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{{Alias|Vistulism_hat.png|Vistulism|[[File:Capibrazlib.png]] Brazilian Capi}}
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[[File:HEWthought.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]][[File:Brazilstatelib.png]]Brazilian State Liberalism [[File:RBubble.png]]<br>
[[File:HEWthought.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]][[File:Brazilstatelib.png]]Brazilian State Liberalism [[File:RBubble.png]]<br>
[[File:Hood.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]][[File:Brazilstatelib.png]] Really Unfunny Monkey [[File:RBubble.png]]<br>
[[File:Hood.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]] Really Unfunny Monkey [[File:RBubble.png]]<br>
{{Alias|PollereIcon.png|Neo-Whiggism|[[File:Ford.png]]Brazilian New World}} <br> {{Alias|MatteoUJAN.png|Matteo Thought|Jefes’ Dog}}
{{Alias|PollereIcon.png|Neo-Whiggism|[[File:Ford.png]]Brazilian New World}} <br> {{Alias|MatteoUJAN.png|Matteo Thought|Jefes’ Dog}}
|alignments ={{Info/CentreAuthRights}}<br> {{Info/CultCentreLefts}}<br> <br> <div class="compass"><span style="z-index:1;position:relative;bottom:-94px;left:100.8px;">[[File:Brazlib.png]]</span><div class="compassline"><div class="compassquad" id="al"></div><div class="compassquad" id="ar"></div></div><div class="compassline"><div class="compassquad" id="ll"></div><div class="compassquad" id="lr"></div></div></div>  
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Revision as of 05:23, 15 January 2024

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Gato Matador's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Brazilian Liberalism is a center-left to center-right ideology created by Killer Kitty/Gato Matador. the general ideology believes in basic Liberal tenets, such as economic freedom, social liberty, individualism and democratic beliefs, mixed with some beliefs regarded as "non-liberal" such as nationalism, authoritarianism and (cultural)traditionalism. while the ideology is mostly made in Brazil, it can work in pratically any place if done right.



  • Deeregulations and Privatizations: Brazilian Liberalism is a Neoliberal ideology, and supports the deeregulation of the Brazilian economy. it believes that countries with greater economical freedom(like Switzerland for exemple) have evolved into a rich society. it also supports the privatization of:
    • the Mail service
    • Public Banks
    • Highways
    • Airports
    • Ports
  • Social Services and Labour Rights: Brazilian Liberalism supports a broadly-expanded Welfare state to reduce national poverty. essentially, it also wants to: Increase the minimum wage to 8$ per hour, impose a 8-hours of national workday, expand both the Parental leaves and undo the Pension reform in Brazil.
  • State Ownership: Despite it's support for the Privatized ideology. Brazilian Liberalism supports the nationalization of:
    • Healthcare Service
    • the Education system
    • Oil
    • The Agribusiness sector
    • the Sanitary system
  • Global Trade: Brazilian Liberalism is extremely against Tariffs, as they hinders Global trade to "pRoTeCt oUr jObS aNd wOrKeRs" instead of actually protecting them, like imposing subzidies to exports and promoting trade agreements with other countries to reduce the bad outcomes of free trade, like Inhumane working conditions from the import origins.
  • Class-Collaboration: Brazilian Liberalism supports class-collaborationism in Brazil, as he believes there's tree interest groups in the society: Workers, Business, and the Government. all of these groups are integral to the function of an economy, it's basic economics. the Workers will receive more labour rights and the Business will receive more regulations and subzidies. the Government will guarantee that both the Workers and Business don't act against each-other interests.
  • Taxes: Brazilian Liberalism supports these types of taxes:
    • Income tax(12%-14%)
    • Inheritance tax(4%-8%)
    • Corporate tax(7%-12%)
    • Land-Value tax(23%-46%)
    • Pollution tax(4%-9%)
    • Car tax(6%-9%)
    • House tax(3%-8%)
    • Comsuption tax(1%-3%)
  • Currency: Brazilian Liberalism wants to strenght the Real (the national currency of brazil) by creating monetary unions with Latin-American countries like Chile and Argentina. If a country joins the monetary union, they will get economical benefits such as a financial aid of 72 billions in dollars. If done correctly, the Real will become the official currency of Latin-America, ending the evils of the Peso.
  • Labor Unions: Brazilian Liberalism is against Labor Unions, viewing them as nothing more than the slavery of the bosses to the workers. There should be a police division with the sole purpose of cracking-down on them.

Social Views

  • Culture: Brazilian Liberalism is a Traditionalist ideology, and sees the Family as the pillar of the society as we know, and wants to promote a culture of stalwardship and absense of hedonic acts in the youth.
  • Race: Brazilian Liberalism sees Racism as "dumbfuckery". an evidence that Brazilian Liberalism shows that racism is dumbfuckery, is that in the World War 2, the Nazis thought they were superior to other Ethnicities and Races, but they were the ones who lose the war against USA, UK and USSR. ignore the fact that the leaders of these three countries had bigoted beliefs towards Japaneses, Indians and Ukranians.
  • Gender: Brazilian Liberalism supports Gender Equality in 100% ways, as Sexism is mostly harmful towards anyone included.
  • Sexuality: Brazilian Liberalism is mostly pro-lgbt since the fact he's Bisexual.
  • Gender: Brazilian Liberalism sees that there's only three genders: Mans, Womens and Intersexuals.
  • Abortions and Drugs: Brazilian Liberalism wants to legalize and regulate Weed and Abortions. and keep in check that Brazilian Liberalism only support the legalization of these two things for Pragmatical reasons, as by banning these two things, it will only contribute to Fatherlessness and vicious drug addictions among the future generations.
  • Guns Rights: Brazilian Liberalism is pretty moderate on this issue. he supports Gun ownership and Self-Defense, but believes that it should be illegal to carry a gun outside your house without the authorisation of the local Police.
  • Internet and TV: Brazilian Liberalism supports the liberalization and deeregulation of the Internet and TV regulations.
  • Religion: Brazilian Liberalism believes that Religion shouldn't be in politics, and strives for a total secular state, that doesn't favor neither Christians, Jews, Islamics, Buddhists and Atheists at the expense of others.
  • Environment: Brazilian Liberalism see the Climate Change as the biggest challenge for our survival since the Black plague, and shouldn't be taken lightly! i propose many green-oriented laws, such as banning plastic bags, co2 regulations, subziding renewable energy and etc.


  • Anti-Corruption measures: Brazilian Liberalism supports Anti-Corruption measures to counter the extreme corruption within Brazilian politics, a exemple of an anti-corruption measure supported by Brazilian Liberalism includes the creation of a Surveillance group administred by the government called; AAC(Agência Anti-Corrupção/Anti-Corruption Agency).]
  • Education: Brazilian Liberalism wants to start an Educational reform in Brazil, the main tenets of this reform are:
    • The increasement of the yearly salary of Public school Teachers to between 20k-60k, but can vary from School type, as a Kindergarten teacher shouldn't earn the same as a College teacher
    • The digitalization of the School as whole
    • The following the "Nordic Way" to teach
    • The better funding for Education as whole, bumping-up from 5,5% of the GDP to 9,4%. while also building more schools in rural areas and of extreme poverty
  • Authoritarianism: Even thought Brazilian Liberalism supports Liberal Democracy, he still don't give-up Authoritarianism, and support authoritarian measures against corrupt politicians and criminals. like:
    • Intimidating and harassing politicians until they confess their crimes
    • Installing a big surveillance state around areas with high-crime rates
  • Judicial System: Brazilian Liberalism wants to expand the power of the supreme court by creating Regional Courts that will operate from state to state. There will be 3 Regional Judges, all appointed by the governor. Their job is legislating resolutions of the Supreme Court. The 3 judges will vote the resolution approved by the court, so if the majority of 2/3 approve the resolution it will be legislated in the state. I believe this would increase both regional autonomy and judicial power without angering the Right for the later.
  • Death Penalty: Brazilian Liberalism supports the Death Penalty from lethal ingection and the electric chair for the crimes of:
    • Murder
    • Rape
    • Sexual abuse of minors
    • Treason
    • Terrorism
    • Espionage
    • Insurrection
    • Coup attempt
    • Torture
    • Genocide
    • Crimes against the state in general
  • Police: Brazilian Liberalism believes that with all their faults, the Brazilian police is still one of the last resources against the sky-rocketing crime in Brazil, and wants to arm 'em with the latest weaponry. he also supports the creation of a secret police called ANP(Agência Nacional de Policia, National Police Agency) to combat crime by commiting (some) extreme activities, like killing a drug trafficker without a trial.
  • Devolution: Brazilian Liberalism believes in the "Brazilian model"(how he calls Federalism and general state autonomy in Brazil, not Fonseca's gross definition of Oligarchy) and wants to start giving the States more autonomy and independence.
  • Democracy: Brazilian Liberalism supports Liberal Democracy against any other system, alongs with a Presidentialist model similar to the United States.
  • Conscription: Brazilian Liberalism supports the conscription. Seeing this as a good way of building a strong army in the country.


  • Immigration: Brazilian Liberalism believes that Brazil never had a problem with immigration unlike some guys, but that doesn't mean that Brazilian Liberalism supports Multiculturalism, as even if immigrants who migrated to Brazil never caused any problem to the local population it doesn't mean that one day they couldn't cause any prejudice to the natives. so Brazilian Liberalism prefer Interculturalism over Multiculturalism, but anyways he still supports the current immigration laws in Brazil(but more softer and flexibe)
  • Nationalism: Brazilian Liberalism is a Nationalist ideology who is against Cosmopolitanism due to being too irrealistic and unpatriotic, and advocates for a renewed sense of pride in all the 214 Brazilians in the country
  • Which type of Nationalism: Civic-Cultural Nationalism, the best of the two worlds. caused this, Ethnic Nationalism caused this and Racial Nationalism caused this. which makes both Civic and Cultural nationalism the only forms of Nationalism which were not found on the ideals of Genocide

Foreign Policy

  • Intervention: Brazilian Liberalism supports intervening in another country if the same is: carrying out a genocide or invading Another country for no reason. He considers sending his troops to fight in a foreign conflict to help the side which is considered "good" by his standards or helping to plot coup d'états against leaders opposed to his ideals.
  • Empire building: Brazilian Liberalism is an Imperialist ideology viewing that Brazil should become "the Empire of Democracy", and the Empire of Democracy shall defend all the democratic countries of his hegemonic area from anti-democratical forces.
  • Russia and Ukraine: Brazilian Liberalism supports Ukraine over Russia, but still want to have peaceful relations with the Russian government.
  • Venezuela and Guyana: Brazilian Liberalism considers selling weapons to Venezuelan opposition so they can end Chavez revolution by force, with the help of the Brazilian army.
  • China and Taiwan: Even though Brazilian Liberalism is mostly pro-china (only because of the investments), he still wants to have peaceful relations with Taiwan.
  • Israel and Hamas: Brazilian Liberalism is mostly Pro-Israel, as Israel is the only place in the Middle East where people aren't killed for having another religion unlike Palestine. Brazil wants to make military accords and supply IDF with weapons and training by the Brazilian army.
  • BRICS: Brazilian Liberalism wants to use the BRICS to foster Democracy worldwide by bringing more members with Democratic ideals in BRICS, like Botswana and Mexico.
  • EPP and FARCS: Brazilian Liberalism supports invading Paraguay and Colombia to destroy these two organizations.
  • Mercosur: Brazilian Liberalism wants to expands Mercosur to all the South America besides Venezuela.


  • Individualism: Brazilian Liberalism believes while the Individual should answer the Community firstly, they should have way more autonomy. any healthy community would allow it's individuals to have great individual autonomy.
  • Hedonism: Brazilian Liberalism believe that no matter how some tries to ban it, Hedonic acts will remain popular among the people. banning things like Porn, Prostitution, Weed and Gambling is simply downright stupid, and they should be dealt by governamental iniciative among the youth.
  • Neo-Enlightenment: Brazilian Liberalism believe the Enlightenment wasn't enough, and believe in the doctrine of the Neo-Enlightenment, that the world needs another era of Illumination. but now, more aggressive against Neo-Obscurantists.
  • Populism: Brazilian Liberalism believes the People should have power in the government, and the Government must answer it's people in the majority of the time.
  • Religion: his religious beliefs are way too complex and syncretic. he believes that God had absolute power before the death of Christ, and since then, he decreased his own power to only being able to decide who goes to the heaven or Hell and giving Karma to those who are currently living. making his religion a mix between Christianity and Deism.
  • Optimism: nearly always sees the brighter side of nearly everything when it comes to politics. Inequality among the rich and the poor? only in the first world bitch, read this. Pollution in our planet? policies to combat or reduce the effects of the climate change are already in practice, but they are too soft.


WIP it's mostly useless, but it's funny.

Personality and Behaviour

Brazilian Liberalism acts and behaves like his founder, Killer Kitty.



  • Autocratic Post-Libertarianism -
  • Dokevism - You are so... based!
  • Galaxaism - Based Conservative! economically, good. socially, bad. foreign policy, awesome. you are now my friend!
  • Champi - You are just an average Socdem but now less progressive. i like you!
  • DECBism - Me without the Authoritarianism and Brazil.
  • Modern Secular Zionism - Good. Many things that i agree, and few i disagree.
  • Dankeism - Good. There may be some things i disagree, but the rest i agree.
  • Proto-Proto-Neocarlism - *Gigachad Theme Song Kicks-In*
  • Lehianism - Extremely based, thought a bit too regulationist and ethnocentrist. But is still good for me.
  • Sapismo - Another based one. Sorry for not presenting to you my actual political views, because we have pretty much in common.
  • Noveticaism - While opposing libertarianism, austrian school and progressivism. i could still easily live in your proposed country.
  • Patrick Thought - Our economical policies are really pretty alike, and so is our conservatism... But you're way more traditionalist and left-wing than me.


  • Lankajori Thought - While disliking the idea of ruralism, libertarianism and non-interventionism, i still likes how you're an environmentalist moderate conservative.
  • Pantheonism - Economically, wise. socially, perfect. governamentally, mid. but World Federalism, seriously? i will never, i mean NEVER would live in the same country as that Pilak.
  • Timocratic Neocameralism - You seems to be in the right direction in my opnion. economically; you seems to be pretty okay for a laissez-faire supporter, as you supports Georgism, Hayekism and fair-trade Protectionism you are not even a true neo-mercantillist, cope. socially; not so much, but could be worse. diplomatically; kinda okay besides the NaM thing. but your governamental policy? not so much, as i don't likes Neocameralism, Confederalism or Timocracy.
  • Template:Blue Nephalem Thought - Definely better than what i thought, but i'm not sure about that crap. still better than the majority of the users here. just saying.
  • CarrotsRppl2ism - Anarchism is not good, but economically is somewhat okay. i can tolerate him.
  • Schumacherianism - This is definely neither good, or bad. I disagree with the idea of right-libertarianism, since nations only developed by starting a large welfare-state (e.g: USA, the Nordics, UK, Germany, France and basically all of the First World). Another thing I could disagree could be globalism; as much as i support loosen immigration laws and internationalism, a nationhood is still necessary to make humanity thrive and prosper. Centralism is awful. Have you seen any large independence movements in nations that adopts federalism currently? All the biggest separatist movements are in unitarist countries, such as UK, Spain and China. While separatist movements in federal countries like USA are all pretty small and without recognition. Ultraprogressivism is shit. Every country who adopted a social system without any form of tradition fallen to ruins (China and Mexico are examples), and only survived because of cultural conservatism. Proving that ultraprogressivism is shit. And finally ruralism; rural societies only worked in the past, and every current ruralist country is in poverty. You wanted a 50 words essay, and i gave you a 165 words essay.
    • Uhm, actually, i said 50 words minimum for EACH SECTION. that would mean that it would have to be 1450 words. accounting for the ones that are not done yet, you would have to do 1050 words minimum. so HAHA!!!


  • ⠀ism - Your page is way more concentrated on philosophy than politics, but you aren't that bad philosophically, as you promotes Individualism and Optimism. but Nietzscheanism? Christian Theocracy? Austrian School? well, definely you almost escaped from being in this tier.
  • Stratovianism - Lemme see what's in there for a little. Definely i don't agree with Anarcho-Egoism, neither Post-Leftism and Communization theory. That's it. And i definely liked your critique of my ideology, even if i don't agree, as i REALLY loves when people actually talk about what they dislike and like about me and my beliefs. Plus, i have never been called a Pig before, and it's cool, Peppa Pig was an integral part of my childhood, lmao.
  • Kimno Thought - Sorry bro,but i'm not a fan of Communism.
  • Bman Thought 2.0 - Revolutionary Conservatism is kinda cringe ngl.
  • Hoodism - Lucy, i will be serious with you; you are a godless Commie with nearly no redeeming quality.
  • Leerderism - Environmentalism is the only good thing from this.
  • Neo-Robespierrism - Thanks for the compliment, bro. But in all serious, this is shit.
  • File:Prole.png Prole Thought - Mysognystic Commie who backs Putinist boots, you are just Him without being born in that shithole.
  • Pragmatic Amism - It's still pretty bad. and Albania is literally the best country in the world!
  • Caesar Thought - Extremely cringe ideology, only your foreing policy is good and your economics are kinda too regulated. overall cringe guy.
  • National Wodenism - Fascism is already awful, and now mixed with Socialism? this ideology is gay! literally.
  • Nurulisme - a Commie, what do you expect?
  • Gamerism - Kinda cringe, but teaching coding in schools seems okay for me.
  • Counterrevolutionary5708 thought - "Anyone who advocates for anything like this needs not only to be silenced but put into a labour camp far away from the civilized world." - Hubert Ziólkowski 2023.
  •  Romantic Egoism - Nope.
  • Abacusism - I'm against both mutualism and anarcho-communism. Plus, you're an anti-nationalist.
  • Cannabis Anarchy - This is indeed just Potheadism, Anarchism, Anti-Civilizationism, Agrarianism and other shit are extremely cringe.
  • File:Post-Jefbolism.png Post-Jefbolism -
  • Distributismo Reacionário - Você parece ser um Sub-humano em minha opnião, fique longe de mim. (You looks like a Utermensch for me, get out of my sight.)
  • Meowxism - Communism is gaeh, but now literally.
  • Vistulism - I dislike Socialism, so i don't need to explain for you how your ideology is bad
  • Amism - This rank will probably be obsolete in 24 hours, but. now you becomed better, but still terrible. i do like some of your ideas, thought.
  • Luxembourger Authoritarianism - Economically, too radical but atleast an environmentalist; Socially, pretty terrible; Governamentally, a extreme tragedy; Diplomatically, not bad, but how are you even an Imperialist if lives in Luxemburg? you needs atleast a mild hegemony to be an Imperialist, and Luxemburg never had a single one. conclusion: go outside.
  •  Baxism - Not another Commie!
  • Confederate Crusaderism - I hope you like the Meme i created:

  • Schumacherianism - Libertarianism, bad. Autocracy, bad. Ruralism, bad. Agrarianism, ranging from mid to bad. Neo-Libertarianism, good. Transhumanism, bad. Environmentalism, good. Imperialism, good. Trust-busting, good. Alter-Globalism, bad. Everything said.
  • Filipino Fuhrerism - It always made me laugh when i see a White Supremacist non-white, like the number of Whites who hates people from other races is pratically below 2%. coming from a Pilak like you, who works in a sweetshop in Berlin to sustain his family and already considers being white...
  • Grugoidism - Pretty vague to say atleast, but you are an Anarchist so no.
  • Hysteria Thought - The alias Raefragism gave to you is pretty realistic. This is just Schizophrenia with extra steps
  • Neocarlism - :(
  • Rocksism - I dislike many Anarchist/Left-Libertarian ideals, like, how a gift economy would incentive people to create jobs and etc? anyways, you seems a pretty okay person.
  • Left-DECBism - Commie
  • Necro-Anarchism - Moon Woman, Lol. but, now serious; this ideology is cringe and bluepilled.
  • Agricoetism - NO
  • Council Marxism - NO
  • Daniel Sansón Thought - NO
  • Philosophical Nuggets thought - NO
  • Second Anidiotoncrack Thought - Extremely funny page and good personality, but his ideology is pretty bad.
  • Mass Patchwork Egoism - Shit, he became an Egoist. anyways, i don't like it that much, but your philosophy seems interesing at least, even if i don't agree with it.
  • Jancakeism - Economics, bad. Social, bad. Government, bad. Diplomacy, ok. overall:
  • Aldathism - FUCKING FASCIST!, atleast you aren't a Antisemite and supports LGBT rights.
  • Average Argentard - Rip Bozo
  • Metyoism - Gay.
  • Argentinian Nazbolism - I WILL NOT REST TIL' I DEFEAT THIS IDEOLOGY!!!!!!!

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  • Gato Matador • Yesterday at 17:46