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National Wodenism: Difference between revisions

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*[[File:Gentile.png]] The Doctrine of Fascism [[File:Mussolini.png]] [Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini]
*[[File:Gentile.png]] The Doctrine of Fascism [[File:Mussolini.png]] [Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini]
*[[File:OswaldMosley.png]] Fascism: 100 Questions Asked & Answered [Oswald Mosley]
*[[File:OswaldMosley.png]] Fascism: 100 Questions Asked & Answered [Oswald Mosley]
*[[File:OswaldMosley.png]] Fascism for the Million [Oswald Mosley]
===Will Read===
===Will Read===
*[[File:OswaldMosley.png]] Fascism for the Million [Oswald Mosley]
*[[File:BritFash.png]] The Coming Corporate State [Alexander Raven Thomson]
*[[File:BritFash.png]] The Coming Corporate State [Alexander Raven Thomson]
*[[File:OswaldMosley.png]] The Greater Britain [Oswald Mosley]
*[[File:OswaldMosley.png]] The Greater Britain [Oswald Mosley]

Revision as of 05:29, 8 July 2023

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent FargothGares's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

National Wodenism is a culturally and economically centre authoritarian ideology. It centres on English nationalism specifically, believing that Anglo-Saxons ought to rediscover their heritage through paganism. It is an ethnonationalist ideology and believes that a people should stick to their native religion and their native lands. National Wodenism denounces the 'nations' that are products of European imperialism, such as Canada, America and Australia, believing them to be unable to form a national identity the same way Old World nations can. National Wodenism is critical of the Abrahamic religions, which are naturally international, as well as their views on women and homosexuality. It is more defined culturally than it is economically, though it can be generally defined as third positionist, class collaborationist and corporatist.


Wodenism/Odinism is a term that has been often used by ethnonationalist Heathens. The National prefix is to highlight National Wodenism's isolationism, and the strong connection to specifically the English nation.


In the modern world the term Anglo-Saxon is regarded with an aura of fear. The word has been deemed as racist, not just to describe the English national identity, but even among the so-called “intellectuals” of the school of mediaevalism. It is claimed that we are truly a Celtic people. 25-50% of the English gene pool is derived from the 5th century Germanic invaders. However, the rest is not exclusively Celtic - there are traces of Norman and Danish components as well (both of whom are Germanic). Celtic Britons left no impact on English culture - our language, laws, culture and customs are based in the Anglo-Saxons. Anglo-Saxon is an accurate term to describe who our people are, and National Wodenism calls for the revival of our identity as such, which has been trampled upon by Christian missionaries and Leftist historians.



National Wodenism believes the ideal nation is the connection of Faith, Blood and Soil, Fyrnsidu being the Faith, Anglo-Saxons being the Blood and England being the Soil. National Wodenism is against New World nationalism in this regard, as they do not have the Soil, claiming that ethnic Europeans are not connected with the Americas and Oceania the same way the indigenous peoples of those lands are. This lack of connection is shown through ethnic religion, in how European Paganism is directly linked with its land, as well as how the native beliefs of American and Australian indigenous peoples are connected to their own lands. This plays into National Wodenism's anti-imperial and anti-colonial stance, believing one of the great mistakes of Europeans between the 15th-20th centuries were the mass migrations from Europe, not just leaving their own ancestral lands but destroying the lands of other peoples. NatWod is highly opposed to immigration, believing that mixing cultures - especially the regressive Islamic cultures - with the West will end in disaster. It wishes to strive towards homogeneity with incentivised remigration for non-Anglo Saxons, as well as a penalty of deportation should a non-Anglo Saxon commit a heinous crime.


National Wodenism is an ethnic nationalist ideology and is opposed to racial nationalism - which is not built on preserving a culture (which are tied to ethnicites) but rather on nonsensical race theories. NatWod is opposed to racemixing due to the lack of identity that child will feel.


National Wodenism is entirely illiberal, as all Fascists are. It is a republican form of fascism. It highly disagrees with the divine right of kings, especially one claimed to be given by a foreign god. NatWod believes that the monarchy is an obsolete and lobotomised institution, a drain on the nation which must be abolished. It's civic views are inspired by Oswald Mosley's - with the House of Lords being replaced by a second chamber, filled with representatives of corporate groups of industries, occupations, sciences and demographics, in a corporatist and technocratic system. Parliamentary elections and political parties would be abolished. People would vote by occupation as opposed to locality, for their representative in the second chamber.


Like most Fascists, NatWod is a third positionist ideology. It emphasises that people, regardless of class, must unite through shared blood, faith and culture. It denounces the class struggle under Marxism and the rulership of the bourgeoisie under Capitalism. National Wodenism is completely against Capitalism, as in that system the Bourgeoisie inevitably work against the nation. Instead the State ought to be the head of the economy - and instead, National Wodenism believes the Bourgeoisie need to be 'socialised' - meaning to have their hand forced to work for the people and nation's interests, in accordance with Corporatist conception of the economy as a body with many components that must work in harmony. If they do not be pro-social, they will have their land and wealth seized by the State, and especially in the case of big landowners, have many of their assets redistributed. For this same reason it is against using the unions as instruments of class warfare - although it is still highly pro-Union. NatWod is also in favour of a self-sufficient economy (autarky) and supports agriculture subsidies and agrarianism.


National Wodenism wishes the State to promote and reconstruct the Anglo-Saxon religion to inspire a renewal of spirituality, national identity and culture. The name of the reborn English religion is Fyrnsidu - the Old Ways. Fyrnsidu would be the state religion; and other religions would not be allowed to pursue their agendas through the State. It has Folkish (ethnic) views about Germanic Paganism, believing that the faith is meaningless to those who's ancestors did not share the same beliefs.


While believing abortion to be no celebration, National Wodenism sees it to be necessary to allow it for cases such as rape and incest. National Wodenism believes in the necessity to increase native birth rates, and wants to incentivise the traditional family unit. Regardless of sex or orientation, National Wodenism believes monogamy to be virtuous, and polyamorous practices are to be discriminated against. Prostitution, pornography and other degeneracies that infringe upon the intimate nature of sex will be illegal.


National Wodenism is in full support of homosexual rights. In terms of adoption, it would be preferred that children are raised with a mother and father figure, and if same-sex adoption was legal, healthy heterosexual couples should take priority. On transgender issues however, NatWod does not believe it is at all related to homosexuality. National Wodenism believes that the existence of sex must not be denied. NatWod doubts that physical surgery and taking hormones will help mitigate the mental illness of gender dysphoria, and supports the pursuing of combatting dysphoria with non-conversion therapy. If transition surgery was to be permitted, it should not be paid for by the state. NatWod believes in fully annihilating LGBT ideology. While one should have pride in their sexuality, as is natural, your pride in your nation should come before all else. Flying the flag of not just a foreign nation but a non-country is considered to be entirely contradictory to NatWod's nationalism. Pride parades are also often filled with degenerate subcultures, exposed for all to see. What NatWod seeks for is the proper integration of homosexuals into society, in which the LGBT rights movement must be cast aside for the rights have already been won.


On the international stage, National Wodenism is highly isolationist and anti-imperialist. It is universally nationalist, and believes all peoples should have their own state. It wishes for the abolishment of the United Kingdom in favour of an English Republic - we should not share government with other peoples, and even "Britain" is a fabricated nation in a similar league to "America".


Have Read

  • The Doctrine of Fascism [Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini]
  • Fascism: 100 Questions Asked & Answered [Oswald Mosley]
  • Fascism for the Million [Oswald Mosley]

Will Read

  • The Coming Corporate State [Alexander Raven Thomson]
  • The Greater Britain [Oswald Mosley]
  • Government of Tomorrow [Oswald Mosley]
  • Germany Tomorrow [Otto Strasser]
  • The Way of Men [Jack Donovan]



  • Falangism - I appreciate the revolutionary nature of your Fascism and your opposition to the reactionaries, Carlista and Franquista. If it weren't for that bastard Franco...
  • Third Positionism - Armed Struggle may ultimately be neccessary, and down with Red Front and the Reactionaries.
  • British Fascism - Where most of my civic and economic ideas come from. I adore you but I have to disagree with you on a few key areas. The first is that reform by playing by the establishment's game is simply not possible, perhaps it was in the 20s-30s but not in the modern world. Your anti-war advocacy, while noble, evolved into defeatism when you continued to advocate for it when we were already at war with Germany. At that point, any attempt to reconcile relations with Hitler should have been given up. While we should have never intervened in the first place, we should have not cowardly pulled out like you wanted too.
  • National Feminism & Homofascism - Not just class, but the social inequalities of sex and orientation must be broken down. We are one people united in blood and culture.
  • Corporatism - A brilliant economic philosophy.
  • Italian Fascism - Gentile and Mussolini started this whole thing, nothing but praise. Well, not exactly, it was a shame you had to compromise your beliefs on the monarchy and the church to get into power, Mussolini. A Republic is the way to go for a Fascist state.


  • Futurism - Another very revolutionary Fascism. Way too progressive, but I appreciate the disregard for monarchism and Christianity. But of course you would hate the idea of replacing Christian clericalism with Pagan clericalism.


  • National Socialism - Well, we are both nationalists of Germanic peoples, and your autarky is admirable as well as your attempts to socialise the German people. But you were, frankly, too pro-bourgeois, imperialist, antisemitic, reactionary and supremacist.



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