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Distributist Reactionaryism: Difference between revisions

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*[[File:National_Socialism.png]] [[Nazism]] you are basically one of the worst ideologies ever created in history you exterminated innocent people you are racist you were created by a crazy mind
*[[File:National_Socialism.png]] [[Nazism]] you are basically one of the worst ideologies ever created in history you exterminated innocent people you are racist you were created by a crazy mind
*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] well I hate you you are an EVIL leftist ideology that wants to turn everyone into a progressive and you are no good for anything you are stupid at creating the ideal state of things
*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] well I hate you you are an EVIL leftist ideology that wants to turn everyone into a progressive and you are no good for anything you are stupid at creating the ideal state of things
*[[File:Altrcentr.png]] [[File:Moder.png]] [[File:Radcent.png]] [[Centrism (Disambiguation)]] centrists are usually just lazy capitalists who do NOTHING and don't support ''radical'' solutions that REALLY IMPROVE SOCIETY
*[[File:Altcentr.png]] [[File:Moder.png]] [[File:Radcent.png]] [[Centrism (Disambiguation)]] centrists are usually just lazy capitalists who do NOTHING and don't support ''radical'' solutions that REALLY IMPROVE SOCIETY
*[[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism]] I found you, you were responsible for the third stage of destruction of tradition in 1968, you SUPPORT ABOMINABLE THINGS like legalizing addictive things, etc.
*[[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism]] I found you, you were responsible for the third stage of destruction of tradition in 1968, you SUPPORT ABOMINABLE THINGS like legalizing addictive things, etc.

Revision as of 01:42, 5 November 2023

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Luís Miguel2680's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Hi Jreg, I still hate your content😈!!!!

Distributist Reactionaryism, or Neo-Miguelism, is the political ideology of User:Luís Miguel2680, after he stopped being an Absolutist. He is now a Christian Democrat, deeply influenced by Distributism and Reactionaryism It is a very internationalistic ideology, just like the real reactionaries, for the world, and deeply religious as well, believing in Catholicism. He believes in a authoritarian Brazilian state, modeled efficiently and as a corporate state, and still belives in a form of Distributism, although a rather statist kind.

-Table of Contents-

5 Principles of Distributist Reactionaryism

  • Reactionaryism
  • Anti-Nationalism
  • Catholicism
  • Distributism
  • Corporativism

Political Journey

  1. 2009-2018/2019 I didn't care about politics at that time, because I was still a child and generally ignored political things.
  2. 2019-2020/2021 At that time, because my mother was a Bolsonarist, I was too, another reason I was a Bolsonarist was because I didn't know that capitalism was incompatible with conservatism and reactionism
  3. 2020/2021-2023 At that time I supported absolute monarchy, until one day I realized that absolute monarchy came after feudalism, and that was bad.
  4. 2023- When I discovered that the church supported Christian democracy I stopped being a supporter of absolutism


Distributist Reactionarism upholds the principles of monarchist government, while considering republic as nothing more than a revolutionary institution that offers little to the people apart from draining resources for so-called "National unity" centered around a figurehead president. It advocates for efficient government operations, depicted in Distributist ideals, Additionally, Distributist Reactionarism supports various reforms within the brazilian congress, aimed at restructuring the Brazilian state into a new feudal state.

Congress Reforms

In the pursuit of realizing the ideal of the feudal state, a comprehensive reform of the Brazilian Parliament (Brazilian Congress) is imperative. Among the reforms advocated by Distributist Reactionaryism is the division of the parliament into three distinct chambers, thereby establishing a tricameral structure. These three chambers comprise the Chamber of commoners (Câmara dos plebeus) as the lower house, composed of representatives elected by the members of people, and the middle house known as Chamber of Clerics which is made up of clergy who are ordained and the upper house known as Chamber of nobles (Câmara Dos Nobres) which is made up of nobles who receive the titles of nobles . And parliament has its separate chambers, unless in case of emergency


Distributist Reactionaryism asserts that the economy should embrace the nationalization of all companies that were privatized in order to reverse the liberal capitalist nonsense and create state-owned companies in sectors of interest to the state And extinguish state and private companies that use things that harm nature and the environment, and adopt the idea that Workers should be owners and businesses should be comprised of worker co-operatives, family businesses, or ESOP-based traditional businesses whenever possible and that people should own both their own personal private property as well as maintain some kind of ownership of private productive property whenever possible, drawing inspiration from Distributism principles. Distributist Reactionaryism contends that the profit-driven nature of the bourgeoisie inherently conflicts with interests of the church and God, necessitating their separation from the nation. syndicates, representing every industry and worker, would be given a autonomy from the state, though still held tightly to prevent inefficiency or dissent. Within the syndicates, the unions would have their interests and strikes would only be allowed if there was justification, if not...

Moreover, Alstūdism advocates for substantial expansion in Brazil's vital industries, particularly those currently reliant on foreign imports Over time, the goal is to gradually reduce foreign imports, incrementally boosting domestic industries until achieving complete autarky.

Regarding farming and agriculture, Distributist Reactionaryism believes that feudal principles should be applied entirely with the only differences being more up-to-date technology, robots working as peasant serfs, and peasant serfs would receive wages that were enough to support them. The ultimate aspiration is to achieve complete self-sufficiency in food production.

Social Views

In its social views, Distributist Reactionaryism self-identifies as a blend of Ultraconservatism, and the characterization is completely accurate as it retains all traditionalist elements and beliefs. The ideology embraces the view of women in the home, stating that women should be taking care of the children and the home if she is a believer in the church. Distributist Reactionaryism defends the full inclusion of women in education up to high school and in jobs that ''are'' women's due to tradition. However, it rejects the inclusion of women in men's activities since the governance of Distributist Reactionaryism adheres strongly to a traditional approach

Distributist Reactionaryism wants to end LGBTQA+ And to limit corruption of the public prohibitions apply, such as Any form of Pride celebration is prohibited and organizing such events can lead to legal consequences. Homosexual marriage is illegal, and the death penalty by burning must be applied to LGBTQA+ people except if the LGBTQA+ criminal wants to become truly straight and cis

Transphobia characterizes Distributist Reactionaryism stance on transgender individuals. The ideology opposes gender transition, and if a person wants to stop being cis and become trans and turned trans, they will suffer the death penalty unless they repent.

As for heterosexuals, Distributist Reactionaryism emphasizes the promotion of traditional marriage[1] and encourages couples to have more children. Social benefits are provided to alleviate the financial responsibilities associated with raising a family. Distributist Reactionaryism does not support legal abortion under any circumstances and if someone wants to have an abortion or has had an abortion they must suffer the death penalty The ultimate objective of these policies is to augment birth rates, fortify the nation, and ensure its enduring survival.

. Finally, Distributist Reactionaryism strongly opposes the dissemination of pornography or sexually explicit materials for any purposes in society. This is rooted in the belief that viewing such content is a sin which consequently makes society more sinful as a whole.

Cultural Views

Distributist Reactionaryism believes strongly in national rebirth, Brazilian culture is being perveted by enlightment and Progressivism and leftism, being forced to accept evil values and evil systems. For this to be remedied, Brazil has to return to tradition, to let it's culture resurge, and the state also has to take charge of making the nation return to tradition and good customs. One of the foremost matters Distributist Reactionaryism believes in is reviving Catholic Theocracy as it is a more authentic Brazilian religion than lack of religion, which were and are being imposed on the nation today. Now, this would involve heavily suppressing any religion other than the Catholic variant of Christianity, offering incentives to the public to convert and centering more social activities around Catholic Christianity, and finally introducing religious doctrine into schools to ensure that the new generation is more inclined to faith. Along with this, Halloween should be replaced by All Souls' Day. The reasoning behind this is similar to the opposition to Atheism, that it is a foreign element, with Halloween being adapted from the English world, while All Souls' Day is a more authentic form of Brazilian and is Catholic.

Foreign Policy

The new Brazilian state must remain neutral in most conflicts because of ideological differences with the West and the East, but if Donald Trump or a Trumpist president is elected, Brazil will support the West. as both are liberal Reformist Maoism and orthodox statist conservatism. However, in the case that similar-minded states arise, Distributist Reactionarism would be very willing to show solidarity with them against the two revolutionary blocs, and engage in equal dealings with these states.

Military and Defense

Distributist Reactionaryism holds that the military should be one of the first and foremost focuses of the state, in order to ensure the defense of the nation, and the spread of the counterrevolution. It espouses the policy that the state must "arm the entire population, fortify the state, educate every soldier to become a party cadre, and modernize the military".

Along with this, Distributist Reactionaryism believes that the military should be heavily politicized in order to ensure ideological loyalty and fervor among each soldier and officer. Political commissars should make up a middle portion of the officer corps. This ensures the centralization of military within the state's control, and cuts down on disloyalty within the military.

To defend the nation from external threats via deterrence, the state must develop non-radioactive weapons as quickly as possible.

Technological Views

Distributist Reactionaryism holds that for the nation to advance and maintain sovereignty, technological progression must take place, and must be heavily developed by the state and companies. If unemployment were to occur, the state would not provide wages, but rather a universal basic income. The technological advancement part should be in everything, to keep the nation on the same ground as other nations.

Green Power

Distributist Reactionaryism believes that Brazil should completely abandon fossil fuels as quickly as possible and become greener and more productive. Hydroelectric energy, powered by water, should be the massive source of energy until solar and wind energy are targets for investment by states. Thermoelectric and gas-fired power have proven to be inefficient compared to these methods, and hydroelectric power has been unfairly maligned in the media, particularly by those elements who would like to keep fossil fuels in use.

The Nation

Distributist Reactionaryism defines the Brazilian nation as the following:

  1. Current Faith, being Catholic Theocracy, rather than any religion imposed on us hundreds of year ago by foreign powers, that being lack of faith .
  2. The Residence, wishing to be in Brazil forever.
  3. The Soil, that being Brazil, and our land currently held by Uruguayans and colonized by French

Distributist Reactionaryism considers indigenous countries incapable of forming a nation, as they are comfortable with the status quo and if they are not, they will only want indigenous land within the state.

Do we need an era of romantic nationalism?

Brazil experienced an era of romantic nationalism like Europe, as Brazilian intellectuals were inspired by Europe. Because of this, Brazil was able to fully experience this and the cultural development that the period brought to other countries. For example, many artists born in Brazil were inspired in Europe, which is why a new Brazilian state should not repeat, due to nationalism, another romantic nationalist era.

National Essence and Immigration

Distributist Reactionaryism not follows the idea of "National Essence," as proposed by Giovanni Gentile. This concept suggests that you can have a profound connection to the cultural identity of a nation, like the Italian nation or Norwegian nation, even if you weren't born there. Alstūdism advocates for the repatriation of individuals who strongly identify with a specific nationality, as exemplified by Borker who, despite being born outside of Norway, identifies as Norwegian.

However, individuals would need to fulfill certain criteria, including demonstrating Catholic Religion and meeting specific qualifications, in order to be eligible for imigration.


Distributist Reactionaryism holds the beliefs that to work towards a renewed Brazilian nation the coming state must take Revanche against Uruguay and France and Angola and Benin And Portuguese colonies, and reform the nation partly through conflict. The specific territories that Distributist Reactionaryism wishes to return to Brazil are Angola, All Portuguese colonies, Uruguay, and Benin and French Guyana. All of these territories were once part of Brazil or sought to become Brazilians and, until recently, these Brazilians were gradually assimilated by the population of the Dominant Countries, in a form of cultural genocide. As this is clearly a result of imperialism and the petty intentions of the Dominant Countries, it must be eliminated, as with any other form of imperialism and colonialism. This also works to expand the Brazilian population through the reincorporation of former lands and lands desired by the State.

The Delusion of Racialism

Distributist Reactionism holds that Racial Nationalism, and by extension race, are meritless categorizations that are based on outdated theories, and race is often very racist and unscientific in its interpretation, and also lacks a biological basis . But the concept of Race is necessary to use in Statistics But only for that. Along with this, Distributist Reactionaryism sees Racial Nationalism as a form of Racial Supremacism, and incompatible with the church, as it often posits that other races are inferior to the race they claim to be superior, which prevents individual nations from joining together and unify with racial equality, a principle in which Distributist Reactionaryism strongly believes.

"Race Mixing"

Distributist Reactionaryism does not believe in biological race, it is still against forced "race mixing". He believes that if the church accepts the mixing of races it is not necessary to prohibit it but he does not think that forcing the mixing of races is a good idea

Curiosities about me

  • Distributist Reactionaryism doesn't like things in food that he doesn't like but he doesn't force it on anyone
  • Distributist Reactionaryism Would Like to End the Position of Chief Minister of the Civil House.

How to Draw

Flag of Alstūdism
  1. Draw a ball with a black outline.
  2. Fill with dark blue.
  3. Make a yellow circle
  4. Draw the cross and the dog with the torch in its mouth at the same time
  5. Add eyes.
  6. (Optional) Draw a black Tricorne hat with yellow lines on top, with a Crucifix.
  7. Done!


Have Read

Ones I've read since making this page
  • none yet


  • none yet

Plan to Read


  • Feel free to add whatever book you'd like me to read here!
  • - The Third Way; the renewal of the Social Democracy - by Anthony Giddens
  • -Industrial Society and Its Future - by uncle ted

Finished Suggestions

  • Principles of communism by Engels

User Test

Pick only one from each category :]

  • Civic Axis
    • Chaoist (-2000)
    • Anarchist (-100)
    • Minarchist (+23)
    • Libertarian (+60)
    • Civically Moderate (+0)
    • Statist (+56)
    • Dictablanda (+100)
    • Authoritarian (+60)
    • Totalitarian (+40)
    • Orwellian (+25)
  • Type of Rule Axis
    • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (-100)
    • Direct Democracy (-+26)
    • Semi-Direct Democracy (+59)
    • Representative Democracy (-+15)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (+100)
    • Totalitarian Democracy (+25)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-15)
  • If none above apply...
    • Organic Centralism (-100)
    • Kultokratic System (-100)
  • Economic Axis
    • Marxist Communist (-100)
    • Socialist (-100)
    • Welfarist/Gift Economy (+100)
    • Mixed (-100)
    • Liberal Economics (-100)
    • Capitalist (-100)
    • Darwinist (-100)
  • If none above apply...
    • Third Positionism (+100)
    • Anti-Economy (-100)
    • Non-Marxist Communist (-100)
    • Fiscal Federalism (+50)
  • Economic Freedom
    • Anti-Economy (-100)
    • Dirigisme (-100)
    • Regulationism (+100)
    • Mixed (-100)
    • Liberal Economics (-100)
    • Free Market (+10)
    • Laissez-Faire (-100)
  • If none above apply...
    • Central Planned (-100)
    • Decentral Planned (-100)
  • Diplomatic Axis
    • Autarchy (-100)
    • Autarky (+100)
    • (Alter-) Globalist (-100)
    • World Federalist (+100)
    • Cosmopolitan (-20)
    • Internationalist (+100)
    • Moderate (-100)
    • Patriotic (-100)
    • Nationalist (-100)
    • Chauvinist (-100)
    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-100)
    • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-100)
  • Geopolitics
    • Western (-90)
    • Western Adjacent (-100)
    • Non-Aligned (+100)
    • East Adjacent (-100)
    • Eastern (-100)
  • If none above apply...
    • Anarchistic Unaligned (-100)
  • Cultural Axis
    • Revolutionary (-100)
    • Progressive (-100)
    • Reformist (-100)
    • Syncretic (-100)
    • Conservative (+40)
    • Traditionalist (+100)
    • Reactionary (+100)
  • Technological Axis
    • Primal (-100)
    • Primitivist (-100)
    • Pre-Industrial (-100)
    • Deceleration (-100)
    • Moderate (-100)
    • Acceleration (-100)
    • Automated (+100)
    • Transhumanist (-100)
    • Posthumanist (-100)
  • If none of the above apply...
    • Post-Civ (-100) [and/or] Archeofuturism (-100)
  • Environmental Axis
    • Human Extinction (-100)
    • Radical Environmentalism (+100)
    • Eco-Fascism (-100)
    • Ecocentrism (+50)
    • Environmentalist (+100)
    • Moderate (-100)
    • Post-Industrialism (+100)
    • Industrialist (+100)
    • Anthropocentric (-100)
    • Anti-Environmentalism (-100)
  • Neurological Axis
    • Anti-Praxis (-100)
    • Utopian (+100)
    • Dogmatic (+100)
    • Idealist (+100)
    • In Between (-100)
    • Realist (+100)
    • Pragmatic (+100)
    • Rational (+100)
    • Dystopian (-100)
    • Anti-Theory (-100)
  • War Axis
    • Pacifism (-90)
    • Non-engagement (-90)
    • De-escalation (-90)
    • Intervention (+100)
    • Irredentism (+100)
    • Revachism (+100)
    • Jingoism (-90)
  • If none above apply...
    • Class Warfare (-100)
  • Praxis
    • Insurrectionism (+100)
    • Revolutionism (+100)
    • Moderatism (-100)
    • Reformism (-100)
    • Stagnationism (-100)
  • Ethnic Axis Optional
    • Chinese (+100)
    • Indian (+100)
    • Other Asian (+100)
    • Other Southeast Asian(+100)
    • Western European (+100)
    • Northen European (+100)
    • Celtic (+100)
    • Eastern European (+100)
    • Southern European (+100)
    • American (+100)
    • South American (+100)
    • African (+100)
    • Arabian (+100)
    • Jewish (+100)
    • Indonesian (+100)
    • Korean (+100)
  • Religious Axis Optional
    • Original Paganism (-100)
    • Zoroastrianism (-100)
    • Buddhism (-100)
    • Hinduism (-100)
    • Orthodoxy (-100)
    • Catholicism (+100)
    • Islam (-100)
    • Judaism (-100)
    • Protestantism (-100)
    • Neo-Paganism (-100)
    • Wicca (-100)
    • Irreligion (-100)
    • Satanism (either atheistic or theistic) (-100)
    • Shinto (-100)
    • Syncretic (-100)

Post your results here:


If you are the type who adds balls in relations to show your perception of their beliefs or a short summary, then use the following: (Code Stolen from Quark)

[[File:Alstudism2.png]] [[Alstūdism]] ([[File:Sansepolcrismo.png|link=Fascism]]/[[File:Natsynd.png|link=National Syndicalism]]/[[File:OrgDem.png|link=Authoritarian Democracy]]/[[File:NorseTheo.png|link={{PCBA|Norse Theocracy}}]]/[[File:Republicanismpix.pnglink=Republicanism]])

Which will look like this: Alstūdism (////)


  • WIP


  • WIP


  • Brazilian Liberalism - I hate liberals and you likes suspicious things. and you are not a real liberal; a liberal has to follow all the fundamentals of classical liberalism, and you follow almost none of them.
    • - Certo Sub-Humano, Tambem consertei os seus erros ortograficos. você já foi pra escola algum dia da sua vida? (Alright Utermensch, i also fixed some of your ortographic errors. you've already gone to school atleast one day of your life?)
  • Hoodism I hate you because of communism and you hood aren't even a real marxist because marx hated turks, jews, russians, indians and blacks and engels and marx hated lgbts
  • Ack-Soc Theory I hate you because of revisionist Marxism, which is still part Marxist and you're not even a real Marxist because you support the markets, anyway, it's worse than orthodox Marxism because it will attract more people
  • Neo-MugiKotobuki8814ism You're not even a real Nazi, you're just a modified Nazbol and anyway, Nazism and Communism together are worse than separately.
  • Pantheonism We know you're a socialist so I don't like you because I hate the entire left and anyway you're not a real distributist
  • Alstūdism I disagree with almost everything that your Excellency the owner of the wiki presents as solutions for Norway and I am neither gay nor fascist
  • Nurulisme you are a communist so you would never be my friend ideologically unless you leave the terrible and evil communism and join the true reactionaries
  • Second Anidiotoncrack Thought I don't like you because you are racist and capitalist and anyway you are a nazcap and a liberal fascist made by Alberto de Stefani and a revisionist Nazifascist like most neo-Nazifascists
  • Tedcruzfan Thought I don't like you because you are racist and capitalist and anyway you are a nazcap and a liberal fascist made by Alberto de Stefani and a revisionist Nazifascist like most neo-Nazifascists
  • Proletariat Builderism You would be good if you weren't an Anarchist, Racist, Communist and Socialist. And you are also a heretic, admit it lol!
  • Mordecaism He is here because of his evil liberalism and also because he is socially progressive, well, there are several reasons
  • Neo-Anthony Bax Thought literally the neo-Jacobins, my God, this is crazy
    • Neo-Anthony Bax Thought - Fuck you, reactionary!
  • Dokevism We know you're a culturally leftist so I don't like you because I hate the entire left and anyway you're not a real distributist
    • - Atleast i aint a Nazi with Identity crisis
  • Post-Jefbolism I don't like you because you are a communist and unjustifiably call me a fascist, communist and social democrat
  • Vistula Thought you have many ideologies in your name but anyway they are leftist so they are bad
  • Ultranationalism These are one of the consequences of the Enlightenment and the consequence of nationalism [in excess]
  • Liberalism aiai here is the terrible ideology of the liberals that as the Carlists said guiris we know that the liberals seduced and devoured the nations of the world into their arms so that in the end the terrible consequences would be triggered, you liberalism will be condemned to eternity by God due to so many stupid things that his followers did
  • National Bolshevism If Nazism and Communism are already bad, naturally, imagine together? and paetel's national bolshevism is inherently ultranationalist and forces paganism and is marxist
  • Communism As the Pope said In any case, we are convinced, and everyone agrees on this, that it is necessary, with prompt and effective measures, to come to the aid of men of the lower classes, given that they are, for the most part, in a situation of misfortune and misery. undeserved. The last century destroyed, without replacing them with anything, the old corporations, which were a protection for them; religious principles and sentiment disappeared from laws and public institutions, and so, little by little, workers, isolated and defenseless, have found themselves, over time, delivered to the mercy of inhumane masters and to the greed of a unbridled competition. Voracious usury further aggravated the evil. Condemned many times by the judgment of the Church, it has not ceased to be practiced in other forms by men eager for greed and insatiable ambition. To all this must be added the monopoly of work and credit papers, which have become the lot of a small number of rich and opulent people, who thus impose an almost servile yoke on the immense multitude of proletarians. Socialists, to cure this evil, instigate in the poor an envious hatred against those who possess, and claim that all ownership of private goods must be suppressed, that the goods of any individual must be common to all, and that their administration must be return to - the Municipalities or the State. Through this transfer of properties and this equal distribution of the wealth and comforts they provide among the citizens, they flatter themselves by applying an effective remedy to present evils. But such a theory, far from being able to put an end to the conflict, would harm the worker if it were put into practice. On the contrary, it is extremely unfair, as it violates the legitimate rights of owners, vitiates the functions of the State and tends towards the complete subversion of the social structure. anyway, as the pope said, communism and socialism were consequences of liberalism and because of that they emerged but they give wrong solutions that would never work for poverty, we know that feudalist distributists and corporatists have the best solutions and communism is too terrible and evil to be applied
  • Socialism the same thing as communism that I analyzed above but this one is more moderate but it is bad in the same way
  • Nazism you are basically one of the worst ideologies ever created in history you exterminated innocent people you are racist you were created by a crazy mind
  • Social Democracy well I hate you you are an EVIL leftist ideology that wants to turn everyone into a progressive and you are no good for anything you are stupid at creating the ideal state of things
  • Centrism (Disambiguation) centrists are usually just lazy capitalists who do NOTHING and don't support radical solutions that REALLY IMPROVE SOCIETY
  • Progressivism I found you, you were responsible for the third stage of destruction of tradition in 1968, you SUPPORT ABOMINABLE THINGS like legalizing addictive things, etc.


  • WIP
  • Middling

    • WIP


    • WIP


    How I Would’ve Voted

    these are the elections from the time of the empire
    • WIP
    these are the elections from the time of the republic
  • WIP
  • Movements

    Feel free to ask me about my placements here
    • This is not a comprehensive list of movements and parties I like, this is only ones I feel strongly about


    • Carlist Movement (Spain, 1836–)
    • Catholic and Royal Armies (France, 1793-1800)
    • Viva Maria (Italy, 1799-1800)
    • Army of Holy Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ (Italy, 1789–1799)
    • Veronese Reactionaries (Italy, 1797-1797)
    • National League for the Defense of Religious Liberty(Mexico, 1925-????)
    • Royalists (Spanish Empire, 1810-1826)
    • Christian Democracy (Brazil, 1997-)
    • Carlist Traditionalist Communion (Spain, 1986-)
    • Jacobite Movement(Great-Britain, 1688-)
    • Catholic Party (Brazil, 1870-1911)


    • White Movement (Russia, 1917-1922)
    • Nationalist faction (Spanish Civil War) (Spain, 1936-1939)
    • Restorative Party (Brazil, 1834-1831)

    Atrocious Knaves

    • Democratic Socialists of America (United States, 1982-)
    • Nazi Germany (Germany, 1933-1945)
    • Quisling Regime (Norway, 1942-1945)


    Don’t call me a larper for this or I will cry


    If you would like to be added to relations, add a comment here :3


    1. Not Hydra's gross definition, which is child marriage. I mean marriage between 1 man and 1 woman, both adults and consenting

    Recent changes

  • Gato Matador • 43 minutes ago
  • Gato Matador • 43 minutes ago
  • Quark • 44 minutes ago
  • Quark • 44 minutes ago