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Brazilian Integralism

Revision as of 02:23, 27 January 2023 by imported>DualPlay1

Brazilian Integralism is an authoritarian, culturally right-wing and economically ambiguous ideology.

Brazilian Integralism broadly believes that there should be a "a fully integrated social and political order, based on converging patrimonial (inherited) political, cultural, religious, and national traditions of a particular state". While Integralism refers to a broad set of movements, which vary nation to nation, this article is specifically about the Brazilian one. He is not exactly fascist, but paleo-fascist. While fascism creates corporations dependent on the state, Integralism creates organic and independent corporations, not interfering in anyone's jobs and companies.

While in fascism the end is the state in Integralism the state is the beginning, the human being is the means and the end is God, another difference is that fascism was inspired by paganism and extreme materialism unlike Integralism, which is inspired by Christianity. It also believes that the only god is Jesus and the leader is simply a normal person, so they do not endorse cults of personality.


Plínio Salgado was born in 22th January 1895, at the Conservative small town of São Bento do Sapucaí, São Paulo, Brazil with his father Colonel Francisco Das Chagas Salgado who is local political leader, his mother Ana Francisca Rennó Cortez who is a teacher and his grandfather Manuel Esteves Da Costa who is the son of a supporter of King Miguel I during The Portuguese Civil War 1832-1834 against the Liberals. Plínio Salgado was a very active child at school having developed a taste for mathematics & geometry but in 1911 his father Colonel Francisco Das Chagas Salgado died in which turned Plínio Salgado into a bitter young man and his interests shifted towards to psychology & philosophy.

In 1915, Plínio Salgado has founded a weekly newspaper called Correio de São Bento but in 1918 he began his political career by participating in the founding of an unknown Municipalist Party in which congregated town leaders from municipalities in the Paraíba Valley region along with advocating municipal autonomy while in the same year Plínio Salgado has married to Maria Amélia Pereira and in July 6th 1919 a daughter called Maria Amélia Salgado was born but fifteen days later Maria Amelia Pereira died. Salgado was filled with sorrow so he left his study of Materialism while he found comfort in Catholic Theology and began to study the works of Brazilian Catholic thinkers such as Raimundo Farias Brito & Jackson Figueiredo. Plínio Salgado became known by fellow journalists because of a weekly newspaper that he created and he was invited to work for another newspaper called Correio Paulistano that supported the Paulista Republican Party. Salgado started as a reviewer of the Correio Paulistano newspaper but later became a copywriter that lead him became a friend with an poet writer who is a Modernist called Menotti Del Picchia, later then Plínio Salgado just became a prominent participant in the Modern Art Week 1922 who is leading Brazilian Nationalists that wanted a form of art that is purely Brazilian while not having foreign art that pleases Anthropophagics and In 1924 he left the Correio Paulistano newspaper to employed himself in the law firm of Alfredo Egídio de Sousa Aranha who is a lawyer, businessman & banker.

In 1926, Plínio Salgado has published his first book called "The Stranger" but after that, he got help from Cassiano Ricardo to create a Nationalist group called the Green-Yellow Movement inside of the Modernist art movement and the next year in 1927, Plínio Salgado founded the Anta Movement in which exalted the indigenous people even the Tupi as the true carriers of the Brazilian identity while in the same year published an another book called "Literature & Politics" in which it has Anti-Liberal and Pro-Agrarian propaganda in it. In 1928, Salgado was elected state deputy in São Paulo by the Paulista Republican Party but in 1930, he supported the presidential candidacy of PRP member Júlio Prestes against the future dictator Getúlio Vargas while at the same time travelled to Europe and becomes impressed with Benito Mussolini and Fascist Italy. Plínio Salgado returned to Brazil in October 4th 1930, during the Brazilian Revolution that deposed president Washington Luís and he wrote two articles in Correio Paulistano newspaper defending the current president but later he supported Getúlio Vargas instead and joined the Revolutionary League of São Paulo. In June 1931, Salgado just becomes an editor of a another newspaper called A Razão in which he developed an intense campaign against Constitutionalism that drew the ire of Anti-Authoritarian activists and they burned down the newspaper's office just before the outbreak of the Constitutionalist Revolution Of 1932. In February at the year of 1932, Salgado founded the Society For Political Studies that gathered intellectuals who are sympathetic to Fascism and months later he released the October Manifesto (Not Russian) in which presented the guidelines for the founding of a new political party.

In October 7th 1932, Plínio Salgado founded the "Brazilian Integralist Action (AIB)" 1932-1937 In which the Members are Greenshirts at which they are modelled after Mussolini's Black Shirts & Hitler's Brown Shirts while they greeted each other by using the Tupi word "Anauê" that translate into "You Are My Brother" but then In February 1934, at the 1st Integralist Congress in Victoria at which Salgado confirmed his absolute authority over the newly founded entity having received the title of "National Head" of the party and then in the same year Brazilian Integralists targeted the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) under the leadership of Luiz Carlos Prestes along with the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) 1922-1988 while mobilizing an conservative support base to engage in street brawls with urban terrorism supported by President Getúlio Vargas and Brazil's major cities began to resemble the Berlin street fighting of the early 1930s.

The "Brazilian Integralist Action (AIB)" is against Communism and Economic Liberalism because they have the similar positions due to their unity of theoretical roots, units of values & unit of ends with being configured in two equally materialistic doctrines while Plínio Salgado explains that the bourgeoisie is not a class but as a state of mind while he says that the Socialist ideal promoted Atheism, Internationalism & the abolition of the family in which intertwined with the great paradox and was necessary to have a strictly bourgeois spirit to embrace Communism. Salgado explains that Economic Liberalism lead to Internationalization of humanity with the rule of Drug Cartels or large Corporations and he explains that Communism lead to rule of a world Dictatorship resulting from a Proletariat revolution.

The "Brazilian Integralist Action (AIB)"

The Brazilian Integralists are akin to the contemporary Irish Blueshirts who were revolutionary in spirit while as an offshoot of the Fenian movement 1858-1877 and the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) 1858-1924 but condemned repeatedly by the Irish Catholic bishops even got excommunicated by Pope Pius IX on October 12th 1869 to January 12th 1870, while the Irish Blueshirts in particular they drew support from Brazilan military officers & navy officers.

How to Draw

Flag of Brazilian Integralism

Drawing Brazilian Integralism is very easy:

  1. Draw a ball and fill it with blue
  2. Carve out a white circle in the middle and fill it with white
  3. In the white circle draw a black Sigma (Σ) symbol
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Blue #0000BB 0, 0, 187
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



  • Salazarism - Oh yes my dear tuga brother, keep protecting the empire from godlessness!
  • Clerical Fascism - Basically a more extreme version of myself.
  • Stratocracy - Ah yes... back when Brazil was based. He gave some of my fellas a seat in his government back then, and frankly enough, he best suited my interests. I miss you.
  • Integralism - My main inspiration.
  • Caudillismo - Plinio Salgado was the guide Brazil needed.
  • File:Bolsonarism - alt.png Bolsonarism - Look, I don't like democracy, but you have to be the best Brazilian president for this modern day! I like how you're protecting our national culture and stopping commies from taking over the government. Just stop bootlicking them...
  • Welfare Chauvinism - NOSSO NOME É ENEAS!


  • Getúlism - You're cool and all, but why did you have to purge me?!?!?!
  • Monarchism - I mean, you were kinda cool, but we ain't going for that you know. Maybe in a alternative history we could have got along better.
  • Fascism - I am not your friend.


Further Information






pl:Brazylijski integralizm

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