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Revision as of 17:52, 23 November 2023 by Gato Matador (talk | contribs) (adding the boyz)
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Gato Matador's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

I'm Actually very lazy to explain my beliefs, so when you add me, all you need to do is to read my "influenced by" section



Brazilian Liberalism supports third-way economics, and also adopts Keynesianism, Monetarism, and Class-Collaborationism


Brazilian Liberalism is a Neoliberal who wants to loosen the economical regulations, privatize industries that the governamental control is inneficient(like the postal service) and promotes free trade.


Brazilian Liberalism Is also an Economical Progressive ideology, who wants to enrich the lower-classes throught social programs. as well as some nationalizations within the Educational and the Healthcare sector.


Taxes Brazilian Liberalism supports include:

  • Inheritance Tax(10-14%)
  • Alcohol Tax(30-40%)
  • Weed Tax(60-70%)
  • Income Tax(20-30%)
  • Land Tax(50-70%)
  • Comsuption Tax(10%-28%)
  • PWA(Passive Wealth Accomulation) Tax(60%-80%)
  • Estate Tax(10-12%)
  • Car Tax(1-8%)
  • Pollution Tax(20-30%)
  • Corporate Tax(8%-12%)
  • and Gun Tax(20-40%)

State-Owned Business

I sometimes thinked that i was just doing anything the Status-Quo is doing, so, i decided to take more original aspects for my ideology. and i'm now a Cameralist who supports state-owned business in these sectors:

  • Oil
  • Natural Gas
  • Transportations
  • Iron

I believe that if the Government haves business in these industries, we can maximize the profits for the state and Brazil can become one of the 5 richest countries in the WORLD!

Social Policy

Brazilian Liberalism is a progressive-conservative ideology, as it believes that both Conservatism and Progressivism haves it's own ups and downs, with trying to minimize the downs while increasing the ups. it's Conservative, as Brazilian Liberalism thinks that the Family values like a stalwart culture among the youth who promotes the absense of drugs and sexual impulses that is common in Funk prooms; and also Progressive, as Brazilian Liberalism is against baseless discrimination against people because of their skin color, gender, sexuality or income status. discrimination based on nationality is better


Brazilian Liberalism is against Racism, because always, the people who consider others inferior are always the same who lose(exemple: Nazis thought that America, Russia and UK were inferior, but they were the guys who got defeated)


Brazilian Liberalism is a Feminist ideology, but he takes some critics against Radical Feminists, seeing them as the reason why Feminism is unpopular. Brazilian Liberalism takes aspects from Feminism and Men's Liberation; meaning that he sees that nobody deserves to be treated as second-class citizen because of what he storages between his legs, and wants more laws to combat the skyrocketing feminicide rates in Brazil while promoting imparciality in the court system.


Killer Kitty, the founder of Brazilian Liberalism, is Bisexual. so i don't really needs to explain anything about his beliefs on the Gay question, thought he might think there's only 3 genders(male, female and intersexual).


I support Enviromentalism and by such means include: Regulations on Polluters, Sanctions on Polluting countries, more protections for the Biodiversity and Banning Plastic bags.


I support Eugenics in a long-term, look. the Brazilian society haves too much citizens without the sufficient amount of intelligence, but why? because the government let many dumb people breed, now there's an entire class of dumber individuals. but i wants to change that. i wants to make obrigatory to everybody in the 18 to make an IQ test sponsored by the government, and, the people who scored with an IQ lower than 90 will be banished from having more than 1 children, while the people with an IQ higher than 95 will receive subzidies to continue breeding. and if done carefurelly, in some decades, the Brazilian population can become more SMARTER.


Brazilian Liberalism is a Civic-Cultural Nationalist ideology, who categorizes the Brazilian population by "the Brazilian culture".


Brazil never had problems with Immigration so it's stupid to be against it, and i believe that we should take more immigrants from the third-world.

Foreign Policy

The ideology is very Hawkish when it comes to foreign policy and draws inspiration from Jefferson's Empire of Liberty(but renamed to empire of democracy) now adapted to the Brazilian condition, it believes that Brazil haves the duty to promote progress and democracy in the South America, but since the rise of fascism globally, the genocidal dictatorships have outnumbered all the Liberal Democracies in the world, so the ideology will tries to protect South America from fascist influence by:

  • Weaponizing the Opposition - The opposition will be armed with the latest weaponry provided by the Brazilian Army, and they will begin to violently removes the regime from the office.
  • Election Rigging - It was proven that sometimes some Democratic elected officials can simply, abolish the sacred Democracy. so i propose to begin to give aid to parties that i deem as Democratic, and also it would have a bunch of election rigging of course.
  • Intervention - If none of the above works, then we will use the most aggressive option OUTRIGHT INTERVENTION.


Brazilian Liberalism sees Ukraine as the beacon of Hope for Democracy and Progress in the Eastern Europe, so it wants to begin a mass series of sanctions against Russia. the sanctions includes: closing every russian embassy in brazil until the war ends, the banning of any commerce between the two nations and a prison mandate for every russian state official who enters the brazilian territory.


Brazilian Liberalism is also a Zionist ideology who views Israel as the last Democracy in the Middle East, and wants to preserve this as this way, so he wants to begin a cooperation policy with Israel to combat the Hamas. and is expected that if we do our relationship carefurelly, Israel can be one of our allies and provide us with better weaponry in the future.

Hong Kong

China deserves to have the Hong-Kong, but they should give more power and autonomy to the Hong-Cong(you guys are complaining with separatist movements then why not become a fucking federalist republic like USA?)


Lift the Embargo, it's not worthy to have it anymore. the Soviet Union has already died, i hate Cuba but it's too dumb to continue it.


Brazilian Liberalism supports an Authoritarian Liberal Republic, inspired by Tiberius, FDR, Thaksin, Blair, Schröder and Kagame.


Brazilian Liberalism wants to begin a process of Devolution, or what he calls the 'Brazilian Model' applied in the beginning of the 20th century and the end of the 19th century, where autonomy is gradually given to the states so they can handle their problems locally.

Police Force

Brazilian Liberalism is a statist ideology as said, and wants to give more power to the Police, create a Military division that will carry even Bazookas or Rocket-Missiles, install surveillance cameras around high crime areas and to create a Secret Police inspired by the COINTELPRO that will begin a violent crackdown against Crime in Brazil.

Competitive Authoritarianism

Brazilian Liberalism believes in Competitive Authoritarianism, and wants to make more restrictions to the Opposition parties like banning the opposition from having media coverage.

Death Penalty

I wants to reintroduce the death penalty because i believe that Some Criminals are too dangerous to be kept alive, and the countries who have the Death Penalty: USA, China, Saudi Arabia and Japan have lower crime rates because the Criminals are too scared to commit crimes.


My Philosophy is kinda complex, but i will try to sumarize it.


I believe that the People should have power in the government, and the Government must answer it's people in the majority of the time.


I believe that every single soul, deserves to atleast the opportunity of having a happy life. and even thought i support the Death Penalty, Eugenics, Intervention and Imperialism. i still believe that not just the Brazilians deserve happiness, but the entire world.

Jeffersonian Democracy

As i said before, i'm a Populist. and i believes that Jefferson's populism is the right answer for the majority of the problems, as well as his belief that every man is born equal.


While the Individual should answer the Community firstly, they should have way more autonomy. any healthy community would allow it's individuals to have great individual autonomy.


I believe that no matter how some tries to ban it, Hedonic acts will remain popular among the people. banning things like Porn, Prostitution, Weed and Gambling is simply downright stupid, and they should be dealt by governamental iniciative among the youth.


My religious beliefs are way too complex and syncretic. i believe that God had absolute power before the death of Christ, and since then, he decreased his own power to only being able to decide who goes to the heaven or the Hell as well as giving Karma to those who are currently living. making my religion a mix between Christianity and Deism.


I nearly always sees the brighter side of nearly everything when it comes to politics. Inequality among the rich and the poor? only in the first world bitch, read this. Pollution in our planet? policies to combat or reduce the effects of the climate change are already in the effect, but we can only guarantee a future for our childrens if we really do something besides shouting to people on the United Nations.


I believe that the Enlightenment wasn't enough in combating Absolutism, as Absolutists only changed from Monarchy to Republicanism. look at North Korea for exemple. and i believe in the doctrine of the Neo-Enlightenment, that the world needs another era of Illumination. but now, we will be more aggressive against Neo-Obscurantists. ignore the fact that i simp for some Dictators, as well as my secret friendship with China.

Personality and Behaviour

Brazilian Liberalism behaves like his founder, Gato Matador/Killer Kitty. meaning he is seen as rude and always angry against Bad Users, while also being gentle and polite to the rest of the Userbase. he is also (unnoficially)Autist.




  • Pantheonism - Economically, wise. socially, perfect. governamentally, mid. but World Federalism, seriously? i will never, i mean NEVER would live in the same country as that Pilak.
  • Timocratic Neocameralism - You seems to be in the right direction in my opnion. economically; you seems to be pretty okay for a laissez-faire supporter, as you supports Georgism, Hayekism and fair-trade Protectionism you are not even a true neo-mercantillist, cope. socially; not so much, but could be worse. diplomatically; kinda okay besides the NaM thing. but your governamental policy? not so much, as i don't likes Neocameralism, Confederalism or Timocracy.
  • CarrotsRppl2ism - Anarchism is not good, but economically is somewhat okay. i can tolerate him.
  • File:NNGM.png New North German Model - Socialism is terrible, so is Ethnonationalism... but you are far better than most socialists.
  • Levathonism - Diplomatically, good. but the rest, is a giant pile of Shit.
  • Reverse Meridionalism - Too extreme for me...
  • Neo-Anthony Bax Thought - Social Authoritarianism, Federalism, Hedonism and etc is based and Redpilled, but Socialism and Ultraprogressivism is very idiotic.


  • Kimno Thought - Sorry bro,but i'm not a fan of Communism.
  • File:Egosyndper.png Ego-Syndical Personalism - The angel has fallen to the Anarkiddy hellhole. shame.
  • Hoodism - Lucy, i will be serious with you; you are a Godless Commie with nearly no redeeming quality.
  • File:New16384ism.png Personne Thought - Finally you embraced Imperialism! thought it's a same it's not Western-backed Imperialism and File:SocAuth.png Social Authoritarianism is also pretty based, but the rest, well, not so much; this ideology, while more realistic than File:Marxf.png Marxism and Anarcho-Communism, is still pretty unrealistic. exactly, how do you expect that your government will work in nations where other forms of government are priorized?
  • Leerderism - Environmentalism is the only good thing from this.
  • File:Prole.png Prole Thought - Mysognystic Commie who backs Putinist boots, you are just Him without being born in that shithole.
  • Caesar Thought - Extremely cringe ideology, only your foreing policy is good and your economics are kinda too regulated. overall cringe guy.
  • National Wodenism - Fascism is already awful, and now mixed with Socialism? this ideology is gay! literally.
  • Nurulisme - a Commie, what do you expect?
  • Gamerism - Kinda cringe, but teaching coding in schools seems okay for me.
  • File:Post-Jefbolism.png Post-Jefbolism -
  • Distributismo Reacionário - Você parece ser um Sub-humano em minha opnião, fique longe de mim. (You looks like a Utermensch for me, get out of my sight.)
  • Meowxism - Communism is gaeh, but now literally.
  • Vistulism - I dislike Socialism, so i don't need to explain for you how your ideology is bad
  • Amism - This rank will probably be obsolete in 24 hours, but. now you becomed better, but still terrible. i do like some of your ideas, thought.
  • Luxembourger Authoritarianism - Economically, too radical but atleast an environmentalist; Socially, pretty terrible; Governamentally, a extreme tragedy; Diplomatically, not bad, but how are you even an Imperialist if lives in Luxemburg? you needs atleast a mild hegemony to be an Imperialist, and Luxemburg never had a single one. conclusion: go outside.
  • Confederate Crusaderism - I hope you like the Meme i created:


  • Third Way - LITERALLY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Social Liberalism - Same as above
  • Social Democracy - Yes, Socdems have helped to maintain Capitalism. cope Commies!
  • Social Capitalism - Good
  • Neoliberalism - Bureaucracy and Tariffs sucks!
  • Liberal Hawkism - We do a little Election rigging
  • Cardosoism - Based gamer who got rid of the Inflation!
  • Social Authoritarianism - Sometimes, we need to make a crackdown on the Laissez-Fairites to guarantee our Welfare. and Roosevelt was based.
  • Tripartism - Class struggle is outdated. and the Poor, the Rich and the Government should work togheter towards a common goal.
  • Lincolnian Democracy - "...And remember Kids, Lincoln did nothing wrong!"
  • Progressive Conservatism - Absolute Gigachad, culture war hater
  • Democratism - Win those elections, little boy
  • Blairism - Underrated PM, he know how to properly manage a nation
  • Jeffersonian Democracy - President who gave more power and protections for the poor people who is currently hated because he owned slaves
  • Republicanism - I'm a Republican!...
  • Pahlavism - ...for the most part
  • Girondism - Good ideology against Jacobine madness!
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - The Trust busting Ted!
  • Green Liberalism - *plants a tree*
  • National Liberalism - Brazil is a great country with great people, but now, i don't hate other nationalities.
  • Civic Cultural Nationalism - Glory to the Brazilian culture!
  • Brazilian Imperialism -
  • Populism - The People should have power, but you are sometimes terrible
  • Getulism - You are one of the few good Fascists(like Waldheim and Fargoth Gares), but you are still too corrupt and nazi-collaborationist, good thing that you later acknowledge that the Nazis were evil.
  • Frenemies

    • Zionism - Please, focus on exterminating the HAMAS instead of innocent Palestinians.
    • National Capitalism - Definely Kagame and Musharaff are the few good guys in your circle.
    • Social Libertarianism, Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism and Neo-Libertarianism - "The reason why i supports a bigger government, with a well-armed police force, a surveillance system that tracks-down criminals is because, the crime in Brazil is too high to combat them with small-government forces." - Killer Kitty
    • Dengism - Jintao was a good leader for China and Chinese people, and i have mixed feelings about Deng. but Xi and Zeming, seriously?
    • Wilsonianism - Wilsonian Idealism and the 14th points are neat, but you are still an awful leader, File:FDRismf.png FDR was better.
    • Lulism - While your economic policy is successful in combating poverty and improving the economy, you eventually grew too corrupt and power-hungry.
    • Hamiltonianism and Jacksonian Democracy - You were like Lincoln and Jefferson, but with downgrades, with the former being a classist cunt and the later being an ethnic-cleasing racist. but i still likes you two. you probably would hate me, because i'm poor and black.
    • Progressivism - You are useful with combating racism, giving womens rights, recognizing LGBT rights, separating the church and the state and for your support to the welfare state. but you are still too fond on the culture war.
    • Conservatism - You are also useful with preserving the family values, increasing policing, regulating drugs, intervening in the rest of the world to preventing the collapse of their governments and for liberalizing the economy. but you have the same problems with your Doppelganger.
    • Neoconservatism - The Iraqi and the Afghan war were terrible and cost trillions, but the intervention of Yugoslavia and Syria were good things.
    • Peronism - You ruined the Argentinian economy and is the reason why Argentinia is getting in this infinite loop with economical crisis, but you still haves redemption.
    • ANCism - Please, do something, i will not allow EFF to gain power. Mbeki was good, but i think that DA could be good leaders.
    • Democracy - Democracy is a pretty good ideology, with people choosing their next leaders, is pretty nice to me. but authoritarianism, as i stated before, can be nice if done correctly.
    • Corporatocracy - Get your subzidies and tax cuts, but if you touch a finger on a single small business or make the lives of your employees a hell, you will get busted!


    Political Tests

    Best and Worst parts of my ideology

    Which political figure i reminds you

    List of Killer Kitty inspired ideologies


    • Luís Miguel - Add me i'm added you
    • Amism - What's the ECS you talk about?
      • r/EnoughCommieSpam. a Anti-Communist subreddit that adopt various Progressive and Liberal ideals, while still countering communism
        • - You say that as if Liberalism and Communism are in any way positively related.
          • Amism - Ah, I have heard of it but did not know its abbreviation.
    • Your economics have gotten a little bit more based recently tbh. Drop the keynesianism though - 2x2
      • - Thanks. but which parts of my ideology made me more based?
    • Person #16384 - I have added you again. Can you add an alias on my page though?
    • Spvnch Bop New Labovrism - Add me.
    • Reverse Meridionalism - Add me
    • Based!SajZeal (talk) 02:31, 9 August 2023 (UTC)
    • Second Anidiotoncrack Thought - how can I be a cuck?
    • Packetic09 - liberal maldito me adiciona
    • SkeletonJanitor - Add me or I’ll rape you.
      • - Done now add me, Rapist
      • SkeletonJanitor - Add me again doe with my new ideology and sure ill add you for my new self insert (or ill rape you)
    • Anthony Bax Thought - Add me.
    • Ganzism - Add me as well
      • Done
    • Argentinian Nazbolism - Add me?
      • Done
    • Schumacherianism - you are literally a fascist
      • - How?
    • - What are your opinions about Pinochet?
      • - Corrupt tyrant who harvested millions of innocents, Bordaberry was better.
    • Meowxism - add me?
    • Grugoidism - Hello good sir, I have added you a few days ago, and seeing your temporary ban has ended, request you to add my ideology back into your relation's section.
      • I already added you, go in the Relationship section and search for it
    • - Any opinion about my (non-finished) beliefs?
      • - Pretty good
        • - But like, what was your favorite belief point from my ideology?
          • - Economics, besides the anti-neoliberalism, dirigisme and protectionist parts