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Alstūdism: Difference between revisions

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===[[File:Meh.png]] Middling [[File:Meh.png]]===  
===[[File:Meh.png]] Middling [[File:Meh.png]]===  
*[[File:Corptism.png]] [[Corporatism]] Rather inadequate economic, favouring bourgeois control, something that inherently works against the interests of the nation, something Mussolini came to realize in the end days of Italian Fascism. As a system of societal organization however, I quite like it. Organizing society into interest groups is something I take great inspiration from, in my support of syndicalism. Technocracy and economic planification are also central to my ideology, and the corporate state is quite a good way of implementing that, and reaching an organic society.
*[[File:Corptism.png]] [[Corporatism]] Rather inadequate economic, favouring bourgeois control, something that inherently works against the interests of the nation, something Mussolini came to realize in the end days of Italian Fascism. As a system of societal organization however, I quite like it. Organizing society into interest groups is something I take great inspiration from, in my support of syndicalism. Technocracy and economic planification are also central to my ideology, and the corporate state is quite a good way of implementing that, and reaching an organic society.
*[[File:Strasserismus.png]] [[Strasserism]] Not the best, and technically two different ideologies, but I'll do my best to cover them both here. Starting with the worse of the two Strasser Brothers, we have Otto. I say he's worse then Gregor because of his increasingly anti-fascist and pan-Europeanist attitude Post-World War 2, and especially his adoption of pacifist and democratic politics, as well as being a devout Christian. Gregor is a good bit better than Otto, but still not the best. He is better because he never renounced fascism, nor militarism, and always strongly held to socialism, not adopting a more distributist kind like Otto did. However, something you both did right was oppose imperialism, and reject the favoring of big businesses, large industrial corporations, and the leftover aristocracy from the empire that the mainline NSDAP did.

===[[File:Kinda_No.png]] Inadequate [[File:Kinda_No.png]]===
===[[File:Kinda_No.png]] Inadequate [[File:Kinda_No.png]]===

Revision as of 02:12, 5 November 2023

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Borkerface2007's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.


Hi Jreg, I still hate your content😈!!!!

If you have any questions about my ideology, reach me at +1 614-980-4615 or [email protected]

Alstūdism, or Neo-Borkerism, is the political ideology of Borker, after he stopped being an anarchist. He is now a Fascist, deeply influenced by Mosley and the Italian system of fascism. It is a very nationalistic ideology, as are all fascists, for Norway, and deeply religious as well, believing in Ásatrú. He believes in a authoritarian Norwegian state, modeled technocratically and as a corporate state, as was espoused by Mosley. However, it has not left it's economic leftist roots, and still belives in a form of Socialism, although this time a rather statist kind.

-Table of Contents-

5 Principles of Alstūdism

  • To recognize that the state and people must work as one to protect the nation and maximize happiness.
  • The collective welfare of the nation.
  • To stand against reactionary barbarians and revolting against the current world order.
  • To renew the Norwegian nation through revolution and break away from the west and the east.
  • Upholding the values of nationalism and religion as important cultural aspects that strengthen communities.

Political Journey

  1. 2007-2018 Was raised relatively progressive as my parents were.
  2. 2018-2019 I was the standard Bernie supporter who idolized the Nordic System of Social Democracy.
  3. 2019-2020 Had started to drift more radical as the pandemic set in, specifically got into Trotskyism from reading Mandel, and I considered myself a Mandelist.
  4. 2020-2020 My short lived bout as a council communist started as I read into the Spartacists.
  5. 2020-2022 I started to get less radical as the pandemic calmed down, I was the standard DSA supporter (still am a card-carrying member of the organization), I was kind of an American Nationalist and Isolationist as well. I eventually started to tread more and more libertarian as I was exposed to them, and eventually started considering myself an anarchist without adjectives.
  6. 2022-2023 What I was from Late 2022 to Late Summer of 2023. I was a very nationalistic anarchist, and a staunch communist as well.
  7. 2023- After months of being rather disillusioned with anarchism, and entering a period of stagnation in which I didn’t feel like writing about anything to do with anarchism or what I believed in, I started reading Mosley and Gentile while on vacation, on a whim. After spending a whole night reading and researching, I realized this was the political position for me, as an alternative to anarchism, without forsaking my left wing beliefs and nationalist beliefs.


Alstūdism upholds the principles of republican government, while considering monarchy as nothing more than a reactionary institution that offers little to the people apart from draining resources for so-called "National unity" centered around a figurehead king. It advocates for efficient government operations, depicted in technocratic ideals, eliminating burdens on the public like the royal family. Additionally, Alstūdism supports various reforms within the Norwegian parliament, aimed at restructuring the Norwegian state into a new corporate state.

Storting Reforms

In the pursuit of realizing the ideal of the corporate state, a comprehensive reform of the Norwegian Parliament (The Storting) is imperative. Among the reforms advocated by Alstūdism is the division of the parliament into two distinct chambers, thereby establishing a bicameral structure. These two chambers comprise the National Chamber of Corporations (Nasjonal Kammer av Korporasjonar) as the lower house, composed of representatives elected by the members of each respective corporation, and the upper house known as The Great Council for National Interests (Storrådet for Nasjonale Interesser). Members of the latter are carefully selected from the lower house to serve as advisors to the Kansler, functioning as a grand council.


Alstūdism asserts that the economy should embrace significant nationalization and adopt syndicate-based organization, drawing inspiration from National Syndicalism and Corporatist principles. It diverges from the latter by rejecting the socialization of the bourgeoisie, a tenet often embraced by fascists. Alstūdism contends that the profit-driven nature of the bourgeoisie inherently conflicts with national interests, necessitating their separation from the nation. State-run syndicates, representing every industry and worker, would be given a limited amount of autonomy from the state, though still held tightly to prevent inefficiency or dissent. Within the syndicates, the means of production would be stripped from private hands, and given to the syndicates, who on loan from the government own and manage these, nearly a form of workers' self management.

Moreover, Alstūdism advocates for substantial expansion in Norway's vital industries, particularly those currently reliant on foreign imports—mainly Machinery and Equipment and Food Stuffs. Over time, the goal is to gradually reduce foreign imports, incrementally boosting domestic industries until achieving complete autarky.

Regarding farming and agriculture, Alstūdism closely aligns with Jorian Jenks's concept of the Land Army. This entails forming a voluntary force responsible for reclaiming and preparing land for cultivation. Members of the Land Army will then be granted the land for farming, having acquired cultivation skills during reclamation service. The ultimate aspiration is to achieve complete self-sufficiency in food production.

Social Views

In its social views, Alstūdism self-identifies as a blend of Progressive Conservatism, though the characterization isn't entirely accurate, as it retains certain elements of and traditionalist beliefs. The ideology embraces Feminism, asserting that both men and women should enjoy equal standing within society. Alstūdism advocates for the full inclusion of women in the military [1] and all governmental positions. However, it rejects affirmative action, as the governance of Alstūdism strongly adheres to a meritocratic approach

Alstūdism extends nearly equal rights to homosexuals as compared to heterosexuals. However, certain limitations apply, notably that discussions on homosexual-related matters are not permitted in public domains, with potential sanctions including imprisonment. Any form of Pride celebrations are prohibited, and organizing such events may lead to legal consequences. Homosexual marriage is legally permissible, yet adoption rights are contingent upon a government-issued certificate affirming the couple's suitability as parents. It's noteworthy that heterosexual couples are given preference in adoption proceedings.

Mild Transphobia characterizes Alstūdism's stance on transgender individuals. The ideology is largely opposed to gender transitioning, except under specific circumstances. If an individual can successfully pass a stringent state-mandated evaluation confirming their experience of gender dysphoria, they may be allowed to pursue medical and social transitioning. This includes healthcare-covered surgeries. However, discussions regarding trans-people are restricted in public forums, and transitioned individuals are discouraged from openly discussing their transition, except within their close circle, in order to prevent the proliferation of transgenderism within society, as observed in the contemporary USA. If an individual asserts experiencing gender dysphoria, they will undergo a process of reeducation.

As for heterosexuals, Alstūdism emphasizes the promotion of traditional marriage[2] and encourages couples to have more children. Social benefits are provided to alleviate the financial responsibilities associated with raising a family. Alstūdism supports legal abortion in cases of nonconsensual pregnancy, although without celebration. The ultimate objective of these policies is to augment native birth rates, fortify the nation, and ensure its enduring survival.

Finally, Alstūdism firmly opposes the dissemination of pornography or sexually explicit materials for entertainment purposes in society. This is rooted in the belief that such content degrades the sanctity of the intimate act, reducing it to mere pleasure-seeking and stripping away the emotional dimension, which consequently adversely impacts society as a whole.

Cultural Views

Alstūdism believes strongly in national rebirth, like it's last iteration. Norwegian culture is being killed by western influence and Neoliberalism, being forced into accepting foreign values and systems. For this to be remedied, Norway has to isolate itself, to let it's culture resurge, and the state as well has to take charge in rejuvenating the nation. One of the foremost matters Alstūdism believes in is reviving Norse Paganism as it is a more authentic Norwegian religion than Abrahamic Faiths, which were and are being imposed on the nation today. Now, this wouldn't involve heavily suppressing Christians or the church per se, but rather removing any government influence they have, offering incentives to the public to convert and centering more social activities around Norse Paganism, and finally, introducing religious doctrine into schools, to make sure the new generation is more inclined to the faith. Along with this, Bokmål must be replaced with Nynorsk. The reasoning behind this is similar to the opposition to Christianity, that it is a foreign element, Bokmål being adapted from Danish, while Nynorsk is a more authentic form of Norwegian.

Foreign Policy

The new Norwegian state must remain neutral in most all conflicts as to maintain the nation's sovereignty from both the West and the East, as both are imperialistic blocs. However, in the case that similar-minded states arise, Alstūdism would be very willing to show solidarity with them against the two imperialistic blocs, and engage in equal dealings with these states.

Military and Defense

Alsūdism holds that the military should be one of the first and foremost focuses of the state, in order to ensure the defense of the nation. It espouses the same four military lines policy put forth by Kim Il Sung in 1962, that the state must "arm the entire population, fortify the state, educate every soldier to become a party cadre, and modernize the military".

Along with this, Alsūdism believes that the military should be heavily politicized in order to ensure ideological loyalty and fervor among each soldier and officer. Political commissars should make up a large portion of the officer corps. This ensures the centralization of military within the state's control, and cuts down on disloyalty within the military.

To defend the nation from external threats via deterrence, the state must develop nuclear weapons as quickly as possible.

Technological Views

Alstūdism holds that for the nation to advance and maintain sovereignty, technological progression must take place, and must be heavily developed by the state. However, it does not want to advance automation enough to cause mass unemployment. Most of the technological advancement should be in terms of military, medicine, and power, to keep the nation on the same playing ground as other nations.

Green Power

Alstūdism believes that Norway should transition fully away from fossil fuel as quickly as possible, and towards more green and productive. Nuclear power, run on thorium, should be the mass source of energy until geothermal and hydropower is perfected. Wind and solar have proven to be inefficient in comparison to these methods, and Nuclear has been unfairly slandered in the media, mainly by those elements who would wish to keep fossil fuels in use.

The Nation

A lot of this I share with and drew from Fargoth

Alstūdism defines the Norwegian nation as the following:

  1. The Native Faith, being Ásatrú, rather than any religion imposed on us hundreds of year ago by foreign powers, that being Christianity.
  2. The Blood, being ethnic Norwegians.
  3. The Soil, that being Norway, and our land currently held by

Just like National Wodenism, Alstūdism regards New World settler colonial countries to be unable to form a nation, as they are not connected to the land they reside on. Instead, the Native Americans and such are, and deserve the land, though that is not too feasible.

A New Era of Romantic Nationalism

Norway didn't really get to experience an era of Romantic Nationalism like the rest of Europe did, as it was a colony to Denmark and later Sweden. Because of this, Norway didn’t get to fully experience it and the cultural development the period brought to other countries. For example, many Norwegian-born philosophers and artists were educated in Copenhagen and then assimilated into Denmark, thus robbing Norway of many talented individuals. To remedy this, a new Norwegian state must invoke another romantic nationalist era.

National Essence and Immigration

Alstūdism follows the idea of "National Essence," as proposed by Giovanni Gentile. This concept suggests that you can have a profound connection to the cultural identity of a nation, like the Italian nation or Norwegian nation, even if you weren't born there. Alstūdism advocates for the repatriation of individuals who strongly identify with a specific nationality, as exemplified by Borker who, despite being born outside of Norway, identifies as Norwegian.

However, individuals would need to fulfill certain criteria, including demonstrating Norwegian heritage and meeting specific qualifications, in order to be eligible for repatriation.


Alstūdism holds the beliefs that to work towards a renewed Norwegian nation the coming state must take Revanche against Sweden, and reform the nation partly through conflict. The specific territories that Alstūdism wishes to return to Norway are Bohuslen, Jemtland, Idre and Särna, and Herjedalen. These territories were all once part of the Norway, and until rather recently, linguistically and culturally Norwegian, distinct from the Swedes in the area. These Norwegians were assimilated into the Swedish population, in a form of cultural genocide. As this is clearly a result of the imperialism of the Swedish Empire, it must be cast off of Norway, as with every other form on imperialism and colonialism. This also works to expand the Norwegian population through the reincorporation of old lands into the State.

The Delusion of Racialism

Alstūdism holds that Racial Nationalism and by extension race, are meritless categorizations that are based on outdated theories, with ethnicity being a far more accurate categorization, as race is often very fluid and ambiguous in it's interpretation, and also lacks a biological basis. Ethnicity, on the other hand, is more accurate because it is based on cultural, historical, social factors, and a small amount of biological factors, rather than being fully based in biological ones. Along with this, Alstūdism views Racial Nationalism as a form of Pan-Nationalism, and near internationalism, as it often posits that all people of a certain race should be under one state, which blocks individual nations from having their own self-determination, a principle Alstūdism strongly believes in.

"Race Mixing"

While Alstūdism doesn't believe in race, it is still against "race mixing", or more accurately "ethnic mixing". It believes that for each nation to remain, they must retain their own ethnicity, believing that diversity inherently requires separation.


Alstūdism strongly holds that a revival of ethnic faith, specifically Ásatrú for the Norwegian nation, and that internationalist and universalist religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism must be eradicated from the nation, as they pose a threat to the nation through their globalist tendencies, and Christianity being the root of liberal principles in Europe and the west at large.

Alstūdism states that the best way to lead the nation into a revival of Ásatrú would be to grant incentives to those to convert, introduce the religion as the state religion, and then introduce the religion into public schooling, with the goal of bringing the new generation fully into the faith. It also believes that with the decline of Christianity in Europe, people would openly adopt the faith to fill the whole that Christianity would leave, holding the belief that people inherently seek to be spiritual.

The Revolution

For Alstūdism to be achieved, this plan must be followed. In the first phase, the focus should be on forming a political party that aligns with our desired objectives. Assemble a group of like-minded individuals who share the party's vision and establish a clear party platform. This platform should combine left-leaning economic policies with right-wing nationalism while highlighting issues like immigration and wealth inequality to capture the attention of potential supporters.

The next phase of this plan is to gain populist support for our party's ideology. This will involve addressing the fears and concerns of the target audience, ours being the working class. It will be essential to build grassroots support through local campaigns and community engagement. Additionally, the party should closely monitor economic conditions, and as economic instability surfaces, position itself as the solution to people's economic hardships.

Now, when we believe the party has gathered sufficient support and the conditions for a potential revolution are favorable, the next phase involves planning a mass march from Bergen to Oslo. This march will serve as a way to demand a change in the nation's political leadership. Once we arrive in Oslo, we will demand the institution of our chosen leader into the office of Prime Minister by the king, dismissing the current government. From here there are two plans:

Plan A: Constitutional Transition

Under Plan A, if the king responds positively to the demands, the party can work within the existing government to transform key institutions gradually. This would involve holding a constitutional congress to enact the desired changes.

Plan B: Armed Revolt

If the Oslo march is repressed and violence breaks out, Plan B will be a shift to an armed revolt strategy. The party would utilize its paramilitary wing and the support of the masses to establish a provisional government in the areas under its control.

The Abolition of the Monarchy

Under Plan A on the aforementioned plan, a crisis would be created by staging an event where the King appears to abuse his power to dismiss the Prime Minister. In response, the King would be placed under house arrest, leading to a biased referendum to abolish the monarchy, and subsequent trials for abuse of power and treason, ultimately resulting in exile.

Under Plan B, the monarchy will simply be abolished upon our success in the revolution.

Random Opinions I Have

  • Alstūdism believes that the Svalbardian Ptarmigan should be introduced to the rest of Norway widely, and be the national bird. The reasons for this are:
  1. The Svalbardian Ptarmigan has adapted to survive in one of the harshest environments on Earth. Its ability to thrive in the extreme conditions of the Arctic symbolizes the resilience of the Norwegian people.
  2. The Svalbardian Ptarmigan is uniquely tied to Norway's Arctic heritage. It reflects the nation's historical and cultural connections to the Arctic region.
  3. It's objectively cuter than the White-throated Dipper.
  • Alstūdism despises small round hearing aid batteries and wants them replaced.

How to Draw

Flag of Alstūdism
  1. Draw a ball with a black outline.
  2. Fill with dark red.
  3. Draw a white gear in the top left, half cropped out.
  4. Draw a white Ásatrú eagle within the gear
  5. Add eyes.
  6. (Optional) Add a beret, with a golden sword badge.
  7. Done!


Have Read

Ones I've read since making this page
  • - Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered
  • - The Doctrine of Fascism
  • - The Land and the People
  • - The Futurist Manifesto
  • - The 26 Point Program of the Falange
Ones I read last time
  • File:Kropotkin beard.png - The Conquest of Bread
  • - Kurdistan, Woman's Revolution and Democratic Confederalism
  • - God and the State
  • File:Kropotkin beard.png - Mutual Aid
  • - Statism and Anarchy
  • - Atlas Shrugged
  • - The Communist Manifesto
  • - The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
  • - The German Ideology
  • - The National Anarchist Manifesto
  • - Anarchy
  • - Leninism Or Marxism


  • - Fascism for the Million
  • - The Weight of the Nation

Plan to Read


  • Feel free to add whatever book you'd like me to read here!
  • - Communization and its Disconects ( A wee oddo)

Finished Suggestions

User Test

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    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-5)
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  • Economic Axis
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  • If none above apply...
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    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-10)
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    • Posthumanist (-100)
  • If none of the above apply...
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  • If none above apply...
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  • Religious Axis Optional
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    • Judaism (-25)
    • Protestantism (-5)
    • Neo-Paganism (+0)
    • Wicca (-50)
    • Irreligion (-5)
    • Satanism (either atheistic or theistic) (+0)
    • Shinto (+5)
    • Syncretic (-50)

Post your results here:


If you are the type who adds balls in relations to show your perception of their beliefs or a short summary, then use the following: (Code Stolen from Quark)

[[File:Alstudism1.png]] [[Alstūdism]] ([[File:Sansepolcrismo.png|link=Fascism]]/[[File:Natsynd.png|link=National Syndicalism]]/[[File:OrgDem.png|link=Authoritarian Democracy]]/[[File:NorseTheo.png|link={{PCBA|Norse Theocracy}}]]/[[File:Republicanismpix.pnglink=Republicanism]])

Which will look like this: Alstūdism (////)

Everything here is solely based on political opinions, not personal

Innerst (8-10)

  • National Wodenism (////Norse Theocracy) One of the biggest influences on me becoming a fascist, you are probably the most similar person to me ideologically on this site now. We believe in nearly the same thing, the biggest difference I can think of is that of me being a Revanchist, though that isn't really even a big disagreement. (10/10)
  • Inexistism (////) Really sad to see you move away from the economic left, though at the least you did stay governmentally the same. Foreign-policy wise, you kinda improved actually, but other than this I don't have much to say, as your page is rather empty. (8/10)
  • Improved Citizenism (////Agrarianism) Over the time I've known you, you've gotten way better politically, as if my memory serves me well, you used to a right libertarian. You seem to have went the same route that I did, though not as extreme, which is understandable. I agree with most of what I see here. (8/10)
  • Messardism (////) You seem pretty agreeable over all, I think we mostly differ in terms of social attitudes, but that’s rather negligible. The Nazi-Maoism is rather weird though, I don’t know much about it other than NazMaos are all schizophrenic. Left Fascism Gang though 💪🏻 (8/10)
  • Ziółkowskiizm (////) While I think you are too moderate in some regards (economics), your social policy and governmental views are incredibly based. I think socially and in terms of nationalism is where we agree the most, and though I don't like your econ, at the very least you're not too capitalist, nor communist. I quite like your foreign policy as well, universal nationalism being something I like greatly. The Catholicism isn't ideal, but at least it's not Judaism or Islam, and speaking of Judaism, we are both haters of international finance . (8/10)
  • Agricoetism (////) The lowest of this tier, but still good. We differ quite a bit, but you're still generally alright, the main issues I take with your ideology is the moderatism, especially in religious and governmental positions. To have a revival of paganism, a very strong state will be needed, with harsh measures, against the church. And as for our disagreements about ethnic nationalism mutt cope , that is rather minor but cannot be overlooked. Ethnicity is inherently tied to the definition of a nation. (8/10)

Assosiert (6-7)

  • Folk Socialism (////) Extremely good for a non-fascist, I obviously love the economics and traditionalism, though the support for reactionarism is rather bad, though not as bad in your case. (7/10)
  • File:NNGM.png New North German Model (////) Pretty much have the same critiques of your ideology as I do for Dr. Occo, that being too moderate, but you do lean better in some regards like being fully isolationist. Though, your governmental beliefs are rather middling, and your economics is something you don't really discuss (though fair enough really, econ sucks to read about), and Econ is rather important for me. Your definition of nationalism is wonderful though, and I have quoted it many times in explaining what I believe nationalism to be about. (7/10)
  • Ganzism (////) Fellow pagan and socialist, we just differ on technology and the state. I do think the reactionaryism is rather silly, but you do get more points than him for not being a white nationalist. (6/10)
  • Leerderism (////File:JonahTalk.png) Pretty good overall, you're just too moderate when it comes to important issues, like reformism vs revolution (which is a really big one, as international finance will always work against nationalist movements), and too internationalist really (international finance again). Although I love the agrarianism and communitarianism, we probably agree quite a bit when it comes to that, and maybe nationalism, minus your internationalist tendencies. Overall (somehow ) more moderate version of Jonah. (6/10)

Midtst (5)

  • Conorism (////) You don't really have any beliefs so I can't rate you mate. (?/10)
  • Cosmic Legionarism (////) Highest of this tier, I respect the revolutionary aspect of National Socialism, however I still of course reject racialism and imperialism. Your economics and civics are the best part of your ideology, however a bit too moderate on the former, but still alright. I'm also glad that you rejected spiritual Bolshevism, and embraced ethnic faith, even if I don't fully like the path you took into esotericism. Also now that I'm a statist myself, I can fully respect your societal and civic views, if a bit tough on the gays I know what you are though, and your technological views as well. Overall, our biggest differences stem from your support of National Socialism, but that's it really. (5/10)
  • Alstūdoncrack Thought (////) My retarded son, very disappointed in how you turned out, but alas you're still somewhat alright. (5/10)
  • National 16384ism (////) You have mostly fine takes elsewhere, but when it comes to economics you are pretty bad. Capitalism is at odds with nationalism, as the rich elite will always work against the interests of the nation if it would profit them. Other than that, the isolationaism is quite good, and you in power in the US would actually be ideal, as it would stop the US from intervening in any foreign conflicts like perhaps, a Norwegian Civil War . (5/10)
  • Kimno Thought (////) Not too bad as Marxists, because you're not too culturally left-wing, though I of course still dislike the internationalism inherent in Marxism. Although your cultural views are rather vague currently, I find myself agreeing with 2/3 of it, and we both do believe in "Cultural Rebirth" though I suppose you have a different meaning than I do. Your philosophy is again rather vague, though again I find myself agreeing with a lot of it. The majority of our disagreements I would think lie in government and economics. (5/10)
  • Pantheonism (////) One of the better ones in this tier, mostly because you aren't as bad in your bad aspects as the other people here. World Federalism is obviously evil and impossible to achieve, and along with that you cling onto neutered reactionary institutes for some reason, that being monarchism. Your economics are your strong suit though, and are quite decent, if not based. (5/10)
  • Salvationism (////Futurism) Not sure why you have me rated highly all things considered, but compliment taken I guess. However, a lot of your beliefs seem very silly to me. How can you openly espouse nationalism for a nation that doesn't exist, America, and besides that, espouse globalism as well. Zionism as well seems very weird for a Marxist and a Christian to support, and Marx himself was against nationalism quite openly, not much up to interpretation there. However, I do like the left wing economics and statism, even if you weirdly balance it with libertarianism. I would also really like to hear how you define the nation, and believe that America is a nation if anything other than a civic nationalist. I will be writing more here as your develop your page. (5/10)
  • Anthony Bax Thought (////) Very weird ideologically, how is one an egoist and nationalist? Other than that, you seem okay-ish, guild socialism is cool, however you are an anarchist, so that's something I do count against you. Overall can't rate too well, cause I don't know your ideology very much. (5/10)
  • Neo-Anthony Bax Thought (////) Really weird combination of beliefs, like your former beliefs you just had me add, and like your old page, there's not too much to rate. However from what I can gather, you have a good handful of decent beliefs, like Paetelism, but you don't draw the right parts of it, that being pagan revivalism, one of the foremost parts of Paetel's beliefs. Your economics are decent, not too shabby, do I would like to know what you mean by "Current socialism isn't real socialism". (5/10)

Trell (2-4)

  • Hoodism (link= Impossibilism////) The standard left-communist really, so my biggest differences from you draw from Marxism, and that being internationalism and the fading away of the state. In economics, I think you and I would have a lot of common ground, both being far-left in that regard, and I do quite like Soviets (worker's councils) as a form of organic, grassroots organization. However Luke, I can very well tell you used in the writing of some sections, so I don't know fully the depth of your knowledge of Marxism, and I can respect any well read Marxist. (4/10)
  • BERNHEism (////) Still pretty evil in a lot of regards, though now I do look on you more favorably. For one, your views of electricity and power I fully agree with, although with my own Borker spin of course, though looking through your page that's just about the only thing I don't dislike really. You're way to economically right wing, as well as imperialistic when it comes to it as well, though I do think your civics aren't the worst, and of course I love the environmentalism. And the laicism is rather bad, though I guess there's really no other good alternative native faith for America, so fair, which also applies to the interculturalism and the cuck nationalism. (3/10)
  • Proletariat Builderism (////) Vile internationalist (white nationalist) and Hiterlite, which doesn't make much sense to idolize him as an anarchist. Overall average reactionary, though ig some of your beliefs aren't the most vile, like your environmentalist views (though even they border on cringe), and I still have some sympathy for anarchists. (3/10)
  • Polianism (////) Not too fond of NRx people, and NRx socialism sounds very silly and contradictory, other than that your page is mostly philosophy which I don't understand or dislike. (3/10)
  • Nurulisme (////) You are definitely way more philosophy oriented than me, so must of what is on your page is stuff I either don't care about, or don't understand usually the latter . As for the stuff I do, I like very little of it, you are a Christian, something I quite dislike, and along with this you seem to be market oriented, a position unfathomably silly for an utlraleftist to hold. However, I do like some of your opinions, such as the nationalism (even if it is much too mild for my tastes), and some of the organization. (3/10)
  • Distributist Reactionarism (////) Ideologically pretty bad, you don't hold much in common with me. Christian, Reactionary, and Anti-Socialist, all aspects of this ideology are opposed to my beliefs, except maybe corporatism, but you're the lame kind of corporatist. (3/10)
  • Post-Jefbolism (////) Sad to see you treading towards anarchism, old you was definitely preferable. As with her, you are much more philosophy focused than civics and economics, but I do get the general gist of it from our talks on Discord. We are quite fundamentally opposed in basic principle, and most critiques of your ideology I couldn't really do, for the two-part reason of not having a good understanding of Marxist philosophy, and that we have quite different values. All I will say is, I am of course opposed to your ideology nearly in full. (3/10)
  • Mishism (////) We’re friends and all, but you and I have fundamentally opposed base beliefs and values, so I do not agree with you on most anything, except for maybe environmentalism and social views. (2/10)
  • CarrotsRppl2ism (////) Listen, we are still homies and all personally, but ideologically with me no longer an anarchist, there is seldom we would agree on when it comes down to it. You are an individualist and libertarian, and I am now a collectivist and statist. My biggest gripes with your ideology is really the individualism and all that stems from that. (2/10)
  • Second Anidiotoncrack Thought (////) Very contradictory and rather incoherent at times. Firstly, your capitalistic views do not mix with your supposed nationalism. Your views on wealth redistribution and socialism in general are very silly, you seem to be for consensual government and authoritarianism at the same time, as you state that "socialism is like taxation, theft, if you do not consent to having your money taken from you, you are being robbed". Other than that, your Islamist views on women are vile and reactionary, to say the least, totally unproductive. I think most of your views are just very anti-fascist and just make you some weirdly incoherent corporatocrat. (2/10)
  • Neo-Glencoeism (////) Vile globalist and liberal, I don't believe we share much of anything in common other than authoritarianism. The neoconservatism and cuck nationalism really blow, as well as the economics. (2/10)
  • Fitocracy (////) Rather awful beliefs, as a fascist I of course oppose reaction and feudalism, and by extension the monarchy. Not a whole lot to say here, other than it's pretty bad. (2/10)

Nederst (0-1)

  • Brazilian Liberalism (////) There's not a single thing good with your ideology, you're the very anthesis of what I believe in. (1/10)
  • Comrade Phil Thought (////) Edgy child who knows nothing of the ideology and doctrines of fascism, nor communism. See below (0/10)
  • Neo-Jewgism (////) The most foul of reactionary brimstone. Literally just the standard 14 year old radicalized by seeing gay people in public, you have no real positions beyond being the right-wing version of an SJW. You are not a fascist, you are not a communist, you are not any label you apply to yourself. You are a petulant child with no opinions further or deeper than “Hur Dur I hate [blank group]”. My advice to you is very simple, grow up and actually read literature from the ideologues that represent the ideals you claim to ascribe to, you shallow miserable child. (-10/10)


  • The Doctrine of Fascism A perfect doctrine, one that is loose enough to be adapted to each nation's needs and circumstances, and concrete enough to be identified easily, so as to not conflate it with other ideologies and beliefs. A revolutionary ideology, one that revolts against the liberal world order and the Bolshevik ideology that seeks to destroy nations, while balancing modernism and tradition perfectly.
  • Good

    • Juche Wonderful ideology, arguably the last third positionist country left today. I have very few qualms with this ideology, and I especially love how it broke completely with historical materialism, thus fully severing itself from Marxism. The only critique I could give is the succession of Kim Il Sung, with his horribly incompetent and corrupt son taking charge, and his grandson after him, who admittingly is better than Kim Jung-Il. 조선민주주의인민공화국 만세!


    • British Fascism Decent ideology, but it's way too moderate on economics, and Mosley's stance on the monarchy and World War 2 is rather foul. I do take a lot from it's civics however, and Mosley has been very influential on the development of my own thought. More modern iterations of it have been a lot better, especially him and him .
    • Paetelist National Bolshevism I like this ideology quite a bit, however it is inherently anti-fascist, being for Marxism, and opposing fascism due to it's "Non-Germanic attitude". For that reason I cannot fully support this ideology, but however I do love the pagan revivalism, far-left economics, and revolutionary attitude. The best Marxism has to offer, and full of banger quotes: "And if German nationalism has a deep spiritual and religious sense, then it is that of an insurrection of the Germanic way of life".


    • Corporatism Rather inadequate economic, favouring bourgeois control, something that inherently works against the interests of the nation, something Mussolini came to realize in the end days of Italian Fascism. As a system of societal organization however, I quite like it. Organizing society into interest groups is something I take great inspiration from, in my support of syndicalism. Technocracy and economic planification are also central to my ideology, and the corporate state is quite a good way of implementing that, and reaching an organic society.
    • Strasserism Not the best, and technically two different ideologies, but I'll do my best to cover them both here. Starting with the worse of the two Strasser Brothers, we have Otto. I say he's worse then Gregor because of his increasingly anti-fascist and pan-Europeanist attitude Post-World War 2, and especially his adoption of pacifist and democratic politics, as well as being a devout Christian. Gregor is a good bit better than Otto, but still not the best. He is better because he never renounced fascism, nor militarism, and always strongly held to socialism, not adopting a more distributist kind like Otto did. However, something you both did right was oppose imperialism, and reject the favoring of big businesses, large industrial corporations, and the leftover aristocracy from the empire that the mainline NSDAP did.


    • Distributism Mostly foul ideology, this is just capitalism but with more widespread ownership of property. Some variants of this are more tolerable, and some aspects of Catholic Social Teaching are nice, even if too moderate on collectivism. Still way too moderate and capitalist for my liking, but not as bad as other forms.
    • Maoism Pretty foul ideology, I do like revolutionary aspect of Maoism however. I also refrain from placing you as a socialist, since the Chinese Constitution of 1954 explicitly protects private property, and the right of capitalists to have control over the means of production, if they work for the interests of the nation. So, for this reason I hold that you are not a socialist nor communist, but rather a nationalist bourgeois revolutionary, as was common in anti-colonial revolutions in the era following World War 2 in Asia and South East Asia. I can't even say that Deng is worse than you for bringing back capitalism, because Mao never abolished it.
    • Dengism Not a fan of capitalist roaders in the slightest, but you underdid economic reforms that were necessary to position China ahead of the USA and western influence, though again, you are a capitalist roader. I of course oppose imperialism, and you love neocolonialism and imperialism in Africa and Oceania. Your successors in your name also horribly increased economic inequality, and dismantled the few good things Mao left behind.


    • National Socialism I respect the revolutionary aspect of National Socialism, but alas it ended up starting one of the most deadly conflicts in human history through it's imperialistic ambitions, and invaded and subjugated my people. The racialism and economic moderatism are also not good, but a lesser evil of it.
    • Marxian Communism Foul internationalistic and godless ideology, the only aspect of this ideology I can respect is the economic part, and even then it dwell's too much into statelessness and anarchy.


    • Capitalism Very foul ideology, while once you were a progressive force in the world, you are a rotten system to the core. You trample nations and traditions of the world beneath you, and bring the world evermore into a bland and mixed globalist 'utopia'.
    • Liberalism One of the most foul ideologies to ever exist, you work to destroy nation and tradition alike in the name of progress and liberty. You support a façade of representative democracy to appease the people and give them a false sense of freedom of choice at the ballot, while you deny them true democracy, that being economic. Pure evil, and totally reprehensible.
    • Limonovite National Bolshevism I despise you so unfathomably much, you've spawned a wave of larpers who don't understand fascism nor Marxism, and are incredibly stubborn and unwillingly to learn how wrong they are. You are nothing more than a degenerate who used the name of a great German ideology to slap on your barely even distinguishable variant of Marxism-Leninism, and I hope you are burning in the deepest boiler room of hell for that.



    • Edmondo Rossoni (////) Pretty much the ideal version of Mussolini, really good.


    • Benito Mussolini (////) Had a lot of influence on me, especially in civics and economics, though you were too willingly to collaborate with the Nazis and Germans, and made compromises with the Monarchy.
    • Oswald Mosley (////) Much like the above, though you were nearly a defeatist with your support for the Nazis. Still though, you were a great writer and pushed me finally into embracing fascism.
    • Antanas Smetona (////) Really good figure that I hold a lot in common with, namely the nationalism, corporatism, and agrarianism. Sadly too moderate on some fronts, but you were incredibly good for Lithuania, and led it wonderfully in a time were great leadership was needed.






    The following Tests are graded on accuracy

    Test Values

    How I Would’ve Voted

    Most boring endeavor I've done for this page
    • 1788-1789 - - Washington (Independent)
    • 1792 - - Washington (Independent)
    • 1796 - - Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
    • 1800 - - Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
    • 1804 - - Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
    • 1808 - - Madison (Democratic-Republican)
    • 1812 - - Clinton (Democratic-Republican/Federalist)
    • 1816 - - King (Federalist)
    • 1820 - - Abstain
    • 1824 - - Adams (Democratic-Republican/Adams-Clay Republican)
    • 1828 - - Adams (National Republican/Anti-Masonry)
    • 1832 - - Clay (National Republican)
    • 1836 - - Van Buren (Democratic) Reluctantly
    • 1840 - - Van Buren (Democratic) Reluctantly
    • 1844 - - Clay (Whig)
    • 1848 - - Van Buren (Free Soil) Reluctantly
    • 1852 - - Scott (Whig) Reluctantly
    • 1856 - - Frémont (Republican)
    • 1860 - - Lincoln (Republican)
    • 1864 - - Lincoln (Republican) Reluctantly
    • 1868 - - Grant (Republican)
    • 1872 - - Greeley (Liberal Republican)
    • 1876 - - Cooper (Greenback)
    • 1880 - - Weaver (Greenback)
    • 1884 - - Butler (Greenback)
    • 1888 - Streeter (Union Labor Party)
    • 1892 - Wing (Socialist Labor Party)
    • 1896 - Matchett (Socialist Labor Party)
    • 1900 - Debs (Social Democratic Party)
    • 1904 - Debs (Socialist Party)
    • 1908 - Debs (Socialist Party)
    • 1912 - Debs (Socialist Party)
    • 1916 - Benson (Socialist Party)
    • 1920 - Debs (Socialist Party)
    • 1924 - La Follette (Progressive Party)
    • 1928 - Foster (Communist Party USA)
    • 1932 - Foster (Communist Party USA)
    • 1936 - Browder (Communist Party USA)
    • 1940 - Aiken (Socialist Labor Party)
    • 1944 - Teichert (Socialist Labor Party)
    • 1948 - Thomas (Socialist Party)
    • 1952 - Dobbs (Socialist Workers)
    • 1956 - Dobbs (Socialist Workers)
    • 1960 - Dobbs (Socialist Workers)
    • 1964 - Hass (Socialist Labor Party)
    • 1968 - Wallace (American Independent Party)
    • 1972 - Jenness (Socialist Workers)
    • 1976 - Hall (Communist Party USA)
    • 1980 - Hall (Communist Party USA)
    • 1984 - Hall (Communist Party USA)
    • 1988 - Fulani (New Alliance Party)
    • 1992 - Fulani (New Alliance Party)
    • 1996 - Abstain
    • 2000 - Nader (Green Party)
    • 2004 - Calero (Socialist Workers)
    • 2008 - McKinney (Green Party)
    • 2012 - Stein (Green Party)
    • 2016 - Trump (Republican)
    • 2020 - Hawkins (Green Party)
    Turns out there aren't online records about who headed the Labour Party in the late 1890s
  • 1882 - Sverdrup (Venstre)
  • 1885 - Qvam (Venstre)
  • 1888 - Qvam (Venstre)
  • 1891 - Steen (Venstre) Reluctantly
  • 1894 - Unknown (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1897 - Unknown (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1900 - Unknown (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1903 - Hornsrud (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1906 - Nissen (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1909 - Nissen (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1912 - Knudsen (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1915 - Knudsen (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1918 - Grepp (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1921 - Grepp (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1924 - Støstad (Communist Party)
  • 1927 - Furubotn (Communist Party)
  • 1930 - Torp (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1933 - Torp (Arbeidarpartiet)
  • 1936 - Egede-Nissen (Communist Party)
  • 1945 - Egede-Nissen (Communist Party)
  • 1949 - Løvlien (Communist Party)
  • 1953 - Løvlien (Communist Party)
  • 1957 - Løvlien (Communist Party)
  • 1961 - Løfsnes (Socialist People’s Party)
  • 1965 - Løfsnes (Socialist People’s Party)
  • 1969 - Solheim (Socialist People’s Party)
  • 1973 - Gustavsen (Socialist Left Party)
  • 1977 - Furre (Socialist Left Party)
  • 1981 - Furre (Socialist Left Party)
  • 1985 - No Leader (Samfunnspartiet)
  • 1989 - Solheim (Socialist Left Party)
  • 1993 - Nærstad (Red Electoral Alliance)
  • 1997 - Trefall (Fatherland Party)
  • 2001 - Bastesen (Kystpartiet)
  • 2005 - Waage (Kystpartiet)
  • 2009 - Vestå (Kystpartiet)
  • 2013 - Litleskare (Democrats in Norway)
  • 2017 - Kasheikal (Democrats in Norway)
  • 2021 - Lysbakken (Socialist Left Party)
  • Movements

    Feel free to ask me about my placements here
    • This is not a comprehensive list of movements and parties I like, this is only ones I feel strongly about


    • Fasci Siciliani (Italy, 1889–1894)
    • British Union of Fascists (Great Britain, 1932-1940)
    • Fascist Italy (Italy, 1922-1943)
    • French Revolution (France, 1789 –1799)
    • Irish Republican Army (Ireland, 1969-1997)
    • 26th of July Movement (Cuba, 1955-1962)
    • Norwegian Communist Party (Norway, 1923-)
    • People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (Angola, 1956-)
    • Pērkonkrusts (Latvia, 1933-1944)
    • Provisional Irish Republican Army (Ireland, 1969-1997)
    • Socialist Party of France – Jean Jaurès Union (France, 1933-1935)


    • Bolsheviks (Russia, 1917-1922)
    • Revolutionary Catalonia (Spain, 1936-1939)
    • Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine (Ukraine, 1918-1921)

    Atrocious Knaves

    • Democratic Socialists of America (United States, 1982-)
    • Nazi Germany (Germany, 1933-1945)
    • Quisling Regime (Norway, 1942-1945)


    Don’t call me a larper for this or I will cry

    Country Opinions



    If you would like to be added to relations, add a comment here :3


    1. Definitely not because of Borker being attracted to women in military outfits
    2. Not Hydra's gross definition, which is child marriage. I mean marriage between 1 man and 1 woman, both adults and consenting

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