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This page is meant to represent Matteo A. G.'s political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

“I congratulate you.”

The bosses are coming.”

Matteo Thought (also called by Matteo "Matteocracia") is a national syndicalist, and militaristic ideology which is rooted in the highly autocratic thoughts of Matteo , a member of UJAN.


Economic Axis

" Communism is the tool of international jewish capitalism to decompose the people and then dominate them."

"Here are those two levers: one, the national idea, the Homeland as a historical enterprise and as a guarantee of the historical existence of all spaniards; another, the social idea, the socialist economy, as a guarantee of the bread and economic well-being of all the people."

" Socialism gives workers and peasants their rights. Socialism gives opportunities to everyone. Socialism provides healthcare to everyone."

"The 'human rights' advertised by the imperialists are privileges of the rich, privileges to do anything on the strength of money. The imperialists do not recognize the right of unemployed people to work, or the right of orphans or people without support to eat and survive, for instance, as human rights."

"The profits of state-owned businesses, including the postal service, telegraph, telephone, railroad, mines, forests, and so on, suffice entirely for the funding of all essential state commitments for schools, universities, courts, administrative agencies, and social welfare. Thus no true socialism will bring any blessing to humanity as long as the profits from public enterprises remain tributary to big loan-capital."

Matteo Thought advocates for a economy similar to Italy during fascism , seeing the corporatism as a point of begin for a non-marxist socialist economy under a syndical state.

Socialization of the means of production

"Through the expropriation of landowners. The expropriated lands, once they are nationalized, should not be distributed, as this would be equivalent to the old and disastrous liberal solution, but rather transferred to the peasants themselves, so that they can cultivate them themselves, under the intervention of the autonomous municipal entities, and with a tendency towards communal or cooperative exploitation."

Matteo Thought supports and advocates for the nationalization of various companies and key industries, owned by haute bourgueois, jews or foreign bourgueois. The Syndical State will impose the syndical structuring of the economy, which saves industrial efficiency, but destroys the " morbid supremacies" of all kinds that exist today.

The "nationality of the worker"[1]

"We must take from the right nationalism without capitalism and from the left socialism without internationalism."

Is a fundamental principle of the ideology, it says that without the workers there is no nation, and without nation there is no workers, because they will be subjated by foreign powers.

Abolition of enslavement to interest on money

" Big capital has not created the means to large-scale progress; rather big capital has grown from labor! All capital is accumulated labor. Big capital is in itself unproductive, because plain money by itself is a thoroughly unfruitful thing. From mind, labor, and available or already developed raw materials or mineral resources, values are produced and goods are manufactured – through labor and only through labor. For if one pours so much money onto the most fertile farmland, into the richest coalmine, the farmland does not on that account bear grain, nor the coalmine spit out coals by itself! Let us conclusively affirm this."

The idea of the abolition of enslavement to interest on money comes from Feder's "Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money". The idea of interest on loans is the diabolical invention of big loan-capital; it alone makes possible the lazy drone's life of a minority of tycoons at the expense of the productive peoples and their work-potential; it has led to profound, irreconcilable differences, to class-hatred, from which war among citizens and brothers was born. The abolition of enslavement to interest on money signifies the only possible and conclusive liberation of productive labor from the hidden coercive money-powers.

Diplomatic Axis

"As long as there is only one group of argentines, who resist being conquered, the fatherland lives."

"In the case of Algeria, the great idea of ​​ Arab nationalism has its economic replica in the usufruct of almost all of the arable lands of Algeria by a million French settlers, and in some countries such as Puerto Rico, where the particular conditions of the Island have not allowed a guerrilla outbreak, the nationalist spirit deeply wounded by the discrimination that is committed daily against them is based on the aspiration of the peasant (although many times he is already proletarianized) for the land that the yankee invader takes from him. and this same central idea was what animated, although in different projections, the small landowners, peasants and slaves of the eastern haciendas of Cuba who closed ranks to defend together the right to possess the land, during the war of liberation of the 30 years."

"Only the rich can afford to not have a fatherland."

Matteo Thought is ultranationalist and wants to recover the Falkland Islands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Also wants to erradicate the influence of anglo-saxons , germans and jews in Argentina, and doesn't wants to align with Russia, China or the United States but with the spanish-speaking countries and with countries similar to the third position, like Syria, Hezbollah Iran, Hamas Palestine (which includes not recognizing Israel) and maybe North Korea.

Civic Axis

"Long live the new world of the twentieth century! Long live Fascist Italy! Long live Soviet Russia! Long live Hitler’s Germany! Long live the Spain we are going to create! Down with the bourgeois and parliamentary democracies!"




How to draw

Flag of Matteo Thought
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it black
  3. Draw 8 cyan spokes
  4. Draw a black circle in the middle
  5. Draw a white claw
  6. Add red eyes
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
Cyan #2FEBD2 47, 235, 210
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



  • Baxism - A good friend of the UJAN althought somethimes he acts as a gay
    • - It's just that Blizzard has threatened me: either I stay with him or he takes John, my son. 😨
      • - 😨


  • Sapismo - I see this ideology as a regular technocracy, but if falangism and corporatism are influencing you, you're going in a good direction! But seriously you should read political theory.
  • Corporatist Pan-Hispanism - A paraguayan version of Neocarlism but racist. Racist pan-hispanism is an oxymoron because pan-hispanism is the successor of Spanish Empire legacy (which includes the race mixing in the Hispanic America).
    • - im not racist, what are you talking about? im cultural nationalist im not racist, i hate guarani people and language and that does not make me a racist.


  • Brazilian Liberalism - Fuck, you've been being annoying since the past week telling me to add you to my page... but well, now you are there, happy? This ideology is another bad liberal ideology.

Note: Killer Kitty, open this, is very important.

  • DECBism - Literally you are the opposite of me!

Further Information



  1. This name becomes from a song of the National Socialist Workers' Party, "Arbetarnationale". A YouTube video with the song with the title "The Worker's Nationale" was translated to spanish by Google Translate as "la nacional del trabajador", and become "la nacionalidad del trabajador"



Recent changes

  • Pollere • 00:16
  • Javi Coelho • Yesterday at 22:58
  • MEADOWSIN • Yesterday at 22:40
  • MEADOWSIN • Yesterday at 22:30