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Council Marxism: Difference between revisions

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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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*[[File:Sozialistische_Weltrepublik.png]]{{PCB|World Federalism}}
*[[File:Sozialistische_Weltrepublik.png]]{{PCB|World Federalism}}
*[[File:Progconf.png]]{{PCB|Progressive Conservatism}}
*[[File:Progconf.png]]{{PCB|Progressive Conservatism}}
[[File:LibCounMarx.png]]Libertarian Council Marxism {{Collapse|
*[[File:MdwsnThght.png]]{{PCBA|Meadowsin Thought}}
*[[File:Postscarc.png]]{{PCBA|Post-Scarcity Anarchism}}
*[[File:Libmarx.png]]{{PCBA|Libertarian Marxism}}
*[[File:DemCon.png]]{{PCB|Democratic Confederalism}}
*[[File:Sozialistische_Weltrepublik.png]]{{PCB|World Federalism}}
*[[File:Bckchn.png]]{{PCB|Libertarian Municipalism}}

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====Example | Phase 2====
====Example | Phase 2====

===[[File:CounMarx.png]]Phase 3[[File:Marx.png]]: Marxism===
===[[File:AnCounMarx.png]]Phase 3[[File:Marx.png]]: Marxism===

====[[File:Soc.png]]Part 1: Economics====
====[[File:Soc.png]]Part 1: Economics====
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==[[File:Mega Yes.png]] {{Color|#FFFFFF|Comrades}}==
==[[File:Yes.png]] {{Color|#1A8E51|Friends}}==
*[[File:Beste.png]] [[Voidvill Rajandeep]] You... Listen, reading what you wrote physically hurts me, and I mean it in the most constructive way possible. Sit down, rewrite it, and focus if you can, you clearly have potential but it just gets so confusing I can't make heads or tails of what's beyond simple sentences. What I understood, however, was somewhat disappointing. You have most of your inspirations in the right places, and you clearly read and write, which is great, but you reach... Sad conclusions. Sure, Fisher said to embrace Chaos, but that doesn't mean rejecting hope - embrace chaos, make it your new order, work outside of the order imposed to you by the reality of capital, don't be afraid to dream, love, live, fight - don't be afraid to <i>try</i>. You need some revolutionary optimism, my friend. Don't give up so young.
*[[File:Hoodism.png]] [[Hoodism]] Jef doesn't really like me, so I don't expect you to, but I do think you're alright. You have good intentions, your inspirations are solid, and your views of former socialist states are weird, although valid (so long as you don't yell at other people about them), but there is also... So - <i>so</i> little you in what you wrote. You write you like socialism as an individualist ideology (Which is something you could and should expand upon), you say reform isn't viable (Which is stating the obvious and widely accepted), and you say the CIA and capitalism suck. You should think on your own more, I reckon. Reading theory is not just about gathering knowledge, it's a lot about reformulating it, making it interact with other theory and other knowledge and applying it to fields of studies and to your own personal analysis of material conditions, this is <i>especially</i> important if, as you say, socialism is individualistic in nature.
==[[File:Meh.png]] {{Color|#FDCB00|Frenemies}}==
==[[File:No.png]] {{Color|#FF2323|Capitalist Pigs}}==
*[[File:NNGM.png]] [[New North German Model]] There are aspects I very much respect of your ideas, and others I find terrifying. Your reactionary ideals, nationalism, rejection of modernity, and acceptance of fascistic elements are all deeply concerning and flawed in the reasoning behind them, and your embracement of that same nationalism shows a complete refusal to lean on scientific socialism. Early-stage capitalism within a paternalistic conservative system is not a solution to any of the problems brought by late-stage capitalism, exploitation of the working class will still be present, the state (and thus class warfare) will not be abolished and will, instead, be perpetuated, so even <i>if</i> the state is proletarian it will rot back into capitalism rather than whiter away into communism, and many fundamental elements of modern society will simply be lost to senseless glorification of so-called "rurality". Listen, I do respect your ideas on how the reform ought to be implemented - they are quite in line with my view on material conditions - but you bring them to conclusions that are fascistic at best and Pol-Potist at worst. Read more actually communist and Marxist theory, pretty please, I can sense your intentions aren't all bad.
==[[File:Mega No.png]] {{Color|#B50015|Bourgeois Reactionaries}}==
From the Anarchy Wiki=
==[[File:Mega Yes.png]] {{Color|#FFFFFF|Comrades}}==
==[[File:Mega Yes.png]] {{Color|#FFFFFF|Comrades}}==

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==[[File:Meh.png]] {{Color|#FDCB00|Frenemies}}==
==[[File:Meh.png]] {{Color|#FDCB00|Frenemies}}==

==[[File:No.png]] {{Color|#FF2323|Capitalist Pigs}}==  
==[[File:No.png]] {{Color|#FF2323|Capitalist Pigs}}==
*[[File:Brazlib.png]] [[Brazilian Liberalism]] Congratulations, you took Third Way Neoliberalism and made it more reactionary by adding nationalism and even more Authoritarianism, are you happy with yourself?

==[[File:Mega No.png]] {{Color|#B50015|Bourgeois Reactionaries}}==
==[[File:Mega No.png]] {{Color|#B50015|Bourgeois Reactionaries}}==

Latest revision as of 21:14, 11 November 2023

Self Insert
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"S l o w c h a n g e i s t h e b e s t c h a n g e !" - Decelerationism
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"Fuck syndicalism, all Syndies are fascist scum in disguise."

Council Marxism is a Councilist, Left Communist and Marxist ideology inhabiting the far-left centre-libertarian area of the political compass. Unlike her Left-Communist comrades , she rejects sectarianism, taking the concept of Material Conditions further than most by applying it through Sophistic relativism, holding the belief that scientific Marxism and all its ideological theoretical subsets are viable depending on the Material Conditions of one or the other Nation. This brings Council Marxism to be hated by dogmatists and spontaneous revolutionaries , since she strongly rejects both practices as revisionist and utopian.
Despite her beliefs pushing her to get along with other Marxists without too many complaints about ideological difference, Council Marxism feels rather strongly about a few other balls - her hatred for Bordiga, all Syndicalists, and all monarchs being a particularly obvious example of that.

Basic Overview


Council Marxism is usually calm and understanding, with only a few things managing to make her snap - such as feeling as though she's being mocked. She is very autistic and often struggles to understand when such a thing is happening, making her feel like she's being taken advantage of. The same Autism also causes her to occasionally be strongly passive-aggressive without even intending to - which is only made worse by her tendency to space out.
In spite of this, she will be openly hostile to Syndicalists and Monarchists, while being more defensive around other Leftists she has reason to believe may dislike her, such as Mao-Zedong-Thought supporters and Third-Worldists.

Short Description

Council Marxism is anti-revisionist, anti-reformist, and anti-dogmatist, believing that material conditions are the main factor determining the specifics of socialism that need to be implemented in an area or another, and concluding that a highly decentralised governmental structure is the best possible way to make best use of all the resources and bring to a conclusion a popular revolution first and a cultural one afterwards.
Its theory is a synthesis of Marx, Luxemburg, Hoxha, and Gorter, with minor inspirations from Lenin, Stalin, and Gonzalo, wounding up with particular theories on how a revolutionary government should operate, how the revolution would be organised, and a type of vanguard meant to concentrate on Anti-Elitism, believing it to be the main cause for Revisionism in the USSR.


Concepts and explanations

Social Imperialism

With Social Imperialism, Council Marxism sees the imposition of dogmatic approaches on material conditions which do not befit them. In this, the Soviet Union can be defined as a Social Imperialist state, not in the liberal sense of cultural assimilation but in the sense that its governing apparatus did not (or refused to) see the differences in material conditions between the several nations of the USSR and, due to an unhealthy attachment to Leninist theory as a dogma, imposed the solutions for the crisis of the Russians upon the Ukrainians, the Turks in the steppes, the inhabitants of the Caucasus, the Germans, the Czechoslovaks, the Hungarians, the Romanians, and so on.

Cultural Revolution


"Distribution generally represents an essential part of production, and in its organisation is wholly dependent upon it. The systematic organisation of production presupposes a systematic organisation of distribution. The supreme organiser in both these spheres will be society as a whole. Society will distribute labour and also the product of that labour. This is the very opposite of the anarchic unorganised distribution which is expressed in exchange and private property conducted on the basis of competition and the crude conflict of interests."

In economics, a market is defined as a physical or abstract place for the confrontation of supply and demand of a good or service to which a price is subsequently given. Markets are driven and auto-regulated, in part or wholly, by competition and where the sellers seek to own and control the greatest possible percentage of the market while the buyers seek to pay the lowest possible price for the highest possible gain. This system requires a series of conditions to be realised:

  • Atomicity

No supplier or client has sufficient market power to influence the prices of the market.

  • Transparency

All information relevant and necessary to the price-making process are freely and easily available to all economic agents.

  • Homogeneity

All instances of a product have identical characteristics.

  • Fluidity

All economic agents can enter and exit the market freely.

  • Perfect mobility of the means of production

The means of production can be mobilised to assemble a different good or service.

Council Marxism sees these requirements and recognises their realistic impossibility within a regulated and unregulated market, partly due to science. Atomicity, for example, requires a vast number of suppliers per consumer to be functional - such a high number that any possible practicality gained from "choice" is outweighed by the inconvenience of supporting such a pointless number of products.
According to the principle of homogeneity, the products also need to be completely equal among themselves, ignoring the blatant impossibility of such a goal (since even the same brand cannot feasibly create identical products in each batch).
In addition, transparency - to the degree needed in the Model of Perfect and Pure Competition - is equally as impossible, as the degree of expertise and information required by the average consumer to know in great detail every step of all corporations' internal workings and the production of goods and services would be absurdly large.
Fluidity is equally impossible, as it would require equal access to the means of trade, which immediately discredits all market capitalist systems from qualifying for such an achievement whilst disqualifying all market socialist systems by simply highlighting that the material conditions of one or the other geographical area make it effectively impossible for all people to have exactly equal access to the market, rendering all rightist markets the very columns on which inequality prospers and all leftist ones revisionist and counter-revolutionary in practice.
Lastly, perfect mobility of the means of production is impossible to such a degree that even if we were to invent the most efficient form of transportation and perfect both automation and the machines used for production, it would still be unimaginable to allow for it to exist.

While these factors alone would suffice to disprove the functionality of any market system as inherently idealist, one could easily point at the blatant contradictions present within those systems:
Between atomicity and homogeneity, because there is no justification for such a decay in productivity based entirely on branding when all products are, supposedly, completely equal; but also between transparency, homogeneity, and atomicity and the very interests that insert the corporations in the market in the first place: Maximised profits. This is to say that it is in the interest of corporations to conceal their practices (either as intellectual property or company secrets) both to stop competition from utilising them and get away with disagreeable or cruel practices - but this inherently means that it is also in the interest of corporations to reject homogeneity in order to give the most satisfying results (note, not the best ones, but the ones that get the clients to come back in spite of possible consequences) and, in turn, to have a share of the market big enough to single-handedly be able to manipulate prices.


Anti-syndicalism is a fundamental value of Council Marxism. Syndicalism and unions are seen as reactionary ideas and institutions for a series of reasons. According to Council Marxism, the main difference between the unions and workers' councils is the fact that the prior are not made for governance, but as mediators between the workers and the local owning class whilst the latter are democratic governing entities of a workplace or municipality either directly or through elected delegates. This difference means that, when a union is put in a position of power, it is naturally going to seek the same relationship it was meant to entertain: a localist, elitist initiative meant to promote the clique that is the union rather than an internationalist one with the aim to equalise relationships between the workers. In this, Council Marxism holds the firm belief that unions cannot build a Revolution and that they are actively detrimental to its construction. In addition, the initiative sought by unions does not, in any way, require a progressive stance and suffers from class consciousness, since it would mean a realisation of the local workers' place within the international proletariat, which is why unions can border on or outright be fascistic, turning the unionist movement in one of Class Collaboration rather than Class Conflict.


The Lumpenproletariat is a sub-group of the Proletariat which has lost its revolutionary potential due to the cultural influences of Reactionary and Capitalist institutions to the point where, in the event of a revolution, they may fight against their own class interests and side with the bourgeois forces. In this, the Lumpenproletariat can be identified in a few simple characteristics:

  • A strong participation in bourgeois culture and its systems;
  • A willful betrayal of the class struggle (Either knowingly or out of ignorance);
  • A will to engage in counter-revolutionary efforts.

With this in mind, Council Marxism recognises the existence of a series of bourgeois institutions which are built with the aim of building up the forces of this group and re-direct Proletarian forces to the service of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. In partial agreement with Russian Left-Communism, Council Marxism identifies the main institutions and organisations where the Lumpenproletariat is grouped as the Agrarian Proletariat and the Army, however, Unions and Syndicalist movements are also considered hotspots of Lumpen activity.

The "Culture War"

The National Question

"A nation is a historically constituted, stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a common culture."

"When we speak of the revolution we do not mean only the socialist revolution. In the present epoch of the revolutionary transition from capitalism to socialism, the peoples' liberation struggle, the national-democratic, anti-imperialist revolutions, the national liberation movements, also, are component parts of a single revolutionary process, the world proletarian revolution, as Lenin and Stalin explained."

Council Marxism, whilst being strongly opposed to all forms of Nationalism, does not reject the need for a National Way To Communism , and thusly believes that decentralisation is strictly required on a confederal level throughout the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. This state of being is meant to evolve, with time and with the transition to realised socialism. This belief derives from the conviction that the material conditions of an area are inherently different from nation to nation even if they live under the same state and economic-geographic conditions, due to the difference in culture and language.

Introduction to the Example

To better explain the concept, I will make use of an example: a fictional country, a rather average Liberal Democracy with one standardised language but plenty of rich regional and local cultures, dialects, and even languages of their own, with different histories, populations, and material conditions. For the sake of the example, the material conditions for the country have matured, and the revolution is ready - the specifics of the revolution are irrelevant to the matter at hand.
For the sake of the example, the revolution will have already succeeded, with nothing left in the way of Communism other than the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

Phase 1: A confederation of Dictatorships of the Proletariat

Seeing the Material Conditions of a region to be inherently tied with the nations occupying it and believing them to differ from nation to nation due to the differences among them, it comes to reason that a single dictatorship of the proletariat under a centralised state is counter-productive, having to act as a compromise between the nations and regions of a revolutionary territory. This only gets worse the bigger the revolutionary territory is.
The Dictatorships of the Proletariat would together form a confederation, operating in a similar fashion to the Warsaw Pact, with broader organs to direct and organise the countries between one another whilst leaving them considerable independence and an economic, defensive, and ideological bloc. This state of confederation would allow the various areas of the revolutionary territory to adopt a dictatorship of the proletariat that better suits their material conditions, permitting them to get rid of the remnants of bourgeois society quicker, for instance, a mainly agricultural area may wish to adopt a more Agrarian form of Socialism while industrialised sectors may be more inclined to take on more industrialist forms of socialism.
Through the Confederation of Dictatorships of the Proletariat, Council Marxism hopes to achieve Socialism and the withering away of the state at a more rapid pace in order to prevent stagnation in the political groups of the various countries and revisionism as a consequence.

Example | Phase 1

In the case of this example, let's imagine the hypothetical liberal democracy was split into three main economic areas: A highly industrialised one, a highly agricultural one, and one which thrived off tourism, the latter area is split into two nations, the agricultural one is mostly mono-national, and the industrialised one is split in three - this means the Confederation would count six dictatorships of the proletariat, one agricultural - which would likely be tasked with food production for the revolutionary territory -, three industrial ones who will employ Industrialist Socialism and focus on research, and two third-sector-focused states.

Phase 2: A federal, socialist, withering state

Part 1: Realised Socialism

Part 2: The Cultural Revolution

Example | Phase 2

Phase 3: Marxism

Part 1: Economics

Part 2: Government

Part 3: Workers' Ownership

Example | Phase 3



The "Popular Vanguard"


Planned Economy



Cultural Revolution

Socialism as the only form of progress

Foreign and National Policy



How to Draw

Flag of Council Marxism

Steps to draw the ball:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with red
  3. Draw a stylised globe in yellow in the centre
  4. Around the globe draw concentric partial circles in green, purple, and black
  5. Draw the eyes
  6. (Optional) Add some accessories, like a bow

And you're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Red #890014 137, 0, 20
Yellow #FFD700 255, 215, 0
Green #44AA09 68, 170, 9
Purple #9C28B1 156, 40, 177
Black #0E0E0E 14, 14, 14


Feel free to draw me and add your art here!



  • Alter-Globalism Stop Liberal Globalism, pave the way for the Communist Republic of Earth!
  • Anti-Fascism Thank you for freeing my homeland from the brown plague once, if it weren't for him it might have been gone forever.
  • Babouvism Marx but he was one of the people who guillotined a whole lot of reactionaries, that's super based!
  • Classical Social Democracy Rosa forever in our hearts and minds, death to the Social Fascists!
  • Council Communism My much more sectarian inspiration, outdated, but also so very wonderful!


  • Acid Communism "I accept this analysis. However, I find the rejection of revolutionary optimism concerning. Of course, this is not to say that it's unjustified, though it could bring about resignation rather than fostering rebellious sentiment; that also means it's a valuable tool to approach people who are deeply disillusioned by the system and who have fallen into the vibes of Capitalist Realism, to then commence a process of education - perhaps even through the use of situationism - and radicalisation."
  • African Socialism African Comrade, a champion of Anti-Colonial sentiment and Anti-Imperialism - but why did you have to give into Nationalist revisionism to do it?
  • Agrarian Socialism I don't get why you would reject industrialisation, but farming is still very important and collective farms are great!
  • Arab Socialism A lot of your followers were fascistic or kinda nuts, but others were rather based - though I still dislike the Nationalist revisionism.
  • Communization Theory So based, but why reject the dictatorship of the proletariat in favour of communization when you can have a DOTP which communizes?


  • Anarchists All of you are either revisionists, fascists, utopians, or straight-up nutjobs, but the few of you who are good I am willing to collaborate with during the revolution.
  • Black Nationalism Why can't you just understand that black liberation is only possible through proletarian liberation?

Capitalist Pigs

  • Agrarian Capitalism Kulak, the land is not a commodity to be bought or sold and you definitely shouldn't shoot people for being on it!
  • Alt-Right Great, now the right has an intelligentsia, and they're fascist misogynist crypto-bros.
  • Anarcho-Collectivism You created the myth of Judeo-Bolshevism and were overall a raging fucking lunatic. No collaborating with your lot.
  • Bolivarianism Revolutionary Capitalism, how peculiar - how idiotic, but at least you're anti-colonialist despite being an imperialist twat yourself.
  • Bonapartism Proto-Fascism, but a bit more progressive and welfarist for the time. Neither acceptable nor commendable, but I guess it brought to the end of Feudalism in Western Europe and the passage to Capitalism, and that, too, is a necessary step in the achievement of material conditions proper to a revolution.
  • Caesarism Welfarist, friendly to the Optimates, caring of the people, overall decent in context, but that is no justification for the rampant imperialism, colonisation, stratocracy, and slavery.
  • Centralism Centralism is but a tool of the bourgeoisie to contrast the maturing of Material Conditions which differ among environments within the territories of the same state.

Bourgeois Reactionaries

  • Absolute Monarchism Long live the Socialist World Republic! No Gods! No Tyrants! No Kings!
  • Anarcho-Syndicalism Syndie? More like Syndie, you fascistic piece of class-collaborationist shit.
  • Aristocracy More monarchs are in no way better than one, you bourgeois incestuous bastard!
  • Authoritarian Capitalism That's just all capitalists.
  • Ceremonial Monarchism Like a chicken, the country will still move once this head is cut off, but just for how long?
  • Conservatism The only cultural stance Capitalism can have.
  • Constitutional Monarchism Constitutions are merely the will of the long dead enforced on the future - this particular pig simply applies it to even more reactionary institutions.



  • Voidvill Rajandeep You... Listen, reading what you wrote physically hurts me, and I mean it in the most constructive way possible. Sit down, rewrite it, and focus if you can, you clearly have potential but it just gets so confusing I can't make heads or tails of what's beyond simple sentences. What I understood, however, was somewhat disappointing. You have most of your inspirations in the right places, and you clearly read and write, which is great, but you reach... Sad conclusions. Sure, Fisher said to embrace Chaos, but that doesn't mean rejecting hope - embrace chaos, make it your new order, work outside of the order imposed to you by the reality of capital, don't be afraid to dream, love, live, fight - don't be afraid to try. You need some revolutionary optimism, my friend. Don't give up so young.
  • Hoodism Jef doesn't really like me, so I don't expect you to, but I do think you're alright. You have good intentions, your inspirations are solid, and your views of former socialist states are weird, although valid (so long as you don't yell at other people about them), but there is also... So - so little you in what you wrote. You write you like socialism as an individualist ideology (Which is something you could and should expand upon), you say reform isn't viable (Which is stating the obvious and widely accepted), and you say the CIA and capitalism suck. You should think on your own more, I reckon. Reading theory is not just about gathering knowledge, it's a lot about reformulating it, making it interact with other theory and other knowledge and applying it to fields of studies and to your own personal analysis of material conditions, this is especially important if, as you say, socialism is individualistic in nature.


Capitalist Pigs

  • File:NNGM.png New North German Model There are aspects I very much respect of your ideas, and others I find terrifying. Your reactionary ideals, nationalism, rejection of modernity, and acceptance of fascistic elements are all deeply concerning and flawed in the reasoning behind them, and your embracement of that same nationalism shows a complete refusal to lean on scientific socialism. Early-stage capitalism within a paternalistic conservative system is not a solution to any of the problems brought by late-stage capitalism, exploitation of the working class will still be present, the state (and thus class warfare) will not be abolished and will, instead, be perpetuated, so even if the state is proletarian it will rot back into capitalism rather than whiter away into communism, and many fundamental elements of modern society will simply be lost to senseless glorification of so-called "rurality". Listen, I do respect your ideas on how the reform ought to be implemented - they are quite in line with my view on material conditions - but you bring them to conclusions that are fascistic at best and Pol-Potist at worst. Read more actually communist and Marxist theory, pretty please, I can sense your intentions aren't all bad.

Bourgeois Reactionaries




Capitalist Pigs

  • Brazilian Liberalism Congratulations, you took Third Way Neoliberalism and made it more reactionary by adding nationalism and even more Authoritarianism, are you happy with yourself?

Bourgeois Reactionaries
