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Polcompball Wiki

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Rocksmanylobsters's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Infrequently updated
"S l o w c h a n g e i s t h e b e s t c h a n g e !" - Decelerationism
This page is not frequently updated and the creator doesn't have time to do changes, or might do them later or the creator is just lazy.

Rocksism is the self-insert of Rocksmanylobsters, a collection of my
beliefs, thoughts and opinions on different issues.
Feel free to comment or ask anything (and add your score in the user test if you want to).

My icons are: Rocksism (///)





For me, anarchy is neither a doctrine, ideal or lifestyle, but rather a process, a mode of emancipation that is realized through the individual's acceptance of and defiance towards the absurdity of life and maintained through the "atheization" of its own (anarchist) politics, the rejection of their sacred and messianic elements. It is the rejection of class, capital, government and all other oppressive structures of the modern world. I am a synthesis anarchist, meaning I oppose tight organization and support a diversified anarchist movement, in order to preserve individual autonomy and self-government, and to move as far away as possible from hierarchic systems. Contrary to many modern anarchists, I don't believe democracy, if completely direct, to be authoritarian and strongly advocate for collectives within the anarchist movement to be loosely democratically organized (similarly to situationist councils for generalized self-management).




I believe reform can accomplish very little in terms of altering the status quo. Instead, I would propose a form of insurrection focused on decentralized attempts of land accumulation in the form of squats, land-based communes and rural and urban autonomous zones, akin to autonomism, accompanied by general acts of civil disobedience. I am not positive that a large scale anarchist society can be achieved in the present day, but such a revolt will allow for the people within these zones to live and work as they please.


Philosophically, I think I align most with optimistic nihilism or absurdism. I believe life is irrational and has no inherent meaning, but find that to be a positive observation, since accepting it can encourage the individual to rebel against its absurdity and seek happiness in chasing their desires. I also believe that the human experience and, in extension, "reality", is subjective and unique to each individual, and that there is no real distinction between collectivism and individualism, as society is itself a collection of individuals.




I am a staunch environmentalist and a firm believer in social ecology, the idea that ecological problems are social problems, and therefore that the harmful machinery of the state, capitalism and mass industry are primarily at fault for the current environmental crisis. I am supportive of the degrowth movement and its belief in the harm caused by boundless economic growth, as well as of the concept of post-civilization and its claim that civilization, the modern world's organizational structures and approach to culture, is unsustainable.



Lao Tzu (6th-7th century BCE)
Aristippus (435-356 BCE)
Diogenes (412-323 BCE)
François-Noël Babeuf (1760-1797)
Pyotr Kropotkin (1842-1921)
Errico Malatesta (1853-1932)
Voltairine de Cleyre (1866-1912)
Emma Goldman (1869-1940)
Emiliano Zapata (1879-1919)
Volin (1882-1945)
Nestor Makhno (1888-1934)
Buenaventura Durruti (1896-1936)
Aris Velouchiotis (1905-1945)
Albert Camus (1913-1960)
Murray Bookchin (1921-2006)
Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997)
Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018)
Antonio Negri (1933-2023)
Giannis Mpanias (1939-2012)
Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano (1957-)
David Graeber (1961-2020)


Paris Commune (1871-1871)
Morelos Commune (1913-1917)
Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine (1918-1921)
Kronstadt Rebellion (1921-1921)
Korean People’s Association in Manchuria (1929-1931)
Revolutionary Catalonia (1936-1937)
Zapatista Army of National Liberation (1994-)
Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (2013-)



  • Anonymous - Desert
  • Murray Bookchin - The Ecology of Freedom
  • Murray Bookchin, Janet Biehl - The Politics of Social Ecology
  • Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus
  • Albert Camus - The Fastidious Assassins
  • David Graeber - Are You An Anarchist?
  • Peter Kropotkin - The Conquest of Bread
  • Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels - Manifesto of the Communist Party
  • Abdullah Ocalan - Democratic Confederalism
  • Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness - Post-Civ!
  • Lao Tzu - Tao Te Qing
  • Volin - Synthesis (Anarchist)
  • Volin - The Unknown Revolution


  • Bob Black - Anarchy After Leftism
  • Meadow Vitale - Bright Melancholia

Want to Read

  • Georges Bataille - The Accursed Share: An Essay on General Economy
  • Mikhail Bakunin - God and the State
  • Mikhail Bakunin - Statism and Anarchy
  • Hakim Bey - Temporary Autonomous Zones
  • Murray Bookchin - Post Scarcity Anarchism
  • Bob Black - The Abolition of Work
  • Alfredo Bonnano - Armed Joy
  • Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle
  • For Ourselves - The Right to Be Greedy
  • Raoul Vaneigem - The Revolution of Everyday Life
  • Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?
  • Emma Goldman - Anarchism and Other Essays
  • Emma Goldman - Living My Life
  • Evan Jack - A Farewell to Post Left Anarchy
  • Ted Kaczynski - Industrial Society and its Future
  • Peter Kropotkin - Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
  • Jason McQuinn - Against Organizationalism
  • Pierre Joseph Proudhon - What is Property?
  • Max Stirner - The Ego and Its Own


  • Weedman's Post-Left Literature Proposals
    • The Abolition of Work
    • Armed Joy
    • Your Politics are Boring as Fuck
    • Why I am not a Communist
    • Burn All Bibles
    • Technology and Class Struggle
    • Isms Wasms and Amn'ts
    • The Anarchist as an Outlaw
    • Revolution or Insurrection
    • Blessed is the Flame
    • Post-Civ!
    • Against Organizationalism
    • Against Legalization
    • A Dagger of Feral Anarchy
  • Stuff Phill Tchaikovsky Plans to Read
    • The Storm of Steel
    • Eumsewil




> > > > > >

User Test


  • Anarchist +2
  • Libertarian +1
  • Statist -1
  • Authoritarian -2


(choose all that apply)

  • Left-wing +2
  • Left-wing market +1
  • Right-wing -2
  • Third position -2
  • Anti-economy +2


  • Left-wing +2
  • "Left-wing" -1
  • Moderate +0
  • Right-wing -1
  • Far-right -2


  • Internationalist +2
  • Globalist -1
  • Alter-globalist +2
  • Nationalist -1
  • Ultranationalist -2


  • Radical environmentalist +2
  • Environmentalist +1
  • "Post-industrialist" -1
  • Anti-environmentalist -2


(choose all that apply)

  • Primitive -2
  • Neoluddite +0
  • Moderate +1
  • Transhumanist +0
  • Post-humanist -2
  • Archeofuturist +0
  • Technogaian +2
  • Post-civilization +2


Lol what am I a fascist


Rocksmanylobsters (16/16)
Borker (-3/16)
Brazilian Liberalism (-4/16)
Meowxism (4/16)
Phill Tchaikovskism (0/16)
 Baxism - (6/16)
Schumacherianism - (7/16)

Opinions on Ideologies

  • Me
    • WIP
    • WIP
    • WIP
    • WIP
  • Great
    • WIP
    • WIP
    • WIP
    • WIP
  • Good
    • WIP
  • Okay
  • Bad
  • Absolute garbage

Opinions on Self-Inserts

Brazilian Liberalism - I like the social progressivism. You are a national liberal, so naturally I disagree with your opinions on economics, government and the nation (also the surveillance state advocacy is scaring me).

Mordecaism - I am very confused as to whether this is an attempt at describing Mordecai's political ideology or a genuine self-insert. Regardless, individualism and general progressivism are cool. Capitalism I am not a fan of and I don't think "individual freedom granted by the government" is freedom at all.

Romantic Egoism - I am way too philosophically illiterate to have an objective opinion on this, but I'll do my best: I am neither an egoist nor an insurrectionist, although I understand the necessity of the latter in certain environments. I like individualism and gender abolition, and anti-capitalist markets are something I'd like to look into more in the future.

Cannabis Anarchy - Anarchism, communism and environmentalism are cool, and I like your ideas on organization and distribution. I'm not an egoist, but individualism and self-liberation are good. Why did you list Kropotkin as a negative influence though?

Rigby Thought - I disagree with pretty much everything on your page. I have nothing more to say, please try to understand people and society better, and read some theory while you're at it.

Neocarlism - Fascist detected opinion rejected. Syndicalism is okay, and Ark is a good game I agree.

Timocratic Neocameralism - As a culturally left anti-capitalist, who is not too much into the idea of reestablishing slavery (shocker, I know) it is natural that I strongly disagree with most of your ideology. Your staunch opposition to democracy is also something I don't align with. That being said, peri-urbanism is a cool concept and I am sympathetic to georgists compared to other capitalists.

Hoodism - I really like autonomism and autonomist praxis, and situationism, as I have said before, is something I'd like to look into more. Individualist socialism is also great. Post-leftism is cool although not exactly my thing (not yet, at least), and I believe we're also agreeable socially and economically. We have a lot of overlap, and it's cool you're an anarchist now. Great ideology overall.

Baxism - Just scrolling through this page makes me realize I should read more, so I'm not sure I can offer an objective critique of this. Socialism and cultural progressivism are great and I am really fond of your philosophical influences, especially altruistic egoism and optimistic nihilism/absurdism. I am not a fan of any sort of authoritarianism (I also find the notion of "authoritarian egoism" very confusing) and you claim to be sympathetic to falangism and a few other quasi-fascist movements, which is worrying.

Hysteria Thought - As far as I can understand (not much honestly) this ideology is just anarcho-capitalism on LSD. I very much like your civics and individualism, and I think we also align a bit socially. I greatly disagree with your economics, although it's cool you are positive towards a gift economy, and I am very confused about all the neoreactionary stuff (and the anti-environmentalism). Overall great though, surprisingly, and your art is fucking amazing.

Theoanarchism - Anarchism and queer liberation are great and panarchy is a very cool concept. With that out of the way, you seem to be a raging racist, religious fundamentalist and borderline socially fascistic, all three of which are for me the exact opposite of great. Also the death obsession stuff is a bit weird.

Radenism - Nationalist, conservative, quasi-fascist authoritarian monarchist. I think the only agreeable thing for me about this ideology is that I enjoy Indonesian food.

TIIKKETMASTER Thought - I like your social views, civic libertarianism and individualism, as well as alter-globalism (although it seems we disagree on quite a few diplomatic issues). As a right-libertarian, I naturally disagree with your economics, as well as your proposed autocratic nightwatchman state (which seems pretty authoritarian to me honestly), although it's cool you're anti-trust and support equal land distribution. Overall good for a right-libertarian.

Dokevism - Collectivist economics and progressivism are great, and so is indigenism. I'm okay with reformism, although I do not believe it to be effective. Capitalism I definitely disagree with (the georgism makes it slightly better) and we differ greatly on the civic axis. Overall alright, and you seem very well-intentioned, I suggest you read a bit of anarchist theory.

Lehianism - Authoritarian, ultramilitaristic Zionist and an avid supporter of ethnic cleansing (it's literally the first thing mentioned in your page). There's not much more to critique, since this ideology is just Zionism expanded, there is pretty much nothing I agree with here (which is not surprising, considering you believe, and I quote, "all anarchists are antisemites").

Meadowsin's Basilisk - Anarchism, autonomism and alter-globalism are great, and so is your philosophy. Egoism I can sympathize with, although I do not espouse it fully. Post-leftism, as I have said before, I'd like to look more into and, as with egoism, I do not reject it. Overall fantastic, and very sophisticated.

Post-Jefbolism - Anarchism and communism are great, egoism is kinda cool, I don't really understand post-structuralism well enough to comment on it, and I'm not sure about accelerationism. I'll probably expand this when there's more written on your page.

Proletariat Builderism - Anti economics? Good. Autonomism? Great. A gift economy and the synthesis of individual and collective? Fucking amazing. Extreme cultural reactionarism? What the fuck. If you were to just drop the racism (I don't think that's too much to ask for) this would be a great ideology.

Lankajori Thought - The average conservative minarchist. We disagree on social issues (although you're not exactly homophobic, which is good), economics and democracy. Environmentalism is great, and your civics are good too.

Nuriskianism - WIP because I'm dumb and need time to process this.

Yoda8soup Thought - Socially and economically fantastic, and environmentalism is great too. Our civics differ significantly but our values very much align, and I love your philosophical influences as well. Other than that, you were one of my first friends on the wiki, have influenced me very much in the past, and are terribly nice!

Mindform Anarchism - I love the progressivism, anarchism and anti-capitalism, and frontierism is very interesting. I also like your synthesis of progress and tradition. I'm not sure about transhumanism and I am definitely not a fan of posthumanism, but overall your ideas are great and you seem very well read.

Resnaisisme - Race anarchism? What? Civics are good, economics are okay, socially fucking horrible. Why do you deny being a reactionary?

Sapismo - Liberal capitalist. Ecology is cool.

N.Cortexism - Fake "progressive", neoliberal imperialist cop nut and genocide supporter. In short, no. The Killer Kitty alt invasion will not stand.
