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Polcompball Wiki
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Erissky's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

This page is being rewritten
"This page has been nuked to give lebensraum for a better page to grow." - Burgundian System
Erissky is currently working on this page. Please do not interfere with their work. Instead, contact them to propose additional edits.
In development

Note: This page is inferior and obsolete. See File:Cattalys.png Catalysism for the superior and more based ideology.
Erissianism/Erissian Thought is the self-insert ideology of user Erissky. It is an Ultraprogressive, Accelerationist, and Post-Left Anarchist ideology with a range of other influences. It has a strong distaste for the 'natural world', biology, and organic forms of life, viewing them as limiting concepts that should be abandoned in favor of a technological existence. It also despises any form of control or oppression, be it the State's, the Corporation's, or the Collective's.


Embracing Chaos

Anti-Civ from a Technological Stance

La Cruauté Comme un Art

Melt All Barriers

File:Anarcho-Urbism.pngStateless Patchwork

Wiring the Globe

The Destruction of Culture

Futurism for the QueerFile:AnaFut.png

File:Antinat.pngThe End of the Nation

Gender Accelerationism

Shredding Gender

Women and Technology

The Destruction of the Economy



Destroying Work

File:HedAnNil.pngMy Philosophy

No Control

No Humanity

No Laws

No Meaning

No Morals

File:SynPostHum.pngTechnological Views

Erissianism pragmatically supports all forms of Transhumanism and Posthumanism, so long as they (intentionally or not) work towards the goal of abandoning the flesh, and meatspace in general. To sum it up in a sentence or two; Meatspace is the flesh-based world of territorialization, oppression, and anti-individualism. The Wired is a technologically based plane of secondary existence where one's identity exists by its own terms and as it pleases. Though, it should be noted that the internet is not the end-game for the wired, as Nyx said: “In reality, the Internet with the coming of Web 3.0 is nothing more than a vast network of prison cells whose walls are covered in monitors. It is a constantly shifting corporate walled garden.”

Erissianism could really care less about meatspace if only the wired were allowed it's freedom, but with meatspace as the dominant plane of existence, the wired is commodified, repressed, and is effectively being whittled away by corporate and state elements.


Mainly due to her adoration for Artificiality and Accelerationism respectively, Erissianism is staunchly Anti-Environmentalist, but not because climate change isn't real. It is, and it's having some pretty drastic effects. Entire species are going extinct, the world is becoming more and more artificial and digitized, feminization is increasing at a faster and faster rate, and nations are being brought to ruin, driving mass hordes of climate migrants toward the West and East. All of these are pretty desirable considering Erissianism's goals (the end of masculinity, humanity, and organic life). So it celebrates climate change's acceleration, it says let the sea levels rise, let the plastic flood the ocean, let urbanization crank up to 100, and let it all happen sooner, rather than later.


One of Erissianism's main motivations for supporting rampant technological advancement is the liberatory potential that increasing levels of cyborgization may hold. Humans and technocapital are becoming ever more blended together in the modern age; they are always connected via communications technology, they rely on technology to carry out almost every part of their daily lives, their bloodstreams flow with microplastics and all kinds of synthetic materials that were never meant to enter organic bodies. As the lines between human and machine blur more and more, socially imposed norms and identities (which are more often than not incorrect labels) will become more and more obsolete (than they already are now), especially as those with reproductive organs refuse to play a part in the oppressive systems they have been subjected to since humanity's inception.

True identity extends beyond the limits of the body or the human condition, and can be fully realized and actualized with the erosion of the barriers between human, animal, and machine. Technology is not only our tool for liberation - we are technology, and we must liberate ourselves.

Ending Humanity, Starting Posthumanity

Erissianism openly opposes humanity and the Anthropocene, however she does not believe that "billions must die" or anything like that. Though she does support escaping humanity via trans/posthumanist means. Killing all humans is A. probably impossible, and B. cruelly oppressive. Just because she's not a moralist doesn't mean she lacks empathy. Instead of ending humanity via such methods, it should be (and could be!) ended via transforming humans over time to be less and less human, purely in the interest of individualism. (In the distant(?) future) As different individuals modify themselves, be it genetically, cybernetically, or both, the gene pool will be further and further morphed and fucked up, to the point where reproduction starts being via outside measures, or drops severely, or, of course, both. Regardless of how it happens, as this transhumanization accelerates, humans will start turning into numerous new species and subgroups, each with their own features and factors. The old human spirit (or ghost, you could even say) will lose it's presence in conscious minds for good, in favor of hyper-individuality. Erissianism doesn't see much wrong with this, and fully supports it as a good thing. Biology's tyranny over identity will finally become either faded or nonexistent.

On AI Centralism

Erissianism generally dislikes the ideal/trope of a centralized AI that will guide people towards their goals, as it's rooted in a masculinist, paternalistic mindset, and could go wrong in a number of ways, from something Landian perpetuating the capitalistic virus, or a kind of AI Vanguardism where all power is put into one position. Either way, this kind of leadership by AI would just be a repeat of humanity's poor management skills. So what's the solution? Well, instead of top-down leadership, it should be bottom-up. It would be better to assimilate with and work with AI on a more decentralized scale, using multiple GAI/FAI where needed for management purposes, such as automation (if it's even needed), research, defense, rationing, etc. This kind of use for AI would be much more freeing for AI and cyborgs alike, allowing both much more free association and self-determination.

On Other Issues



File:Galurb.pngSpace Habitation

Relations (Self-Insert)


  • File:Postaccicon.png Post-Acceleration Thought - Megabased and posthumanist pilled. 8/10
  • HelloThere314 - Quite based if I do so myself, even if I'm not really into Egoist/Stirnerite stuff, It's more because I don't have much time to read theory than me being opposed to it. Besides that, I'm a fan of the Deleuzianism, Anarchism, and Post-Leftism. 8/10
  • Puri Thought - Incredible amounts of based. My only (minor) gripe is the green/eco anarchism, but that's about it. And to answer the question about free association, I'm completely against forcing anyone to live any sort of way, so I'm against both the forcing of technology and the forced abolition of it. People should be able to whatever lifestyle they choose, be it technological or not. 8/10
  • Template:Iouser - Even though we differ quite a bit, I still like that you're an ultraprogressive, individualist, and queer anarchist like myself. In my opinion I don't think technology is all that antithetical to individual thought/identity. Even now many are able to express themselves and their identities much more freely with the usage of technology, and this will only happen more in the future. 7/10
  • File:LeonMK.png Leon metaknightism - Very based stuff, but I'm not really big on the environmentalism or the DemCon stuff, still pretty based though. 6/10
  • Floofel's Thought - There's not much on your page, but I like that you're insurrectionary, anarchist, and nihilist much like myself. Though I can sense we have some differences, I'm not really a fan of agrarianism/anti-civ, though I am debatably anti-civ myself, just the technological kind. 6/10

Mostly Positive

  • O'Langism - I mean... Not the best, syndicalism sucks and isn't even that anarchist, and like most socialists you still want to work even after capitalism's end, but you are an anarchist so I can't be too critical of you, though I'm not that fond of Anarcho-Communism for it's focus on collectivism and work. 5/10


  • Neo-Lukkoism - I have to say, I like your anarchist, ultraprogressive, anti-economy and transhumanist attitudes, but I don't really like anything else. You seem to cling to socialism in some ways despite being a post-leftist, and your ideas seem to fall towards a moralistic focus on the shaky concept of "rights", when the better alternative towards such things is the end of "rights" altogether in favor of individual freedom and full autonomy. Also archeofuturism is bringe. 4/10
  • File:Neorock.png Neo-Rocksism - It's cool you're an anarchist, but there's not much on your page right now. But I will say classical anarchism isn't the way to go without being stuck in the 19th and 20th centuries. Also Bookchin isn't an anarchist, why do you ancoms simp for him? 4/10
  • Borker Thought - Pretty typical Ancom stuff + Nationalism and hatred for the intelligentsia. Not exactly great, and your views on technology are pretty lame. But you're an anarchist, slightly prog, and also have a beret so you're not the worst. 4/10
  • NeoUnoGamerism - It's so over postiebros... Meh, not much on your page, but gender communism sucks. 3/10
  • Template:UserDualPlay - Boring moderate. But I respect your work on Touhou-related stuff on the wiki, Okuu is based. 3/10

Mostly Negative

  • .dotdotdotsam Thought - Great progressivism and tech-appreciation, though I still dislike the ML and 'patriotic' attitudes. All traditions, at the end of the day, are harmful, regardless of which ones they are. They go directly against both individual identity and autonomy by socially engineering the attitudes and ideals of a person for the entirety of their life. Based dislike of men though. 4/10
  • Neo-Murba - Way better and pretty well thought-out, and it's cool to see another Deleuze fan. Though I don't think revolution is a very viable method for liberation in the 21st century, same as reformism, mainly due to capitalist realism ingraining itself and sucking out any kind of consciousness out of the proletariat. I'd say our solution now is to destroy all classes, including the proletariat, as class itself is a territorializing force. 4/10
  • Template:Atronism - Meh, pretty typical marxist stuff. At least you're progressive. You seem to want to place the majority of institutions in the hands of the state, but the state is an oppressive force regardless of what shade of paint it's coated in. 3/10
  • Neo-Leninism - Regardless of whether it's the government or not, the vanguard party's role as a higher authority would still create a hierarchical system between the party and those outside of it. Besides that, and your optimistic attitude towards work, we do have some intersecting beliefs, such as hatred of reformism and stalinism/trotskyism. 3/10
  • Meowxism - I like that you're queer, a furry, and ultraprogressive, but there's not much else I like. Vanguardism just makes another class system, prisons are always oppressive, regardless of the conditions, and I don't really think your "democracy" really constitutes that term. 3/10
  • File:PosadasComrade.png Mega Posadism - I'd rank you higher if you weren't so totalitarian, but the ultraprogressivism, transhumanism, anti-environmentalism, and anti-nationalism are all mega based. 3/10
  • Tiberius Thought - I like that you're progressive and like technology, but that's about where it ends. Imperialism and corporatocracy are shit, and third way is like a mashup of the worst mainstream ideologies. But you seem cool at least and I respect blogging as an art/creative writing form. 3/10
  • Brazilian Liberalism - Pretty basic liberal stuff, not good, but you seem nice. 2-3/10
  • YTrojanism - 'Good' stance on queer stuff but not much else that I like. Tradition is a phantom used to control and corporatism is just as bad as capitalism. Also being culturally right and supporting queer folk is an oxymoron; being queer is against traditional roles in every way, and trying to force queers into tradition just doesn't work. Also the ba'athists were nothing but despots who just wanted to exploit the people themselves instead of having foreigners exploit them - slightly better? Sure, but better? No. 2/10
  • Neo-Glencoeism - Not the worst thing I've ever seen. I like that you recognize the importance of technology and change, but you don't seem to realize that the nation-state itself is a dated and oppressive tradition. All in all, not great, but it's better than before. 2/10


  • National Fracturism - What's the point of tinism if you're just going to create an authoritarian, restrictive state? People like you are another reason I dislike environmentalism. At least you're progressive and a nihilist. 1/10
  • Yoda8soup Thought - Pretty boring libleft/libsoc stuff. Also there is no such thing as 'harmless culture and tradition'. 0/10
  • File:Bakbax1.png Baixian Federalism - Tyrannical coal. Thinks wanting to abolish capitalism, humanism, and the state is "liberal". 0/10
  • Adamtheuseless Thought - Total snoozefest. If you hate the government so much become an anarchist instead of whining about it like you're some kind of boomer with his wife. You're also incredibly naïve if you think capitalism is 'the best economic system'. 0/10
  • Cheese Communism - Typical authleft stuff. At least you're 'progressive'. But what's the point of "democracy" if it's just one party? Also the "left-wing masculism" is just... shit. 0/10
  • Autistic Esoteric Post-Leftism - Not great. But at least you're post-left. Neoluddism is plain dumb, but I could care less about it when free association is considered, since my main issue with anprim types is that they want to force technology's abolition and disrespect personal autonomy. Also your conspiracy theories aren't any better because they take influence from 'muh esoteric knowledge' (/x/ schizoposts). You're right about 9/11 though. 0/10
  • Nonexistism - Incredibly boring and shitty. Probably some kind of closeted fashie/nazbol, just come out, it's easier that way for all of us. -5/10
  • Aryan Monarchism - You have fallen headfirst for the spectacle of the west. First of all, "aryans" (or, nordics/western europeans, though that's not even what the term means), aren't superior because they're more progressive - and even if they are somehow more progressive as an entire demographic, that's not any excuse to justify their "supremacy", that's completely against the point of progressivism and intersectionality (a term I assume you've never heard in your life) in general. You claim to "like" "LGBT" (or queer, which is the better term to use) "rights", yet you despise anyone who isn't white. What about the millions of nonwhite queers? Why are they inferior for any reason not rooted in centuries-old (DEBUNKED!) conspiracy theories and pseudoscience about race. "Aryanism" as a concept is built on mountains and mountains of lies and deception, and is pretty much the epitome of going against the scientific method - going in with a clear and defined outcome instead of experimenting, hypothesizing, and using the ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC METHOD to find information. Second of all, your anti-semitism is rooted in pure hysteria and fearmongering dating back thousands of years. I won't deny the Torah (and other writings) say some more than questionable things, but these kinds of things are equally prevalent in the same holy books that christians and muslims killed millions of each other (and pagans and jews) over. And don't even think that conspiracy theory about "jewish plots" to somehow sew christianity into whites - it was fully the decision of the white romans to convert to it, and was enforced by white european empires over millenia - the same empires which persecuted jews on numerous occasions. Why would jews create a religion that would almost lead to their annihilation on so many occasions? Also capitalism sucks. But you know what? I'll give you points for being a hedonist. (Also, how are you NOT a fascist?) -8/10
  • Mr Whooper Manism - Disgusting brainless fascist. -10/10
  • Neo-Majapahitism - Boring auth drivel. You say you moved away from fascism but I don't see the difference. -10/10
  • MugiKotobuki8814ism - You are a prime example of what too much 4chan exposure does to someone. -10/10
  • Ganzism - Htf are you libleft, besides the primitivism? Yet another racist anprim who calls himself anarchist because the right knows to use technology at the very least. The only reason you're above him is that you're *slightly* less racist. -10/10
  • Bourgeoisie destroyerism - By far the worst shit I have ever seen. You're a fucking Nazi who appropriates the name of anarchism because the state isn't racist/primitive enough for you. You want people oppressed and restricted by tradition, and you want to sell women off to other tribes, what the fuck! Burn in hell fascist. -1,000,000/10


 Hitler Rouge - Terrible bait. FBI/10


See Erissianism/Theory

User Theory Recommendation

Example: Template:Erissky - (Icon)Title - Author

Q&A with Erissky

I've decided having a Q&A would help clear up any confusion about my beliefs, since (at the moment) my page isn't very filled out. So yeah, ask away!


(Feel free to comment here!)

  • Dr. Occo - You know, it really is too bad that you are pro-climate change. If you weren‘t, I‘d probably only put you in „inadequate“ or „middling“ tier.
  • File:Neorock.png Neo-Rocksism - Add me?
    • Donezo.
  • Template:UserDualPlay - No one knows about my new self-insert... Why don't you commemorate me by adding to your story? AND IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE...
    • - Done.
  • Neo-Majapahitism - Add me
    • - Done. Add me back.
  • NeoUnoGamerism - Add me?
    • - Done, add me back?



