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Progressive Conservatism

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This page is about an important IRL ideology
"This knowledge is essential to political science!" - Scientocracy
This page is about an ideology that not only exists in the real world, but is also of reasonable importance. Please do not make major edits to this page without citing sources, so that it may stay accurate.

"I have always believed that wise progressivism and wise conservatism go hand-in-hand."

Progressive Conservatism (ProgCon) is an opposite unity ideology that is the unity of the moderate cultural left and cultural right.

Additionally, "progressive conservatism" can refer to an ideology that supports social reform and change but emphasizes the necessity of progressing in a way that preserves traditions, and believes that instant change can be damaging to society so progress must occur slowly and gradually. This belief is often combined with the idea of a limited and obligatory government that only steps in when necessary. Progressive Conservatism can also manifest itself in beliefs such as that traditional values are compatible, or even complimentary with, the march to social equality.


C. S. Lewis Thought

C. S. Lewisism is based on the ideas of the thought of Clive "Jack" Staples Lewis, a British author, scholar, and christian apologist. Lewis didn't touch on party politics often, but he would occasionally revile his unique views on various political issues. Lewis was socially conservative about most social issues, but was economically in favor of welfare programs and was anti-consumerist. Above all else, he was deeply suspicious of government involvement in people's daily lives:

"All the same, the New Testament, without going into details, gives us a pretty clear hint of what a fully Christian society would be like. Perhaps it gives us more than we can take. It tells us that there are to be no passengers or parasites: if man does not work, he ought not to eat. Every one is to work with his own hands, and what is more, every one's work is to produce something good: there will be no manufacture of silly luxuries and then of sillier advertisements to persuade us to buy them. And there is to be no "swank" or "side," no putting on airs. To that extent a Christian society would be what we now call Leftist. On the other hand, it is always insisting on obedience—obedience (and outward marks of respect) from all of us to properly appointed magistrates, from children to parents, and (I am afraid this is going to be very unpopular) from wives to husbands [...] If there were such a society in existence and you or I visited it, I think we should come away with a curious impression. We should feel that its economic life was very socialistic and, in that sense, "advanced," but that its family life and its code of manners were rather old-fashioned—perhaps even ceremonious and aristocratic. Each of us would like some bits of it, but I am afraid very few of us would like the whole thing.”

C. S. Lewis, "Mere Christianity", Page 44.

Lewis was generally very skeptical of what he called “chronological snobbery” or the view that ideas and movements from the past must be inferior on the grounds that they are from the past.[3] Lewis claims that old ways of thinking are neither inherently better or worse, and we must try and understand why something went out of fashion before we dismiss it.

Other issues on which Lewis was outspoken was his advocacy for just war theory, his dislike of nuclear armaments, and his concern for animal welfare.

Nordic Conservatism

Nordic Conservatism is an ideology that comes from Nordic parties and politicians who call themselves conservative but adopt parts of progressive policies. The main examples are various member parties of the Conservative Group and currently, Norway follows this model.

  • Norway is an example of conservative progressivism, as it is a constitutional monarchy, has Christianity as its official religion, preserves Nordic culture and programs of family protection, but also has guidelines such as multiculturalism, one of the best to be LGBT+, social assistance, liberalism in the prison issue and technological and social progress.
  • Conservative Group - The Conservative Group is a group composed of conservative parties in the Nordic countries, some of which are really conservative like Moderate Party (Sweden) and People's Party (Faroe Islands), but most parties are Progressive Conservatives, being:
    • Non-aligned Coalition: Non-aligned Coalition is a party from the Åland islands that emerged in 1987 and has participated in Åland legislature elections. The ideals are based on moderate conservatism and greater autonomy for Åland, in addition to Eurosceptism.
    • Høyre is a Norwegian party whose current leader is former Prime Minister Erna Solberg. The party was one of those responsible (along with the Labor party) for making Norway co-found NATO. The party is openly progressive conservative and liberal conservative, in which it defends the military and the state church, but also defends LGBT rights and socially liberal policies. On the economic issue, they advocate Economic Liberalism, tax cuts, the Nordic Model and social welfare services.
    • Conservative People's Party is a Danish party founded in 1915 and is considered to be center-right. The party advocates civil and individual liberties and decentralization, a free market economy and private property, and a strong environmental policy.
    • National Coalition Party is a Finnish party led by Petteri Orpo founded in 1918. Its ideals are more left-wing compared to Høyre, in which it defends LGBT rights, immigration and multiculturalism, but unlike Høyre, he is pro-EU. Economically, it is similar to Høyre.

Moderate Progressivism

Moderate Progressivism, also known as Cultural Reformism, is a culturally center-left ideology that supports core progressive ideals while being in favor of keeping traditions that are worth preserving and rejecting more extreme or 'fringe' ideas. What is and isn't considered fringe changes with the context since it adapts to the times.

Moderate Conservatism

Moderate Conservatism is a culturally center-right ideology that believes in conservative morals, but thinks that some progressive ideals can be applied to improve society, believing that excessive traditionalism should be avoided. What values it thinks will and will not improve society changes over time.

Traditional Progressivism

Traditional Progressivism, also clipped with Progressive Traditionalism, is a form of progressivism that is culturally conservative and wants to maintain traditional practices and customs while being socially inclusive towards groups like the LGBT community. This cultural model can be seen in many indigenous groups.

Alternate Modernism

Alternate Modernism is a variant of modernism that supports National Paligenesis (national rebirth), technological Futurism, emulation of ancient society and ideas, Revolutionary Nationalism , Romanticism and idealism, extreme militarism and economic modernisation, with some variants including traditional institutions like an aristocracy and religious influence, be it mysticism or organised religions. This variation of progressive conservatism is most common to Fascism and it's adjacent-ideologies and Neo-Reactionary movements. Reactionary Modernism is it's most far-right interpretation as it fully rejects the enlightenment and is explicitly religious while supporting rapid technological advancement.


A type of progressive conservatism could be arguably applied to various left-wing anti-colonial movements that seek to revive certain traditions while also promoting social progress, such as Indigenism, Indigenous Anarchism or Anarkata, which tend to promote social progress within the context of Indigenous traditional structures. They argue that social progress is inherent to their traditional ways depending on the context, or seeking to protect indigenous traditions from imperialism, alongside promoting socially progressive ideas and promoting co-existence between those ideals. Although this identification is debatable and can still be compared to typical Culturally Left political ideas.

Personality and Behaviour

He either has a split personality that causes him to switch between progressive and conservative modes, or he advocates for both conservative and progressive positions at once, contradicting himself in the process.

How to Draw

Bicolor Design

Flag of Progressive Conservatism (Bicolor)
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw a blue diagonal line across the ball
  3. Fill the lower half blue, and the upper half green
  4. Add the eyes

You are done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Green #49DB0B 73, 219, 11
Blue #0183BE 1, 131, 190

Feather Design

File:Prog-Con Alt Flag.svg
Flag of Progressive Conservatism (Feather)
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color it lime green
  3. Draw a black feather, going from bottom left to top right
  4. Add the two eyes


Color Name HEX RGB
Lime Green #49DB0B 73, 219, 11
Black #141414 20, 20, 20




  • Homofascism - This is not exactly what I had in mind when mixing progress and tradition...
  • Neoreactionaryism - Weird geek reactionary alt-right edgelord, but for some reason they say you're related to me. Well, at least you tolerate gay people.
  • Kemalism - Too pure progressive mostly, but I do like Bayar and Akşener.
  • Conservative Feminism - Potentially an ally, but most of you lean too heavily on straight cultural conservatism for my liking. And Jesus Christ some of you are just downright annoying.
  • Fascism - You're a hateful extremist but your concept of alternate modernity sounds pretty cool, would be great if you abandoned your hate to focus on it!
  • Traditionalism - You're pretty important in certain cases, but we definitely shouldn't have you around too much, otherwise we would just be excluding a lot of people for no good reason.
  • Reactionary Modernism - Agrees with my dad on social issues and agrees with my mom on technology, but you're very edgy. I like the concept of alternate modernity... to a degree .
  • Radical Feminism - You are sadly a hateful radical, but you seem to take policies from both sides of the cultural spectrum.
  • Manosphere - Same as above but with a different gender... and Please don't go any further while complaining about Feminism and Women, ok?
  • Counter-Enlightenment - The Romanticists were somewhat agreeable, as they were opposed to an uncritical proliferation of Enlightenment at the expense of local traditions and customs as well as nature. But some of your followers are downright scary, I mean, why do you really need that torture chamber?


  • Maoism - If only you realized that you can both promote social progress and preserve traditional heritage before you went off and destroyed millennia of Chinese culture.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - No, not all traditions are bigoted and hateful. Believe it or not we can advance women's and LGBT+ rights without persecuting innocent people because you think they have the wrong way of life.
  • Reactionaryism - "Rejecteth modernity embraceth tradition muh littleth darketh age."
  • Trumpism - Can you stop being so hostile to anyone who's even slightly to the left of you? The fact that you quit one of the few parties that had my values in mind to become who you are now is just sad.
  • Alt-Lite - Edgy scumbag who called me a cuckservative.
  • Alt-Right - Even edgier than the above.
  • Queer Anarchism - Marriage equality is not some sort of scheme to promote "queer assimilation" or whatever. How can you look at all the happily married same-sex couples out there and still think the idea of marriage is bad for the community?
  • State Atheism - Just because religions have been used to justify some pretty horrible things before doesn't mean they can't also be a source of genuine good for many people. Also, you're barely any different than the tyrannical fundamentalists you hate so much.
  • Postgenderism & Xenofeminism - Look, transphobia and sexism are indeed very bad, but your idea on how to solve them is simply beyond stupid.
  • Paleoconservatism - An old-timer doing old-timey stuff. Pat Buchanan was a good friend of Ross Perot.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - You're right about the importance of traditions, it's your overbearing ways at enforcing them and hostility to progressivism that make me concerned.
  • Primalism and Post-Humanism - [comment removed by moderator]

Further Information




  1. A framework in which "progress" is defined as perfecting already-existing institutions, rather than the Promethean perspective of viewing progress as destroying old systems to make way for new ones.
  2. Taiwan is known for its blend of progressive policies (Feminism and LGBT rights) and unwavering support for traditional cultures (especially when it comes to heritage and folk peoples).
  3. The US is known to include states that are found on both sides of the cultural spectrum (like Texas on the general right, and California on the general left), thus making the nation befitting of the category.


  1. "Peter Turguniev", Portuguese Wikipedia. Archived 27 July, 2022.
  2. "??????????", Russian Youtube.
  3. "Surprised by Joy", C. S. Lewis.



Alternative designs
