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Revision as of 08:21, 17 January 2023 by imported>GEANVB (→‎Censorship)

This article is talking about Authoritarianism itself. For categories, see: AuthUnity, AuthLeft and AuthRight

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong (usually central) power that demands obedience to authority and limited political and civil freedoms. While a multitude of different typologies has been developed by political scientists to classify authoritarian states, qualities commonly associated with authoritarian regimes include the absence of free and competitive democratic elections and one-party state, as well as censorship, and minimal power restrictions. Though sometimes authoritarianism can reside in democratic countries with free and fair elections where there's a clampdown on liberties instead as well as more emphasis on authority.


Authoritarianism arose during the transition from Tribes to cities. The first authoritarians were Monarchs, who had gained power through dynasties. Later in Greece, Democracy arose, which quickly became authoritarian. This stayed relatively the same until File:Enlightnenment.png Enlightenment, which resulted in numerous rebellions against authority. These new positions quickly became authoritarian, thus continuing the cycle.

Leaders and whose regimes have commonly been regarded as being Authoritarian include Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Francisco Franco in Spain, Antonio de Oliveira Salazar in Portugal, Alfredo Stroessner in Paraguay, Augusto Pinochet in Chile, Ruhollah Khomeini in Iran, Fidel Castro in Cuba, Emperor Hirohito in Japan, Saudi Arabia, Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, Vladimir Putin in Russia, Alexandr Lukashenko in Belarus, etc.

Other famous examples include Juan Peron in Argentina, Maximilien Robespierre in France, and more recently, Hamas and Fatah in Palestine.


Authoritarian State

An authoritarian state is a type of government that imprisons and persecutes opponents of the leader, or ruling council. Even this type of state existing for thousands and thousands of years (as in the case of the Roman Empire and other empires), the concept of authoritarian state became better known and with the most solid concept with Louis XIV of France and Thomas Hobbes.

Louis XIV of France, House of Bourbon, was known throughout the realm as "Sun King" and "the Great" and is now known for his most famous phrase "L'État, c'est moi" ("I am the state"), in which he defined the absolutist state at the time. He was responsible for wars and opposing feudalism, as well as being a clear example of Absolute Monarchy. Absolutism was almost the norm of governments at the time, with the concept of republic and democracy dead just like the Roman Empire. Absolutism preaches a government based on a single leader and without any rules restricting it, often using religious motives to justify authority.

Thomas Hobbes, on the other hand, believes in a definition of an authoritarian state more similar to today's, based on the biblical character Leviathan. A "Leviathan State" is a type of state that would be strong and unshakable to avoid chaos (which would be anarchy) and human nature that would be violent (Bellum omnium contra omnes). He also believes that the state is just by the social contract and that life without the state would be "lonely, poor, nasty, brutish and short".

Currently, even though the republican system is more prevalent than the monarchical one, absolutism still exists in some countries and has been adapted to other countries with a republican system, known as despotism (even sometimes not being a leader, but a party or an oligarchy). They often end up consecrated in a democracy, in which power is abused to persecute only opponents of great influence and sometimes making questionable elections and excessive propaganda.


One of, if not the main characteristic of authoritarianism is censorship against the opinion and manifestation of opponents or divergent cultural values. Even though censorship has existed since biblical times, it only gained some notoriety when Socrates was censored in 399 BC.

There are several types of censorship, one of which is opposition censorship:

  • Opposition censorship is when a government restricts freedom of opinion and expression by persecuting opponents, either through financial pressure, imprisonment or even the death penalty, against individuals, movements and even demonstrations. Sometimes the government discreetly pursues opponents of the population (without the people knowing) or in more known cases when the government censures in a generalized and public way, such as totalitarian dictatorships, especially with public executions.

Another extremely well-known type would be censorship based on cultural values.

  • Cultural values censorship is when a government censors restricting freedom of expression just because cultural values are divergent, usually against individual choices and artistic expression. For most of history, censorship against cultural values was generally in favor of culturally right-wing values, pursuing innovative and "revolutionary" movements and counterculture, the best-known example being the Middle Ages. Later, censorship appeared against cultural values favorable to culturally left-wing values, against remnants of traditions and religion, some examples could be the French revolution, Mao Tse-Tung and Jiang Zemin.

Other types could be ethnocentric censorship, economic induced censorship, isolationist censorship and censorship against science.

  • Ethnocentric censorship would be a type of censorship to favor only one type of ethnicity, restricting the freedom to pursue the culture and ways of acting of a certain ethnic group, usually combined with ethnocide and ethnocracy. Most of the time there is also propaganda against these ethnicities and also an attempt to replace cultures. Some examples could be South Korea under Showaista Japan, Equatorial Guinea and Chinese Turkestan.
  • The economic induced censorship would be a type of censorship made by the markets to not favor certain types of information, often leaving information expensive on purpose. Some examples would be the favoring of companies in capitalist dictatorships, as well as a few occasions in the Epstein case.
  • Isolationist censorship would be censorship to favor a government and not show anything from abroad to the population within the country, usually using totalitarianism and banning other cultures from abroad, the most famous example being North Korea.
  • Anti-science censorship is a type of censorship against any technological or scientific innovations, usually to further a prevailing government ideology or narrative, sometimes being selective in the science to censor. Some examples are the Middle Ages, anti-eugenics science censorship in Nazi Germany and some types of censorship in the USSR.



Personality and Behavior

Auth is very demanding and angry, but will become enraged if you mention this. He also hates it if you call him totalitarian.

Stylistic Notes


How to Draw

Flag of Authoritarianism

Authoritarianism's design is based on the 8values Security icon.

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color it a slightly faded navy blue (#3F51B5)
  3. Draw a black or very dark grey gavel (can be as detailed or simplistic as you want)
  4. Draw eyes

And you're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Blue #3F51B5 63, 81, 181
Black #141414 20, 20, 20


Law and Order Gang

On the thin ice

  • Totalitarianism - Son, that's a bit too far.
  • Ingsoc - Grandson, that's really too far. Literally 1984!
  • Peronism - Sure you say you're not a dictator but I don't buy it.
  • Enlightenment File:Enlightnenment.png - Could have ended me, but ended up falling victim to the cycle.
  • Tribalism - The future is now, old man.
  • Democracy - Moron. We don't need ya dirty "liberty"... but you do elect authoritarian leaders sometimes which is based.

Lolberts and Anarkiddies

Further Information






pl:Autorytaryzm ru:Авторитаризм zh:威权主义

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