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Neosyndicalism: Difference between revisions

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=='''[[User:TheSilliestOfGoobers/I'm Leaving FPCB|I am leaving and here's why]]'''==
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{{Self Insert Notice|TheSilliestOfGoobers}}
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=='''Ideology Relations'''==
=='''Ideology Relations'''==
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{{Schumacherianism}} - We agree on a lot of issues regarding the state, but we mainly disagree on economics and such. <s>Also I am a closeted neoluddite so your older influences are a big plus in my book.</s><br>
{{Schumacherianism}} - We agree on a lot of issues regarding the state, but we mainly disagree on economics and such. <s>Also I am a closeted neoluddite so your older influences are a big plus in my book.</s><br>
[[File:Lankathought.png]][[Lankajori Thought]] - Similar to Schumacher, but more conservative and ruralist. Yet again, both agreeable and disagreeable points. But you seem incredibly nice.<br>
[[File:Lankathought.png]][[Lankajori Thought]] - Similar to Schumacher, but more conservative and ruralist. Yet again, both agreeable and disagreeable points. But you seem incredibly nice.<br>
[[File:NewSundog.png]][[User:Sundog|Sundog]] - Ehh not too bad honestly, I don't understand what Metamodernism even is so I am kind of oblivious to like half of your ideology.<br>
[[File:NewSundog.png]][https://philosophyball.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Sundog Sundog] - Ehh not too bad honestly, I don't understand what Metamodernism even is so I am kind of oblivious to like half of your ideology.<br>

Latest revision as of 00:38, 11 April 2024

I am leaving and here's why

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent TheSilliestOfGoobers's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Icons: (////)



Free Territory of Ukraine and South Russia (Interwar LARP country)

A critique of Democracy

Democracy as a concept is not flawed. Since it's natural for the power vacuum to be taken by a government, we might as well make it one by the people for the people. However, my main problem is that hundreds of years of conflicts and division had changed human nature to a form that corrupts democracy.
To better explain this, we can look at most world governments. No matter where we are from, we can all agree that our peoples' don't vote for someone, the vote against someone. This problem is by far the worst in the USA, where your choice between Republican and Democrat will almost always be based on who you think is worse, not who you think is better.
In short, human nature tending to be antagonistic towards certain concepts or objects compromises democracy in a way that any politician can get on top of the social structure with nothing but lies and insults.

The individual and the community

One of the main divides in the libertarian sphere of politics is what is more important: Individual freedom or Collective cooperation. The first is more typically associated with the Right, the second - with the Left.
However, I take a completely different stance in the issue. I believe that there is a third option - freedom in general. To better explain it, you should be able to actually choose whether you want to act in your own interest as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others, or be closer tied to society.

Za naszą i waszą wolność

"For our and your freedom". This slogan was used by the rebels of the 1830 November Revolution in Poland. The rebels plastered it all over the flags, banners, weapons. This slogan tried to show the peoples of the then Russian Empire that Poland wasn't a waging a war against the people - it was waging a war against the oppressive Tsar.
Similar connotations were shown in the Greek war of independence. The anthem of the Greek revolutionaries included a large section that called all the peoples of the Ottoman Empire, from Bosnia to Lazica, to break off their shackles.
I want this type of international solidarity to return, for all ethnic groups and religions to put their differences aside and unite for one cause - freedom.

My form of Nationalism

The idea of Nations existing is primarily a product of Napoleon's conquests and the subsequent rise of Romantism across Europe. Similar connotations existed as a product of the Enlightenment, but they only majorly took off via Napoleon. Before then people didn't have the urge to unite into groups based on Ethnicity, Religion, etc. Napoleon was the first European leader that gave rights to minorities and repressed groups, ended feudalism in Germany, and created the first German and Italian states in ages. Soon the spread of Romantism as a prominent art and philosophical movement reinforced these newly spreading ideals.
We saw such national upbringings in Poland in the form of nostalgia for the Commonwealth, in Belgium with an emphasis on Catholic unity with a tint of Burgundian nostalgia, in Germany and Italy with a disdain for old feudal systems that killed their countrymen for centuries, in Hungary with the nostalgia of having independent governing systems, etc
However, in the 21st century, romanticism is dead, people are already united enough, and there is no need to bring up nostalgia or praise of historical states and figures. As such, I believe that modern nationalism shouldn't be pride in what the nation did, but pride in what the nation can do with backing of historical events.
For example, imagine a nation that needs a starting point to get people to help reform the education system. It's government should tell the people that they can make an important discovery for humanity, because they know they can do it as proven by a scientist from that nation that made an important discovery centuries prior. With this pride and hope to be like their ancestors the people will have a reason to aid the reform of the education system, to make people as educated as that scientist everyone looks up to now.
As utopian as the idea sounds, we must try our best to implement such a form of Nationalism worldwide.

Why there can never be actual anarchism

While I do follow the ideas of Philosophical Anarchism, I oppose it in a political sense.
It all comes down to human nature. If the state is dissolved, the vacuum will be up for the taking by anyone willing to take it. If we dissolve a government, two more will be created, it's like the mythological Hydra.
Another issue is that political Anarchism relies too much on barely existent human goodwill, which is not only too utopian, but also naïve depending on the circumstances.

So, what government system should there be?

I believe that the government should be a coalition of worker unions and local councils, somewhere in between classical Syndicalism and Platformism. I am not opposed to other government systems, however, since establishing my preferred one would be near impossible, it's better to conform than to waste valuable resources on making a government, that can only rise after the collapse of the previous society, instead of investing it into the economy or development efforts.

The 5 principles of a modern Syndicalist economy

  • Self Reliance - the economy should be ready for any global situation and to be able to sustain itself.
  • Preserving the Market - by reforming it to be a self-regulating socialist one.
  • Economic Democracy - establish measures to promote self-employment, co-operatives, weaken monopolies, etc.
  • Regional Specialisation - if a region of the country is agrarian, has always been agrarian, and has great agrarian potential, then keep it that way. Same for industrial centres.
  • Collaboration - class war is a useless, costly endeavour, that will only hinder the leftist movement. Better compromise "with the above" to actually implement your ideas than spend resources on something that only boosts morale, and even that is not for certain.

How do we achieve Neosyndicalism?

I honestly don't know. I am not a leader, I'm an ideologue, I only write the ideas without a clue on how to implement them.

User Test

  • Civic Axis
    • Egoist (-5)
    • Anarchist (+10)
    • Minarchist (+5)
    • Libertarian (+3)
    • Statist (-5)
    • Authoritarian (-10)
    • Totalitarian (-10)
    • Orwellian (-10)
  • Type of Rule Axis
    • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy(+10)
    • Direct Democracy (+5)
    • Representative Democracy (0)
    • People's Democracy (0)
    • Monarchy (-5)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (-10)
    • Technocracy (+2)
    • Dictatorship (-10)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-10)
    • Kultokratic system (+2)
  • Economic Axis
    • Communist (-10)
    • Socialist (+10)
    • Welfarist (+5)
    • Mixed (0)
    • Fiscal Federalism (0)
    • Liberalism (-5)
    • Capitalist (-10)
    • Third Position (+5)
    • Non-Marxist Communism (+5)
  • Diplomatic Axis
    • World Federalist (-10)
    • Globalist (-10)
    • Internationalist (0)
    • Moderate (0)
    • Patriotic (+5)
    • Nationalist (+5)
    • Chauvinist (-5)
    • Ethno Nationalist (-5)
    • Racial Nationalist (-10)
    • Universal Nationalism (+10)
  • Geopolitics Axis
    • Old West(1945-1970) (-10)
    • New West(1970-Now) (-10)
    • Old old East(1945-1970) (-10)
    • Non-Aligned (+5)
    • Anarchistic Non-Aligned(+10)
    • Third Position (+5)
    • Old East (1970-1992) (-10)
    • Modern East (1992-Now) (-10)
  • Cultural Axis
    • ""Revolutionary"" (-10)
    • Progressive (-5)
    • Reformist (+10)
    • Moderate (+5)
    • Conservative (-5)
    • Traditionalist (-10)
    • Reactionary (-10)
  • Technological Axis
    • Primal (-00)
    • Primitivist (-10)
    • Pre-Industrial (-5)
    • Deceleration (-5)
    • Moderate (+10)
    • Acceleration (+5)
    • Automated (-10)
    • Transhumanist (-10)
    • Posthumanist (-10)
  • Environmental Axis
    • Human Extinction (-10)
    • Radical Environmentalism (-10)
    • Eco-Fascism (0)
    • Ecocentrism (+5)
    • Environmentalist (+10)
    • Moderate (0)
    • Post-Industrialism (+5)
    • Industrialist (0)
    • Anthropocentric (+5)
    • Pollution (-10)
    • Planetary Destruction (-10)
  • War Axis
    • Pacifism (+10)
    • Non-engagement (+10)
    • De-escelationism (+10)
    • Interventionism (-10)
    • Irridentism (-10)
    • Revanchism (-10)
    • Jingoism (-10)


Ideology Relations

Anarcho-Monarchism - Would be great if it was more Left-wing. Also, GLORY TO EMPEROR NORTON!
Anarchism without Adjectives - I advocate for you, but you know that people most likely won't get along to prevent a state from being established, right?
Technocracy - The leaders of the Platforms should be chosen according to merit and skill.
Meritocracy - See above.
Jacobinism - Down with Feudali- Wait what the fuck are you doing to 45.000 people?
Marxism - You did have valid criticisms of capitalism for your time, and you did influence Left-wing anarchism for sure, but 1.The DoTP is bullshit and 2.You were still a racist, hypocritical and unhygienic bastard.
Nazism - I don't have to explain this one, I think.
Malorussian Liberation Armyism - A joke that got out of hand. Most of the so-called "MOA supporters" are edgy teens who would piss their pants as soon as they will be told to go to the front and "do the based stuff the MOA does" that they make cringe edits about.(Honestly I am mostly just salty they began using "Lovely, brothers, lovely" before me and now the song is associated with them and not me.)
Democracy - Democracy fails because it empowers oligarchs and liars.
"Anarcho"-Capitalism - Could you please tell me if there is a guarantee that the corporations and PMC's that get prominence won't try to exploit the land and people?
Hoppeanism - Racist AnCap, but "Democracy: the god that failed" is extremely based.
Statism - Literally a monopoly on violence that will use violence if you disagree with it.

Medicism - No.

Self-Insert Relations

Venatrixism - Not much to say, really, cool Self-Insert.

 Leerderism - Based economics, based cultural views, an a whole lot more "based"'s all around.
Phill Tchaikovskism - Holy mother of based, basically libertarian national syndicalism, really good. Також Житомиру не існує.

Mindform Anarchism - Pretty decent, not going to lie. My main problem is that you're too utopian.
HysteriaThought - Basically me, but utopian.
 Meadowsin's Basilisk - Your book suggestions made me realise how immoral the state is, so thank you. Otherwise, pretty good.
Theoanarchism - Basically, a more right wing version of me with sone additional... Sometimes questionable takes. DEFINETELY much better than most user ideologies here.
Abacusism - Pretty based, but I have one problem: British tea is pretty good dagnammit!
Rocksism - Pretty good, not much to say.
Meowxism - Pretty decent all things considered.
Carcosan Communism - Similar to me, but taken up to a thousand. It's pretty okay, even if a bit too despotic.
Vistulism - I must say, you are by far the best politician Britain would have had if you were an actual politician. You at least try to make the state better(I appreciate the effort) instead of conforming to it's corruption and moral decadence. You also have good economics.
Brazilian Liberalism - Schizo liberal, but hey, at least thanks for giving my country honorary Kangz status.
 Romantic Egoism - Very schizo, very mixed.
 Baxism - Don't like your authoritarianism and J*cobin ideas, but otherwise you're weirdly good.

Borker - We are both syndicalists, just the opposite forms of the ideology. You would have been almost perfect if you stayed Anarchist, yet you decided to become a fash and began "moderately" supporting the east instead of resisting all Imperialism.
Post-Jefbolism - Okay. Not much else to say, it's okay.
 New Social Egoist Theory - The despotism, transhumanism and anti-cultural stances are deplorable, but a lot of your other ideas are fairly good.
Great British New Left - Not much to say here, it's meh. But you did influence me to read Kautsky back in the day, so thanks.
- Ehh, you're okay, I suppose. Please don't hurt me.
Schumacherianism - We agree on a lot of issues regarding the state, but we mainly disagree on economics and such. Also I am a closeted neoluddite so your older influences are a big plus in my book.
Lankajori Thought - Similar to Schumacher, but more conservative and ruralist. Yet again, both agreeable and disagreeable points. But you seem incredibly nice.
Sundog - Ehh not too bad honestly, I don't understand what Metamodernism even is so I am kind of oblivious to like half of your ideology.

Neocarlism - ¡Viva la FAI!
Constantine Thought - Would have also been my opposite if not for the shared hatred of bourgeois politics.
Gualguainism - We agree on a few points, but otherwise a big "no" from me.
Distributist Reactionarism - Economics are okay, governmental and cultural views are shit. Not the worst, but getting there.
 DrasThe Thought - Basically like Bax, but more drugged out. You do have some based takes and unique observations regarding climate change(Not saying they're definitely true, they are some tasty food for thought though), but a lot of your other views are fairly bad.
Lehianism - Bad, like, really bad, don't get me wrong, I support the right of the Jewish people to self-determination, but that right should stop where the Arabs' rights start. You basically want to Manifest Destiny them. I can respect a few bits of the economics, but otherwise this is a big pile of coal.
Hyperfascism - I really don't like Dugin and the fourth theory, neither do I like your statism, but I can appreciate the futurism and sansepolcrism.
Ziółkowskiizm - Your economics are okay, everything else is shit. Not really, the Kultocratic System is a unique idea, but it would be better if it didn't rely on the State so much. Also your views on "Ukrainian Fabrication" are flawed. Universal Nationalism is a plus, however.
Cyber Thought - Literally my opposite in every way possible. I don't think I even need to continue my explanation.
Philosophical Nuggets thought - I never thought I would deem a single Self-Insert here as "retarded", but here we are. It's just your stereotypical modern tankie, just self-aware of being a fascist and a d*ginoid. Plus your near-nonexistent English skills and the way you write make me think that you're either 9 or not even American.

Gamerism - I don't even have words. I am 99% sure that this is a troll, since nobody in their right minds would have every quality of a stereotypical /pol/ user. If this is actually serious, then I have one message for you:

Translation: Get some bitches and please ignore the fact I have none myself.

N.Cortexism - This isn't even funny anymore, get some psychological help, please.
 DECBism - My verdict is "no".
Bensonism - Absolutely not.

N.Brioism - I'm really starting to fucking hate you, Killer Kitty.


In order of when I read each book

  • My first days in the White House by Huey Pierce Long(1935)
  • Progress and Poverty by Henry George(1879)
  • Manifesto of Futurism by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti(1909)
  • Germany Tomorrow by Otto Strasser(1940)
  • Road to Power by Karl Kautsky(1909)
  • Democratic Confederalism by Abdullah Öcalan(2011)
  • Reflections on Violence by Georges Sorel (1908)
  • Platform: Organizational Platform of the Libertarian Communists by Nestor Machno(1926)
  • Manifesto of Fascism by Alceste de Ambris and Filippo Tommaso Marinetti(1919)
  • National Bolshevik Manifesto by Karl Otto Paetel(1933)
  • Folkish Syndicalist Manifesto by Iefan Alstūd(2023)
  • Technocracy Study Course by Marion King Hubbert(1934)
  • The Unique and it's Property by Max Stirner(1844)
  • Chapters on Social Nationalism by Hubert Ziółkowski(2023)
  • Naar de Nieuwe Republiek Indonesia by Nurul Iskandar(2024)
  • How, Chile? by Julius Maximus Étikus(2024)
  • Prussianism and Socialism by Oswald Spengler(1919)
  • On the Juche Idea by Kim Jong-Il(1982)
  • Three Principles of the People by Sun Yat-Sen(1928)
  • Anthology of the Falange by José Antonio Primo de Rivera(1950)
  • The Pale Horse by Boris Savinkov(1913)

  1. Before you ask, I didn't include the Zaporižžian Cossacks because they were turned into the Kuban Cossacks. Using two icons for effectively the same host made up of the same cultural practices is a bit useless.