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Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Rocksmanylobsters's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Note: I am currently reading into situationism and metamodernism, so expect minor ideological changes soon.

Art by Hysteria.

"Everyone tries to make his life a work of art. We want love to last and we know that it does not last; even if, by some miracle, it were to last a whole lifetime, it would still be incomplete. Perhaps, in this insatiable need for perpetuation, we should better understand human suffering, if we knew that it was eternal. It appears that great minds are, sometimes, less horrified by suffering than by the fact that it does not endure. In default of inexhaustible happiness, eternal suffering would at least give us a destiny. But we do not even have that consolation, and our worst agonies come to an end one day. One morning, after many dark nights of despair, an irrepressible longing to live will announce to us the fact that all is finished and that suffering has no more meaning than happiness."

- Albert Camus, The Rebel
"Actions, circles of friends, social centres, urban guerrilla cells, magazine editorial groups, eco-warriors, housing co-ops, students, refuges, arsonists, parents, squats, scientists, peasants, strikers, teachers, land based communes, musicians, tribespeople, street gangs, loving insurgents and so, so much else. Anarchists can be wonderful. We can have beauty, and self-possessed power and possibility in buckets. We cannot, however, remake the entire world; there are not enough of us, and never will be."

- Anonymous, Desert

"Hierarchical institutions are like giant bulldozers - obedient to the whim of any fool that takes the controls ... Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."

- Edward Abbey, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

Rocksism is my self insert, a collection of my beliefs,
thoughts and opinions on different issues.
Feel free to comment or ask anything
(and add your score in the user test if you want to).

My icons are (///) or just ()


Civics and Organization

I am an anarchist. For me, anarchy is neither a doctrine, ideal or lifestyle, but rather a process, a mode of emancipation that is realized through the individual's acceptance of and defiance towards the absurdity of life and maintained through the "atheization" of its own (anarchist) politics, the rejection of their sacred and messianic elements. It is the rejection of class, capital, government and all other oppressive structures of the modern world. Moreso, I am a synthesis anarchist, meaning I oppose tight organization and support a diversified anarchist movement, in order to preserve individual autonomy and self-government, and to move as far away as possible from hierarchic systems. Contrary to many modern anarchists, I don't believe democracy, when completely direct (and when the communities in which it is practiced are completely voluntary) to be authoritarian and strongly advocate for communes and collectives within the anarchist movement to be loosely democratically organized (similarly to situationist councils for generalized self-management). Moreso, I am not a post-leftist, nor do I align myself with traditional left-anarchists, but instead position myself somewhere in the middle. While the flaws of the modern left are many, I believe little to nothing can be achieved without cooperation between anti- or post-left anarchists and the (anti-authoritarian) left, as well as compromise between their ideas.


I am anti-commodity (de-commodification of products, abolition of the value form) and anti-work (work as play, rejection of the work ethic), and support economics based on mutual aid, the reform of economic "norms" to progress past conventional economy (gift economics, library economics etc.), and in extention the replacement of capitalist social relations with non-capitalist (communist) ones, organic community planning ( Hood: "a natural and evolving process of organizing and making decisions within a community context"), creating instances of autonomy of labor from capital and economic flexibility and experimentation in different autonomous collectives and communities. I am also sympathetic towards (although not an advocate of) more classical, fixed forms of "anti-authoritarian" economics (such as mutualism, traditional libertarian communism, whatever this is etc.).

Philosophy and Society

Philosophically, I think I align most with optimistic nihilism or absurdism. In the way I perceive it, life is irrational and has no inherent meaning, but I find that to be a positive observation, since accepting it can encourage the individual to rebel against its absurdity and seek happiness in chasing their desires. I also believe that the human experience and, in extension, "reality", is subjective and unique to each individual, and agree with the constructivist notion that knowledge is constructed through experience and social discourse, as opposed to passively perceived, and that every human's behavior is shaped by their environment. I am neither a collectivist nor an individualist, as I believe there is no real distinction between the two, since society is itself a collection of individuals. I consider myself socially progressive, although I am strongly critical of the willingness of modern progressivism to cooperate with soulless corporations that identify with social issues to generate profit, as well as its hypocritical support for several "progressive" bourgeois institutions. I am progressive in the sense that I am for complete individual freedom.

Environment and Technology

I am a staunch environmentalist and a firm believer in social ecology, the idea that ecological problems are social problems, and that the harmful machinery of the state, capitalism and mass industry are primarily at fault for the current environmental crisis. Ideally, I would be in favor of a solarpunk-style society where technology and environment perfectly coalesce, but seeing as that is an impossible goal, I am supportive of an outlook similar to that of the post-civilization movement, based on the belief that civilization, the modern world's organizational structures and approach to culture, is unsustainable, and that we should move past it, not revert it.

Praxis and Methods

I believe that reform can accomplish very little in terms of altering the status quo, while also recognizing the impossibility of idealistic hopes for the "great proletarian world revolution". There is no transitional phase, no ideal to be immediately realized. Instead, I propose collective insurrection focused on decentralized attempts of land accumulation in the form of squats, loosely, informally organized communes and rural and urban autonomous zones, akin to autonomism, as well as personal (individual) insurrection through counter-culture and civil disobedience. I am not positive that a large scale anarchist society can be achieved in the present day, but such a revolt will allow for the people within these zones to live, "work" and associate as they please.

Additional Ideas


I believe that consecration, the action of, willingly or not, granting a value or idea “sacredness”, is the root of its subject’s corruption. The consecration of an idea grants it authority, the “freedom” to impose the will of its establisher upon others through either force (involuntary obedience to authority), or compromise (voluntary obedience to authority). Desire for authority creates structures of oppression, such as government, capital, organized religion, civilization and forced tradition, that assure, protect and further consecrate the oppressor (through the extension and systemization of authority) and slowly strengthen themselves, encrypt the oppressor's true cause and present it as logical, natural or practical, while simultaneously pacifying individuals that don't conform or contribute to it. I advocate for a path of de-consecration, through which we can transform life, politics and social relations into genuine, non-repressive and emancipatory concepts.

Subjective Anarchic Politics

I might work on this later. Shortly, I believe that politics, as most things, are always subjective, and nothing about them and their function can be absolute or known with certainty, and that their subjectivity must be embraced for the betterment of social conditions. I advocate an "anarchy of anarchy" , a progression from the inflexible ideas of many left and post-left anarchists towards a more playful conception of politics. I've begun reading into meta-anarchism, and I've found myself agreeing with many of its ideas. If anyone has any book recommendations related to it, feel free to mention them in the "recommendations" section. Thanks!

Communism as Economic Anarchy



I enjoy retrofuturist aesthetics, especially solarpunk and lunarpunk, and, to an extent, revivalism. I also like surrealism and psychedelica.



  • Anonymous - Desert
  • Murray Bookchin - The Ecology of Freedom
  • Murray Bookchin, Janet Biehl - The Politics of Social Ecology
  • Alfredo Bonnano - Armed Joy
  • Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus
  • Albert Camus - The Rebel
  • David Graeber - Are You An Anarchist?
  • Hostis - A Short Introduction to the Politics of Cruelty
  • Peter Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread
  • Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels - Manifesto of the Communist Party
  • Abdullah Ocalan - Democratic Confederalism
  • Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness - Post-Civ!
  • Lao Tzu - Tao Te Qing
  • Meadow Vitale - Bright Melancholia
  • Volin - Synthesis (Anarchist)
  • Volin - The Unknown Revolution


  • Bob Black - Anarchy After Leftism

Want to Read

  • Georges Bataille - The Accursed Share: An Essay on General Economy
  • Mikhail Bakunin - God and the State
  • Mikhail Bakunin - Statism and Anarchy
  • Hakim Bey - Temporary Autonomous Zones
  • Murray Bookchin - Post Scarcity Anarchism
  • Bob Black - The Abolition of Work
  • CCRU - Ccru Collected Works 1997-2003
  • Invisible Committee - The Coming Insurrection
  • Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle
  • Antonio Gramsci - The Prison Notebooks
  • For Ourselves - The Right to Be Greedy
  • Raoul Vaneigem - The Revolution of Everyday Life
  • Jean Pierre Voyer - It's Crazy How Many Things Don't Exist
  • Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?
  • Emma Goldman - Anarchism and Other Essays
  • Emma Goldman - Living My Life
  • Evan Jack - A Farewell to Post Left Anarchy
  • Ted Kaczynski - Industrial Society and its Future
  • Peter Kropotkin - Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
  • Jason McQuinn - Against Organizationalism
  • Pierre Joseph Proudhon - What is Property?
  • Max Stirner - The Ego and Its Own
  • Henry David Thoreau - Walden
  • Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari - Capitalism and Schizophrenia


  • Stuff Phill Tchaikovsky Plans to Read
    • The Storm of Steel
    • Eumsewil
  • Heredy's Suggestions
    • Anti-Dühring
    • Left Anti-Communism: The Unkindest Cut
  • Nurisk
    • The Fourth Political Theory
    • Political Platonism
    • Chaosophy
    • Alexander Dugin: Theorist of Communisation?
  • Vistula's Random Ass Suggestions
    • The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto
    • Acid Communism
    • Why Marx Was Right and Ideology: An Introduction
    • Capitalism and Desire
  • Hood's Basics Books
    • Unique and its Property
    • Workers and Capital
    • On the Genealogy of Morality
    • The Democratic Mystification



Early days of politics. + +
The people's opportunism. + +
Dae Marxism is when free healthcare? + +
Settled on democratic socialism. Joined PCBA. + +
Read Bookchin, became libertarian. + +
Became a "social anarchist". + +
Joined FPCB. Basically just rebranded. + +
Me now. + +

User Test

I renewed the user test. You can redo it here if you would be so inclined.


Brazilian Liberalism - Typical liberal. Nationalism and the borderline surveillance state you advocate makes it way worse too. Not good.

Romantic Egoism - Insurrection, anarchy and individualism are great. Romanticism is cool, and so are anti-capitalist markets (barter though? eh). Bourgeois class denial? What?

Neocarlism - Fascist detected opinion rejected. Syndicalism is okay, Ark is a good game.

Hysteria Thought - Anarcho-capitalism on LSD. Anarchy and individualism are great. Capitalism is not, although it's cool you are positive towards a gift economy, and I am confused about the anti-environmentalism. Your art is also fucking amazing, and your writings are VERY interesting.

Theoanarchism - Anarchy and queer liberation are great, panarchy is interesting. I don't like the death obsession. I really don't like the raging racism, and that's an understatement.

Radenism - Nationalist, conservative, quasi-fascist authoritarian monarchist. No.

Dokevism - Collectivist economics and progressivism are cool, and so is indigenism. Reformism is ineffective, Capitalism sucks (the georgism makes it slightly better) and we differ greatly on the civic axis. You seem well-intentioned, I suggest you read a bit of anarchist theory.

Lehianism - Authoritarian, ultramilitaristic Zionist and an avid supporter of ethnic cleansing (it's literally the first thing mentioned in your page). There is pretty much nothing I agree with here (which is not surprising, considering you believe, and I quote, "all anarchists are antisemites").

Post-Jefbolism - Anarchism and communism are great, egoism is kinda cool, post-structuralism and accelerationism I don't know enough about. That wall of text on your page is cool as fuck.

Proletariat Builderism - Anti economics? Good. Autonomism? Great. A gift economy and the synthesis of individual and collective? Fucking amazing. Extreme cultural reactionarism? What the fuck. If you were to just drop the racism (I don't think that's too much to ask for) this would be a great ideology.

Lankajori Thought - Conservatism, capitalism and anti-democracy are not so great. Your civics are good, environmentalism too.

Nuriskianism - I don't understand. I genuinely don't.

Yoda8soup Thought - Socially and economically fantastic, and environmentalism is great too. Our civics differ significantly but our values very much align, and I love your philosophical influences as well. Other than that, you were one of my first friends on the wiki, have influenced me very much in the past, and are terribly nice!

Mindform Anarchism - Individualism, anarchy and anti-capitalism are fantastic and frontierism is very interesting. I also like your synthesis of progress and tradition. Post-humanism is not exactly ideal for me. Overall great.

Resnaisisme - Race anarchism? What? Civics are good, economics are okay, socially fucking horrible. Why do you deny being a reactionary?

Sapismo - Liberal capitalist. Ecology is cool.

N.Cortexism - Fake "progressive", neoliberal imperialist cop nut and genocide supporter. In short, no.

N.Brioism - Authoritarian tankie scum. Indigenism is good.

Great British New Left - The main thing we disagree on is civics and praxis. I believe the (albeit socialist) state remains a hierarchy to abolish and though I find both electoralism and revolution to be ineffective or idealistic means of bringing about change, I appreciate your devotion to them. Your market socialism sounds nice, your situationism is respectable, and overall you seem very intelligent, collected and well-intentioned. I haven't gotten to read Fisher yet, which I regret. If only all left-reformists were like you and Yoda and not self-denying liberals.

Baxism - I'm not a fan of eugenics or your authoritarian directed socialist transitional state. Councils are fine, and I like that your end goal is anarchy. I don't think nationalism is liberatory. Other than that, I really like your philosophy and social views, and it's great that you've become more democratic.

Luisism - Nationalist, authoritarian, reactionary and theocratic. We have no beliefs in common. Distributism is ok.

Carcosan Communism - I agree, mostly, with your goals and beliefs. I like insurrection, communism, anarchy, surrealism, destruction of technocapital and so forth. I like communization, though I disagree with some aspects of it (mainly the rejection of autonomous zones and the Marx fetishization).

Dankeism - Center left demsoc. Aside from obvious disagreements (the state, praxis) you seem well-intentioned. You should read into anarchism.

HelloThere314ism - Anarchy, progress, insurrection and communism (actual communism) are fantastic. I'm not an egoist, but the rest I pretty much completely agree with. I hope your music taste has stayed the same.

Venatrixism - We almost perfectly align in regards to civics and economics, and I borrowed a lot from you in regards to the latter. I also like individualism and your philosophy (though I am skeptical of nihilism and sadism). Otherwise just your average communizer, and overall great.

Hyperfascism - Fascist. Hyper one, too. I disagree boldly with everything on your page, except maybe your appeal to non-Marxist socialism.

Shellshocked Communism - Still way too complex and philosophical for me to understand (for now). I love the unconventional libertarian communism, as well as communization and your advocacy of "technology as a summoning-tool". I am not a fan of too much workerism, but an unlabeled, present blend of left and post-left ideas is something I am 100% for. You also seem to be partial to flexibility and experimentation in politics, which is something I highly advocate. Overall fantastic, as before, coolass icon too.

DECBism - Liberal capitalist, Zionist and nationalist, therefore no. Liberal "progressivism" is not progressivism, but it's better than being reactionary or something I guess.

Imperial Socialism - Honest MLism. Not at all a big fan of your civics and diplomacy, which seem to be integral to your ideology. Economics are good and I like that you have similar views to me regarding the environment and technology.

Post-Marijuanarchy - Not that much has changed, I really like most aspects of your philosophy, such as absurdism, Taoism, irrationalism and situationism, though some I must read more into to understand. I also like your idea of omnipresent anarchy, as well as agree with your theory of "Leviathans all the way down", which, if I understood correctly, is the belief that hierarchies are inherent in most structures of the modern world, and that each individual must choose which, for them, are to be rejected. I am skeptical of your "post-praxis", since I believe in aiming for the betterment of certain conditions. I do not reject goals or progress, I simply believe the individual (and in extension, the collective) must realize the subjectivity of such ideals in order to avoid their corruption. Overall great, and with interesting ideas.

New Baxism - You're now a liberal? And also extremely fucking rude? I sincerely hope this is LARP. Also, "post-Locke"? Is this just so the page wouldn't just be called "liberalism"?


Don't worry if it takes time for me to add you, I'm probably just lazy. I will soon.