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Thanks for the drawing Bax!

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Danco540's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

This page is from a user that always comes back
"I always come back" - William Afton

In Development
"I'll stop reading eventually." - Left Communism

This page is still in development due to ongoing reading by Danco, multiple things may change drastically.

Dankeism is a center-left to left ideology that seeks equality and liberty for all persons in the world.

Dankeism opposes Authoritarianism, Fascism, Marxism-Leninism, National Socialism, and any other Authoritarian or Totalitarian ideology.

My icons
Dankeism (////)

How to Draw

  1. Draw a circle (without circletool)

  1. Draw 3 horizontal stripes (red-yellow-blue)

  1. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #cc2c00 204, 44, 0
Yellow #ffe600 255, 230, 0
Blue #0008ff 0, 8, 255



Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Plan To Read

  • We by Yevgueni Zamiatin

Have Read

  • 1984 by George Orwell (6/10)



Despues de hacerme varios test politicos aca estan algunos resultados

8values, DozenValues, 9axes, 10groups, etc.





  • ¿Sandy Clay?

SocialValues[Note 1]


First Time
The first time I did it in a hurry, so the results came out... incorrect, so to speak.

Second Time
Well... that went wrong, so I tried again.

Third Time
Not bad, but no

Final Time
I consider the above not bad, and perhaps even a good ideology, but that result does not meet my characteristics.

Final Opinion and Extras Well... I don't consider myself a revolutionary socialist or a social liberal (also a social liberalist revolutionary socialism sounds strange). But hey, I was researching the ways and these would be my closest results without counting the first four:

What am I according to Ideoshapes? According to Ideoshapes I am a ProgPeace LibLeft


Equality, Humanity, Socialism

Which Cold War ideology are you? =

About me

I am an egalitarian libertarian democratic utopian eco-socialist, although some parts of my ideology are liberal socialist or market socialist. I am in favor of public ownership and against privatization. For me, equality is something very important. I am culturally left-wing and support progressivism, LGBT+ rights, animal rights and human rights. On the neurological axis, I am a utopian socialist. I am firmly against war and support pacifism. I am not only against the authoritarian right and some mileists but I am also against communism and firmly against Stalinism. On SapplyValues it says I'm a Progressive Left Libertarian. In most of the tests it says that I am a democratic socialist or a libertarian socialist. In tests like Ideosorter it says that I am a market socialist, although from time to time it says that I am a democratic socialist. In tests like 6Foundations it says that I am a Minarchosocialist, a libertarian market socialist, even an anarchocommunist and a social anarchist. In ReligiousValues it says that I am secularist. But hey, I wish there was a better egalitarian world, without wars, where everyone respects each other, regardless of culture or identity. I'm a Dankeist.

Flag of Dankeism



I believe that people with autism do not deserve to be discriminated against, after all they are people.


I think racism is stupid, I mean what's so fun about making fun of others for their appearance? No "race" is superior, in fact, I don't believe in those terms of "race" or anything like that, honestly I HATE racism, no one deserves to be discriminated against because of their appearance.


Well, about sexuality, I am a aromantic asexual, and I believe that everyone can be whatever they want to be. I support the idea that everyone is free in terms of their sexuality.


In terms of religion, I am an atheist, but I have a lot of Jewish and Christian family, in fact, several of my relatives live in Israel. For me all religions should be respected, I support religious freedom. Although I am an atheist and I do not believe in any god.


Regarding wars, I am a pacifist, the only thing wars cause are the deaths of innocent people, there are literally people who celebrate when someone dies, and that is no reason to celebrate. There are even wars that are just for governments to have fun and expand. If you want to achieve world peace, the first thing you have to do is stop war.

Status Quo

For me the current status quo is bad, why? well... here are the reasons:

  • More than 30 wars today
  • Totalitarian and/or authoritarian regimes oppress the people
  • And well... the dominant ideology... you know


Well... about the economy I consider myself a moderate socialist, since I take parts from liberal socialism, democratic socialism and normal socialism. On the issue of reforms and revolution, I am somewhere in the middle, protesting is good, but reforms are also good. But we do not have to reach a point as radical as revolutionary communism, nor a point as moderate as social liberalism. I am economically leftist and I oppose private property.

Reform or Revolution?

I support Occo's opinion:

“Neither Reform nor Revolution is, on its own, the perfect means to defeat an unjust System. A mix of revolutionary Determination and reformist Pacifism is the solution.”

Although I am more reformist than revolutionary, I support this opinion


If we talk about praxis, I consider myself an activist, because I believe it is the best way to change the status quo. Even so, it took some revolutionary and reformist elements. I will talk more about this in my book. (This section is WIP)

Concept of Society

I support Bax's opinion:

For example, when one gives a speech, they must look "good": with a tie and suit. When one wants to be hired, they try to appear presentable; when one declares their love to someone, they try to appear presentable. That's my problem with society: it's based on appearance.

Society is not bad, in fact, it may be good, but it has some... flaws, let's say.

I am Anti-Capitalist?

The problem is not capitalism itself, but current capitalism, because current capitalism is a constant struggle for power and money, I mean, currently there are people who would kill to have power and money. While powers like the USA and Russia fight in a constant stupid power struggle, the rest suffer from the miseries and consequences. I agree with John Emerich Edward Dalkberg Acton's phrase "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Although I also oppose other types of capitalism, current capitalism is one of the worst (although not as bad as national capitalism or fascist capitalism). So yes, I am a kind of moderate Anti-Capitalist, although I would classify myself more as an Anti-Neoconservatist Capitalist, or as an Anti-Neoimperialist. Although I also don't like normal capitalism, I don't hate it more than modern capitalism (neoconservative capitalism) (plus I have a lot of resentment toward the latter because they were the ones who put Videla in the government.

User Test
  • Civic Axis
    • Egoist (-15)
    • Anarchist (0)
    • Minarchist (0)
    • Libertarian (+45)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+10)
    • Statist (-5)
    • Dictablanda (-20)
    • Authoritarian (-30)
    • Totalitarian (-45)
    • Orwellian (-100000000000)
  • Type of Rule Axis
    • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (-5)
    • Direct Democracy (+50)
    • Representative Democracy (+50)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (-10)
    • Totalitarian Democracy (-25)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-45)
  • If none above apply...
    • Organic Centralism (-10)
  • Economic Axis
    • Marxist Communist (+1)
    • Socialist (+45)
    • Welfarist/Gift Economy (+15)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+10)
    • Liberal Economics (0)
    • Capitalist (-15)
  • If none above apply...
    • Third Positionism (-20)
    • Anti-Economy (0)
    • Non-Marxist Communist (+1)
  • Economic Freedom
    • Dirigisme (+5)
    • Regulationism (+20)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+18)
    • Liberal Economics (0)
    • Free Market (-5)
    • Laissez-Faire (-25)
  • Diplomatic Axis
    • Autarky (+5)
    • Alter-Globalist (+20)
    • Neo-Globalist (-20)
    • Globalist (-5)
    • World Federalist (-5)
    • Cosmopolitan (-5)
    • Internationalist (+10)
    • Moderate (+25)
    • Patriotic (+25)
    • Nationalist (+10)
    • Chauvinist (-30)
    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-20)
    • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-15)
    • Universal Nationalist (+25)
  • Geopolitics
    • Western (-15)
    • Western Adjacent (-5)
    • Non-Aligned (+40)
    • East Adjacent (-5)
    • Eastern (-30)
  • Social Axis
    • Revolutionary (-5)
    • Progressive (+45)
    • Inclusionary (+20)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+5)
    • Conservative (-5)
    • Traditionalist (-10)
    • Reactionary (-30)
  • Cultural Axis
    • Anti-Culture (-20)
    • Artificial (-10)
    • Progressive (+5)
    • Mixed (+35)
    • Traditionalist (+5)
    • Reactionary/Palingenetic (-10)
    • Stone Age (-20
  • Technological Axis
    • Primal (-20)
    • Primitivist (-5)
    • Pre-Industrial (0)
    • Deceleration (+5)
    • Moderate (+25)
    • Acceleration (+5)
    • Automated (0)
    • Transhumanist (-5)
    • Posthumanist (-20)
  • Environmental Axis
    • Human Extinction (-30)
    • Radical Environmentalism (+5)
    • Eco-Fascism (-15)
    • Ecocentrism (+5)
    • Environmentalist (+50)
    • Moderate (0)
    • Post-Industrialism (-5)
    • Industrialist (-15)
    • Anthropocentric (-15)
    • Anti-Environmentalism (-50)
  • Neurological Axis
    • Utopian (+30)
    • Idealist (+15)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+10)
    • Realist (+1)
    • Pragmatic (+8)
    • Rational (0)
    • Dystopian (-40)
  • War Axis
    • Pacifism (+50)
    • Non-engagement (+20)
    • De-escalation (+10)
    • Intervention (-30)
    • Irredentism (-35)
    • Revanchism (-45)
    • Jingoism (-50)
  • If none above apply...
    • (International) Class Warfare (-15)
  • Praxis
    • Insurrectionism (-1)
    • Revolutionism (+7)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+20)
    • Reformism (+10)
    • Stagnationism (-5)

Political Journey

I was apolitical. + +
A Social Authoritarian Patriot + +
Proto-Dankeism + +
I should never have created a micronation.... + +
A Libertarian Kirchnerist. Joined PCBA. + +
Based on liberal socialism. Joined PCBA. + + +
Current beliefs + + +

Self Insert Relationships




  • Baxism: Me but revolutionary. I'm glad you've become more democratic.

  • Leerderism: I agree with this ideology about several things, such as environmentalism, the status quo, democracy, progressivism, moderatism, welfarism, Anti-Woke progressivism, among other things. A good ideology in summary.

  • Dokevism: Ok, I agree with almost everything with you, social democracy, left-wing populism, freedom for the people, anti-monarchism, the only thing you have to do is leave cyberocracy... (which by the way means that robots govern everything and that humans be commoners of the machines). But the rest is all good

Rocksism: Anarchy is not bad, in fact, we can apply Dankeism in an anarchist scenario, as this is a libertarian ideology, but well, you have good ideas, I think. According to 6 Foundations I am an Anarcho-Council Communist for some reason
DECBism: Me but a capitalist. But neoconservatism (the status quo) only causes wars and inequality. Without mentioning some things, an ideology with which I agree with some social and cultural points, honestly, a not bad ideology and much more tolerable than other right-wing FreePCB self-insert ideologies.
Great British New Left: Jeremy Corbyn was based, I support the Labor Party of England and your alignments are based too. Basically me but more radical and fisherite. And on the other hand, I'm not a socdem. And furthermore, I have faith in the workers, in the people, that is why I am democratic, that is why I am a socialist, that is why I am an activist, all this because I believe that the workers and the people should be able to express themselves and fight for their rights.

 Levism: Good ideology. Radicalism and Peronism are based, in addition to democratic socialism, I don't know what to say about Machiavellianism, but pragmatism is good. Even though I don't really like the political strongman thing.


National-Communitarian Theory: I like some of your ideas, but you are too anti-progressive. I think I'll take your advice and see if it works.

  • Neocarlism: Monarco-Reactionarism-Socialism-Carlism-Falangism-Syndicalism-Revolutionarism-Ultraconservatism-Francoism-Environmentalism-Socialism culturally reactionary and AuthLeft?

  • Agricoetism: Syndicalism, welfarism, deep ecology, republicanism, LGBT+ rights and democracy are good but centralism, authoritarianism and Bonapartism are cringe

Imperial Socialism: Socialism, democracy and workers' rights are good but war and imperialism are not.

Romantic Egoism: Let's say... I can't comment on your ideologies, since, as you said, it is not an ideology, it is a philosophy...

  • Brazilian Liberalism: You changed, and quite a bit, now you are a monarcho-civic ultranationalist and an imperialist, I honestly don't know what to say about you.


  • Timocratic Neocameralism: Well, first, I am not a communist, I want that to be clear to you, not all those on the left are communists nor all those on the right are Nazis, and I don't know where you got that I support slavery.

And also, no ideology is superior, not capitalism, not communism, not socialism, not fascism and any other ideology. And no, I do not see Anglo-American conservatism or neoliberalism as Nazism. Well, you're a monarchist from what I understood, and I'm a democrat, and what's wrong with being a democrat? Monarchism is not bad either, well it depends, it can be monarcho-fascism, and democracy can be authoritarian democracy, but it is still not Nazism (And according to what I understood, you are not a monarcho-fascist, right?). And an extra fact, there is also corruption in some monarchical countries. And yes, I understood what you said. and I repeat, I am not a communist. PS: I'm not saying that Milei is a Nazi, but, to be honest, the current economic situation with Milei has gotten much worse, and I'm not saying that previous governments like those of Alberto Fernandez and Macri have not done so, but Milei always said "One Argentina different is impossible with the same old ones", the problem is, he is one of the same old ones, to be honest, Argentina is not the best country if we talk about politicians... PPS: You wrote "MILEI WON LOLOLOLOLOL!1!! VIVA LA LIBERTAD CARAJO!" You wrote "LOLOLOLO!1!!" which is a spelling error, and yes I know you said "economically illiterate" and you were referring to economics, but I emphasize it anyway. PPPS: I know you mean "slavery" to progressivism, you said that in the eyes of a leftist all rightists are Nazis, but you didn't say that in the eyes of a rightist all leftists are communists (It doesn't mean that I think that In the eyes of a right-winger all leftists are communists, and I hope you don't think that in the eyes of a leftist they are all Nazis) PPPPS: And finally, I'm not a communist, I'm hardly even a socialist (well, I am, but moderately), in fact, I'm center-left, so well, I hope you understood all this and I hope that you're not "economically illiterate" as you called me.

Distributist Reactionaryism: I may share several things with you, but you hate leftists, you love feudalism and reactionariism, among other bad things, but democracy and welfarism are based, but you are still a fascist. Is it true that you have an identity crisis?

Ultra Bad

  • N.Brioism: You are a Stalinist, totalitarian and autocratic socialist. The only thing good you is ecosocialism
  • Hyperfascism: Same as above but ultraprogressive
  • N.Cortexism: Same as above but ultraliberal capitalist. One of the worst ideologies of FreePCB


Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.


  • Pacifism: Why do wars exist and we don't live in peace?

  • Moderatism: Not in the center, but not radical either... Perfect. Some of you are neoliberals, and that's cringe

  • Altruism : Everyone's well-being above mine


  • Socialism: We share several ideas, yes... but why are several of your children somewhat totalitarian...?

  • Social Democracy: The most tolerable capitalist, besides, your leftist factions are based.

Still, I don't really like your right-wing faction

  • Republicanism: I agree with your ideas... but was the guillotine necessary...?

Normal Good

  • Jacobinism Same with you, also, Robespierre is cringe

Peronism: Unlike other "Peronists", I did read the correct version of the 20 Peronist truths, and I know that you really care about the people and social justice. But fascism and statism are cringe. I know you weren't an anti-Semite, I know you weren't a Nazi, but you're still a fascist. Your left-wing faction is based

Normal Meh

Normal Bad


  • Capitalism: An unfair and exploitative economic system, I can tolerate some of you, but most of you are horrible


  • Autocracy: I can't believe something as bad as this exists
  • Orthodox Peronism: Because there are so many false Peronists! What distorted version did you read of the 20 Peronist Truths?

Real-Life People Relations


Juan Grabois : Probably my biggest influence
Nestor Kirchner : Also one of my biggest influences.


Juan Domingo Peron: Be less authoritarian and more left-wing and you are ok. But hey, you're the one who started it all.


Gerardo Morales: Unlike other radicals, I don't like this one, in fact I have some resentment towards him, because, in case you didn't know, he committed a kind of genocide in Jujuy, and although now we are on the same side against Milei and he also turned a little more center-left, but I will never forgive him for that






  1. It is a political test invented by ChatGPT, it is used to discover what type of socialist you are (if you are not a socialist or similar, I do not recommend this test, but you can do it for fun). Is not online.

Add List and Comments

Socialist World Republic Add me utopian Distributist Reactionaryism - ADD ME
 Romantic Egoism what Luis said
N.Cortexism - Add me
 DECBism - Add me back

Recent changes

  • Officernasty • 01:02
  • Aperson14 • 00:12
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 18:04
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 17:54