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State Liberalism: Difference between revisions

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{{Ideology|title1 = [[File: statlib.png]] State Liberalism|image1 = State lib.png|caption1 = Our capitalist dictators are 50% female!|aliases = Liberal Dictatorship
Progressive Authoritarian Capitalism|family = [[File: authcap.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism]] (father)
| themecolor  =
| textcolor    =
| title        = [[File:Statlib.png]] {{PAGENAME}} [[File:Statlib-Nohat.png]]
| image        = Incend_Statelib.png
| caption      = say enby rights or you get the bullet.
| aliases      =
Authoritarian Pink Capitalism<br>
The feminine form of totalitarianism<br>
<s>[[File:Soclib.png]] [[Social Liberalism|Joe Biden]] Unmasked</s><br>
[[File:Plcn2.png]]/[[File:Rpop.png]]/[[File:Lpop.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]] The corporate, globalist elites! [[File:RBubble.png]]<br>
[[File:Proggtard.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]] Nonexistent strawman made by conspiracy theorists [[File:RBubble.png]]
| alignments  =
{{Info/AuthRights}} (hated by almost everyone in it)<br>
{{Info/Capitalists}} (hated by almost everyone in it)<br>
{{Info/Liberals}} (hated by almost everyone in it) <br>
| influences  = [[File:Anti-White.png]] [[Racism|Anti-White Racism]]<br>
[[File:BuzzFeed.png]] [[BuzzFeed Thought]]<br>
[[File:Consoomer.png]] {{PCBA|Consumerism}}<br>
[[File:Corp.png]] [[Corporatocracy]]<br>
[[File:Ford.png]] [[Fordism]]<br>
[[File:World.png]] [[Globalism]]<br>
[[File:Gynocentrism.png]] [[Gynocentrism]]<br>
[[File:Homoimp.png]] [[Imperialism]]<br>
[[File:Intersectionality.png]] {{PCBA|Intersectionality}}<br>
[[File:Libfem.png]] [[Liberal Feminism]]<br>
[[File:MinorityEthno.png]] [[Ethnocracy#Minority Ethnocracy|Minority Ethnocracy]]<br>
[[File:Misandry.png]] {{PCBA|Misandry}}<br>
[[File:Multicult.png]] [[Multiculturalism]]<br>
[[File:Neolib.png]] [[Neoliberalism]]<br>
[[File:Neoprog.png]] [[Neoconservatism|Neoprogressivism]]<br>
[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]]<br>
[[File:Ultraprogressivism.png]] [[Revolutionary Progressivism]]<br>
[[File:Technocracy.png]] [[Technocracy]]<br>
[[File:Totalitarian.png]] [[Totalitarianism]]<br>
[[File:WestChauv.png]] {{PCBA|Pro-Westernism|Western Chauvinism}}<br>
[[File:SJW.png]] [[Wokeism]]
| influenced  = [[File:Neoliberal Burgundian System.png]] [[Chicagoan System]]<br>
[[File:DarkBrandon.png]] [[Dark Brandonism]]<br>
| song        =
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MQF44OAByw Mi General Augusto Pinochet (Nightcore)]
| theorists    =
[[File:PanAmer.png]] '''Americas''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:Batista.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism|Fulgencio Batista]] (1901-1973) [[File:Cball-RepublicOfCuba.png]] Cuba
*[[File:Noriega.png]] [[Kleptocracy#Panama|Manuel Noriega]] (1934-2017) [[File:Cball-Panama.png]] Panama
*[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism|Larry Fink]] (1952-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Microsoft.png]] [[Corporatocracy|Bill Gates]] (1955-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:iCookism.png]] [[Corporatocracy|Tim Cook]] (1960-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Amazon.png]] [[Corporatocracy|Jeffrey Bezos]] (1968-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Harris.png]] [[Liberal Feminism|Kamala Harris]] (1964-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:DemSocAuth.png]] [[Social Liberalism|Gavin Newsom]] (1967-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:YouTube.png]] [[Corporatocracy|Susan Wojcicki]] (1968-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Krit.png]] [[Kritarchy|Alexandre de Moraes]] (1968-) [[File:Cball-Brazil.png]] Brazil
*[[File:Google.png]] [[Corporatocracy|Sundar Pichai]] (1973-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Neotech.png]] [[Technoliberalism|Steve Huffman]] (1983-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:Facebook.png]] [[Corporatocracy|Mark Zuckerberg]] (1984-) [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
[[File:Cball-Commonwealth.png]] '''Commonwealth Realm''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:TrudeauLib.png]] [[Third Way|Justin Trudeau]] (1971-) [[File:Cball-Canada.png]] Canada
*[[File:New Labourism.png]] [[Third Way|Tony Blair]] (1953-) [[File:Cball-UK.png]] United Kingdom
[[File:Cball-EU.png]] '''Europe''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:Soros.png]] [[Neoliberalism|George Soros]] (1930-) [[File:Cball-Hungary.png]] Hungary / [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA
*[[File:WEF.png]] [[State Capitalism|Klaus Schwab]] (1938-) [[File:Cball-Germany.png]] Germany
*[[File:ItalyPD.png]] [[Social Democracy|Laura Boldrini]] (1961-) [[File:Cball-Italy.png]] Italy
*[[File:Karlin.png]] [[Neoreactionaryism|Anatoly Karlin]] (1988-), [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] Russia
[[File:PanAsian.png]] '''Asia''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:Jiang Tze-min.png]] [[Dengism|Jiang Zemin]] (1926-2022) [[File:Cball-China.png]] China<ref>Whilst initially considered a "conservative", President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji initiated the broadest privatization and deregulation of China's economy in history. They also decriminalized homosexuality, persecuted Confucian and religious movements like Falun Gong and Eastern Lightning, and did nothing about the tremendous rise of prostitution and drug usage.</ref>
*[[File:Thaksin.png]] [[Social Authoritarianism|Thaksin Shinawatra]] (1949-) [[File:Thailand.png]] Thailand
*[[File:Yingluck.png]] [[Populism|Yingluck Shinawatra]] (1967-) [[File:Thailand.png]] Thailand
[[File:Cball-AfricanUnion.png]] '''Africa''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:PaulKagame.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism|Paul Kagame]] (1957-) [[File:Cball-Rwanda.png]] Rwanda
| likes        = [[File:Gynocentrism.png]] [[Gynocentrism]]<br>
[[File:SJW.png]] [[SJW|The LGBTQIA2S+ Community]]<br>
[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism|Woke Corporations]]<br>
[[File:Intersectionality.png]] {{PCBA|Intersectionality}}<br>
[[File:Blm.png]] {{PCBA|Black Lives Matter}}<br>
[[File:Libfem.png]] [[Liberal Feminism|The #METOO Movement]]<br>
[[File:Kak.png]] [[Kakistocracy|Dysfunction]]<br>
[[File:Plutocrat.png]] [[Plutocracy|Rich People]]
| dislikes    = [[File:Whitesup.png]] [[White Nationalism|"Whiteness"]]<br>
[[File:Manosphere.png]] [[Manosphere|Masculinity]]<br>
[[File:Straight.png]] {{PCBA|Heteronationalism|"Heteronormativity"}}<br>
[[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism|Socialists]]<br>
[[File:3P.png]] [[Third-Positionism|Third-Positionists]]<br>
[[File:Nation.png]] [[Nationalism|Nationalists]]<br>
[[File:Erga.png]] [[Ergatocracy|Poor People]]

[[File: prog.png]] [[Progressivism]] (mother)|quadrant(s) = Authright, but hated by everyone in it}}'''State Liberalism''', also known as '''Liberal Dictatorshipball''', is a socially progressive, heavliy capitalist, authoritarian ideology. It combines laissez-faire capitalism, liberal progressivism and authoritarianism. It serves as a contradiction of the notion that authoritarian right ideologies must also be culturally right, similar to how [[File: natan.png]] [[National Anarchism]] does the opposite for the libertarian left quadrant.
'''State Liberalism''' is a culturally far-left, economically Keynesian to Austrian, and totalitarian ideology that represents the mainstream ideology of most Western nations. While no politician identifies as "state liberal," many neoliberal politicians and CEOs promote ideas similar to state liberalism, such as reparations for minorities and a social credit system for "climate change."

While the child of [[Authoritarian Capitalism]], State Liberalism is culturally left wing instead of moderate and boasts how its capitalist dictatorship promotes progressive values, causing it to butt heads with the culturally far right [[National Capitalism]].

== How to draw ==
State Liberalism is extremely racist against whites, misandristic, heterophobic, and classist. Unlike all other totalitarian ideologies that use much more force, State Liberalism employs its totalitarianism very effeminately, through tactics emotional manipulation and "shunning" dissidents through cancel culture.
* Draw a ball
* Colour it black, but not pure black
* Draw a light yellow circle in the centre
* Draw 4 black slits in the circle coming from the bottom left, representing the invisible hand of the market
* Draw the eyes
You're done!

== Relationships ==
<s>The minority State Liberalism cares the most about is the 1 percent.</s>

=== Friends ===
==How to Draw==
* [[File: Prog.png]] [[Progressivism]] - My mother who taught me why progress is key but I think she has some concerns over my way of going about them.
* [[File: Authcap.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism]] - Based dad!
* [[File: Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]] - It should go without saying, BASED!
* [[File: Pinochet.png]] [[Pinochetism]] - Nice going with the helicopters!
* [[File: Ingsocf.png]] [[Ingsoc]] - Just imagine if I could unperson illiberals! What fun that would be!

=== Frienemies ===
* [[File: Lib.png]] [[Liberalism]] - Why be democratic when you can have your ideology in place forever?
* [[File: Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]] - You make a decent status quo but why let dissidents speak? That's cringe.
* [[File: Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] - Good ideas on economics and the state but drop that cringe nationalism.

=== Enemies ===
* [[File: Nazbol.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] + [[Strasserism]] - Awful ideas.
* [[File: Natan.png]] [[National Anarchism]] - Nationalism, cringe. Anarchism, cringe.
* [[File: Anfashf.png]] [[Anarcho-Fascism]] - Disgusting.

== Gallery ==
*[[File:SJW.png]] [[Wokeism]] - You helped me gain power. Good job! Now, all you need to do is take the Orwellian pill.
*[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]] - You are like SJW but even better, as some SJWs support reactionary systems such as c*mmunism!
*[[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism|Cultural Leftism]] - The cultural views of the New Left helped spawn me!
*[[File:Corp.png]] [[Corporatocracy]] - And you helped propel those views! Also, Apple, Google, Tinder, Amazon, and BuzzFeed are all based, and should be able to do whatever they want!
*[[File:Totalitarian.png]] [[Totalitarianism]] - There is no liberty when there is JUSTICE to be served!
*[[File:WEF-Icon.png]] [[Schwabism]] - You WILL eat the bugs!
*[[File:Native.png]] [[Indigenism]] - REMOVE racist and exploitative depictions of Native Americans from advertising and hockey teams! <s>No, I won’t give you your land back.</s>
*[[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism]]  - Those stupid socialists and rightists think that I’m doing nothing to help the environment and exploiting it, but who is the one coming up with climate solutions and promoting vegan lifestyles? ME! <s>Please ignore my massive fossil fuel-burning power plants.</s>
*[[File:Imp.png]] [[Imperialism]] - The Third World is bigoted, and we must “teach” them the INCLUSIVE ways!
[[Category:Authoritarian Right]]
*[[File:Ultraprogressivism.png]] [[Progressivism|Revolutionary Cultural Leftism]] - Like the original cultural leftism but better!
[[Category:Culturally Left]]
*[[File:Ingsocf.png]] [[Ingsoc]] - The Party would like to remind you that whiteness is evil, masculinity is toxic, and heterosexuality is degenerate.
*[[File:Neoliberal Burgundian System.png]] [[Chicagoan System]] - <s>You are extreme, even for me.</s>
*[[File:NCortexball.png]] [[N.Cortexism]] - Best self-insert. You are way better than [[File:NBrioball.png]] [[N.Brioism|N.Brio]], the racist commie.
[[Category:Non-canon ideologies]]
*[[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism]] - Filthy commie, but the cultural revolution was cool.
*[[File:Pinochet-hat.png]] [[Pinochetism]] - Filthy conservative, but throwing commies out of helicopters was cool.
*[[File:Dem.png]] [[Democracy]] - LMAO, you really think I’ll allow the voices of conservative and commie bigots? At least you’re good rhetoric to be used against the east.
*[[File:Lib.png]] [[Liberalism]] - Grandpa, why do you not like me? I am just what you grew into!
*[[File:Nazcap-Hat.png]] [[National Capitalism]] - EVIL BIGOT! <s>But critical support to Azov Regiment.</s>
*[[File:Hfash.png]] [[Homofascism]] - Gassing the h*terosexuals is based, but you are still a Nazi.
*[[File:Starbucks.png]] [[Corporatocracy|Starbucks Nationalism]] - Oh, my dear daughter, you may have the right idea about m*n, but you need to stop being so transphobic and white supremacist.
*[[File:Jack.png]] [[Jacobinism]] - Sending conservatives to the guillotine is something we should strive for, but socialism is shit, and populism is even more shitty
*[[File:Honk.png]] [[Satirism]] - Your “joke” was very offensive and bigoted, get cancelled and prepare for life in the REEDUCATION CAMP!
*[[File:Putin.png]] [[Putinism]] - Evil Russian dictator who persecutes the 2SLGBTQIA+! Long live Ukraine!  I can't wait for the Azov Battalion to assassinate you!
*[[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism]] - Literally evil! Your ideology killed dozens of millions of people, including womxn and the 2SLGBTQIA+! <s>M*n don’t count as human beings, even though I do not even know what a man is.</s> Get back to work or get into the trans-piloted helicopter!
*[[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism]] - Get with the times or get sent to the reeducation camps, ITS 2024!
*[[File:Christy.png]] [[Christian Theocracy]] - Christianity has always been a bigoted, homophobic religion! <s>If only I could make a trans-affirming and race-reversed version of Christian Identitarianism.</s>
*[[File:Muslim_2.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy]] - Misogynistic, homophobic slime that won’t let me eat my pulled pork sandwich! GET DRONE STRIKED! <s>Though thanks for the oil, and the Nation of Islam is based.</s>
*[[File:Altr.png]] [[Alt-Right]] - My greatest enemy, who vehemently opposes me and want to create reactionary ethnostates.
*[[File:Altleft.png]] [[Dissident Left|Alt-Left]] - My other greatest enemy, who wants to create a classless communist society with no rich people.
==Notes & References==
<references />

Latest revision as of 11:04, 7 September 2024

State Liberalism is a culturally far-left, economically Keynesian to Austrian, and totalitarian ideology that represents the mainstream ideology of most Western nations. While no politician identifies as "state liberal," many neoliberal politicians and CEOs promote ideas similar to state liberalism, such as reparations for minorities and a social credit system for "climate change."


State Liberalism is extremely racist against whites, misandristic, heterophobic, and classist. Unlike all other totalitarian ideologies that use much more force, State Liberalism employs its totalitarianism very effeminately, through tactics emotional manipulation and "shunning" dissidents through cancel culture.

The minority State Liberalism cares the most about is the 1 percent.

How to Draw



  • Wokeism - You helped me gain power. Good job! Now, all you need to do is take the Orwellian pill.
  • Pink Capitalism - You are like SJW but even better, as some SJWs support reactionary systems such as c*mmunism!
  • Cultural Leftism - The cultural views of the New Left helped spawn me!
  • Corporatocracy - And you helped propel those views! Also, Apple, Google, Tinder, Amazon, and BuzzFeed are all based, and should be able to do whatever they want!
  • Totalitarianism - There is no liberty when there is JUSTICE to be served!
  • Schwabism - You WILL eat the bugs!
  • Indigenism - REMOVE racist and exploitative depictions of Native Americans from advertising and hockey teams! No, I won’t give you your land back.
  • Environmentalism - Those stupid socialists and rightists think that I’m doing nothing to help the environment and exploiting it, but who is the one coming up with climate solutions and promoting vegan lifestyles? ME! Please ignore my massive fossil fuel-burning power plants.
  • Imperialism - The Third World is bigoted, and we must “teach” them the INCLUSIVE ways!
  • Revolutionary Cultural Leftism - Like the original cultural leftism but better!
  • Ingsoc - The Party would like to remind you that whiteness is evil, masculinity is toxic, and heterosexuality is degenerate.
  • Chicagoan System - You are extreme, even for me.
  • N.Cortexism - Best self-insert. You are way better than N.Brio, the racist commie.


  • Maoism - Filthy commie, but the cultural revolution was cool.
  • Pinochetism - Filthy conservative, but throwing commies out of helicopters was cool.
  • Democracy - LMAO, you really think I’ll allow the voices of conservative and commie bigots? At least you’re good rhetoric to be used against the east.
  • Liberalism - Grandpa, why do you not like me? I am just what you grew into!
  • National Capitalism - EVIL BIGOT! But critical support to Azov Regiment.
  • Homofascism - Gassing the h*terosexuals is based, but you are still a Nazi.
  • Starbucks Nationalism - Oh, my dear daughter, you may have the right idea about m*n, but you need to stop being so transphobic and white supremacist.
  • Jacobinism - Sending conservatives to the guillotine is something we should strive for, but socialism is shit, and populism is even more shitty


  • Satirism - Your “joke” was very offensive and bigoted, get cancelled and prepare for life in the REEDUCATION CAMP!
  • Putinism - Evil Russian dictator who persecutes the 2SLGBTQIA+! Long live Ukraine! I can't wait for the Azov Battalion to assassinate you!
  • Socialism - Literally evil! Your ideology killed dozens of millions of people, including womxn and the 2SLGBTQIA+! M*n don’t count as human beings, even though I do not even know what a man is. Get back to work or get into the trans-piloted helicopter!
  • Traditionalism - Get with the times or get sent to the reeducation camps, ITS 2024!
  • Christian Theocracy - Christianity has always been a bigoted, homophobic religion! If only I could make a trans-affirming and race-reversed version of Christian Identitarianism.
  • Islamic Theocracy - Misogynistic, homophobic slime that won’t let me eat my pulled pork sandwich! GET DRONE STRIKED! Though thanks for the oil, and the Nation of Islam is based.
  • Alt-Right - My greatest enemy, who vehemently opposes me and want to create reactionary ethnostates.
  • Alt-Left - My other greatest enemy, who wants to create a classless communist society with no rich people.

Notes & References

  1. Whilst initially considered a "conservative", President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji initiated the broadest privatization and deregulation of China's economy in history. They also decriminalized homosexuality, persecuted Confucian and religious movements like Falun Gong and Eastern Lightning, and did nothing about the tremendous rise of prostitution and drug usage.
