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"Bing bing, bong bong bong, bing bing, bong."

"I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I’ll have Mexico pay for that wall."

"We have made America strong again! We have made America proud again! We have made America safe again! And we will make America great again!"

The man himself

Trumpism is a nationalist, statist, economically right, and culturally right-wing ideology used to represent the ideology of the 45th United States President Donald Trump and his supporters. He believes in many conservative policies, such as American Nationalism and strict opposition to illegal immigration.


2000 Presidential Run

Trump's first major venture into politics was in the 2000 Presidential Elections where he attempted to receive a nomination for the Reform Party. Trump was persuaded to run for President by Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura and was mostly inspired by the political positions of Reform Party founder Ross Perot, such as his support of full disclosure of campaign donations to political candidates. Some of his policies from 2000 are recognizable with the Trumpism of today, for example in 2000 he proposed the US be tougher with China, oppose NAFTA, increase military spending, border control, anti-terrorism initiatives (in particular one funded by a National Lottery), and strict anti-crime measures. However, his positions on taxing the highest 1%, single-payer healthcare, support for LGBT rights, and gun control are less familiar with the Trump we know today, with him having more in common with Paternalistic Conservatism and National Liberalism. Despite winning the party's primaries, he cancelled his presidential run after getting into a feud with primary challenger Pat Buchanan, who he called a "Neo-Nazi" and a "Hitler lover".

Inbetween 2000 and 2016

After leaving the Reform Party, Trump registered as a Democrat in 2001. Due to dissatisfaction with George Bush's presidency, he considered running against him in 2004 but turned it down. In 2008, he endorsed Hillary Clinton against Barack Obama during the primaries and then endorsed John Mccain during the election. After Obama won, he left the Democratic Party and became increasingly critical of his administration. Supporting the Birther conspiracy theory and the Tea Party movement, then reregistered as a Republican in 2011. It was widely speculated that he would run against Obama in 2012, with him, even entertaining the idea, however, he eventually decided not to run and endorsed Mitt Romney for president instead. In 2015, he finally decided to run for president again and announced his 2016 campaign.

2016 Presidential Run

Trump's 2016 campaign proved to be his most successful, running for the Republican ticket. He brought significant attention to issues regarding illegal immigration, Islamic terrorism, political correctness, and reforming the federal government. Trump became extremely popular among Republican voters, winning the primaries and defeating many big-name conservatives like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Rand Paul. His staunchly anti-immigration and anti-Islam rhetoric also made him very popular with far-right circles, such as among White Nationalists and the Alt-Right, while causing him to be accused of being racist by Liberals and Progressives. In the general election, Trump clashed with the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and the two had great disdain for each other during their campaigns. Both candidates were controversial and disliked by the general public.


Donald Trump was inaugurated president on January 20, 2017. His most recognized accomplishment was consistent economic growth, despite greatly increasing the national debt. This came to an end with the COVID-19 Recession of 2020. He denies climate change and has rolled back on policies meant to limit its effects, although he has been a conservationist in many regards (Great American Outdoors Act, 1 Trillion Trees Initiative). His party repealed the least popular part of Obamacare, the individual mandate, although he failed to implement "TrumpCare". He has greatly increased border security and enforcement, garnering much controversy for the treatment of illegal immigration compared to past presidents. In terms of foreign policy, he has taken a hawkish approach on Venezuela and Iran, supported Saudi Arabia's invasion of Yemen and doubled the drone strikes from Obama's administration. However, he has also withdrawn troops from Syria and expanded outreach to North Korea. He has been staunchly supportive of Israel and held close ties with the country's PM Benjamin Netanyahu, under his presidency the US declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. During his presidency he was friendly to many international right-wing leaders including Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson in Britain, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Viktor Orbán in Hungary, Narendra Modi in India, Marine Le Pen in France, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey, Jarosław Kaczyński in Poland, Horacio Cartes in Paraguay, Hong Joon-pyo in South Korea, Najib Razak in Malaysia, Matteo Salvini in Italy and Geert Wilders in the Netherlands. While having a mixed relationship with Vladimir Putin of Russia, who he was initially friendly with which caused many to claim the two were in cahoots, despite this he also continued many sanctions towards Russia and aided the troops in Ukraine against him. In 2020, Trump was met with criticism concerning his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests across the country.

2020 Presidential Run

In 2020, the Democratic Party nominated Joe Biden to run against Trump in the 2020 United States Presidential Election. Joe Biden won with 306 electoral votes while Trump garnered 232. Biden gained 51.3% of the popular vote compared to Trump earning 46.9%. Trump, after hearing this news, denied the results and refused to concede, claiming voter fraud.

Trumpists, still believing the election was rigged, attacked and stormed the United States capitol. This was accompanied by White Nationalists and White Supremacists who also attempted to overturn the US election in favor of Trump. This insurrection failed and Joe Biden still became the 46th President of the United States. Alt-Right figure Richard Spencer, who endorsed Trump in 2016, decided to endorse Biden instead in 2020[3].

Donald Trump and his supporters still believe the election was rigged and have attempted to make claims that Trump will be reinstated as president at some point in 2021 or later. (QAnon conspiracy) Trump has also stated serious interest in running for president again in 2024, though is not the only Republican to have stated so.

2024 Presidential Run

On November 15, 2022, Trump announced he would run for president again in 2024. Prior to his announcement he preemptively attacked Governors Ron DeSantis and Glenn Youngkin, seeing them as potential rivals in the GOP primary.

Outside the United States

Trumpism and versions of Right-wing populism modeled to be similar to Trump's ideology and positions have gained some support outside the United States. A lot of rightpops outside of the US have been called the Trumpism of their nations and many politicians have earned or gained the title of their nation's Donald Trump.

Trumpism in Canada

Despite his general unpopularity among Canadians (polls show only 20% would vote for Trump over Biden), Trumpism has found many supporters in conservative and libertarian circles across the country. Especially those claiming that Canada has moved too far to the left both economically and socially. The political campaign of Pierre Poilievre has been compared to Trumpism by some in the public and many in the media. Other Figures like Kevin O'Leary, Doug Ford, Jason Kenney, Scott Moe, Derek Sloan, and Maxime Bernier have also been dubbed Canada's Donald Trump at different times for the styles or ideologies promoted by the campaigns, although sometimes falsely.


Christian Trumpism

Christian Trumpism is a variant of Trumpism that seeks to combine the ideology of Donald Trump with Christianity. Part of the broader Christian Right, Christian Trumpists oppose abortion, pornography, LGBT+ rights, and comprehensive sex education while supporting American exceptionalism and Christian Nationalism.

In 2020, over 80% of white evangelicals voted for voted for Donald Trump. In contrast, 64% of Protestants of color, including over 90% of black Protestants, voted for Joe Biden.[4]



Desantisism is based on the political beliefs of current Florida Governor and possible 2024 Republican Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis. While running for Governor, DeSantis emphasized his support for Trump by running an ad in which DeSantis taught his children how to "build the wall" and say "Make America Great Again" and dressed one of his children in a red "Make America Great Again" jumper. Asked if he could name an issue where he disagreed with Trump, DeSantis did not identify one. DeSantis ran on a platform supporting Fiscal Conservatism and opposing sanctuary cities. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, DeSantis resisted imposing restrictions such as face mask mandates, stay-at-home orders, and vaccination requirements. In May 2021, he signed into law a bill that prohibited businesses, schools, cruise ships, and government entities from requiring proof of vaccination. In March 2022, DeSantis signed into law the Parental Rights in Education Act, called the "Don't Say Gay" law by its opponents, which prohibits instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in public school classrooms from kindergarten to grade three. In response to The Walt Disney Company's opposition to the bill, and amid an ongoing feud between DeSantis and Disney, DeSantis suggested that the Florida legislature revoke Disney World's special self-governing privileges over its 25,000-acre (10,000-hectare) property—privileges granted to the company in 1967. On April 22, 2022, he signed a bill to dissolve the Reedy Creek Improvement Act, which allows Disney to self-govern its district, by June 2023.

Since the 2022 Midterm elections DeSantis and Trump began distancing themselves from each other with DeSantis winning reelection for governor by a wide margin while most Trump endorsed candidates failed in competitive races. Trump labeled DeSantis as "Ron DeSanctimonious" and claimed he would not have won the 2018 Florida gubernatorial election without his help.

Esoteric Trumpism

Esoteric Trumpism, also known as Trumpist Mysticism, is an offshoot of Trumpism that goes beyond the realms of the supernatural and paranormal. This variant of Trumpism is very reminiscent of Paganism in which adherents view Donald Trump as a god and therefore must be loyal to him.


Greeneism, another offshoot of Trumpism, is based on the political beliefs of Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. Greene won her congressional seat in 2020 in a landslide victory, running as a staunch supporter of Trump despite not officially being endorsed by him.

She identifies as a Christian nationalist and has declared her intention to push the Republican Party further right. She has previously expressed belief in QAnon conspiracy theories and has linked the Democratic Party to "Child Sex, Satanism, and the Occult", she distanced herself from QAnon once she started running for Congress.

Greene holds paleoconservative views, strongly opposing abortion, Black Lives Matter, Covid-19 restrictions, LGBT+ rights, NATO, neoconservatism, and Zionism.

On her first day of office, she wore a "Trump won" mask, and on the second day of Joe Biden's presidency, she filed articles of impeachment against him, alleging abuse of power. Greene was briefly a member of the Committee on the Budget and the Committee on Education and Labor before she was removed from all committee assignments on February 4, 2021, for incendiary remarks she had made against African Americans, Jews, and Muslims prior to her election.

In February 2022, Greene was a surprise guest speaker at a white nationalist political conference hosted by Nick Fuentes.

During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Greene allegedly promoted Russian propaganda and praised Vladimir Putin.




Proto-Trumpism is based on Donald Trump's beliefs during the 2000 presidential election. Trump sought the nomination of the Reform Party which was beginning to collapse at the time. Some of Trump's positions were similar to his 2016 campaign such as lowering taxes, eliminating the federal debt, opposing NAFTA, increasing pressure on China, increasing military spending, and getting tough on crime. In contrast, Trump also supported universal healthcare and gun control reform. Trump named Oprah Winfrey as his ideal running mate and got into a heated rivalry with Pat Buchanan, the other main candidate for the Reform Party. Trump attacked Buchanan for his anti-Semitic and homophobic views as well as calling him a "Neo-Nazi" and a "Hitler lover".


See QAnonism

QAnon is a right-wing conspiracy theory, political movement, and cult that originated on 4chan in 2017. The QAnon Conspiracy centers on the claims made by an individual (or individuals) named "Q". The primary claim is that a cabal of Satanists operating a global child sex trafficking ring are working to undermine Donald Trump and his administration. Proponents of the conspiracy believed that the Trump administration would one day conduct mass arrests and executions of Democratic politicians, Hollywood actors, business tycoons, and others in an event known as "The Storm" or "The Event". QAnon also claims that Trump sparked the conspiracy of Russian interference in the 2016 election to enlist Robert Mueller in helping him expose the child sex trafficking ring and preventing a coup led by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros. QAnon has been described as a "big tent" conspiracy theory due to their propensity to believe in a plethora of other conspiracies ranging from Aliens and UFOs to Covid-19 to John F. Kennedy Jr. QAnon believers were heavily involved in the 2020 election and after Joe Biden won, they were heavily involved in attempting to overturn the election results. When legal means of overturning the election failed many QAnon supporters helped in storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Since then social media sites have cracked down on QAnon conspiracy claims, though the movement still has a large following.



Personality and Behaviour

Trumpism is usually portrayed with the personality of either Donald Trump or his supporters. It is very emotional, likes accusing Syncretic Liberalism, and Illuminatism of stealing the election.

How to Draw

  1. Draw a ball with eyes.
  2. Draw a hat on that ball.
  3. Fill the ball orange and the hat red.
  4. On the hat draw the acronym "MAGA" or "Make America Great Again", and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Orange #FF9500 255, 149, 0
Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255


MAGA Squad


  • Isolationism - I prefer avoiding international wars. Anyways, gotta ramp up those drone strikes.
  • Ba'athism & Gaddafism -"Look at Libya. Look at Iraq. Iraq used to be no terrorists. He would kill the terrorists immediately; it's like, now it's the Harvard of terrorism. If you look at Iraq from years ago, I'm not saying he was nice guy. He was a horrible guy, but it was a lot better than it is right now. Right now, Iraq is a training ground for terrorists. Right now, Libya; nobody even knows Libya. Frankly, there is no Iraq and there is no Libya. What about the human rights abuses? You don't think they're happening now? They're worse now than they ever were. People are getting their heads chopped off. They're being drowned. Right now, they're worse off than they ever were during Saddam Hussein or Gaddafi."
  • Putinism - Just because I said a few nice things about him doesn't mean he rigged the election for me, was it alright to rigg the election for Yelstin in 1997?, or that we're gay with each other. I've still continued most of the sanctions against Russia for god's sake.
  • Alt-Right - Very fine people on both sides.
  • Homoconservatism - We have too keep our country gay! Trans people on the other hand? NASTY! Please keep them out of sports and the military. They have issues and its for security reasons, ok?
  • Neoconservatism - NO MORE FOREVER WARS! AMERICA FIRST! (Don't worry pal, I'll still give you a position in my cabinet.)
  • White Nationalism - I DENOUNCE DAVID DUKE, I DENOUNCE THE KKK, and I DENOUNCE WHITE SUPREMACY! But can you please still vote for me?
  • Confederatism - All those confederates at the capitol are just Antifa in disguise! Just trust me!
  • Hamiltonianism - Based, but your favorite musical booed Mike Pence out.
  • Fiscal Conservatism - Quit telling me what to do McConnell! I'll still obey your demands regardless though.
  • Libertarianism - Like my tax cuts, don't like my tariffs.
  • MAGA Communism - The United States of America will never be a socialis- Wait, why do you support me?
  • National Capitalism - Aren't you that anti-American socialis- Wait, you're capitalist? cool. Pat Buchanan is based but Rockwell is cringe because of anti-semitism. What do you mean by "fascism is capitalism in decay"? and the nazis aren't socialists just because "socialists" is literally in their name.
  • Democracy - I love democracy, just ignore that I tried to overturn the 2020 election results in America.
  • Conservative Feminism - Pink pussy hat or MAGA hat, pick one! But thank you for being an inspiration for all the hot suburban homemakers who vote for me!
  • Radical Feminism - Very nasty woman who called me a sexist pig but agreed with me on banning these people from sports and the military.
  • National Liberalism - More or less me before deciding to double down on conservative cultural values. Nowadays he's mixed about me but more positive than negative. Also, why do you like free trade so much? Tariffs are the way to go!
  • National Libertarianism - Similar to above.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - Believe it or not but I used to support universal healthcare. But McConnell wouldn't like it if I did. Still, PIS are good friends of mine.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - What I would be if I wasn't cucked to the GOP establishment.
  • Free Syrian Army - Moderate head-cutters amirite? Still, I let you have Rojava, and you fight Iran, which is based.
  • Gerontocracy - LITERALLY SLEEPY JOE!!! But don’t worry, he could still run against me, and 80 years old is just the start of the life.
  • Dengism - We have our ups and downs. Recently, I started saying nice things about you again much to the horror of Candace Owens and Sean Hannity. We should sit down and have a most beautiful piece of chocolate cake again.
  • Juche - Doesn't Kim know that my button is bigger and WORKS? Kim and I are good friends, but please stop acting aggressive...
  • Islamic Populism - Not big on Islam but Dr OZ is a terrific guy!
  • Neo-Ottomanism - I think he's doing a fantastic job for the Turkish people! But I won't stop sanctioning Turkey.
  • William Sherman - While my southern supporters are not big fans of you, to say the least, you did have some based things to say about the press.
  • Francoism - A Nationalist, Capitalist, Religious, and Neocon's frenemy is Based! But Anti-Populist who supported Islamic countries against Zionism is Cringe!

Enemies of America


Further Information




Online Communities


  1. While Trump himself is mostly indifferent to LGB rights and opposed to T rights, a large number of his supporters are also against LGB


  1. While Trump has supported both hawkish and isolationist policies, the truth is that he could not be a Neocon-Paleocon fusion, as he has only supported interventionism on China and South America, while supported isolationism regarding the Middle East and Russia. These hawkish tendencies were only during his administration, he was a Paleoconservative before becoming president and has returned to be it somewhat after 2021.
  2. QUOTATION OF THE DAY. The New York Times. February 14, 2000
  3. Herbert, Geoff. Richard Spencer endorses Joe Biden; campaign swiftly disavows white nationalist. syracuse. August 25, 2020.
  4. Burge, Ryan P., The 2020 Vote for President by Religious Groups – Christians Retrieved November 2, 2022


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