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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Javi Coelho's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

N.Brioism is a culturally variable (but generally left-leaning), economically far left, and totalitarian ideology. It is the ideology of the "infamous" Internet user N.Brio Da Zuera, it is similar to regular Marxism-Leninism (acording to himself at least), however this view is highly controversial, as most MLs (and leftists in general) despise him and want nothing to do with him. Unlike other MLs, he openly expresses his beliefs of an Authoritarian and Anti-Democratic socialist state, he often doesn't deny any genocides or atrocities commited by Communist governments, praising them instead, and likewise is openly homophobic, transphobic, anti-semitic, and many other things that make him even more hated by fellow leftists. Despite calling himself a Communist, he does not believe in the end goal of a stateless society, seeing State Socialism as the end goal.


N.Brioism is, for the lack of a better term, f*cking insane, he constantly changes his mood, is very short tempered, and obssessed with waging "internet wars" against all those he hates, mostly Channers and Alt-Righters recently, but also Anime fans, Porn fans, SJWs (both left and right), "moderntards" (term he uses to describe people who use 2020s memes and slangs), and multiple Fanbases he hates. He is misanthropic as well and thinks Totalitarianism is the only way to fix humanity (by forcing them to think the way he wants them to think). He has few friends and is excluded by other Communists, he also has a random sense of humour and is very dedicated to "fighting" against his enemies, especially on YouTube and Discord.

He also has a boyfriend named CubanCatholicFalangist, whom is extremelly submissive and has a Pup play fetish, often calling N.Brio da Zuera "Master Alan" and licking his foots. N.Brio is also a very dominant bear boyfriend, often verbally arguing and threating with castration those who have sexual relationships with him. However, he still loves and cares for them.



  • Stalinism - My biggest idol, my ideology is closest to yours as well
  • Maoism - Same as above
  • Pol Potism - My third favorite Communist, even if i'm not a Primitivist or Ethnonationalist, i love your use of extreme violence, the fact you're so unpopular among Communists makes me like you even more
  • Authoritarian Socialism - Perfection.
  • Juche - North Korea is a paradise and the best country on earth currently, i love how you managed to maintain some sort of Stalinism in the modern day, and the fact you execute porn fans makes you even better
  • Totalitarianism - Wonderful system, let me bathe in the blood of wrongthinkers!
  • Autocracy - No one or anything is beyond me, in fact, if god himself existed he would still be below me
  • Lukashenkoism - A bit too moderate, but overall pretty great, finally a socialist who is openly Anti-Semitic and anti-LGBT while not being a Christcuck or a Mudslime
  • Xi Jinping Thought - Also way too moderate but i have faith that you will restore Socialism to China after what that bastard did, good job opposing baizuos, pornfags and faithcucks
  • Police Statism - Best way to enforce rightthink amongst people, i especially love the NKVD and the UTubeTrollPolice
  • State Atheism - Religion is poison, especially those fucking Abrahamic freaks, though i like using Satanic and Pagan aesthetics to offend them.
  • Social Imperialism - This is my kind of "Proletarian Internationalism"! none of that "right of self determination for all peoples" bullshit (but fuck Vietnam)
  • N-Word Accelerationism - I love using slurs to insult everyone and everything, but i'm not racist and i hate unironic racists who use these as well. Ignore that i hate multiple ethnicities and nationalities like Japanese, Americans, Jews, Brazilians, Britons, and others, i may be xenophobic but i am NOT racist!
  • Guevarism - Another great idol of mine, i just wish you were nearly as violent as rightards claim you were, the MRTA was awesome too, such a shame so many SJW fags appropriated your image
  • Contrarianism - I fucking hate both Mainstream and non-mainstream politics, i oppose just about everyone in a way or another, why is it so hard for people to be right anyway!? Also attacking Fanbases and hating popular games has been my thing since i was 10, i am truly the most revolutionary and contrarian person alive!
  • Progressive Conservatism - We should get the best cultural aspects of both sides, instead of being extremely one-sided.
  • Indigenism - The colonization of the Americas by Europeans destroyed infinitely superior cultures and civilizations, i also support most other Indigenist movements outside the Americas. what do you mean genocide and imperialism against other peoples is also bad?
  • Anti-Japaneseism - We're gonna have to slap the dirty little Jap! why are you an Anarchist though?
  • Cannibalism Legalization - FUCK YES


  • Conservative Socialism - I am not you, but we have some things in common, such as hating LGBT and SJWs, and some of you like Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and Lukashenko are great, but overall i'm not a fan of other aspects of Conservatism.
  • National Bolshevism & Strasserism - People often accuse me of being you due to our common hatred of Jewish Capitalism, LGBT, and general Xenophobia, but other than that we don't have much in common, also Strasser is a christcuck
  • Eco-Socialism - I am you, though i understand that some times environmental destruction and pollution are a necessary evil, and i wish some animal species would just go extinct already (and fuck vegans too)
  • Blanquism - MY TRUE FORM! We're very similar indeed but it sucks that you reject Marxism
  • Brezhnev Doctrine - Partially restored Stalinism and i love how you crushed those libtards in Eastern Europe, but still too moderate and corrupt, also you supported the V*etnamese instead of Pol Pot and removed the Khalq from power in Afghanistan!
  • Khrushchevism - Anti-Stalinism and Moderatism are awful, but i can't really hate you because you did a great job crushing rebellions in Warsaw Pact countries, overthrowing and killing Beria, and restoring State Atheism, still prefer China over you tho
  • Posadism - Fellow lunatic misanthropic Communist who's both anti-religious and anti-sexual and also supports Che Guevara, but you're still a Trot and anti-environmentalist, and wanting to destroy all cultures and ancient stuff through a nuclear holocaust is a terrible idea, just destroy the bad ones!
  • Ingsoc, Neo-Bolshevism & Death Worship - All of you three are great in your own unique ways, but i'd say you take Totalitarianism a bit too far, and Ingsoc even produces Porn just to keep the Proles in check, like what the fuck?
  • Anarcho-Totalitarianism - The ONLY good Anarchist, but at this point, why even bother calling yourself one? but if we could achieve Communism, this is how it should be
  • Marxist Feminism - Yes i support gender equality and whatnot, but sexual liberationism is just degenerate and unexcusable, also many of you also accept trannies
  • Radical Feminism - Misandry and lesbianism are awful, but at least you also hate trannies, porn, and sex "workers", and unlike her you support Abortion too
  • Piratism - Yes, piracy is great, fuck Copyright cunts! wait, you're Anti-Authoritarian?! well, fuck you then
  • Satirism - I love dark humour and nonsense humour and so on, but modern memes are mostly awful, and especially 4Chan memes are degenerate and gay
  • Interculturalism - Mostly good since you're a better version of Multiculturalism but without those unsufferable identity politics, but not every culture and nation has a right to exist, but don't worry, we'll achieve you eventually after all the peoples i hate have been annihilated (also ignore i like many Communist Ultranationalists)
  • Castroism - Your moderatism gets in my fucking nerves, but i'm glad Cuba remains Communist today, though i can never forgive you for what you said about Israel's right to exist, and how you turned pro-LGBT and pro-religion after the Cold war, or how you supported Vietnam against the Khmer Rouge, etc
  • Chavismo - Hate the Venezuelan people, love the Venezuelan government (even if you're a Christcuck and borderline Libertarian), I particularly like praising you to offend Br*zilians.
  • Maoism-Third Worldism - Fellow Communist who hates the First World and likes Indigenism, but i don't support unity amongst Third World countries either because many of them are also shitholes (like Brazil, the Phillipines, Argentina, Indonesia, etc), also J. Sakai was a filthy Jap who deserves to be interned in camps, and some of you seem to be actually Anti-White, which makes no sense considering Marx, Engels, Stalin, and Guevara were white and why don't you ACTUALLY want to genocide and imperialize the First World?
  • Horseshoe Centrism - I hate you when your logic is used against me (like when retards claim Communism and Fascism are the same) but i like using your logic against those i hate, like saying that Anarchists and Fascists are the same, or Misogyny and Misandry are the same, etc
  • Colonialism - Almost all of your historical examples were abominable, but you're not bad in theory, and could work very well with the right kinds of people, not to mention the USSR had a sort of internal colonialism and what China is doing in Xinjiang resembles you as well (but i'll still generally say i hate you because of what European colonialism did to superior peoples)
  • Freedom Slavery - I oppose you because i'm against private property and class division, but there's nothing wrong with forced labour camps and forced settlements
  • Apoliticism - I really miss my Apolitical era, moderntards and Channers have ruined politics and history, and i generally prefer you over people with the "wrong" political views, so we're fine. Also if Apoliticism benefits the statuos quo this means you wouldn't try to revolt if ever came into power
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - We agree on so much, yet disagree on nearly as much, i really like many of your historical followers like Robespierre, Lenin, and Mao, but your modern followers are almost exclusively SJWs who support degenerate shit like LGBT and tolerance of other peoples and cultures, not to mention you hate many Communists i like because they're "conservative", plus only bad cultures should be destroyed through a Cultural Revolution as happened in Russia, but the good ones should be "conserved"
  • Secular Satanism - I'm technically you since i'm an atheist who likes Satanic aesthetics, but i can't associate with you because nearly all of you are degenerates and SJWs who act like Abrahamics, and because you support religious freedom instead of State Atheism
  • Eugenicism - Abortion, sterilization, euthanasia, human experimentations and opposing these cucks is all great stuff, but Ableism, Racism and Aporophobia are not, also most of your followers are rightards (at least we both like Chen Quanguo)
  • Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - Some think we're the same but not really, since you hate Juche and many other Communists i like, also Gonzalo was too fucking Dogmatic and this was ultimately his own undoing. But Red Jihadism sounds epic, ngl
  • Democratic Confederalism - Perhaps the only tolerable libleft for now, i disagree with you on a lot but you're still the best side in the Syrian civil war
  • Black Nationalism - I generally dislike you because you tend to be either an SJW or an unironic Black Fascist, though i do like some of your followers like Maurice Bishop, Malema, and Mugabe, and we both hate the (((Boers))) and some of you agree that White Supremacy is Jewish just stop complaining about me using the N-Word god damnit!


  • Capitalism - Atrocious economic system, DEATH TO THE BOURGEOISIE!
  • Democracy - No.
  • Liberalism - Fuck this shit.
  • Anarchism - Even worse!
  • Fascism - Absolutely awful, even worse than regular Conservatism, even if with somewhat better economics. And no, China is NOT Fascist! Stop lying!
  • Nazism - Fucking abomination, you're one of the worst things ever created, claims to be Socialist while actually being a Darwinist Capitalist, supports White supremacy, and worst of all: thinks that Communism is Jewish! You're the only Jew here, you (((bourgeois))) scum! Thanks for the Holocaust, now the number of Communists with a Jewish background dropped massively in Eastern Europe and you killed a bunch of the Children of (((Christ)))
  • White Nationalism - Truly disgusting, the idea of racial superiority is nonsense, and ironically you're the biggest causer of white infighting ever, with those laws you took out of your ass to decide who is and isn't white, oh and yes Jews ARE white and if you believe in white superiority you think Jews are superior, you fucking f***ot! (Most of you are mixed race latinos who worship a race you don't even belong to, ha!)
  • Third Positionism - You don't exist.
  • National Feminism - For as much as i hate rape, y'all deserved what the Red Army did during and after WW2 but at least we both agree that Patriarchy is Jewish
  • Assadism - Words cannot describe how much i hate you.
  • Putinism - I don't care if you're anti-western and supports current Communist countries, you're still a Crapitalist christkike who spread the Judeo-Bolshevik Myth, you're also too soft on Ukraine (which by the way was invented by the Tsars, not Lenin), you should've razed it to the ground like you did in Chechnya
  • Feudalism - Literally just Agrarian Capitalism, fuck off!
  • Reactionaryism - You're the only degenerate here.
  • Reactionary Socialism - You're not even a socialist, just a neo-feudalist and clerical piece of shit I AM THE REGRESSIVE LEFT WHO HATES THE GAYS! NOT YOU!
  • Christian Theocracy - Worst Religion ever, i hate you and everything you stand for, you filthy christcuck!
  • Islamic Theocracy - I can't believe i used to like you, you're just like the guy above, DIE!
  • Jewish Theocracy - The original Abrahamic and the father of the two assholes above, fuck you
  • Zionism - Are you not just him again? Your settler colonial Apartheid state must be destroyed!
  • Zoroastrian Theocracy - Proto-Abrahamic who inspired Judaism and Christianity, guess how that makes me feel?
  • Jihadism - Your aesthetics and tactics are great, i'll give you that, and even though i was a huge fanboy of yours from 2018-2022 due to our shared hatred of the West, Porn and Judeo-Christianity, you're actually awful in every other way and i hate you.
  • Crusadism - Literally Proto-Zionism
  • State Shinto & Showa Statism - 2 BOMBS WEREN'T ENOUGH!
  • Civil Libertarianism & Anti-Authoritarianism - GO TO FUCKING HELL, LIBTARD PARASITES at least you're better than Right-Authoritarians
  • Gun Rights Advocacy - Yes, i do want to take away civilians' guns away so they cannot revolt against my totalitarian government and get murdered en masse, and? i don't care if Marx and Mao liked you, go fuck yourself, LIBERAL
  • Antifa - Pathetic SJW who also supports Anarchy and thinks i'm a "Red Fascist", when in reality that's what you are! Though i like the original Antifa
  • Neo-Marxism - You're not Marxists, you're a bunch of Liberal degenerates who poisoned the Left with Wokeism and other gay shit, what the Rightist parasites call "Cultural Marxism" is in reality Cultural Hitlerism
  • National Capitalism - Nazism unmasked, and yes you ARE just like him, stop denying!
  • Pink Capitalism - This is what all Capitalists are, especially the ones who deny it
  • Christian Socialism, Christian Communism & Liberation Theology - Fake leftists, (((Jesus))) was not a socialist, and your attempt to mix Christianity with Socialism is pathetic.
  • Bundism - Claiming to be Anti-Zionist and Secular won't help.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Retard who thinks everything is Leftism, you're the true SJW here, Jewish bootlicker!
  • Libertarianism - Please, understand that breathing is not socialism, you dogmatic Darwinist fuck! at least we both support drug liberation, abortion and hate taxes
  • Homoconservatism - Just regular conservatism
  • Economic Darwinism - Libertarianism and Laissez Faire unmasked!
  • Alt-Lite - You claim to oppose Political Correctness, yet you you hate Communism and is a Humanist and Pro-Life, curious.
  • State Liberalism - Average person who hates me:
  • Pinochetism - Identical to the above in every single way minus atheism, also make another "FrEe HeLiCoPteR rIDe" joke and i'll dismember you with the helicopter's propeller
  • Neoconservatism - Essentially Anti-Communism as an ideology, truly despicable the fact most of your haters are just as bad, if not worse than you, while also being the majority, ALMOST makes me like you
  • Paleoconservatism - Much worse than the above due to being far more popular, politically correct, and annoying in general, i don't even care if you're against intervention (or rather pretends to be, considering Trump is both of you at the same time) by the way i love the Anti-Christ
  • Reactionary Liberalism - One of the worst of several worlds.
  • Jewish-Nazism & Homofascism - This is what all Fascists are! thanks for existing so that you can prove my point at least
  • Esoteric Fascism - RETVRN TO RESSACADA Yes, i did steal the terms "christcuck" and "kike on a stick" from you, no, that doesn't make me your left wing variant but it is true that we're both insane even by the standards of our fellow ideologues ALSO THE BLACK SUN IS A LITERAL ANUS
  • Ochlocracy - Rule based on popular opinions is one of my worst nightmares (unless the majority thinks the way i do, which was the case with Jacobinism) also, Cancel Culture is just modern day White Terror
  • Distributism - Petit bourgeois scum and a filthy christcuck, fuck small businesses and class collaboration!
  • Titoism - Anti-Stalinist scum who is the idol of most Anti-Communists, though you were great prior to betraying Stalin, especially in regards to throwing Fascists into pits
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Ho Chi Minh could've been great if he hadn't been a fucking Zionist, while Le Duan was downright atrocious due to removing Pol Pot from power, and all of his sucessors were Capitalist fucks. also don't even get me STARTED on Luna Oi
  • Fourth Theory - You're not even a Nazbol, just a Reactionary christcuck Fascist who tolerates Socialism, and i hate most of the "anti-western" countries you support such as Iran, Russia, Syria and Serbia.
  • Manosphere - FUCKING SODOMITES!
  • Patriarchy & Matriarchy - Literally the same thing

Worst Enemies

  • Stransserism - You can't possibly be serious!
  • SJW - Keeps banning me from Social Media for "HaTe SpEeCh" and has some of the stupidest beliefs ever, and yes you can be Totalitarian without being Politically Correct!
  • Right-Wing SJW - This is what all Nazis and Conservatives are, fucking snowflakes! There are no such things as "GrEaT rEPLaCeMenT" or "CulTuRAl maRxIsM" you absolute snowflake! Stop victimizing yourself already, god damnit!
  • Humanism - You're one of the main sources of the world's problems, human rights is bullshit made to protect wrongthinkers from being rightfully punished, AND STOP CORRUPTING MARXISM!
  • Ethnopluralism - Easily one of the worst things in the history of anything ever, combining (((Far-Right Ethnonationalism))) with the "right of self determination for all", opposing race mixing while pretending not to be racist, and thinking that Europe shouldn't be flooded with violent immigrants to "destroy" these places, you sicken me
  • Neo-Marxism-Leninism - SJWs ruined Communism with their woke bullshit, and now people associate you with all forms of Communism, you're a traitor and i will wage endless sectarian violence against your followers, including most "leftist" Youtubers like Hakim and Second Thought, YOU MAINSTREAM MODERNTARD FURF**!
  • Sexocracy, Sexual Liberationism & Coomerism - Actually nevermind, THIS is the worst thing ever, FUCK HUMANITY


no one lol


  • Baxism - You're not that bad but supporting Falangism and LGBT are awful (although they certainly are intertwined)
  • Sapismo - Crapitalist and Br*zilian, but at least we both like frogs
  • Proto-Neocarlism - Essentially me but Nazbol, i admire your Anti-Weebism and your Atheism too but you still support Fascism and youre too moderate with church and you're Spanish
  • Argentine Theory - Has some good ideas but Clerical Fascism is disgusting and i know you're Killer Kitty
  • Socialist World Republic - You came near close perfection, but you just had to fuck everything up by being a christcuck (or "christian atheist"), this is actually fucking depressing
  • Schaberism - We agree on almost everything but brazilian nationalism is disgusting, though i guess a Cultural Revolution could make it become good for the first time ever, and we both want to annihilate the Portugayse and colonize Iberia (but please stop supporting LGBT)

Jay and Gewish

  • Philosophical Nuggets thought - Almost tolerable, but the use of (((4Chaim))) slangs means you'll face the wall
  • Brazilian Liberalism - Degenerate Porn fan, Libtard, and worst of all: Br*zilian thanks for recreating my page
  • N.Cortexism - The average person who hates me is in fact a State Liberal
  • DECBism - Another State libtard and also a Christcuck
  • Lankajori Thought - You being a Minarchist and christcuck are actually the least of your problems, because YOU'RE A FUCKING DDLC FAN, PREPARE TO DIE! (AND I'M NOT A NAZBOL)
  • Distributist Reactionaryism - Disgusting, plain and simple (at the very least you hate Fascists too)
  • Romantic Egoism - You may be a fellow left anti-semite like me but you're still an Anarchist and Individualist which i despise
  • Patrick Thought - Generic Monarchist and Distributist, boring. AND NO I'M NOT A KILLER KITTY ALT YOU [REDACTED]
  • Psychocommunism - Gay Ultroid who thinks i'm Killer Kitty
  • Proletariat Builderism - "CoMmUNiSm Is StAtE cApItALiSm!!!11" i'd say Anarchism is Stateless Capitalism and Black Fascism
  • Venatrixism - Anarcuck and Egoist, boring
  • Calmism - Christcuck and corporatist, not a fan
    • - why do you hate religion?
      • - because it's not real and makes people stupid, and no religion agrees with my ideas completely, especially not the abrahamics
  • Red Tsarism - Fake anti-semite and reactionary christkikess
  • Hitler Rouge - Same as above
  • Filipino Fuhrerism - BEING FILIPINO IS ILLEGAL
  • B.S.o.D Fanum tax B.S.o.D Fanism - Fascist AND an Anarcuck? absolute scum, the only good thing about you is hating Abrahamics (wait, isn't Satanism Abrahamic too?)
  • G-Man Toiletism - Skibidi, my friend! Fascist and jewbolthinker, that's gay as fuck, though i do like Mongols and some Turkic peoples, i just don't get it why you like me
  • Neocarlism - Fashoid, Corporatist and Spanitard that doesn't get that the Native American nations are way better than his shitty country, although you converted to Atheism, you keep being retarded about christcuck culture, your secular views on state will not save you at all, and why do you like me?


  • Corporatist Pan-Hispanism - Reactionary christcuck who wants to faggotfy Paraguay with degenerate Spanitard culture, De Francia was a great guy, by the way christcucks can't be Anti-Zionist and Anti-Pedo, just read either of the Bible's testaments
  • Lehianism - Jeweeb Fundamentalist essentially the average Nazi but without the mask
  • Anti-N.Brioism - Also known as "Kakistocracy on steroids"
  • Gamerism - (((Nazcap))), Christcuck identitarian, Weeb, Channer, NeoCohenservative, Literal Zionist who claims to be anti-semitic... THIS IS THE WORST IDEOLOGY IN ALL OF MOTHERFUCKING EXISTENCE (oh wait you became a Satanist so it's not AS awful as before, but it won't spare you the breaking wheel though)
  • Second Anidiotoncrack Thought - Literally the guy above, but Ir*sh
  • Tom Thought - And again, but now an anglotard and a *struggles to not vomit* Jehovah's Witnesses!, also Eddsworld sucks (at least you're just a character)
  • Neo-MugiKotobuki8814ism - [Comment removed by moderator, banned forever]

Recent changes

  • NeoxTheMonarchic • 20 minutes ago
  • NeoxTheMonarchic • 21 minutes ago
  • Gato Matador • 13:50
  • Gato Matador • 13:41