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Allendism (in Spanish: Allendismo) is a left-wing ideology originally from Chile, based on the thought of former Chilean president Salvador Allende. This ideology arises when the Popular Unity is created, a political coalition of different left-wing parties that governed Chile from 1970 to 1973, the year in which they would be overthrown by Pinochetism.


"Allendism" refers to the political period and ideology associated with Chilean President Salvador Allende, who was the first democratically elected socialist president in Latin America. The history of Allendism is closely linked to the political and social process that Chile experienced during the 1960s and early 1970s.

Salvador Allende, a physician and socialist politician, had been a presidential candidate three times before finally being elected in the 1970 presidential elections. In those elections, Allende led a coalition of left-wing parties known as the Popular Unity, which included the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, and other smaller parties.

Allende assumed the presidency on November 3, 1970, and began to implement a series of socialist and radical political reforms. His government sought to make significant changes in the country's economic and social structure, focusing on the nationalization of industries, wealth redistribution, and the implementation of social welfare policies.

Some of the landmark measures of Allende's government included the nationalization of copper mining and the banking industry, as well as agrarian reform, which aimed to redistribute land to peasants and improve their economic status. These policies faced strong opposition both domestically and internationally.

Political and economic tensions escalated during Allende's government, leading to growing polarization between left and right-wing sectors in Chile. The Chilean economy began to face difficulties, leading to shortages of basic goods and inflation.

On September 11, 1973, Allende's government came to an end amid a military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. The Armed Forces surrounded La Moneda Palace, and when Allende refused to surrender, a confrontation ensued, resulting in Allende's death. The coup marked the beginning of a military dictatorship that lasted until 1990.

Allendism left a complex legacy in Chile's history. For some, Allende is remembered as a leader committed to social justice and equality, while for others, he represents the political and economic instability that the country experienced during his government. Despite the debates and divided opinions, Allendism remains a relevant topic in Chile's political history and a significant milestone in the struggle for democracy and human rights in Latin America.

Chilean way to Socialism

Salvador Allende, leader of the Socialist Party of Chile, was elected as President of Chile in September 1970, becoming the first democratically elected socialist president in Latin America. During his electoral campaign, Allende proposed a series of radical reforms aimed at nationalizing key industries, redistributing wealth, and improving the living conditions of the poorest citizens.

His program was based on "socialism through democratic means," which meant implementing changes through democratic mechanisms while respecting the existing institutional framework. Allende sought cooperation from left-wing parties and the support of popular organizations to implement his ambitious government plan.

One of the central pillars of the Chilean Road to Socialism was the nationalization of key industries, such as copper mining, the banking sector, and electric companies. The idea was to have natural resources and means of production under state control to redistribute wealth and carry out policies for the benefit of the majority.

However, the implementation of these measures faced strong resistance both internally and externally. Allende's government encountered a series of challenges, including opposition from right-wing parties, entrepreneurs, conservative sectors of the military, and interference from the United States.

The Allende government was pressured by an economy in crisis, inflation, and shortages of basic goods. Additionally, the U.S. government, led by President Richard Nixon, was concerned about the spread of socialism in Latin America and sought to weaken Allende's government through covert actions, including supporting opposition groups.

Eventually, the political and economic crisis deepened, and on September 11, 1973, General Augusto Pinochet led a military coup with the support of armed forces and right-wing sectors. During the coup, the La Moneda Palace (government headquarters) was bombed, and Allende died in circumstances that are still unclear, although the official version is that he committed suicide to avoid capture.

The coup put an end to Allende's socialist experiment and brought the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet to power, which lasted until 1990. During the dictatorship, neoliberal policies were implemented, and opponents were repressed, leaving a legacy of human rights violations and deep divisions in Chilean society.

The experience of the Chilean Road to Socialism left a lasting impact on Chilean politics and society. Although Allende's government had a short duration, his legacy inspired left-wing movements and governments in Latin America and beyond, and his figure remains present in Chile's collective memory.


Allendism is friendly and kind, but hates those ideologies that generate chaos. Despite being a socialist, he does not seek an armed revolution. His main enemy is Pinochetism.

How to Draw

Flag of Allendism
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #FD0101 253, 1, 1
Black #000000 0, 0, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Blue #0101FD 1, 1, 253
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Draw a black cross.
  3. Paint the right side blue and the left side red.
  4. Draw a white U on the blue side and a white P on the red side.
  5. Draw the eyes and you're finished.
  6. Extra: You can add some glasses (that are similar to the ones Salvador Allende used).



  • Socialism - The best ideology in the world, together we will fight for social justice and defend the oppressed peoples!
  • Democratic Socialism - The best socialism in the world!
  • Castroism - Good Latin American friend, he supported me when the gringos wanted to overthrow me. Although you should be more democratic...
  • Chavismo - Another Latin American friend, although it is a shame that your country is going through a crisis.
  • Juan Velasco Thought - Yet another Latin American friend who helped me against American imperialism, he gave exile to my government's former officials after the 1973 coup and made Pinochetism piss of fear.
  • Democracy - The best way to get to power.
  • Cybercommunism - Project Cybersyn time!
  • Guevarism - I built my group of personal friends with some people who participated in the Ñancahuazú guerrilla.
  • Eugenicism - I supported it in my graduation thesis.


  • Social Democracy - It is not bad, but it is very moderate in my opinion.
  • Marxism–Leninism - Great ideology, but too authoritarian.
  • State Socialism - A good friend, and I agree that the state must intervene but still too authoritarian.
  • Market Socialism - Cybersyn's purpose was also to mantain worker's autonomy. We should promote industrial co-ops, or as I call them, "cordones industriales", but they should follow government's production plans.
  • Christian Democracy (before 1971) - Thanks for electing me in the congress to make Allende president and supporting copper nationalization, yet you were way too moderate with the Land Reform and too pro-USA.
  • Putinism - You were a friend of Castro and support left-wing nationalistic groups of Latin America. But you are still undemocratic dictator and capitalist who approved Pinochet and Friedman. Still don't understand why Castro liked you so much.


  • Capitalism - Damn pig, you only steal and create inequality, overthrow legitimate governments to impose dictatorships, you are the worst of the worst!
  • Fascism - You committed terrorist attacks during the Allende government, I WILL NEVER FORGET THE MURDER OF SCHNEIDER!
  • Neoliberalism - Get your stupid economic model out of my country, you fucking Chicago Boys!
  • Christian Democracy (after 1971) - You hate socialism and you supported the coup, fuck you!

Further Information


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