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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Comrade Phil's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Comrade Phil Thought is an economically left-wing, culturally far right, and nationalistic ideology, inspired by the ideas of communism and some ideas of fascism.


The Economy and the Government


Capitalism breeds degeneracy and it exploits everyone. Like I have to work 40 plus years of my life, and only retire for 10 before I die. I want a Communist economy which provide all the needs to the Filipino race. It’s unfair that both celebrities and those Jewish business owners don’t have to do any work and are rich, while normal people have to work for years to get by. I want the government to kill off these rich people or send them to the killing fields. Everyone should have to work equally. The people will work together to make sure everyone has the best life possible for the Filipino master race. I also want governmental programs to rapidly develop poorer areas. Private property and large scale businesses should be abolished. Rich people will be sent to the killing fields. This communist economy will provide, equal, complete needs for everyone, and kill off those who exploited workers.

Nationalization of all Industries

The government will take control of the industry. No large companies will exist anymore, and they will be abolished. The money and resources seized from the companies will be redistributed to the poor.


Inheritance is an illegitimate form of wealth (well all forms of wealth are, but especially this one). The money of dead rich people will be seized by the government and redistributed to the poor.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is illegitimate too. Piracy will no longer be a crime, as all media will be available for free to the public.


To combats woke and exploitative capitalism, I will need a strong and authoritarian state at the head. The government will be powerful so that they can combat wealth inequality and provide for everyones needs. I advocate for a strong police force too, (unlike most other communists), because it is beneficial to the safety. I want this strong government to kill all the degenerates and rich people.


Healthcare will be provided for free to those part of the Filipino master race (and some of the based Chinese and Russian people too). This healthcare system will provide care for your bodily needs, such as injuries and surgeries. And not fucking gender transitions

Reverse Social Darwinism

I support anti-intellectualism (see below). People with mental and physical disabilities are superior since they have to overcome more in their lives. Capitalist society directly harms those people. There should be much more accommodations to less intelligent and less able bodied individuals. Also, as you can see below, the school ciriculum should be made easier and much less stressful. Flaunting high intelligence and ostracizing those who aren’t intelligent is not good at all.

Killing Intellectuals

I support what Pol Pot did to intellectuals. People becoming too smart can create an exploitative and oppressive system, which is like capitalism but with intelligence. Everyone should have equal brain power, so I want these intellectuals sent to killing fields. I will have everyone take the ACT or SAT, and if you score a 30 or above on the ACT, or a 1300 or above on the SAT, they will be sent to the killing fields. Also, if you have all A’s you should go to the killing fields too. And those who are ((top 100 in the nation))? Kill them too. All smart people should get the death penalty.

Foreign Policy


NATO can’t go like 5 fucking minutes without invading a middle eastern nation for no reason. They’re just a bunch of imperialist ZOGs who fight wars just for Jews and corporations. Therefore, I support our socialist comrades in Russia and China.

Pro Russia and China/Pro East

Russia has constantly been provoked for the past century by the west. A lot of Westoids and Neocuckservatives fail to understand that Russia is a nation who has its own interests and concerns. Russia was right to invade Ukraine since NATO has constantly been pushing the conflict. For China, at least they aren’t invading middle eastern nations for no fucking reason. The US needs to fuck off in Taiwan. Taiwan is part of China.

Sympathetic to the Jihads and Hussein, pro Palestine

The Taliban, ISIS, and Al-Qaeda are all fighting off American imperialism in the Middle East. America has no fucking reason to attack them. These Jihads are good at fighting degeneracy too. Saddam Hussein did nothing wrong either. Palestine is the good guys in fighting off those fucking Jews and ZOGs. Israel and ((their citizens)) should be wiped off the planet. America had no reason to attack these places except for the profit of the Jews, corporations, and faggots.



“To put down the gun, you must use the gun.” - Mao Zedong
That’s one thing that revisionist got right. To spread the ideology of National Bolshevism, guns need to be used to commit acts of domestic terrorism.


These guys should be sent to the killing fields. They are not “revolutionaries.” They are the bourgeoisie. They are a product of the corporations. They drag down the proletariat. Trannies will have to go to be normal again, or they will be sent to the killing fields. Homosexuals should be arrested and sent to the killing fields. Drags queens get shot and killed on sight. And child beauty pageants, which was LGBT's favorite pastime before bringing kids to drag shows, should also be banned and their participants hung. And since we're on the topic of faggots, pedophiles and rapists should be tortured to death.


I am fighting for the working rights of the Filipino-Chinese-Russian-Arab master race proletariat, not these fucking femcels. Feminism is capitalist perversion. Feminists should be arrested and sent to the killing fields. You can have your equal rights - in jail .


Send these sick pieces of shit to the fucking killing fields. Furries will be treated like animals. It will be legal to hunt them down. They should all be sent to the killing fields.


Jews hold a disproportionate amount of wealth. Making up only 2% of the population of America, Jews hold 30% of wealth, with that number rising year after year. They also hold a large number of seats in both the Republican and Democratic Party. They are the ones who are behind all of the progressivism, and they are exploiting the conservative workers. I want to make this stop. They should be removed from all this power, so we can have true equality and freedom, with nothing being plotted against us for their profit.


The porn industry should be violently shut down. Anyone who participates in this disgusting degenerate industry should be publicly executed.

How it will be Achieved

Like minded individuals to me should have a revolution. Grab your weapons and revolt against the Jewish, capitalist, degenerate regime. Kill all the rich people and degenerates. Commit National Bolshevism. Become domestic terrorism. End the lives of the intellectual oppressors. Create pipe bomb, make chlorine gas, and use Ar-15s.


Flag of Comrade Phil Thought
  1. Red for Communism
  2. Yellow also for Communism
  3. 3 stars as on the regular Philippines flag, but in black
  4. Black hammer and sickle



  • National Bolshevism - Literally me.
  • Stalinism - It was real communism, and it was based. But you and him became enemies :(.
  • Brezhnev Doctrine - Based. Glad you undid Krushits revisionist actions.
  • Ba'athism - Saddam Hussein and Bashar Al-Assad did nothing wrong!
  • Jihadism - Good job on resisting these fags.
  • Juche - Based! He combines social conservatism with communism!
  • Xi Jinping Thought - Taiwan is a part of China.
  • Putinism - Good job putting all the faggots in jail, and great job trolling all of the Judeocapitalists in Ukraine! I hope you guys win.
  • Wagner Group - Go get ‘em bois. Kill all those Judeocapitalists and fags.
  • Lukashenkoism - “It’s better to be a dictator than homosexual.” -
  • Pol Potism - How you dealt with those fucking intellectuals was extremely based.
  • Castroism - Cuba hates fags! Good job driving out those rich Cubans.
  • Conservative Socialism - Too moderate, but better than regular cuckservatism.
  • National Socialism - Good job on everything, but I wished you worked with him against the Jewish west. Third Positionism was great but you should have gone full socialist.
  • Strasserism - The Jews control the banks! I also like your economics and Pro Soviet view better. You’re a true national socialist.
  • Manosphere - I’m not an incel, but I am sympathetic to them. The incel ideology and communism go hand in hand. Trolling and killing feminists is based as well.
  • Alt-Right Bolshevism - Perfection.
  • Incelism - I am very sympathetic towards your movement, since you hate feminism very much, and domestic terrorism to spread your message is very based, I got to say. I’m more of a vocel though.


  • Marxism-Leninism - Most of your followers are progressive tards, but in practice, the progressives went to the gulags.
  • Paleoconservatism - Cuckservative, but thanks for opposing these imperialistic cunts.
  • Showa Statism - You invaded the Philippines and did bad stuff, but your thousands of times better than the Judeocapitalist Japan with it’s degenerate anime stuff we have today.
  • National Capitalism - Shitty, degeneracy spreading economics, and a fake nationalist, but it’s a start.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Too moderate and not statist enough.
  • Conservatism - Please conserve something other than Isnotrael or Judeocapitalism.
  • Alt-Right - Embrace communism goddammit!!!
  • White Nationalism - I completely understand why you guys develop these views, with the bourgeoisie vilifying white people and blaming them for random shit. That being said, I don’t want to alienate potential Chinese, Muslim, and black Nazbol comrades, since we can all defeat the ZOG together and coexist in separate communist states.
  • Maoism - Fucking revisionist faggot. Still better than the ZOG imperialists thought.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Good job on repelling the Judeocapitalist filth from Vietnam! Sadly though you invaded Kampuchea and brought an end to Pol Pot’s based rule. Yet again, keeping degeneracy out of Vietnam and attacking that revisionist faggot is very based.


  • Zelenskyism - Ah, asking for more money, typical of a Jew.
  • Neoconservatism - Stop invading everyone for no reason. And just stop meddling in foreign affairs.
  • Pink Capitalism - Epitome of Capitalism!
  • Neoliberalism - [Comment removed by moderator]
  • Zionism - Stop controlling everything! Also, hahahahahaha 6 million cookies.
  • Feminism - Get your goofy ass to the kitchen.
  • Azovism - Fake Nazis and degenerate ZOG scum.
  • Banderaism - Bandera was not a real Nazi, he was just another Jew. Glad Hitler saw through his bullshit.
  • LGBT Communism - Fake communists. Stalin and all the other communist leaders would send you to the gulag!
  • Marxist Feminism - Don’t be ridiculous. Just like LGBT, ((feminism)) too is capitalist. This is just like saying “Marxist capitalism”.
  • Khrushchevism - Rest in piss, revisionist.
  • Luxemburgism - Hahahaha get executed you revisionist whore. The Weimar Republic was useful for one thing.
  • Anarcho-Communism - No, anarkiddie, communism only exists with a strong state.
  • LGBTism - You guys should be sent to concentration camps/gulags.
  • Anime - Bunch-a weird fetish degeneracy and pure overrated garbage. This is why Japan needs Showa or Nazbol.
  • Femboys - These pieces of shit should be shot and killed.
  • Social Darwinism - Having smart people at the top is very bad.
  • Gorbachevism - Fuck you Gorbachit. You made Khrushit look like a better USSR leader. Rest in piss.


  • MugiKotobuki8814ism - Pretty based ideology and he also archived my page but stop watching that degenerate anime shit.
  • Red Tsarism - Very based ideology, but why do you hate Muslims?
  • Messardism - This seems based.
  • Indonesian Nazism - Hello? Is this the based department? You’re also a southeast Asian Nazbol too.
  • Neutral

    • Tedcruzfan Thought - Goddamit. Why did you have to side with Judeocapitalism, the A-ZOG battalion, and NATO…
    • Erika Thought - Hey this looks very ba-wait what the fuck you’re a faggot who sucks off NATO. And you gotta be more antisemitic come on.
    • Hoodism - You should take your economics and social views further to become NazBol gang.
    • Proto Comrade Phil Thought - I was very based, but not as based as now!
    • 16384ism - You should become a NazBol. Your ideology has potential to be very based.


    • Starbucks Nationalism - This has got to be a joke.
    • National Wodenism - Fargoth? More like Faggot. Imagine complaining about Reactionaryism when you’re a “fascist.” Fascist in name only. Also give me back the shooter pages. This is literally Pinochetist Chile. And now you deleted my based fanfic. Old PCB all over again.
    • Alstūdism - I thought you became based but turns out Borqueer is just a fascist in name only.

    Jewish Corporate shills/communist in name only



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  • Dr. Occo • 3 minutes ago
  • Gato Matador • 6 minutes ago
  • Thegoldensoutherner • 13 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 19 minutes ago