have kids, there would be less and less workers, and peoples quality of living would go down because the economy would suffer, thus making peoples lifes worse, also what you consider to be a horrible life, could be to others the perfect life they wish they had
  • VHEMT - same with above, horrible for the economy as well as obvious moral problems i have with this
  • Wokeism - your a disease. i am racist, i am homophobic, i am transphobic, i am islamophobic, i am anti-semitic, i dont fucking care
  • White Guilt - why should i be sad because im white? im glad im white, im glad im not a n!gger or a sp!c or k!ke. people with white guilt deserve to be shot.
  • Marxism-Leninism - this is a dead ideology, it died with lenin and will never resurface, its modern "followers" are degenerate loser scumbags who believe they are oppressed. it is based off of the works of a jew, (((Marx))), and a shabbos goy, lenin, both of these "people" are burning in hell for being disgusting jewish pieces of shit.
  • Stalinism - another shabbos goy with a dead ideology, stalins burning in hell and being raped by demons.
  • Maoism - whilst not a shabbos goy like stalin and lenin, still has a dead ideology and a lot of modern(at least western) supporters are degenerates, though your successors are at least closer to your ideology then others(not deng though)


  • Jesus Christ - what did you think? of course jesus goes here
  • 100% GEMERALD

    • Saint Peter - O Holy Apostle, you are the Rock upon which Almighty God has built His Church. Obtain for me I pray you: lively faith, firm hope, and burning love, complete detachment from myself, contempt of the world, patience in adversity, humility in prosperity, recollection in prayer, purity of heart, a right intention in all my works, diligence in fulfilling the duties of my state of life, constancy in my resolutions, resignation to the will of God and perseverance in the grace of God even unto death; that so, by means of your intercession and your glorious merits, I may be made worthy to appear before the Chief and Eternal Shepherd of Souls, Jesus Christ, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns forever. Amen.

    • Saint Pope Pius X - Glorious Pontiff, Saint Pius, devoted servant of our Lord and loving child of Mary, I invoke you as a Saint in Heaven. I give myself to you that you may always be my father, My protector, and my guide in the way of holiness and salvation. Aid me in observing the duties of my state of life. Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent Love of the interior life after your own example. Pope of the Blessed Sacrament, teach me to love Holy Mass And Holy Communion as the source of all grace and holiness, And to receive this Sacrament as often as I can. Gentle father of the poor, help me to imitate your charity Toward my fellow men in word and deed. Consoler of the suffering, help me to bear my daily cross patiently And with perfect resignation to the will of God. Loving Shepherd of the flock of Christ, obtain for me the grace Of being a true child of Holy Mother Church. Saint Pius, beloved Holy Father, I humbly implore your powerful Intercession in obtaining from the Divine Heart of Jesus all the Graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare. I recommend to you in particular this favour …………………. Great Pontiff, whom Holy Mother Church has raised to the honour Of our altars and urged me to invoke and imitate as a Saint, I have great confidence in your prayers. I earnestly trust that if it is God’s holy will, My petition will be granted through your intercession for Me at the throne of God. Saint Pius, pray for me and for those, I love. I beg of you by your love Jesus and Mary, do not abandon us in our needs. May we experience the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen.

    • J B Stoner JR - really based, the "aids was a gift from God" thing was really funny, bombing that synagogue was based, i doubt you helped with that swarthoid MLK jrs assassination but it would be based if you did.


    25% GEM

    • Herman Wirth - idk about the whole atlantis stuff, but pretty based otherwise, also christ is king cope CHUD


    25% COAL

    • Napoleon Bonaparte - as a person, you were cool and a pretty good inspiration, however your beliefs are just kinda bad, anti-feminism and (minor) catholic theocracy is based, however the other beliefs are just mid to bad


    • Charles Darwin - yes, your right about evolution(though some of your stuff has been disproven by newer scientists) but your still an atheist and have inspired generations of retards

    100% BRIMSTONE

    • ((((Karl Marx))) - dirty jewish cuck whos burning in hell, eat shit and die
    • Friedrich Engels - same with marx, retarded jew whos burning in hell
    • Max Stirner - just another retarded anarchist, your beliefs inspired generations of insufferable retarded anarchist faggots, Max Stirner is burning in hell



    • as of yet, no one other then me, because im the most based nigga on earth

    100% GEMERALD


    • Forest Hermitism - racial nationalism is based, so is being christian, liking hitler as well is based, but a gift economy in a anarchist commune is really gay
    • Neo-MugiKotobuki8814ism - cool person irl, love the totalitarianism, but socialism is cringe, Catholicism is also based
    • Red Tsarism - based, I don't understand your affinity for paganism and econimc leftism, however you seem based, if only this was the result of the Russian revolution
    • Lankajori Thought - your irish nationalism, capitalism, christianity, anti democracatism, and conservatism is based, however, your libertarianism is a detriment, same with you apparent inability to read bold letters at the top of my page
    • BetterCallSneedism - sorry if i get anything wrong, im going off of influences as you dont have any sections on your page, juche is pretty based, irish nationalism, celtic nationalism, agrarianism, christianity and eco fascism are based as well, however third positionism, colectivism, democracy and republicanism are cringe
    • FUCKING GAMING - ignoring the larp thing and neox, you would be a pretty good ideology, though your civics is kinda cringe, authoritarian libertarianism is cringe, totalitarianism is better. my other issue with you however is that you seem prone to degeneracy.
    • ActualCaeser - while your page doesnt have everything i need to know, it has a bit and your influences have the rest, welfare is incompatible with laissez fairre capitalism because that would require the government to intervene in the economy, thus why i dislike it, nationalism, catholicism, anti-communism and anti-jewish(from what i've seen at least) is based, though anti-racism, democracy and syncretism isnt. you should become like this though

    25% GEM

    • Meridionalism - the belief that the south should separate is based, however i believe in bringing back the CSA not some new Jewish state, socialism is Jewish and dumb, i agree with the idea for a revolution but not for socialism, for a racially pure state, hopefully mostly Celtic, i also dislike the CIA, also you should be more authoritarian, and being culturally right is based, but become reactionary, overall your just meh


    • Neocarlism - went through your page and influences, i don't really disagree with you on much, other then the obvious economic things, you compare me to volker but dont offer anything about volker in his part, so i dont know what you disagree with me other then economics, it might be my specific idea of an ideal monarchy, my view of race or my less then trusting view of transhumanism, but those are really the only things that comes to mind.

    25% COAL

    • Luis Miguel - hello Luis, catholic theocracy, Reactionaryism, jew hate and your social views are based, however your economic views, views on race, views on immigration and being a borkeroid are not, overall I don't hold that much of an opinion on you
    • Brazilian Liberalism - i dont remember talking to you but if i have sry for calling you a jew, i really just put you in 100% brimstone for calling me a cuck
    • bobker - socialism, paganism, feminism, homosexual marriage and support for democracy are cringe, however your totalitarianism, nationalism, support for traditional marriage, dislike for trangenderism and support for banning pride events are based


    • niggarism - put here for obvious reasons, but other then that your ideology is still stupid
    • DarkieEggChocolateBowser - thanks for the laugh, your genuinely retarded and jewish, also it was funny to watch you cope over PolPotIsBased, at least you used all of my icons, anyway, mugi is based so it was funny to see how you put him at the bottom
    • TIIKKETMASTER - your hatred of reactionaryism, absurdism, minarchy, alter globalism, nature supremacy and atheism are gay as hell, but your support of laissez-faire capitalism, pro guns and legalization of drugs are based, so thats why your not 100% brimstone, though you take drugs to far
    • Corporatist Pan-Hispanism - you, like most people, dont have any sections i can go off of, so im just going to go off of your influences, your third positionism and support of welfare are cringe, catholicism is based tho
    • Imperial Socialism - same with above, no sections to go off of so i'll do influences, socialism, democracy, progressivism, liking those jews marx and lenin and imperialism are cringe
    • Philosphical Nuggets thought - okay, you read the notice, and you fixed it. socialism ultimately doesnt work, same with any form of communism, i wont go into depth because that would be a lot of writing. your belief that national socialism was turned capitalist is rather silly, national socialism is third positionist economically, not socialist or capitalist, while the Strasser brothers where socialist, the national socialist movement was not. the belief that race is an invented concept is untrue, as the IQ studies show clear distinction between races, same with SAT results, while its true that there are bigger differences on the ethnoc level, that doesnt disprove race. your take on ethnic, cultural and civic nationalism is the reason why i haven't put you in 100% brimestone.
    • Nig Brioism - being authoritarian and anti-democratic is based, but everything about you is just some coal shitpost probably made by KillerKitty, you jay gew

    100% BRIMSTONE

    • Starbucks Nationalism - gay and gross, correct about non whites, but the whole "female supremacy" things is retarded
    • Nuriskianism - commie, multiculturalist, democrat and a marxist, also how can you be a cultural nationalist and believe in multiculturalism, those things dont blend well
    • B.S.o.D Fanism retarded satanist LARPer, KK please make me laugh with your next one


    • Volker41ism - your 25% redskin, your a mutt, not white, you like mlp, your attracted to fluttershy, your an asshole, your a schizo, your a retard, your a faggot, your parents are dead beats, you genuinely believe mossad is after you, and your delusional and think you have a movement of supporters, go fuck yourself
      • you can't even write the word "you're" properly lol I guess you're just as black as your gf you stupid black nigger retard untermensch


    User Tests

    • Civic Axis
      • Chaoist (-50)
      • Anarchist (-25)
      • Minarchist (-20)
      • Libertarian (-10)
      • Civically Moderate (0)
      • Statist (+5)
      • Dictablanda (+15)
      • Authoritarian (+20)
      • Totalitarian (+25)
      • Orwellian (-1000)
    • Type of Rule Axis
      • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (-100)
      • Direct Democracy (-50)
      • Semi-Direct Democracy (-50)
      • Representative Democracy (-50)
      • Authoritarian Democracy (-25)
      • Totalitarian Democracy (-10)
      • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (+10)
    • If none above apply...
      • Organic Centralism (-50)
    • Economic Axis
      • Marxist Communist (-50)
      • Socialist (-25)
      • Welfarist/Gift Economy (-10)
      • Mixed (0)
      • Liberal Economics (+5)
      • Capitalist (+10)
      • Darwinist (+20)
    • If none above apply...
      • Third Positionism (+5)
      • Anti-Economy (0)
      • Non-Marxist Communist (-50)
    • Economic Freedom
      • Anti-Economy (-50)
      • Dirigisme (-25)
      • Regulationism (-10)
      • Mixed (0)
      • Liberal Economics (+5)
      • Free Market (+10)
      • Laissez-Faire (+20)
    • If none above apply...
      • Central Planned (-10)
      • Decentral Planned (-10)
    • Diplomatic Axis
      • Autarky (-50)
      • (Alter-) Globalist (-50)
      • World Federalist (-45)
      • Cosmopolitan (-30)
      • Internationalist (-20)
      • Moderate (-10)
      • Patriotic (+5)
      • Nationalist (+10)
      • Chauvinist (+25)
      • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (+25)
      • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (+30)
    • Geopolitics
      • Western (-25)
      • Western Adjacent (-25)
      • Non-Aligned (+5)
      • East Adjacent (+10)
      • Eastern (-10)
    • Cultural Axis
      • Revolutionary (-500)
      • Progressive (-50)
      • Reformist (-25)
      • Syncretic (-10)
      • Conservative (+5)
      • Traditionalist (+10)
      • Reactionary (+20)
    • Technological Axis
      • Primal (-50)
      • Primitivist (-50)
      • Pre-Industrial (-5)
      • Deceleration (+0)
      • Moderate (+5)
      • Acceleration (+25)
      • Automated (-10)
      • Transhumanist (-50)
      • Posthumanist (-1000)
    • Environmental Axis
      • Human Extinction (-50)
      • Radical Environmentalism (+10)
      • Eco-Fascism (+20)
      • Ecocentrism (+10)
      • Environmentalist (+5)
      • Moderate (0)
      • Post-Industrialism (-10)
      • Industrialist (-25)
      • Anthropocentric (-50)
      • Anti-Environmentalism (-100)
    • Neurological Axis
      • Anti-Praxis (-50)
      • Utopian (-50)
      • Dogmatic (-25)
      • Idealist (+10)
      • In Between (+5)
      • Realist (+10)
      • Pragmatic (+5)
      • Rational (-10)
      • Dystopian (-25)
      • Anti-Theory (-50)
    • War Axis
      • Pacifism (-25)
      • Non-engagement (+20)
      • De-escalation (+10)
      • Intervention (-20)
      • Irredentism (-50)
      • Revachism (-75)
      • Jingoism (-100)
    • If none above apply...
      • Class Warfare (-1000)
    • Praxis
      • Insurrectionism (+20)
      • Revolutionism (+10)
      • Moderatism (5)
      • Reformism (+2)
      • Stagnationism (-50)

    Total: (#)/255
    Highest: 255
    Lowest: -3975 (hyperjew)


    Draw art of me, post it here

    ask me questions

    • Schumacherianism how the fuck are you totalitarian but not orwellian - as in how do you accept that totalitarianism is ok but orwellian is -1000?
    • Levathonism - What the fuck is "ultra white monster"
    • Volker41ism - if you want non-Whites removed from the Nation then why are you dating a black woman? very retarded
      • - i want YOU removed, mutt. Your one to talk about being retarded, im telling mossad about this

    how 2 be added

    1. read the notice at the top of my page
    2. read my entire page
    3. add me first
    4. also use for the relations


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