< User:Afunhumaninter | Cope
Vanguards of the Future (95+)
- 2x2Masterism (100) - My fellow money worshipper.
- Avata Thought (100) - ALL. HEIL. LA. BRUJA.
- Ghost in Piss (97) - You probably saw this one coming.
Based and Redpilled (85-95)
- South American 2x2Masterism (91) - Pretty damn based for a fact.
- Colombian BHL (90) - I can't get why you like distributism at all but besides that, so fucking based.
- Technologically Regressive Minarchism (86) - You're slightly more extreme than I am myself, which is really based, but you're a bit to far on the progressive side of your ideology.
Based-Lite (60-85)
- Liberal Conservative Darwinism (82) - A bit moderate on the econ and a bit askew in some of your other issues, but not bad really.
- Omniscient Quebecois Atheist (72) - Best self-insert I've seen you have, but honestly, there's just so much weird shit in here, including posthumanism and reactionarism.
- PornHub-Biden Synthesis (68) - You're redeemable I could say, but you put too much emphasis on welfare and regulation for comfort. Also, not really the best civics.
- Racist Ron Paul (64) - I honestly wouldn't go as far as to become an ethnonationalist, eugenicist, or an agrarian, but the majority of your other beliefs make up for it.
Fifty-Fifty (40-60)
- Constantine Thought (41) - "Why are you so close to me?!" Because I'm based
but why are you a Christian?!
Undesirable (15-40)
- Hitlerite NazCap (32) - Honestly your economic system is fine outside of slave ownership, but you're for the most part a conservative Nazi outside of that.
- Mexican Welfarism (30) - Welfarism ain't shit.
- Religious Corporatism 2.0 (28) - You do remind me of that somebody...
- Egoist Jacobinism (24) - The French Revolution was okay, but you know, I can't really get behind anything in the way of socialism. But hey, the Jacobins were some of the better socialists, and you're pro-federalism, so at least you aren't totally bad.
Cringeworthy (5-15)
- 90% Philosophy (13) - I don't really understand this well since I notice it's much more philosophy-oriented than politics-oriented, but in what I am familiar and knowledgeable of, seems a bit like something I wouldn't want.
- Finnian Fascism (11) - What the hell is this?!
- FPCB AnCom (10) - Yes, you might be socially centrist, but that doesn't excuse the fact that you're an anarcho-communist. Not a good setup personally.
- Norwegian Wholesome 100 (9) - Okay, we have a syndicalist, fascist, corporatist, ethnonationalist, pagan nationalist,and Norwegian diaspora nationalist, despite living in the United States. Honestly man, I can't see much good in this self-insert