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|caption = Thanks for the artstyle, HEW!
|caption = Thanks for the artstyle, HEW!
|aliases =  '''Alias talking about anything rather than politics are banned, if you want to insult me, then I don't care. Cope'''<br>{{Alias|DankeismIcon.png|Dankeism|[[File:MonLib.png]] Monarcho-Liberalism}}<br>
|aliases =  '''Alias talking about anything rather than politics are banned, if you want to insult me, then I don't care. Cope'''<br>{{Alias|DankeismIcon.png|Dankeism|[[File:MonLib.png]] Monarcho-Liberalism}}<br>
{{Alias|NCtheory.png|National-Communitarian Theory|Blairzilian Liberal}}
{{Alias|NCtheory.png|National-Communitarian Theory|Blairzilian Liberal}}<br>{{Alias|Bax.png|Baxism|[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Brazilian Nietzscheanism}}

|alignments ={{Info/CentreAuthRights}}<br> {{Info/CultCentreLefts}}<br> <br> <div class="compass"><span style="z-index:1;position:relative;bottom:-94px;left:100.8px;">[[File:Brazlib.png]]</span><div class="compassline"><div class="compassquad" id="al"></div><div class="compassquad" id="ar"></div></div><div class="compassline"><div class="compassquad" id="ll"></div><div class="compassquad" id="lr"></div></div></div>  
|alignments ={{Info/CentreAuthRights}}<br> {{Info/CultCentreLefts}}<br> <br> <div class="compass"><span style="z-index:1;position:relative;bottom:-94px;left:100.8px;">[[File:Brazlib.png]]</span><div class="compassline"><div class="compassquad" id="al"></div><div class="compassquad" id="ar"></div></div><div class="compassline"><div class="compassquad" id="ll"></div><div class="compassquad" id="lr"></div></div></div>  

Revision as of 23:00, 29 March 2024

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Gato Matador's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Brazilian Liberalism is the beliefs of Killer Kitty/Gato Matador. Nothing else, just imagine what if Anthony Blair was a nationalist.



The economic model I support is largely inspired by the Chicago School of economics, Blair's New Labour, Nordomics (term I created two seconds ago to describe Nordic Social Democracy, A.K.A: Nordic Model) and alike. I believe there should be a compromise between capitalism and socialism, as while I a self-proclaimed capitalist, am still a welfarist. Natural resources should stay in state control, and I say the same for healthcare and education, which should be public and avaliable for all. While non-essential services, like the Postal service, should be privatized, as they seems to be a burden on society and should be held in private hands.


A country with huge inequality like Brazil needs to always deliver it's services to the lower class populance, that's a basic thing in every developed nation. In a world like today, where the poor earns much less than the rich, welfare services are always welcome by many, even the upper class. Some of my proposals to reduce inequality is an income of 1600$ to everybody who lives in extreme poverty.

To reduce the dangers of *welfare parasitism*, like the one in Northeastern Brazil, were the local population is trapped in infinite circles of poverty by leeching social services and refusing to find jobs, making them dependant on welfare as a way to survival. As way to counter this I propose a welfare reform inspired by the one applied under Clinton's government, which forced welfare recipients to find a job within certain months on welfare, otherwise they would lose the benefits.


Being the proud Enlightened Centrist I am, I believe in finding a middle ground on issues like trade. While I personally supports free trade, believing in the teachings of Henry George, I am against accords that go against Brazil interests and replace the local manufacture industry. In short, tariffs should stay at a minimum rate, to compensate, the state should promote local industries to maintain fairness within international trade.


While I am personally against taxes, I still believe they are a 'necessary evil' to the society. As much we hate them, we must agree they can be used to provide for all of us. Some taxes I support/at least agree within some parts includes:

  • Land Value Tax - I am largely inspired by Henry George on this one. Land should be taxed, and that's it. Rural land on Brazil is very high, we could use this as an opportunity to tax it and provide to the country.
  • Pigouvian Tax - for those who don't know, a Pigouvian tax means taxation on activities which are generating negative outcomes to the markets as whole. This ideally would promote businessmens to act responsibly in their business decisions.
  • Church tax - Brazil has way more churches than schools and hospitals, and while I do respect Christianism and it's followers even though I am agnostic, I still believe churches should be taxed. After all, Brazil is secular at the end of the day.
  • Pollution tax - being born in one of the most environmentally rich countries in the world, I have to extend my support to environmentalism and taxation on pollution. The tax should be low, so things don't go expensive, and the income should be used to invest on green energy.
  • Income tax - I believe income should be taxed. If someoene is rich enough to afford a lavish lifestyle, he should contribute to the system.
  • Sin taxes - there are many dangerous products around in my opnion, cigarettes, beer, guns and alike. These shit should be taxed, and I am not going to elaborate further.
  • Corporate tax - corporate taxes should be low, to reduce the burden on big business so they can employ more people. It's a necessary evil.

Social Issues

A step forward is still a step forward, but we should still respect the old traditions of the past that lead us to glory. I like the idea of preserving the national heritage, culture, and the old ways of the past, but I am against discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality or religion. Xenophobia is still based though. This makes me call myself a Progressive Conservative.


Living in a country like Brazil can make anyone stricly against crime. I do believe punitive justice is ideal, meaning criminals would be punished instead of rehabilitated, but there will be small exceptions for exemple if someone who very poor steals from a store to feed his family. I also believe death penalty should come back, and people convicted of murder, rape, treason, torture and coup attempt should be executed in the eletric chair or at least a lethal injection. By the way the Hamurabi Code was pretty based.


I support environmental regulations such as laws against over-deforestation and the promotion of green energy. He is also against the extinction of endangered species and thinks the government should work alongside non-governamental organizations to reduce the effects of animal extinction in Brazil.

States' Rights

I support Federalism and Regionalism, because I do believe it's unfair a province has to change it's law without approval of the local government because another province has enacted this law. My ideal model for Federalism is inspired by American Federalism, meaning not only states can pass their own legislations, but they can also be economically independent (though there will be some small restrictions).

Personality and Behaviour

Brazilian Liberalism acts and behaves like his founder, Killer Kitty.



  • Autocratic Post-Libertarianism -
  • Dokevism - You are so... based!
  • Galaxaism - Based Conservative! economically, good. socially, bad. foreign policy, awesome. you are now my friend!
  • Champi - You are just an average Socdem but now less progressive. i like you!
  • DECBism - Me without the Authoritarianism and Brazil.
  • Modern Secular Zionism - Good. Many things that i agree, and few i disagree.
  • Dankeism - Good. There may be some things i disagree, but the rest i agree.
  • Proto-Proto-Neocarlism - *Gigachad Theme Song Kicks-In*
  • Lehianism - Extremely based, thought a bit too regulationist and ethnocentrist. But is still good for me.
  • Sapismo - Another based one. Sorry for not presenting to you my actual political views, because we have pretty much in common.
  • Golden Iron Doctrine Thoughtism- Literally my Moroccan self, I see nothing bad in this.
  • Noveticaism - While opposing libertarianism, austrian school and progressivism. i could still easily live in your proposed country.
  • Patrick Thought - Our economical policies are really pretty alike, and so is our conservatism... But you're way more traditionalist and left-wing than me.


  • Lankajori Thought - While disliking the idea of ruralism, libertarianism and non-interventionism, i still likes how you're an environmentalist moderate conservative.
  • Pantheonism - Economically, wise. socially, perfect. governamentally, mid. but World Federalism, seriously? i will never, i mean NEVER would live in the same country as that Pilak.
  • Template:Blue Nephalem Thought - Definely better than what i thought, but i'm not sure about that crap. still better than the majority of the users here. just saying.
  • CarrotsRppl2ism - Anarchism is not good, but economically is somewhat okay. i can tolerate him.
  • Imperial Socialism - Likesme for some reason. We both agree that Social model of economics should be spread through imperialism, but that's were our similarities end. You're still somewhat cool anyways.
  • Schumacherianism - This is definely neither good, or bad. I disagree with the idea of right-libertarianism, since nations only developed by starting a large welfare-state (e.g: USA, the Nordics, UK, Germany, France and basically all of the First World). Another thing I could disagree could be globalism; as much as i support loosen immigration laws and internationalism, a nationhood is still necessary to make humanity thrive and prosper. Centralism is awful. Have you seen any large independence movements in nations that adopts federalism currently? All the biggest separatist movements are in unitarist countries, such as UK, Spain and China. While separatist movements in federal countries like USA are all pretty small and without recognition. Ultraprogressivism is shit. Every country who adopted a social system without any form of tradition fallen to ruins (China and Mexico are examples), and only survived because of cultural conservatism. Proving that ultraprogressivism is shit. And finally ruralism; rural societies only worked in the past, and every current ruralist country is in poverty. You wanted a 50 words essay, and i gave you a 165 words essay.
    • Uhm, actually, i said 50 words minimum for EACH SECTION. that would mean that it would have to be 1450 words. accounting for the ones that are not done yet, you would have to do 1050 words minimum. so HAHA!!!


  • ⠀ism - Your page is way more concentrated on philosophy than politics, but you aren't that bad philosophically, as you promotes Individualism and Optimism. but Nietzscheanism? Christian Theocracy? Austrian School? well, definely you almost escaped from being in this tier.
  • Stratovianism - Lemme see what's in there for a little. Definely i don't agree with Anarcho-Egoism, neither Post-Leftism and Communization theory. That's it. And i definely liked your critique of my ideology, even if i don't agree, as i REALLY loves when people actually talk about what they dislike and like about me and my beliefs. Plus, i have never been called a Pig before, and it's cool, Peppa Pig was an integral part of my childhood, lmao.
  • Kimno Thought - Sorry bro,but i'm not a fan of Communism.
  • Bman Thought 2.0 - Revolutionary Conservatism is kinda cringe ngl.
  • Hoodism - Lucy, i will be serious with you; you are a godless Commie with nearly no redeeming quality.
  • Leerderism - Environmentalism is the only good thing from this.
  • Sundog - Marxism, Left-Communism, Libertarian Socialism, Neo-Marxism and Revolutionary Progressivism are opposed to my views of an ideal Brazil...
  • Constantine Thought - Seems like Quark but religious and conservative. I don't like it, specially the Neoreactionary elements, cringe.
  • Caesar Thought - Extremely cringe ideology, only your foreing policy is good and your economics are kinda too regulated. overall cringe guy.
  • National Wodenism - Fascism is already awful, and now mixed with Socialism? this ideology is gay! literally.
  • Nurulisme - a Commie, what do you expect?
  • Gamerism - Kinda cringe, but teaching coding in schools seems okay for me.
  • Counterrevolutionary5708 thought - "Anyone who advocates for anything like this needs not only to be silenced but put into a labour camp far away from the civilized world." - Hubert Ziólkowski 2023.
  •  Romantic Egoism - Nope.
  • Abacusism - I'm against both mutualism and anarcho-communism. Plus, you're an anti-nationalist.
  • Cannabis Anarchy - This is indeed just Potheadism, Anarchism, Anti-Civilizationism, Agrarianism and other shit are extremely cringe.
  • Sogileism - More philosophical than political, so I can't rate you based on politics, but solely on philosophy. Brimstone anyways.
  • Distributismo Reacionário - Você parece ser um Sub-humano em minha opnião, fique longe de mim. (You looks like a Utermensch for me, get out of my sight.)
  • Meowxism - Communism is gaeh, but now literally.
  • Epoch Neo-Marxism - Neo-Marxism, Revolutionary Progressivism, Fisherianism and Revolutionary Socialism got you there.
  • Amism - This rank will probably be obsolete in 24 hours, but. now you becomed better, but still terrible. i do like some of your ideas, thought.
  • Luxembourger Authoritarianism - Economically, too radical but atleast an environmentalist; Socially, pretty terrible; Governamentally, a extreme tragedy; Diplomatically, not bad, but how are you even an Imperialist if lives in Luxemburg? you needs atleast a mild hegemony to be an Imperialist, and Luxemburg never had a single one. conclusion: go outside.
  •  Baxism - Not another Commie!
  • Confederate Crusaderism - I hope you like the Meme i created:

  • Schumacherianism - Libertarianism, bad. Autocracy, bad. Ruralism, bad. Agrarianism, ranging from mid to bad. Neo-Libertarianism, good. Transhumanism, bad. Environmentalism, good. Imperialism, good. Trust-busting, good. Alter-Globalism, bad. Everything said.
  • Filipino Fuhrerism - It always made me laugh when i see a White Supremacist non-white, like the number of Whites who hates people from other races is pratically below 2%. coming from a Pilak like you, who works in a sweetshop in Berlin to sustain his family and already considers being white...
  • Grugoidism - Pretty vague to say atleast, but you are an Anarchist so no.
  •  DrasThe Thought - Hate National Bolshevism and Totalitarianism. But you're ok besides that.
  • Matteo Thought - Fascist Syndicalism looks like an oxymoron to me, as it seems like only right-wingers would believe in a retarded joke. So on, Peronism destroyed Argentina nearly unfixable. Plus, National Syndicalism is the best thing if you wants to destroy the economy, read Mises. This indeed sucks.
  • Hysteria Thought - The alias Raefragism gave to you is pretty realistic. This is just Schizophrenia with extra steps
  • Neocarlism - You have improved somewhat, but you still got there because of your Socialism.
  • Rocksism - I dislike many Anarchist/Left-Libertarian ideals, like, how a gift economy would incentive people to create jobs and etc? anyways, you seems a pretty okay person.
  • Left-DECBism - Commie
  • Necro-Anarchism - Moon Woman, Lol. but, now serious; this ideology is cringe and bluepilled.
  • Agricoetism - NO
  • Council Marxism - NO
  • Daniel Sansón Thought - NO
  • Philosophical Nuggets thought - NO
  • Second Anidiotoncrack Thought - Extremely funny page and good personality, but his ideology is pretty bad.
  • Mass Patchwork Egoism - Shit, he became an Egoist. anyways, i don't like it that much, but your philosophy seems interesing at least, even if i don't agree with it.
  • Jancakeism - Economics, bad. Social, bad. Government, bad. Diplomacy, ok. overall:
  • Aldathism - FUCKING FASCIST!, atleast you aren't a Antisemite and supports LGBT rights.
  • Average Argentard - Rip Bozo
  • N.Brioism - Communism, State Atheism, Totalitarianism, unironic genocide supporter, racism, and other got you there.

Add list

Put you here if you wants to be added, but remember, you MUST add me first:

  • - I am an example.
  • - Add me
    • :V


Political Tests

Best and Worst parts of my ideology

Best: Traditionalism Progressive Conservatism

Worst: Le Tird Wae

Worst: Neoimperialism

Which political figure i reminds you

List of Killer Kitty inspired ideologies


  • - This section is now only for asking me questions.
  • Baxism - Do you have discord? I have a GREAT IDEA! Also, add: File:Matteo.png my Discord friend. PS: Sorry for this. But stop making alts!
    • - My discord is broken, but give me your discord when it got fixed. And i will add Matteo soon, just put him in the "Addlist".
    • Baxism - Oh... Do you have another thing to talk? It is a great and secret idea and we can be allies in that shit.
  • Golden Iron Doctrine Thoughtism- Add me to your relationship
  • Julius M. É. - Why do you create alts?

Recent changes

  • Officernasty • 01:02
  • Aperson14 • 00:12
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 18:04
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 17:54