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This page is about an important IRL ideology
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Not to be confused with Homonationalism.

Homofascism, sometimes also referred to as Homonazism, is a Third Positionist and totalitarian ideology that seeks to combine a form of Fascism, or more commonly Nazism, with LGBT rights.
Due to its association with fascism, it can often, but doesn't necessarily have to, be culturally far-right. A contradiction between being culturally right-wing to far-right and accepting LGBT people, is either not perceived at all, or reconciled in one of numerous ways.

It can essentially be understood as a pro-LGBT, or at least pro-Gay, variant of Fascism or Nazism.

In the past, the terms "Homofascism" and "Gay fascism" have been used to insult or critique LGBT acceptance movements, they have now however taken on a different meaning; instead being associated with the aforementioned combination of fascist ideology with a pro-LGBT (or at least pro-Gay) position to varying degrees.
Said combination of values has existed throughout fascist history, but has most recently come to public attention via niche internet movements which embrace these two positions, thought by many to be contradictory.


The term Homofascism combines the the terms Fascism and Homosexuality, representing the combination of the two concepts into a variant of fascism which is tolerant towards Gay and/or LGBT people in general.
Homofascism is therefore not any specific ideology, but rather a label and category wich hosts multiple fascist and culturally far-right ideologies that combine their views with a pro-LGBT or pro-Gay stance, a example of which being Stransserism; while its own ideology, it fits under the Homofascist umbrella. When used to refer to Homosexual fascism exclusively, such as that of many pre-internet thinkers (even if this definition has now mostly become obscure), the Homofascist label can imply a very hyper-masculine and usually transphobic stance.

It is important to note that Homofascism is a very distinct ideology from Homonationalism, and Queer Nationalism. While Homofascism advocates for the combination of a pro-LGBT/pro-Gay stance with Fascism, Homonationalism merely advocates for the combination of and compatibility between Nationalism and a pro-LGBT sentiment, it is thusly far more unspecific and moderate.

Queer Nationalism on the other hand, is less a combination of queer acceptance with a form of nationalism, but instead an ideology which sees Queer people as a distinct culture, and thus potentially nation.


Homofascism is simply any form of Fascism, or in popular conception more commonly Nazism, which embraces a pro-LGBT stance and LGBT acceptance to varying degrees.

Homofascists would argue that their fascist positions and/or other nationalist or ultranationalist positions like ethnic or racial preservation and/or supremacy as well as advocacy for national cohesion and often more conservative social values, do not inherently conflict with being gay or LGBT and/or the acceptance of these people.
They would additionally often argue that LGBT people are a natural part of human society which has always existed and will always exist, while not causing any harm. Also argued is that these people are still part of the nation and/or race, irregardless of their sexual or gender identity.

Some Homofascists might also embrace LGBT liberation as a part of national rejuvenation and thusly the new fascist culture.


There have existed pro-LGBT variants of fascism as well as gay and other LGBT fascists since fascism has existed.

Notable early Homofascists include the Nazis Ernst Röhm, a high ranking member of the SA until his purging, and his friend Edmund Heines. Otto Rahn, a large contributor to Nazi ideology and former SS-member had also been gay.

In the United Kingdom, individuals like Victor Barker, a trans man who later married a woman, joined the National Fascisti. Though it appears unlikely he did so out of conviction, as he reportedly only joined the fascist party because he believed it would make him appear "more masculine".

After the War

Many Neo-Nazis after the war have been gay, or at least not expressed explicit disdain for homosexuality.

Prominent examples of gay neo-nazis include the former British activists Martin Webster, Nicky Crane, and Douglas Pearce.

B. E. Althans 1994 Munich City Council election poster.

Michael Kühnen, a former leading figure in the German neo-nazi movement as well as leader of the Free German Workers' Party (FAP), came out as Gay while in prison during 1986, which caused a split in his party. Notable is that some decided to stay with him regardless of his sexual orientation; even after founding a new political party, the German Alternative (DA), which had an estimated membership of 700 before it was banned.
The gay former neo-nazi, federal informant, and prominent holocaust denier Bela Ewald Althans, too, was a notable figure in the German neo-nazi movement in between the 1980s and early 1990s. Althans would run for the NPD in 1994 Munich City Council election, during which, he was featured on a election poster that read: "National, Social, Liberal. For more tolerance!" (see on the side). He has since deradicalized and, after appearing in the 2005 documentary Men, Heroes, and Gay Nazis, he now organizes LGBT events in Berlin.

Pamphlets of the NSL proclaiming their non-contradictory nature.

One of the most prominent and well-known organized neo-nazi groups associated with Gay Nazism is the American National Socialist League, a Neo-Nazi party which reportedly only allowed Gay men to join and had a unambiguous pro-Gay stance, stating in one of their Pamphlets: "If Homosexuals can be Capitalists, we can be Communists... then why can’t we be National Socialists? Join the first and only Homophile organization for National Socialists!!". Their leader, Russell Veh, was obviously in line with the party's principles, also gay.[2] In 2021, Veh (a pseudonym) was linked to Frank Weltner (his real name), who is now a Gay fiction book author.[3]

Since the 2000s

In more contemporary times, the Italian neo-fascist political party CasaPound Italia is known to be tolerant of LGBT people and advocates for the recognition of same-sex civil unions.[4][5] In 2009, the party initiated a meeting between itself and the Italian LGBT rights activist Paola Concia (DP), who, while initially nervous, was positively surprised by CasaPound's openness, even stating that she agrees more with CasaPound's LGBT-related proposals than those of her own party.[6]

The self-proclaimed "Querfront" organisation, which was according to former members more akin to a regular left-wing neo-nazi organisation, Kampfbund Deutscher Sozialisten (1999-2007), addresses a critique in which other neo-nazis described the KDS as a "Homoclub" by stating that they allow people of all sexual orientations to join and act within the group as it is none of their concern what consenting adults do behind closed doors.[7] Furthermore, a article on their website argued for a "I don't care" approach towards homosexuality and condemns anti-Gay sentiment within nationalist movements.[8]

Christian Worch, leader of the German historical revisionist neo-nazi party The Right and former friend of Kühnen, believes that homosexuality is genetic and that homosexuals are "obviously still part of our nation [Volk]", according to a 2019 interview.[9]

Some prominent people who have been accused of fascism but would most probably more accurately fall into the category of Homonationalists include Renaud Camus, leading figure behind the Great Replacement Theory; and Thomas Mosmann, former leader and founder of the German Homonationalist DSLP as well as former self-proclaimed DVU & NPD-Sympathisier.

Among some (mostly more classical) fascists, be they effected themselves or not, LGBT acceptance has been growing; this could be seen as a manifestation of Homofascism by non-LGBT fascist allies.

On the Internet

Despite many real-life examples, contemporary Homofascism is primarily associated with the internet.

The most prominent example of this are Femboys, for whom it is a, often untrue, stereotype to be racist or fascist. Similarly, a few select transgender sub-communities also tend towards racism or fascism, as can for example be observed on 4chan. The most prominent product of trans fascism being Stransserism, created by u/Akkorokameowi (also known as b00t), who is known for many iconic Homofascist images.

Large parts of fascist and racist Twitter have also embraced a pro-LGBT stance, usually due to being LGBT themselves; people in these spaces usually call each other "Oomfies". A relatively well-known figure in this pro-LGBT fascist twitter sub-culture is for example Bussolini, with over 2 000 followers.

A prominent figure who has emerged out of different spaces on fascist Twitter is Bronze Age Pervert, a gay masculinist far-right internet personality and author of the book "Bronze Age Mindset".

In February of 2023 a Twitter account called "LGBT Fascism Archive" (@GayFascismAr) was created with the purpose of archiving imagery relating to LGBT fascism and Nazism, primarily originating from the internet and its subcultures as well as memes. The account was able to reach over 2 000 followers before being suspended on the 31st August 2023. Another account under the same name was later created and run by a different person until it, too was suspended. The newest iteration under the name "LGBT Far-Right Archive" (@LGBTRW) was created by jet another person in March 2024 and has not been suspended thus far.

Personality and Behavior


How to Draw

Flag of Homofascism
  1. Draw a black circle outline
  2. Draw 6 vertical lines in a rainbow with the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple
  3. Draw a white filled-in circle in the center
  4. Draw a black swastika
  5. Add eyes
  6. Done!



Color Name HEX RGB
Red #E50303 229, 3, 3
Orange #FF8E03 255, 142, 3
Yellow #FFEE03 255, 238, 3
Green #038224 3, 130, 36
Blue #034EFF 3, 78, 255
Purple #780489 120, 4, 137
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Black #141414 20, 20, 20





Further Information





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