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Not to be confused with Progressivism and/or Libertarianism.

This page is about an important IRL ideology
"This knowledge is essential to political science!" - Scientocracy
This page is about an ideology that not only exists in the real world, but is also of reasonable importance. Please do not make major edits to this page without citing sources, so that it may stay accurate.

Liberal Democracy (LibDem) or just Liberalism (Lib) is a centrist, usually Culturally Center to culturally left ideology (although there are also some culturally right liberal ideologies like Conservative Liberalism and Reactionary Liberalism) which is regarded as being the dominant ideology within Western-influenced nations. He is also dominant in some countries in Africa, although most African countries usually are social democratic or authoritarian. There is not much liberalism in Asia and Eastern Europe, except in Taiwan.


Proto Liberalism








Modern Day



Though liberalism is rather vaguely defined, and its definition alters depending on when and where the term is used, it is typically associated with values such as multiparty democracy, civil liberties, secularism, progressivism, internationalism, and a market-based economy.

What separates Liberal Democracy from Classical Liberalism is an emphasis on social justice and social equality as compared with its predecessor. Liberalism tends to support moderate means-tested welfare targeted at the poor to ensure people can meet basic human needs. He, also with his dad, Classical Liberal, influences a lot of liberal ideologies.


Liberal Internationalism

Flag of Liberal Internationalism

Liberal Internationalism is a foreign policy doctrine that argues that international organizations should achieve multilateral agreements between states that uphold rules-based norms and promote liberal democracy through things like humanitarian aid or military intervention. It is defined by achieving global structures within international systems that are inclined towards promoting a liberal world order through things like global free trade, liberal economics, and liberal political systems. These international organizations would include institutions like NATO, EU, UN, and the IMF.

Secular Liberalism

Secular liberalism is a form of liberalism in which secularist principles and values, and sometimes non-religious ethics, are especially emphasised. It supports the separation of religion and state. Moreover, secular liberals are usually advocates of liberal democracy and the open society as models for organizing stable and peaceful societies.

Cultural Liberalism

Cultural Liberalism is a social philosophy that expresses the social dimension of liberalism and favors the freedom of individuals to choose to whether to conform to cultural norms. Although, commonly referred to as social liberalism in the context of the United States, doesn't imply an ideology per say, and just the general attitude that individuals should be free to decide their own decisions regardless of the political ideology.

This follows the harm principle, as cultural liberals believe that society shouldn't impose any specific code of behavior on individuals, they defend the moral rights of nonconformists to express their own identity however they see fit as long as they do not harm anyone else.

Liberal Corporatism

Liberal corporatism is a liberal version of corporatism that recognizes the barganing interests of multiple groups within society, such as in the business, labor, and agricultural sectors and licenses them to engage in bargaining over economic policies with the state. This form of corporatism doesn't oppose individualism like a lot of forms of corporatism, which is where the political liberalism comes from, and is an influential component of the progressive movement in the United States, that has been referred to as "interest group liberalism". Liberal corporatism is commonly supported by proponents in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

Liberal Democracy

Flag of Liberal Democracy

Liberal Democracy is a combination of a liberal political ideology that operates under an indirect democratic form of government. It is characterized by elections between multiple distinct political parties, a separation of powers into different branches of government, the rule of law in everyday life as part of an open society, a market economy with private property, the equal protection of human rights, civil rights, civil liberties, and political freedoms for all people. This the most known and common type of democracy in the west, and is usually refered as just " Democracy" in the west.


Liberalism is often shown getting easily angered or "triggered" by others and is shown to not be the biggest fan of violence. He is often schooled in debates.

However, he also has a secretive, wiser side that often acts philosophical and just.

How to Draw

Flag of Liberalism

Liberalism's design is based on a flag designed by u/Aransentin on r/neoliberal. The golden circle represents the world with the bars representing the invisible hand of the free market reaching around.

  1. Draw a ball with Eyes
  2. Make it blue (preferably (#006aa7) shade of blue)
  3. Draw a golden/yellow circle (#ffd700) and then make dents in it of the blue color. (Symbolizes the world being held by the invisible hand of the market)

You're done.

Color Name HEX RGB
Blue #006AA7 0, 106, 167
Gold #FFE680 255, 230, 128



  • Classical Liberalism - Love you dad! Just regulate that economy a bit more, okay?
  • Social Liberalism - My welfare-loving, progressive nephew. I helped teach him everything he knows.
  • Social Democracy - Like the above, except a little bit extreme at times. I'm still really glad you chose me over them.
  • Neoliberalism - Son, you helped preserve my ideas when the world was on the verge of forgetting them. You’re my primary ideological successor, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You also know more about economics than any of my other children.
  • Liberal Conservatism - Tradition and freedom.
  • Conservative Liberalism - Aren't you LibCon again? No? Oh well.
  • Liberal Feminism - 👏 More 👏 female 👏 liberals.
  • Green Liberalism - The BEST form of environmentalism.
  • Social Libertarianism - Free markets and moderated social justice are the center of the democratic system.
  • Christian Democracy & Islamic Democracy - My religious children! Even though the latter often degenerates into authoritarian ideologies like Erdoganism.
  • Radicalism - I know you are just a soclib who is no longer radical, and that is a good thing.
  • European Federalism - The European project is one of my biggest achievements, just federalize and get rid of some bureaucracies and you’ll be perfect.
  • Girondism - My French republican brother.
  • Venizelism - You did good work in Greece.
  • Liberal Internationalism - Liberal international world order FTW, long live the free-market world!
  • Ordo-Liberalism - Economical freedom and helping the needy is The Best match, Germany turned out successfully, post 1949-90.


  • Progressivism - I often like your social values and you're currently the most successful cultural ideology in the First World, but I hate it when people confuse me with you *cough* *cough*. Also don't hang out too much with the socialists, please.
  • Liberal Socialism - I like your dedication to liberal values, but socialism, I don't really like it...
  • National Liberalism - I appreciate your support for civil liberties, but your nationalism sometimes scares me.
  • Anti-Fascism - Look, I'm an anti-fascist too, but can you stop being so violent and beating up anyone who disagrees with you? Why dedicate actual time to fighting people when we can go on Twitter and peacefully complain about it? (Also, I like capitalism, can't you see that just a few reforms in healthcare would make America better?)
  • Kemalism - I am grateful to Atatürk for getting Fethi Okyar to found the Liberal Republican Party, but statism is stupid. Ataturk was too authoritarian but was better than the reactionary cuck Erdogan. At least modern Kemalists support me.
  • Chiang Kai-shek Thought - Lei Chen, Tsiang Tingfu, and Hu Shih supported you against the commies, but why tf did you shut down the Free China Journal? Also, the white terror was mega cringe.
  • Borisism - Tbh, you confuse me a lot. Are you a LibCon or a Trumpist? Brexit and right-wing populism are cringe, but at least you have some progressive social takes and centrist economic policies Ig. I still prefer the Lib Dems over you even though I support you against Corbyn the old twat.
  • Conservatism - Our relationship is pretty odd indeed. We constantly fight each other over cultural policies but in terms of economics, we are mostly chill.
  • Japanese Liberal Democracy - Not the best example of my system but I have to admit you make Nippon a better place.
  • Neoconservatism and Third Way - Spread my ideals worldwide, but sometimes in a manner that scares me.
  • Alt-Lite - He often hates my cultural aspects, but supports economic ones.
  • Pinochetism - You like free-market capitalism, but now you just made us look bad.


  • State Atheism - You're the same thing as a theocracy the only thing that changes is that you impose anti-theist beliefs instead of religious ones!
  • Nazism - Genocidal fascist maniac who killed tens of millions of innocent people.
  • Marxism–Leninism - A totally failed ideology that killed tens of millions.
  • National Bolshevism - Literally Nazi Communism. Now I've seen everything...
  • National Communism - Moderate version of above.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - I must be in a hall of mirrors at a funland and STOP POSING AS ME IN RUSSIA.
  • Fourth Theory - Well, maybe Welfchauv wasn't that shameless after all... Get psychiatric help.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Cultural progressivism is fine, but good God, you're insane!
  • Reactionaryism - Why the f*ck do you want to return to the Dark Ages?!? You are just as insane as the guy above btw.
  • Mercantilism - You've had your time, now I'm the status quo, deal with it!
  • Trumpism - Ugh, disgusting. Please cool it with the protectionist populism.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Just because we have the same views on economics doesn't make you one of us.
  • Maoism - Totalitarian genocidal commie who starved millions of his own people.
  • Stalinism - Same as the above, but somehow a bureaucratic nightmare.
  • Dengism - Better than Mao but never forget Tiananmen Square Massacre. I’ll also never forgive you for conducting a literal genocide in Xinjiang.
  • Putinism - Just like I won't forgive you for invading Ukraine. Also, Navalny is right, you're a party of crooks and thieves!
  • Ilminism - Why in god’s name did you always want to assassinate and prosecute my followers, especially when They criticize you?
  • Juche - And you too! North Korea turned into a totalitarian communist dystopia because of you!
  • Neo-Ottomanism - Why are you trying to bring Turkey backward culturally and religiously and arrest thousands of people in the emergency and those journalists just because they criticized you? Turkey once held more journalists in custody than China. Your reactionary behaviors are just completely unacceptable. Atatürk was far better than you. Plus, why did you outlaw free speech recently??
  • Anarchism - Without a state, there is no constitution, and without a constitution is no right to consolidation.
  • Jihadism - Just leave me and everyone the f*ck alone, You fundamentalist terrorist!
  • Khomeinism - You can't force everyone in your country to follow your ideas and women to wear hijabs. This is human rights abuse!
  • Pahlavism - I don't care if You're secular and slightly progressive unlike that guy above. You oppressed many people!
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - So you want Communitarism and Limited Freedom? No, thank you. But we both like Reagan and Thacher, for completely different reasons.
  • Hindutva - India shall be open for Innovation and Progress! British Raj had it's pluses you ungrateful Fanatic.
  • Alt-Right - Alt-Lite, what a surprise!
  • Carlism - WTF?! GAHHHH!
  • Zhirinovskyism - YOU'RE NOT ME!!!!!!!!!

Further Information








tr:Liberalizm de:Liberalismus zh:自由主义 pl:Liberalizm