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Ziółkowskiizm is a variant of Social Nationalism specifically it is Hubert Ziółkowki's interpretation of Social Nationalism about its doctrine and implication in Poland, as well as his own stances on Foreign Policy. The only reason there is ever to separate Ziółkowskiizm from Social Nationalism is in the context of Social Nationalism's application in Poland and foreign policy stances, this is beacause Social Nationalism is specifically designed to be generally vague and have nothing mentioned for foreign policy to make it universally applicable. Overall in a structural sense it is arguably similar to Social Momentism.

Main goals of Ziółkowskiizm

To end the puppet regime which swears its loyalty to the US and the Liberal world order
To preserve the Polish nation, and therefore its cultural traditions, relative ethnic purity and loyalty to the nation among the population
To preserve other Lechitic nations within Poland and therefore grant them autonomy to fullfill their own cultural destinies
To destroy economic sectarianism and allow for economic systems to be tried out and experimented with in a mission to find the best one
Ensure the national autonomy of each and every nation in the world, slowly but surely, leading the world into a new era of nationalist comradery


In Ziółkowskiizm there are three main philosophical concepts that drive the reasoning for everything

Collectivism as a basis to life

Ziółkowskiizm believes that in existence, being part of a collective is the most important to finding a reason to remain in existence as without the collective, there would be no 'why' except egoism which would lead to the few surviving and most committing suicide as not everyone's pursuit is possible. People need to organise so that they can achieve something that that pleases the whole group enough so they don't lack purpose. This in a way is egoistic but not on an individual level and is the amalgamation of trial and error of human nature.
The most efficient and pungent organisation man can put themselves in due to the ideal size as well as the national spirit, is the nation. And that's why the nation is the most important, because otherwise man will organise themselves into less permanent and pungent collectives which will eventually lead to hopelessness/suicide on a large scale as the 'membership' in such collective isn't as stable or able to be perceived.
If people will go with humanity as their collective then every action they take will be futile as they are too small and there is no against to bicker over interests, this makes the egotistical nature of the human mad and people disassociate and use humanity as a mere mask rather than their actual collective
If people will go on cultural levels, picking pop cultural groups, parties, beliefs, ideologies it is also dangerous as these are too narrow and other people have too much control over these it puts your life and egoism in the control of a few individuals which is dangerous.
Religion and love uphold and maintain the National collective due to religion indirectly giving the man a other wordly safety net and therefore promoting taking action (it also teaches to not act in ones own selfish needs but rather a greater good) whilst love gives the man an emotional safety net as well as offspring which continues the growth of the nation.
Because of the necessity of the national collective national egoism (hopeism) is justified, but it should not go top far so it doesn't lead to imperialism or the violation of other national collectives - national egoism should primarily used against internal groups and individuals.

The idiocy of the masses

Ziółkowskiizm believes that the masses are mainly short term centered and only base their decisions on local factors, this is something that is already acknowleged in behavioral economics, with concepts such as bounded rationality and heuristics. Due to this pure democracy nor representative democracy work and this personal inability to computate long term effects of policy heavily damages policy making and this has to be curtailed as all it has caused is degeneration of the social state of nations for the past decades due to pink capitalism.

Worth of the non-material

Ziółkowskiizm believes there are two all-important non material things which are God and the National spirit. Other non-material things are less valuable than these two as well as the material and moral good of the national collective, but regardless, are still valuable. This is because Ziółkowskiizm aims to maximise collective good of its national collective as well as the world overall and prevent suicide and hopelessness and quite often a large amount of this is tied to emotions or spiritual phenomena. This is partially why Ziółkowskiizm is so lenient on Pagans and atheists despite believing catholic Sedevacantism to be the only truth.


Ziółkowskiizm pursues to completely reform the governing structure of Poland and implement Fiscal Federalism as well as the Kraj system, these reforms aim to minimize the damage of the idiocy of the masses upon the governance of the state and separate cultural-social legislation from economic legislation; letting economic be highly flexible and cultural-social very rigid as they are delegated to different legislative bodies (Sejm or Advisory board) with different levels of Executive (Kultokratic) interference in them. This makes Ziółkowskiizm anti-democratic in theory but semi-democratic in practice, as it doesnt believe it is possible to fully remove the idiocy of the masses from influencing the government.

Differences between Sejm and Advisory board

Advisory Board Sejm
Made up of -Elected representative from each powiat
-Kultokrat's of Kraj's
-Minister of economy
-9 sub-ministers
-Each Voivode
-Elected representative from each powiat
Term limit 3 year 3 year, 4 year(for MOE and Voivode's)
Internal organisation -Groups of Kraj representatives
-Groups of Voivodeships (in Kraj Advisory boards)
Groups of party economic factions
Head Highest Ranking Kultokrat Minister of Economy
'Layers' -National stage
-Kraj stage
-Kultoratic stage
-National Sejm
-Voivodeship Sejm
-Powiat Sejm
Responsible for Cultural-Social legislation Economic legislation
Can be vetoed by HRK or Judiciary Yes Yes
Can be vetoed by MOE No Yes
Can counter-veto? No Yes

The Ministry of Foreign relations

The ministry of foreign relations will be made up of the Kultokrat of the largest kraj(population wise) and the Minister of War jointly and also be made up of many lower ranking personnel who will execute the joint decrees of the MOFR, this means foreign relations are completely in the hands of the executive without any input from the legislative branch.


Ziółkowskiizm believes in Fiscal Federalism and so how the specifics of the economy functions would be up to the local populations of each powiat, however there are some things that would be in the constitution/ preffered by me to be passed by the national sejm. Firstly a gradual transition to Mercantilism should be done, with the state either sponsoring or establishing firms that supply the Polish market which each type of product that is high in demand with the eventual goal making imports to Poland unnecessary and only done for collection purposes. At the same time anything that is in surplus in the country should be immediately put up for exports and offered to any country, regardless of which bloc they belong to. Secondly the right to private property should be entrenched in the constitution as well as a certain degree of workers rights .Lastly the implementation of a 'progressivist tax' where firms would be taxed extra for taking and promoting progressive stances, this would be counted as social reparations from these firms to the society of Poland.


Ziółkowskiizm believes in technological acceleration, but it should never get to the point where technology fundamentally changes human nature by allowing them to live completely integrated into virtual worlds or people becoming roboticised. Ziółkowskiizm also supports the automation of the army and mass investment into native military technologies suited for our terrain and our specific missions rather than relying on buying foreign equipment.

Social views

Ziółkowskiizm is a Traditionalist and Collectivist ideology with the goal of preserving the Traditions of Poland, as well as bringing some back that were destroyed by American Cultural Imperialism. Collectivism is the biggest philosophical backing of Ziółkowskiizm and the good of the national collective is the reason behind most of its beliefs.


Ziółkowskiizm takes a moderate approach to women's role in society with leaving most things as they are in this regard, however, in theory Ziółkowskiizm is against women in the workplace and prefers that women act as caretakers of the home and children, it also wants to change how child custody is settled in court to bring about a more equal system based on parent merit. Promoting the traditional role of women in society would be done via education, social stigma and government propaganda but there shall be no actual laws stopping women from working or not marrying.


Ziółkowskiizm believes that homosexuals have the right to exist but not to express, Homosexual relationships would not be punishable by law but the public expressions of Homosexuality shall be punishable and this includes public showing of affection as well as Pride parades.
Ziółkowskiizm believes that transgenders should have the right to become but not to pretend, with surgery being available after reaching 16 years of age and passing a doctors exam checked by the government and only after the surgery will their legal documents change the gender on them. Before surgery people are to be considered their gender assigned at birth.
Pornography and Prostitution would also both be illegal to protect the population, especially the youth and lonely.


Ziółkowskiizm believes in the nuclear family model and that families should be given ample opportunities to acquire property of their own. Families should also be encouraged to have over 2 children to allow for population growth to happen without the need for migration, this will be done through indoctrination of the youth, government propaganda, financial incentives and social stigma. Ziółkowskiizm also calls for the creation of a state managed dating app and banning of all other dating apps, the goal is to make dating apps more geared at creating long term relationships, making dating apps safer and tackling the loneliness epidemic. Ziółkowskiizm also calls for abortion to be banned with the only exception being mothers health and for polygamy to be banned.


In terms of Religion Ziółkowskiizm is mostly secular but supports active participation in the catholic church by the population as well as disseminating the ideas of Sedevacantism thought education and government propaganda to remove the influence of the pope on the Polish nation that exists currently. In terms of adoption, Homosexuals would be barred from adopting children unless there was an excessive surplus of unwanted children. Additionally a 'model citizen' programme should be made that would be similar to orphanages where children are raised by the state in compounds similar to orphanages (but much higher quality) in order to become model citizens or soldiers of the Polish armed forces.
In terms of immigration there should be little to no immigration to the state, refugees will be allowed to come but only from culturally similar countries and they would be kept seperate and under government watch until they return to their country of origin, this includes ideological refugees (people who flee liberal regimes).

Cultural Views

According to Ziółkowskiizm the nation is not merely an ethnic, cultural or linguistic thing but rather a mix of those as well as a 'national spirit' element making Ziółkowskiizm a form of Volkish nationalism, although the aspect of loyalty is also a common aspect that is mentioned, with Ziółkowskiizm stating that Poles not loyal to the national collective are barely Poles at all.
Ziółkowskiizm wants to introduce more opportunities and incentives for youth to spend more time away from the internet, as well mandating some times for internet blackouts throughout the year. School club attendance will also be mandatory for at least 2 clubs and alcohol prices will be kept low, as well as public drinking being legalised.
Ziółkowskiizm does not believe in a national rebirth but rather a nationalist rebirth, it believes some changes need to be made to remove anglicised slang, and eliminate foreign languages from the national culture but generally supports rebirthing peoples tendencies towards nationalism rather than rebirthing the nation itself. However, Ziółkowskiizm believes in certain 'modernisation' of the Polish identity with certain anti-western struggles, anti banderist and anti-american elements being added to the romanticist images of the Polish identity, as a modernisation of the concept of the christ of nations
Ziółkowskiizm also believes in the general removal of materialist tendencies from society, saying they are spiritually jewish and replacing them with mutual trust and voluntary apathy on price and profit in terms of interperson interactions with 'profit thinking' being only reserved for firms and not for people.

Foreign Policy

In terms of Foreign Policy in Ziółkowskiizm there is a separation into short term and long term, both however, are realisations of the Ziółkowski doctrine.
The Ziółkowski doctrine is the concept that the world is and should continue to be considered as tripolar world with the USA, Russia and China being the modern great powers. The doctrine calls for the cooperation with all aforementioned political blocs as well as non-aligned blocks on a bilateral basis. With this doctrine Poland would be able to enjoy the fruits of trade with all blocs as well as military protection guarantees from multiple sources and due to this diversification of defence and trade it would not be reliant on any particular bloc and therefore can act autonomously in international relations, this process is necessary as Ziółkowskiizm does not believe that isolationism is pragmatically possible nor does it think it would be good if it was.

Short term

Currently to balance out the influence Poland needs to leave NATO and take a rapid and hard anti-western stance and this must continue until American cultural imperialism is removed from the country, as well as western trade needs to be quickly contested with the newly reopened eastern trade from Russia and China, this is due to two different factors, mainly because Poland is currently a puppet state of the USA but also because the west is currently exporting liberalism which goes against not only universal nationalism but also our internal goals and so the short term of the Ziółkowski doctrine is to be implemented until the national interest of Poland as well as Polish autonomy is not only compatible but also at least marginally aligned with the west, this can happen via the west moving away from liberalism or the west becoming so weak that is kneels to Polish demands.

Long term

In the long term Ziółkowskiizm calls for general unalignment in international relations with equal influences upon Poland from all three blocs as after the west moves away from exporting liberalism their existence wont be harmful on the world anymore.


Ziółkowskiizm believes in a interventionist version of Universal Nationalism and calls for Polish interventions in conflicts worldwide to support the nationalist / anti western (in line with short term Ziółkowski doctrine) side of civil wars.

The Global Nationalist Group

Ziółkowskiizm supports the creation of an international inter-party organization modeled after the Communist International (Comintern), focusing on nationalist parties globally. This organization aims to promote nationalist ideology, regardless of specific variants. Given diverse cultural, societal, and economic conditions in different countries, uniting nationalist states in alliance, regardless of their economic orientations, is crucial. This unity can be achieved through various means, such as military action, political advocacy, or diplomatic pressure on foreign governments to align with nationalist principles.
The benefits of the Global Nationalist Group include enhancing stability for nationalist states, reducing the ideological threat from external states, and establishing a united framework. This transition from an inter-party organization to an intergovernmental one would protect unstable states from foreign subjugation and mediate disputes before parties in conflicts come to power. The organization would also showcase diverse cultures worldwide, emphasizing the importance of preserving unique characteristics. Funding would primarily come from participating parties, potentially supplemented by private individuals and, as the organization matures, certain governments.

The Kresy

In terms of the Kresy, Ziółkowskiizm holds different approaches to different countries, however all have the goal of regaining the Kresy (minus the Polesia area) or making sure the Poles are treated positively. Ziółkowskiizm views the Kresy as core Polish territory based on ethnic and historical justice which have not been resolved yet as the Polish Peoples Republic nor the Soviet Union both which set the borders, dont exist anymore, the PRL being a puppet state of the Soviet Union and other factors such as the Ukrainian Fabrication Idea.


Ziółkowskiizm advocates for a plebiscite to happen in the Wilno region which each county in the Vilnius, Alytus and Utena Municipalities having a choice between joining Poland, Lithuania or becoming independent.


What happens in Belarus would be completely based on how talks with Russia play out, the situation can range from local social nationalist parties being part of Belarusian elections, a Polish government committee which monitors the situation of the ethnic Poles in Belarus, Population transfer between the two states or the partition of Belarus between Poland and Russia or purchase of large amounts of land in Belarus by the Polish government.


Ziółkowskiizm believes in the Ukrainian Fabrication Idea and that Eastern Galicia should be demanded from the Kiev regime, if they give it to use peacefully then great we all go home, but if they dont a Polish invasion of Ukraine should commence to retake rightful Polish territory which was indoctrinated and cleansed to fulfill the Ukraine concept from the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Also all aid to Ukraine must cease immediately and Ukrainian cultural insinuations and business in Poland closed down immidiately.



Ziółkowskiizm believes that skyscrapers should be swapped out for buildings that instead go into the ground rather than into the sky, it also believes in neoclassical type of architecture being used for buildings but mixing it with bright flashy lights and elements of technology. This has been dubbed Neoclassical LEDism.
It looks something like this:


Ziółkowskiizm, as part of the de-westernification of culture, believes that Polish army parade uniform should be based around interwar and cold war designs. In terms of the ZZ and GS the uniform shall be fully black with cyan shoulder straps and different pins depending on which government agency they work and which rank they have, with the main uniform difference between the ZZ and GS being that the ZZ would have a maroon cap with the ZZ logo whilst the GS would have a blue helmet with the letters "GS" on it in white. The Kultokrat and leaders of ministries would have either no hat or a purple cap (with the Kultokrat having the Kultokratic icon on theirs), whilst members of the MFR would have purple caps with the symbol of Hope on them. Ziółkowskiizm also adovactes that suits should be dealt away with in the government setting and be replaced with afformentioned black uniform with blue shoulder straps.

Opinion on Countries


I am a Russophile both in the political sense but also the personal sense, I love Russian culture, Russian aesthetics, Russian food, ect. I think Putin's government is very similar to my views and I have actually gotten a little frustrated on multiple occasions because suddenly Russia is doing something new and its like "Hey! That was my fucking idea!"

  • Invading Ukraine - that was my thing before 2022!
  • Letter Z - ZZ and just Z in general was a big thing in socnat aesthetics and still is but now people think its Russia related!
  • Village for westerners - Having a separate village/settlement for westerners who wanted to flee liberal regimes was my idea too..

Regardless, I love Russia and almost everything they do and most know this, however it must be said that I wouldnt want or strive to be a Russian puppet. As you have seen above the Ziółkowski doctrine is not about that and so I will just keep my personal love for Russia for myself and just enjoy their existence.
To keep it interesting, here are some times I have not agreed with Russia:

  • What they did to Georgia
  • When Putin said Polish western territory was a gift by Stalin
  • When Kadyrov advocated for Silesian Independence

Btw when I say Russia I mean the Russian Federation, not the Soviet Union or the Russian Empire, I will do those separately.


Monstrous Imperium
Ah the USA, a state that I hate, hate so much that I spend a lot of time looking into stuff about it. Its certainly an interesting country, with a short but chaotic history, and I dont hate American people, I dont think theyre fully responsible for the vile actions of their country. From a pragmatic point of view, there is nothing we can do about the USA existing, not matter how much I want to fracture it into many small pieces its not happening unless it does that itself. Instead the ideal is for the USA to go back to isolationism and focus on its own continent whilst having equal relationships, in terms of trade, with the rest of the world. The US for the past 50 years have been nothing but a machine made for the exportation of liberalism. It goes after a moral country, invades it with its puppet states, then it changes the government to remove traditions, order, stability, purity, ect whilst installing a puppet government so that this country can now help this machine to continue working, then it funnels resources out of that country or if the country is more lucky, sends its firms and business there so that consumers can consume more and funnel more money to the machine, then it moves on to the next country.
Its certainly not a nation, barely a state, its a machine.
but hopefully, its not too late to fix it.


Ich war einmal in Deutschland, in Westpommern gab es überraschend viele Polen.
The current German government is terrible, its very socially left wing as is most of western Europe and it had its sense of identity in the western portion of Germany completely annihilated by the west after ww2. The current German borders are fine but I dont have strong feelings about it being split up(File:NNGM.png) or expanded to include Switzerland and Austria or even Alsace, and they can get Pomerania back for the right price. Any German irredentism beyond this is straightforward retarded and imperialistic (Plus Germany shouldnt be made too strong so it doesnt push Poland around). Historically speaking Germany and Poland have had their issues, some not fully solved till today but generally in the modern day, Poland and Germany are friendly countries (despite some skepticism from the Polish side) and should remain so.


PCBaller の世界で Hubert Ziółkowski の妻を検索しないでください。
I dont like the current state of Japanese politics, but I dont really have strong feelings about it or any ideas on how it should function instead, but I do enjoy Japanese culture (actual culture not anime), food and products. In terms of anime I don't really have any opinion on it and think both anime haters and weebs are strange. I have a very large admiration for the Loyalty of Japanese society towards the national interest of Japan during ww2 as well as how rapidly it developed and grew in the 19th century. Surprisingly Polish-Japanese relations do exist and there is a lot of info about it and it has been going for a while (started even before Poland got independence in 1918) and I think this positive and long relationship should be maintained, if not expanded in certain aspects. In conclusion, I like Japan and would like to visit someday :).


Гогольська земля
I completely agree with the Ukrainian Fabrication Idea (Kind of because I made it but still) and based on this historical analysis believe that Ukraine should be severely restructured in terms of territory that it is made of (with a lot of land being given to Russia, Poland, Romania and Hungary), as well as its name and internal structures, with the name being South Ruthenia and it being heavily tied to Belarus (the other Ruthenian state). I also personally dislike Ukraine and Ukrainians but I wouldn't genocide or pointlessly want to kill them or anything like that, just deport them and I wouldn't want to visit unless it was necessary/to invade.
The situation of Ukraine, is one of the, if not the, most important things in terms of foreign policy that has to be rectified and a lot of sway towards a certain block, comes from this issue.


केवल मेरे लिए प्रासंगिक है क्योंकि यह ब्रिक्स में है।
I dont really hold any strong views on India, quite a lot of the time when looking at the world both in a personal sense as well as a political sense I forget it even exists, its just kinda boring, hot and too crowded for me. It is also surrounded by more interesting countries like Myanmar, Afghanistan and Iran and more important ones like China and Indonesia. I like India for the fact it has a generally open relationship with Russia and because it is part of BRICS but its not that great because of its ties to the west at the same time, other than that, I dont really have any opinions on it.


Kosova është serbe
Kosovo is and should remain Serbian and Albania's posturing about that already gives me a bad view of Albania. However even despite that, Albania is just a massive western simp and loves America, this puts me and Albania at odds.


조선민주주의인민공화국과 미국점령지역
I like the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and I believe Poland should get nuclear technology from the DPRK in exchange for Polish food exports to help with the economic situation in the country. I also believe Poland and the DPRK should continue their mostly positive relationship and that it should go further with Poland pursuing more trade with the DPRK as well as possibly joint military technological development programmes. I find the DPRK's resilience against the Americans and their puppet states, despite the southern portion of their country being occupied, very inspiring. I want to visit Korea someday, despite that being generally hard to do. Also they have good music
In terms of the southern occupied region of Korea, I feel bad for the people there who have to live as American workers and not koreans.


Den andre gassrørledningen
I like how Norway is more independent of the west than other countries in the region by not being part of the EU, it also provides an alternative to Russian gas in Europe (which despite my Russophilia I believe to be a good thing). There is also a surprisingly large Polish minority in Norway(My uncle used to live there too) and afaik they're not treated badly or anything which is cool I guess. In conclusion I just dont really have any strong opinions about Norway.


Bhutan is generally a small, mostly irrelevant country on the global scale and even more so to me and Poland. Its a silly country, which doesn't recognize like half the countries in the world for some reason, I guess I like it, but not for any political reasons.

San Marino

Similar to above, Personally I'd have it be annexed into Italy but I dont care either way.

How to Draw

Flag of Ziółkowskiizm
  1. Draw ball outline
  2. Split in half, right side white and left black
  3. Draw a thin red line in the middle
  4. Put the Kultokrat symbol in the middle
  5. Add eyes
  6. Done




  • Malorussian Liberation Armyism - The good Ruthenians, the idea behind Malorussia is a bit misguided when it comes to the historical origins but thats not a big deal. Biggest issue is your claim to eastern galicia, yeah, thats ours.
  • Trumpism - You were one of the best from America, still hate that place though.
  • Nixonism - Opening relationship with China and USSR and acknowledging spheres of influence? Based!
  • PRL Nostalgia - I get it man we miss friendship with Russia and our railways but still the economy was terrible...
  • Euroscepticism - Brussels trying to control us is evil but European economic integration is good to help friends become stronker!
  • Lukashenkoism - Ah a fellow eastern European Russophile we're sure to get alo- WHAT? What do you mean Poland cant have western Ukraine?! You Ruthenians are all the same! just cattle.


  • Banderaism - Ontologically evil, hides it under mask of fake nation
  • Kaczysm - Fuck you! You American puppet, you sell all of our country to America and Ukraine!
  • Zelenskyism - Stupid Hohol, give back Lwów or shut up about your fake country!

Friends(Candidates for GNG)

  • File:Mikolayism Pixel Modern.png Mikolayism (Modern) - youre a strange one but we both have mutual interests in reforming Polish Foreign Policy, as well as nationalism.
  • File:NNGM.png New North German Model - Id rather not give away Pomerania but in the end its not ours to keep, our claim to Lwów is as valid as the German claim on Pomerania, its better to give it with special provisions than fighting a war with like minded people!
  • Inexistism - Bestie!!!♥♥, Very good ideology, its similar to the DPRK (which I support anyways) but more tame and the economics are better. Sadly it seeks to isolate itself from the world rather than help the cause, but aside from that fully based.
  • Nastyism - Although in many aspects too radical this is an America I would be willing to work with and have friendly relations with, Honorary European status.
  • Alstūdism - Generally really good ideology whilst also being very milk toasty (not much to comment about), the opposition to the east and obsessive hate of monarchism are not ideal but oh well I dont care that much really, biggest concern is the heavy anti-christian sentiment. We both despite the jews tho so that's good, generally also it is a big improvement in comparison to anarchism which the old borkerism was.
  • Altemism - Absolutely based, although not a socialist myself, I have no problems with them. Mixed on Foreign policy, isolationism is not optimal imo but recognising that the progressive force in geopolitics is the west is a step in the right direction as well as the proneness to spread morality with missionaries and alike is based. I just hope theres no issue with me being Sedevacantist.
  • Messardism - Based, save France from NATO! The Male-Oriented Society thing is a bit wierd and we should intervene around the world to spread the nationalist ideology but everything else is very good. Would fit in the GNG!
  •  MugiKotobuki8814ism - Generally good, on the right track just the mannerisms, edgyness and ideology shopping is a bit immature. However, the russophilia, nationalism and traditionalism makes these beliefs good and I believe althought a bit strange, Argentina would be in a better position under this ideology and most importantly on the right side of history.
  • Agricoetism - Interesting! The Anti-American sentiment is based and promoting Shintoism is right for Japan. I don't agree with the wierd homosexual stuff however and I see the issue with China as pointless sectarianism. This is acceptable, even alright, but its not great.
  • Frenemies

    • Nuriskianism - I have an incredibly unstable love-hate relationship with this ideology, it has all the wrong foundations like materialism and Darwinism and pointless focuses like a the emphasis on economics, the internal system is also eh mid, I suppose its not vile but its very boring and it does enable degeneracy. However on a general plane rather than the specific there is a lot of common values and goals involved, and this would be a opponent I could honorably fight (or 'compete') with rather than a desperate conflict as with the forces of the imperialist degenerate west.. I guess this is a me Putinism to you Duginism moment..
    • Improved Citizenism - There is not much to go off on this page, but from our interactions on the discord server you're alright.
    • Neo-Anthony Bax Thought - Socially too progressive and also civic nationalism is barely a nationalism, regardless I think we come from a similar philosophical standpoint and I really like the idea of national revolution. Would be nice to see more about this ideology's foreign policy.
    • File:NeoDualCom.png Neo-Dual Communism - My friend you generally seem cool, but drop the world federalism, its biggest evil!
    • Serbian Socialism - Very strange, I like that is has some portions of anti-westernism and that it is nationalistic, but the Balkans united under one country is a terrible idea and so is progressivism. Also supporting Taiwan?? wtf??
    • Baxism - Very meh, there is some stuff that is nice like being non aligned long term and universal nationalism, but I dont believe for this to be authentic nationalism, as authentic nationalism requires preservation of the traditions of the nation of a rebirth into new, being progressive and a nationalist are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but they often contradict and generally progressivism is bad.
    • Distributist Reactionaryism - This is more so stupid than evil, its odd, however I think despite there being obvious preferable outcomes this wouldn't be a "it's so over" moment for Brazil, it would just be particular and unpredictable without being degenerate.
    • Cyber Thought - Very mid but I never liked Albania. Good goals but bad ways to achieve them, focusing rather on separating yourself from degenerate society rather than changing society not to be degenerate, its understandable but cowardly. At least we both look forward to see the demise of the west, I will buy extra popcorn.


    • Hoodism - What happened to fracturing the USA huh?! Now youre just a boring materialistic imperialist.
    • TIIKKETMASTER thought - coal, and like boring uncharred coal at that. All of it sucks.
    • Brazilian Liberalism - Pretty terrible, not really that different from the milk toast westoid which everyone knowns I hate. The economics are like all right but everything else sucks and im no materialist so the economics being good doesnt really sway my opinion, ever.
    • Israeli Democracy - No Jew can be an ally or friend of mine, even if it was a direct copy of Social Nationalism practiced in Israel, you must leave the levant to the natives you colonizer. FREE PALESTINE! (Your ideology aside from being a kike is also horrid with things like Liberal Hawkism and liking the USA)
    •  BERNHEism - Much to say, much more to read but to keep it short in a purely internal outlook, its not horrid. The civic nationalism is a shame but as a pragmatist I dont care that much, especially in the case of the US as any other sort of real nationalism would take a long time to construct on a national scale or would require the US to be ripped into shreds(which is a good thing but regardless). The social policies are very milk toast and barely even there so there is not much to comment on (drug legalisation is gay tho, unless its alcohol), I do agree that LGBT stuff will go away by itself(as long as the government stops sponsoring it like crazy which is happening rn, and this seems to be implied). The Technophilia is cool but it goes too far, nothing wrong with robots, ai and neo-industrialisation but people shouldnt become the technology as that just starts making gray lines in laws as well as being actually bad for society (noone actually wants to live forever, they just say they do), its also immoral. The civics are all alright and seeing the annihilation of antifa would be very entertaining. Economics is ok, I dont really care for economics much. All this internal stuff, its not ideal nor really good but its not drive people to domestic terrorism horrid. The Foreign Policy is horrid and just for that it deserves death, its not only pro-west, but the azoviteish Western supremacist type of westernism, and as an avid Ukraine despiser who wants Poland to leave the west, this cannot stand. (The view on Poland is also naïve, we've never been allies (except for ww2) only puppets and the view on Palestine is equally horrid, (Shabbos goy). I will probably steal the 'opinions on countries' section thing tho
    • Pantheonism - Oh boy, where do I even start? The economics are good, especially welfarism. Diplomacy is terrible, pan-european nationalism is cringe but whats worse is the world federalism there (Absolutely horrid!). I have no opinion on galactic imperialism though. Government is ehhh, Meritocracy and Localism are pretty cool and I have no opinions on monarchism but im against liberal democracy. Transhumanism is shit. In terms of society surprisingly not terrible, Civil Libertarianism and Interculturalism is cringe but the rest seems to be alright. Idk much about philosophy so I wont comment about it except the fact that Individualism is cringe. This ideology is not good, but out the ideologies in the Enemies section its one of the most tolerable.
    • Rigby Thought - Dont like the Homoconservatism and I think Anti-communism as a movement is pointless sectarianism but this wasnt too bad as the rest of the internal stuff seemed good and based, but then disaster struck when I saw the absolutely horrid foreign policy section. Not only is it atlanticist and interventionist pro west but also zionist, and what does Russian whiteism even mean in modern day?? The civil war ended in 1923, get a calendar! (and an infobox)
    • Great British New Left - Milk toast new leftism and a huge economic sectarian, pretty evil and why the state of politics needs to be changed, Im an avid 'culture warist' myself.
    • Braun Spencer Thought - Ontologically evil, doesnt even hide it
    • Neosyndicalism - Pretty terrible, but it has some tolerable elements I suppose, unfortunately the cossacks have taken an extra sip of schizophrenia and now their rebellious chaos has changed into anarchism, oh well this certainly wouldnt be hard to rid off if it showed up, to free the South Ruthenian folk, after all Za naszą i waszą swobodę.
    • Pirate Tails Ideology - This is how you become the 51st state, but I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?
    • Glencoeism - Its like Braun Spencer Thought but not totally insane. Instead its just slightly evil mostly retarded/pointless.
    • File:NightmareBrazLib.png Nightmare Brazilian Liberalism - Please kill yourself. If such a state ever existed, I would glass it without a 2nd thought.
    • Neo-Glencoeism - He somehow got even worse, this website doesn't fail to amaze me. Some people just don't deserve to possess a mouth. The Socnat symbol is the ancient North American symbol of hope, stylised over time. I just refer to it as the symbol of Hope.
    • Chaotic Oddo Thought - I dont get any of this and the things I have been able to understand are all terrible( Hyperprogressivism, Individualism, 'every house a state'). Its like if someone tried to make an ARG into an ideology through using random semi-ideological words in a memetically hazardous manner.
    • Mordecaism - Why the hell are these people naming themselves after cartoon characters? Anyways, regardless of that this ideology is terrible, its progressive, libertarian, liberal and pro western, all terrible.
    • Schumacherianism - Degenerate, anarchistic and literal child slaughter. There isn't much to say. This is one of the deeper levels of vile that exists and the eternal struggle of immorality we must confront at gunpoint.
    • KillallJews1488 Thought - Funny alt killer kitty, still terrible
    • Ultra-Enlightenment - Anyone who advocates for anything like this needs not only to be silenced but put into a labour camp far away from the civilized world.
    • Polish Nazism - Jewish Nazism (literally ), there is nothing to discuss with a NATO loving, israel loving so called 'national' 'socialist', I hope you enjoy your holiday in the mazurian sand mines. Гадам Нет Пощады.

    Kultokratic Sanity Test

    • Based on Medics test
    • Civic Axis
      • Egoist (-20)
      • Anarchist (-10)
      • Minarchist (-5)
      • Libertarian (-3)
      • Statist (+6)
      • Authoritarian (+20)
      • Totalitarian (+4)
      • Orwellian (-10)
    • Type of Rule Axis
      • Direct Democracy (-20)
      • Representative Democracy (-10)
      • People's Democracy (0)
      • Monarchy (+3)
      • Authoritarian Democracy (+4)
      • Technocracy (+5)
      • Dictatorship (+10)
      • Kultokratic system (+20)
    • Economic Axis
      • Communist (-20)
      • Socialist (0)
      • Welfarist (+5)
      • Mixed (+10)
      • Fiscal Federalism (+20)
      • Liberalism (-7)
      • Capitalist (0)
      • Third Position (0)
      • Non-Marxist Communism (0)
    • Diplomatic Axis
      • World Federalist (-100)
      • Globalist (-10)
      • Internationalist (+5)
      • Moderate (0)
      • Patriotic (+1)
      • Nationalist (+10)
      • Chauvinist (+5)
      • File:EthnoAssimil.png Ethno Nationalist (+15)
      • Racial Nationalist (+1)
      • Universal Nationalism (+20)
    • Geopolitics Axis
      • Old West(1945-1970) (0)
      • New West(1970-Now) (-20)
      • Old old East(1945-1970) (0)
      • Non-Aligned (+2)
      • Third Position (+5)
      • Old East (1970-1992) (+10)
      • Modern East (1992-Now) (+20)
    • Cultural Axis
      • ""Revolutionary"" (-20)
      • Progressive (-10)
      • Reformist (-5)
      • Moderate (0)
      • Conservative (+10)
      • Traditionalist (+20)
      • Reactionary (+5)
    • Technological Axis
      • Primal (-20)
      • Primitivist (-10)
      • Pre-Industrial (-5)
      • Deceleration (+5)
      • Moderate (+20)
      • Acceleration (+5)
      • Automated (-5)
      • Transhumanist (-10)
      • Posthumanist (-20)
    • Environmental Axis
      • Human Extinction (-100)
      • Radical Environmentalism (-20)
      • Eco-Fascism (0)
      • Ecocentrism (-5)
      • Environmentalist (0)
      • Moderate (+20)
      • Post-Industrialism (+5)
      • Industrialist (0)
      • Anthropocentric (+5)
      • Pollution (-20)
      • Planetary Destruction (-100)
    • War Axis
      • Pacifism (-15)
      • Non-engagement (+10)
      • De-escelationism (+20)
      • Interventionism (+20)
      • Irridentism (0)
      • Revanchism (-5)
      • Jingoism (-20)




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