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Revision as of 08:00, 22 November 2023 by FargothGares (talk | contribs)
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent FargothGares's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

National Wodenism or Fargothism, are the politics of FargothGares. It is a Fascist ideology catered towards English nationalism and separatism, influenced by the Spanish British and Italian Fascists with its technocratic, corporatist and organic system of government. It is also economically far-left, espousing an economy formed on National Syndicalist principles. Its core goals are the creation of an English Republic and a revival in Fyrnsidu. It stands staunchly opposed to Abrahamic reaction as well as Secular progressivism .

Political Journey

I wasn't very political but I definitely leaned very very moderately left, had a favourable opinion of the monarchy and disliked religion.

Social Democrat

  • Secularism
  • Monarchism

I became to be more politically aware, and I took a great disliking to the Liberal Party, the USA and the Murdoch media, and believed authoritarian measures were justified in curbing their influence, while also becoming rabidly Reddit religion-wise. My love for the monarchy moved from just liking the aesthetics to thinking it was something that gave Australia identity, and I felt that republicanism would Americanise Australia. Don't ask how the house of Windsor would co-exist with state atheism btw


  • Social Authoritarian
  • State Atheist
  • Monarchism
  • Bi-Cultural Nationalism
  • Australian Nationalism
  • Ultra Anti-Americanism

Really my transitionary phase to Fascism, I just called myself a third positionist because I thought fascism was inherently christian (??????????)

I became a Republican and a Pagan towards the end of this phase
Third Position

  • Bi-Cultural Nationalism
  • Monarchism
  • Australian Nationalism

I had come to realise that I shared much in common with Fascism and reading into it I began to find it rather agreeable. Becoming a Pagan helped to push me in the direction of English diaspora nationalism.

I was mostly the same as I am now, the biggest difference is that I am for class conflict rather than collaboration. My worst takes from this period was that I used to be sympathetic to zionism and electoralism.

  • Mosleyism
  • State Fyrnsidu
  • Republicanism
  • English Nationalism

I realised that electoralism as a path to fascism was unreasonable, and this also influenced my economic views and I embraced a revolutionary, working class-oriented Fascism.

Left Fascism

  • National Syndicalism
  • State Fyrnsidu
  • Republicanism
  • English Nationalism

England a Nation

Defining the Nation

National Wodenism embraces a classical interpretation of nationalism, defining it as a combination of various characteristics including ethnicity, culture, language, as well as religion. National Wodenism summarises the English nation in three points:

  1. The Faith, being Fyrnsidu, "Old Customs" in Old English - the English strand of Germanic Paganism.
  2. The Blood, being the English, an admixture of Celtic Britons and Germanic invaders.
  3. The Soil, that being England, nothing greater, and nothing lesser.

National Wodenism critcises New World states, products of European imperialism for being unable to form a national identity the same way Old World nations can. Supporting ethnopluralism and universal nationalism, it believes that peoples should stick to their native faiths and native lands, and that there is an explicit lack of connection between the descendents of colonists and the land they reside - in contrast to the Native Americans or Australians who have lived on that land and formed nations for thousands of years. National Wodenism rejects the idea of Anglosphere unity and posits that the only homeland of the English is England.


Today, an aura of fear surrounds the term Anglo-Saxon. It is widely considered racist, not just to describe the English national identity and heritage, but even among so-called “intellectuals” of the school of mediaevalism referring to historical Anglo-Saxons. It is said that the English are truly a Celtic people, in truth, 25-50% of the English gene pool is derived from the 5th century Germanic invaders and the modern Englishman is a unique mix of Briton and Angle/Saxon/Jute. The Romans and Normans both left little to no genetic trace; their impact was entirely cultural and linguistic. As for the Celtic Britons, they left little cultural impact as they melted into the Anglo-Saxon culture, from which English language, laws, customs and so on are based in.

National Wodenism asserts the Anglo-Saxon identity of the English nation, calling for a national palingenesis for England to do so. The most important aspect of this is the instatement of Fyrnsidu as the state religion and into many areas of public life. A cultural and educational focus on celebrating the importance of the Anglo-Saxons will be greatly valued, and efforts to de-romanticise the English language would be undertaken.

Dismantling Britain

First and foremost, the prerequisite to a reborn English nation will be the dismantling of the multinational entity that is the United Kingdom, and the concept of a British "nation". With its origins entrenched in reactionary institutions as its very name states, the United Kingdom has worked not just to erode the culture and identity of the Celtic nations, but the English nation too, particularly in how it perceives itself. Call a Scot a Brit, and you better run as fast as you can, call an Englishman a Brit and he won't bat an eye. The idea of Britain is posited as a shared identity, yet it merely serves as the vehicle of Anglicisation of the whole British Isles. If other members of the Union reject the label, why should the English accept it? An independent English state is evidently necessary to maintain and revive the distinct English national identity.

National Wodenism too supports self-determination for the rest of the British Isles, supporting Scottish and Welsh independence as well as Irish reunification. As for the Cornish and the Manx, due to their small population and their assimilation, National Wodenism instead wants them to be recognised as native minorities within England and give them some degree of autonomy.


Everything here is solely based on political opinions, not personal

Good (7-10)

  • Alstūdism (////) - Quite happy I helped push you in this direction, I didn't think I would agree with someone politically this much. It's cool that we share the same ideology, everything you say is very agreeable and you're an excellent writer and debater. The only difference really is that you're an irredentist and I'm a separatist, but that merely stems from the different circumstances of our countries. (10/10)
  • Improved Citizenism (////) - You've gone from being the embodiment of all that I oppose to being extremely similar to myself. If I recall correctly you went from being a right-libertarian to an Agrarian socialist Jose Antonioite - rejecting Fascism for its totalitarianism - and as of recently you've entirely embraced Fascism. The biggest differences between us I believe is in religion and your agrarianism. (9/10)
  • Agricoetism (////) - A fellow syndicalist and a Pagan, there's quite a lot of common ground, the main disagreements between are us is on the extent of the state, centralisation of the economy, ethnic nationalism and industrialism, but apart from those I consider you rather ideologically close to myself (8/10)

Mixed (4-6)

  • Cosmic Legionarism (////) - There's much held in common ground, especially in being both Pagan third positionists; your economics, civics, social views are generally good, however we have major disagreements when it comes to your white (inter)nationalism and tripartism. While you have good takes on Abrahamic religion, I don't like your syncretism and occultism much. You are, I believe the only self-described National Socialist in this community who isn't a reactionary larper and that's respectable. (5/10)
  • Pantheonism (////) - You're not the worst, but some of your points such as world federalism, monarchism and sympathy to Israel are quite bad. Your economics are alright though. (4/10)
  • Vistulism (////) - When it comes to your economics, you are well a market socialist and rather moderate, but they are okay I suppose. The fact that you want to maintain the House of Lords and want to establish a third house instead of replacing the archaic aristocratic house is silly. I like that you too also want an independent England, but this being out of wanting to satiate other separatisms and not English nationalism is depressing. (4/10)

Bad (0-3)

  • Galaxaism(////) - I hope this is still accurate to your views as I am typing this; while you are a corporatist, your capitalism discounts me from looking upon your economics views positively. Despite identifying as a Canadian ultranationalist you are hesitant to reject the sole threat to Canadian independence and embrace hawkish foreign policy. When it comes to your philosophy, I find much of it quite evil and I'm not sure if you actually believe in a lot of it. (3/10)
  • Nurulisme (////) - I call you a "Left Quarkist" because like with Quark, I'm too retarded to understand your more esoteric takes, which share the subject of Capital. I'm not too into philosophy, but as that's a rather large part of your page, I can say it isn't very agreeable. Your Marxism is very much contradicted by your adherence to religion and nationalism (the latter being really one of the few things I appreciate about your ideology, even if a very moderate form of it). (3/10)
  • Mishism (////) - There's not much I can say I like about your ideology, it's a combination of some of the worse kinds of anarchism. You're a chill dude and I would say the most agreeable sections are on social views and environmentalism. (2/10)
  • Voidvill Rajandeep (////) - I don't even know where to start with this, I frankly can't pin you down ideologically. Your page is certainly much more philosophy focused, and of the stuff I can understand, it's not good and very all over the place. Your political views are somewhat less contradictory since last time I saw them, but still not very agreeable. (1/10)
  • TIIKKETMASTER Thought (////) - Most of the stuff I see on your page is quite evil, I wasn't aware your influence from Kaczynski had moved away from luddism to just plain ruralism, but becoming a transhumanist is quite vile. Really the only part of your page I could find agreeable were some of the enviromentalist parts. (1/10)
  • Brazilian Liberalism (////) - You are the final boss of liberalism; your political views in just about every way are vile and there's really nothing I could say I agree with (0/10)





  • Eric Campbell (////) - You were the forefront advocate of the Corporate State in Australia; your movement was closely tied to the British Union of Fascists and as such your views are inadequete in many of the same ways - defending the monarchy for example. What makes you worse than him is your economics being even more moderate than his and some of the absolutely retarded things you said, like denouncing the United Australia Party as "socialist" as well as claiming Lang Labor, the radically anti-Communist faction of the already succ-y Labor Party, had a "marxian mind".





Have Read

  • - The Doctrine of Fascism
  • - Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered
  • - Fascism for the Million
  • - The Land and the People
  • - The New Road


  • - Anthology of Ramiro Ledesma Ramos


Countries and movements that I support and would align myself with, modern or historical.


  • Levellers & Diggers (Great Britain, 1646-1651)
  • French Revolution (France, 1789 –1799)
  • Kingdom of Italy (Italy, 1922-1943)
  • Councils of National-Syndicalist Offensive (Spain, 1931-1934)
  • British Union of Fascists (Great Britain, 1932-1940)
  • Pērkonkrusts (Latvia, 1933-1944)
  • Falange de las JONS (Spain, 1934-1937)
  • Italian Social Republic (Italy, 1943-1945)
  • Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Korea, 1948-)
  • 26th of July Movement (Cuba, 1955-1962)


  • Crusade of Romanianism (Romania, 1934-1937)
  • CasaPound Italia (Italy, 2003-)


How I Would’ve Voted

Social Democracymaxxing

  • 1901 - - No leader (Labor)
  • 1903 - - Chris Watson (Labor)
  • 1906 - - Chris Watson (Labor)
  • 1910 - - Andrew Fisher (Labor)
  • 1913 - - Andrew Fisher (Labor)
  • 1914 - - Andrew Fisher (Labor)
  • 1917 - - Frank Tudor (Labor)
  • 1919 - - Frank Tudor (Labor)
  • 1922 - - Matthew Charlton (Labor)
  • 1925 - - Matthew Charlton (Labor)
  • 1928 - - James Scullin (Labor)
  • 1929 - - James Scullin (Labor)
  • 1931 - - Jack Lang (Lang Labor)
  • 1934 - - Jack Lang (Lang Labor)
  • 1937 - - John Curtin (Labor)
  • 1940 - - Jack Lang (Lang Labor)
  • 1943 - - John Curtin (Labor)
  • 1946 - - Jack Lang (Lang Labor)
  • 1949 - - Ben Chifley (Labor)
  • 1951 - - Ben Chifley (Labor)
  • 1954 - - H. V. Evatt (Labor)
  • 1955 - - H. V. Evatt (Labor)
  • 1958 - - H. V. Evatt (Labor)
  • 1961 - - Arthur Calwell (Labor)
  • 1963 - - Arthur Calwell (Labor)
  • 1966 - - Arthur Calwell (Labor)
  • 1969 - - Gough Whitlam (Labor)
  • 1972 - - Gough Whitlam (Labor)
  • 1974 - - Gough Whitlam (Labor)
  • 1975 - - Gough Whitlam (Labor)
  • 1977 - - Gough Whitlam (Labor)
  • 1980 - - Bill Hayden (Labor)
  • 1983 - - Bob Hawke (Labor)
  • 1984 - - Bob Hawke (Labor)
  • 1987 - - Bob Hawke (Labor)
  • 1990 - - Bob Hawke (Labor)
  • 1993 - - Paul Keating (Labor)
  • 1996 - - Paul Keating (Labor)
  • 1998 - - Kim Beazley (Labor)
  • 2001 - - Kim Beazley (Labor)
  • 2004 - - Mark Latham (Labor)
  • 2007 - - Kevin Rudd (Labor)
  • 2010 - - Julia Gillard (Labor)
  • 2013 - - Bob Katter (KAP)
  • 2016 - - Bob Katter (KAP)
  • 2019 - - Bob Katter (KAP)
  • 2022 - - Bob Katter (KAP)

Social Democracymaxxing 2

  • 1892- - Henry Hyndman (Social Democratic Federation)
  • 1895- - Henry Hyndman (Social Democratic Federation)
  • 1900 - - Keir Hardie (Labour Representation Committee)
  • 1906 - - Keir Hardie (Labour Representation Committee)
  • Jan 1910 - - Arthur Henderson (Labour)
  • Dec 1910 - - George Barnes (Labour)
  • 1918 - - Henry Hyndman (National Socialist)
  • 1922 - - No Leader (National Socialist)
  • 1923 - - No Leader (National Socialist)
  • 1924 - - No Leader (National Socialist)
  • 1929 - - Abstain
  • 1931 - - Oswald Mosley (New)
  • 1935 - - Abstain
  • 1945 - - C. A. Smith (Common Wealth)
  • 1950 - - David Gibson (Independent Labour)
  • 1951 - - Fred Barton (Independent Labour)
  • 1955 - - Annie Maxton (Independent Labour)
  • 1959 - - Oswald Mosley (Union Movement)
  • 1964 - - John Bean (British National)
  • 1966 - - Oswald Mosley (Union Movement)
  • 1970 - - John O'Brien (National Front)
  • Feb 1974 - - John Davis (National Independence)
  • Oct 1974 - - John Kingsley Read (National Front)
  • 1979 - - John Tyndall (National Front)
  • 1983 - - Andrew Fountaine (Nationalist)
  • 1987 - - John Tyndall (BNP)
  • 1992 - John McAuley (National Front)
  • 1997 - - Ian Anderson (National Democrats)
  • 2001 - - Nick Griffin (BNP)
  • 2005 - - Nick Griffin (BNP)
  • 2010 - - Nick Griffin (BNP)
  • 2015 - - Robin Tilbrook (English Democrats)
  • 2017 - - Robin Tilbrook (English Democrats)
  • 2019 - - Robin Tilbrook (English Democrats)

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