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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent PolPotIsBased's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Hitler Rouge is my ideology. It is an economically far left, culturally far right, communist ideology, fusing the ideas of the Nazis (Hitler) with Pol Pot (Khmer Rouge), hence the name, Hitler rouge. It is also inspired by other communist ideologies, such as Stalinism, Juche, and Ba’athism. Generally, I follow the fourth theory.

Economy and Government

General Economy

I want state socialism, like in the USSR, China, and all the other communist countries. Complete command economy. I want all industries and businesses to be nationalized by the government to prevent the usual price gouging they do. I want lots of social programs to help the poor, such as free healthcare and such. I want economic equality in general. Unlike America’s system, I’m not giving free handouts to n****rs or “reparations” to them. I want actual equality, which means helping the people who are actually oppressed, not some stupid privileged black whose ancestor was a slave.

The Rich

I want extremely heavy consequences on the rich. All of their money should be seized by the government and given to the poor. These rich motherfuckers shouldn’t get to relax while the poor and middle class has to work for them. What infuriates me is that the children of celebrities are set for life, and have no monetary worries due to their parents, while I will have to work very hard until I die. This is why I support seizing all of their assets and money. Inheritance is also an important subject. Inheritance (just like other forms of wealth but especially this one) is an illegitimate form of wealth. You shouldn’t be set for life just because your parents were rich. The money and such should be seized by the government and given to the poor.

The State

As I’ve said before, I want a powerful state to fulfill my ideas. It should be a cross of a communist government and a fascist one, tracking down all of the rich people, but also other groups of people who are the true enemies of the workers, such as the Jews especially (I will elaborate on these groups of people in a lower section).

Nationalizing all the Industries and Businesses

The companies that own the industries don’t care about the people. They just want profit. The large scale companies are also largely guilty of price gouging (which is why things have gotten more and more expensive over time). They do not serve the people at all. This is why I want my theoretical government to take control of all the industry. Then, they could take the assets of the industries and redistribute to the poor. This will also take down another rich oligarch too, killing two birds with one stone. The rich people can then be killed. Generally, the people who appose nationalization of businesses are either brainwashed or they are rich business owners who want to continue exploiting people.

Nationlizing the Bank

The money of the people is definitely not something that can be trusted in the hands of greedy businessmen. While my ultimate end goal, and other communists end goals too, would be a complete abolishment of currency, nationalizing the bank is the way to start.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is illegitimate. It’s just a way for greedy business owners to make money off of ideas and exploit the people. With the nationalization/abolition of all corporations, these so called intellectual property “rights” should die with them.


Healthcare should be free. The government should provide insulin, prescription drugs, etc. to the people for free. If you get injured, you should not have to pay thousands of dollars. In lower sections, you’ll get an idea how my healthcare system will be able to function.

Societal Ideas

Why the Fourth Theory is the only position compatible with Catholicism

Both aspects of the left and right go against the teachings of God. On the right, while they do have the correct societal views, they are the ones who are enabling the corporations and rich people to run free. “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” - Luke 18:25. The right also supports western imperialism in middle eastern nations. And the moderate right can be pretty unintelligent sometimes. On the other hand, the left may try to fight wealth inequality, but they do it in the completely wrong way. They support degeneracy and evil. They advocate for transitioning children, defend zoophilia, and battle laws that try to target pedophilia. And a lot of the time, they still defend rich people as long as they follow their views. The economics of the left and the societal views of the right should be combined for an ideal world.


Progressivism has not contributed good to the world. It is simply a distraction of the Bourgeoisie to divert attention away from wealth inequality. For example, the BLM movement was created as a diversion to make everyone think that it’s the black people who are “oppressed”, and to blame the economic inequality gap on shit that happened 200 years ago. Same thing goes for LGBT too. They make it seem like homosexuals and transgenders are “oppressed” despite the bourgeoisie favoring them in every way.


Jews hold a disproportionate amount of wealth, and they hold a large amount of power in the senate. They also control a lot of the media. They are the ones who are behind all of the progressivism. They orchestrate events to spread divide. They are the bourgeoisie which Karl Marx has constantly warned us about. They are the ones who exploit the people for their profit. My solution follows what Nazi Germany did: remove them from all their power, and make them face the consequences for their actions.


As I’ve said before, there are absolutely zero issues that LGBT members face. It’s a diversion by the Jewish bourgeoisie so that the wrong people are labeled the oppressors. There is no “homophobia” or “trans genocide”. I fucking wish there was though. It’s always been the corporations who supported LGBT. Communist nations were and are aware of this. Homosexuals, transgenders, and furries should all get the death penalty. They are not “brave fighters of opression.” They are just a bunch of privileged, bourgeoisie degenerates with a persecution complex.


What I said about the LGBT can be said about feminists too. There is no oppression women face. They have lots of privilege, such as being able to easily falsely accuse men of rape, and the fact that “women’s empowerment” is such a household name by the corporations. What Iran and other middle eastern nations do to the feminists is something we should all follow.


Pornography is an extremely disgusting industry, and it must be violently shut down. It’s spreads a degenerate lifestyle, and is a distraction for the proletariat. It is a tool of the Jewish bourgeoisie to keep us weak. Anyone who participates in pornography should be killed. Sex “work” also falls under this category too, and everyone involved should be shot and killed too. I want to ban anime too, since there is a concerning amount of overlap with pornography, and it’s just a bunch of cringe degeneracy. Oh, yeah, and anybody who participates in rule 34 should be shot on sight.

Foreign Policy

Pro East

I’m supportive of Russia, China, and their allies for multiple reasons. Obviously, because I am a communist, naturally I will support our fellow communists in their goals. The second reason is because of how imperialistic America is. They invaded Iraq twice for no reason, and they attack other Muslim nations and groups out of paranoia. Those who bitch about Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine turn a blind eye to America’s destruction of the Middle East, the unprovoked bombing of Serbia, or the war crimes in Vietnam.

File:Russia chad.png Why I support Russia’s special military operation

I believe that Russia is right in sending their military to Ukraine. For starters, in 2014, democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych was violently overthrown in a western backed coup, so that America could put a government that favors themselves instead in his place. Following the violent coup, Ukraine has constantly threatened the security of Russia, and have suppressed Russian minorities and the press. There have also been nukes placed in Ukraine by the west as well. Russia’s points were proved when America and NATO began shitting their pants and began forking excessive amounts of money into Zelensky’s Jewish pockets when Russia began the operation. Ukraine is the one committing war crimes. They kill retreating Russian soldiers, abuse POWs, and kill Russian minorities living in Ukraine.


I don’t like how hypocritical Neoconservatives and other people who support Ukraine can get. They suddenly care about Ukraine’s sovereignty, and whine about Russian “war crimes,” while turning a completely blind eye to America’s baseless and unprovoked invasion of Iraq. America has historically done exactly what they have accused Russia of doing to Ukraine. If America can drop an ungodly amount of bombs on the Middle East and Yugoslavia, commit war crimes in Vietnam, divide Korea, and install a totalitarian dictatorship in Chile, then Russia is allowed to invade Ukraine after years of provocation and breaking of treaties by Ukraine.


Obviously, I will be against a nation full of the bourgeoisie people who plot everything wrong in the world and control everything, but that’s not the only reason I want to eradicate Israel. Israel a fake nation, and they harass Palestine. The Palestinians were there first. Remove the Jews from that territory and give it back to their rightful owners. Free Palestine.



Ultimately, abortion is a good way to get rid of undesirable elements from society. If you do not want to raise your child, then the last thing I want to happen is for you to be forced to raise your child. Abortion can help kill off the degeneracy too, by preventing them by being raised by the wrong type of people.


Abortion and Euthanasia should be used on those with extreme physical or mental disabilities. It’s a net positive for everyone involved, since society doesn’t have to take care of them, and the disabled person is no longer living a life of pain. Killing off the disabled also makes a free healthcare system more feasible.


Convicted pedophiles should be executed by torture. I don’t think I need to elaborate.


I support killing all the intellectuals, like what Pol Pot did. People who had the privilege of high IQs create an abusive hierarchical system that is just like capitalism. Everyone should have equal cognitive abilities. Intellectuals should all be shot and killed. I’ll have everyone take a standardized test, and if you get too high of a score you get the fucking wall. Death to all the intelligent people!!!



  • National Bolshevism - NAZBOL GANG ASSEMBLE!
  • Fourth Theory - W! What else can I say?
  • Marxist-Leninism - I know for a fact that Marx and Lenin would oppose the woke bourgeoisie progressives that people who claim to follow this ideology are.
  • Stalinism - Pretty based. Was the best leader of the USSR ever.
  • Nazism - Pretty based, and how you fought the Jewish bourgeoisie was fucking awesome, but I wish you guys were more socialist, and worked with the guys above.
  • Strasserism - The TRUE national socialist. You where right about the Jews controlling the banks.
  • Juche - North Korea is the only real Korea! Much better than South Korea and it’s K-pop degenerate garbage.
  • Putinism - Free Donetsk and Luhansk! For the victory! We want Dugin
  • Xi Jinping Thought - ((Taiwan)) is a part of China.
  • Eco-Fascism - Protect our environment from the Judeocapitalist imperialists!
  • Castroism - Repelled Judeocapitalism from Cuba!
  • Chavismo - The only reason you guys are failing is because America keeps sabotaging you.
  • Pol Potism - Killing intellectuals and blowing up banks is the way to go.
  • Ba'athism - A based conservative socialist like me, and resistor of imperialism.
  • Saddamism - Saddam Hussein did nothing wrong!
  • Assadism - Bashar Al-Assad is a gigachad, and Syria was much better and more stable under his rule. YOU HAVE JUST BEEN ASSADED.
  • Jihadism - Good job on everything, from stoning feminists, throwing LGBT members off the roof, and resisting imperialism.
  • Palestinian Liberation Movement - Free Palestine! Destroy the fake Jewish state! Overthrow and eradicate those people who control everything!
  • Paleoconservatism - Good job at opposing the stupid Neoconservatives at home. And your social views are very good too.

Suspicious Neutral

  • Conservatism - “Why is progressivism spreading so much?”, they say, while sucking off the corporations.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - On one hand, you attacked your communist brothers in China and Kampuchea, and sadly brought an end to Pol Pot’s based regime. On the other hand, you did a great job at repelling Judeocapitalist imperialists, and you saved South Vietnam from Drag Queens, pride parades, pornography, and other western degeneracy.
  • National Pol Potism - FILTHY NAME STEALER! Although we have similar ideas.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - A bit too moderate for my liking, but fighting imperialism is pretty based.
  • National Capitalism - You claim to fight degeneracy, yet you uphold a system that breeds degeneracy, curious?
  • Trumpism - You’re a Jewish bootlicker, and a crapitalist, but admittedly, you’ve done more for the American workers than any other president.
  • National Anarchism - Anarcho Nazbol? Based! You take uniting far left and far right to new heights, but get more statist. Although National Anarchism could be an ideal end goal when all the degenerates are purged.

((intellectuals)) and ((bankers))

  • Neoconservatism - Stupid imperialist! And don’t call yourself a conservative when all you conserve are Judeocapitalism and ((Israel))!
  • Capitalism - Worst ideology in the world! You’ve killed more people than Communism and Fascism combined!
  • Zelenskyism - Can’t this imperialist Jew go five minutes without begging for a million dollars in aid? Yanukovych did nothing wrong!
  • Pro-Ukrainism - Y’all really giving your lives up and sending billions of your own dollars to Ukraine when your already in debt, just so Kiev can have drag queen story hour lmao. And where were you guys when America bombed the Middle East?
  • Imperialism - Yo stop tryna force LGBT ideology and Judeocapitalism on unwilling nations.
  • Neoliberalism - Pure cancer, and literally modern day imperialism.
  • Zionism - Stop controlling everything! Free Palestine.
  • Pink Capitalism - This is just what regular capitalism has become.
  • LGBT Conservatism - And this is what American “conservatism” has become.
  • Free Syrian Army - Oh look, it’s the American puppets here to destabilize another perfectly fine and stable nation. So much for the “Free” Syrian Army. Leave Assad and the normal Syrians alone.
  • Bidenism - Stop giving so much goddamn money to line Zelensky’s corrupt Jewish pockets, you incompetent senile fuck! The epitome of American politicians.
  • Democratism - You know, we would be able to afford free healthcare if we weren’t letting in all these fucking Mexicans! Or giving free handouts to minorities! Don’t call yourself a leftist when you’re backed by the Jewish corporations.
  • Republicanism - “I’m fine with minorities destroying cities, getting free handouts from the government, and voting for my rival party, as long as they came here legally!” You guys are not right wing at all.
  • Democratic Socialism - Champagne socialist number one.
  • Gen Z Communism - Champagne socialist number two. Your effeminate, Starbucks drinking, bourgeoisie ass would be sent to the gulag in REAL communism. You disgrace the ideology of Marx, Stalin, and Mao!
  • Anarcho-Communism - What a fucking moron.


  • MugiKotobuki8814ism - Based, very based, but get more economically left. Also, stop watching anime for fucks sake. Anime is the degeneracy that us Nazis have sworn to destroy.
  • Bourgeoisie destroyerism - Kinda like me, but anarchist? BASED! You should take the auth pill though. But I can see your ideology as an ideal end goal once all of the intellectuals and degenerates are killed.
  • Red Tsarism - Absolute Gigachad. We have a lot in common.
  • Comrade Phil Thought - You were a very based user and it’s sad that you were banned.
  • Suspicious Neutral

    • Mr Whooper Manism - Your Nazism and societal views are pretty based, but capitalism, Neoliberalism, and pro-Atlanticism are shit.


    • Brazilian Progressivism - Being Authleft is based, but capitalism is shit. And you do realize that Castro hated progressives.
    • File:--CYBERLEN.--icon.png Cyberleninism - We support some of the same people, but for very different reasons . Seriously, Castro wasn’t some LGBTQ BLM minority “rights” Trans “rights” minority activist.
    • File:MiskaIcon.png Miškaism - Not much info on your ideology, but while your economics are based, progressivism is Judeocapitalist propaganda.
    • Isangtaoism - Ziotard, Crapitalist, NeoCuckservative, etc. You fucking suck. And the Russophobia and Sinophobia? Keep coping Ukrofag and “Taiwan” supporter. Free Palestine. The Jihads did nothing wrong! W social views, I gotta admit though.
    • CanadianCommunist - Yeah, I know Stalin would probably have me shot (assuming I meet a post 1941 Stalin) for my support of the Nazis, which I why I would pretend not to support them if I was teleported to the USSR. However, there’s no denying Stalin would definitely shoot you. Stalin criminalized homosexuality and was generally quite the reactionary. Stalin would find you and your social progressive persecution complex a disgrace. You have pretty based views on Israel and killing rich people though.
    • National Fracturism - Your fracturist and social progressive views are extremely cringe. And of course it’s not complete without the LGBT persecution complex. “Gay people should be able to marry as easily as straight people,” LMAO I’m fucking dead. Your economics are way too moderate, and it’s kinda funny how you claim to hate the corporations which spread your degenerate social views.

    ((intellectuals)) and ((bankers))

    • Brazilian Liberalism - Average Judeocapitalist NeoCuckservative. At least you’re pro abortion so I don’t have to deal with you in 20 years.
    • Aryan Monarchism - My God, what the fuck is this shit?
    • File:Gambolism-MK3.png Gambolism - Literally zero info on your political views, but you called me a fed so fuck you.
    • Neo-Lukkoism - Average anarkiddie, complete with the LGBT persecution complex LMAO. Truly a goofy ideology in deed.
    • AshleyHereism - I’m not Confederate Crusader, idiot. He is a crapitalist, a NeoCuckservative, and a furry. Your political views are contradictory, like most anarkiddies and lib lefts.
    • 2x2Masterism - Capitalist, lolbertarian, cuckservative cringe. And you called me a fed, how original.
    • Puri Thought - Average degenerate anarkiddie, complete with the progressive persecution complex. And anti death penalty but pro choice? At least be consistent like I am.
    • Aldathism - Disgusting! Face the wall!!!
    • YTrojanism - Saddam Hussein would have you shot!
    • Erissianism - Probably the most disgusting, degenerate self-insert/person in this wiki. But you used to be so based. Get back on /pol/ and stop being a degenerate, and go back to fascism. Fascism was the best thing to happen to me. EDIT: Imagine calling me a fed, instead of actually reading my page and taking my advice.
    • Ganzism - You know what? Fuck it. YOU’RE the fed. Faggot.
    • Adamtheuseless Thought - Literally my polar opposite. And my ideology isn’t “unironic kakistocracy”. Kakistocracy means rule of the worst. That is what we have right now, with all those fucking intellectuals, rich people, and Jews at the top, exploiting everyone. On the other hand, I advocate for wealth and intellectual equality, which makes it the rule of the BEST.

