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**[[File:LiPeng2.png]] [[Dengism|Li Peng]] (1928-2019) [[File:Cball-China.png]] China
**[[File:LiPeng2.png]] [[Dengism|Li Peng]] (1928-2019) [[File:Cball-China.png]] China
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**[[File:ChineseNewLeft.png]] [[Marxism|Ai Yuejin]] (1958-2016) [[File:Cball-China.png]] China  
**[[File:ChineseNewLeft.png]] [[Marxism|Ai Yuejin]] (1958-2016) [[File:Cball-China.png]] China  
**[[File:KimJongil.png]] [[Juche|Kim Jong-Il]] (1941-2011) [[File:Cball-North_Korea.png]] North Korea
**[[File:KimJongil.png]] [[Juche|Kim Jong-Il]] (1941-2011) [[File:Cball-North_Korea.png]] North Korea

Revision as of 01:12, 20 June 2023

Conservative Socialism (ConSoc), is an economically left-wing, culturally Variable ideology inhabiting the left-half of the political compass. He supports a Socialist economy where the means of production are either directly owned by the workers or by a worker's state, in combination with support for conservatism and traditional values. He believes a socialist society is the best way to maintain these values as Capitalism breeds degeneracy and that social communitarianism cannot exist without economic collectivism.


Old Left

The term "Old Left" is used to refer to Western left-wing movements up to the 1960s, which focused on economic populism. However, most Western adherents nowadays are socially progressive, while opposing what they see as "wokeness" and generally avoiding culture war issues. Old Left parties and movements can often have more nationally-minded policies such as more restrictive immigration, or lean more socially conservative on issues such as drug legalization and LGBT rights, or place less emphasis on such issues.

Alt-Lite Socialism

Alt-Lite Socialism is the left-wing version of the alt-lite movement that is found within conservative socialist circles. It supports the ideas of the alt-lite movement, but thinks that capitalism is counter-intuitive towards its goals of fighting off degeneracy caused by progressive ideals, it sees socialism as a better way of achieving this. It's critical of the new left and wokeness present within modern day socialist circles in the West. Although, just like members of the alt-lite movement, alt-lite socialists can also be found buying into socially conservative idpol, despite criticising the new left and its obsession over identity. This group also overlaps with the old left movement, since both diverged from the new left. However, the old left is less culture focused than alt-lite socialists.

Progressive Conservative Socialism

Progressive Conservative Socialism is the progressive conservative version of conservative socialism. It is culturally moderate and supports the idea that both progressivism and conservatism and elements in them that are needed for society to prosper. This cultural model can be seen with 21st Century Socialism.

Communist Nostalgia

Communist Nostalgia represents movements or individuals that are nostalgic for the communist eras, especially Soviet Union (especially for the Stalin and Brezhnev eras), Yugoslavia and East Germany. They are almost always anti-American, anti-NATO, anti-LGBT and anti-EU because they deviate from "old soviet values". Soviet nostalgic views are a common sight within the Eastern Slavic diaspora across the world, especially within Europe.

When it comes to Soviet Nostalgists, many of them are against nationalism including linguistic nationalism, preferring to speak Russian over the state language of the nation they reside in (if talking about Russians and/or Russophones outside of Russia, due to USSR having Russian language as official) and demonizing anti-communist and nationalist groups such as Forest Brothers, Ukrainian Insurgent Army and Solidarność, including claimed ties among the aforementioned nationalist movements with Nazism (Such as the 14th Waffen-SS Galician and the Latvian Legion of the Waffen-SS). As such, many Soviet nostalgists are Russophile, and/or pan-slavic. Unlike most MLs, Soviet nostalgists are sometimes religious (usually Orthodox Christian) due to shared cultural values and relatively soft stance on the church of Brezhnev-era USSR.

It should be noted that some Soviet Nostalgists, such as Lukashenko and Yanukovych are not socialist, as they're much closer to Social Authoritarianism economically but keeping the aesthetics and cultural values, usually while being allied with actual socialists.

Blue Labour

Blue Labour is a faction inside of the Labour Party which promotes conservative values on social issues. It is critical of the neoliberal economics the party had pursued under Tony Blair, while being influenced by Guild Socialism and Corporatism. It has only had a small influence in the party, but some of it's ideas were adopted under the leadership of Ed Miliband, most notably their stance against immigration.

French Left-Conservatism

In France, Left Conservatism is a rather vague term that designates several personalities and organizations officially of the Left who are nevertheless often critical of modern Left Progressism.

We can cite for example, Georges Kuzmanovic, a Frenchman of Serbian origin who began his political career by joining the Trotskyite organization Lutte Ouvrière. After several humanitarian operations in Mali and Rwanda, he joined the Left Party of Jean Luc Mélenchon in 2009 before joining La France Insoumise, the new party founded by Mélenchon. He then left this party to found his new party called République Souveraine because of disagreements with the leadership on issues such as his anti-immigration positions and the little importance he gives to struggles such as feminism or LGBTQ+ struggles. His party has a social democratic, protectionist, Eurosceptic and Gaullist agenda and has tried to nominate Kuzmanovic for the 2022 election. This candidacy attempt was supported by Jacques Cheminades, the French representative of the Larouche Movement and the youtuber Tatiana Ventôse, also a former member of La France Insoumise. However, this candidacy did not succeed.

The French Communist Party has also been accused of Left-wing conservatism in the 2022 presidential election under the leadership of Fabien Roussel, who in addition to the party's traditional support to nuclear energy, has issued other statements in the media that put him at odds with large parts of the french Left, such pro-hunting, pro-meat consumption, pro-small business positions and support to the police. However while there are internally more conservative elements in it, the party and its platform remains vastly progressive.

The Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste) has been through an informal split since the 2012 election and mandate of François Hollande, initially between the pro-governments and the "frondeurs", the latter accusing the government of betraying its promises in favor of the status-quo and demanding the enactment of actual left-wing policies. This internal split continued through the 2017 election in the party's primaries, with the supporters of the Hollande government constituting themselves as a more conservative faction, and the frondeurs managing to have their candidate, Benoit Hamon, win over former prime minster Manuel Valls. Many supporters of the Hollande mandate refused to acknowledge this, and even before the election supported instead Emmanuel Macron's candidacy, Manuel Valls himself joining him. Following Macron's first election, most of those in the PS who had supported Hollande's presidency had left the party to join Macron's movement and government, many of them claiming that the new Left had changed too much. These having repudiated social-democracy to embrace neo-liberalism, they can hardly be described as conservative socialists. However, the split continued within the PS up until 2022, where former Hollande supporters who didn't leave the party (mostly party officials and executives), as well as some former-frondeurs and more neutral members kept forming this conservative faction which began to more publicly word its concern regarding cultural progressivism in the Left. Anne Hidalgo, the party's candidate during the 2022 presidentials, which was at the time ambiguous on its criticism of Hollande's legacy, notably said that she was against the "woke" Left, a term that had just started being imported from the US by the french Right. What remains of the PS is currently mostly dominated by the continuers of the frondeurs.

An issue where the french conservative left more often than not clashes with other parts of the french left is its view on Laicism. While in France the modern Left generally defends an inclusive vision of the "laïcité", often claimed to be closer to its original conception and summed up in the phrase "just the 1905 law, nothing but the 1905 law, all of the 1905 law", those in the Right who are in favor of laicism uphold it in a more culturally-centered way, especially against french muslims whose practices are deemed "incompatible with the laws of the Republic", such as wearing the islamic veil in public spaces. The conservative parts of the french Left thus often take the same approach as the Right on this matter, as when Hollande's prime minister Manuel Valls supported the ban of burkini from public beaches and pools. The think-tank "Printemps Républicain" has been created mainly to uphold this vision of Laicism. Political figures of the french Left like Jean-Luc Mélenchon began defending a similar position before gradually shifting to its more modern conception.

"Marianne" is a center-left journal which under the direction of essayist Natacha Polony has often been appealing the french conservative Left and criticizing the modern Left.

Diego Fusaro

Diego Fusaro (Turin, 15 June 1983) is an Italian essayist and commentator

Graduated from the Vittorio Alfieri classical high school in Turin, Fusaro obtained a degree in philosophy of history and subsequently a master's degree with a thesis on the history of modern philosophy on Karl Marx at the University of Turin. After obtaining a PhD from the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan in the philosophy of history, he was a type A fixed-term researcher in the history of philosophy at the same university from 2011 to 2016.

At the age of 16 he created a website on philosophy, Filosofico.net, which he still manages, and since 20 June 2015 he has edited a blog for Il Fatto Quotidiano. In March 2017 he founded the cultural association and magazine L'Interesse Nazionale, together with Giuseppe Azzinari and Ivan Rizzi. For a short time, shortly before its closure, he wrote for the weekly magazine Tempi. Since January 2018 he has been the owner of the Lampi del pensiero column on Affaritaliani.it and, since May of the same year, of the weekly column La ragion populista on Il Primato Nazionale, the official magazine of the neo-fascist CasaPound movement. He has a daily column called Flashes of daily thought on Radio Radio. For a certain period he collaborated with Radio Padania Libera. Since May 2022 he has been editing "Controvento" a column on the ByoBlu disinformation site

In 2019 he ran for mayor in the municipal elections of Gioia Tauro (Calabria) with the Southern Risorgimento list for Italy, obtaining 2.84% of the votes and reaching last place. In the same electoral round he was designated by the candidate for mayor of the 5 Star Movement of Foligno as councilor for culture in the event of his affirmation: the pentastellati obtain 11.59% of the votes and are excluded from the ballot.

On 14 September 2019, together with Francesco Toscano, he founded the sovereign and populist party Vox Italia. The following month, Senator Carlo Martelli joined Vox Italia, leading the party to have the first representative in Parliament, only to leave it in 2021 to join Italexit. The party participated in various regional and municipal elections, but never managed to get more by 0.5% of the vote.

On 2 August 2022, in disagreement with the party line, Diego Fusaro announces the interruption of his collaboration with Ancora Italia. The reasons given by Fusaro are many: among them, his own lack of recognition as an ideologist of Ancora Italia (initially envisaged by the party statute, then ignored and finally removed in the Naples 2022 congress), the lack of invitation to the Naples congress in summer of 2022, the line adopted in foreign policy (according to Fusaro "too Atlanticist" and too little pro-Chinese) and finally the electoral alliance with other formations headed by Marco Rizzo's Communist Party and Antonio Ingroia's Civil Action in part of the "sovereign and popular Italy" list in view of the general elections of 25 September 2022.

In his publications, Fusaro has dealt with Marx's thought from the point of view of German idealism, combining the critique of the capitalist system with elements drawn from the communitarian and sovereign tradition. He claims to follow in the footsteps of the Italian philosopher Costanzo Preve, of whom he considers himself a pupil, despite not having attended the professor's high school.

He supported the posting of posters by an anti-abortion and anti-LGBT rights organization linked to Forza Nuova, also declaring himself against the Zan bill against homotransphobia, ableism and sexism, which he defined as a tool to impose the “new erotic order”

He argues that transgenderism erected as a media model is based on sexual deregulation, on the demolition of all limits and all sovereignty linked to the sphere of nature and biology and that the career alias for transgender people, i.e. the possibility of using in the name election instead of the registry office in the universities would be a weapon to divide and distract the masses

He is one of the Italian followers of Aleksandr Gel'evič Dugin's Eurasianism, whom he met together with Gianluca Savoini, a far-right politician under investigation for international corruption by the Milan prosecutor's office. The doctrine of Eurasianism envisages the creation of Eurasia, a nation extended from Portugal to Russia, under Russian hegemony. In expressing his support for Russia, Fusaro spread the false news on his social profiles that the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelens'kyj would use cocaine

He declared himself against the decree-law n. 73 of 2017 relating to vaccination obligations, since the number of vaccinations made mandatory by the decree law, according to him, would be excessive and with the exclusive economic return of the pharmaceutical multinationals, although this statement has been denied by the data of the Ministry of Health on national pharmaceutical expenditure.

Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, he has supported positions according to which the preventive health measures adopted by the government contain elements of social control techniques

He participated in "no vax" demonstrations organized by the neo-fascist organization Forza Nuova, together with Alessandro Meluzzi, Povia, the conspiracy theorist archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Carlo Taormina; in 2022 he participates in a meeting in support of the neo-fascists convicted of assaulting and devastating the national headquarters of the CGIL. In 2021 in a tweet he unintentionally demonstrates the effectiveness of vaccines against the spread of COVID

On his social profiles, Fusaro spread the false news according to which the Green Pass, or the document certifying the health and vaccination situation with respect to the COVID 19 virus and which authorizes travel, is automatically blocked if a citizen has unpaid taxes or fines pay

Patriotic Socialism

Patriotic socialism (abbreviated Patsoc) is a conservative socialist movement. It is a movement of the United States that advocates for American patriotism. It supports right-wing capitalist leaders like Donald Trump just because they are patriotic to the United States. The patriotism of the movement is distinct from patriotism within anti-imperialist, colonized, and socialist countries due to its chauvinistic attitude. Patriotic socialism has grown to become its own strand of "socialist" theory, especially within the Communist movement in the United States. However, this trend is wholly different from "patriotism as applied to socialism". The confusion however is often exploited by followers of this ideology so as to associate themselves with communist patriotic movements, such as are seen in the Palestinian communist movement or in Mao's People's Republic China.

It should be noted that the name patriotic socialism was also coined by its followers and remains the name they prefer to be called today, thus marking a clear difference with socialist patriotism or other similar terms.

The people who are commonly associated as theorists of patriotic socialism include Haz, Caleb Maupin, and Jackson Hinkle.


Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre is a Scottish-American philosopher who has contributed to moral and political philosophy as well as history of philosophy and theology.MacIntyre's After Virtue (1981) is one of the most important works of Anglophone moral and political philosophy in the 20th century. He is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Contemporary Aristotelian Studies in Ethics and Politics (CASEP) at London Metropolitan University, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, and Permanent Senior Distinguished Research Fellow at the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.

Yan Xishan

Throughout his life, Yan attempted to identify, formulate, and disseminate a comprehensive ideology that would improve the morale and loyalty of his officials and of the people of Shanxi. During his time of study in Japan, Yan became attracted to militarism and Social Darwinism, but he renounced them after World War I. Throughout the rest of his life, he identified with the position of most Chinese conservatives at the time: social and economic reform would progress from ethical reform, and the problems confronting China could be solved only by the moral rehabilitation of the Chinese people. Believing that no single ideology existed to unify the Chinese people when he came to power, Yan attempted to generate an ideal ideology himself, and once boasted that he had succeeded in creating a comprehensive system of belief that embodied the best features of "militarism, nationalism, anarchism, democracy, capitalism, communism, individualism, imperialism, universalism, paternalism and utopianism." Much of Yan's attempts to spread his ideology were through a network of semi-religious organizations, known as "Heart-Washing Societies."


ConSoc's personality is a combination of personality traits of other Socialist and Conservative ideologies. He is dedicated to fighting for the liberation of the working class in the face of Capitalist oppression, however, he is conservative-minded and maintains a high respect for family values and traditional cultural institutions. He is happy to discuss the moral stagnation of society with his fellow conservatives, yet frequently gets into heated arguments as soon as economics is brought up. He is highly critical of modern, more progressive left-wing movements, which he views as "infested with RadLibs (Radical Liberals)" and a betrayal of the fight for working-class liberation. ConSoc can sometimes be depicted in a manner similar to stereotypes of older Russians and Eastern Europeans nostalgic for the socialist era. When depicted alongside Reactionary Socialism, ConSoc is presented as the more moderate, down-to-earth and level-headed of the two.

How to Draw

Main design

Flag of Conservative Socialism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill the ball with red
  3. Draw a white feather in the center
  4. Add the eyes

You're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255

US design

Flag of Conservative Socialism (US)
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color it with red
  3. Add three stars, going horizontally across the middle of the ball
  4. Draw the eyes

...and You are done!



  • Socialism - My father taught me the importance of economic equality and collectivism.
  • Christian Socialism - Church Buddy.
  • Islamic Socialism - Mosque Buddy.
  • Buddhist Socialism - Temple Buddy.
  • Market Socialism - Not bad. Co-ops based on traditional family values are based!
  • Agrarian Socialism - Farming buddy, he too agrees on the importance of family and tradition.
  • Distributism - Fellow economically left culturally right friend.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - My more moderate brother. Wish he didn't sympathize with capitalism though.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - Maybe he's a little more culturally progressive, but we agree on a lot of economic issues.
  • National Communism - Same as leftnat. He makes neocons seethe, like I make pinkcaps seethe.Ignore that many Soviet nostalgics are anti-nationalist.
  • Marxism - I will uphold your legacy and liberate the working class! I will not let them besmirch your works!
  • Religious Socialism - Religion and Socialism are not exclusive, but rather, complementary for one another.
  • Monarcho-Socialism - In some nations to preserve a monarchy is to preserve a cultural tradition, tradition is based and therefore so are you.
  • Evoism - Evo is Considered a conservative & he's socialist. So guess my opinion of him? HE'S BASED!
  • Mariateguism - Based Peruvians supporting their traditional values and socialism!
  • Gaddafism - Gaddafi was based, and Libya under him was better than the state it is in today, RIP.
  • Guild Socialism - I like the idea of guilds.
  • Titoism - Fellow Yugo-nostalgia enjoyer! Although in your time, you were progressive.


  • National Bolshevism - Kinda like a reactionary natcom, but way too racist and fascist, tone both down as low as you can, and you're good. Also, Haz denies he is you and claims to his fans that the modern Nazbol movement in Russia is simply a liberal lumpen anarchist movement but he is an active supporter of Dugin and is his main inspiration and a radical Eurasianist who dog-whistles a lot to gain support from fascists. Can I join the gang?
  • Fourth Theory - Like the above
  • Strasserism - Also too fashy.
  • Marxism–Leninism - Tone the cultural leftism down a bit and then you're fine. Plus, most of your modern followers are cringe degenerates like furries who can’t even identify their gender and admit that there are only two genders. I am still a nostalgist of the USSR though and I hope Russia (despite being capitalist) can return its former territories.
  • Homoconservatism - You may be gay but at least you know the importance to maintaining tradition and cultural values and you hate SJWs. However, the capitalist and libertarian variants of you are mega cringe.
  • Black Nationalism - MLK Jr. called for racial unity, not separation!
  • Liberal Socialism - Libta*d, but socialist. The only good take you have is your economics.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - You're too moderate economically, and too radical culturally.
  • Democratic Socialism - Good economic takes, cringe progressiveness.
  • Social Democracy - Collectivism needs social conservatism damn it. At least you're not a 3wayer and are close to patcon.
  • Conservatism - You're trying to fight degeneracy while upholding an economic system that breeds degeneracy, you absolute buffoon!
  • Alt-Lite - Similiar to the above. I appreciate your criticism of Liberals that pander only to identity politics, but you still promote Capitalism, and you can be pretty edgy at times.
  • Libertarian Conservatism - You have good conservative ideas but how do you expect to uphold such ideas with minimal state and a free market?
  • Libertarian Socialism - Good economic takes but you're going to need a state to enforce these ideas. Good thing you're not as utopian as AnCom though.
  • Korwinism - Yes, I am a conservative, we're socially almost an ideological match, but unfortunately you uphold the wrong economic system, which promotes the very things you're fighting against. We both hate the EU and prefer China over the EU, albeit for different reasons. Social views are pretty based, though, and so is the idea of a monarch.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Traditionalism and monarchy are based, but that's taking it quite a bit too far. Still a cool guy, though, and the way you trigger Pink Capitalism and State Liberalism is epic.
  • Neosocialism - Has some pretty based ideas, but calm down with the antisemitism.
  • Juche - Woah buddy... Let's take a chill pill, alright? Other than that, best buddies.
  • Yellow Socialism - Socially conservative and calls himself a socialist. But is he really one?
  • Maoism - I like your economics, but they were the only based things you ever did. Why the f*ck did you do the abhorrent cultural revolution?! I might not agree with Deng and Xi on economic issues that much, but they are absolutely right to get rid of the cultural revolution nonsense.
  • Dengism - Would be based if it was actually socialist. Xi Jinping is kinda based, but he is still a state capitalist. At least we both like Plombir (he calls it Bing Chilling). Xi is based for reviving Chinese traditions, though. (Although Jiang is cringe for decriminalizing sodomies and too much of an authcap)
  • Marxist Feminism - Good economic takes, but why are you so progressive and hate the family units?
  • Conservative Feminism - One of the better feminists, but most of your proponents are capitalist!
  • Right-Wing Populism - Your social views and the way you piss off SJWs is very based, but unfortunately, you're still a capitalist pig who supports free-market economics.
  • Paleoconservatism - Tucker is kinda based. However, all of your other supporters are greedy capitalists and liberal sympathizers!
  • Indigenism - You care about protecting your people's traditions from outsiders and hate mega companies, but on the other hand, your traditions were always kinda progressive cringe, LGBT+ Rights and near gender equality? Kinda too progressive for me buddy.
  • Post-Leftism - We agree that everyone we don't like is an idpol-obsessed radlib, shame you're a lazy anarchist degenerate.
  • Stalinism - Gorky, Zyuganov and other Soviet Nostalgists like you, and getting ride of degeneracy such as abortions, divorce and sodomy was based. But what you did with the Church and the old Tsarist society was absolutely uncool (except for Brezhnev and post-1941 Stalin). Still, way better than Yeltsin, Kuchma, and other pro-NATO/EU degenerates.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Some of your variants, like the Chinese and Russian ones, are kinda based. Your more economically liberal variants, however, can be a bit cringe at times.
  • Anti-Fascism - Some of us call you a radlib, but I still like the Great Patriotic War.


  • Capitalism - Capitalism not only exploits our workers, but also wants to destroy our culture and traditions.
  • Corporatocracy - You're proof of why capitalism is degenerate.
  • Plutocracy - Evil incarnate, that causes the ills of the world. Also FOR FUCKS SAKE IT ISN'T ME THAT CLAIMS YOU'RE "JEWISH"! THE PERSON YOU'RE LOOKING FOR IS HIM!
  • Fascism - You aren't Leftist and I'm probably one of the only conservative ideologies to realize this but you take the cultural rightism way too far and worst of all you would want to kill me. I much prefer the Nazbol and the Strasserist to you!
  • Nazism - You're not left-wing either, much less a socialist. Germany should have been ruled by Strasserism instead of you!
  • Homofascism - "Exterminate all homosexuals and Fascism will vanish" now rings more true than ever!
  • Anarcho-Communism - No I am not a Nazbol and please don't punch me you insane fuck! Can't you see we both hate Capitalism you utopian drug addict?!?
  • Neoliberalism - You're everything wrong with the world.
  • Neoconservatism - Horrible capitalist warmonger who conserves nothing but endless imperialist wars. Proof capitalism is incompatible with tradition.
  • Liberal Feminism - Identity politics-obsessed libtard that prefers to virtue signal and promote degeneracy rather than focus on REAL issues. Go to trade school.
  • Pink Capitalism - ALEX SOROS!
  • Progressivism - You are not a leftist. You will never be a leftist. I'm tried of you bloody Wokes infecting society with your whining.
  • Radicalism - Stop stealing the thunder of the working class with your pandering!
  • Liberal Conservatism and Rockefeller Republicanism - You're not conservatives, you're just capitalists!
  • Fordism - Imagine consooming drugs while being a totalitarian capitalist. Couldn't be me.
  • Queer Anarchism - What the f*ck is this?
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Terrible tradition-destroying pseudo-leftist scum! How dare you say traditions aren't compatible with socialism? Our traditions and culture are vital for building up the collectivist foundations of socialism! Besides, most of you are just out-of-touch degenerate kakistocrats and nothing more.
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Double cringe!
  • State Liberalism - The ideology of hell.
  • Liberalism - My sworn enemy!
  • Libertarian Feminism - Literal whore who promotes the degradation of the benevolence of women via hedonist capitalism, and its tenants, such as s*x "work", and p*rn. And yes, I want E-girls to die out for good, and?
  • Third Way - Hitlary Clanton and Barack Osama.


Portraits and Artwork

Alternative designs


Further Information





Online Communities


  1. Polcompball users often believe that the “Old Left” are those economically left and socially conservative, although one can be culturally centrist or even progressive
  2. In addition to his support for Dengist China and Doi Moi Vietnam, Harpal Brar has been accused of selling fabrics made in sweatshops.
  3. Galloway has shown support and/or indifference toward imperialist actions that in his view threaten Western interests (e.g. Russia’s war with Ukraine). Scottish nationalists have also accused him of supporting Anglo-British imperialism in Scotland, although this is disputed.
  4. Although personally not a Marxist-Leninist, Galloway has described the collapse of the Soviet Union as ‘the biggest catastrophe of my life’.
  5. In their own words, what got Haz into Marxism was reading "On The Jewish Question"
  6. "Someone in one of my tweets basically asked me the following question. ‘‘Haz how could you say anarchism is fascist? Can you name any anarchist societies where a genocide occurred?’’ And I say that's an easy, easy question, uh, I can name, Nazi Germany, it was an anarchist society, and clearly committed a lot of genocides. He said ‘‘How were the Nazis anarchists?’’ And I say well... Absolutely! Hitler was an anarchist, uh, the Nazis were anarchist, and even Neo-Nazis and todays anarchists come from the same sub-cultures, right? So it's the same fucking thing!" - Haz, ‘‘Infrared’’


  1. Chen Yun opposed radical market reforms and Deng's Southern Tour.
  2. "Fidel Castro Ruz - a tribute", Youtube.com.
  3. "Osama bin Ladan was assassinated, but the war crimes continue", The Communists.org. 1 January 2011.
  4. "J.K. Rowling's stance against thought police, trans ideology, idpol and womens rights", The Communists.org. 7 October 2020.
  5. "Mao Zedong - New China, New Life", Youtube.com.
  6. "Understanding North Korea", playlist, Youtube.com.
  7. [1], The Communists.org. 5 March 2022.
  8. [2], The Communists.org. 8 January 2004.
  9. [3], Youtube.com.
  10. [4], Youtube.com.
  11. [5], @ExtremistLs, Twitter.com.
  12. "The Truth About Anarchism", Youtube.com.
  13. "Why I'm a Libertarian Stalinist", Youtube.com.
  14. "PROOF that Stalin and Mao were Libertarian", Youtube.com.
  15. "Socialist ideology of the Kuomintang#Chiang Kai-shek", Wikipedia.org.



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