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PCBaller World Mirror/Europe

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For more info see: PCBaller World/Polish Social Nationalist Republic

Joint Polish-Russian military operation
Picture of Warsaw showing the three main mega metro stations (Lwowska, Krakowska, Gdańska) taken by a drone.
Polish-made propaganda depicting the shared Anti-American sentiment with North Germany.

The Polish Social Nationalist Republic is a eastern European state led by Hubert Ziółkowski and his Social Nationalist regime.
It is an authoritarian and traditional state which had made deals with the Germans and Russians for land exchange in the past. It came about after the collapse of the Russian Federation and the 13 day civil war and subsequent Ziółkowski coup caused by the government ditching panslavic policies 2 years after the victory of the NUP-Konfederacja coalition which was caused by a mixture of growing anti-ukrainian sentiment, economic slowdown, the collapse of the United states and undisclosed foreign funding.
Poland is quite developed with an average of 0.890 HDI, except in the south east where it is 0.770 as after the initial revolution it had faced only two land wars in the name of the 13 day civil war and the eastern crisis, as well as the system of Fiscal Federalism allowing for Urban centers to develop rapidly from trade with industrial centers. Poland despite the lack of a larger threat at the time invested into its military industry heavily, this leads to Poland possesing a large land force as well as a healthy pool of war profiteering. Poland also is in the late stages of robotising its land forces.
In terms of Society Poland is a traditionalist state with rigid social structure and gender norms as well as highly collectivist and nationalistic norms, a lot of social norms are mandated top down from the central government and the constitution. Poland tries to balance futurism with tradition wanting for people to have access to nature but also to a comfortable living and so its cities use traditional architecture and large national parks mixed with skyscrapers and neon lights which ends up being an interesting aesthetic akin to the video game atomic heart.
Poland has a small number of nuclear misslies which it bought off from the Russians long time ago. Domestically Poland uses nuclear energy and is in the process starting domestic producation of nuclear missilies.
The Polish Social Nationalist Republic is devided into 29 voivodeships and 5 Krajs. Poland has a population of 43 Milion. Warsaw is the nation's capital and largest metropolis. Other major cities include Kraków, Kaliningrad, Klajpeda, Poznań, Gdańsk, and Lwów.
The Polish armed forces are composed of eight branches; the land forces, the air forces, the naval forces, the special forces, the anti-terrorism forces, the border guard, the Zabójcy zła and the nuclear forces. The Military is subordinate to the Minister of war and the Kultokrat jointly. Polish military tradition is generally commemorated by the Armed Forces Day, celebrated annually on 15 August. As of present, the Polish Armed Forces have a combined strength of 680,345 active soldiers, with a further 650,230 active in the ZZ and the border guard.
However its situation is a precarious one, and the death of its supreme leader - the Kultokrat - may lead the country into times of instability, not to mention the growing influence of the ZZ paramilitary group. A civil war would sure be messy, but our Kultokrat would never allow such a thing to happen!

Polish Social Nationalist Republic
Polska Rzeczpospolita Socjalno-Nacjonalistyczna

  • Motto: Work, Thought and Blood for Fatherland.
  • Anthem: Ukochany Kraj
  • Capital: Warszawa
  • Demonym: Polish
  • Languages:Polish (official), Russian (Secondary Administrative Language)
    • Recognized minorities
      Kashubian, Silesian, Rusyn, German, Belarussian, Pomorskitong
  • Banned Languages: English, Hebrew, Yiddish, Ukrainian
  • Official Religion: Catholicism, Sedevacantism.
  • Government: Semi-Federal Semi-Parliamentary Authoritarian Republic.
  • Kultokrat: Hubert Ziółkowski
  • Minister of Economy: Maciej Poterek
  • Minister of War: Witold Baśiński
  • Inteligence Agency: The United Ministerial-ZZ staff against interior and external threats
  • Democracy Index: 2.65
  • Population: 43,476,252
  • HDI: 0.890
  • Code: PL


Banned Groups

  • Liberationist Group
    wants to legalise homosexual acts in public. Protests and pride marches are banned - imprisonment
  • Prawo i Sprawiedliwość
    Wants to restore 'western focus' in Poland. Protests and pro-pis speech is banned - imprisonment
  • Association of Polish Femboys
    Wants to legalise crossdressing. Protests and pride marches are banned - imprisonment
  • Neo-Banderists
    Wants to create an independent Ukrainian state, extremists also want to clense Poles from the territories. Protests and speech is banned - death penalty, vigilante justice allowed
  • ANTIFA and the Polish United Front
    Opposes 'fascist elements' within the Polish government. Protests and organisation is banned - imprisonment

Pressure Groups


  • Independents and Appointed members (17/513)
  • Minister of Economy (1/513)
  • Non-Functional (34/513)

Advisory Board

PSNR Advisory Board


  • Alliance: The New Warsaw Pact
  • Economic-Orgs: CECA - Central European Commerce Authority
  • Political-Orgs: AltUN - Alternative United Nations
  • Additional-Orgs:
    • Zgorzelec Climate Treaty
    • The Treaty of Friendship, conciliation and arbitration between Hungary and Poland
    • Treaty of Friendship between the Polish Social Nationalist Republic and the Catholic Kingdom of Cuba
    • The Demilitarization and Preservation Pact
    • Treaty of Chicago
    • Treaty of Zgorzelec
  • Upholding the Delicate Balance

Poland is an interventionist power who involves itself in international relations for the purpose of universial nationalism. After the collapse of the United States, Russia and China it has seen itself in a confusing situation considering majority of its objectives to be fullfilled. Poland nowadays focuses on preventing a big war from breaking out as it has obligations to multiple countries which it has made pacts with and doesnt intend for these articles to ever come into play, instead Poland is frequently involved in proxy conflicts against those whom may want to restore any form of the old westernism and funds resistance groups in the hispaniola rival government.

  • Republic of Sorbia, Republika Serbołużycka
    Polish-Sorbian relations have a complicated history, starting off with a tense atmosphere due to the exile but evolving into a generally amicable relationship. Sorbia's reliance on Poland for trade, visa issuance, and a mutual defense treaty has led some to view Sorbia as a puppet state, although the situation is far more nuanced. Any diplomatic discussions between Sorbia and Germany have always passed through Poland. Despite generally positive relations, Poland regards the Wielkopolska province as its core territory and may seize any opportunity to pressure the Sorbian government to return it. Poland also maintains a mutual defense treaty with North Germany, resulting in frequent incidents where Poland must intervene to prevent a potential escalation to war.
    - Diplomatic operation
  • North German People's State, Północnoniemieckie państwo ludowe
    Polish-North German relations are characterized by overall positivity, with both nations enjoying strong trade ties and no official disputes. They are also bound by a mutual defense pact fueled by their shared anti-American sentiment. Despite these favorable relations, some Poles still harbor nostalgia for Pomerania, and there exist certain ideological differences between the two countries.
    - Diplomatic operation
  • Republic of Lebanon, Republika Libanu
    Polish-Lebanese relations are highly strained, with both countries harboring deep-seated mutual fundamental disagreements and animosity. Each regards the other as an illegitimate government, resulting in the imposition of reciprocal embargoes.
    - Chargé d'affaire operation
  • National Republic of Hungary, Węgierska Republika Narodowa
    Despite some ideological disagreements, Hungary maintains positive relations with Poland. Both countries share a border with Romania, which has led to the establishment of The Treaty of Friendship, Conciliation, and Arbitration between Hungary and Poland. Moreover, Poland supports Hungary's claims on Carpatho-Ruthenia. The two nations enjoy robust trade relations, with Polish military industry supplying arms to some of the small Hungarian forces. Hungary has also contributed to the resolution of the eastern crisis, further enhancing its image in the eyes of the Polish public. Additionally, Poland views Hungary as a potential mediator in resolving disputes with hostile countries, thereby ensuring Polish independence and safety. Hungary is also seen as a gateway to détente with Byzantium by the Polish government.
    - Diplomatic operation
  • Dacian Confederation, Konfederacja Daków
    Poland's relationship with Dacia can be described as contentious due to differing geopolitical interests. Poland supports Hungarian claims on Carpatho-Ruthenia and Transylvania, and seeks to secure the liberation of Transnistria from what it views as an oppressive, anti-Russian regime, Bucovina and Chernivtsi would be nice to annex too
    - Chargé d'affaire operation
  • Polish Republic of Hispaniola, Polska Hiszpaniola
    Polish-Hispaniolan relations are comparable to the former Chinese-Taiwanese relations. Poland regards Hispaniola as a treacherous, escaped puppet government of the United States. The geographical distance between the two countries has led to limited interaction between them. Both claim to be the legitimate government of Poland, further complicating their relationship.
    - De facto operation, no de jure
  • European Commonwealth, Wspólnota Europejska
    Poland views the European Commonwealth as an obsolete holdover from a previous era, and does not consider its existence to be of significant consequence. Despite this, effors at detente have bagan and Poland doesnt delegitimise the EC anymore.
    - Chargé d'affaire operation
  • The Sacred Kingdom of Sweden, Święte Królestwo Szwecji
    Poland holds Sweden in high regard, for we see many similarities between our governments. Since the peaceful resolution of the Norwegian-Swedish conflict, we have been able to foster a relationship of dialogue and camaraderie with our Scandinavian neighbor. Though it is regrettable that Sweden was not admitted into the New Warsaw Pact, we uphold the democratic principles on which the organization was founded and shall not contest its decision.
    - Envoy operation
  • Islamic Emirate of Finland , Islamski Emirat Finlandii
    In spite of the contrasting religious beliefs between Catholic Poland and Islamic Finland, these two nations have formed a close bond since their diplomatic ties were established. As fellow members of the New Warsaw Pact, they share a mutual vision for the future, uniting under the banner of progress and prosperity. For some time, Poland played an instrumental role in bolstering the Finnish military with essential armaments, until the veil of terrorism descended upon Poland, severing their strategic access to Minsk. Despite this setback, the enduring spirit of camaraderie between these two countries remains unbroken.
    - Diplomatic operation
  • Liberal Federation of America, Liberalna Federacja Ameryki
    Poland views the Liberal Federation of America (LFA) as the primary instigator of hostility against the country in the American continent, with a reluctance to engage in negotiations. The Kultokrat has been cited as stating, "The most favorable outcome would be the direct annexation of the Liberal Federation of America into Greater Illinois." The LFA's unwavering support for the FRWPIL has been met with significant criticism.
    - Chargé d'affaire operation
  • Greater Illinois, Wielkie Illinois
    In a remarkable development, the bilateral relationship between Poland and Greater Illinois has undergone a significant shift, with the signing of the Treaty of Chicago marking a significant milestone. Poland's foreign policy objectives, which previously centered on seeking reparations and retribution from the successor state of the United States, have now shifted towards fostering a mutually beneficial relationship characterized by peaceful coexistence. As a result, the Polish market has experienced an influx of Greater Illinois goods, and cooperation between the two nations has significantly improved, particularly with regards to addressing the ongoing Eastern Crisis.
    - Diplomatic operation
  • Ruthenian Social Nationalist Republic, Ruska Socjalno-Nacjonalistyczna Republika
    Our relationship with Ruthenia has often been subject to misconceptions and stereotypes, suggesting a negative perception of the Ruthenian people by the Polish government. However, it is essential to clarify that such notions were merely humorous anecdotes and not reflective of the actual situation. We aspire to foster a positive rapport with Ruthenia, envisioning their potential membership in the CECA and the cultivation of amicable relations. In particular, we look forward to engaging with the Ruthenian Social Nationalist Party and its endeavors to promote a favorable perspective towards Poland among the Ruthenian populace. It is our hope that through these efforts, a sense of mutual understanding and friendship can be nurtured between our nations.
    - Envoy operation
  • Byzantium, Bizancjum
    We endeavored to engage in dialogue with the Byzantines by way of Hungary, in a pursuit of détente, but our efforts were met with rejection from the puritanical regime. The moral-based government of Poland takes issue with Byzantium's policies of transhumanism and their emphasis on individualism, which has led to an unwarranted expansion of freedoms. We remain concerned about the wellbeing of the Greek and Turkish people who live under an immoral regime. Nevertheless, we sought to approach the government in the spirit of peace and the prosperity of Europe. Unfortunately, Byzantium has expressed support for the terrorists in the east whom we have dubbed the stubborn child of Europe. Despite this, we remain open to the possibility of amending hostilities, but the Byzantines must first disengage from their involvement in our internal terrorism issues.
    - Envoy operation
  • New Kashubia, Nowe Kaszuby
    Poland and New Kashubia maintain cordial relations, with Poland viewing the latter as a colonial endeavor rather than a rival government. Both nations engage in frequent student exchange programs, with Kashubia Kraj being the main participant, and visa-free travel is permitted between the two. It should be noted that the visa-free arrangement only applies to Kashubia Kraj and not the entirety of Poland. Poland exports military equipment to New Kashubia and provides financial support to sustain the fledgling state's military.
    - Envoy operation
  • National Norwegian Peoples Republic, Narodowa Norweska Republika Ludowa
    The relationship between Poland and the National Norwegian Peoples Republic was once robust; however, over time, it began to show signs of strain, primarily due to Norway-Sweden's alignment with Greater Illinois in terms of military power. Nevertheless, as Greater Illinois pursued détente with Poland, and the Norwegian-Swedish discord was resolved, a renewed sense of camaraderie has flourished between our nations. Norway-Sweden has reengaged with the New Warsaw Pact and has committed essential support to our joint efforts in combating terrorism. It appears as though both nations have rekindled the essence that initially brought them together—a bond transcending politics and borders, underscoring a shared commitment to advancing prosperity in Europe.
    - Diplomatic operation
  • Libertine Republic of Czechoslovakia, Libertyńska Republika Czechosłowacji
    Poland expresses its desire to gather more information about Czechoslovakia before committing to any agreements or treaties. However, in general, Poland maintains an optimistic view towards Czechoslovakia and would like to establish friendly trade and political relations with the country.
    - Envoy operation
  • Peoples Republic of Korea, Koreańska Republika Ludowa
    Following the ratification of the Treaty of Chicago, which established a framework for mutually beneficial cooperation between Poland and Korea, the two nations have embarked on a robust and fruitful trading relationship. Notably, the Kultokrat has visited Korea establishing defense and cultural cooperation.
    - Envoy operation
  • China , Chiny
    Poland maintains a neutral stance with regards to the One China policy. The Polish government perceives China as being in a state of civil war, recognizing that all factions involved have the potential to achieve victory. However, when the term "China" is mentioned among the Polish public, it often evokes thoughts of the Empire of China led by General Gao. Poland has historically maintained strong relations with the Empire of China due to its significant size and potential compared to other Chinese factions. The Polish state sought alliances with nationalist states as a means of countering Western influence, leading to a secret alliance between the North Western Imperium, the Polish Social Nationalist Republic (PSNR), and the Empire of China prior to the signing of the Treaty of Chicago. While the alliance organization remains in existence today, its impact has diminished over time, and it primarily assists in the coordination of the Global Nationalist group. In recent years, Poland has fostered closer and more friendly ties with the Republic of Guangdong. Although Poland does not officially recognize Guangdong as an independent state or the representative of China, it acknowledges Guangdong's sovereignty and seeks to establish a mutually beneficial economic and military pact. Another Chinese state that Poland maintains a favorable relationship with is Social China. Despite limited interactions, Social China is widely recognized by the Polish public as the second most prominent Chinese state and is sometimes even depicted on maps, unlike other warlord factions. Poland views Social China as a continuation of the People's Republic of China, which the PSNR had previously allied with prior to the Chinese invasion of Kazakhstan. Poland is open to cooperating with Social China, and the Eastern Bloc countries' existing relationships with Social China have contributed to fostering closer ties with Poland. However, Poland does not recognize the Republic of China or the Republic of Taiwan in any capacity, considering them to be separatist provinces of the Empire of China. Relations between Poland and these entities are strained due to their Western-oriented outlook and liberal policies and government systems.
    - Three China Policy
  • The Divine Holy Order Of Indonesia Imperium, Boski i Święty Zakon Imperium Indonezji
    The Polish government maintains reservations about Indonesia's governance practices and perceives its populace as subject to oppression. Nevertheless, in the interest of pragmatic foreign relations, Poland maintains ties with Indonesia. The relationship between the two nations is marked by a high degree of secrecy, with little information made public about their interactions. Notably, there have been two Kultokratic visits by Ziółkowski to Indonesia, though the details of these meetings remain undisclosed.
    - Diplomatic operation
  • Worker's Commune of Arimexico, Komuna Robotnicza Arymeksyku
    Poland and Arimexico enjoy a cooperative relationship as both nations are members of the New Warsaw Pact. Poland engages in the export of goods to Arimexico, which is conducted seamlessly without any impediments.
    - Envoy operation
  • The Northwestern Imperium, Północno-Zachodnie Imperium
    Poland holds a favorable view towards California and supports its territorial claims. The country is also a significant importer of Polish military and consumer goods. Poland regards California a preferable option compared to potential American unifiers. Furthermore, both nations are affiliated with an undisclosed international organization.
    - Diplomatic operation
  • BosWash Megalopolis, Bosłasz Megapolis
    The diplomatic ties between the BosWash Megalopolis and Poland have been severed, and despite the disbandment of the Warsaw government in exile, the Polish administration remains reticent to engage in dialogue with the BosWash Megalopolis President, instead recognizing it as an integral part of Greater Illinois.
    - Formerly Diplomatic operation, now de facto operation, no de jure operation
  • Argentina, Argentyna Wielka
    Poland considers Argentina a natural ally as it shares a Russophile stance. In this regard, Poland provides the Argentine government with arms and is interested in establishing special trade and defense agreements, as well as cultural exchanges and visa-free travel programs, and cross-university programs. The aim of these initiatives is to build a friendly relationship between Poland and Argentina, in the southern region of the new world, so that Polish trade can flow to the Northwestern Imperium with ease. Furthermore, Poland perceives Argentina as a potential counterbalance to Illinois and an additional partner with whom they can engage in mutual protection. Please message me on discord!
    - Diplomatic operation
  • East California, Wschodnia Kalifornia
    Poland regards East California in a positive light, given their robust trading partnership in consumer goods. Moreover, the shared membership in the New Warsaw Pact further strengthens the diplomatic relations between the two nations.
    - Envoy Operation
  • South Brazil, Południowa Brazylia
    Poland has been extending its assistance to the Christian Nationalist/Neo-Integralist Aktion in maintaining its stronghold and expanding its influence within South Brazil. The ZZ sector of Brazil has been active in recruiting members from the party to participate in special missions in South America. In addition, Poland has dispatched police and GS personnel to support the Integralists in stabilizing the situation.
    - Envoy Operation
  • United Collectives of Dixie, Zjednoczone Kolektywy Diksi
    Poland is actively seeking to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with Dixie, as the country is committed to promoting stability and prosperity throughout the region. The Polish government recognizes the importance of maintaining positive diplomatic ties with Dixie and looks forward to exploring opportunities for collaboration and partnership in various areas of mutual interest.
    - Envoy Operation
  • Democratic People's Republic of Lettistan, Demokratyczna Republika Ludowa Lettistanu
    Poland is keen on promoting cordial relations with Lettistan, viewing its chosen governmental model as the best suited for its people and the region. As such, Poland extends an invitation for Lettistan to apply for membership in the New Warsaw Pact, working jointly to combat imperialist agendas that seek to turn Lettistan into a mere resource extraction site.
    - Envoy Operation
  • Union of Neo-Soviet Republics, związek neoradzieckich republik
    It is difficult to express the depth of integration, shared goals, and mutual respect between Poland and the Soviet Union in a few words. The bond between our nations is one of true friendship, with the Kultokrat visiting the glorious country on non-state visits almost at every opportunity. As founding members of the New Warsaw Pact, Poland and the Soviet Union work hand in hand to maintain peace and prosperity in the world, and to fight off rabid imperialism both at home and abroad.
    The Kultokrat's deep love for the Russian people, culture, and history has fostered this relationship, and the Kultokrat has been known to say, "If I had not married Kaido, I would have married Russia." Although like all relationships, it has not been without its challenges. Poland has saved former Russian president Vladimir Putin during the Russian Revolution and let him live until his death in Grodno. Meanwhile, the Polish kraj of Kaliningrad, which was formerly Russian, has posed some minor disputes. Still, we are delighted that the Neo-Soviet Union acknowledges that using symbols of the Russian Federation, the Russian Empire, and other Russian polities in Poland is not an endorsement of those regimes but rather a part of Polish culture.
    Overcoming these differences has only strengthened the bond between Poland and the Soviet Union. Despite the past and the challenges, our nations remain united, committed to working together as brothers and sisters, and writing new pages in our shared history.
    - Diplomatic Operation
  • South Swedish Reich, Południowa Rzesza Szwedzka
    Poland and South Sweden enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship based on shared geopolitical objectives and a history of cooperation. Poland played a key role in the establishment of South Sweden, and since then, the two nations have engaged in joint military training and exercises. This partnership underscores the commitment of both nations to maintain regional stability and security.
    - Diplomatic Operation
  • Kingdom of Austria, Królestwo Austrii
    Poland openly acknowledges the active involvement of ZZ (Zabójcy Zła) in the Austrian region, with the aim of supporting the emancipation of the opressed population from its oppressive matriarchal government. Alongside ZZ, there exists a cooperative relationship with a faction called "Me and the Boys," working in tandem to achieve shared objectives. Additionally, ZZ operates a subsidiary known as "Mörder des Bösen in Österreich" (MBÖ), which specifically focuses on this endeavor. As a demonstration of our firm stance, Poland has implemented a trade embargo against Austria, and on occasion, conducts airspace violations to assert our military capabilities and serve as a reminder to the Austrian administration to not cross the line.
    - de facto operation, not de jure operation
  • Federal Republic of Germany, Republika Federalna Niemiec
    Poland's diplomatic ties with the Federal Republic of Germany are currently strained, characterized by a lack of substantial engagement. The Polish government expresses reservations towards the progressive and Western-oriented policies pursued by the German state. Within Polish society and government, there is an ongoing debate regarding the status of the modern Federal Republic of Germany as a successor to the pre-collapse Federal Republic. This discourse delves into the implications of endorsing a specific position on our relations with various states. Some discussions even question the legitimacy of the Federal Republic of Germany as an independent state, given the intricate and legally complex situation of German states.
    - de facto operation, not de jure operation
  • Free Socialist Council Republic of Bavaria, Wolna Rada Socjalistyczna Republiki Bawarii
    The bilateral relations between Poland and Bavaria lack noteworthy elements of interest. Poland has stationed an ambassador in Munich, a measure taken in response to previous heightened tensions with Greater Illinois. Presently, no formal organizations, treaties, or substantial shared interests exist between the two entities. Nonetheless, it is important to note that the absence of such engagements does not imply negative relations, as Poland maintains a positive yet indifferent stance towards Bavaria.
    - Chargé d'affaire operation
  • Icelandic Aryan Commonwealth, Islandzka Wspólnota Aryjska
    The Polish government has made no proactive efforts to establish diplomatic relations with Iceland, as there is mutual disinterest between the two nations. Poland openly criticizes Iceland's racialist and anti-Slavic views and structures, but given the absence of Slavic populations within Icelandic territories, these policies remain largely rhetorical and do not warrant any substantial action beyond condemnation. Moreover, there exists a prevailing tendency in Poland to perceive Iceland as non-European due to its isolationist stance and geographical distance from other European countries. This perception is convenient, as it absolves Poland from any technical obligation to defend Iceland despite its rhetoric of being the protector of Europe.
    - de facto operation, not de jure operation
  • Commonwealth of England, Wspólnota Anglii
    While Poland generally maintains limited involvement with England, it is openly acknowledged by the Polish leadership that the administration and society are supportive of the concept of Welsh independence and the establishment of a sovereign Welsh state. Furthermore, continuous efforts are made to encourage the Polish diaspora residing in England to return to their homeland. These endeavors have yielded partial success, with 15% of the diaspora having repatriated. However, the remaining 85% who remain in England remain a matter of concern for Poland.
    - Envoy Operation
  • Federated Communes of Siberia, Federacyjne Komuny Syberii
    The successful implementation of the Demilitarization and Preservation Pact marks a significant achievement for our administration and our strategic geopolitical approach. Through this agreement, we have secured two unpopulated islands in Siberia for future colonization purposes, while simultaneously ensuring the safeguarding of the Russian population residing in Siberia. In reciprocal terms, we have facilitated Siberia's entry into the Comecon and initiated the withdrawal of the ZZ from Siberian territories.
    - Chargé d'affaire operation
  • Scottish Lowlands, Szkockie Niziny
    It is undeniable that Poland has engaged in the procurement of Scottish services in the past, and it continues to do so at present. Specifically, there is one pernament contract that is aimed at Austria. The relationship between Poland and the Scottish lowlands can be characterized as strictly business-oriented.
    - Envoy Operation
  • East Greenland, Wschodnia Grenlandia
    Poland has entered into a bilateral mutual defence pact with East Greenland in response to their request for cooperation. While Poland identifies as a Catholic nation, it maintains a stance of neutrality towards the religious practices observed in East Greenland, recognizing that they may differ from its own traditions. Poland anticipates the future integration of East Greenland into international organizations in which Poland already holds membership.
    - Envoy Operation
  • Combined Network of Japan, Połączona sieć Japonii
    Poland maintains a stance of non-recognition towards the current government in Japan and instead engages with the Japanese government in exile. However, the Polish government actively cultivates relations with specific traditional and nationalistic patches, investing in their development. The Kultokrat of Poland has maintained strong ties with Japanese nationalist organizations, which were established during his tenure as the Polish ambassador to Japan from 2023 to 2024. The Polish government provides financial support to these organizations and their initiatives. Additionally, "ZZ Japan" operates in certain patches, collaborating with local governments to advance Japanese nationalism. Poland has also strengthened its relations with the People's Republic of Korea as a countermeasure against the Tokyo government. Korea serves as a logistical hub for Polish operations in the region, supporting Poland's current strategy of isolating non-nationalist patches within Japan while fostering the growth of nationalist patches.
    - Operation Varies


For more info see: PCBaller World/Republic of Sorbia

German expellees walking towards the border after being forced out of their homes.
The Slavic Dawn People's Militia walking through a Sorbian village for peacekeeping reasons during the Republic's early years.
An oil painting of the First Sorbian President, Tammy. Commissioned from a local artist.

The Republic of Sorbia is a state established on the lines of Tammyist Slavic Nationalism, having been outcast from Poland and seeing an opportunity in the weakening Germany, Tammy went to Sorbia to get the Sorbussy. There Tammy subsequently campaigned for a Sorbian state that shall eventually replace and eradicate the German majority in the area - for a true Slavic Nationalism. As soon as the state established, the true horrors of this new regime became apparent to those Germans that have not yet fled. An agrarian paradise for the Slav, the horrors of suppression for the German; a true democracy this state is not.

Republic of Sorbia
Łužiska Republika

  • Motto: United by blood.
  • Anthem: Hej, Słowjany
  • Capital: Zgórjelc
  • Demonym: Sorbian
  • Languages: Sorbian (official, use is heavily promoted); Polish (secondary administrative)
    • Recognized minorities
      Russian; Belarusian; Ukrainian; Slovakian; Rusyn; Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian;
      Kyrgyz (small minority); Armenian (small minority); Eastern Yiddish (allowed, small minority)
  • Banned Languages: German (specifically Hochdeutsch); Hebrew; Czech; Esperanto
  • Official Religion: Eastern Slavic Rodnovery; Catholic Christianity
  • Government: Unitary parliamentary socialist republic (de-facto under a anocracy)
  • President: Tamara Vlasov
  • Minister of Economy: Yuray Viktar Šukieloyts
  • Minister of Strategy and War: Hajndrich Hans "Złoty" Smoler
  • Secret Police Unit/MP: Specjalny Oddział Policji Ochrony Wewnętrznej
  • Agency Executive: Rafik "Steele" Aleskeevich
  • Population: 4,812,388
  • HDI: 0.767
  • Currency: Sorbian Perper (LZP)
  • Code: LZ

Alternative lifestyles are generally acknowledged. Gay marriage is legal, but it is rather tiresome to file, due to large amounts of bureaucracy surrounding the whole process.

The Sorbian Land, River Navy, and Air Forces are no stranger to women in the army, which is a rather uncommon thing to see. The army is made entirely of volunteers, although more soldiers can drawn from it's quite impressive reserve manpower pool if needed. It's quite hard to join all branches, as the active army is expected to fight with grace and be generally polite during peace and war times. All men and women who are 18 year olds or above and without further education must complete 2 month mandatory training. Most of the weapons used by the army are a mix of:

  • Self-produced modernized Sorbian copies of old Soviet and Finnish equipment (mostly tanks, planes, firearms, and uniforms);
  • Weapons donated or sold by the Polish Social Nationalist Republic;
  • Weapons aquired by under the shade deals with other nations.

Sorbia recognizes both Catholic Christianity and Eastern Slavic Rodnovery as it's state religions, both being protected and mandated by it's constitution (The Łużyce Agreement / The August Łużyce Constitution). Both religions somewhat co-exist, but infighting does happens. The Tammyist Government currently consits of mostly Eastern Rodnovers.


Major Cities of Sorbia, listed in Polish.
Districts of Sorbia, listed in Polish.

Back during the Republic's early years, ethnic cleaning of the German population was common place, but it has calmed down since. Czechs and Slovenes also tend to have it harder in Sorbia, as Tamara Vlasov proclaimed them as "German bootlickers" years ago and still stands by that claim. A lot of Belarusians, Ukrainians, and Yiddish-speaking Jews that ran away from Poland have fled here in search of home, and they found it. Is Sorbia multicultural? No, not at all, but some small communities are accepted, and some are even welcomed with open arms, like the Kyrgyz people that settled here in search of greener pastures, alongside the Armenians too. The executive of SOPOW himself, Rafik Aleskeevich, nicknamed "Steele" for his rather calm and calculated behavior, is Kyrgyz.

During the Polish Civil War, due to general instability within the mountainous regions of Poland, some Gorals have managed to migrate to the (soon to be Sorbian) Kłodzko District.

Ethnicity %
Sorbs 11%
Polish 76%
Gorals 1%
Belarusian 3%
Ukrainian 2.5%
Slovakian 3.5%
Balkan Slavic (mixed) 1.4%
Other 1.6%
Ethnicity (other) %
Kyrgyz 0.7%
Armenian 0.5%
Eastern Yiddish Jews 0.3%
Western Yiddish Jews 0.1%
Religion %
Eastern Rodnovery 32.6%
Catholic Christianity 42.6%
Agnosticism (+ Atheism) 12.6%
Protestant Christianity (mixed) 8.5%
Western Rodnovery 3%
Judaism 0.7%


The Sorbian system is a strange one. Independent parties do exist, but for them to actually function in accordance with the law, they have to agree with the constitution, which was drafted by members of Slavic Dawn. In short, if you don't like Slavic Dawn, your party is an unparty.

Banned Groups

Pressure Groups

National Assembly of Sorbia


  • Alliance:
    • Observer state of the New Warsaw Pact
  • Economic-Orgs:
    • CECA
  • Political-Orgs:
    • AltUN - Alternative United Nations
  • Additional-Orgs:
    • Zgorzelec Climate Treaty
    • The International Red Cross
    • Society for the Preservation of Post-Collapse History
    • Initiative for the Preservation of Knowledge
  • Mildly Alone
    • Sorbia is subject to mild Involuntary Isolationism as a result of it's ethnic, economic and governmental policies. Not quite accepted by the Polish Social Nationalist Republic, being constantly at odds with and very aggressive towards North Germany, the country doesn't have a strong true ally in the region.
  • Protect Slovakia Movement
    • The current Tammyist government is pressuring the Polish Social Nationalist Republic to intervene in, annex, or help Sorbia create a supervised state in Slovakia to protect Slavic interest.
  • Allies
    • People’s Republic of Korea - Despite being far away, Korea is one of the only true allies of Sorbia. Future treaties and pacts are sure to come between the two nations.
  • Friendly
    • Polish Social Nationalist Republic - Although not directly allied to, Poland and Sorbia are closely connected. They trade, host each other's embassies, have a rather lax passport policy, and have a mutual defense treaty. Sorbia is a bit reliant on Poland, without it the nation would be mostly alone. Tamara Vlasov, who has been exiled from Poland, is still rather salty about the purges of her supporters long ago. She also does not appreciate most Polish alliances, especially with the Germans. State media reports on the politics in Poland quite a lot, often in a very critical light. Sorbia wants the world to know that she is not a puppet state and is a capable regional power. As of late, the Vlasov government feels threatened by the might of Poland.
    • Greater Illinois - Sorbia and Greater Illinois have a long standing relationship. Trade between the two powers is very strong, most of the new technologies in Sorbia come directly from the Americans, in return the Vlasov administration provides foodstuffs. SOPOW is no stranger to smuggling their tech through neighbouring countries into Sorbia when the hostilities between them and Poland were at an all-time high. Cooperation will continue.
  • Positive
    • Norsk-Svensk Anarkistkollektiv - Sorbian-Anarkistkollektivinian relations are rather fresh and they seem mostly positive, for now.
  • Mixed
    • Islamic Emirate of Finland - Sorbia-Finland relations are pretty much non-existent. Sorbia still remembers the days of the old Finnish government that they stole borrowed the outdated weapon and uniform plans from, but they don't seem to mind Finland existing in it's current state.
    • Federative Socialist Republic of California - Sorbia is rather neutral towards East California diplomatically. Tamara Vlasov famously denounces their Marxist ideology, seeing it as a "Jewish and German conspiracy against Slavic sovereignty", also criticizing their use of Esperanto, which is banned in Sorbia along with some Marxist works. She does applaud their environmental policy though. Due to these issues, Sorbia refuses to trade with East California and they probably never will.
  • Negative
    • Byzantium - "Byzantium? Who's that? Oh, a country? And you're telling me they hate us? Oh, well... What a shame... Anyway, nobody cares, back to work!" - Tamara Vlasov
    • Liberal Federation of America - The current Sorbian government barely cares about the existance of the Liberal Federation of America. Tamara Vlasov hates the current way that their state is run, seeing it as very liberal and lacking in central power. Ever since it started to recognize Byzantium and the European Commonwealth as friendly nations, relations have soured. Talks with the LFA are still in motion though and seem to be stable, for now...
    • Polish Republic of Hispaniola - Ah, yes, the rivals to Kultokrat's government. In Sorbia, they're viewed by the people and the government as a bunch of western liberals and colonizers. While they're not hated, they're not appreciated either. The exiled government is well aware of the fact that Sorbia is not here to replace Poland, but Polish values will be upheld in places with a Polish majority, while still promoting Pan-Slavism. Tamara Vlasov still rages on the phone occasionally about how Sorbian socialism isn't "regressive" to Hispaniola's officials, which has turned into a bit of a meme.
  • Enemy
    • North German People's State - Sorbia and Germany are NOT friendly with each other. The Sorbian government constantly awaits any kind of provocation from the other side and is absolutely not afraid to strike, as evident by old border skirmishes, which Poland always had to put an end to. Sorbia treats Germany as an insult to the Slavic people and the world. The border is absolutely riddled with soldiers, bunkers, extremely high chainlink fences, and barbed wire. Any ethnic German trying to cross the border will be sent back, no matter for how long they're staying. Ethinc Germans remaining in Sorbia have agreed to assimilate and denounce their culture, language, and support for North Germany. They are usually treated harsher in prisons, often serving longer sentences than average, are sent to work camps, or are publiclly executed via firing squad for the worst crimes.
  • At War

North Germany

For more info see: PCBaller World/North Germany

Average North German village

The North German People's State is a federal and agrarian state in the heart of Europe; strongly isolationist, environmentalist, and nationalist in nature; this state seeked the return to a simpler way of living and a sense of communal belonging. The road to this state was difficult however - the region undergoing extreme hardships during the times of deindustrialization, depopulation, and remigration; riots and instability were the norm for many years. Having finally established the Agrarian and local national-state originally envisioned however, the ruling regime has to find anymore a justification to stay in power as it seems it has clearly overstayed its welcome.

North German People's State
Norddeutscher Volksstaat

  • Anthem: Lied vom Vaterland (North German version)
  • Motto: Peace, Freedom, Nation, Nature. t
  • Capital:
  • Demonym: North German
  • Languages: German (official), English (Allowed; secondary),
    • Recognized minorities: Frisian, Low-German, Yiddish
  • Ethnic groups: German (official, 97.1%)
    Frisian (1.2%), Polish (1.1%), Danish (0.3%), Sorbian (0.1%), Turkish (0.1%),
    Other (0.1%)
  • Government: Federal parliamentary democratic socialist vanguard republic
  • Population: 8,948,945
  • HDI: 0.888
  • Code: NG


Former Parties

Banned Groups

Pressure Groups


The Parliament of the North German People's State is a primarily unicarmal house under a semi-direct democratic representative multi-party system. The parliament is elected every 5 years by every citizen over the age of 16.

The results of the most recent election, which was held on the 20th April 2035, is showcased in the Infobox on the sidebar.

The three biggest parties within the state are the leading LNPD, the VAV, and the Querfront. Thus far, no party other than the LNPD could reach a percentage of votes high enough to lead a coalition.
Besides these three main parties, there are many minor parties within the state.
These minor parties are also able to play important roles in politics, as the huge parliament of North Germany lacks an electoral threshold. This means that a party is only required to win 0.1% of the vote to gain a seat in national parliament.

The current government has been formed between the LNPD and VAV, which alone formed the previous government, as well as the minor BdN from Holstein, and the very small HNP.
Some have criticized the new government for involving the regionalist BdN and the controversially radical HNP.

Government (501/1000)

Opposition (499/1000)


North Germany is a primarily Isolationist state, pursuing a policy of relative neutrality and non-involvement. It still has relations to other states however, primarily those surrounding it and the concept of the former USA, which it despises.

North Germany is a member state of the AltUN as well as a founding member of the UFNNS.


  • Poland
    North Germany views Poland very positively and as a de facto ally, having even signed a mutual defense pact with them.
    Especially after the transfer of Pomerania, the Polish and North German governments have had pretty much only friendly relations. Their shared anti-Americanism and opposition to the European movement only help in bringing them closer together. Despite their great relations on the international stage however, ideological differences do sometimes strain the relations between the two states; so has North Germany oftentimes strongly condemned Poland's treatment of LGBT people, especially Femboys, and the Ukrainians; while some factions in Poland call for the return of Pomerania or a closer relationship with North Germany's wannabe-enemy Sorbia.
  • Iceland
    North Germany and Iceland are great allies, as both members of the UFNNS, they respect each others sovereignty and cultures. While North Germany is critical of Iceland in its extreme nationalism and ultra-isolationism, they share many ideological similarities and the North German government is inspired by the level of ruralism and communitarianism Iceland was able to achieve.


  • placeholder


  • Sweden
    North Germany views many parts of the Swedish regime and society positively, although it has harsh critiques of Sweden's anti-LGBT stance, monarchy, and christian focus. However generally, North Germany remains in great admiration for many aspects of contemporary Swedish society and could imagine a partnership with Sweden in the future. North Germany currently funds and supports the National People's Party, which it views as a force within the Swedish state that could bring further liberation, while still condemning more progressive and moderate elements of the party.


  • European Commonwealth
    A friend of the Americans and a foe of the Poles cannot be a friend of North Germany, neither can a relic of genocidal and corrupt pan-European ambitions. But as long as the "European" state doesn't press their claims on the rest of Europe, get into conflict with our allies, or get closer to the Americans; we're fine. We strongly suggest a name change however...
  • Eastern Polish Republic
    North Germany holds the position that, while Lithuania serves as a great buffer state, it brings more harm and conflict upon eastern Europe than good. The North German government thus supports a reformation of the state into a socialist confederation of Lithuania, Belarus, and northern Ukraine. North Germany generally, however, refrains from commenting on Lithuania as it sees little value in establishing actual relations of any sort and doesn't wish to interfere with the plans of its allies or the other states in the region.


  • Neo-Soviet Union
    North German-Soviet relations are somewhat tense, but not too much. There has been relatively little contact between the two gouvernments although North Germany has facilitated the conference in Hamburg where intellectuals from North America and non-Slavic Europe, including Communist countries within the region, founded the Second Congress for Cultural Freedom to find ways to counter the view that liberal democracy was compatible with a worse culture than communism. Domestically North Germany uses a much sharper rhetoric, to discourage people from supporting the self-proclaimed Communist government of Bavaria, which are supported by Poland, a major Soviet ally. Also the alliance between Poland, Bavaria and the Soviet Union is viewed with big distrust. It remains to be seen if history repeats itself...
  • Norway-Sweden
    While North Germany holds a mostly positive view of the Norwegian libertarian socialist movement and its nationalism, it strongly condemns the Swedish genocide and fears that Norway-Sweden could eventually move closer to establishing actual Anarchism directly in North Germany's backyard.


  • Sorbia
    While having nothing against the existence of Sorbia, even having vocally supporting its deceleration back in the day, the current leadership of Sorbia has earned criticism from Northern Germany in how it treats the Germans in its territory and the North Germany state.
    The current Sorbian leadership has expressed extreme and unfounded hostility towards North Germany as well as the German peoples as a whole, even having led the to countries into minor border skirmishes in the past. While North Germany seeks to normalize relations, the Sorbian leadership keeps on threading war without reason; this makes North Germany understandably weary of the current Sorbian regime.
  • Byzantium
    North Germany views Byzantium as a novel and European continuation of the original American evil.
    Imperial Pink Capitalism - right on the Mediterranean doorstep. If the growing American reunification movement weren't such a threat, Byzantium would be on top of the list of North German international and ideological enemies.


  • Greater Illinois
    The horrendousness of America continued, but somehow even more evil.

East Germany


Banned Groups


Beryist Reich

The Federal Republic of Germany, often colloquially or humorously referred to as the Beryist Reich, is a federal republic situated in the former territories of the former German states of North-Rhine Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Hesse, as well as parts of Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony. Due to its liberal-democratic nature and the fact that its government is largely made up of former German politicans, it is often seen as the spiritual successor to the former German state.

In spite of its misleading common name, it bears little resemblance to any brand of fascism in its actual policy. It is one of the most socially progressive nations in Europe, having legalised same-sex marriage, recreational drug use (under varying tax rates), prostitution (under government monitoring), LGBTQ+ adoption rights and near total freedom of speech almost immediately after gaining full independence and regaining a satisfactory degree of economic stability and self-orientation.

Its economy is a mixed-market economy based on the principles of the post-WW2 economic miracle's architects. Citizens enjoy free access to healthcare and tertiary education; cartels in the private sector are strictly monitored and regulated. The social security system is held simple and unbureaucratic after the previous one had merely widened wealth gaps and done very little to truly help people climb out of poverty, instead only creating a culture of reliance on the state. Citizens pay a progressive income tax rate; corporations pay a tax rate which is high enough to finance the aforementioned social programs yet simultaneously low enough to not disincentivise foreign investment or have local companies move their assets to neighbouring states. With the eastern states no longer existing, the solidarity surcharge tax is eliminated in its entirety.



Banned Groups

  • None (as of now)




Free Socialist Council Republic of Bavaria
”Freie Sozialistische Räterepubik Bayern”

  • Motto: All Power to the People! All Power to the Councils!
  • Anthem: [1]
  • Capital: Munich
  • Demonym: Bavarian
  • Languages: German (official language), Bavarian (all state documents also have to be available in Bavarian)
  • Official Religion: Laicism
  • Government: Proletarian Council Republic
  • Population: 15.1M
  • Code: FBC

The Free Socialist Council Republic of Bavaria is a revolutionary proletarian state, the economy is democratically organized by workers councils, all important legislature is direct, all of the legislative state apparatus is directly elected by the councils and organized in councils.

The foundation of the Free Socialist Council Republic of Bavaria was, as all proletarian republics must be, by revolution.
In the social economic degeneration of Bavaria followed by a FDP-CSU right wing liberal coalition in Bavaria and in the enormous debt of the City of munich created threw the repayments for the expropriation of landlords by a Red-Green coalition, the distrust and disgust to capitalist system grew within the working class. The Communist Party of Bavaria formed out of desperate workers and the left opposition within the party Die LINKE (the left). When the old and weak union system did not meet the expectations of the working class, in a failed strike in the late 2020s and an apology of such unions to the Bavarian free state for the economic losses created in such a strike, their dissolution was inevitable. With the support of the CPB and die LINKE worker councils formed in major cities and larger companies in smaller towns.
Due to the economic crisis of the late 2020s, which now hit all of Germany, Bavaria became a paying province to the Federal Republic. The Government of Bavaria decided, in order to avoid more debt and crisis, to split of the Republic forming the Republic of Bavaria. Its first and last election was on the 10th Feburary of the following year. The Parliament formed was incapable of forming a government. With the Communist Party of Bavaria and die LINKE having 34.6% and the AfD in support by a coalition of the NPD and the III. Path demanding the model of the North with 18.9%, as well as the loss of 12.8% of all votes to the 5% voting hurdle due to a gigantic amount of small parties, the Bavarian Republic was nearly unable to form a government supporting its constitution. When the center coalition of CSU-FDP-Greens-SDPB was offering the LINKE to join the government and the idea was considered by many councils the reactionaries in an attempt to stop a reformist government attacked the parliament with armed groups.
A coalition of AfD, NPD, III. Path and the Right supported by the Christian-Nationalists of Breakthrough C and Republicans declared the “South Germany Republic”. The SDPB, which had distanced itself from former SPD as it was too anti-proletarian, now demanded the armament of the worker councils as the only way to stop the reaction as most of the military was led by reactionaries and rather supported the Coup.
On February the 21th Armed Workers seized the parliament building and sentenced all findable members of the reactionary parties in a hard Revolutionary Court to death for Anti-Worker Behaviour, Inhumanity, Unnamed Crimed and Contra-Revolutionary Actions.
With such clear violation of the constitution the Bavarian State demanded the disarmament of the worker councils and demanded a professional mercenary force to be hired to end the uprising. The Communist Party of Bavaria, now in charge of the highest worker council, denied the request and declared the Free Socialist Council Republic of Bavaria on the 23th of February. The armed workers now called “The Proletarian Liberation Army” seized Munich, Nuernberg, Regensburg, Passau, Ingolstadt and Wuerzburg within 2 days. On the 26th the Reaction capitulated, followed by the complete capitulation of the Bavarian State on the next day.

The Federal Republic of Germany stopped any attempts of revolution at its direct border, the Council Republic decided to stick to its own for it is not ready for a revolution in Europe.


Banned Groups

Highest Council

The Highest Council is elected by the principle of “Fully Representative Democracy”.

Regional Councils

There are 96 Regional Councils in the Free Socialist Council Republic of Bavaria, they emerged from the districts of the former republic. They are the last subdivision that has a really namable authority. Each Regional Council is out of 11 members therefore there are 1056 Members of Regional Councils. They get elected over “Fully Representative Democracy” by the people their region includes.

Current Situation

The Free Socialist Council Republic of Bavaria has stabilized its economic output, the decisions of the councils have led to lower production and smaller work hours, but also to a way more effective use of resources. The Proletarian Liberation Army is still active and ready for revolution, many workers are still armed, especially councils are able to rearm workers. Nationalism is highly condemned by the government as it is considered anti-proletarian but still patriotic movements are tolerated. The flag has especially no nationalistic characteristics nor any emblems that might cause identification of the workers to a piece of land: It is a plain red flag.
The councils are mostly split between communist hardliners of the CPB who want Bavaria to be turned into a bastion of the proletariat and a starting point for the world revolution and Reformists of the Green Party, Die LINKE, BPP and SDPB who want to stabilize the Council Republic as a classical nation state with many proletarian aspects. A minor faction within some councils are the ones who want to unify back with the Federal Republic in the FDP, the CSU and the GRP.

  • Allies
  • Friendly
    • Democratic Republic of Colorado - Although the bourgeoisie aspects of the government of Colorado, the proletarian orientated government understands very well with the FSCRB.
  • Positive
  • Mixed
    • The Republic of Lebanon - The Republic of Lebanon is in strong critique for its bourgeoisie propaganda and state, but as it supports the claims of the Council Republic and is not in general rejection of the revolution it has some tolerance by Bavaria.
  • Negative
  • Enemy
    • North German People's State - As the reaction fled to North Germany tensions between the NGPS and the FSCRB have been high.
    • Federal Republic of Germany - The Federal Republic as it stopped the revolution on its border is seen as the bastion of liberal capitalism and the bourgeoisie. The FSCRB has its hardest claim on the Sarre as it once belonged to the Bavarian Soviet Republic.
  • At War

The Netherlands


Banned Groups



The Icelandic Aryan Commonwealth, commonly simply refereed to as Iceland, is a Aldathist island state in the Northern Atlantic. After a electoral victory in the 2031 elections, a new regime in Iceland was established for the well-being and preservation of the Aryan race, this new state is one built on elites watching over a technologically regressive and neo-tribal populous living a simple lifestyle within a farming & hunting orientated collectivized economy. The state is strongly isolationist, only allowing for very limited diplomatic and trade relations with other UFNNS member states. The state possesses both a relatively strong army for its size, and a nuclear arsenal.


Banned Groups

  • All former parties



Iceland is strongly Isolationist and does generally not interact with other states at all. It is a member of the UFNNS and only interacts with its fellow member states, in particular, North Germany, which is practically the only trade partner and viewed as a ally.

Scottish Lowlands

After the failure of the old union, a group of united anarchists liberated the Scottish Lowlands. After its liberation, the Scottish Lowlands became an autonomous anarchist region. With no central leadership, several different symbiotic anarchist clans roam the region.

Currency: Independent Banks, Mutual Credit, No official Currency.
Anthem: "Taylor Made" by The Real Mckenzies
Capital: Glasgow
Demonym: Scottish, Lowlanders.
Languages: English (Primary), Scots (Secondary), Scottish Gaelic (Tertiary)
Government: Decentralized loosely connected anarchist Clans
Population: 5 Million
Size: 48,648 Square Kilometers

Clans and Embassies

Banned Groups

  • Old Union Loyalists

Free territories of England



Banned Groups

Commonwealth of England

  • Anthem: N/A
  • Capital: N/A
  • Official Languages: N/A
  • Official Religion: N/A (but Secular)
  • Government: Anarchism


The Republic of Ireland is an anarchist and syndicalist country founded on the idea of anti-authoritarianism and socialism. Founded by members of the Industrial Worker's of the World and various Catholic Worker's Groups, the country is managed on a confederal level where every city makes autonomous decisions, every so often electing delegates to represent their decisions in conferences which take place in the capital, Dublin. In most major cities money has been abolished in favor of a gift economy, however in some rural tribes they still maintain trading and/or independent currency.

This is very much a WIP lol

Republic of Ireland
Poblacht na hÉireann

  • Motto: Erin go Bragh (Ireland Forever)
  • Anthem: Amhrán na bhFiann (The Soldier's Song)
  • Capital: Commune of Dublin
  • Official Languages: None, but the most spoken is English followed by Irish.
  • Official Religion: None, but the majority religion is Irish Catholicism
  • Government: Anarchist Federation






  • Alliance: WIP
  • Economic-Orgs: WIP
  • Political-Orgs: WIP
  • Additional-Orgs: WIP
  • Allies

Democratic Republic of Colorado - Regarded as allies in the fight against capitalism, Darwin Soup is generally regarded as an American hero in Ireland.
Federated Communes of Siberia - Regarded to be one of the country's best allies.

  • Friendly
  • Positive
  • Mixed
  • Negative
  • Enemy
  • At War

Western Siberia


Banned Groups


Neo-Soviet Union

Union of Neo-Soviet Republics

  • Motto: Workers of the world, unite!
  • Anthem: National Anthem of the Soviet Union
  • Capital: Moscow
  • Demonym: Soviet
    • Sub-Demonyms: Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian
  • Language: Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, English, Finnish, and several others
    • Lingua Franca: Russian
  • Official Religion: None (Laicism is practiced)
  • Government Type: Federal Marxist-Leninist one party state
  • Leader: Comrade Alexei Alexandrov
  • Population:
    • ~200 million
  • Code: SU


General Secretary: Comrade Alexei Alexandrov

Other Major Organizations

  • Moscow Worker's Council
  • Worker's Council of Leningrad
  • Kiev Worker's Council
  • Communist Women's League
  • Young Communists Union of Russia and Ukraine

Banned Groups

  • Any capitalist and reactionary groups


All elected on popular vote

  • Glorious Leader- 1 seat
    • Current seat-holder: Alexei Alexandrov
  • Council of Leaders - 20 seats
  • House of the People - 1,500 seats
    • Contains proportional representation from each province based on population
  • Committee of Agriculture and Farmers - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Labor and Workers - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of National Defense and Military Operations - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Planning and Economic Affairs - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Education and Employment - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Science and Technology - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Health and Welfare - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Banking and Currency - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Food and Drugs - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of the Environment and Energy - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Emergency Services and Law Enforcement - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Foreign Affairs and Trade - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Justice and Law - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Propaganda and Media - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field
  • Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure - 10 seats
    • Must have experience or education in field


  • Poland
    Soviet relations with Poland are for the majority positive, however, there is a strong dislike for the queer hatred, ethnic nationalism, and capitalist economics. Other than that, Poland is a good ally for crushing the status quo.
  • Norway-Sweden
    Norway-Sweden and the Soviet Union are good allies and are both involved in an international communist alliance. The anarchist policies are not necessarily agreeable ways of achieving socialism, but it is believed that with collaboration of various leftists, capitalism will fall once and for all.
  • Finland
    Not a big fan of your theocracy, but at least your not a Zionist Western puppet state or a capitalist pig. Also we're both in the Warsaw Pact so that's cool.
  • European Commonwealth
    Mildly cringe monarchy who cooperates with capitalists but claims to be socialist. At least you don't support Eastern Poland terrorists though.
  • Indonesia
    Totalitarian nationalist bourgeois state who wants to destroy communism. Terrible.
  • Thailand
    Same as above.
  • Greater Illinois
    I like your technological advancements but ultimately you're still a capitalist ultranationalist who works with Indonesia and Thailand to destroy socialism.
  • Arimexico
    Best homie from the Americas. Be safe around Illinois, comrade.
  • Sequoyah
    Fellow MLM enjoyer from the Americas. psst you should try and get Texas to join the Internationale
  • California
    True California. Crush those liberals who are LARPing as you. Stay strong, comrade.

Ruthenian Social Nationalist Republic

For more info see: PCBaller World/Ruthenian Social Nationalist Republic

The Ruthenian Social Nationalist Republic, positioned as a Triarchial state between the Neo-Soviet Union and the Polish Social Nationalist Republic, is compelled to maintain neutrality as stipulated by the treaty of Baranovichi. While engaging in cross-cultural programs and participating in economic organizations, the republic possesses limited influence and avenues to shape international policies of significance.

Ruthenian Social Nationalist Republic
Руська Соціально-Націоналістична Республіка

  • Motto: Live Ruthenia!
  • Anthem: Live Ruthenia
  • Capital: Rivne
  • Demonym: Ruthenian
  • Languages:Malorossyan
    • Recognized minorities
      Polish, Belarussian, Russian
  • Official Religion: Orthodox
  • Government: Democratic Triarchy.
  • Democracy Index: 5.04
  • Population: 2,219,349
  • HDI: 0.853
  • Code: RT


Banned Groups



For more info see: PCBaller World/Hungary

Hungary, officially the National Republic of Hungary is a country located in Eastern-Central Europe.

National Republic of Hungary

Magyar Nemzeti Köztársaság

  • Anthem: Szózat
  • Capital: Budapest
  • Demonym: Hungarian
  • Languages: Hungarian (official)
    • Recognized minority languages
      Romani, Slovakian, Serbian, German, Croatian
  • Official Religion: None
  • Government: Unitary Presidential Republic
  • Ruling party: Magyarok Globális Jóléti Pártja (MGJP)
  • Population: 11,878,195
  • HDI: 0.896
  • Democracy Index: 8.42
  • Code: HU
  • Currency: Hungarian Pengő


    • Magyar Egyesítő Erő (Interventionists) (62/149)
    • Diplomaták (Diplomats) (57/149)
    • Békés Együttműködés (Pacifists) (22/149)
    • Keménymag (Ultranationalists) (8/149)

Banned Groups

There are no banned parties, but minority parties are forbidden[1]. Minority candidates may run in local municipal elections if the population of said minority meets the 5% threshold of the municipality population.

Pressure Groups



Alliances (Official): Nationalist International, AltUN, Central European Commerce Authority, Bloc of Free Trade, Initiative for the Preservation of Knowledge, Society for the Preservation of Post-Collapse History, The International Red Cross

Alliances (Observer): New Warsaw Pact, Global Treaty Organization

Pacts and Treaties:

    • Treaty of Friendship, conciliation and arbitration between Hungary and Poland - Economic, technological, scientific and political treaty between Hungary and Poland.
    • Italo-Hungarian Pact - Economic pact between Hungary and New Italian Republic. It also includes a mutual defense pact against a common enemy.
    • Roman-Hungarian Pact - Economic pact between Hungary and New Roman Empire. It also includes a mutual defense pact against a common enemy.
    • Holy Crown Alliance - Economic and technological alliance between Hungary and Byzantium. It also includes a mutual defense pact against a common enemy.
    • Hungary-Illinois Pact - Economic and technological alliance between Hungary and Greater Illinois. It also includes a mutual defense pact against the three Balkan anarchies.
  • Cordial
    • Poland - Hungary and Poland were very close allies for decades and the collapse of America only made this alliance stronger during times of uncertainty. Despite fundamental differences, like the form of government, or external policy, the two countries share a similar branch of nationalism and very strong ties.
  • Good
    • New Roman Empire - After joining the Nationalist International, and after multiple endorsements from both sides, the New Roman Empire and Hungary have been enjoying great relations. They also recently signed a pact, which strengthened trade relations between the two countries, as well as a mutual defensive pact against a potential enemy.
    • New Italian Republic - After multiple successful diplomatic talks between the two democratic countries, Hungary and Italy enjoy good relations, trade deals, and a mutual defensive pact against [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].
    • Byzantium - Despite some ideological disagreements between the countries, Hungary and Byzantium signed an economic and technological pact and a mutual defense pact against a certain nation. Hungary is optimistic about the future relations between the two countries, as tension rises more and more in the region.
    • Greater Illinois - Despite Hungary having a fairly Isolationist foreign policy towards the Americas, Greater Illinois has openly criticized Hungary multiple times due to our historical and current friendship and cooperation with Poland. The conflict was solved, and after Poland and Greater Illinois made peace, relations between Hungary and Greater Illinois quickly started to improve. This was made clear after the two nations signed a pact, which includes economic and technological trade and benefits, as well as a mutual defense pact against the three Balkan anarchist countries. The era of Hungarian isolationism in the Americas is over, as the two countries started cooperating with each other.
    • Finland - Relations between the two countries started to improve after Hungary pledged to support Finland and the SatellaGlobe Project financially in operations inside our Solar System. Diplomatic and Trading relations have also become stronger as a result.
  • Mixed
    • Lettistan - Relations between the two nations are mainly nonexistent because of the distance between the two nations. However, the two nations recently started an official student exchange program, which is further strengthening relations.
    • United Arab Communes - Hungary has started an official student exchange program with the UAC which started to strengthen the relations between the two countries. However, relations are still mainly nonexistent because of the distance between the two nations.
  • Cold
    • European Commonwealth - Relations are kinda nonexistent because of both geographical distance and Hungary staying out of the Baltics as a whole diplomatically. The government has voiced support for dismantling the European Commonwealth and reforming it into an economic alliance that could have members all over Europe (some sort of a reformed European Union), but as Hungary has no interest in the region, these ideas were never pushed. Due to its ethnopluralist stance, Hungary has supported the idea of an independent Latvia and Estonia connected by an alliance, rather than a federation.
    • Istria - Relations between the two nations might be at a turning point after the Treaty of Pécs, although not a member, Hungary has voiced support for Istria to join the New Warsaw Pact. Hungary wishes to cooperate on a smaller scale with the anarchist nation, but nothing has been achieved so far, although relations are seemingly rising between the two nations.
  • Hostile
    • Dacian Confederation - Hungary views the Dacian Confederation as their biggest enemy and a threat to the safety of all Hungarians. Hungary has claims on Northern Transylvania, where more than a million ethnic Hungarians live under the oppression of Dacians. The Dacian-Hungarian border is highly militarized.


  • Hungary and the New Italian Republic signed the Italo-Hungarian Pact in the city of Budapest, which contains economic and trading benefits between the two countries. It also includes a mutual defense pact against a certain country.

  • Hungary has created the Nationalist International, which is an ethnopluralist organization, with the main goal of helping cooperation between member countries on matters like immigration, ethnicity, and diasporas. North Germany and Poland joined the organization instantly, while the New Roman Empire joined a day after it was created. The organization's main focus is currently on the situation in Ukraine, and talks are ongoing between Hungary and Poland, trying to reach a compromise and peace.

  • Hungary and Poland signed The Treaty of Friendship, conciliation and arbitration between Hungary and Poland in Visegrád on the 23rd of March, which includes economic, trading, scientific, and technological benefits between the two countries. It also includes a mutual defense pact and a non-aggression pact between the two nations.

  • Hungary and Byzantium signed the Holy Crown Alliance in the city of Székesfehérvár, which contains economic, trading, and technological benefits between the two countries. It also includes a mutual defense pact against a certain country.

  • After insults and baseless accusations against Hungary coming from Greater Illinois, the president of the country openly apologized in a live broadcast for the incident. This greatly increased public opinion of the president of Hungary, and now it is visible to every nation that Hungary plays a big role in global diplomacy, and that the nation can act in the best interest of its people, even when it means going against much stronger countries. The opposition warned the public, claiming that the government might use the situation as propaganda, although so far nothing has happened, so these claims remain baseless.

  • Hungary and the New Roman Empire signed the Roman-Hungarian Pact in the city of Budapest, which contains economic and trading benefits between the two countries. It also includes a mutual defense pact against a certain country.

  • The Hungarian government has officially banned traveling to the following nations: Istria, Dacian Confederation. Both borders are now officially closed.

  • After the skirmishes along the Balkan Union-Byzantium border, Hungary declared neutrality on the conflict and urged the two sides to start diplomatic talks immediately before it turns into a full-on conflict. Hungary suggested that these talks should happen in neutral territory, and showed the desire to host these talks in Baja, which is less than 200 kilometers away from Belgrade and isn't in Vojvodina.

  • Now that a few years passed since the Education Reform in Hungary, the country is slowly starting to see the benefits of changing from the old, inadequate education system to a lot more modern one. The rate of bilingualism has skyrocketed, and almost everyone Hungarian between the ages of 15-30 is bilingual. Multiple researchers ranked the Hungarian education system as the best in the world, and it consistently ranks in the top 5 in every metric. The country is set to build more universities in the upcoming few years.

  • In the Annual Budget Law, Hungary increased spending on the military, more specifically, more spending on researching and developing weapons. As this is highly confidential, no specifics were stated. More information about said weapons might get revealed, as Hungary is getting ready to take a more dominant position in the region, and we might see some shows of force from the country in the future.

  • Hungary has offered to host peace negotiations between Poland and the Eastern Polish Republic. The designated city to host these talks is Visegrád, which is the historical birthplace of Polish and Hungarian cooperation. Poland and the Eastern Polish Republic are invited to the talks, along with Greater Illinois and the Neo-Soviet Union.

  • Hungary and Greater Illinois signed the Hungary-Illinois Pact in the city of Budapest, which contains economic, trading, and technological benefits between the two countries. It also includes a mutual defense pact against the three Balkan anarchist countries.

  • On the Hungarian-Dacian border, a few gypsy families tried to illegally cross the border to Hungary between the villages of Nagylak and Nădlac. The people looked very poor and malnourished, and they were quickly detained and escorted back by the Dacian border guards. This border crossing attempt raises a question, what was the motive of these few people, and why were they escaping from Dacia? In a public speech, the President of Hungary raised awareness and asked independent organizations to investigate the situation of the Gypsy population in Dacia, and especially, in Banat. Although he didn't accuse Dacia of any wrongdoing before a proper investigation has been made, he warned the International community about a possible genocide against the Roma population that has been kept secret by Dacia.

  • Hungary has announced that the first World Cup since the Great Collapse will be hosted in Hungary. More info about the tournament will be posted later.

  • A Hungarian family trying to escape from the village of Săcueni was shot dead by the Dacian border guards. The Hungarian government demands reparations from Dacia, as well as demanding to allow in Hungarian, Polish, Greater Illinoisian, and any other independent research teams to Banat to document the living conditions of ethnic minorities in Dacia, both Hungarians in Transylvania, and Gypsies in Banat. This is an ultimatum to Dacia, and refusing to talk will have consequences.

  • There are large movements along the Hungarian-Dacian and Hungarian-Istrian border and minor ones on the Hungarian-Balkan border. The government has kept silent about its recent military research, but it seems like there are modern rifles in the hands of Hungarian soldiers. Hungary wishes to open diplomatic talks with Istria quickly, if a conflict breaks out, then Istria might be dragged into it as well.

  • After multiple diplomatic talks in Pécs, Istria, and Hungary have reached a deal. Istria has declared neutrality in the conflict in Dacia, and Medimurje has been ceded to Hungary. Hungary is willing to talk with Dacia diplomatically about the incident on the border and find a solution. This might be the turning point of relations between Hungary and Istria, which was cold before this situation.

  • Hungary has started to replace humans in the army with robots. Hungary has developed a new Processing Unit, which will calculate the best action in warfare based on both a utilitarian approach and efficiency. These robots aren't designed to kill human soldiers, but they won't refrain from it if it's needed.

  • Hungary has started its asteroid mining program. Hungary has received the technology required for asteroid mining from Greater Illinois and has made slight changes and modifications to the blueprint.

  • The World Cup has just ended, which was hosted by Hungary this year. The national team has reached 3rd place in the tournament, which is their third-best performance in the history of the World Cup. Celebrations erupted in Budapest after the full-time whistle in Groupama Aréna, Budapest, as Hungary defeated Northern France to earn the bronze match. The location of the next World Cup is still unknown.

  • Hungary has implemented the instant runoff voting system on both national and regional levels. The next elections will be held using this voting system. The government has launched an education program to help the people of Hungary to adapt and understand the new system. Different types of democratic voting systems have been added to the national standard curriculum in high school.

  • Hungary has lifted its travel ban from Istria.

Libertine Republic of Czechoslovakia

Libertine Republic of Czechoslovakia is a small country charactericized by its panarchic government. Its capital city is Prague, it has about 20 million inhabitants. It has historically had a fairly high HDI, which only increased as the Reformist Anarchists got in power and instituted a panarchist system. It's current HDI is now 0.900 in most regions, aside from eastern Slovakia, where it is around 0.800


  • The Moderate government
    The Centrist Government, ruled by the former ruling party, taking its name from being a compromise between hard left and capitalism.
    • Market socialism
    • Liberal socialism
    • Progressive Conservatism
  • The Marxist government
    The Marxist-Leninist-adjacent government. Not that popular, but still has some residents.
    • Marxism-Leninism
    • Maoism
  • The Centrist government
    The Center-adjacent government. More popular than the Marxist government.
    • Social Democracy
    • Social Libertarianism
  • The Liberationist government
    Culturally Far-Left government.
    • Progressivism
    • Libertarian Socialism
  • The Religious League government
    The most traditionalist left-wing government, mostly moderate conservatives
  • Anarchist societies
    General catch all term for anarchist societies in Libertine Czechoslovakia.
    • Synthesis Anarchism
    • Queer Anarchism (most popular tendencies)
    • Anarcho-Transhumanism (most popular tendencies)
    • Mutualism (most popular tendencies)
    • Agorism (most popular tendencies)
    • Anarcho-Syndicalism (most popular tendencies)
    • Anarcho-Capitalism (less popular)
    • Anarcho-Communism (less popular)
  • The Liberal and Conservative government
    The general catchall liberal and conservative government.
    • Liberalism
    • Conservatism
  • The National Alliance government
    A government started by the formerly-banned National Alliance party. Least popular government by population overall
    • National Bolshevism
    • National Socialism
    • National Syndicalism


Dacian Confederation

Anthem: Dacian March

With the Collapse of the Major Powers which controlled the People of the European nations, it was only logical that groups which were suppressed until that point were only going to get stronger, leading to the threat of the liberal order that felt its presence by the lies it spit. Among those groups, there was one which used tactics that span from the far left to the far right, getting many supporters from different camps, The National Anarchists. Being lead by SwordComrade, the movement quickly became infamous for the brutal tactics that became their norm. From violent riots in important areas to assassinations, The National Anarchists crippled any hopes of the liberals for a successful counter to the instability. Months passed, and with them, the government became more and more corrupt, nobody agreed with anyone in the organs that maintained order, ending with mass defections by the army, joining the impending collapse that will set the stage for new forces.

The New Order was set, only time will tell if it would hold together like it was promised during the violent struggle.

There is an increasing trend happening in the free territory
As the name of the country and main faction imply, there has been a push for the revival of the Dacian identity, and with it comes the Zalmoxian religion and traditions. Sword Comrade knew that the nation cannot continue being held by the lies of the elites and their association of this land with the degenerate Roman occupation. And, as a solution to those problems, there has been a heavy influence of the Dacian Pagans present among the other communes. The final goal of the Dacian Tribes is the complete destruction of the Flag, Language and Identity that plagued the people of this land for so long, along with the revival of the Barbarian Wolf Spirit which held off the Romans a long time ago.

The Gypsy Question
It is no secret that one of the largest minority inhabiting the liberated territory are the gypsies, and despite the constant conflicts that have arisen between them and other groups, the issue of tribes needs to be solved once and for all. By meeting with various Roma groups spanned across all the land, Sword Comrade ( along with the vote of the other communes ) agreed to give a portion of Banat for the creation of homogeneous Roma communes. Theoretically, those said communities are still part of the Confederation, but there is a great disdain coming from the Dacian tribes of any Roma person who tries to associate with the northern communes. This resulted in strong segregation on both sides, where the only thing keeping those areas in high coordination is their shared need for survival. There has been some bickering coming from two factions regarding the outcome of this decision, but the complaints are caused by completely different points. The LGBT Liberation Communes criticized the closed borders stance that the National Anarchists advocated for, striving for more open relations between different communes, while The Green Alliance sees the seceding of the Banat Portion to the gypsies as a sign of "weakness", and they have tried anything in their power to cause an all out war between completely opposed communes.

The Need for An Alliance
With the constant harassments happening on the north and south by two different forces, the desire for greater cooperation has arisen. Within the first days of the establishment of the Dacian Confederation, delegates were sent to the territory of Istria to discuss a long term plan for our new Anarchist goals. The terms are simple, any aggression happening on one side of any of the two communities, the other one will join the war to defend both itself and the afflicted territory. The Mediterranean Liberation Association quickly accepted this deal, having a shared need for protection against invaders, forming what is today known as "The Liberated Territories of Europe". The greatest problem that this coordination faces is the lack of a shared land connection between the two Anarchist Nations, however propositions of a joint attack on [REDACTED] have been met with positive answers from both members.


Banned Groups


  • Allies
    • Istria - The Dacians and Istrians have a very close relation because of their Shared Enemies and Ideological Similarity. Dacia sees Istria as the rightful liberator of the Mediterranean world, and is actively supporting their brothers in their conquest of Liberating Europe.
    • Balkan Union - Being called "The Lifeline between Dacia and Istria", the B.U. plays an important role in our anarchist alliance. Thus, a really friendly relationship has been established between Istria, Dacia and the Balkan Union.
  • Friendly
    • Norway-Sweden - As is the case with the current Allies of Dacia, Norway-Sweden is another ideological similar nation which inhabits the northern sphere of Europe. However, their decision of joining P*land in their goals of statism and aggression has led Dacia to be quite skeptical of its goals and plans.
  • Positive
    • North German People's State - There is some common ground with the North Germans. While their stance on statism is not desirable, neither nation is aggressive towards each other, leading to a positive approach of diplomacy between the two nations.
  • Mixed
    • The Republic of Northern France - There has been little contact made with the liberals at the West of Europe. However, Dacia and Northern France seem to accept eachother's existence, which can be an uselful thing once the Anarchists of the Balkans are done with [DATA EXPUNGED].
  • Negative
    • Republic of Sorbia - The Dacians see Sorbia as a puppet state of Poland, disagreeing both ideologically and in their treatment of the Germans.
  • Enemy
    • Poland - One of the primary enemies of the Balkans, Poland has been doing all it can to subjugate the Anarchists to their will. The borders at the North and South are heavily militarized to keep the Slavic Authoritarian Subhumans out of our territories.
    • Hungary - Hungary is actively threatening our sovereignty by the use of their "claims" in Transylvania. It is considered just another P*lish bootlicker in the plans for subjugating our people.
    • Lebanon - SwordComrade still drinks the salty tears of Whiztalians who cope from their desert shithole that we took control of Dacia. The only thing that is "Coming Home" to Whiztale is our boots on his throat.
    • Byzantium - The Southern primary enemy, Byzantium represents everything wrong with Europe. The Imperialist, liberal dogs will never take over Dacia ever again, no matter how the slaves of Rome call themselves!
  • At War

New Roman Empire

  • Motto: Roma invicta (Unconquered Rome)
  • Anthem: Legio Aeterna Victrix
  • Capital: Rome
  • Language: Latin (official) Italian (de facto official)
  • Official Religion: Roman Catholic (branch under "Papal appointment" by Emperor)
  • Government: Semi-constitutional monarchy
  • Emperor: Laurentius I
  • Population: 27 Millions around
  • Human Development Index: 0.821
  • Democracy Index: 3.5/10
  • Currency: Roman Aureus

After the fall of the Italian Republic, Laurentius I (Giuseppe Lorenzo) and his supporters established a Roman revivalist "Caesrist with Neoconservative characteristics" state called "Novum Imperium Romanum" (New Roman Empire) the New Roman Empire has dreams of reunifying the peninsula (and beyond) but is still struggling with (re)establishing it's identity and suffers from those who want to reestablish the Italian State and elements who wish to form thier own countries

The New Roman Empire is a unitary semi-constitutional monarchy with an Emperor as Head of State and Government and a Plebeian Council as Legislature (Laurentius I felt that restoring the Senate would create an institution that was to much of a 'historical counterbalance")

The New Roman Empire is formally a constitutional monarchy, but is de facto absolutist with the Emperor retaining many significant powers (appointing/dismissing cabinet members, right to rule by decree, declaring war and peace, concluding treaties, etc) which combined with the political dominance by the supporters of Laurentius leaves the Plebeian Council little more then a rubber stamp body.

While political parties are technically "illegal" political organizations called "political societies" function as political parties in all but name.

Plebeian Council is composed of 113 seats with each province getting at least one seat.

The Imperial Society of Laurentius represents "the mainstream imperial positions" and acts as a "party of power"


Banned Groups

Plebeian Council


The New Roman Empire has a mutual defense pact with Hungary and diplomatically supported Poland in its war with Eastern Poland


Alliances (Official): Nationalist International, Society for the Preservation of Post-Collapse History,

Alliances (Observer):

  • Friendly (75-100)
    • Hungary (85/100) : a fellow memeber of the Nationalist International, your polticla model is a inspiration to us.
    • Poland (80/100) : A fellow Cathlioc Nationalist State and a fellow memeber of the Nationalist International.
    • New Italian Republic (75/100) : While there's a desire to unify the peninsula we hope there can be peace between us, after all we are both Italic.
  • Neutral/Mixed (50-75)
    • North Germany : (65/100) While you are a fellow memeber of the Nationalist International we do question your "Luddite" pollices.
  • Hostile (0-50)
    • Byzantium (35/100) : We are the true heirs of Rome Byzantium, your rightful place is being Rome's eastern foothold.
    • Dacian Confederation (15/100) : Anti-Roman Barbarians.

New Italian Republic

New Italian Republic
Nuova Repubblica Italiana

  • Motto: Per l'Italia Nostra! (For Our Italy!)
  • Anthem: Inno di Mameli
  • Capital: Naples
  • Official Language: Italian
  • Official Religion: Roman Catholic, but under Secular State
  • Government: Federal parliamentary republic
  • Prime Minister: Paolo D'Alessio
  • Population: 22 Millions around
  • Human Development Index: 0.912
  • Democracy Index: 8.2/10
  • Currency: Italian Lira
Ethnicity %
Italian 83%
Romanian 5%
Albanian 4%
Greek 3%
Moroccan 3%
Other 2%
Religion %
Catholic 78%
Agnostic 10%
Non-religious/Atheist 8%
Other Religion 4%

Here, in the Southern area of the Italian Peninsula, we can find the New Italian Republic, a nation born from the ashes of the older Italian Republic. The institutions aren't too different, maintaining a Liberal Democratic system, but the political scenes and the parties completely changed. The dominant, and currently ruling political party is the "New Foundation", a Radical Centrist Party that takes positions from both the traditional Left ( Socially liberal policies, Egalitarianism, a strong Welfare state...) and the traditional Right ( Nationalism, Militarism with obligatory military service, protection of cultural traditions...). Regarding foreign policy, the New Italian Republic seeks alliances with other Liberal Democracies (or at least, countries that want to uphold Liberalism in major ways) all around the world. For now, "New Foundation" remains very popular in the country, with merits such as getting rid of the Mafia gangs in Southern Italy, countering Terrorist militias present in the region, lowering unemployment under 4% and an ongoing industralization project in the less developed areas of the Nation. But who knows what the future awaits for the Italians...


Banned Groups



Alliances (Official): Global Treaty Organization, AltUN, Central European Commerce Authority, Bloc of Free Trade, First Anti-Communist Internationale, European-American Cooperation Pact

Alliances (Observer):

  • Friendly (70-100)
    • Byzantium (90/100) : Byzantium is seen very well by New Italian Republic, as fellow Liberal Democracy and a close friend in the region. Economic and military cooperations between these two nations are very common. Examples include trading, condivions of research projects and counter-terrorism military operations. Una faccia, una razza!/ Ένα πρόσωπο μια φυλή!
    • Republic of China (78/100) : The Republic of China is a good ally in the Far East, against Fascism, Communism and Authoritarian regimes of all sides. The NIR is planning to improve the relationships with the ROC even further.
    • New Roman Empire (76/100) : While there are obvious political differences between the two countries and a will to reunify Italy from both of them, the New Italian Republic supports a Detente and a peaceful relationship with the New Roman Empire, possibly seeking a military alliance and a gradual unity between the two countries, with a solution that can benefit both.
    • Liberal Federation of America (75/100) - The NIR sees mostly well this state, as a fellow Liberal nation and a possible ally in the American continent. The current Italian government is mostly Pro-USA/pro-West and supports an Atlanticist foreign policy.
    • The Republic of Northern France (74/100) - Northern France is another Liberal Democracy close in the region that seems to appreciate the New Italian Republic and its political model. As such, Italy is willing to improve relationships with the country.
    • Lebanon (72/100) - While Lebanon isn't the perfect example of "Bright Democracy", it's still a country with a good respect for democratic values. And a good ally in the Middle Eastern region.
    • Eastern Polish Republic (71/100) - Eastern Poland, as member of GTO, is allied with the New Italian Republic, in opposition to the New Warsaw Pact.
    • European Commonwealth (70/100) - While this Commonwealth and its political model can be seen as "pretty weird" by a lot of Italians, the nation is generally seen as an ally, especially considering the recent access to GTO and its mostly-democratic system, even though some doubts are still hold.
  • Neutral/Mixed (50-70)
    • Greater Illinois (69/100) - While Italy doesn't see eye to eye with the political system of Illinois, the two countries still hold decent political relationships, even sharing a few political alliances. The recent liberalization of some its political institutions are warming up the relationships with Italy. The recent times have called for new allies, leading to the official access of Illinois to GTO
    • Hungary (68/100) - While Italy isn't fond of the Ethnic Nationalist aspects of Hungary, the two countries maintain good relationships, both being relatively Liberal Democratic nations. Hungary seems to have recently created a defense pact with Italy that may be useful in future.
    • Thailand (65/100) - While a lot of the Italian public opinion is pretty neutral regarding Thailand, the Italian government seems to mantain mostly friendly relationships with the Thai government, even though said relationships are very limited.
    • Spain (63/100) - While the contacts are very limited, Italy tries to pursue a friendly relationship with the Spanish State, as Italy and Spain are very similiar countries.
    • Southern California (60/100) - Similiar discourse to the above. The Southern Californian Republic doesn't hold many rapports with other countries, however, the Italian Republic has trying to contact the country, especially as aid against their northern rival, a Communist State clashing with a Liberal Democracy.
    • Indonesia (50/100) - While Italy generally maintains neutral rapports with the current Indonesian regime, the current government remains highly suspicious of the alleged Indonesian record of a brutal and oppressive society. Also, some reports accuse the Indonesian government of funding the Far Right Terrorist group "Italy Reborn We seriously don't know what to think or do about them.
  • Hostile (0-50)
    • Poland (34/100) - The Polish Social Nationalist State doesn't have the best relationships with us, especially regarding their Russophilia, Anti-Westernism, Anti-Liberalism and more recent attacks to the Eastern Polish Republic. If things escalate further, then the right provediments will be taken.
    • Neo-Soviet Union (32/100) - While Italy doesn't hold many rapports with this state, the presence of a new Soviet Union isn't welcoming at all for Italy and its allies, considering the Anti-Liberal and Communist nature of this state. Also, the New Warsaw Pact can be technically considered a rival to the GTO.


After attempting unsuccessful rebellions in Cyprus and Venezia, the Mediterranean Liberation Association successfully overtook Istria, as well as Slovenia and part of Croatia, becoming infamous for brutal tactics similar to those seen in Dacia. The area was repopulated with ethnic Italians through controversially violent means, though other Mediterraneans are also allowed to reside there.

The nation is actually more so a series of homogenous communes following mutualist economics and extreme mutualism. Istrians claim to be neoluddist but, strangely, have a space program as well as an intranet (with no connection to the Internet). The country is fairly unknown to outsiders, though tourism is allowed and encouraged. Religion of all types is commonplace, and all religions are accepted as is agnosticism, but atheism is frowned upon.

Due to imminent threats of invasion, Istria has declared neutrality until a peace can be reached. It is currently attempting to join the New Warsaw Pact.

Istria's HDI is 0.565 after the war, but it is slowly recovering.


Rather than parties Istria has factions which are all anarchist but embody different values.

Banned Groups

Despite being an anarchist nation, the Istrian people have voted via direct democracy to ban certain groups.


There is no Parliament, direct democracy is used for everything. However most people belong to the National Faction (as per a poll) and least belong to the Fascist Faction though both usually align on the same issues.


In the Spanish Civil War during at the beginning of this war, a faction not allied to either the Republicans or the Nationalists appears to enter the scene, a faction with democratic tendencies, Spanish nationalists, conservatives, Catholics and reformists, manages after three hard years of war to establish the "Kingdom National of Spain" being Alfonso XIII once again king of this new country, he was able to recover from the war quickly and efficiently, so much so that he allied himself in last instances with the Allies in the Second World War, arriving at the city ​​of Paris, Spain as gratitude receives new territorial acquisitions, in where it has become one of the most famous countries in the world.

National Kingdom of Spain
Reino Nacional de España

  • Motto: Plus Ultra!
  • Anthem: Himno de España
  • Capital: Madrid
  • Official Language: Spanish
  • Official Religion: Roman Catholic
  • Government: Kingdom
  • Population: 47 Millions
  • Human Development Index: 0.923


Ethnicity %
Spanish 94%
Portuguese 3%
Romanians 2%
Greeks 1%
Religion %
Catholic 78%
Agnostic 12%
Non-religious/Atheist 8%
Other Religion 2%


Banned Groups


Government (71/121)

Opposition (50/121)


Note: Anyone that wanna have relations with me just talk with my in my DM on Discord or edit my userpage in the comments sections

  • Allies
  • Friendly
  • Positive
  • Mixed
  • Negative
  • Enemy
  • At War


For more info see PCBaller World/Byzantium

The Eastern Roman Republic is a southern European, mediterranean state led by Loukas Mitrides and is under a liberal democracy.

It is a liberal and progressive state, having a decent amount of allies, but most importantly it is allied to the nation of Greater Illinois, which provides scientific & military technology to Byzantium, which has allowed Byzantium to develop itself technologically and as such, the threats made by nearby nations such as the Balkan Union and Dacia are insignificant and Byzantium, if it wants to, can destroy them pretty easily, however the Balkan Union may hold on longer due to the Neo-Warsaw Pact supporting it. Another important ally is the New Italian Republic, both being members of the Global Treaty Organization, a military alliance between liberal democracies meant to defend each other. They both share their technologies and have in general good relations, economically and socially. While Byzantium has other allies, these two are the most important.

Byzantium is only willing to send its technology abroad to countries which are truly its allies, such as Eastern Poland, Italy, West Germany and more recently Hungary, as both have found common ground in the threat posed by the Dacian Confederation. With the condition that they don't send our tech to Poland. It has embargoed communist nations (Neo-USSR, Balkan Union, East California etc.) along with other anti-communist nations, believing communism to be a threat to the democratic world order.

Byzantium is quite developed with an average of 1.230 HDI, with it being mostly the same around the entire country, as Byzantium has managed to remove the divide between urban and rural, with urban and rural cities being completely indistinguishable. As such, the HDI is the same across the entire country. Initially, Byzantium was able to foster an intellectual base by being open to immigration from talent pools from the Global South and also the Asian continent, which is the reason why almost 20% of Byzantines today aren't Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian, Vlach or Macedonian. This turned out to be a great decision, as it fixed the demographic crisis and allowed for a rapid rate of tech acceleration, up to a HDI of around 0.92, up from 0.64. However, Byzantium has been able to further accelerate that thanks to its alliance with Greater Illinois, something which turned out to be the greatest geopolitical decision ever made by the country, as it allowed rates of tech acceleration it had never seen before.

In terms of society, Byzantium is very progressive having the most liberal LGBTQ+ and abortion laws in the world, there is also a high degree of gun rights. As such, society is overall individualistic and pretty internationalist, as Byzantium is willing to join blocs such as the AltUN, the BFT and the European-American Cooperation Pact. In terms of its cities, they combine post-neo-futurist architecture while still preserving greenery, with 50% of city area on average being dedicated to greenery, believing it can serve as a carbon sink, a flood protector and also a way for people to live a relaxing life while still being in an urban area. Cities also promote walkability, with there being no space dedicated for cars, instead cities are close together and are walkable by design, if not, instead of walking, people can cycle, use public transit (trams, metros etc.) and for long trips use maglevs.

Byzantium is divided into 56 provinces, preserving the previous provincial division of the previous Greek, Bulgarian and Turkish government (with some modifications). Byzantium has a population of around 63 million. Constantinople is Byzantium's capital and the largest metropolis, of around 27 million people. Other major cities include Adrianople, Athens, Sofia, Thessaloniki and Varna.

Byzantium has begun to build up a nuclear fleet, more specifically, it has built its first cobalt bombs, based on cobalt-60, which is made from cobalt-59 plus a neutron. These bombs are going to be used as mostly as a military deterrent, however they may require 5-10 year maintenance as the cobalt-60 may decay, as it has a short half life. However, it can easily be remade thanks to how it has become to combine cobalt with a neutron.

The Byzantine Armed Forces are made up of the following branches: The Land Forces, The Naval Forces, The Aerial Forces, The Space Forces and finally the Mountain Corps. The military is mostly subordinate to the Ministry of Defense but in times of emergency it can be made subordinate to the Prime Minister. There are around 200,000 active soldiers in the Byzantine Armed Forces, with there being an additional 105,000 Standard Robotic Units (SRUs), with these SRUs being scaled up in order to replace and improve upon regular soldiers, utilizing Illinoisan new-gen SRU design. There are set to be 2M SRUs participating in the Armed Forces.


Banned Groups

Pressure Groups


Ethnicity %










East Asians






Religion %
Orthodox Christianity






Catholic Christianity


Church Of The Great Old Ones


Protestant Christianity





National Assembly

Coalition (265/400)
Official Opposition (85/400)
Other Opposition (50/400)

Official Monitor

The Official Monitor reports about the events of parliament.

  • Byzantine Parliament passes the HITECH Act, a 400B$ investment act that will mostly subsidize private companies to build up a technological base through the mechanisms of the free market. 200B$ would go towards infrastructure (railways, roads, ports, public transit and bridges) in order to improve trade and infrastructure quality. 70B$ would go towards improving military hardware and capabilities, along with the establishment of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Service (DARPS). 50B$ would go towards STEM education in order to build up an even stronger academic and intellectual base. 30B$ would go towards the Byzantine Space Agency (BSA) and also private space companies (like CosmosX). Another 30B$ will go towards improving automation technologies, artificial intelligence and building more semiconductor manufacturing. 10B$ would go towards improving energy generation so that Byzantium can achieve energy independence and 10B$ would go towards improving internet and broadband speeds.
  • Byzantine Parliament passes the Budget Reconciliation Act of 20XX, with there being increased funding for research & development, the military and infrastructure. Welfare programs like Public healthcare, public education have been increased. The Negative Income Tax has also been expanded, however the minimum wage was abolished, instead, the only way workers could have high pay is through unionization and bargaining. Other extra things implemented under this bill was a militarization of the border with Romania (due to increased illegal activities there because of its anarchist nature), the establishment of a Federal Anti-Corruption Service and the Land Value Tax was also increased from 20%-40% to 60%-80%.
  • Byzantine Parliament passes the Byzantine Security & Protection Act, with the goal of taking a harder hand towards terrorist/criminal groups like the Godfathers of the Night, Red Turks and the Revival Group, which have increased their terrorist activities in the last months. As such, the Federal Intelligence Agency (FIA) has been established to protect the Byzantine people and uphold the Byzantine constitution. It will be responsible for tackling domestic terrorism. It also accepts Greater Illinoisan protection against the threat of Dacia and Poland (albeit with a referendum after the bill passes). Investments in the police force are also increased (part of the Budget Reconciliation Act of 20XX). Extra: Illinoisan Protection referendum passes 51.68% to 48.32%.
  • Members of the Peoples Party elect Stefanos Kontotzis as their new leader, with him being a Neoconservative, supporting stronger relations with Greater Illinois seeing them as an important geopolitical ally against the backward states of Poland and Dacia. He calls for a scaling up of military spending (up to over 3% of GDP, up from 2.4% of GDP) and higher research and development spending. He also believes that the police force and intelligent services need to be strengthened to combat terrorist and ultranationalist groups and also that Communist groups need to banned like the Left Party's leftist faction, wanting Byzantium to join the First Anti-Communist Internationale.

He also supports fiscally conservative policies, like cutting welfare and making it temporary. He believes this will end the economic overheating that will result from his heavy spending on R&D, Intelligence, Police and Military. He also supports increasing foreign direct investment by privatizing all nationalized businesses (except for water, telecom and rail), seeking to privatize the energy sector and natural resource extraction sector. Whether this would mean the People's Party will topple the Prosperity Party and become the ruling party remains to be found out, however it seems like they will, seeing current geopolitical situations and domestic situation. If he can present the People's Party as a true law and order party compared to the "soft" Prosperity Party, maybe they will have a chance.

  • Byzantine Parliament passes the Invest in Byzantium Act, a 6T$ bill over the span of 10 years (so 600B$/year) that is meant to invest in Byzantium and to improve it on the world stage. 230B$/year would go towards science & technology, this is funding that goes to technological advancements in STEM fields. 150B$/year would go towards healthcare research and development, in order to reduce infant mortality, increase life expectancy and cure diseases. 100B$/year would be dedicated towards improving military hardware, along with signing military contracts with Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies for Illinoisan tech. 50B$/year would be dedicated towards improving public transportation and infrastructure. 25B$/year would be dedicated towards the Byzantine Space Agency and private space exploration companies, mostly to construct a fleet of space tethers and nuclear powered rockets. 25B$/year would also be dedicated towards technologies like nuclear fusion and another 15B$/year would be given to universities, academies but also towards K-12 education along with free school lunches. Finally, the other 5B$/year would be given to desalination technologies, deep sea mining (especially in the Mediterranean, but with some biodiversity protections) and other technologies.
  • Recently, the Byzantine Parliament has passed the Parliamentary Reforms and Conduct Act which amends the Byzantine Constitution, allowing for there to only be an unicameral parliament, called the National Assembly. It will have 400 seats, just like the old Chamber of Deputies. Afterwards, it has passed in a referendum 52% to 48%.
  • For the first time ever, there will be established LGBTQ+ sections within clothing & accessory stores, through the LGBTQ+ Sections Act. This isn't to say that the LGBTQ+ are obligated to buy from those sections only, it just means that they are free to buy LGBTQ+ related clothing, yearly and not during Pride Month only.
  • After some discussions, parliament has come up with and has passed the Post-Quantum Encryption & Security Act meant to address the security fallout after the creation of the Kythera Quantum Computer. It is subsidizing to 30B$ to internet security companies along with a 15B$ tax credit to those companies in order to heavily improve cryptography standards in a post-quantum world.
  • After tense debate, a Budget Reconciliation bill is finally passed. Here are the spending changes that come as a result of it: Research and development spending has been increased to 12% of GDP (from 700B$/year to 840B$/year), social program spending has been cut to 20% of GDP (from 1.7T$/year to 1.4T$ year), however the minimum wage was brought back and is currently at 5.70$/hour. Military spending is at 5% of GDP while police spending is at 3% of GDP. Healthcare spending and Education spending have both increased to 5% of GDP. On taxation, the land value tax has been cut to 56% (down from 70%). Revenues have fallen from 4.9T$/year to 3.9T$/year. This means that after many years of surplus, the Byzantine budget is for the first time ever in a deficit. The proposed national sales tax of 3.25% has also passed, however it isn't enough to deal with this new deficit. This budget is seen as a compromise between all factions of the Prosperity Party, and sort of shows the high levels of division within it.
  • The National Assembly has passed the Strengthening Democracy Act, making sure that a constitutional amendment requires 3/4 of the NA to support it (up from 2/3) in order to prevent dictatorial policies. The people are also allowed, within 1 year of a Prime Minister's tenure to vote him out through a referendum which requires 4M signatures. There is to also be a National Assembly Guard of around 300 standard robotic and a Ministerial Guard in the ministerial buildings (+the PM's building) each with 50 standard robotic units and are wired to protect democracy, as such they won't go rogue and won't follow through an insurrection or a coup. Instead, they will stop it. A vote of no confidence in parliament has also been reduced from requiring 2/3 of the vote to just 60% of the vote (240/400). The bill is believed to strengthen the parliamentary system and to prevent the rise of a potential autocrat or to stop him in his tracks.
  • The National Assembly has passed, in a narrow majority, the Mass Production and Mobilization Act which seeks to scale up Standard Robotic Units (SRUs), increasing them from 200,000 to over 2,000,000 through economic incentives to defense companies such as AEKKEA, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies. Along with this, there will be a doubling of SDI funding from 17B$/year to 34B$/year. They also seek to create not 5 cobalt bombs but 12 cobalt bombs. And finally, this bill will allow for the full automation of the workplace, based on AIs with the Kythera/Eagle-9 quantum computer (not the Kythera II, due to its AGI tendencies). This will mean the replacement of all human soldiers of the army with merely robotic ones, as they are faster, stronger and more durable. Implementing, Illinois's 7th gen SRU model. There will also be SRUs dedicated as guards, police forces but also as workers in factory jobs. These will number around x10 less than what was to be a standard working population 44 million (so only 4,000,000 of them, seeing as how they can be more productive and can easily multitask). This bill was proposed by the Accelerationist Faction of the Prosperity Party.


  • Military Organizations: European-American Cooperation Pact, Global Treaty Organization
  • Economic Organizations: Bloc of Free Trade
  • Political Organizations: AltUN, First Anti-Communist Internationale, Initiative for the Preservation of Knowledge , Society for the Preservation of Post-Collapse History International Transcendence Initiative

Byzantium, as a nation which favors the doctrine of globalism overall hopes that nations co-operate economically and socially in order to better the world, but recognizes that while some countries may be on the same page as us, some countries are chauvinistic and thus are against the concept of globalization in it of itself. As such, it is on good terms with fellow democratic countries but on bad terms with autocratic countries.


Austria or Kingdom of austria (Königreich Österreich) is state located in central european. From 202X until now Austria is the only state in europe that embraced full matriachy. in the cource of last decade austria had become technological and economic superpower

Königreich Österreich

  • Anthem: W.I.P
  • Capital: Vienna
  • Demonym: Austrian
  • Languages:German
  • Queen: Anelie I "Salzburgian"
  • Government: Techoncratic Matriarchal Monarchy
  • Population: 9,983 milion


Banned Groups

Council of technocrats


National General Council

Council representing the intrest of General population (Mainly if not only 1st category citizens), Consist of 200 members, elected in Popular elections for 1-year term, don't have direct political power


For more info on the AltUN please see #Alternative_United_Nations_(AltUN) and Alternative United Nations.
For more info on Genava please see PCBaller_World/Geneva.

The Sovereign Union Capital of the AltUN in the Geneva Area (SUCACA), commonly called Geneva or Genevan City State is a city-state in former Switzerland, specifically the canton of Genava and parts of the Canton of Vaud. It is the official sovereign territory of the AltUN and serves as its capital. The capital was created as a result of the first AltUN resolution.

The population of the country is 734,543. The governance of the state is done via consensus direct-democracy as well as the elected National Council of 20 seats. The state is constitutionally forbidden from engaging in foreign affairs or taking official stances on matters of foreign affairs, this is supervised by the AltUN-lead "Neutrality Supervisory Board", which is able to interfere in the state's politics when they threaten its neutrality.

Sovereign Union Capital of the AltUN in the Geneva Area
Capitale de l'Union Souveraine de l'AltUN dans la Région de Genève

  • Anthem:
  • Motto: None
  • Capital: Geneva
  • Demonym: Genevan
  • Languages: All official, French used in administration
  • Ethnic groups: French (26.1%), Italian (16%), German (9.2%), Other (48.7%)
  • Government: Mandatory unitary consensus semi-direct democratic republic
    under supervision of a non-government entity
  • Population: 734,543
  • HDI: 0.966
  • Code: AltUN-GN


Geneva does not have parties as such since the majority of decisions in the state are made via direct-democracy, interest groups do however stand for election in the National Council every 5 years.

Banned Groups

Automatically banned are all groups which seek to end the current and neutral order of the state.

National Council

Neutrality Supervisory Board

  • AltUN Officers (5/5)

Balkan Union

Balkan Union
Balkanska Unija

  • Anthem:
  • Capital: Belgrade
  • Demonym: Balkan
  • Languages: Croatian (official), Macedonian (official), Albanian (official), Serbian (official)
    Slovenian (Minority), Bulgarian (Minority), Montenegrin (Minority)
  • Chairman: Кайл Барретт
  • Government: Decentralized libertarian socialist confederation
  • Population: 19,291,921


Unions Of The Balkans

Banned Groups


The Republic of Northern France

For more info see: PCBaller World/The Republic of Northern France

Northern France is a relatively medium nation with a quite strong economy located in Normandy. Economically, Northern France is known for its liberal policies and status as a tax haven. The country has embraced a fiscally conservative approach, characterized by minimal regulations and a limited government. It is a place where economic freedom and entrepreneurship flourish, attracting businesses and individuals seeking a favorable environment for growth and prosperity. The nation's commitment to being a tax haven has helped it become a hub for international investment and financial activities.

Politically, Northern France is a liberal democracy with a relatively small government.
The President, Mr_Beast_0f_93, is the head of state and ensures the protection of natural and human rights, embodying a moderate libertarian philosophy. The nation's governance is designed to preserve individual liberties and promote personal autonomy. The government maintains a balanced approach, embracing globalism and interventionism in a humanist manner. It actively engages in global affairs, seeking to promote peace, justice, and humanitarian causes on the international stage.

Culturally, Northern France reflects a moderate progressive outlook. The country is known for its inclusive stance on social issues such as LGBT rights, women's rights, and overall support for immigrants and refugees. It values diversity and encourages a multicultural society where different backgrounds and perspectives are respected. However, Northern France approaches some aspects with skepticism, such as non-binary identities and what it perceives as an extreme form of activism often referred to as Social Justice Warriors. The nation seeks a balance between progressivism and cautious skepticism, fostering an environment that encourages open dialogue and respectful discussions on various social matters.

  • Motto: For equality and freedom.
  • Anthem: Ça ira
  • Capital: Paris du Nord
  • Demonym: northern french
  • Languages:no official languages, french (de facto)
    • Recognized minorities
      literally all monitories are recognized
  • Banned Languages: N/A
  • Official Religion: N/A
  • Government: Parliamentary federal Republic.
  • President: Mr_Beast_0f_93
  • Minister of Economy: Maxime bertrand
  • Minister of Trade: Emmanuel Micron
  • Intelligence Agency: strictly prohibited by the constitution
  • Population: 34,420,690
  • Code: NF





Even if the constitution prohibits the ban of any political parties.This does not mean that every parties stays without dying or falling into irrelevancy.


  • - 116/342
  • - 58/342
  • - 43/342
  • - 39/342
  • - 29/342
  • - 24/342
  • - 19/342
  • - 14/342

Relations and Diplomacy

  • Orgs:
  • AltUN - Alternative United Nations
  • The International Red Cross
  • Bloc of Free Trade
  • Global Treaty Organization
  • European-American Cooperation
  • Central European Commerce Association
  • Allies
    • The Beryist reich - Northern France maintains a cooperative relationship with the Beryist Reich, characterized by shared liberal-democratic values, economic cooperation, and mutual respect for social progress.
    • Byzantium - Northern France and the Eastern Roman Republic have characterized by strong economic and technological cooperation, facilitated by their membership in the Global Treaty Organization and shared alliances with Greater Illinois, fostering stability and advancements in both nations.
  • Friendly
    • New Italian Republic - mutual respect for liberal democratic principles, with Northern France recognizing the New Italian Republic's efforts in combating organized crime, terrorism, and implementing successful economic initiatives, while both nations share a common interest in fostering alliances with liberal democracies around the world.
  • Positive
    • European Comonwealth - some perceiving the Commonwealth as a stronghold of democracy in Northern Europe, while others view it as a controversial entity, either a relic of the past or influenced by external forces, resulting in an uncertain future for the region.
  • Mixed
    • hispaniola - The relations between the liberal exiled governement are on pause due to the oppressive policies imposed by the exiled government, resulting in cultural repression and discrimination, raising concerns about the cost of stability achieved on the island.
    • Lebanon - supports to help Lebanon rebuild after the devastating civil war, while expressing concerns over the temporary authoritarian rule and the need for political stability in the face of regional threats and the challenging task of democratic reform.
  • Negative
    • North Germany - The relations between Northern France and the North German People's State are characterized by cautious diplomacy and limited engagement due to the isolationist and nationalist nature of the latter, coupled with the perception of an overstayed ruling regime, creating uncertainties and challenges in maintaining a stable relationship between the two regions.
    • Neo-roman Empire - cautious diplomacy, as the New Roman Empire's ambitions to reunify the peninsula and its struggle to establish a cohesive identity create uncertainty and potential tensions, while Northern France supports the liberal italian government.
    • Bavaria - cautious distance due to their differing ideological foundations, with Northern France opting for a liberal-democratic system and the Council Republic pursuing a revolutionary proletarian state, which has led to limited engagement and a lack of significant interaction between the two entities.
    • dacia - The relations between Northern France and the Dacian Confederacy are strained and marked by instability, as the rise of the National Anarchists in the region has led to widespread violence, assassinations, and governmental corruption, further contributing to the impending collapse and creating an environment of uncertainty and unrest.
  • Enemy
    • Poland - occasional tensions due to the stark ideological differences, authoritarian nature, and traditionalist social structure of the Polish regime, with concerns arising from the potential instability in the country upon the death of its supreme leader and the growing influence of the ZZ paramilitary group
    • Sorbia - The relations between Sorbia and neighboring regions are tense and strained due to the establishment of a regime rooted in Tammyist Slavic Nationalism, marked by the suppression and displacement of the German majority, leading to an oppressive environment and strained interethnic relations, undermining the perception of a true democracy in the state.
    • Neo-soviet union - N O.
  • At War

French Republic
République Française

  • Motto: La France ne sera jamais vaincue! (France will never be vanquished!)
  • Anthem: Chanson des Français
  • Capital: Marseille
  • Demonym: French/Southern French (To avoid confusion with Northern France)
  • Languages: French
  • Recognized Minorities: Decided locally
  • Religious Policy: Secularism
  • Government: Federal Semi-Presidential Quasi-Authoritarian Republic under a Military Strongman
  • Economy: Successful
  • Economic Policy: Directed Market Economy with Corporatist Organization
  • Foreign Policy: Neutral
  • President: Galaxy
  • Democracy Index: 5.32
  • Population: 47,000,000(ish)
  • HDI: 0.932
  • Code: FR

Basic Backstory

After the collapse the modern French Republic was quickly rescued from anarchy and chaos due to an almost immediate enactment of martial law, which saw hundreds if not thousands of wanted/suspected criminals, rebels/rioters, and political rivals executed or arrested without trial, as police forces stood by and watched, powerless. The resulting military junta, while stable enough to keep order, was distracted by corrupt generals bickering about what to do, each being out for themselves as Southern France was divided into separate warlords and "private kingdoms". President Galaxy, a major in the French military initially, led a a revanchist civil war against rival warlords, eventually managing to re-unify Southern France after a few years of bloody, painstaking fighting.

With France under his control, Galaxy declared the new French Republic, allowing multi-party elections and (limited) freedom of speech/assembly, but ultimately assigned himself most powers in the new constitution, using his control over the French police, the military, and the SSG (a paramilitary group loyal to Galaxy himself) to maintain power and silence dangerous opposition.

Groups of Interest

Government Agencies

  • French Security Directorate
  • French Republican Police
  • French Republican Guard
  • Joint Army of the Republic
  • State Security Group
  • French Broadcasting & Media Agency
  • FRANAT Corporation
  • Ministry of Commerce & Trade
  • Ministry of Defense
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Health & Public Safety
  • Ministry of Foreign Relations
  • Ministry of Justice & National Security
  • Ministry of Land & Infrastructure
  • Labour Relations Committee

Political Parties
Political parties are listed in order of most seats. Please also keep in mind that President Galaxy is not affiliated with any party, and simply lets the legislative branch do most of their job uninterrupted, unless he feels a need to veto one of the bills.

  • People's Party
    • Social Liberalism
    • Third Way Liberalism (some)
    • Social Corporatism (most)
    • Progressivism
    • Progressive Conservatism (some)
    • Globalism
    • Hawkism
  • Conservative Party
    • Classical Liberalism
    • Conservative Liberalism
    • Fiscal Conservatism
    • Progressive Conservatism
    • Populism
    • Moderatism
    • Patriotism
  • Christian Rights Party
    • Christian Democracy
    • Social Capitalism
    • Christian Trade Unionism
    • Paternalistic Conservatism
    • Fusion Populism
    • Patriotism
  • Labour Party
    • Left-Wing Populism
    • Trade Unionism
    • Social Democracy
    • Progressivism
    • Globalism
  • France First Party
    • Christian Nationalism
    • National Conservatism
    • Right-Wing Populism
    • Fiscal Conservatism
    • White Nationalism (factions)

Interest Groups

  • Prosperity Group
    Corporate-funded lobbyists who try to advertise things like deregulation, cutting taxes/spending, liberalizing trade, and crony capitalism as positive and beneficial to society. Scandals galore. Worst nightmare of social democrats.
  • Alliance of French Unions
    Self-explanatory. A nation-wide agreement between local trade unions to work together, usually reform-minded but isn't afraid to use violence and protests to get what they want.
  • Concerned Citizens of France
    Right-wing online advocacy group, skeptical of immigration, abortion, contraceptives, high taxation, deficit spending, and overall "big government". Bg government doesn't include cops of course . Some controversy due to it being somewhat supportive of far-right ideas.
  • Civil Liberties Union
    Title. Doesn't like "oppression" and raises hell over alleged abuses. Fights violently for your rights, especially if you donate to them . Methods of protest include formal complaints in court, actual physical protests, doxxing (allegedly), DDoS attacks (allegedly), and marketing campaigns such as renting billboards or airing commercials.
  • The Progressive
    Left-wing non-profit news agency, spews progressive and anti-capitalist populist rhetoric, claims to be communists and revolutionary, but in actuality are just democratic socialists.

Illegal Groups

  • French Socialist Party
    • Neo-Nazism
    • Neo-Fascism
    • White Nationalism
    • Ethnonationalism
    • Imperialism
    • National Capitalism
    • Fascist Hawkism
    • Ultranationalism
  • Sons of France M.C
    • Neo-Nazism
    • White Nationalism
    • Christian Identity
    • Esoteric Fascism
    • Illegalism
    • Agorism
  • French Volunteer Militia
    • Separatism
    • Libertarianism
    • Anarcho-Capitalism (factions)
    • Patriotism
  • Revolutionary Communist Party of France
    • Marxism-Leninism (most)
    • Maoism (some)
    • Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (some)
    • Revolutionary Progressivism
  • 328's
    • Oligarchy
    • Kleptocracy
    • Illegalism
    • Agorism
    • Homophobia

Foreign Relations

  • Allied
  • Friendly
  • Neutral
  • Cold
  • Hostile/At War

South Swedish Reich

The South Swedish Reich was established after Norway-Sweden stormed the south of Sweden, The remnants of the Swedish army were radicalized and either went North to Establish the Sacred Kingdom of Sweden or went down south to the region of Scania to put up a final resistance, the split was mainly along economic lines with the left-wingers going north and capitalists going south. After the Swedes were driven out from Skåne, the Swedish army under the leadership of general Deauthen retreated to Denmark and was stationed there. When Denmark collapsed due to the economic crisis, the Swedish army staged a coup in Copenhagen.

South Swedish Reich
Sydsvenska riket

  • Motto: Glory to the Army, Glory to the People.
  • Anthem: När solen lyser klart på himlen blå
  • Capital: Copenhagen
  • Demonym: South Swedish
  • Languages:Swedish (official)
    • Recognized minorities
      Polish, Pomorskitong, German, Danish
  • Banned Languages: Hebrew, Yiddish, Albanian
  • Official Religion: None
  • Government: Military Junta
  • General: General Deauthen
  • Inteligence Agency: SS - Svenska specialdivisionen
  • Democracy Index: 0.74
  • Population: 7,844,73
  • HDI: 0.940
  • Code: SS

National Norwegian People's Republic

For more info see: PCBaller World/Norway-Sweden

The National Norwegian People's Republic is a state that was established after the fall of the Norwegian-Swedish Anarchist Commune. Iefan Alstūd had been consolidating power within himself for years beforehand, and key inner party members began to fear a self-coup was brewing, and thus started conspiring to overthrow Alstūd to preserve their anarchist values. This culminated in the troubles of early September of 2039, in which the key party members attempted to launch a coup, but were met with the KKIS already knowing their positions. Conflicts between Alstūd loyalists and Hardliner Anarchists broke out all over the nation, and all external communications were severed, though in the end, Alstūd prevailed and proclaimed the Republic, with himself as Kansler.

National Norwegian People's Republic
Nasjonal Norsk Folkerikerepublikk

  • Anthem: Mot Sønnen
  • Capital: Bergen
  • Demonym: Norwegian
  • Languages: Norwegian (official), English (Allowed; secondary),
    Swedish (unrecognized minority)
  • Government: Unitary Fascist One-Party Republic under an Authoritarian Dictatorship
  • Kansler: Iefan Alstūd
  • Population: 9,922,937


Banned Groups


The Storting is the bicameral legislative body of the National Norwegian People's Republic. It is formed of a lower house (National Chamber of Corporations) and an upper house (Great Council for National Interests).

The National Chamber of Corporations (Nasjonal Kammer av Korporasjonar) is made up of representatives of the Norwegian Corporations and Syndicates, who are referred to as "National Councilors" (Nasjonalkonsulent).

The Great Council for National Interests (Storrådet for Nasjonale Interesser) is made up of members of government, referred to as "National Syndics" (Nasjonale Syndiker), appointed by the Kansler from National Chamber of Corporations, to advise him on matters of national importance. Members are generally appointed for life, though can be dismissed if found acting against national interest.

National Chamber of Corporations (462/462)

  • Revolutionary Alstūdist Party of Norway (462/462)
    • Orthodox Alstūdists (281/462)
    • Leftist Alstūdists (131/462)
    • Rightist Alstūdists (50/462)

The Great Council for National Interests (16/16)

  • Revolutionary Alstūdist Party of Norway (16/16)
    • Orthodox Alstūdists (11/16)
    • Leftist Alstūdists (4/16)
    • Rightist Alstūdists (1/16)
SNI Members
  • NS. Amund Haugen (Minister of Economy and Corporations)
  • NS. Erik Vatn (Minister of Socialization)
  • NS. Ranveig Våge (Minister of Labour and Production)
  • General Bjorn Haldorsson (Minister of War)
  • NS. Aslaug Tollefsrud (Minister of State Security)
  • Commander Audun Kvamme (Commander of the Anti-Corruption Police)
  • NS. Mattis Lunde (Minister of Health)
  • NS. Stian Eide (Minister of Youth)
  • Dr. Ingvild Torp (Minister of Faith)
  • NS. Jørund Viken (Minister of Education)
  • NS. Sylvi Teigen (Minister of Agriculture and Land Use)
  • NS. Lucas Vik (Minister of Environment)
  • NS. Marius Holm (Minister of Infrastructure)
  • NS. Andreas Nygård (Minister of Justice)
  • Daniel Rendensen (NWP Congressman)
  • Espen Bakke (AltUN Representative)


  • Alliance: The New Warsaw Pact
  • Economic-Orgs: CECA - Central European Commerce Authority
  • Political-Orgs: AltUN - Alternative United Nations, - Eighth Working Man's Internationale
  • Treaties: - Zgorzelec Climate Treaty

Foreign Policy: Norway-Sweden follows an anti-interventionist foreign policy, preferring to focus on domestic issues and community-led initiatives. However, as a member of the New Warsaw Pact, the country maintains close ties with other member states, particularly Poland, and thus aids them in their struggles.

  • Positive
    • Polish Social Nationalist Republic
      After Norway-Sweden's re-entry into the NWP, relations with Poland have once again starting being positive
    • South Swedish Reich
      Despite the ideological gap, Norway-Sweden views South Sweden as Nordic brothers, and will cooperate with them
    • People's Republic of Korea
      Although the two countries have limited diplomatic contact, and differ slightly ideologically, Norway-Sweden looks positively on the PRK, seeing them as a bastion of Socialism for the East, as well as holding true nationalistic and anti-Marxian beliefs.
  • Neutral
    • Greater Illinois
      Norway-Sweden on paper holds great distrust towards the Illinois regime, with most of the population being very against them, though behind the scenes, Norway-Sweden is rather ambivalent to them, as long as they stay out of Nordic affairs, a boundary they've respected for now .
  • Negative
    • Sacred Kingdom of Sweden
      Despite the Treaty of Bergen having been successful at making peace between the two nations, Norway-Sweden still views Sweden as a potential threat.
    • North Germany
      Norway-Sweden views the socialist movement in Northern Germany with some respect, though does not support their meddling in Scandinavian politics, especially involving Sweden, seeing it as a direct threat to their sovereignty. In regards to this, North Germany also falsely supports Sweden's claim to the South, showing their imperialistic ambitions.


For more info, see this

Photo of The New Order opposition in Finland

The Islamic Emirate of Finland is a country dominated by DualPlayist Left-Islamists. It is an authoritarian state, but not as authoritarian as the others.

Muslims in Finland appeared only earlier, but when Sweden introduced a policy of nationalizing the nation, they fled from the state to their neighbor, i.e. Finland. Finnish Muslims still believe in Sunnism, but more in the new branch of Duamashmiya.

Islamic Emirate of Finland
Suomen Islamilainen Emiraatti, إمارة فنلندا الإسلامية

  • Motto: Sharia and Unity
  • Anthem: Ya Tarshi - khayef Ealeik
  • Capital: Helstad (Helsinki)
  • Demonym: Finnish
  • Languages: Finnish, Arabic
  • Official Religion: Islam ( Duamashmiya, الدوامشمية)
  • Government: Semi-Federal One-Party Authoritarian Emirate
  • Emir: Hasan bin Osman
  • Population: 6 351 000
  • Code: FN
  • HDI: 0.93





Banned Groups



Pressure Groups

State Council


Current policy: Internationalism

  • Allies
    • [+85] - We are slowly concluding the application to the New Warsaw Pact, despite the historical opposition to the Soviets. In addition, based policy. And we still belong to the New Warsaw Pact.
  • Friendly
    • [+75] - Islam, socialism and the still slow adoption of anime... literally ULTRA-BASED. We improved each other's relationship with him a lot. And you still recognized us, so our relationship deepens even more. I wonder how Letty Whiterock became your leader... After all, we have Cirno
    • [+70] - Finnish-Norwegian relations are at a very good level. We have the same goals and similar views.
    • [+50] - Your government has recognized our country, so we will continue to support the name. We will also support the name culturally.
  • Positive
    • [+43] - Finnish-Indonesian relations are quite positive. They share the same religion as Islam.
    • [+35] - Finnish-East California relations are relatively positive. Moreover, East California is an ally of the New Warsaw Pact.
    • [+32] - Hungarian-Finnish relations are improving. Hungary will cooperate with us commercially, diplomatically and with the SatellaGlobe Project. We also partially borrowed ideas from Hungary.
  • Mixed
    • [+20] - We are discouraged because of our history. Although I do not avoid forgiveness for history.
    • [+16] - Finland is trying to deepen its relationship with Japan, but we do not have an official opinion yet.
    • [+14] - We had a common enemy, but unfortunately due to different policies, we can't be closer.
    • [+10] - Relations are getting better, though if you want Hyperwar you can. After all, who will prohibit tech wars...
    • [+9] - Relationships are quite moderate. You can see that you were inspired by the SatellaGlobe Project instead of creating competition.
    • [+8] - We have nothing against the nation, although we try to cooperate with many nations according to our geopolitics.
    • [+7] - Finnish-European relations are fine. Except that they slightly support Sweden. In extreme cases, Finland claims the territories of the Åland Islands.
    • [+6] - Despite opposing Islamist views, we are trying to ease the tension.
    • [+2] - Despite similar views and confessions, it still terrorizes us. It's probably too radical a version of Islam... Although the situation improves if it joined the New Warsaw Pact
  • Negative
    • [-23] - Greenland, being theocratic is very cautious about the SatellaGlobe Project. Obviously, the organization aims to seek contact with an unidentified civilizations. Although he offers help in the investigation of paranormal phenomena
  • Enemy
  • At War



For more info see: PCBaller World/Sweden

In the cold forests of northern Scandinavia a new nation has risen up - The Sacred Kingdom of Sweden. Claiming to be the true successor to the once unified Swedish kingdom, it seeks to relive the glory days of the long lost empire.
The state is led by a highly traditionalist government which combines a strong socialist state with reactionary social values and Christian fundamentalism. People have accused the regime of being an oppressive, absolutist state masquerading as a benevolent monarchy and totally breaking with the Swedish tradition of liberal tolerance. However, its defenders still see it as a morally just force which will save the nation from the degeneracy of modernity.
Whether the new state will take the road to glory or collapse into corruption will be seen in just a matter of time.

Sacred Kingdom of Sweden
Heliga Svenska Kungadömet

  • Anthem: Kungssången
  • Capital: Umeå
  • Demonym: Swede
  • Languages: Swedish (official)
    Finnish (Recognized minority)
    Sami (Recognized minority)
  • Government: Unitary Christian Absolute Monarchy
  • Leader: King Carl Philip (De jure)
    Officer Altem (De facto)
  • Official Religion: Lutheran Christianity (Agustana)
  • Population: 7,549,006
  • HDI: 0.891
  • Code: SK



Banned Groups

Pressure Groups

His Majesty's High Assembly

The assembly is more of an advicory council for the king and holds no actual power. However, the king often does listen to the Swedish Peasants' Front's council's opinions.

Assembly Leadership (221/349)

Opposition (128/349)


Foreign Policy:

Alliance: UFNNS

Isolation is the primary foreign policy of Sweden. This is not only for ideological reasons, such as keeping Swedish cultural purity and protecting the population from cosmopolitan modernity, but also as a tactic used for survival. Domestic issues are put first and it generally tries to avoid international conflicts due to its relatively small population and harsh environment which makes resource gathering tougher. Although, it isn't totally neutral and still cares about the state of the world and it has been noted that it usually involves itself in regional conflicts.

  • Positive
    • People's Republic of Korea
      Despite there being a lot of scepticism towards Korea at first, the two nations have started cooperating more and more. This relationship is, however, hard to maintain due to the far distance between them and Korea's occasional support for Greater Ilinois.
    • North Germany
      Sweden has a generally positive view of North Germany as the nation supports many of its values and shares its scepticism of Norway. An alliance between the countries might be closer than most think.
  • Neutral
    • European Commonwealth
      The relationship with the European Commonwealth is a mixed bag. Although the kingdom generally dislikes their politics and have a territorial dispute over Åland and Gotland, it is still in a reluctant alliance with them. This is done both as a way to fight groups of terrorists and as a potentional safetynet if the Swedish-Norwegian conflict ever was to worsen.
    • Polish Social Nationalist Republic
      Although Sweden shares many values as Poland, it does not like Poland's attempts at asserting its dominance over Europe.
  • Negative
    • Islamic Emirate of Finland
      Although tensions have historically been high between the two nations, the relationship between them has become better in recent times. As the kingdom wants to focus on its conflict with Norway, its relationship with Finland had to be improved, despite the fact that the two regimes are fundamentally opposed to eachother. It is not yet known whether this peace will last forever or be over soon.
    • Greater Illinois
      Illinois is often painted as "the great enemy", representing everything the kingdom stands against. However, due to its isolationist nature and technological inferiority, Illinois is attacked only through sharp rhetoric.
    • Norwegian-Swedish Anarchist Commune
      Although Sweden still heavily dislikes the Norwegians, they have come to an agreement. The Swedish government does not, officially, claim ownership of southern Sweden and Norway are not to oppress any Swedes living there. Despite this, there are still many Swedes which see southern Sweden as rightful Swedish land.



Banned Groups


European Commonwealth

An administrative map of the European Commonwealth
An EC propaganda poster depicting the percieved "encirclement" by hostile powers

After the Beryist Reich seized power, the North seceded, the East was overrun. But a certain number of German oppositionists, self-proclaimed intellectuals, adventurers, radicals and colonists and mostly Aristocrats sailed to Estonia and took advantage of a power vacuum that formed there with the help of parts of the local population. They managed to build up a strong navy to take over Courland, Riga, Livland, Gotland and the Åland islands from there. This allowed the newly formed European Commonwealth to establish itself as a dominant naval power in the Baltic Sea. There are differing views on this new state, some consider it a bastion of Liberal Democracy in Northern Europe, some consider it to be a laughable relic of the old times, a puppet of Illinois or even a Terrorist organisation. After the fall of Lithuania in the Eastern Crisis the Commonwealth managed to expand it's Hegemony over the Baltics. But the future is uncertain...

European Commonwealth of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Gotland and Åland
Europäischer Bund von Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Gotland und Åland / Eesti, Läti, Leedu, Gotlandi ja Ahvenamaa Euroopa Ühendus
+8 other languages

  • Motto: Solidarity, Subsidarity and Universality
  • Royal Anthem: "Hail to Thee in The Victor's Crown!"
  • State Anthem: "The Dream of Flight"
  • Capital: Riga
  • Demonym: European
  • Languages: German (lingua franca) Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Swedish and Russian (offical) English, French, Latin (secondary languages)
    • Recognized minorities: Ingrian, Finnic, Kurseniki, Semigallian, Samogitian, Aukštaitian, Yiddish, Hebrew, Aramaic and Romani
  • Banned Languages: Esperanto
  • Official Religions: Atheism, Lutheranism, Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity, Maausk, Taarausk, Asatru, Suomenusko, Dievturība, Judaism and Islam
  • Government: Federal Mixed Gouvernment under a Constitutional Composite Diarchial Synarchy
  • King: Georg Borwin Friedrich Franz Karl Stephan Konrad Hubertus Maria of Mecklenburg
  • Chancellor: Panthéon Eestipoeg
  • Grand Duke of Lithuania:Mindaugas III. of Lithuania
  • Prime Minister of Lithuania and Head of the Advisory Council: Poraj
  • Minister of the Interior: Heinrich Donatus Philipp Umberto of Hesse
  • Minister of the Economy: Adolf Hitler Uunona
  • Inteligence Agencies: Air Force Intel Directorate (AFID), General Security Directorate (GSD), Military Intelliegence Directorate (MID), National Security Bureau (NSB) and Political Security Directorate (PSD)
  • Population: 7,830,420
  • HDI: WIP
  • Code: EC
Riga under the European Commonwealth before the "Hours of fire"


File:Webaufnahme 17-3-2023 81022 beta.character.ai.jpeg
His majesty, King Borwin I.

De-jure political parties are not recognized and the state is a non-partisan democracy. However, de-facto different political associations exist within the government that form quasi parties. These are:

  • Changes,Changes,Changes! election slogan: Nasz kraj potszebuję zmian zmian i jeszcze raz zmian (Our country needs change, change, and change)
  • Party of democratic reformators election slogan:
  • for the Glory of Democracy election slogan: A na drzewach zamiast liści wisieć będą komuniści (On the trees, instead of leaves, Communists will be hanging)

    Banned Groups

    Pressure Groups


    Lower House

    • Independents (200/200)

    Upper House

    • Grand Duchy of (Northern) Estonia (25/200)
    • County of Pärnu (5/200)
    • Lordship of Saaremaa (5/200)
    • Lordship of Hiiumaa (5/200)
    • United Parishes of Mulgi (5/200)
    • County of Tartu (5/200)
    • County of Võromaa (5/200)
    • County of Narva (5/200)
    • Second Republic of Pskov (10/200)
    • Regency of Courland (10/200)
    • Codominion of Semigallia (5/200)
    • Principality of Riga (25/200)
    • Duchy of Livland (15/200)
    • Grand Duchy of Lithuania (45/200)
    • Kingdom of Gotland (10/200)
    • Republic of Åland (10/200)
    • Representatives and Deputies of the Baltic Germans (20/200)

    Kutsekojad (Vocational Chambers)

    • Chamber of Agricultural Workmen and Small Landowners (36 members)
    • Chamber of Agriculture (50 members)
    • Chamber of Agronomes (25 members)
    • Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    • Chamber of Co-operation (60 members)
    • Chamber of Dairy-masters (25 members)
    • Chamber of Engineering (21 members)
    • Chamber of Fishery (35 members)
    • Chamber of Handicraft (77 members)
    • Chamber of Household (50 members)
    • Chamber of Pharmacists (20 members)
    • Chamber of Physicians (30 members)
    • Chamber of Private Employees (48 members)
    • Chamber of Teachers (40 members)
    • Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons (25 members)
    • Chamber of Workers (30 members)


    After its initial phase of expansion the European Commonwealth has largely settled down in order to cope with demographic issues, nontheless it still has great ambitions for the future to come. But for now the leadership of the Commonwealth follows a pragmatic course of creating alliances and trade routes as well as building up tensions with Poland and Sorbia their military and economy alike to resist the coming storm...


    • European-American Cooperation Pact
    • European-Swedish Coalition
    • Global Treaty Organization
    • Anti-Indonesia Aktion

    Political Groups:

    International Relations:

    • Sorbia
      European-Sorbian relations are extremely tense. Once it became clear that the Sorbian gouvernment has been conducting ethnic cleansing against Germans the European Gouvernment almost unanimously decided to break up all diplomatic ties with Sorbia and started to recognize the Bloc of Germans and those deprived of their right as the legitimate gouvernment instead. It may seem like a war could break out at every moment, but the Polish state stands as a buffer between the two states. Recently there have been rumours that the European Commonwealth has provided members of the Bloc of Germans and those deprived of their Rights in Sorbia with training, weapons, ammunition and propaganda, due to the leader's obsession with "liberating the Germans in Sorbia" the political elites of the Republic of Sorbia are recognized as a Terrorist organistation and Foreign Agents of Poland (FAP) and the propaganda of the Commonwealth constantly compares Sorbia to Nazi Germany and """Democratic""" Kamphuchea.
    • Poland
      European-Polish relations are gradually improving. In the beginning there was an intense rivalry between the EC and Poland due to the latter's refusal to recognize the former's legitimacy, which led to the EC pursuing closer ties with America in general and Illinois in particular. The tension reached its peak in the Eastern Crisis where Poland and the EC were involved on opposite sides in a military confrontation. However, the Commonwealth and Poland came to an agreement which would see most of Lithuania incorporated into Poland in exchange for improved relations, this led to the signing of a peace treaty, membership in the CECA as well as an non-agreesion pact between the two.
    • Sweden
      European-Swedish relations are mixed but relatively well. Despite religious conflicts due to the Christian Fundamentalism of the Sacred Swedish Kingdom and territorial disputes over Gotland and Aland there has been limited cooperation in the fields of fighting Terrorism. As of currently there is a relatively loose alliance between the two which kinda lost its purpose since Sweden came to an agreement with both Norway and Finland.
    • North Germany
      European-North German relations are tense, but improving. Orgininally they were viewed as Illegitimate traitors, however once conflict threatended to arise between Sorbia and Northern Germany the Gouvernment shifted their course and started improving relations to Northern Germany. On the other hand the North German-Polish partnership is viewed with scepticism and there are fears that it might evolve into an Anti-European alliance. Although it should be noted that due to the Deindustialisation, Pacifism and Isolationism of Northern Germany it isn't viewed to be too big of a threat to the Commonwealth in the event of such an alliance.
    • Finland
      European-Finnish relations are neutral on paper but getting increasingly tense. In the beginning there was little interaction, but once conflict arose between Finland and Sweden and Finland grew closer to Illinois and the Polish state it affected their relation. Nontheless there is still limited cooperation in Anti-Terrorist activities.
    • Illinois
      European-Illinois relations are complicated. There was great shock when their state was established and due to their Technological advancement, Extensive industry and Neo-Colonial ambitions they are viewed as the biggest long-term threat to the Commonwealth. However, the leader and the gouvernment were both suprised when Illinois voiced their critical support for the Commonwealth during the European-Polish diplomatic crisis. In that regard relations have been slightly improved, however due to close relations between Illinois the Beryist Reich, the Islamic Emirate of Finland and their critical support to Sorbia, as well as a a reapproachment between the Commonwealth and Northern Germany relations have gone down again. Regardless, relations later massively improved, as Illinois was increasingly seen as a potential partner in economics and security, especially against potential Indonesian agressions. With the Illinois-EC Trade&Investment Agreement, which saw enormous investments going into the Commonwealth economy, relations have reached their peak and have never been better before.
    • America
      European-American relations are quite well. The Commonwealth recognizes the Liberal Federation of America as the legitimate American gouvernment. However so far no material support has manifested due to the extensive distance between the two nations, the focus of the Commonwealth on European events and a fear from the technologically superior Illinois. However, trade deals are planned.
    • Lithuania
      European-Lithauanian relations are quite mixed. Despite disagreements in economics there was great relief when Lithauania was formed due to it's function as buffer between Poland and the Commonwealth, when Poland began military actions against Lithauania it became soon clear that the Commonwealth and Lithauania had a common enemy in Poland. In a shocking turn of events the Commonwealth and Poland came to an agreement once a Lithuanian defeat in the Eastern Crisis became clear, Poland agreed to cede most of Lithuania to the EC in exchange for improved relations. Lithuania enjoys a great amount of Autonomy under the European Commonwealth.
    • Eastern Rome
      European-Eastern Roman relations are generally well. They both are relatively progressive in both technology and culture by the standarts of the current world and both feel threatened by the agressive policies of the Polish state. The Commonwealth sees the Eastern Romans as an ally in the Balkan region. However there is a dislike towards the hostility towards Sweden of Eastern Rome. Trade deals are in planning.
    • Korea
      European-Korean relations are deteriorating, Initially there was an improvement in relations, but after the Korean government voiced their support towards the Sorbian Regime the EC broke up contact and implemented the NO SORBIA policy without elaborating what that means.
    • Norway
      European-Norwegian relations are very tense. The European Commonwealth shares the diplomatic stance of the Sacred Kingdom of Sweden towards the Anarchist collective and it regards Norwegian control over Southern Sweden as illegitimate. There is also a rivaly over control of the Baltic Sea and their alliance with Poland is very disliked. However no shots have been fired so far.
    • Neo-Soviet Union
      European-Soviet relations are somewhat tense, but not too much. There has been relatively little contact between the two gouvernment although they cooperate on containing the "Pskovian Government in Exile" after the European Commonwealth convinced the Soviets that they claim Soviet land in the Pskov Oblast. Domestically the Commonwealth uses a much sharper rhetoric, to discourage people from supporting the self-proclaimed governments in exile of Estonia and Latvia, which are supported by Poland, a major Soviet ally. Also the alliance between Poland, Norway and the Soviet Union is viewed with big distrust. It remains to be seen if history repeats itself...
    • Indondesia
      European-Indonesian relations are mixed. When reports of the war crimes comitted by the Indonesian government came out the public was horrified but due to the distant location of Indonesia there is little that can be done. A succesfull deal took place between the two states called "food for arms" in which the EC sold Indonesia specially manufactured burgers in exchange for 5 nuclear devices. Further deals in that manner have taken place in regards to the establishment of an Indonesian military base near Narva (to have protection in case of an attack of the New Warsaw pact) and development of the European Army. In a major plotwist the Indonesian state later aligned with the New Warsaw pact and sent forces to aid Poland in combat with Lithuania, as a result the European Commonwealth broke off diplomatic relations with the so called "Divine Order" and started to fund and arm anti-government rebel groups. Relations deteriorated even further once an Indonesian aircraft entered Commonwealth Airspace and spread slander of Borwin I. The aircraft was shot down, which triggered a 5-minute long war, in which the Indonesian airforce conducted a firebombing campaign against the city of Riga, however a diplomatic solution was found, according to which Indonesia would pay the Commonwealth 700 million as a reparation for the damage caused, assist in rebuilding the city and improve relations. However, The EC remained part of the Anti-Indonesian Coalition.
    • Eastern California
      European-Eastern Californian relations are gradually improving. Even though Eastern California is allied to the Neo-Soviet Union, they aren't viewed as a threat due to their distance. Recently there were talks about opening up a possible cooperation in terms of green technology.
    • Hungary
      European-Hungarian relations are almost non-existant due to miniscule contact between the two. Alliance with Poland is viewed with scepticism but otherwise there are no major problems.


    • Borwin I. crowned as King of the European Commonwealth
    • Establishment of the European-American Cooperation Pact
    • Adolf Hitler Uunona appointed as Minister of the Economy
    • Commonwealth-wide ban of the following Organisations: Swedish Autonomous Action, Odin's Army, The Holy Order of the Anti-Anti-Christ, The New Order, Confrontationist Endsieg League
    • "Food for arms" plan adopted in cooperation with the Indonesian government
    • Establishment of an Indonesian military base near Narva
    • The European Parliament votes in favour of joining the GTO
    • The European Commonwealth becomes an offical member of the GTO
    • Military scientists from the University of Tartu developed a functional "Tank-drone", the first model is called "Goober-1" the first tests have been successful and the EC is expected to have its first automatic Armor units within the coming weeks.
    • A first model for automatic warships called "Kala-A" was developed. Tests will take place soon.
    • The NSB found several cryptic documents belonging to the "Holy Order of the Anti-Anti-Christ", they appear to contain plans for weapon depots, organisational structures, kidnappings, assasinations and a provisional Constitution for a Gottesstaat (Theocracy).
    • Despite ideological differences, King Borwin I., the Kutsekojads and the Parliaments of the European Commonwealth have all announced their soldiarity to the Indonesian rebels. This constitutes a major shift in EC foreign policy which so far had supported the Indonesian Directorate.
    • A failed assasination attempt on Borwin I. took place, it is suspected that the Indonesian government was behind it.
      • An investigative comitee has been set up regarding the assasination attempt on Borwin I.
      • Due to Borwin's inability to act as ruler, Heinrich Donatus Philipp Umberto of Hesse was appointed as Regent by the Regency Council.
    • By decree of Regent Donatus of Hesse the Latvian National Party has officially been banned because of suspicion of terrorist activities. Many Latvians have gathered in the streets to protest the decree and some even called for an unilateral Declaration of Independence
    • The Government claims that if government investigators don’t find any traces of unlawful activity, the ban will be lifted
    • The Indonesian Airforce violated EC Airspace and thereby triggered a war between the two nations.
    • The Indonesian Airforce conducted a firebombing of Riga, the tradegy became known as the "Hours of Flame"
    • The Indonesian Government declared a "Special Military Plan" aimed at the "liberation of EC from Borwin heretic regime"
    • The European and Indonesian government came to a peace agreement according to which Indonesia would pay 700 million dollars and apologize for their actions. This making the Indonesia-EC War the shortest in history with a duration of 5 minutes. Furthermore they would provide help in reconstruction, economic aid and military modernization.
    • Result: Improved relationship between Indonesia and EC
    • In an bargaining for concessions from Indonesia and Illinois, an comprehensive trade&investment agreement with the latter was reached, which includes:
      • The opening of discounted trade channels between Greater Illinois and the EC.
      • Guaranteed value of $1T/year in USD
      • Illinoisian companies entering the EC economy and contributing to competition while bringing even more goods in and providing jobs.
      • Access to some of the highest technologies on the planet via trade or aid.
      • The jumpstarting of an EC space program to begin things like asteroid mining.
      • Developing infrastructure in a way that allows the EC to be fully self-sufficient.
    • No evidence for Terrorist activities in the Latvian National Party was found, so the ban was lifted and compensation was paid.
    • King Borwin is recovered and announced a diplomatic mission to Poland, Eastern Rome and Indonesia.
    • An administrative reforms took place, to make the integration of Lithuania into the EC offical on all documents and to give linguistic minorities more autonomy and recognition.
    • As a reaction to Korean support to the Sorbian regime diplomatic contacts were broken off and the NO SORBIA policy got implemented.
    • Shortly before New Year's Eve the Commonwealth was hit by a massive economic crisis due to withdrawal of Greater Illinois' financial support from the Commonwealth.
    • Latvian Nationalists began protesting for greater autonomy and independence.
    • The Holy Order of the Anti-Anti-Christ commited a series of terrorist attacks in Riga and Tartu and announced the "beginning of the return to the divine order".
    • A week later the CECA sent the Commonwealth a investment and financial aid package, while the Commonwealth also borrowed loans from Greater Lebanon and Indonesia.
    • King Boris I. made a speech in which he called himself a "King of the great Latvian people" and subsequently introduced reforms, which offically recoginzed Riga as a Latvian city and gave greater autonomy to the latvian territories of the Commonwealth.
    • Due to the success of the EC-Investment plan the economic situation stabilized. Social tensions remain high, however.



    Banned Groups



    Cypriot protesters on their way to storm the presidential palace during the revolution

    Rallying behind the banner of a united Cyprus, most did not know what their leader envisioned after unification.
    The Cyptriot State is a totalitarian fascist one, located not too far off the coasts of its greatest enemies. The state sees itself distinct from any labels applied to its peoples in the past - instead creating a unified Identity. This, of course, is to the great dismay of the Turks, who seek to reclaim what they think lost. A strong and united Cyprus has been forged, but can it hold up against both internal and external opposition?


    Banned Groups


    Popular Kingdom of Sardinia

    For more info see: PCBaller World/Sardinia



    Non-Banned Parties & Movements

    Banned Groups


    Swiss Republic

    For more info see: PCBaller World/Swiss Republic

    Capital=Zurich, but Bern at the weekends, and Davos at the saturndays

    Parties & Movements

    Liberal Party of Switzerland

    Banned Groups

    N.Brioist Resistence

    Nationatard Party
    Soy party



    Scottish Commune

    For more info see: PCBaller World/Swiss Republic



    1. Minority movements are allowed, but they aren't allowed to participate in elections.
    2. Some members of the organization have been caught with projects for nuclear weapons. The actual intentions for these projects are still unknown
    3. Not that interventionist, its just means a new kind of libertarianism
    4. they dont want a monarchy
    5. Sardinia is an Absolute Monarchy, so there is not a parliament.

    Recent changes

  • SocialistWorldRepublic • 29 minutes ago
  • DarkEgg's other account • 35 minutes ago
  • DarkEgg's other account • 37 minutes ago
  • JAcket • 49 minutes ago