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Revision as of 12:41, 7 October 2023 by NesanelReborn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "practice workers' self-management, and slowly eliminating teaching about the traditional business model. I support cooperative, workplace democracy, and workers' self-management.<br><br> :<big>{{A|mh:polcompball:Socialism|Col.png|Enterprises}}</big><br> ::There will be a mix of private and public enterprises. Public enterprises will include big businesses, major industries, any essential services, education, healthcare, energies, and public transportation. Those public...")
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practice workers' self-management, and slowly eliminating teaching about the traditional business model. I support cooperative, workplace democracy, and workers' self-management.

There will be a mix of private and public enterprises. Public enterprises will include big businesses, major industries, any essential services, education, healthcare, energies, and public transportation. Those public enterprises will be collectivized and have cooperatives formed based on which category each of them fits into. Private enterprises should exist. The government will be able to play a bigger role in big businesses, major industries, and any essential services, but independent cooperatives will be able to provide that. There should be trust busting and ensuring workers remain in control of big businesses, major industries, and any essential services. Places like bookstores, gyms, restaurants, and small/medium businesses should be private. There will be benefits for small/medium businesses seeking to become worker owned. Energy should be public and the state will begin transitioning to green energy. All other industries that produce carbon footprint should be forced to make the transition as well. Most enterprises (either private or public) will be controlled by workers who work and have an elected workers' council.

 Against Nationalization
While there will be national-owned cooperatives (as well as all essential services), they will have some state influences. Nationalization won't bring justice and it will create a new hierarchy, but with the government on top, not a CEO. Instead of nationalization, there will be a publication. That means it belongs to the hands of the people, not the state. There will be independent workers' cooperatives that can provide essential services, but they're subjected to be more regulated.

I support the right to form/join union despite having an increasingly negative view on trade unionism. I will give them credits because unions have done good for workers' rights in the past, but nowadays things aren't that desirable. Firstly, Unions also can be corrupt or self-serving. I wish to stop those incidents and punish them, but see billionaires as worse offenders. The biggest issue I have with unions is that they do not go far enough. A major issue is how they only ask for "better conditions" instead of taking over the workplace. Thus, making unions a tool for social democrats and welfare capitalists in order to prevent real socialism from arising. I believe that unions should try to take over the workplace as much as possible and form cooperatives instead of "muh better conditions". I believe that unions are only to be a short term goal and being mostly replaced by cooperatives in the future. If unions aren't willing to advance to such levels, then we can't have true labor rights. Cooperatives are better and more efficient than unions in my opinion.

I oppose landlords because I see how landlordism puts property into the hands of a few elitists. Rent should be abolished or eliminated and land should no longer be capitalized. Rent will be seen as comparable to theft. Land Value Tax should be implemented. The practice of landlordism will be outlawed, frowned upon, and unprofitable. All landlords will get real jobs. Housing will be given via cooperatives. I'm  georgist.

Healthcare and Education
Healthcare is a human right. It should be subject to more regulation. I support universal healthcare, but with multiple providers and all covered by taxes. There will be a public and private option. Public and private healthcare both will be formed via cooperatives. Private healthcares must be regulated and follow the national laws, such as anti-price gouging for the medicine. One is that people should have to pay for medicine in order to restock medicine. If surgery is needed, people should pay for the surgery cost. I believe that one should be a citizen in order to receive free healthcare. One must pay for any damages that are self-inflicted, such as drunkards, drug abusers, etc.
Education is a human right. I'm against tuition and wanting to turn education into a human right. I support the improvement of education programs in order to improve intelligence. It should be subject to more regulation. Most of the educational sectors will be public. Funding will be provided to ensure an increase of quality for education in public schools. That can ensure that the quality of education, schools, and intellectual capacity will be improved. WIP

I support the welfare state. I still believe in a welfare state despite being a supporter of a free market. I view that healthcare, housing, education, food, clean water, and clean environment are human rights. There will be infrastructure development, technological advancement, housing, education, healthcare, and environmental protections. Those will be supported and covered by taxpayer money for improving the living standards and improving socioeconomic conditions. I believe that one capable of working that refuses to do so should not expect society's support. I follow the quote "one who does not work, neither shall he eat" which was stated by Vladimir Lenin.

I'm alright with millionaires provided that they get rich through hard work and ethical methods, but it's impossible to become a billionaire through that way. The extreme scales of both the rich and poor should be addressed and eliminated. Billionaires will have their wealth to be re-distributed. In my opinion, there will be a weath cap of around $100 million to $500 million.

I believe that the form of tax should be progressive taxation. Tax should be moderate and should not be very low or high.
Taxes I want to implement:
 Land value tax
LVT will be implemented and a small income tax. If you own more land, then you will get more tax (but the maximum of LVT will be 25%). It is used to prevent land hoarding and help with the process in redistributing land. Landlords should be invalid job and not exist.
 Wealth tax
Tax will be higher for upper class citizens. Average citizens (non-upper class) will be taxed with a small income tax, but poor citizens will receive welfare and not be taxed. It is used to prevent a non-horizontal and oppressive class structure from forming.
 Carbon tax
Carbon tax is a necessary and useful tool to protect the environment. Pollutive/non-green goods and economic energy sectors will be highly taxed. That's part of an environmentalist plan to promote renewable/green energy.
 Sales tax
The sales tax is necessary and useful to promote healthy products, ensure the safety of consumers, and curb unhealthy consumption. It will not be implemented on healthy necessities (such as vegetables, meat, water, medicines, etc). It will be implemented on unhealthy foods/junk foods, and soft drugs.

Free trade or Protectionism?
I don't oppose free trade because it has done some good things overall such as lowering prices, lowering poverty, etc. I can admit that it has also done some very bad things like offshoring jobs, resulting in soaring income and wealth inequality. I believe that free trade should benefit us and the people. We should write workers' rights, human rights, and environmental rights into a free trade agreement. Through this, we can have the benefits of free trade while fixing the downsides.

 Mininum wage
A minimum wage/income is necessary to ensure that one is paid properly for their work. An amount of income should be based on the contributive labor one has made in the very hours of work, NOT on position. Position should be based on merits. Ideally, the lowest minimum wage will be around $15-20 and based on the sector and job worked on. Some jobs will have higher pay thanks to the higher expertise field, but jobs shouldn't be insufficient to provide every individual a right to live sufficiently. Cooperatives can hold negotiations by the workingmen to adjust wages and income for the betterment.

For essential services, the national governments will be able to provide funding for a lot of it, such as healthcare, education, water, etc. Local governments should be able to provide that.WIP

Subsidies for large corporations, can be known as "socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor should be eliminated. I support the anti-trust law and breaking up the monopolies in line with the ideas of Theodore Roosevelt. Fair competition is a must and corporate monopolies must be broken. Lobbying and usury must be outlawed. Corporate usury must be punished. All major companies will be nationalized by the government. Corporations that do heavy exploitation will be punished harsher. Corporations should have no power over society because society isn't theirs to dictate. The government should take crackdown on surveillance by tech corporations. That can achieve a truly free market under my society. There will be no mega corporations that could take over the society and kill beneficial competition under my society. The traditional business model will be eliminated, not outlawed. The idea of co-operatives and worker-owned businesses will be promoted.

File:Big Tech.png Big tech
Among all the major trusts, not only do they have way too much control over the populace as well as being monopolistic, exploitative, data thieves, a lot of them also participate in the culture war as well. While I support "free speech alternatives" in theory, in practice they often take the conservative position of the culture war, and truth be told, most conservatives will probably support the very companies they complain about if they promoted socially conservative views instead of socially progressive ones.
My stances on tech companies are as follows:
- The government will break up monopolies.
- Implement Anti-monopolization laws.
- Implement Anti-trust laws in line with the ideas of Theodore Roosevelt.
- Implement digital service tax.
- Create a "free speech act".
- Create laws that protect the data of individuals.
- Promote alternative social media platforms that counter the culture war and don't actively promote culture war.
- Create the policy of anti-corporate and pro-workers' cooperatives
- Promote unionization and workers' cooperatives within the corporations.
- Take crackdown on surveillance by big tech corporations.
I'm supporter of  pirate politics, believing that the copyright is bad and supports the freedom of the internet. I believe that laws should put people before corporations, and plan on making it illegal for corporations to get and steal personal information and data.

 4th Industrial Revolution
First, I will explain about what the 4th Industrial revolution actually is. The 4th Industrial revolution will automatize work and bring forth a revolution when it comes to artificial intelligence, as such, human jobs will no longer be required. Let's detail the main components of Chirotesla's 4th industrial revolution.

A.  Green Growth
Green Growth is important for humanity and should be preserved. Green Growth seeks to envision a post-industrial era where non renewable energies (as well as fossil fuels, etc) have been completely abandoned in favor of renewable energy. We must change our agriculture works. We will have laboratory grown meat, and there will be aqua farming, with technologies more advanced and sustainable than today along with vertical farming for crops. That agriculture technology will fulfill billions' food needs. We also must expand desalination technology across the world and make it more advanced, thus giving us access to fresh water, a lot more than we have today. We will harness the power of the wind, the sun, nuclear energy, the most important power of them all in order to power up our homeland.

B.  Automation
During the 4th Industrial Revolution, the most of jobs will be automated. Humans will innovate while robots are doing works. UBI will be implemented to prevent people from becoming poor. Every citizens that are not upper class will get UBI.

C.  Post-Scarcity Production
Post-Scarcity seems utopian. In post-scarcity society, most goods can be produced on a greater scale with minimal human labor needed. so most goods become available to all very cheaply or even freely. If our production can sustain socialism on a larger scale, the automated factory should provide essential services for free. Essential services will be far more plentiful in a post-scarcity society. Most essential services will be produced and provided in factories or vertical farms. That factories and vertical farms will be owned by their workers and have some government influences.

D.  Space Exploration
During the 4th Industrial Revolution, people will go to space because our available space will run out. We cannot survive in a few hundred years without space exploration. We should invest in technologies which advance space exploration and allow us to reach our closest star systems (such as Alpha Centauri). The government should fund the space programs. This will allow the quicker invention of many new technologies which will allow us to terraform Mars and even Venus after Mars. A few years from the 4th Industrial Revolution happened, We should create space megastructures (such as the O'Neill cylinder, etc). We also should colonize gas planets' moons, such as Jupiter (Ganimede, etc), Saturn (Titan, etc), Uranus (Titania, etc), and Neptune (Triton, etc). The galactic society will still carry the main principles of solidarity and equality.


I'm civically centre-authoritarian. I support direct democracy, free speech, right to bear arms, and civil liberties. The government should represent the people, fight against criminals/terrorism, and protect the nation from domestic/foreign threats.

Unitary or Federal?
I belive that a moderate amount of federalism is way for me. Unitary government is always frequent inefficiency in solving internal problems. I'm against over-centralization government (just unitary) because it can't representative people as well. I believe that local government should exist, but they should have to follow national laws.

Reform or Revolution?
Revolution. Bloodless revolution is preferable to bloody revolution. Why? Because reformism leads to abandonment of original principles. Example of that, Social democracy became welfare capitalism in the long run, instead of an ideology genuinely based on worker's control. WIP
List of countries in need of revolution:
File:Taliban ball.png Afghanistan
 South Korea
 Saudi Arabia
 Almost all countries that are in Africa
 Almost all countries that are member of the EU
And more

Parliament is originally meant to represent the people. Now, I believe that parliament is a misrepresentation of the people, the absence of the people, and undemocratic. It is just one exercising authority, not authority by the people. It also always isolates the people from the representatives. Democracy means the authority should belong to the hands of the people. True democracy should be achieved through the participation of the people, NOT through the activity of their representatives. Therefore, parliaments will be replaced by popular assemblies and people's conferences.

 Democracy and Voting
The government's duty is to serve the citizens it governs. The citizens will have the right to choose their leaders, decide laws, enact laws, etc. True democracy should be achieved through the sovereignty of people, there shall be direct law through democratically elected councils. Democratic councils will have the participation of citizens and function similarly to popular conferences and people's committees proposed to Gaddafi. Said councils will range from a short level (district) to the highest level (the national level). I support direct democracy. Direct democracy is when the citizens have sovereign rule. I oppose "liberal/representative" democracy because the ideals of liberal/representative democracy are nothing but dictatorial in essence and misrepresentation of the people. I support the right to vote. I believe that voters should be adult citizens. The minimum voting age should be 17 year old.

 Civil liberties and Freedom of Speech
I believe in preservation of civil liberties and firmly support the freedom of speech. Right to free speech shall not be infringed. I despise the anti-hate speech law because I believe that they are discriminatory in nature and they enforce the woke agenda, as hate speech laws wish to protect certain groups from harm through safe spaces, the supremacists of said groups can take advantage of this and discriminate others not affected by those laws and get off scot-free without harm. I oppose the cancel culture and see it as the violation of the right to free speech. Censorship is only necessary to stop an idea of adherents from willing to silence other opinions and oppose the free marketplace of ideas.
I wish to do in order to implement freedom of speech act:
- Protection of online privacy (The government shouldn't be able to punish you, except you're part of an armed militant that tries to organize on Telegram or advocate violence and terrorism in general).
- Repealment of most online hate speech laws that prohibit insulting/mocking other sexual orientations, etc.
- Taking crackdown on surveillance by corporations.
I believe that the safety of the people is important, which is why I support the national security. I'm against current cultural liberalism and economic liberalism and seeing them as degenerate.

We should be very tough against corruption, not soft because it is a plague that leads to klepto-oligarchies. Corruption is just a plague. So we should cure corruption. Politicians and other positions should be investigated by the police and regular people. Bribery, lobbying, nepotism, etc will be heavily restricted. A punishment for a corruptor is to be 5-10 years (depending on the scope of corruption). After the release, the said person cannot serve in public office for 3-5 years. We will ensure that our public offices are accountable for the people. Does this apply to corporate leaders? Of course! Anyone who does forms of corruption is to see the consequences.


I'm culturally centrist in general. I advocate social equality and wants lead society to prosperity and advanced. I belive that progression is needed for the society to prosper, but traditions are necessary as a backbone for society. Identity politics is a threat to modern society and should be fought effectively. I reject cultural extremism and see it as inhumane. I support colorblind meritocracy which justifies every individual's merits rather than genders, ethnics, races, sexual orientations, etc. Note that cultural stances are the least important factor of my ideology, so I'm keeping this section short and sweet.

I strongly support gender equality. I see sexism as very stupid idea. I belive that sexism should be eliminated effictively in order to secure the modern society. I strongly believe there are 2 genders (especially male and female). I believe that it should be illegal to abuse women or pay one more/less for their gender. There will be no wage gap between genders, or will be any so-called "patriarchy." I support the first and second wave of feminism. I oppose the notion that women must be homemakers (unless a baby is being raised) in addition to strict gender roles (but I don't want to abolish them). To me, the perfect combination is  socialist feminism and  postcolonial feminism.

Ethnic and Race
I believe that all men are created equal and should have the same rights. Racism and ethnocentrism are evil and unacceptable in a civilized society. People of all ethnic/race backgrounds should be treated with the same level of dignity and respect. I support racial egalitarianism and the principle of  Martin Luther King that people should not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their characters, and therefore wishes for a colorblind society.

Sexual orientations and LGBT
I approve of the right to sexuality. People with different sexual orientations shouldn't be discriminated against in the society as long they aren't flamboyant. I view "it's right to judge people because of their sexual orientations" as unacceptable because I believe in colorblind meritocracy. They shall have civil unions. I'll allow same sex marriage, but I also allow religious organizations to reject such ceremonies. I oppose both pride (yes this also includes straight pride) and homophobia.
For transgender issues, Sex reassignment surgery and hormone replacement will be allowed and trans people also will be allowed to identify as the gender what they wish to. I believe that there are gender dysphoria as the result of the mismatch between gender identity and sex at birth. I feel sympathy for transgender people and people with gender dysphoria. I want to expand access to gender-affirming healthcare, like sex reassignment surgery above age 18, and as long I can think. I strongly support gender-affirming healthcare for people with gender dysphoria, due to  transmedicalism. However, I will ban people under 18 from transitioning and believe that sexual reassignment surgery should only be done on adults with regulations. Trans people will deserve recognition in official documents as well as free treatment, in case of gender dysphoria. I also oppose both transgender pride and transphobia.

I advocate total separation between religion and state. I oppose File:StateAth.png state-atheism because I see it as absolutely soulless. I extremely oppose  any form of theocracies because I see how theocratic laws can stifle progress, such as denying reproductive care for women, etc. I'm the supporter of  anglo-secularism. Freedom of religion would be granted. Every individual should be able to worship.  Any form of cults will be suppressed if they are a threat to modern society.  Paganism also will not be suppressed.
I'm tolerant towards Christian/Buddhist/insert religion here democracy. I'm neutral over culturally religion, but I personally accept  many Christian morals for topics regarding family, the environment, to a degree. I'm also aware of some bad religious influences from religion, especially religious fanatics, who make their beliefs a bad name. He hates some religious people deny or reject the basic of science.

I'm neutral towards pro-life and pro-choice views. I believe that abortion should be legal, but see hedonistic abortion or "muh abortion is human right!1!!!1!!1" as murder and calling it "infanticide". I view legalizing abortion as more practical to allow safe and legal access to abortion than to restrict it. When a mother bears a child that she can't support, that will burden the entire society.
Despite I believe that abortion should be legal, I want to reduce abortion incidence as well. Comprehensive sex education and affordable birth control are necessary for this to happen. After all, abortions should be safe, legal, and rare. Any pro-life/pro-choice people are allowed to express their pro-life/choice views.

In a country with diverse cultures, I'm willing to protect all cultures and their identity. I oppose both assimilationism and the modern concept of multiculturalism. I see how the modern concept of multiculturalism always emphasises on divisions. Instead, what I strive for is building a common identity for the people, and a society based on the ideology of multicultural Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika), which underlies the structural features of Indonesian society at the national and local levels. Indonesia's Sukarno, which he advocated for "Brotherhood and Unity", yet protecting other cultures. That multiculturalism is what I take inspiration from.

 Drugs and Alcohol
I support legalization of soft drugs (like cannabis, etc) and illegalization of hard drugs. I wish to reduce use of drugs by encouraging society to stop use drugs. I believe that government should provide health program for drug addicts. The drug trafficking should be fought effectively. I believe that alcohol should be legal to drink. The buyer of alcohol must be adult.

 Meaning of Progressivism
Progressivism does not equate to cultural liberalism. The PCB standard is not a good way to measure your social policies. I really don't call myself conservative now. I would call myself a socialist progressivist. Progressivism refers to the general improvement of human development, alongside equality amongst all people, regardless of their identity, race, gender, religion, culture, and their backgrounds. While cultural liberalism, refers to what most people call, the acceptance of prostitutes, drugs, etc. All of which do not contribute to the well-being of human civilization.


We must judge others based on their merits or abilities instead of their group identities (eg: genders, races, ethnics, etc), their wealth, etc. All people must have equal opportunity to fulfill their potential. Their positions should be appointed based on their merits or abilities.

We must focus on the practical or logical response. We must address problems with logical and practical approaches and solutions. We must reject or revise ideas that are utopian, unrealistic, unlogical, and unpractical.

 An Eye for an Eye
We must punish crimes based on punishments that fit on crimes with an "eye for an eye" being the guiding, but not absolute, principle behind the justice system. An individual who has injured others must be punished with the same injury.

 Wildeian Individualism
Now we move on to the topic about collectivism and individualism. I personally believe in Wildeian Individualism in which the community and society support each other in a somewhat communitarian way and by supporting one another create the ability and opportunity for individuality creating a kind of communitarian individualism. Naturally, most would assume that capitalism is usually individualistic and socialism is usually collectivist. Even some socialists call themselves a collectivist, and even some left-libertarians call themselves that.

 Harm Principle
I'm a firm supporter of individual liberty. The Harm Principle is a good policy for freedoms outlining that in general. Every individual should be able to be free to do as they wish unless they cause harm to others.

We must accelerate  technological progression to lead people to prosperity. We must maintain our culture while progressing society to prosperity and modernity. It is important for a nation and society to develop.

Technology and Environment

"Technology is the builder of civilization, we should support the technological advancement. Without it, we would live in the cave and have a massive low life expectancy" - Me
I'm surprisingly almost far pro-technology on the technological spectrum/axis. I strongly support the progression of technology and science. I want to accelerate technology in order to make a better living standard and lead society to prosperity. I believe that technology will solve a lot of problems. I'm opposed to pseudo-science and believe that pseudo-science should be eliminated. I support environmentalism and believe that clean environment is very important for humanity.

 Frontiers of Human Civilization
I highly value the development of human civilization. I believe that a new industrial revolution will come out, which will drastically improve the standard life of humanity and cause workplaces to be fully automated. That will cause us to have to move beyond wage systems. To make the 4th Industrial Revolution the best industrial revolution, it should not be a revolution which puts everyone into poverty except the rich. To address this, I want the implementation of the  Universal Basic Income (UBI).  UBI should be given to people that are not upper class. Humans will be encouraged to innovate. I support File:Kardashev.png Kardashev Accelerationism.  Transhumanism can be used to extend lifetime.  Cyborgs should co-exist peacefully and  cyborgs that aren't peaceful will be eliminated and destroyed.  Robots should coexist with humans, not replace them.  Any robots that are dangerous to humanity should be eliminated by the government.

 Artificial Intelligence
I don't oppose the idea of Artificial Intelligence. AI should be developed for decentralized economic planning, but there will still be a market.  E-Democracy will be endorsed and used to determine economic plans. I believe that AI can create a post-scarcity society, but I'm skeptical of the idea of a post-scarcity society.

File:Space-ball.png Space colonization
As a long term goal, I want to make space colonization possible by creating space city base and terraforming planets. Space colonization is important to our humanity. Human can't survive in many years from now without colonizing space because Earth will run out of space and that people will have to move elsewhere.

I support environmental protection. I wish to ban littering and sanction someone who has caught littering. I wish to keep the city clean. Climate change and global warming are both real and the biggest threat to humanity. I view climate change/global warming denial as stupid. I support environmental regulation and carbon tax. I strongly oppose fossil energy and want to replace them with renewable energies (eg: electric, nuclear energy, etc). For unindustrialized countries, I will industrialize first if no green alternative is available, and then switch to renewable energy.


I advocate for "Unity and Solidarity is the main international policy".

 World Federation
I am in favor of establishing the World Federation. I believe that the United Nation should be reformed into a much more democratic and popular institution that serves the interests of all humans across the world and that it must be effective. I believe that the United Nation was just an intermediate step towards the World Federation, one with the same goals, especially sustainable development, human rights, zero poverty, minimization of inequalities, etc. The United Nation should integrate peacefully into the World Federation. The way of integration will be similar to Southeast Asian integration into a Southeast Asian Federation and European integration into an European Federation.
The complete integration of all world countries into one country will have massive benefits. That will allow for a response to climate change, healthcare problems, and other problems. There will be an incentive to eradicate world famine, poverty, man made climate change, etc. It also will bring about the end of war. Things we desperately need international attention like space exploration, eradication of any diseases, the protection of human rights, and other issues will finally get the attention we need as the cooperation needed for it can be done.
However, this doesn't mean I reject the notion of patriotism, but I believe that a form of international patriotism should be created, where people don't hold patriotic beliefs towards a nation state, but rather towards a World Federation.

 New Patriotism
While I'm an internationalist ideologically overall, I don't reject the notion of patriotism. I believe that it can be rebuilt in order to fit the image of a World Federation. Now, I will show what the principles that will make people patriotic towards the World Federation would be. These are the principle of:
- Genuine socialist democracy
- Humanism
- Equality of opportunity
Now on the topic of language, I want to make English as the main official language, with it being taught in the curriculum. I still don't want it to replace other languages. Esperanto will be pursued as an optional language in the education system.

Militarism or Pacifism?
I'm moderate pacifist in general. I believe that military is needed to protect the nation from any threats. I oppose the stratocracies and the idea of military should be used to play role in invasion/unnecessarily entering foreign conflicts. I don't want to waste of money for military spending and dislike conscription. If country is at very dangerous situations, I will only endorse military spending more and conscription.


I want the cooperative to become dominant in the economy, while the traditional business model is being eliminated. There shall be no megacorps that could take over the society and kill off beneficial competition. Workers will have the right to join/form independent co-ops and join/form unions. That can achieve the truly free market under my society. I want to make society prosperous by progressing technology, supporting environmentalism, creating more new jobs, improving living standards, and encouraging them to innovate. I want to create a developed society while preserving culture and non-detrimental traditions. I want to end climate change and global warming by progressing technology, discovering new technology, and protecting the environment. I want to strive for colorblind meritocratic society where every individual's merits will be judged instead of religion, race, ethnic, gender, and any other factor.



I'm usually pretty friendly and calm. I often speak softly. I often do not care about each other's political views in real life. I'm pretty  pragmatist and rejecting ideas that are very utopian, such as  anarchism,  communism (I think that stateless classless moneyless society seems unrealistic to get achieved), and more. I'm apolitical and like to touch grass, sea water, beach sand, and rock. I have disdain for capitalism, cultural war, and anyone who obsesses over identity regardless if it's culturally left or culturally right. I dislike  modern liberalism and see it as degenerate. I have disdain for the current status quo. I don't hesitate to remove damn neolibs, neocons, third wayists, and anyone who is cuck to the current status quo. I strongly abhor NATO and see it as inherenly genocidal organization because it has committed several war crimes and supported genocidal US-backed dictators. That doesn't make me not to support second world imperialists. I also have disdain for second world imperialism. Honestly, I view people's character content instead of their political views (such as conservative, tankie, pink cap, etc). I usually maintain a respectful conduct towards his strangers.

File:Chirotesla Thought flag 2.png
  1. WIP
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #ec1d26 236, 29, 38
White #ffffff 255, 255, 255

Test Results


Further Information








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