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Police Statism or PolStat is an ideology or form of government that exercises power through the power of the police force. Originally, PolStat was defined as an ideology advocating for a state-regulated by a civil administration, but since the beginning of the 20th century it has "taken on an emotional and derogatory meaning" by describing an undesirable state of living characterized by the overbearing presence of civil authorities.

The inhabitants of a police state may experience restrictions on their mobility, or on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force that operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state.


Police Militia

Main Article: Kleptocracy




Main Article: One-Nation Conservatism and Neoliberalism



Main Article: Fascism


Soviet Union/Russia

Main Article: Marxism-Leninism, and Kleptocracy

Red Terror

The Red Terror in Soviet Russia was a campaign of political repression and executions, during the Russian Civil War (1917/1918-1922) carried out by the Bolsheviks, chiefly through the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (Cheka), the Bolshevik secret police, led by Felix Dzerzhinsky. The Red Terror was modeled on the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution and sought to eliminate political dissent, opposition, and those who went against the Bolshevik cause. Among the victims of the Red Terror were tsarists, liberals, non-Bolshevik socialists, members of the clergy, ordinary criminals, counter-revolutionaries, and other political dissidents. The total number of estimated executions carried out by the Cheka during the Red Terror ranges from 50 000 to 200 000.

Lavrentiy Beria

Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria was a Georgian Bolshevik and Soviet politician, Marshal of the Soviet Union and state security administrator, chief of the Soviet security, and chief of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) under Joseph Stalin. Beria began his career in the Transcaucasian, during the early 1920s region as part of the Cheka, suppressing nationalist uprisings. In 1926, Beria took control of the Georgian OGPU; Sergo Ordzhonikidze, head of the Transcaucasian party, introduced him to fellow-Georgian Joseph Stalin. During his years at the helm of the Georgian OGPU, Beria effectively destroyed the intelligence networks that Turkey and Iran had developed in the Soviet Caucasus, while successfully penetrating the governments of these countries with his agents.

In August 1938, Stalin brought Beria to Moscow as deputy head of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD), the ministry which oversaw the state security and police forces. Under Nikolai Yezhov, the NKVD carried out the Great Purge: the imprisonment or execution of a huge proportion, possibly over a million, of citizens throughout the Soviet Union as alleged "enemies of the people". In September of the same year, Beria was appointed head of the Main Administration of State Security (GUGB) of the NKVD, marking an easing of the repression begun under Yezhov. Over 100,000 people were released from the labor camps. The liberalization was only relative: arrests and executions continued, and in 1940 the pace of the purges accelerated again as Beria supervised deportations of people identified as "political enemies" from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia after Soviet occupation of those countries.

On 5 March 1940, after the Gestapo–NKVD Third Conference was held in Zakopane, Beria sent a note to Stalin in which he stated that the Polish prisoners of war kept at camps and prisons in western Belarus and Ukraine were enemies of the Soviet Union, and recommended their execution. Most of them were military officers, but there were also intelligentsia, doctors, priests, and others a total of 22,000 people. With Stalin's approval, Beria's NKVD executed them in what became known as the Katyn massacre.

In February 1941, Beria became deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, and in June, following Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union, he became a member of the State Defense Committee (GKO). Throughout the war, Beria ordered the population transfer, deportations, and genocides of the various ethnic minorities accused of anti-sovietism and/or collaboration with the invaders, including hundreds of thousands of Chechens, Crimean Tatars, Pontic Greeks, and Volga Germans, to Central Asia.

In January 1946, Beria resigned as chief of the NKVD while retaining general control over national security matters as Deputy Prime Minister and Curator of the Organs of State Security under Stalin. During the postwar years, Beria supervised the establishment of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and chose their Soviet-backed leaders.

After Stalin's death in 1953, Beria was appointed First Deputy Premier and reappointed head of the MVD, which he merged with the MGB. His close ally Malenkov was the new Premier and initially the most powerful man in the post-Stalin leadership. Beria undertook some measures of liberalization immediately after Stalin's death such as the mass release and amnesty of over a million prisoners, resulting in a substantial increase in crime. Beria earned himself many enemies in the Politburo and on 26 June 1953, Beria was arrested and held in an undisclosed location near Moscow. Beria was found guilty of; Treason, Terrorism, and Counterrevolutionary activity, and was sentenced to death on the day of the trial.


Main Articles: National Socialism and Marxism-Leninism


Freikorps (Meaning volunteer corps or free regiments) were irregular German and other European military volunteer units, or paramilitary, that existed from the 18th to the early 20th centuries, which fought as mercenaries or private armies, for governments and people of high status. In Germany, in the aftermath of World War I, Freikorps consisted largely of World War I veterans who fought on behalf of the SPD-led government of Friedrich Ebert to crush Soviet-backed communist uprisings which attempted to overthrow the Weimar Republic. Minister of Defence and SPD member Gustav Noske also relied on the Freikorps to suppress the German Revolution of 1918-19 as well as the Marxist Spartacist League, culminating in the summary execution of revolutionary communist leaders Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg on 15 January 1919.

After the Freikorps' decline in influence in the 1920s, the rise of the Nazis would see a renewed rise in Freikorps activity, as many members or ex-members were drawn to the party's marrying of military and political life and extreme nationalism by joining the Sturmabteilung (SA) and Schutzstaffel (SS). The Freikorps were used by the Nazis as thugs to engage in street brawls with communists and to break up communist and socialist meetings.

Eventually, Adolf Hitler came to view the Freikorps as a nuisance and possible threat to his consolidation of power. During the Night of the Long Knives in 1934, an internal purge of Hitler's enemies within the Nazi Party, numerous Freikorps members and leaders were targeted for killing or arrest, including Freikorps commander Hermann Ehrhardt and SA leader Ernst Röhm.




Main Articles: National Communism and Paternalistic Conservatism

  • Józef Światło, born Izaak Fleischfarb, was a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Public Security of Poland (UB), in the Polish People's Republic, who served as deputy director of the 10th Department run by Anatol Fejgin. Known for supervising the arrest of hundreds of dissidents and the torture of political prisoners, he was nicknamed "the Butcher" by the detainees. After the death of Stalin in 1953, Światło who at the time was on a mission in East Germany began to fear that he would be scapegoated for the death of the Soviet leader, leading to him defecting to the west. The United States gave him political asylum with the full knowledge that "he would have to be protected for the rest of his life because the number of his victims and relatives of victims sworn to exact retribution was so great." Światło's defection to the enemy became widely publicized in Polish state media labeled him a "traitor" and a "provocateur." Over the course of the following months, US newspapers and Radio Free Europe (in the "Behind the scenes of the secret service and the party" cycle) reported extensively on political repression in Poland based on Światło's revelations. Capitalizing on them, in what was known as "Operation Spotlight", RFE broadcasted some 140 interviews and 30 programs with Światło and distributed them over Poland to encourage Polish citizens to rebel against the communist authorities. Światło's defection and collaboration with the US contributed to the events of political liberalization in Poland, known as the Polish October.


Main Article: Tridemism



Main Articles: Maoism and Dengism

Red Guards


Labour Camps and Blackjails

  • Re-education through labor (劳动教养 laojiao) was a system of administrative detention in the People's Republic of China, active from 1957 to 2013, with the purpose of detaining persons who were accused of minor crimes such as petty theft, prostitution, and trafficking illegal drugs, as well as political dissidents, petitioners, from 1999 Falun Gong followers. It was separate from the much larger laogai system of prison labor camps which is meant for more serious criminal offenses. Sentences under re-education through labor were typically for one to three years, with the possibility of an additional one-year extension. They were issued as a form of administrative punishment by police, rather than through the judicial system. While they were incarcerated, detainees were often subject to some form of political education. Estimates on the number of RTL detainees in any given year range from 190,000 to two million. In 2013, there were approximately 350 RTL camps in operation.

Laojiao was significantly expanded under the regime of Jiang Zemin (1989-2004) who used the persecution of Falun Gong and other spiritual movements as part of a strategy to maintain tight control over China's political system even after he forced to step down in 2004. From 1999-2013, Falun Gong practitioners made up the majority of the prison population in most RTL camps. On 28 December 2013, during the beginning of the new administration and Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang, due to much pressure from human rights organizations, the RTL system was formally abolished and some detainees were released and others relocated to other prisons and mental hospitals. However, human rights groups have observed that other forms of extrajudicial detention have taken their place, with some former RTL camps being renamed as drug rehabilitation centers.

The Great Firewall

The Great Firewall refers to a combination of legislative actions and technologies enforced by the People's Republic of China to regulate the Internet domestically to enforce internet censorship and block selected foreign websites (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, etc.) and to slow down cross-border internet traffic. The Great Firewall operates by checking transmission control protocol (TCP) packets for keywords or sensitive words. GFW has since its inception been justified in the name of "internet sovereignty" and "protecting domestic information space" to prevent Chinese citizens from gaining access to western liberal ideas. A favorite saying of Deng Xiaoping in the early 1980s was, "If you open the window, both fresh air and flies will be blown in. " Fang Binxing, a former Principal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications has been dubbed "Father of China's Great Fire Wall".

As part of the Great Firewall, beginning in 2003, China started the Golden Shield Project, massive surveillance and censoring system, the hardware for which was provided by mostly U.S. companies, including Cisco Systems and Microsoft.

More often than not the GFW is used by the Central government and local authorities to crush dissent, cover up corruption scandals, and even prevent people from reporting on actual crimes such as human trafficking and abuse by local officials remains a serious issue in China to this day.

Overseas Policing


Zero-Covid Policy



Main Article: Showa Statism



Peace Preservation Law

The Peace Preservation Law was a Japanese law enacted on April 22, 1925, with the aim of allowing the Special Higher Police to effectively suppress socialists and communists and protect private property. Altogether more than 70,000 people were arrested under the provisions of the Peace Preservation Law between 1925 and its repeal by American Occupation authorities in 1945.

The United States

Main Articles: Neoconservatism and Paleoconservatism




COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert and illegal projects actively conducted from 1956 to 1971 by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations the FBI deemed subversive and a threat to national security. COINTELPRO was organized by the founder of FBI, J. Edgar Hoover who had by 1956 become increasingly frustrated by U.S. Supreme Court decisions that limited the Justice Department's ability to prosecute people for their political opinions, most notably communists. This lead to him initiating covert "dirty tricks" program under the name COINTELPRO with the original purpose of disrupting CPUSA and keeping close tabs on individuals with communist sympathies such as Charlie Chaplin. COINTELPRO soon expanded to target a plethora of other organizations and movements which included feminist organizations, The New Left and the anti–Vietnam War movement, and most notably the civil rights movement and Black Power movement. Among the black activists and civil rights leaders targeted by COINTELPRO were Bayard Rustin, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Angela Davis, Viola Liuzzo, Jessica Mitford, among many other.

Every US President from the 1950s-1971, Dwight D. Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, and Richard Nixon was complicit in FBI's illegal activities to a certain extent and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy personally authorized some of the programs.

The program was secret until 1971 when the Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI burgled an FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania, using the boxing match known as the Fight of the Century between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier in March 1971 as a cover to pull off the heist, took several dossiers, and exposed the program by passing this material to news agencies.

Wackenhut Private Security

George Wackenhut was a former FBI agent and the founder of the Wackenhut private security corporation. In 1951, Wackenhut joined the FBI as a special agent in Indianapolis and Atlanta and was tasked with handling counterfeit money and bad-check cases and tracking down Army deserters. He eventually resigned from the FBI to start his own private security company. The huge profits made from the Wackenhut corporation enabled its founder to live a lavish lifestyle in homes scattered throughout the US "Tyecliffe Castle", or "Castle Wackenhut" in Coral Gables, near Miami. George Wackenhut was known as a hard-line right-winger and built up dossiers on Americans suspected of being Communists or left-leaning "subversives and sympathizers" and sold the information to interested parties. By the late, 1960s Wackenhut held files onthan more 4 million names of suspected "dissidents." In 1975, after the United States Congress investigated companies that had private files, Wackenhut gave its files to the now-defunct anti-Communist Church League of America of Wheaton, Illinois.

Wackenhut sold his company for $570 million in 2002 to Danish corporation Group 4 Falck which then merged to form British company G4S in 2004. G4S provides security to specific government and corporate sectors: energy, utilities, and chemical/petrochemical, financial institutions, hospitals, and healthcare facilities, major corporations and the construction industry, ports and airports, residential communities, retail and commercial real estate, and transit systems. In 2010, G4S Wackenhut changed its name to G4S Secure Solutions (USA) to reflect the new business model.

War on Drugs



Main Article: Pinochetism


South Africa

Main Article: Apartheid

  • Hendrik van den Bergh was a South African police officer known for founding the Bureau of State Security (BOSS), in which he ordered murders, torture and repression in the P.W. Botha and even participated in the Angolan civil war. Prior to his career, he was a member of Ossewabrandwag and Afrikaner Broederbond.

Saudi Arabia

Main Articles: Islamic Theocracy and Islamic Capitalism



Main Articles: Monarcho-Capitalism and Khomeinism



When communism fell, the political police apparatus, known as the Securitate, only formally disbanded. All the former higher-ups from the organization took control of the newly-established liberal democratic Romania through election fraud and re-established nepotism and endemic corruption by using their well-established network of contacts. Most post-communism politicians that saw success were, or are ex-Securitate members, and any attempt to prosecute them ended with failure in suspicious circumstances. Witnesses and judges would disappear or die in freak accidents, evidence would systematically burn in accidental fires, and a campaign of "terrorism" was advertised by the Securitate to intimidate people into giving up, nothing moved on the political scene of Romania without the Securitate knowing and even now, the myth of the "coup d'eta" is still strong after having been ingrained by the Securitate in the collective consciousness to appease the masses. While the majority of these retired from politics after having robbed public funds for two decades, the Securitate members live a comfortable life, free of all and any risk of prosecution due to their liquidation of all incriminating evidence.

Personality and Behaviour

PolState is portrayed as a stereotypical police officer. Sometimes they are oppressing the people and sometimes just eating donuts and arresting criminals.

Stylistic Notes

In some comics PolState was portrayed as Authoritarianism with a police hat.

How to Draw

Flag of Police Statism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Draw an inverted triangle in the center and fill it with navy blue,
  3. Fill the rest of the ball with black,
  4. Draw a police cap on the top of the ball,
  5. (Optional) Draw a police badge
  6. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Navy Blue #00187B 0, 24, 123
Black #141414 20, 20, 20


Officer Crew


  • Conservatism - Thank you for creating Blue Lives Matter but please obey the mask mandates!
  • Clerical Fascism - You are cool and all but why is the church more important than the police?
  • Black Nationalism - We stopped lynching, now stop whining! We accept black people to be cops as well. And I didn't kill George Floyd!
  • Feminism - A part of me really hates you, but we also accept women into our job, and I'll still protect you from those rapists, stalkers, sexual harassers, and domestic abusers.
  • Hive-Mind Collectivism - It would be harder for me to arrest someone who thinks the same...
  • Paleoconservatism & Right-Wing Populism - YOU COMPLETELY TURNED YOUR BACK ON US AT THE CAPITOL PRICK! And we did NOT let them in! Thanks for the inconsistent support anyways.
  • Alt-Right - Likes me for some reason, but I hate when he calls me a glowie! And how can you call yourself a traditionalist with that browser history?
  • Trumpism - You were so perfect until you did the Capitol Hill thing...
  • Kritarchy - While we both love order, he hates when I do summary executions.
  • Demographic Posadism - Ahh... Crime rates decreasing in my country is really a good thing! And we sho... Wait! Why I don't see those pesky delinquent teenagers and jobless young adult criminals anymore, and instead often see boring elders that complain about pensions?


  • Constitutionalism - I AM THE LAW!
  • Progressivism - Defund deez nuts lmao.
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - Goddamn hippie, quit protesting before I arrest you!
  • Anarchism without adjectives - Doesn't like authority, cringe.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Communism minus the good parts about it. Now, DO AS I TOLD AND GET IN THE CAR!
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Capitalism minus the good parts about it. Private police does seem nice though.
  • Libertarianism - I tread where I please.
  • Black Anarchism - As if Black Nationalism wasn't malding enough... atleast they could've had a police state.
  • Anarcho-Conservatism - Conservatism minus the good parts about it.
  • Anarcho-Individualism - Worst. Ideology. Ever.
  • Hoppeanism - You had so much potential but you're a fucking a**rchist!
  • All LibLeft and LibRight ideologies - ASK NO QUESTIONS AND OBEY THE AUTHORITY!!
  • Manosphere - You're under arrest for sexual harassment and online grooming. They are misogynist criminal acts. Come with me to the interrogation room, we're going to talk about this...
  • Accelerationism - Get pulled over for speeding.
  • Coolidgism - What do you mean public servants can't strike?
  • Aristocracy - Nobles are above law and order? No, you are all just arrogant potential criminals! No wonder the majority of people hated you in ancient times.


  • Illegalism - Reward of $100,000 for anyone who catches this criminal scum, dead or alive.
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism - Literally a terrorist. If you see him, call your local police department immediately.
  • Soulism - Under arrest for drug dealing! But you are peaceful compared to other anarchists, so I can only give you fines.
  • Anarcho-Egoism - Worst anarchist.
  • Jihadism - Criminal records: War crimes + Suicide bombing + Terrorism + Serial murder + Kidnapping + Rape + Sectarianism + Torture + Propaganda + Child soldiers + Arson + Hijacking + Mutilation + Attempted world domination + Arms trafficking + Destruction of property + Drug dealing = What the F! You're the world's most dangerous criminal! Haven't you ever read the Quran?! But the Taliban is based.
  • Agorism - You are under arrest for selling illegal goods. Everything you have will be confiscated and used in your trial as evidence.
  • Posadism - Worst of the worst terrorists is the nuclear one. Bring the FBI, Interpol, and CIA to catch this bastard before he nukes something!
  • Bio-Posadism - Another global terrorist, but more focused on bio-weapons. Time to confiscate your tools, and burn down your sinister laboratories into ashes!

Further Information

Notable police forces, paramilitary organizations, and intelligence agencies





  1. From the abbreviation MUS (Московский уголовный cыск, Moscow Criminal Investigation).
  2. [1]
  3. [2]
  4. [3]