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I love [[File:Laborwave-hat.png]] Laborwave.
The {{Bax}} is my ideology. I am an {{Info/AuthLefts}} and I am a {{Info/CultFarLefts}}. I love the [[File:Jacobin.png]] [[Jacobinism]] [[File:FreeJacobin.png]] and the [[File:Paetel.png]] [[Paetelism]].

I’m [[File:Bix.png]] Bisexual.
I am [[File:Bix.png]] Bisexual.

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Add template: {{Bax}} (Optional)

Revision as of 02:38, 24 November 2023

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Bak Bax's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

The  Baxism is my ideology. I am an  AuthLeft and I am a  Culturally Revolutionary. I love the Jacobinism and the Paetelism.

I am Bisexual.

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National Revolution

Personally, I believe in the National Revolution. This idea was influenced by Karl Otto Paetel and Maximilien Robespierre, although, obviously, it was more influenced by the Jacobins. I began to develop the idea of the National Revolution.

I believe in the National Revolution because it is NECESSARY in Chile. Reforms are not enough — We need a revolution, a nationalist one. I am a nationalist out of love for my nation, and I am a socialist out of love for the people of my nation. If being a Nazi means loving your nation and its people, then I consider myself a Nazi. I do not believe in racism or ethnic nationalism.

Furthermore, I believe the reason there hasn't been a National Revolution in Chile is the fault of the reactionaries or counter-revolutionaries. That's why I support the guillotine and its use against the counter-revolutionaries, as they prevent the National Revolution from happening. And not only the counter-revolutionaries but also the current socialists, who are, obviously, social democrats and Pseudocialists.

I am a nationalist. I love my nation because without it, I am nothing. However, that is not the problem. The problem lies with the bourgeoisie, Jews, Catholics, Muslims—every kind of religious person. It doesn't matter which religion they follow; as long as it's not neopagan, they won't be nationalists. It doesn't matter what they do; if they are bourgeoisie, they deserve the guillotine.

And I not only hate religion for its bourgeoisie nature but also for its anti-nationalist and globalist nature. Furthermore, religion is an oppression, and if we want a communist society, we must put an end to religion and its oppression.


I personally consider myself an Optimistic Nihilist because I believe in the idea that once we are dead, life will repeat itself, and it will continue in a constant cycle. So, if you live well, why fear repeating this life? I believe it doesn't matter how you live because we will live again and again.

I, in addition to being an optimistic nihilist—in my view—am a cynic as it is one of my philosophical influences, as well as nihilism and egoism. Although I am more cynical and more nihilistic, I do not like rules being violated, although I am obviously against morality.

In my view, cynicism represents the extreme of nihilism or hedonistic nihilism. I don't see material things as having much value, philosophically speaking. Additionally, I am a Post-Marxist, as I believe in the idea that Marx and his theory must be destroyed for a superior form of Marxism to emerge. This is what I mean when I say "The Old Rock is sung by the grandparents, the New Rock is sung by the grandchildren."

I consider myself a hedonist because, in my view, hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure for welfare, as long as it respects the rules.

Despite being influenced by various reactionaries, I consider myself a revolutionary.

I certainly contradict myself a lot — that's what makes me a philosopher.

To be a philosopher, you must question everything. And to question it, you must think. And to think, you must suffer. And to suffer, you must love. And to love, you must live.

Our Ego

I believe that Egoism should be shared. If you enjoy your ego, you should share that ego. I believe in Altruistic Egoism.

I think you should share YOUR property to favor your ego and not only yours but also contribute to others. Help to be helped.

The Destruction of Humanity

I believe that humanity is destroying itself. That is our punishment — death by our own hands.

Suicide is nothing more than an advance payment for our punishment. Death will eventually come at our own hands. The world is crumbling because of humans. Humans have destroyed, murdered, violated, and mutilated the Earth. Not even a single ash will remain in the world. Our punishment will endure. We live constantly. Every time we die, we will be reborn to die again and be punished once more.

Death is humanity's eternal punishment for what it has done to the Earth. There will be no more water or enough food.


I believe that, in terms of the economy, Chile should be socialist. Although I like socialism, and I don't hate dirigisme.

I think the economy should be either dirigisme or market socialism. It's not that I hate common socialism; it's just that I believe socialism in Chile should be similar to Tito's.

Furthermore, I believe that if Chile were to replicate the Yugoslav system, we could prove that socialism does work, although I theorize that after Market Socialism, it should be succeeded by common socialism.


Regarding sexuality, I am bisexual, and I believe that everyone should be whatever they want to be, as long as it's something legal.

I support the idea that everyone is free in terms of their sexuality.


About suicide, I believe that it's inherently wrong, and those individuals need urgent help. However, of course, who am I to interfere with their individual freedom and decision? I mean, what they do shouldn't have to concern me. Nevertheless, those people need serious and immediate assistance.


About autism, I believe that in reality, individuals with autism don't deserve discrimination, as autism is something normal. Even my parents suspected that I might have autism — which is funny. I think people with autism need more support and less discrimination. After all, they are people.


Regarding racism and ethnonationalism, I believe they are wrong (but I do not hate Ethnonationalism) because a nation should not separate races from others. I see a nation as a family, and excluding races from it is like excluding a child.


I disdain civic nationalism, as I consider it false nationalism. Nationalism, to me, should be the love for your country, the love for your homeland. I believe that every nation should be sovereign, no matter which one, it should be sovereign. No nation should be without sovereignty.

I advocate for letting people have their own states. I want every people to have their own state. I want to put an end to imperialism. Nevertheless, I want Latin America to come together in a federation.

Foreign Policy

Regarding foreign policy, I'm somewhat of an universal nationalist, I believe, because I think that everyone should respect each other, and while I don't hate immigration, I believe that border controls should be stricter and tougher. Furthermore, I believe that stronger border controls could help protect our nation better.

Also, I believe that if Latin America were to unite in a federation, it would be better, and even better if it were socialist.


About war, I believe that wars only serve to benefit the bourgeoisie, who exploit us and get excited when they see a proletarian dead. In wars, sometimes one comes back without a part of their body, and sometimes they don't come back at all. Wars only exist to make us kill each other. Wars are only for the arousal of the bourgeoisie. Imagine your father going to war and not coming back; Imagine your son going to war and not coming back — Wars are foolish and are for foolish people. Militarism is the cause of our problems.


As for religion, I am an atheist; I don't have a God or master, in my view. Although I support religious freedom, in my opinion, religion is rubbish.


Regarding taxes, I believe they are not theft, obviously as long as they make sense. Taxes are necessary for the welfare of the people.

About Nations



“We are the first country of Chile. The first country of Chile. [Unintelligible Sounds] The first country of the World.”

Regarding the Government of Chile , I believe it should take more authoritarian measures. For example, on September 4th, when the Rechazo won with 62 percent. The problem is not the government but the people. The people are foolish and don't realize it. Moreover, the majority of those who voted against it did so because they believed their houses would be taken away—yes, seriously. Imagine believing without reading. But not reading is not the only problem; the other is a lack of reading comprehension. Now, with the proposal for a new constitution—which really gonna will take away your water, bread, and house—the people will choose it just because José Antonio Kast proposed it. And this is a big problem because the people don't understand.

The “Democracy” is the refuge of the bourgeois, the refuge of the weak and the plutocrats. Sometimes, I wish the proletariat knew what is good and what is not. I want to destroy democracy, praise war, death, hatred, and suffering. I want to kill; I love war, I love metal, I love chains and bullets because of the people. I am anti-war, but sometimes, I wish for a war.

I will praise war, terrorism, death, suffering, murder, theft, lies, dictatorship, bullets, anything as long as it ends with democracy.

Apruebo or Rechazo?

In my opinion, the 1980 Constitution in Chile is clearly designed for the proletariat to suffer since it was created by aristocrats for aristocrats, not for the people. That's why I criticize the 1980 Constitution. Furthermore, it's important to emphasize that it was created by the right-wing, and they are the only ones benefiting from it, leaving the proletariat with nothing. Additionally, the 1980 Constitution was very lacking in nationalism, heavily capitalist, and bourgeois.

I believe that the constitution proposed by Boric was alright, but it should have been more nationalist and revolutionary. Therefore, I view Boric as a common pseudocialist and a traitor to the proletariat because he is a moderate socialist, in many quotes.

Furthermore, the constitution proposed by Kast is an abusive nonsense. We are not cattle but proletarians. We are the people of Chile, and therefore, we are nationalists. But Kast is not a nationalist; he is a false nationalist and a false populist. José Antonio Kast is not right — his followers are just sycophants who enjoy being trampled.

Chile is everything — the rest is nothing.

About the Political Parties

"I no longer believe in any idea, in any party, in any man. By logical consequence: there is nothing that would determine me to take on the role of a militant for any doctrine or program. I AM THE ETERNAL OPPONENT."

Regarding the political parties in Chile, I believe that they are primarily a method to control the proletariat, as, by nature, the proletariat doesn't think much. That's why I think they should be banned in Chile because every individual is different, and every proletarian is different. Furthermore, I believe that the worst left-wing political parties are the Communist Party of Chile and the Socialist Party, as they never stop stealing from the proletariat, constantly claiming to be “the legacy of Salvador Allende.” The right-wing parties are even worse, as they profit, lie, and deprive us of our individual freedom. And the worst right-wing political parties are the UDI, Renovación Nacional, and the Partido Republicano.


On the topic of gun legalization in Chile, I think it's a bad idea, especially because of the radical libertarians. Goodness, can you imagine a libertarian coming to kill you? If libertarians are already crazy and violent, imagine one with a firearm. Furthermore, here are my other reasons for hating guns:

  1. Murders: If we legalize guns, some CRAZIES will use them, and just think about a reactionary like Kast with a rifle.
  2. Extremism: Extremists, especially reactionaries or people like Guz or Hans Hindenburg, would use them to eliminate their opponents.

Also, Guns are stupid.

Political Parties

Good Party


  • Apruebo Dignidad - I appreciate your expression of gratitude and satisfaction with the idea of changing Augusto Pinochet's constitution. However, if only they had been more authoritarian...

Bad Party




Why I hate Bolivia?


Pol Pot

Adolf Pol Potler

The Revolutionary Society

Finally, we arrive at my most idealistic part: The Revolutionary Society.

I envision—much like Marx envisioned his communism—a revolutionary society based on the dictatorship of the proletariat, not like Stalin's dictatorship, but as the real dictatorship of the people. There would be no unions because they would be the government, since, without bosses or leaders, there shouldn't be unions. Everyone works for themselves, for the ego of all, for the ego of the community.

There are clearly laws, but each one chosen by the community in a crowd-like manner. There is no money as it would be unnecessary, since everyone would share their things.

I believe this is completely utopian simply because it is impossible for two individuals to collaborate, as both are different and believe in different things.


How to Draw

Flag of Baxism
  1. Draw a ball;
  2. Color the ball with black;
  3. Draw Group of Social Revolutionary Nationalists design in the middle in white;
  4. Add the glasses;

You're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Teal #036A66 3, 106, 102
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
Dark Blue #003869 0, 56, 105
Red #D40000 212, 0, 0
Blue #0043D4 0, 67, 212



  • Flexism - My brother that I love!
  • Anarcho-Egoism - Stirner was one of my most influences.
  • Anti-Nazism - Down with the Nazis and Fascists.
  • Jacobinism - Guillotine aux bourgeois! The only thing I don't agree with Jacobinism about is its centralism.
  • Ochlocracy - IF THE MOB WANTS, YOU DIE!
  • Social Authoritarianism - We need a Welfare Strong State.
  • Authoritarian Egoism - I’m not an Anarcho-Egoism.
  • Republicanism - We are true republicans.
  • Post-Marxism - Marx is dead.
  • Paetelism - Except for the Counter-Enlightenment, and Reactionarism, Karl Otto Pætel was Based. I hate the anti-fascism, but I support the Anti-Nazism, cause the nazis was a fake nationalists.
  • Enlightenment - Down with the reactionaries.
  • Contrarianism - One must know what to take from what to what extent and why. We are all contradictory and we contradict ourselves, we are an “ideological salad”, as Daniel Sansón said.
  • Fictional Nationalism - The Best Nationalism!
  • Titoism - Very based.
  • Federalism - Even though the Jacobins were centralists, and I hate the Girondists, I support federalism.
  • Crusade of Romanianism - I hate Strasserism, but still, the Crusade of Romanianism was based!
  • Falangism - ¡Viva, viva la Revolución! ¡Viva, viva Falange de las J.O.N.S!


  • UJANism - Great Ideas, some bad members. Ignore the fact that Matteo says that he is "el Comandante" and that makes me laugh.
  • National Liberalism - You are the true liberalism, not like the modern liberalism.
  • De Francism - The only thing I hate about you is your hatred towards Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.
  • National Anarchism - Obviously after the state and the nation there will be a globalist anarchy, but before the globalist anarchist utopia there will be a nationalist anarchy. Also, I love Ernst Jünger.
  • Neosocialism - Your only mistake was collaborating with the fascists who betrayed you. Also, how come you can affiliate with the Strasserists? Still, you are better than Strasserism.
  • Allendism - Be more Revolutionary!
  • Kaczynskism - The Uncle Ted was based, but I hate neoluddism.


  • Classical Conservatism - The only good thing of you is Manuel Bulnes.
  • Classical Liberalism - You were better before than now. Still, I see you as a fake revolutionary.
  • La Plaineism - Maybe...
  • Reactionaryism - Only Ernst Jünger and the Conservative Revolution is based.
  • National Bolshevism - In my opinion, current national Bolshevism, of course, is wrong. However, despite that, I can't help but be influenced by Eduard Limonov. He was a great man and leader. He knew how to handle the national Bolshevik party. He, in my opinion, was a great leader.
  • Fascism - Fascism had to be revolutionary and socialist.


  • Marxism - Good theory, bad author.
  • Humanism - Human rights should not be defended by the proletariat.


  • Nazism - I hate you.
  • Fitocracy - You can’t be serious, Fito, you are literally a narco-plutocrat. Furthermore, your “Donaciones al RUT: 13.884.368-8” propaganda makes you look needy and makes me laugh. Also, you have a negative IQ.
  • Girondism - À la guillotine!
  • Feudalism - I still can't believe that I was a feudalist and reactionary.
  • Monarchism - À la guillotine, ô gué!
  • Centralism - Even though the Jacobins were centralists, centralism is shit.
  • Cioranism - WTF? I'm a nihilist but not that kind of nihilist.
  • Dantonism - You damnit traitor! Counter-Revolutionary!
  • Feuillantism - Fuck you, Monarchist!
  • Reactionary Socialism - Fuck you!
  • National Capitalism - GUILLOTINE FOR YOU!
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Kast and his entire family would be good candidates for the guillotine. Kast is a false nationalist and does not love his people. We proletarians must defend ourselves from the reactionaries.
  • Pinochetism - You are the last stage of liberalism in Chile!
  • National Primitivism - Fuck you, Guz!


  • DrasThe Thought - Long live DrasThe.
  • SwordComradism - Personally, I feel influenced by you, SwordComrade, since, by reading about your ideology, Paetelism, and so on, I started thinking more about what I am. I understand your dissatisfaction with certain of my opinions, such as Jacobinism and so on, but I also have disagreements with you, for example, ethnic nationalism and anarchism, and it's understandable because each individual is different, and it's understandable. That's the absurdity of life: no one is content with anyone, and everyone is content with everyone.
  • Vistulism - You are good, don’t change.
  • Hoodism - Very Based Revolutionary.
  • Good

    • Alstūdism - Actually, although I am not a fascist, I support several of your points, such as the economy. Personally, I sympathize with your ideology. I like your nationalism and neo-paganism, and your socialism and corporatism too.
    • Ziółkowskiizm - Very based in my opinion.
    • Proletariat Builderism - The only thing about your ideology that I don't like is terrorism, religion, conservatism and anarchism. Even so, your philosophy is actually good.
    • Serbian Socialism - Very well, I love Market Socialism.


    • Dokevism - Zaik (his real name), you are a dumb: You are a pseudo-philosopher, because you do not argue your ideology; You do not argue or create your own philosophy. Your Asperger's doesn't stop you from making your own philosophy and it doesn't stop you from thinking well, so what are you waiting for? Create your own philosophy and stop being wild! You, Zaik, are like my son who is not my son. Even if your philosophy is unorthodox to my thinking, that's okay. And stop loving the Democracy!
    • Daniel Sansón Thought - I don't like the fact that you are counter-enlightened and reactionary. Also, why do you say you are "Paetelist" when you support fascism? You are truly an “Ideological Salad”. Furthermore, your poor understanding of Paetel makes me doubt that you are a true National Bolshevik.
    • Neo-MugiKotobuki8814ism - I am not an totalitarian, but SOMETIMES we need totalitarianism. I love socialism, but, for me, socialism IS progressive. Also, I don’t believe in the races. Also, you are a nice person, but nazism is bad.
    • Agricoetism - Paganism is good. I am so close to falangism. I love the hedonism, but be more Revolutionary.


    • Champi - Honestly, I must say that the fact that you are a capitalist is terrible. Of course, I believe in a state capitalism, which will later be replaced by a completely planned economy, but you simply try to pretend to be something you are not. I also have to say that you are a pseudocialist who wants a false welfare state. I know I may sound authoritarian by saying this, but often, force is necessary, especially in Chile, because the Chilean people are very foolish. Moreover, it seems like you're trying to blame me for everything. The fact that you support illiberal democracy is not my problem. Furthermore, you support parties that lie and steal from the proletariat. “La verdad no encuentro palabras para expresar el arrepentimiento que tengo a sí que soy directo y te pido perdón por burlame de ti y hablar mal en tus espaldas tal vez ni me aceptes las disculpas por que dijiste con tu multi que no me perdonarás pero no me importa sólo quiero que sepas esto y nada más. También no me importa si usas mis disculpas en broma.”
    • Anarcho-Dokevism - 💀💀💀💀💀


    Further Information


    Influences Glossary

    1. S&G: Socially and Governmentally.
    2. GEN: Genetically.
    3. ECN: Economically.
    4. PPL: People.
    5. PHIL: Philosophically.


    1. Pseudocialist: Pseudocialism or Pseudocialism (In Spanish, «Falsocialista» and «Falsocialismo», from the spanish, falso, "Fake", "Pseudo", and Socialismo, Socialista, "Socialist, Socialism"), is a term created by me. The Pseudocialism is the fake socialism.


    1. The only liberals I don't support are the modern liberals.


    Political Tests


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  • RealLibtard • 24 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 26 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 33 minutes ago