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Mladorossism is an Authoritarian left ideology that advocates for a Russian Monarchy under a Soviet-style system.

Alexander Lvovich Kazembek was born in Kazan, Spassky, Tatarstan, Russia on February 15th 1902 into a wealthy noble family of the "Russian Imperial Guard/Home Guard" while his father Lev Alexandrovich Kazembek was the head of the nobility who was cornet of the "Leib Guard" from the "Ulan Regiment" that married to Nadezhda Gennadyevna Spiegelberg but Kazembek's great-grandfather was Alexander Kasimovich Kazembek was a prominent Russian scholar as member of the "Russian Academy of Sciences" along with being a member of the "Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland" to whom "The Cambridge History of Russia" refers as a dagestani Persian of Shi‘i origin even having a father who was an Azerbaijani Muslim cleric from the Caucasus according to the archival collections of Columbia University Libraries and he married to a later paternal grandmother known as Maria Lvovna Tolstaya.

Alexander Lvovich Kazembek during his early life graduated from the Tsarskoselsk real school of Tsar Nicholas II located in Salsk, Salsky, Rostov while his father Lev Alexandrovich Kazembek with his official movements traveled a lot on Russia to Western Europe but then in May 1917, he received the title of scout master after participating in the scout movement known as "Beaver" lead by Oleg Pantyukhov located in Pavlovsk, St. Petersburg, Northwestern and in March 1918, he ended up with his family in Kislovodsk, Stavropol during the Russian Civil War (1917-1923).

In November 1919, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek moved to the Rostov Oblast enrolled in the "Ulaan Regiment" with the "Russian White Movement" that commanded a marching squadron of 40 people but most of whom were captured by the "Workers and Peasants Red Army" aka the Bolsheviks while they soon got sick and in January 17th 1920, together with his parents went to Instanbul, Marmara, Ottoman Empire then through Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece before finally moving to Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia where Kazembek finished secondary school who later moved to Munich, Bavaria, Germany where he entered the university since the year 1923 even created a emigrant youth union called "Young Russia".

In 1925, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek formed the "Union of Mladorossi" after "Young Russia" while he graduated from the "Paris Institute of Political Studies" located in Île-de-France, France to started working at a credit union in Monte Carlo, Monaco but the political group he lead declared themselves as Anti-Communists while it combined the elements of Tsarist Autocracy, Russian Ultranationalism, Orthodox Fundamentalism, Eurasianism, Traditionalism and Corporatism and then supported the Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov as a candidate for the Russian throne with the title of emperor but in turn, sent his representative Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich to the party leadership.

In 1929, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek returned to Paris already a famous political activist within Europe's Russian community while engaged in more in-depth intensive public work that often performed in print and there are branches of the "Union of Mladorossi" that were created from Paris to New York City located in New York, United States of America to Shanghai, China to Czechoslovakia to Greece to Bulgaria with special associations adjoined the union.

  • The "Mladoros Student Union".
  • The "Cossack Center of Mladoros".
  • The "Youth Sports Union".
  • The "Women's Union for the Promotion of the Mladoros Movement".
  • The "Association of Russian Assyrians".

The "Union of Mladorossi" has it's members the form of Blueshirts while greetings were accompanied by a first-hand face-off with a exclamation "Head, Chapter!" and movement issued newspapers/periodicals such as "Wisdom!", "Mladoros Spark", "To Young Russia", "Kazakh Alarm" and "The Kazakh Path".

In 1930, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek moved to Monte Carlo in Monaco while he adopted an increasingly open Pro-Soviet position declaring Joseph Stalin as their enemy who is the leader of the Soviet Union but he believed that a Tsar could fully function in the Soviet system that was in place at the time in the USSR so this earned the "Union of Mladorossi" the label of being Soviet Patriots amidst the White Emigrés with speculation began that the organization was being influenced if not controlled by the "People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs" (NKVD/PCIA) lead by Genrikh Yagoda or the "Joint State Political Directorate" (JSPD) lead by Vyacheslav Menzhinsky and the union organization had a Fascist influence as demonstrated by its doctrine from Benito Mussolini of Italy as Kazembek lean on the masses hence the imitation of the Italian Fascists even he was in some sort of contact with Mussolini.

In September 1933, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek attended a conference in Berlin, Germany where he signed a cooperation pact with the "All-Russian Fascist Organization" (VFO) lead by Anastasy Vonsiatsky along with the "Russian National Socialist Movement" lead by Pavel Bermondt-Avalov while this motivated by the "National Socialist German Workers Party" (NSDAP) lead by Adolf Hitler and when the Anti-Communist stance however evolved into Anti-Russian sentiment, the "Union of Mladorossi" denounced Nazism with its general secretary Kirill Elita-Vilchkovsky referring to the ideology as Satanic-Fascism.

In 1937, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek was spotted in a cafe in France speaking to several Soviet diplomats that made him to resigned his post while in 1939, the newspaper of the "Union of Mladorossi" known as "Wisdom" wrote that Benito Mussolini joined Adolf Hitler but began to separate him due to Racist beliefs then he is no longer a Fascist since the ideology and Racism are not compatible even the last Fascists remain are only the Maladrosses and the union tried to synthesize Conservatism with Revolutionism as it implied a revival of traditional Russian statehood at a new level with renewed vigor even the main idea was the National revolution of the spirit in which triumphed over the domination of Materialistic values.

The "Union of Mladorossi" had an ideal of government was considered ideocratic an Autocratic Monarchy while it should be on one side of the pre-class and on the other social samples of a Russian autocrat were considered such as Tsar Peter I as the Tsar-Labour along with Tsar Alexander II as Tsar-Liberator.

The pillars of the social Tsardom should be.

  • A party of the order type in which aims to put the spiritual education of the nation and not the direct management of the state as the Monarch should not belong to any party or a prime minister as the second person in the state should have led the ruling party.
  • De-groomed Tips who are non-partisan self-government bodies that interact with local or central representatives of the Monarch’s government and it saw the advantage of the Soviet principle over the parliamentary since the first assumed multi-stage elections of representatives.

The "Union of Mladorossi" in this regard put out the formula was proposed as "King and Tips." and the future Russian Empire was to become a centralized federation of national entities with the leading role was assumed by small Russia on which the Russians live.

The "Union of Mladorossi" characteristic features of the order party from the point of view are lack of Totalitarianism along with the idea of spiritual fraternity uniting on the one hand wodship, strict national discipline and creative freedom of the individual and the union also considered itself the second Soviet party to enter the political scene of the Soviet Union after the "Communist Party of the Soviet Union" (CPSU) lead by Joseph Stalin.

The "Union of Mladorossi" supported planned-market economy as the sample was the Soviet Union along with Nazi Germany which restored their national economy in a short period but at the same time proposed to make the planned regulation more stringent effective than the Nazis while to preserve private property unlike the Communists even private capital must be under strict control and the economic management is concentrated in the "All-Imperial Council of the National Economy" at the field in the governing economic councils in which would include representatives from the state, workers, scientific technical personnel and private capital.

The "Union of Mladorossi" negatively related to defeatism but they believed that the Russian people are able to independently free themselves from international ideas while according to the union stated the revolution gave rise to a new man as a heroic type capable of courage mixed with self-sacrifice even he was prone to Patriotism and it believed that the Russian nation was able to digest Bolshevism to overcome it from the inside as the main role in this rebirth was to play as new people who will end Materialism, Internationalism and Egalitarianism will make a national revolution.

The "Union of Mladorossi" according to various data from 2000 to 5000 members their number is estimated by modern researchers from Russian abroad which is in any case a very large figure for the politically active part of emigration while it meet the needs of the poor to preserve some of the contemporary ruling methods in the Soviet Union but without dismissing traditional values along with institutions but Alexander Lvovich Kazembek also placed great emphasis on the role of the "Russian Orthodox Church" (ROC) lead by Patriarch Sergius in which was almost being persecuted by Joseph Stalin even some regarded the idea as utopic while of being an oxymoron so West often saw the "Mladorossi" as Soviet agents but in the Soviet Union they were presented as Nationalists or Imperialists and his political popularity started to decline after it was revealed that he had held meetings with a number of Soviet officials trying to recruit him into the collaboration for the Soviet Union.

In 1940 during World War Two (1939-1945), Alexander Lvovich Kazembek was arrested to be detained in a concentration camp by Nazi Germany for his extradition to the authorities relied on a hundred thousand reward Reichsmark while he was soon released to move to San Francisco, California, United States of America where he worked as a columnist for the Russian-language newspaper "Novaya Zarya" and assisted the "Young Men's Christian Association" (YMCA) in providing help to the Russian hostages in German camps but the "Union of Mladorossi" was proclaimed officially dismissed in order to give each of its members the full opportunity to show their own patriotic duty in their understanding with respect to the warring Fatherland since 1942.

In November 1942, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek was enlisted in the "Office of Strategic Services" (OSS) lead by General Joseph Donovan while he was engaged in the preparation of reports on various emigrant groups along with individual characters even former members of the "Union of Mladorossi" joined the "French Resistance" but part his results that was quite informative later published in the United States of America even Kazembek collaborated with the Russian newspaper "New Dawn" and he lead the book department in a program to help Russian prisoners of war that implemented the "Young Men's Christian Association" (YMCA).

From 1944 to 1957, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek taught the Russian language mixed with literature from Yale University in New Haven, South Central CT, Connecticut to Connecticut College in New London, Southeastern CT while he was deeply involved in religious work to co-operated with various Russian Orthodox organizations in North America even in 1960, he actively defended rights of the "Russian Orthodox Church" (ROC) by Patriarch Alexy I by contributed to a favorable solution in the US Supreme Court for conservation at the Moscow Patriarchate of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in New York City and in 1946, together with Elena Alexandrovna Izvolskaya created the ecumenical society "The Third Hour" was the co-editor of the eponymous magazine published in three languages even in New York City again.

In 1947, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek was reorganized into the "Central Intelligence Agency" (CIA) lead by Sidney Souers while being founded by President Harry S. Truman but then in 1954, he was visiting New Delhi, Delhi, India to applied for permission to return to the Soviet Union permanently but then falls under the "Federal Bureau of Investigation" (FBI) lead by J. Edgar Hoover where he was suspected as a Soviet intelligence officer and in 1956, he leaving his wife Svetlana along with the children fleeing to London, England, United Kingdom to Switzerland even there that the Soviet diplomats handed him an air ticket to Prague, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia to be arrived in Moscow, Central by rail.

In 1957, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek's reputation suffered a blow when the Soviet newspaper "Pravda" published a Pro-Soviet article while claimed Kazembek as its author so he demanded immediate rehabilitation from the newspaper even threatened to commit suicide if his demands were not met but then his request of the Soviet citizenship was sustained so he returned to the Soviet Union again and in 1962, he was appointed senior consultant of the "Department of External Church Relations" (VOTSS) from the Moscow Patriarchate being a member of the editorial board knownas "Magazine of the Moscow Patriarchate" being the author of a number of articles on ecumenical along with other topics even he married 17 year old Sylvia Tsvetaeva who is the daughter of another returning emigrant named Leo Lyubimova and then achurch marriage although he remained in the United States of America undisclosed wife.

In February 21st 1977, Alexander Lvovich Kazembek died of natural causes while he was burried to New Peljkino near Moscow two days later in the fence of the "Preobrazhensky Church of the Compound of Athos Panteleimonov" that later becomes a Monastery and then the funeral service from Bishop of Zarai made in that temple as the Metropolitan Job who conveyed condolences from Metropolitan of Leningrad along with Metropolitan Nicodemus, Metropolitan Juvenaliy, Alexey Sergeevich Buevsky, Nikolay Mikhailovich Gundyaev and even future Patriarch Kirill for some reason.


Lazarenkoism is based on the thoughts of Russian political figure Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko.

He was born in Moscow, Central, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union on June 28th 1973 while there is not much about his early life but was a former Komsomol activist who studied in Moscow State Law Academy but then in 1990, he was a member of the "National Patriotic Front" "Memory" (NPF) aka the "Pamyat Society" lead by Dmitri Dmitriyevich Vasilyev and in 1991, he was also member of the "Orthodox-Monarchical Union/Christian revival" lead by V. Osipova.

In February 23th 1991, Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko took part in a rally for the preservation of the Soviet Union on Manezhnaya Square, Tverskoy who took part in all events of a Conservative nature that were mainly congresses, rallies, prayers and processions held by the "HV Union", the "Pamyat Society" and even the "Communist Party of the Soviet Union" (CPSU) lead by Mikhail Gorbachev but then in November 11th 1991, he formed the "Union of Russian Youth" (SRM) as the offical date is the birthday of Fyodor Dostoevsky but however according to the members have stated that the date have been choosen due to the proximity to the date of Adolf Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch from November 8th 1923 to November 9th 1923 and Alexey Shiropaev was also the founder of this union.

The "Union of Russian Youth" (SRM) was a classic Russian National-Patriotic organization of that time as Orthodox fundamentalism, Anti-Semitism, Monarchism were preached in the ranks of the union while the Pre-Revolutionary Russia along with the "Russian White Movement" from the Russian Civil War (1917-1923) were glorified but already at this time it stood out for its Radicalism as the members called themselves Monarcho-Fascists while criticized the "White Movement" for the absence of a pogrom Black Hundreds worldview and the union did not have official registration even attempts were made to register the organization as the social base of the organization was students/schoolchildren while any Russian young man no older than 25 could become a member of this certain union.

The "Union of Russian Youth" (SRM) for a short period was considered the youth branch of the "Christian Renaissance Union" (HV) lead by Vladimir Osipov along with Vyacheslav Demin while worked closely with the "Russian Assembly" lead by taxi driver Igor Shcheglov and the certain Cossack organizations near Moscow but the union did not organize its own actions at least officially and in 1992, a disengagement from the Traditional Orthodox Monarchist organizations took place while the union declared itself the legal successor of the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky along with the "All-Russian Fascist Organization" (VFO) lead by Anastasy Vonsiatsky in which operated in the 30-40s among the White Russian emigration.

In October 1992, the "Union of Russian Youth" (SRM) lead by Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko can be clearly traced in the filing of the newspaper "Our Marsh" that published by the union with a circulation of up to 40 thousand copies while for the first time the positive material about skinheads appears on the pages of the Russian-language media but in the programmatic articles of "The Third Rus" by Ilya Lazarenko along with "National Revolution" by Alexei Shiropaev, the authors disown Traditional Russian Nationalists from the "Pamyat Society" along with similar organizations as they proclaim themselves the New Right and the transition from an archaic ideology to a radical concept of a national revolution against the background of the failed Liberal-Market reforms in Russia in the early 1990s have attracted new personnel to the organization.

In January 1993, the "Union of Russian Youth" (SRM) lead by Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko has been changed into the "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) involving cooperation with foreign national revolutionary movements defending the interests of white people while the front is replenishing its ranks not only with former members of allied like-minded organizations such as the "Russian National Unity" (RNU) lead by Alexander Barkashov, the "Werewolf Legion" the "Nash Sovremennik magazine" and other but also with radicals from a completely opposite political camp such as the organization consisted of people from the "Democratic Union" lead by Valeriya Novodvorskaya, "Labour Russia" (LR) lead by Viktor Anpilov and the "Union/Living Ring".

The "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) lead by Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko was looking for allies within Russia so they participates in the work of the "National Salvation Front" (NSF) with all actions of the "Irreconcilable Opposition" but in February 1993, closest interaction occurs between the front and the publishing house "Arktogea" headed by Alexander Dugin as the evening of the magazine "Elements", they proclaim the creation of the "Movement of the New Rights" and in May 1st 1993, the movement along with the front, the "National Radical Party" led by Eduard Limonov form the "National Bolshevik Party" (NBP) in which will take part in nine days during the Irreconcilable Opposition march but however the matter did not go further than a joint manifestation as it is known about the fact of participation of members of the front in clashes with riot police on Gagarinskaya Square.

The "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) lead by Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko claiming to be the spokesman for the so-called “Intellectual Fascism", the front attempted to develop the theoretical foundations of the modern Right-Wing radical movement with the newspaper "Of Front" paid much attention to the history of the European Third Position along with the Russian Fascist movement in exile while as their ideological postulates with the leaders of the front formulated the so-called "20 points" or "Nash Marsh" with a short catechism of Russian Fascism which included their views on racial state problems as the internal structure of "Future Russia".

The "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) lead by Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko calls on nationally oriented youth to organize themselves to fight against Jewish agitation along with the occupation regime as the goal of the front is to establish the "Great National Socialist Russian Empire" through the Russian national revolution and the leaders of the front criticize Italian fascism for inconsistent racial policy along with some asspects German Nazism for preserving the Capitalist system while the front calling their ideological base total Radicalism mixed with National Socialism of a Stalinist mixed Strasser type as the true economcy policy.

Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko formulates a strategic program for the reorganization of Russia.

  • The state structure of Third Russia will be based on the system of personal responsibility of the leaders along with the absolute power of the leader of the nation.
  • A cohort of leaders of different levels will make up the National Elite in which will become hereditary.
  • The rest of the population will be members of trade unions and national corporations in which are designed to become a means of managing the "mass" in the hands of the leaders.
  • The idea of the ruler of the Russian State will be the Russian National Revolutionary ideology and the doctrine of an armed nation.
  • A person's duty to ancestors and descendants is to keep his blood pure as the doctrine of racial preference.
  • The nationally proportional principle of representation in all spheres of public life.
  • Planned Economy with transport, communications, basic industries, the military-industrial complex and banks in the hands of the state.

The "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) lead by Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko have less ambitious plans are outlined in the populist political principles was published as an attempt is again made to register the organization as evidenced by the charter of the front dated in August 4th 1993, a document clearly prepared for official registration while brought into line with the legislation of the Russian Federation in force at that time and at the same time in spring 1993, an unofficial supplement to the newspaper "Our Marsh" appeared with a samizdat mini-newspaper "Listochka", which in two years later will be renamed into "Weapon plutonium" before from 1997 to 2000 being renamed into "Hooliganist" even the editors of this exotic publication will emphasize their affiliation with the Front after the formal termination of the organization's activities but in addition front published several pamphlets like "Glory to Russia!" that is dedicated to the activities of Konstantin Rodzaevsky with the ideology of German National Socialism along with the "Letter to the Pope" of Léon Degrelle and others.

The "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) lead by Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko proclaimed to be a Right-Wing radical organization involving cooperation with foreign organizations of this kind like the first of these organizations such as the "NSDAP Aufbau und Auslandsorganisation" lead by Gary Lauck in which the newspaper "Nash Marsh" published a portrait of Anastasy Vonsiatsky on the front page while Lauck was in an Austrian prison while the it is also known about the front's correspondence with the "Klu Klux Klan" (KKK) lead by Thomas Robb but also had contacts with Western European, Serbian, Bulgarian and other Nationalists and in October 14th 1993, after the 1993 Russian constitutional crisis with the defeat of the opposition against the front as well as against many other organizations lead to sanctions from the executive branch followed by order of the "Minister of Press and Information of the Russian Federation Shumeiko" (FAPMC) Vladimir Shumeyko no. 199 made the newspaper "Nash Marsh" banned so the printing houses along with publishing complexes to stop publishing these newspapers.

In February 23rd 1994, "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) lead by Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko taking advantage of the amnesty announced by the State Duma continued to publish the newspaper now under the name "People's System" while subsequently the "Narodny Stroy" was closed a criminal case was initiated against its editor Lazarenko on the fact of inciting ethnic hatred but in connection with the announcement of an amnesty dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of (1941–1945) during World War Two (1939-1945) he was amnestied and in March 22nd 1994, the front took a rally at the South African embassy in defense of the white population of this country against the dismantling of the Apartheid system while a month ago another well-known event of the front is the annual "Freedom to Texas" action that held in various forms for over 12 years.

In December 1994, Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko performed in a Racist spirit at the seminar known as "The Future of Russia" in which was organized at mehmate of the "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) while it published a number of racist articles in the "People's Stray" but during the same year he wrote about the arrival of a Third Reich Russia as a millennia-old National Socialist Empire designed to open the era of new sacred civilization and in 1995, the religious views of Lazarenko evolved sharply which caused bewilderment of the majority of the (FNRD) members.

Despite religious differences there was no talk of a political split while the "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) participate in seminars "The Future of Russia" at Moscow State University but then in March 1996, a criminal case was opened against Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko for inciting ethnic hatred and he broke off from Russian Orthodox Christanity under the influence of the founder of Esoteric Hitlerism by Miguel Serrano.

In April 20th 1996, Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko founded the "Navi Society" on Adolf Hitler's birthday while the society was based on the worship of two supposedly ancient Slavic gods as the teachings are a synthesis of Indo-Aryan Vedic mixed with Zoroastrianism but it was also based on aryosophia as a religion of white people who have nothing to do with Judaism, Christianity, Islam and other religions glorifying the creator god as Lazarenko identified a religion only with the Russians and by the sight, the followers of the movement understood the original spiritual principle with the perfect spiritual world as the followers of the movement called themselves adherents of "Nordic Slavic Mythology".

Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko spoke about Pagan Gnosticism in which the white man was allegedly brought by Veles the god of earth, waters, forests, underworld, music, magic, trickery, cattle and wealth while for his purpose, Lazarenko saw the revival of the oldest Nordic cult or Aryosophia in which he considered as the prerogative of the highest castes with the religion of strong-willed people who according to the founder should be commanded by low and he called Russian Orthodoxy the religion for the herd while the teachings of the Society were elite even ut was advisable for the followers to communicate only with people of the highest white race or hyperborean divine humanity.

The racial principle came down to the ethnic dimension as the teachings of the "Navi Society" forbade Russians from having sexual intercourse along marriages with representatives of other ethnic groups while at the same time Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko distanced himself from any national idea but called for religious and political unity but the society also set one of its tasks extermination of people with physical ugliness and one of the main enemies was declared Christianity in which was considered an instrument world conspiracy against the heirs of the bright gods as the followers were actively involved in sports in order to prepare for the struggle for Aryan ideals.

The "Navi Society" had its first ritual performed in day of autumn equinox in the place of ancient Dyakova located in Kolomenskoye near Moscow while in April 20th 1997, the society in the area of the Semyonovskaya metro station performed secret ceremonies in honor of the beginning of the era of the White man dedicated to Adolf Hitler's birthday and the society took inspiration from the "Klu Klux Klan" (KKK) by using the clothes along with the rituals and one of the main attributes of the Society’s supporters was dressings with swastika while using also Novgorod Celtic a cross with a swastika inscribed in it, runic inscriptions, ram skull and Siegfried's sword.

From 1997 to 2000, Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko rganized a number of public events, marches and rallies for the abolition of Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation along with series of actions for "Independence Texas" while march in support "Austrian Freedom Party" (APS) lead by Jörg Haider but then in April 24th 1998, the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation according to the lists movement "For Faith and Fatherland" lead by Russian Orthodox Hieromonk Nikon/Belavenets since the next year and on the eve of the "National Front" congress, Lazarenko officially transferred the right to use the name and symbols of the front to Mikhail Moiseev who is a member since 1992.

The "National Revolutionary Action Front" (FNRD-PNF) aka the "Front of National Revolutionary Action" (FNRD) lead by Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko took part in the work of the congress as a collective member that represented the Orthodox wing of the movement and in September 18th 1999, the last known action organized by the front was an evening in memory of Baron von Ungern-Sternberg at the Mayakovsky Museum in Moscow.

In 2005, Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko repented in which he returned to Russian Orthodoxy while retaining his ideological guidelines but in the same period he joined "National Democrats" sharing the ideas of Racism and in 2006, he was mentioned as the main character of the scandal around the elections to the Saratov City Duma including in the so-called list of Russian Neo-Fascists as leader of the skinhead group called "Clan Navi".

In January 2007, Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko took part in a Russian conference regionalists known as "Novgorod Vec" later becoming the leader of the education movement "Zalessky Russia" while in March 2010, he became one of the organizers of the "National Democratic Alliance" (NDA) lead by Aleksee Shiropayev in which set as its goal the struggle for real democracy with the creation of a Russian political nation but in December 12th 2010, immediately after riots in Manezhnaya Square Lazarenko led a small group of national democrats who demanded decisive action against the government and in the summer of 2011, Lazarenko as part of the delegation of the alliance visited the Israeli knesset/parliament where he met with deputies such as Ayub Kara from the "Likud" lead by Benjamin Netanyahu along with Arye Eldad from the "National Unity" lead by Ya'akov Katz.

In December 10th 2011, Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko took part in general rally on Bolotnaya Square in the Prostheistic movement (2011-2013) while being a member of the "Russian Political Committee" but then in the fall of 2012, he was the host of the "Rose of the Winds" on the internet radio along with "Liberty News" but he considers nation in a cultural political sense and two years ago Lazarenko began to dissociate himself from associations with Nazism While moved to an Anti-Imperial position.

Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko with Aleksee Shiropayev claims that the project of the Russian nation has failed since ethnicity remains a priority among the Russian population and with this in November 22nd 2013, they both performed at the Tenth Starovo Readings in the National Research University aka Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

In July 6th 2017, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation entered into the register of banned sites a number of portals that were assigned to Nationalist resourcess including Ilya Viktorovich Lazarenko's website known as Russian Fabula while being an of active opponent Crimea joining Russia is a regular member of the "Free Russia Forum" (FRF) lead by Garry Kasparov and he was co-chair of the socio-political movement "National Democratic Alliance" (NDA) while leading the movement "Zalessky Rus" but then emigrated to Cyprus, Limasole.


Rodzaevskyism is based on the thoughts of Russian political figure Konstantin Vladimirovich Rodzaevsky.

He was born in Blagoveshchensk, File:Amur.png Amur, Russia on August 11th 1907 to his father named Vladimir Rodzayevsky who worked as a notary public gentlemen in Lipovetsky, Vinnytsia, Ukraine who got a degree in law until in 1928, he along with his second son Vladimirovich Rodzaevsky fled to Harbin, Heilongjiang, Manchuria, China during the Chinese Civil War (1927-1949) in which after World War Two (1939-1945) the youngest brother was briefly arrested although he had nothing to do with the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) before worked at a cosmetic factory preparing to retire in the late 1970s while his mother Nadezhda Rodzaevskay was a daughter nerchinsky merchant seamstress of the second guild Mikhail Butin who is a housewife but then in August 13th 1938, she was shot to death by the "People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs" (NKVD) lead by Nikolai Yezhov in Turukhansk, Turukhansky, Krasnoyarsk or died from typhoid in 1930 due to rumours so in reality she is treated by a doctor for tuberculosis in Moscow, Central as she was rehabilitated in November 17th 1989 by the prosecutor's office and in 1935, the two sisters Nadezhda Rodzaevskay & Nina Rodzaevskay were arrested with their mother to five years in the gulag along with 10 years forced labor since June 8th 1938 as they both rehabilitated in 1957 even Nadezhda married to the same doctor that treated her mother.

Konstantin Rodzaevsky's family was decidedly middle class that was a part of a quite rare frail status of Siberian bourgeoise before graduated from school to become a member of the "All-Union Leninist Young Communist League" (Komsomol) lead by Pyotr Smorodin during the Russian Civil War (1917-1923) while in 1925, he along with his family fleeing to Manchuria as the circumstances of its transition through from Cupid river into China was unknown but then in 1926, Nadezhda Rodzaevskay found out that Konstantin was in Harbin so having received an exit visa from the Soviet authorities went to him begging to return home until the son was adamant in which she alone returned home as this meeting was their last and in 1928, Rodzaevsky enter the Law Faculty at Harbin Normal University met with teachers of legal disciplines such George Gins & Nikolai Nikiforov who are Anti-Communist Nationalists that had a great influence on the development of his political views.

Konstantin Rodzaevsky joined the "Russian Fascist Organization" (RFO) lead by Nikolai Nikiforov while just before the release was expelled from the Harbin Normal University for leading a demonstration during which the Soviet flag was torn off the institute but then in 1929, when Soviet influence on the institution was temporarily weakened due to the Sino-Soviet Conflict (1929) so Rodzaevsky quickly recovered and at the end of the university received a law degree.

Konstantin Rodzaevsky married his first wife Lydia Georgievna Malkova as years of her life are unknown until 1936 came with a divorce in which he was having an affair with Nikolai Nikiforov who is a member of the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) leaving with her in the United States of America were fate after re-marriage is unknown as two children of Rodzayevsky from marriage with Malkova died in infancy along with the son Yuri died in 23rd June 1934 while in 1937, the second marriage took place between Rodzaevsky & Petlin giving birth to Olga Rodzaevsky, Vladimir Rodzaevsky & an unnamed baby who died in infancy but then in August 13th 1945, when Rodzayevsky left Harbin it made the family stayed in the city until 1952 and in the late 1970s, the family moved to San Francisco, California after moving from Brazil even in February 2018, the daughter lived in Cordoba Ranch, Lutz, Hillsborough, Florida along with the son living in Galt, Sacramento.

In May 26th 1931, Konstantin Rodzaevsky formed the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) after the "Russian Fascist Organization" (RFO) lead by Nikolai Nikiforov in the 1st Congress of Russian Fascists called for Italian Fascist ideology to take advantage of the shaky position of the Bolshevik leaders in the face of both external or internal opposition while during the Japanese Invasion of Manchuria (1931-1932) made the political party came out very strongly in the support of Japan but then forging close links with the "Kwantung Army" lead by Koji Miyake that lasted until 1945 and in 1932, the political party became the most influential émigré group in Manchukuo by setting up a party school in Harbin even the political party lead by Rodzaevsky was used to lead by Vladimir Dmitrievich Kosmin secretly.

Konstantin Rodzaevsky had his body growth of 180 cm with a weight of only 63 kg in which was apparently associated with poor nutrition as is face was palely thin with a beard starting to grow along with having eyes that is non-blinking blue over a high forehead of a pile of dark red hair while despite the ordinary appearance was an attractive force as he literally radiated energy living in a constant movement of running, swimming, walking and even gesturing but when he was moved or just in shock rushed to the piano and took an uneven baritone to sing an aria about Prince Igor Svyatoslavich of Novgorod-Seversk & Chernigov.

Konstantin Rodzaevsky did not smoke nor practically did not drink alcohol even taking a couple of sips to respect the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) while he tired to behave in public as Benito Mussolini by successfully copying gestures along with rhetoric Duche speaking in a quick chop manner which is why the most trivial things sounded like something very important but then it has been informed that Rodzaevsky was a member of the "Kempeitai" since 1925 and he led on the instructions of the Japanese at a spy school in Harbin in which White emigrants were trained even in addition he stated that he served not only the Japanese but Nazi Germany as well even he was known as a dreamer-egoist being comic in his posturing along with touching in his defencelessness.

In October 3rd 1933, Konstantin Rodzaevsky formed a daily newspaper known as "Our Path" with help from four publishers including Lev Pavlovich Okhotin for the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) by the circulation of 4,000 copies after or before the "Nation" magazine while the newspaper promoted Christian Orthodoxy, Russian Ultranationalism and even Fascism but then in Vladimir Kislitsin's memoirs the book "In the fires of the Civil War: Memoires" before publishing a source for an alleged quote from Leon Trotsky whose source claims to be from the memoirs of Grigori Rasputin's secretary Aron Simanovitch stating "The main ally of Vladimir Lenin known as Leon Trotsky did not hesitate at all to talk about planned goals by saying that Russia mused turned into a desert inhabited by White negros as whom we will give such a tyranny that the most terrible despots of the East never dreamed of. The only difference is that this tyranny will not be on the right but on the left and not white but red. In the literal sense of the word red for we will shed such streams of blood before which all the human losses of Capitalist wars will shudder and pale. The largest bankers overseas will work closely with us. If we win the revolution that crush Russia then on its burial debris we will strengthen the power of Zionism and become such a force before which the whole world will kneel. We will show you what real power is. By terror blood baths bring the Russian intelligentsia to complete dullness to idiocy as an animal state." and in July 1st 1943, the newspaper was dissolved after the 1483 numbers were released in Harbin since January 30th 1938.

In 1934, Konstantin Rodzaevsky published a book of questions & answers called "The Alphabet Of Fascism" that have been reprinted subsequently several times in which there were 100 questions followed by answers about Fascism in this book while the questions such as "What is Democracy and what is its lie?" up to "What makes up the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) form?" even when asked "What is a nation?" the answer was given that is the spiritual unity of people on the basis of a common historical fate in the past a common national culture and national traditions along with desire to continue their lives in the future but then the immediate racial approach was criticized National Socialism stated "The understanding of the nation as spiritual unity but however is not assimilated by all Fascist movements a some Fascist movements for example like German National Socialists adhere to a racial understanding of the nation." and when answering the question "Why do Fascists negatively relate to Jewry?" it followed by the answer "Jews are the organic enemies of every nation state." so Rodzaevsky spoke about the desire of Jews to subjugate all nations to their influence to establish world domination. even he stated "That is why at the end of the answer to the question the Fascists with the exception of Italy since there are almost no Jews there resolutely fight against Jewry".

In March 29th 1934, the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky formed the "Russian Women's Fascist Movement" lead by Shane Rumyantseva before being replaced by Valentina Abaimova to Eulalia Okhotina who is the wife of Lev Pavlovich Okhotin as the movement brought together Russian women aged 20 to 40 years actually the only political organization of the Russian emigration that united Russian female as according to regulation the movement advocated for a corporate system of Russian Fascism in which a woman would occupy her rightful place as the bearer of the idea of beauty keeper of the family hearth known as a wife or mother properly provided by law while members of the movement were employees of local newspapers, magazines, banks and even other institutions but then the movement consisted of a chairperson who was also considered the chair of the entire movement as a whole and its deputy secretary who was also considered the secretary of the entire movement as a whole was treasurer who is department head of the "TAG1 Steering Center".

In 1937, the "Russian Women's Fascist Movement" lead by Eulalia Okhotina called the group of Russian Fascists from 2 to 5 person a group of foci of a certain territory a department in which a group of foci or areas of a certain significant territory while departments from Harbin were established due to groups of foci appeared from Hailar, Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia to Shanghai, East China to Tianjin to Xinjine, Chengdu, Sichuan to San Francisco to Yantai, Shandong to Manila, National Capital, Philippines to Shenyang, Liaoning to Khorhonte to Tsagole to Zhalayrone but then the movement has a monthly newspaper known as "Awakening" since 1936 as it began to be published once every two weeks and the areas of movement's activities were campaigning along with educational work with youth.

The "Russian Women's Fascist Movement" lead by Eulalia Okhotina had its members made reports on topics such as "The Tragedy Of A Russian Woman In Soviet Literature", "The Situation Of A Russian Woman In The USSR And Abroad" and even "On The Duty Of A Russian Woman" while the forces of the members of the movement staged performances, concerts, recitation of poems, balls and even evenings were organized even the movement have cutting & sewing courses, needlework courses and even sisters of mercy were organized but then members of the organization headed the subsidiaries for children such as the "Union of Young Fascists — Avangard" both male & female along with the "Union of Fascist Crumbs" and in March 1st 1941, the movement was renamed into the "Union of Russian Women" until in July 1st 1943, the movement was prohibited after the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky.

In April 22nd 1934, the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky formed a male youth organization known as the "Union of Young Fascists — Avangard" lead by Nikolay Petlin in which youths of Russian nationality aged 10 to 16 could be members while the goals of the organization declared the preservation of Russian children from denationalization along with the systematic education of them in the Russian national spirit, strict observance Orthodox faith and even traditions of the former Russia but then in June 28th 1934, the organization began to clone itself as a female one lead by Maria Rychkova with two group of female members split into two groups from the youngest from 10 to 13 years old along with the oldest from 13 to 16 years old and in February 28th 1941, the female organization was renamed the "Union of Russian Girls" before both organizations being dissolved two years later.

In April 26th 1934, the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky during the 2nd Congress of Russian Fascists merged with the "All-Russian Fascist Organization" (VFO) lead by Anastasy Vonsyatsky into the "All-Russian Fascist Party" (WWF) in Tokyo, Honshu, Kantō, Japan but until in October 1934, the entire political party split into two again due to Vonsyatsky did not share the views of Rodzayevsky including the dispute on the Jewish issue to accommodate more Conservative Russians along with the attitude to Grigory Mikhailovich Semenov and Vonsyatsky did not want to have any relationship with him so Rodzaevsky was forced to support Semenov because of the pressure of the Japanese.

The "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky had its headquarters located in Manzhouli as a photo of a neon swastika at display on the building during night time to provide a show of power against the Soviet government at least 3 km from the Soviet border while cooperation with the Japanese brought Rodzayevsky with his political party money along with his patronage but then he is promised to a pre-emptive right to power in the event of a war with the Soviet Union and he met several times with the Minister of War Yoshiyuki Kawashima along with Minister of Education Sadao Araki & Yosuke Matsuoka even during the celebration 2600th anniversary of Japan have Rodzaevsky with a group of associates congratulated Emperor Hirohito.

In May 10th 1934, the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky formed a children's organization known as the "Union of Fascist Crumbs" in which include Russian boys or girls who believe in the slogan "God, Nation & Labour." for the salvation of Russian children from the influence of the street or denationalization their upbringing for the future of Russia in the Fascist religious spirit as the members could be children of Russian emigrants aged 3 to 10 years if a parental note of consent was enough while members of the organization were divided into simple Fascist crumbs, smart crumbs, nerdy crumbs and even avant-garde crumbs before reaching the age of 10 have the children moved to the "Union of Young Fascists — Avangard" both male & female and the union were positions of the senior or senior hearth, the head or head of the district and even the head or head of the department.

The "Union of Fascist Crumbs" have structural units known as "Soyuza" that were several crumbs living near each other or students in the same school as one class or a group of foci of a certain area was a district or a group of districts within certain territorial boundaries was a department while the guide of the crumbs were Zoya Bulycheva & Natalya Patz-Pomarnetskaya but then it had a newspaper known as the "Baby" and in July 11th 1938, the newspaper published 7 bullet points during the feast of St. Olga of Kiev.

The customs of the "Union of Fascist Crumbs".

  • The baby does not lie in bed for a long time and gets up as soon as Vanka-Vstanka.
  • The baby washed cleaner than all and brushes his teeth every day.
  • The baby was never naughty and all dads & mothers can set the baby as an example for their children.
  • The baby never plays with Jews, takes nothing from Jews and does not talk to them.
  • The crumbs never quarrel among themselves and always put up before sunset.
  • They remember that the uniform was given to them because they are small Fascists.
  • They takes care of the uniform and wears it with pride as big or large.

In May 22nd 1935, the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky proclaimed a Fascist three year old for some reason while its essence was that the national revolution in the Soviet Union would take place no later than May 1st 1938 so all the forces of the party members with all sympathizers should be aimed at bringing it closer but then the plan for achieving victory consisted of five points such as strengthening Fascist propaganda, uniting all emigrants in Manchuria under the auspices political party, close cooperation with Germany along with Italy, strengthening ties with Japan and then penetration into the Soviet Union to establish contacts with Anti-Stalin elements and in July 3rd 1935, the program was approved at the 3rd Congress of Russian Fascists proclaimed that not only Great Russians, Ukrainians and even Belarusians should be full citizens of Russia but also all other peoples of the land such as Armenians, Georgians and Tatars in which were part of the Russian nation with their lands even at the same time Jews who have their own land outside the Russian state due to being the culprits of the gravest ills of the Russian people that should be recognized in the future of Russia for unwanted foreigners.

The "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky called for class cooperation instead of class conflict in which was to be achieved via an Italian style corporate state that would mediate between the interests of labor & capital by imposing national unions while stating that once the Soviet Union was replaced he would create a temporary dictatorship that would establish a federated state even he never explicitly claimed that he was to serve as a leader but his rhetoric left little doubt that he saw himself as the future vozhd of a Fascist Russia and wanted Russia to be free from Cosmopolitanism supporting Russia for Russians.

The "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky definition of Russian Nationalism did not define Russianness in ethnic terms so much as in terms of a common historical destiny which meant that provided that they were loyal the Russian state with the exception of the Jews who Rodzaevsky saw as born disloyal while all of the non-Russian ethnic groups were to be considered Russian but then he excoriated the Russia Empire in many ways as his definition of Russian Nationalism as those loyal to the Russian state owed much to definition of Russianness in the imperial period where those who were loyal to the "House of Romanov" were considered Russian regardless of their language and he envisioned Russia taking back Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and even Finland before planned to annex Romania, Bulgaria, Iran, Afghanistan and Mongolia.

The "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky who promoted against Freemasonry, Industrialization and even Satanism called for a alliance of Russia, Germany and Japan while a problem with this future foreign policy was the open Anti-Slavic Racism expressed by the Nazis who saw all Slavs as Untermenschen seeing the Soviet Union so one of the Völkisch tracts not translated into Russian by the (RFP) was "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler but then Rodzaevsky wrote to Hitler asking him to amend the book even upon receiving no reply finally did translate the book into Russian in 1936 with the offending passages removed and Rodzaevsky praised Hitler as a great statesman along with tried to explain away Hitler's Anti-Russian statements with his intentions to colonize Russia as expressed in the book as something written a long time ago that was not relevant at present saying that he knew that Hitler had changed his views about Russia.

In November 1935, the "Reich Ministry of War" lead by Werner von Blomberg had the psychological war laboratory submitted a study about how best to undermine the morale of the "Workers and Peasants Red Army" lead by Alexander Yegorov after a war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union break out while the "Wehrmacht" lead by Werner von Blomberg had dispatched a team to Manchukuo to contact the leaders of the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky with the German-Russian team put together a series of pamphlets written in Russian for distribution in the Soviet Union by Germany but then the pamphlets written in Manchukuo were designed to play on Anti-Semitism with one pamphlet calling the gentlemen commissars along the party functionaries a group of mostly filthy Jews and it ended with the call for brother soldiers of the "Red Army" to rise up to kill all of the Jewish commissars even the pamphlets have been spread out into the Soviet Union after Operation Barbarossa (1941-1942) during World War Two (1939-1945).

Since 1931, the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky had about 200 members before 4 years reached to 20,000 while political party departments existed in many countries or continents including Europe, Latin America, North Africa, United States of America, Canada and even Australia in places of residence of Russian emigrants with approximately about 30,000 members since 1938 but then Rodzaevsky made an alliance with the "Imperial Fascist League" (IFL) lead by Arnold Leese and the program drawn up by Rodzayevsky along with Yevgeny Korablev claimed the imminent death of the Soviet system as the Bolshevik rulers are divorced from a people moaning from the violent Collectivization in connection with which his awakening is coming escalating into the national revolution of an Anti-Communist mixed Anti-Capitalist orientation.

In 1936, the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky formed an older youth organization known as the "Union of Fascist Youth" lead by Ilya Dunaev while the enrolment in the organization was carried out automatically as all members of the organizations of the corresponding age were enrolled in it regardless of gender even at the same time as they remained members of there relevant organizations even the organization was split into two groups from the youngest to the oldest as Rach groups that had two degrees from ordinary Russian Fascists to avant-garde even the exams were passed to go from degree to degree in some academy named after Pyotr Stolypin but then the organization worked with cultural, educational, dramatic and even philosophical circles along with schools for cutting, sewing, learning languages, politics and even military training and in April 12th 1939, the organization has been renamed into the "Anti-Communist Youth Union" before being split into three groups.

The "Kwantung Army" lead by Rensuke Isogai operated a secret biological-chemical warfare unit known as "Unit 731" lead by Shirō Ishii based in Pingfang, Heilongjiang that performed gruesome experiments on people that usually involved much evisceration of the subjects to see the effects of chemicals or germs on the human body that were always fatal for the subject while at the late 1930s when the doctors of unit demanded more Caucasian subjects to experiment upon in order to test the efficiency the strains of anthrax or plague that they were developing to kill Caucasians having already mastered strains capable of killing Asians by much experimentation on Chinese subjects but then many of the great Russians living in Manchukuo found themselves the unwilling human guinea-pigs of unit even the "Kwantung Army" used the Russian Fascists to kidnap various unreliable Russians living in Manchukuo for unit to experiment upon and in 1938, Rodzaevsky assisted the "Imperial Japanese Army" (IJA) lead by Seishirō Itagaki in the formation of the "Asano Detachment" lead by Asano Makoto organizing for carrying out sabotage against Soviet forces in case of any Japanese invasion of Siberia along with the Russian Far East areas after in January 1934, Rodzaevsky visited Tokyo to ask the Minister of War Sadao Araki for a Japanese support to raise an army of 150,000 men from the ethnic Russian population of Manchukuo that would be led by him to invade the Soviet Union without the loyalty of 150,000 members of the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP).

In August 23th 1939, the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact led to the mass exiting of its members from the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky as they ceased to believe in the imminent collapse of the Bolshevik regime in the Soviet Union while in September 3rd 1939, he condemned the pact calling it a fatal mistake as a retreat from the struggle against Jewish Communism but then in May 1st 1938, he predicted a national revolution in the Soviet Union has long passed and in June 23th 1938, Rodzaevsky in the newspaper "Our Way" advocated the start of hostilities by Japan against the Bolsheviks and in April 13th 1941, the Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact has been signed that made the Japanese authorities immediately confiscated the newspaper number before limited the activities of the political party.

In December 8th 1941, the United States of America declared war on Japan that lead to the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky split from Anastasy Vonsiatsky after both men resumed cooperation since 1940 along with the activities of the political party outside of Manchuria slowly came to an end while in October 1941, the "Kempeitai" uncovered the Soviet spy-ring headed by Richard Sorge in Tokyo in which caused the Japanese to have an exaggerated paranoid fear that Soviet spies were everywhere but then in 1943, the Japanese spy agency began to suspect Rodzaevsky as a member of the "People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs" lead by Lavrentiy Beria and in May 1943, he was arrested to be subjected to intensive interrogations taken in for questioning before being released after having received clarifications returning to work at Braham as the head of the "2nd department".

In July 1st 1943, the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) lead by Konstantin Rodzaevsky after the "Harbin Military Mission" announced the liquidation of the offices in Manchuria, Japan and even China relating to Rodzaevsky without any explanation following complaints from the Soviet ambassador Yakov Malik to the Japanese about the Anti-Soviet statements coming from the Russian Whites in Manchukuo while in August 23rd 1943, following the Soviet victory at the Battle of Kursk against Nazi Germany made the Japanese no longer took it for granted that Germany would defeat Soviet Communism as they themselves had suffered a number of defeats at the hands of the United States of America in which made Tokyo anxious to avoid a war with the Soviet Union but then Rodzaevsky wrote a cynical book called "Modern Judaization Of The World Or The Jewish Question In The 20th Century" is it divided into 4 chapters stating that the United States of America became became the world center of Jewry and he wanted to free Europe from the yoke of the Jews.

In August 1945, Konstantin Rodzaevsky during the Soviet Invasion of Manchuria after his work "Modern Judaization Of The World Or The Jewish Question In The 20th Century" is on a par with the newspaper "Der Stürmer" owned by Julius Streicher claimed that Joseph Stalin's regime was evolving into a Nationalist one while he stated a fatal mistake for his decision to support Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union explaining that he so blindly believed in Japanese mixed German propaganda that imposed the general line on the entire "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) for a long time that he did not know anything about the crimes of the Nazi regime but then during the "Soviet–Japanese War" (1945) decided to support the Soviet Union to began to look for an opportunity to establish contact with the Soviet side and in response to a proposal by the Harbin radio station to make an Anti-Soviet radio report have Rodzaevsky presented a text that did not miss censorship.

Konstantin Rodzaevsky moved to Shanghai as he began to yearn for the abandoned family whom he loved very much while negotiated with the "People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs" lead by Sergei Kruglov about a possible return to the homeland but then wrote an article "A Week That Crossed The Soul" in which he described his emotional fracture before recognized the continuity of the Soviet period from the royal in the USSR as they erected merit Mikhail Kutuzova & Alexandra Suvorova to returned the military uniform that the "Imperial Russian Army" wore compared Joseph Stalin as a collector of Moscow lands who is a recreator of the greatness of Russia with Grand Prince Ivan I of Moscow and Rodzaevsky wrote letters to Marshal Malinovsky with the renunciation of their views backed by the willingness to offer their skills to Soviet society.

In September 2nd 1945, Konstantin Rodzaevsky surrendered to the Soviet Union in Harbin with a letter that shows striking similarities with the doctrines of National Bolshevism as an alternative to International Leninism who came up with ideas world revolution as Joseph Stalin managed to solve the Jewish issue since by tearing a Jew out of Talmudic Wednesday with Soviet education turned him into a peaceful member of the family of Soviet peoples while stating "I issued a call for an unknown leader capable of overturning the Jewish government and creating a new Russia. I failed to see that by the will of fate of his own genius and of millions of toilers and Joseph Stalin who is the leader of the peoples had become this unknown leader." but then in October 25th 1945, Rodzaevksy returned to his original where he was promised freedom with a job in one of the Soviet newspapers even one of his associates last night tried to dissuade Rodzayevsky from traveling by leaving the embassy building in which he replied "No, the door slammed shut with no return. My family can pay back for my experience to go back again and I can’t allow this." and he was arrested with Grigory Mikhailovich Semenov, Lev Vlasaevsky, Ivan Adrianovich Mikhailov, Lev Okhotin, Prince Nikolay Alexandrovich Ukhtomsky and Boris Nikolaevich Shepunov.

In August 26th 1946, Konstantin Rodzaevsky's trial began in which it was widely covered in the Soviet press known for a conceited naïve stupid person instead of a criminal according to the director of the Museum of Russian Culture of San Francisco while the case was opened by Chairman Vasily Ulrikh of the "Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Soviet Union" until Rodzaevsky along with other leaders of the "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) were charged with Anti-Soviet agitation due to the creation of the political party distributing Anti-Soviet propaganda among White Russians exiles backed by the creation of similar Anti-Soviet organizations in China, Europe and even the United States of America but then according to the verdict stated he was involved in preparing an attack on the Soviet Union together with a number of Japanese generals as well as personally organizing spies mixed with terrorist groups against the mother with the cooperation of German or Japanese intelligence in which all of the defendants pleaded guilty and in August 30th 1946, he was shot to death by firing squad in Lubyanka prison located in Moscow.

Personality and Behavior

Mladorossism (just like his father Monarcho-Fascism) is erratic, insane and occasionally prone to violence, especially when he sees any Stalinists. He is often seen with Monarcho-Socialism and Euskadi Carlism as he sees them as all on the same page so they get along.

How to Draw

Flag of Mladorossism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Color the ball blue,
  3. Draw a white globus cruciger ("orb and cross"), aka a Holy Hand Grenade in the centre,
  4. Draw a gold crown on top of the ball, with red jewels,
  5. Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Blue #0E0A54 14, 10, 84
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Gold #FFE101 255, 225, 1
Red #C5060E 197, 6, 14




  • Fascism - You also have some good ideas, but you keep working with.. him.
  • Strasserism - You would have been based, but you give me Barbarossa flashbacks. And why are you a Republican?
  • Black Hundredism - Fellow Russian Nationalist, but do you HAVE to hate Socialism, Comrade?


  • Nazism - You used to be cool, but you murdered SO MANY RUSSIANS, LIKE WTF DUDE!
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - A SMALL STATE? NOT HURTING MINORTITES? NO MONARCH? AND A FILTHY CAPITALIST? I hate every, single, part of you.
  • Iron Front - Yeah, I'm a Monarchist, Fascist, AND Communist, what are you gonna do about it?
  • Marxism–Leninism - You betrayed Lenin's teachings and sent our supporters to the gulags! YOU MANIAC! What do you mean I was the one who actually betrayed his teachings by adding reactionary elements to it and not you? Also, please stop calling me a LARP ideology.
  • TNOMod - Who must go? Wait, I did go.

Further Information




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