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User:Anon111/idk: Difference between revisions

mNo edit summary
Line 74: Line 74:
** destruction of beauty, those who destroy statues and architecture and replace them with plastic blobs and and ugly metal buildings
** destruction of beauty, those who destroy statues and architecture and replace them with plastic blobs and and ugly metal buildings
** spicy jellybeans in a bag of sweet ones<br>  
** spicy jellybeans in a bag of sweet ones<br>  
** a society that gives you psych meds instead of actually helping you <br>
** a society that forces you to take psych meds instead of actually helping you <br>
** getting banned
** getting banned

Revision as of 03:20, 11 August 2023

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent [[User:|]]'s political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.


Personal Philosophies


  • Christianity


  • Creationism --
  • Aesthetic Realism -- beauty is objective
  • Mathematical Realism -- math is discovered, not invented
  • Natural Law Theory -- includes virtues and natural rights


  • Divine Command Theory
  • Moralism -- morality is good
  • Cognitivism -- moral truths can be true or false
  • Moral Nativism -- people have innate moral principles
  • Moral Universalism -- some or all ethics are universally applicable
  • Virtue Ethics -- right from wrong based on virtues and character traits


Govermental Views

decentralized communities

a monarch or something similar

no involuntary taxation


Economic Views

free market with a focus on gift economy,

free healthcare, free education, from the community rather than the government

piracy will no longer be a crime

something against coercive monopolies

no involuntary redistribution of wealth,

Legal Views

free speech absolutism



pedophiles and rapists should be tortured to death. yes, this includes women.


All weapons are legal, but public nuisance laws, property destruction laws, and so on still apply. For example, you can own a cannon or a rocket launcher, but you can't keep that thing loaded and accidentally fire it through the walls into your neighbor's house. No gun laws, but we still have common sense.

Cultural Views

christian, christian values


wealthy jewish families will not be allowed to influence our country. regular jews are okay, but the rich and powerful jewish families will have no place in our nation.

Positions on Gay Stuff

  • I am aromantic asexual and I believe that being LGBTQA is a mental disorder, linked to high mutational load. Other gays get mad when I point this out though.
  • But there is nothing inherently bad about mental disorders. There can be things wrong with someone's behavior though, and being gay is not an excuse for degeneracy.


  • Same-sex couples are tolerated, can be together, consenting adult humans et cetera....
    • ....but same-sex couples are not allowed to adopt kids because children need a mom and dad.
  • Pansexual, Omnisexual, etc. are just other words for Bisexual, and you can use whatever words you want personally but stop arguing about this holy shit

Eunuchs (not always gay but a similar topic)

  • Many gays today are brought up in abusive households where they grow up to be degenerates. But, if raised correctly, homos and aces are eunuchs. Whether they be gay or ace, incel or volcel, trauma survivors, having a medical condition, or simply dying young, not everyone in society will sexually reproduce, and that is just a part of life. While children are important, I recognize that they are not the only part of a legacy, and they are not the only thing passed on to the next generation.
  • (Examples of eunuchs include Nikola Tesla, Alan Turing, and many others including me. All people including eunuchs have natural strengths and abilities, but whether they achieve their full potential is up to them and the village that raises them.)

what the fuck is Gender

  • I am against gender ideology, harshly prosecuting those who groom and mutilate children. In fact, the word gender should not exist. There are zero genders. People can express themselves however they want, being feminine, masculine, androgynous, etc. but this is not "gender".
  • It is never okay to do "gender" surgeries on children. People can transition but only after a certain age, and we must make sure that they are actually transsexual because other things like autism, depression, body dysmorphia, etc. can be misdiagnosed as being trans, which is never okay.
  • I am transmedicalist while also being psychpunk*** because it isn't about the "medical" part, it is about recognizing that people's differences do not need to be treated with surgery. If someone is old enough to make that decision then that's their decision, but medically prescribing gender surgeries to kids with depression is medical abuse and will be made illegal.
    • ***for more information on psychpunk scroll down to that section
  • We will provide services to help people detransition because they are trauma survivors who are often overlooked by society. More access to detransitioning means less suicide, and less suicide means less autistic genocide.
  • Yes, you heard me, gender ideology is Autistic Genocide. They are trying to remove the weird silly free thinkers from the world and this is true and i WILL fight you on this

Miscellaneous Degeneracy

  • If you're one of those "poz" who spreads STDs to people on purpose, you get the death penalty. This includes if they were a "bug chaser" with an STD fetish. You are spreading the illnesses on purpose and it is not "valid", you are a serial killer and you will be treated as such.
  • We will also ban porn from schools and promote traditional values instead.

True Social Justice

I want to "preserve the White race", and I am not a White supremacist. I just see that so much of recent politics is anti-White, anti-man, anti-straight, anti-tradition, anti-family, anti-freedom, and anti-God.
I am not straight or a man, but when I see someone being misandrist or heterophobic I speak out against that. In fact, I am very vocal about men's rights at a time when most women aren't. It is more difficult to talk about White rights, but I try to do that as well unless I am in a physically unsafe environment.
I want everyone to be treated fairly, regardless of their race, sex, or so on. SJWs claim to want this too, but instead of equal opportunity, they keep attacking people who they see as being privileged. So, paradoxically, those "privileged" groups have become demonized.
As a true justice warrior, I say that it is okay to be White, it is okay to be male, it is okay to be straight, and it is okay to be Christian.

Diplomatic Views

public policy

publicly peaceful and against imperialism and war

dislikes current states as they are oppressive regimes but still pursues diplomacy

oh and it also has militias

secret policy

secret does false-flag operations to help liberate other countries

assassinating foreign leaders, taking other measures to help guide the insurrection

the resulting society will be largely done by the people but the undercover operatives will make sure it is fair, at least somewhat decentralized, and has a strong national identity

but everything else will be self-determination, it is just against coercive governments

in these attacks she will take care not to destroy the old classic architecture, seeing these as a valuable part of a nation's history and culture. ugly modern buildings are expendable though.

post-revolution she may secretly incite a few small rebellions in these liberated countries, but the goal is to return to a natural balance between people and their governments, if governments exist they must have the fear of revolution close at hand

if she is asked about this, she will disavow all knowledge, saying that she would never try to take credit for another nation's revolution.

foreign policy

  • The Palestine and Israel conflict is dumb and the best way to resolve it is with a crusade. Just give both of them back to the Christians.
  • The West keeps starting wars in the Middle East, taking oil, torturing people, and leaving countries much worse than they were previously. Now instead of the Middle East it's in Ukraine. It's all just to send trillions of dollars to black budget operations, funding torture, false flags, various gayops... All of NATO's wars are fake and are designed to fund black budget evil.
  • Seperatists have the natural right to self-determination. This includes Taiwan, but that isn't why the US is involved, they don't care about self-determination and they just want to provoke Russia and China.
  • I don't like either side of foreign policy issues, as Russia and China have their own human rights abuses as well. Really I will be publicly unaligned but privately do a little trolling.

on globalism


Other Views

Environmental Beliefs

Technological Beliefs

Eugenics and Upbringing

  • We want to increase the overall intelligence, abilities, etc. of our people.
  • Genetics isn't the only factor, upbringing is also very important. Think of that experiment with rats where the rats in more stimulated environments had more developed brains. That is true for humans as well. My brother and I were exposed to numbers, letters, reading, math at a very early age and we became much smarter as a result. Low IQ is not just a result of genes, it is also a result of stimulating the mind from an early age and cultivating a love of learning.
  • Schools will not be based on rote memorization. Discussion and debate is encouraged, and "arguing with the teacher" will be part of how the classroom works.


  • Psychpunk is uh...well i will make a page about it later but here are some random tumblr links, i don't use tumblr though, i need to make a pcb page about this [1] [2] [3]
  • In my ideology, instead of trying to remove mental disorders, we will recognize their importance in society.
  • For example: anxiety is the result of an overactive mind responding to stress. Instead of medicating the anxious one, teach them to overcome stress and to use their fast electric mind to think, to create, to solve problems.
  • I love the way my brain works, and while the stress may make things difficult, it does not mean that I am broken and need to be fixed. Instead of trying to be normal and in a state of mental normality I will pursue mental hygiene rather than mental health, embracing my strengths and working to overcome problems.


How to Draw

[[File:|thumb|220x220px|Flag of User:Anon111/idk ]]

Color Name HEX RGB

Personality and Behaviour

Stylistic Notes


(I have some things written here, click the tabs to expand them) (Right now this is long, but eventually I will integrate most of these into the main body of the page.)

Mega Based

  • Christian Anarchism -- And He said to them, “Then pay to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Does your life belong to Caesar or to God? What about your family? Your home? Your work? The fruit of your labor? Your past, present, and future? Do you belong to Caesar or do you belong to God? Jesus replied to him, “It is written: ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY.’”
  • Agorism -- Selling drugs and unregistered machine guns just as Jesus intended. The nonviolence thing is also pretty cool especially since politicians aren't people so it doesn't count
  • Techno-Anarchism -- Unfathomably based. This is what I want to do with my computer science degree.
  • Hoppeanism -- Freedom of association is based.
  • Ethnopluralism -- "A world in which many worlds can fit." Respecting the world's cultures by not forcing them to mix. Multiculturalism is only okay when cultures interact peacefully to share goods and ideas, and the problems come when these interactions are forced.
  • Tinism -- zip code nationalism


  • Religious Nationalism -- I love having religion (in my case Christianity) be a defining part of a national identity. But (TODO: finish this text here)


  • Insurrectionary Anarchism -- BASED AND INSURRECTION PILLED hey wait a second. did you just bomb a random building and kill innocent people? you stupid nigger this is why people don't like anarchism, because of you retards killing random people instead of aiming higher! AIM HIGHER NIGGER! KILL POLITICIANS KILL POLITICIANS KILL POLITICIANS


  • Racism -- Race itself is real and biological. No race or subspecies is objectively better or worse than the other, at least not in my opinion. Some may disagree, but even with those disagreements, many of you are pretty fun to shitpost with! I say plenty of slurs myself so you guys are cool to hang out with.
  • Eugenicism -- Based, but stop killing innocent people. And mental disorders can be very beneficial for society, retard. Instead of minimizing autists, schizos, bipolar, ocd, etc., we will minimize normies. We will also provide resources for mental hygiene in order to minimize problem symptoms (like stress) and maximize good symptoms (like creativity).
  • Police -- They want me to pay taxes, they don't want me to buy cool weapons, and they *really* don't like my assassination jokes. It's also a good thing they don't know about my future business plans! But that aside, police are a tool used by the government, so they are only as good or bad as whoever hires them.

Somewhat Cringe

  • NatSoc -- You have some based ideas, but you are a psyop created by the enemy. The holohoax isn't real of course, which is good. All you did was build upon a distraction, and a very effective one at that. When I look at you, I see your puppeteers and everything that they have done throughout history.


  • (((Anti-Racism))) -- You're just being racist while pretending not to be racist. "You can't experience racism because your race is inferior and evil!" Genuinely what is wrong with you. Have you tried not ruining society? If that's not possible, can you at least try to be funny like all the other racists are?
  • (((social justice warrior))) -- What you are doing is not social justice. For one thing, you complain about ableism but when an autistic person unknowingly offends you you say it's a "micro-aggression". I don't care if you think I'm ((problematic)), I'm going to say the nigger word and there's nothing you can do about it. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger.

Mega Cringe

  • child rapists -- if you even TRY to hurt a child I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND I WILL █████████████████ YOUR ██████████████████ WITH ███████████████████████████ UNTIL YOU ARE ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ AND THEN I WILL ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
    • Genuine nomaps (non-offending, anti-contact, pro-recovery) who just have intrusive thoughts are okay though, but regardless of how your brain works you have NO EXCUSE to hurt a child.
  • World Economic Forum -- Planned the COVID plandemic, wants to control society, and is currently planning to disable the power grid. The WEF is a distraction though and not the real orchestrators of these events, but I know you are out there and I know what you did.
  • State Liberalism -- You are opposite of what liberal should mean. Your black nonbinary pansexual war criminals can't stop me from saying racial slurs while I execute them!
  • The Evil Ones -- Some say jews, some say whites. Some blame it on only the left or only the right, truly believing that one of the puppets is on their side. I prefer to call them what they are, DEMONS. I know that they are all evil, they are all working together to corrupt and destroy. And yes, there are plenty of jews there as part of the Synagogue of Satan, but you would make a fatal error by focusing on the synagogue rather than the Satan. They want you to be divided into categories of left and right, male and female, this race and that, because if you fight each other you will be divided and unable to fight back against the coming New World Order. This is what the evil ones want, and this is what will happen in the days of the apocalypse. The apocalypse is not a sudden one-time event, it is a process that has already begun to happen in our time. The eventual end of the physical world is going to happen, but don't just sit there and watch as everything good and right is taken away from you. We are not fighting to save the physical realm, we are fighting to save the souls of the people, and it is the souls that the enemy seeks to destroy. Don't let them win!

Mega Based




Somewhat Cringe


Mega Cringe






File:Antiath.ong Anti-Atheism
===Government + Economy===

Political Test Placements

TODO replace with real numbers instead of just 50s because i am not a centrist

title goes here






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