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Agricoetism: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Hoodism.png|link=Hoodism]] [[File:LBubble.png]] Compass Denier  [[File:RBubble.png]]<br> [[File:D4shApoliticism.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]] [[File:DegenNaticon.png]] Pagan with weird fetishes [[File:RBubble.png]] <br> {{Alias|Bax.png|Baxism|Nazbol Hedonism}} <br>
[[File:Hoodism.png|link=Hoodism]] [[File:LBubble.png]] Compass Denier  [[File:RBubble.png]]<br> [[File:D4shApoliticism.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]] [[File:DegenNaticon.png]] Pagan with weird fetishes [[File:RBubble.png]] <br> {{Alias|Bax.png|Baxism|Nazbol Hedonism}} <br>
{{Alias|Inexist.png|Inexistism|[[File:Faggot.png]] Closeted Homo-ism}}<ref>ALSO RELATION UPDATE WHEN?!</ref> <br>
{{Alias|Inexist.png|Inexistism|[[File:Faggot.png]] Closeted Homo-ism}}<ref>ALSO RELATION UPDATE WHEN?!</ref> <br>
{{Alias|NCtheory.png|National-Communitarian Theory|[[File:JapaneseBlackLenin.png]] Japan's Beness Aijo}} <br>
[[File:Babyboiler.png]] Homoerotic Nationalist-Syndicalist-Maoist-Cannibalist Pagan Revivalist Brown Theocracy <br>
[[File:Babyboiler.png]] Homoerotic Nationalist-Syndicalist-Maoist-Cannibalist Pagan Revivalist Brown Theocracy <br>
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Revision as of 15:44, 19 April 2024

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

"Nothing is more necessary or stronger in us than rebellion."

Georges Bataille

Agricoetism is the ideology of SkeletonJanitor, greatly influenced by the works of Ramiro Ledesma and Ikki Kita. He believes that the state should acknowledge the superiority of the simple, agrarian lifestyle and beauty of nature, without the need of total destruction of technology, while not falling into Reactionaryism. Retaining the left economic theory of worker self management, Agricoetism puts a strong emphasis on worker power without slipping into a “egalitarian” society.

Have Read

  • - Reflections on Violence
  • - Socialist Future Syndicates
  • - The Futurist Manifesto
  • - Thus Spoke Zarathustra


  • - The Doctrine of Fascism (Gentile)
  • - Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Basic Course
  • - Anarcho Syndicalism, Theory and Practice

Plan to Read

  • - The Gay Science
  • - National Bolshevist Manifesto (Paetel)
  • - Beyond Good and Evil


The 5 Leaves of Agricoetism

  • The redistribution and equal transfer of landownership to the people who work on such, and organzing these lands into common lands ran by the state.
  • The mission of the state will be to educate and promote the Shinto religion in the populace, but will not conform to a theocracy. The Church and State shall be separated, and shall stay so.
  • For the means of production to be violently seized and collectivized in mass strikes, and put into the hand of the syndicates, democratic councils of trade unions.
  • The organic and local acceleration to the utopia, via revolutionary and populist politics.
  • The removal of foreign, but especially American military bases off our islands, which have done more to benefit the Americans, and ruin our beautiful countryside and beaches with noise, and air pollution.


Agricoetism believes in a socialized economy with a mix of state owned and collective properties, (social ownership, as in collective ownership) in taking syndicates as the basis for the economy. The means of production would be a split between state owned industries and collective ownership of unions, land, etc.

The importance of agriculture and the countryside will be recognized under Agricoetism, concerning farmland and decaying infrastructure of the neglected rural communities, leading to major reforestation of devastated deforested areas.

Major land reforms, such as reclamation projects, a cap limit on land ownership (no more than 30 hectares) and forced collectivization of farmland by the state, to be redistributed to their respective workers, eventually working towards the abolition of private ownership.

Alongside these reforms will be agricultural programs to make it easier for people who want to go into such a career easier to do so, and education programs for present farmers to maximize efficiency in their field of work.

Eventually, under the finalization of these reforms to distribute land properly to the workers who own on such, from top to bottom socialism, to eventual bottom to top socialism, we will work towards a society of autonomous rural communes, with private property being obliterated in favor of an individual, but united Japan.


The state will be organized as a Unitary Vanguard (one party) Socialist Republic*.

The role of the state is a central government that provides resources and infrastructure projects for the independent communes, and of course enforce traditionalist ethics. For example, preserving the unique Japanese dialects and customs in each prefecture, renovating dying old houses, which has been a huge problem here considering our dying old population here leaving over half a million of them empty. I'm aware of different communes having different cultures, and this is why I seek to apply the commune system here to Japan, since every prefecture here has their own unique quirks, cultures, and nature reserves that must be protected, with the addition of local governance from the people who live in such. (with strings attached from the government, of course.)

Military Rearmament and Liberation

Japan, in its place to shake off its American chains, must regain total military independence. Article nine has completely neutered our sovereignty to initiate war and to free other Asian nations under the boot of the west. We must ward off the Social Democrats crushing the actual proletariat in China with their horrid sweatshops and free market economics, and bring back the Koreas under our protection. We have the money and could make the incentives to create an army rivaling China's and Russia's, but we are under the boot of the American, and to realize total military independence, we must realize that Japan must sever its ties with the west.



The physical state and church shall stay separated for the integrity of the popular party... WIP


I am generally supportive of homosexual rights, a same sex male relationship could be just as virtuous and healthy as an opposite sex one. Plus, you SHOULD be engaging in a homoerotic/sexual relationship to subvert the longhouse regime, which panders towards mentally and physically inferior women.


The Peasantry

Syndicalism - You represent nearly everything I believe in, direct action of the workers, self management, and using trade unions as a revolutionary basis. I believe your anarchist tendacies can be twisted into something more... centralized of course.

Falangism - WIP
Crusade of Romanianism - WIP
Bonapartism - WIP


Anarcho-Syndicalism - We share pretty close ideas on the economy, and even on some societal issues, I just don't agree with abolishing the state, at least in the same way as you. You could be a great partner you know...

National Communism - WIP

Stransserism - You’re weird.

Maoism - Cultural revolution? Check. Class struggle? Check. We need to talk more... You are truly virtuous in your radical reforms to reshape China in a new functioning society, but some of your ideas were a bit… overboard and did more harm than good. Also you should put more emphasis on class struggle, rather than excusing the petite bourgeoisie.}}

Marxism - NO I WON'T READ YOU.


Ceremonial Monarchism - You should be abolished but I'd be willing to let you stay if that's what the people want.

Monarchism - "B-but... M-muh divine rig- ACK!"

Anarcho-Individualism - Selfish Little Fuck.

- Anti-Japaneseism - You self-hating racist maniac genociding freak! Get the FUCK out of Japan if you hate the ethnic group and nation so much!

Reactionary Libertarianism - I hate you and everything you stand for, fuck off to the gullotine!

Capitalism - Die! Die! Die, you piece of shit!



White Supremacism - Fuck off.


Comment below if you want to be added :3

The Peasantry

Iberian Directorialism - Very agreeable in nearly every faucet of your ideology, you seem very well read on falangism and what approach that wanted towards Spain, and how they were blindsided or even imprisoned by the reactionary franco. I do wish however, you'd take a more serious approach on reinvigorating the countryside to the glory it was in Spain's earlier history. 9/10

Alstūdism - Your self-insert is very virtuous in someways, such as in your Paganism, National Syndicalism and National Rebirth, which are all great, and agreeable in most places, (stop calling me a reactionary though). But, I disagree with your stance on ethnic nationalism, stop being racist, please. I think we would be onpar if it wasn't for the ethnic nationalism to be honest, and maybe my idea of how to organize the farmers rural wise. 8/10


Improved Citizenism - Fellow Syndicalist and Agrarian, albeit more centralized than me. Not a fan of tripartism and I think you don't go far enough in socialization and the destruction of private property, but I'd work side by side with you just for the emphasis on farmer power. Also, the ethnopluralism is even worse since im mixed and don't fit into any "ethnic border". 7/10

Neo-Anthony Bax Thought - WIP

Inexistism - WIP

Pantheonism - I joke about your ideology being terrible sometimes, but if I’m being honest it’s not THAT bad, I just think you’re too moderate in some places and definitely vile in some other places. (World Federalism) Also I don’t approve of your monarchism and blatant Zionism. At least you aren’t an ethnonationalist pagan, 5/10.

Necro-Anarchism - I don’t really like this ideology for many reasons, most obvious being anarchist, but you do have SOME good things about your ideology, compared to other self insert anarchists. I respect the animism and your respect for tradition. However everything else is vomit inducing, including the ethnonationalism. 4.5/10


Distributist Reactionarism - Not much I can say here than this is just vile. It's reactionary and uses a catholic, capitalist, (less vile than normal capitalism I guess) internationalist, and anti patriotic/nationalist rhetoric in its beliefs. It's bad. It's really bad.

Brazilian Liberalism - Bad, not much else to say about this. 0/10




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