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Icelandic Linguistic Purism: Difference between revisions

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Tag: 2017 source edit
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Tag: 2017 source edit
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|influences = [[File:Lingcon2.png]] [[Linguistic Conservatism]] <br> [[File:PCB-Nationalism.png]] {{PCB|Nationalism}} <br> [[File:Statism.png]] [[Statism|Icelandic Statism]]
|influences = [[File:Lingcon2.png]] [[Linguistic Conservatism]] <br> [[File:Nati.png]] [[Nationalism]] <br> [[File:Statism.png]] [[Statism|Icelandic Statism]]
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=== Frenemies ===
=== Frenemies ===
* [[File:Lingcon2.png]] [[Linguistic Conservatism]] - Conserving the language is good... but you need to get more radical!
* [[File:Lingcon2.png]] [[Linguistic Conservatism]] - Conserving the language is good... but you need to get more radical!
* [[File:Trad.png]] {{PCB|Traditionalism}} - As I said above old icelandic was great and all but we need neologisms for modern words!
* [[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism]] - As I said above old icelandic was great and all but we need neologisms for modern words!

=== Enemies ===
=== Enemies ===
*[[File:Anat.png]] {{PCB|Anationalism}} - No don't destroy my beautiful language!!!
*[[File:Anat.png]] [[Anationalism]] - No don't destroy my beautiful language!!!
*[[File:Prim.png]] {{PCB|Primal Primitivism}} - Moron, can't even understand languages.
*[[File:Prim.png]] [[Primal Primitivism]] - Moron, can't even understand languages.
==Further Info==
==Further Info==
*[[w:Linguistic_purism_in_Icelandic|Icelandic Linguistic Purism]]
*[[w:Linguistic_purism_in_Icelandic|Icelandic Linguistic Purism]]

Revision as of 00:57, 22 February 2024

"Icelandic Linguistic Purism" er sú stefna að koma í veg fyrir að ný lánsorð komi inn í tungumálið með því að búa til ný orð af forníslenskri og fornnorrænum rótum.
(Icelandic Linguistic Purism is a policy of discouraging new loanwords from entering the language, by creating new words from Old Icelandic and Old Norse roots.)

Þessi stefna á sér langa sögu frá 12. öld til dagsins í dag. Lýsa má stefnunni sem þjóðernishyggju í þeim tilgangi að varðveita og einangra íslenska tungu.
(This policy has a long history from the 12th century to present day. The policy can be described as nationalistic with the purpose of conserving and isolating the icelandic language.)


Íslenskur málpúrismi er þjóðernistrú til að losna við erlend áhrif á íslensku máli. Þessi hugmynd varð áberandi í íslensku þjóðernishreyfingunni og miðar að því að leysa eldri lánsorð af hólmi, einkum úr dönsku og í nútímanum einnig ensku. Hún er ríkjandi tungumálahugmyndafræði á Íslandi og er styrkt af íslenskum stjórnvöldum í gegnum Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Íslenskt málráð, Íslenska málssjóðinn og Dag íslenskrar tungu. Meginatriði þessarar stefnu er að viðhalda uppbyggingu tungumálsins og þróa orðaforða frekar svo hægt sé að nota tungumálið um hvaða efni sem er, sama hversu tæknilegt það er.
(Icelandic Linguistic Purism is the nationalistic believe to get rid of foreign influence in the icelandic language. This idea got prominent during the Icelandic national movement, aiming at replacing older loanwords, especially from Danish and in modern times also english. It's the dominant language ideology in Iceland and is supported by the government of iceland through the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, the Icelandic Language Council, the Icelandic Language Fund and an Icelandic Language Day. The main point of this policy is to maintain the structure of the language and develope the vocabulary further so the language can be used on any topic no matter how technical.)


Ofurpurismi er minni háttar hreyfing sem Jozef Braekmans stofnaði í kringum 1992 sem miðar að því að fjarlægja lánsorð úr íslensku nútímamáli og búa til ný hugtök fyrir öll söguleg lánsorð. Þessi nýja hugmynd um íslensku fékk nafnið háíslenska. Hreyfingin er ekki mjög farsæl á Íslandi.
(Ultrapurism is a minor movement started by Jozef Braekmans around 1992 aimed at removing loan words from the modern Icelandic language and creating new terms for all historical loan words. This new idea of icelandic was named High Icelandic or Hyper-Icelandic. The movement isn't very successful in Iceland.)


Early History

Fyrstu skref þessarar hreyfingar má finna um miðja 12. öld með fyrstu málfræðiritgerðinni sem hannaði stafróf fyrir tungumálið og lagði til aðskilda (ekki latneska) stafi fyrir sérkenndu íslensku hljóðin. Markmiðið var að gefa íslensku þjóðinni sitt eigið tungumál.
(The first steps of this movement can be found in the mid 12th century with the First Grammatical Treatise which designed an alphabet for the language and proposed separate (non-Latin) letters for the distinctive Icelandic sounds. The goal was to give the icelandic people a language of their own.)

18th and 19th Centuries

Það eru tveir helstu fræðimenn sem höfðu áhrif á hreyfinguna á 18. og 19. öld. Fyrstur maður var Eggert Ólafsson (1726–1768) sem orti ljóð þar sem hann persónugerði íslenska tungu sem konu sem hefur veikst af sýkingu af því að hafa of mörg erlend orð. Síðar gaf hann út orðabók þar sem hann lagði til stafsetningar- og hljóðfræðireglur. Hinn meiriháttar gaurinn er danski málfræðingurinn Rasmus Rask (1787–1832) sem tók saman fyrstu alvöru íslensku málfræðina, sem var mikið framfaraskref í samanburði við fyrri tilraunir. Hann neitaði að viðurkenna muninn á forn- og nútímaíslensku og var hræddur um að of mikill munur á þessu tvennu myndi draga úr áhuga á landinu og menningu þess. Þetta varð til þess að hann stofnaði Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag. Markmið þess var „að varðveita íslenska tungu og bókmenntir og þar með menningu og heiður landsins“.
(There are two major theorists that influenced the movement in the 18th and 19th century. The first person was Eggert Ólafsson (1726–1768) who wrote a poem in which he personified the icelandic language as a woman who has fallen ill through an infection through having too many foreign words. Later he puplished a dictionary in which he proposed orthographic and phonetic rules. The other major guy is the Danish linguist Rasmus Rask (1787–1832) compiled the first real Icelandic grammar, which was a huge step forward in comparison with earlier attempts. He refused to accept the differences between Old and Modern Icelandic and was afraid that a too great difference between the two would decrease the interest in the land and its culture. This lead him to create the Icelandic Literary Society, Hið íslenska bókmenntafélagið. Its goal was "to preserve the Icelandic language and literature and therewith the culture and the honour of the land".)

20th Century onwards

Þegar Ísland öðlaðist fullveldi árið 1918 hófst eftirlit stjórnvalda í málefnum. Árið 1951 hóf Orðabókanefnd Háskóla Íslands að gefa út lista yfir ný orð, sem markaði upphaf formlegrar ríkisstyrktar nýyrði. Árið 1965 stofnaði ríkisstjórn Íslands Íslenska málnefnd til að „leiðbeina ríkisstofnunum og almenningi í málefnum á fræðilegum grundvelli“. Hlutverk þeirrar nefndar er að skipta út nýjum lánsorðum fyrir nýyrði sem þau finna upp.
(When Iceland achieved sovereignty in 1918, government regulation of language matters began. In 1951 a Dictionary Committee of the University of Iceland began publishing lists of new words, marking the beginning of formal government sponsorship of neologisms. In 1965 the icelandic government established the Icelandic Language Committee to "guide government agencies and the general public in matters of language on a scholarly basis". The job of that committee is to replace new loan words with neologisms which they invent.)

Personality and Behavior

Icelandic Linguistic Purism is really passionate about the icelandic language. He never speaks another language besides icelandic and tries to not use any loan words of other languages.

How to Draw

Flag of Icelandic Linguistic Purism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Colour it in the icelandic blue.
  3. Draw a white upside down T.
  4. Draw in the white upside down T a smaller red upside down T.
  5. Add eyes and you're done!



  • Linguistic Nationalism - Our language is the most important part of out nationality!
  • Statism - Thank the state for putting institutions in place to pruify icelandic!


  • Linguistic Conservatism - Conserving the language is good... but you need to get more radical!
  • Traditionalism - As I said above old icelandic was great and all but we need neologisms for modern words!


Further Info

Recent changes

  • RealLibtard • 32 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 34 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 34 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 36 minutes ago