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This page is about an important IRL ideology
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Putinism refers to the method of governance of the ruling Russian regime under Russian leader Vladimir Putin, and its ideology. It is speculated that it is ideologically influenced by the works of Lev Gumilyov's Eurasianism and Ivan Ilyin's clerical fascism, as he regularly quotes both authors and similarities have been noted.

The Putinist regime is deeply authoritarian and is often considered to be a kleptocracy and a dictatorship although it carries the label of a democracy. One of the most prominent features of Putin's regime is Chekism, a phenomenon where security forces enjoy massive power over society. Putinist economics included nationalization of critical industries, and state interventionism combined with market economics. Putin's administration used to be categorized as an oligarchy, where the nation promoted both local and foreign private investment while most of large private companies being owned by oligarchs, but this changed when Putin established stricter control over Russia and its economy (through state ownership, oligarchs close to the government or mixed ownership between the state and oligarchs), beginning the process of centralizing power while still remaining a market economy.

Putin established stronger government intervention than during the Yeltsinist era, creating a system where the economy's ownership is monopolized by the state for its interests, particularly in strategic fields like oil and gas as well as the military. Putinism criticises neoliberalism's social and economic policy, often aligning with both right-wing and left-wing populism.

Putin supports Russian conservatism, Eurasianism, anti-LGBT rhetoric, nationalism, a mixed economy and orthodox christian values; in addition he supports Russian Irredentism and rejects Western culture.


The late 1990s saw the rise of the of future leader and dictator of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Within merely two years, 1997-1998, Vladimir Putin had become one of the most prominent politicians of the Russian Federation. On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB. In 1998, he virtually privatized power in the country, ousting Boris Nemtsov and other liberals from all positions in the struggle for power. A year later Putin was appointed Acting Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation by President Yeltsin. By ingratiating himself with Russia's top leadership, Putin managed to gain the position of Director of the FSB, which gave him access to the voluminous archives of compromising evidence he used against Nemtsov, presumably Yeltsin's real successor, in order to oust him.

Vladimir Putin would reach wide international recognition for his actions during the Second Chechen War. In September 1999 a series of explosions that were attributed to the Chechen Mujahideen hit four apartment blocks in the Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk (However, it's thought that the FSB planted the explosives themselves to try and gain more support for a second war in Chechnya). The Russian Apartment Bombings gained the Russian government full public approval for a new full-scale war in Chechnya, which boosted the popularity of now Prime Minister Putin who took a leading role in the war.

Despite the tremendous damage caused by the Second Chechen War, it was clear at this point that Putin was one of Yeltsin’s most loyal followers and his eventual successor. On 31 December 1999, Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned and, according to the Constitution of Russia, Putin became Acting President of the Russian Federation and on the same day signed a presidential decree that shielded the former president and his family from prosecution for corruption charges. Throughout his first presidential term, engaged in a violent “power struggle” with the Russian oligarchs, eventually reaching a 'grand bargain' with them. This bargain allowed the oligarchs to maintain most of their powers, in exchange for their explicit support for and alignment with Putin's government. One notable Yeltsin-era oligarch who got the short end of the stick was Mikhail Khodorkovsky, former CEO of the oil company Yukos and possibly the richest man in Russia at the time. Khodorkovsky was arrested in 2003 by Russian authorities on charges of fraud and sentenced to nine years in prison. It is widely believed that Vladimir Putin personally embezzled the wealth acquired by Khodorkovsky and Yukos, possibly becoming one of the richest men in the world.

Initially, Vladimir Putin actively supported friendly relations with Western countries and even suggested that then-President Clinton consider Russia as a possible NATO member.

In 2008, he moved into the seat of prime minister for 4 years with all his powers, making Dmitry Medvedev the formal president.

In 2012 Putin returned to the presidency through another rpresidential election, which provoked a deterioration in relations with Western countries. Already in 2014, after the , Russia occupied Crimea and Donbass, thereby starting a limited war with Ukraine, which markedly increased the deterioration of relations with the collective West. As a result of these events, Putin divided the ranks of opposition-minded Russians and thus, by sowing panic in the ranks of the enemy, was able to guarantee an extension of his rule for at least another 10 years, which meant he could help his ally Assad in Syria to stay in power during the more intense phase of the Syrian civil war.

In 2020, Putin adopted a new Constitution of the Russian Federation, further strengthening his powers. According to the new constitution, the president's term was nullified.

In 2022 he launched a full-scale invasion to solve the "Ukrainian question", which he called a 'Special Military Operation' to 'denazify' Ukraine. For this reason, Russia's relations with the West deteriorated much more, and well-known multinational corporations and other Western brands left the Russian market, which negatively affected the Russian economy, but not to the degree that was expected. But the Russian Federation seems to be holding on for now.


Putin is very solitary, but can be charismatic and bring joy to others if he needs to. He is always bored, or at least seems to be since he rarely changes his facial expression. He is obviously Russian, and talks with a Russian accent. He enjoys vodka, hunting, playing the piano, swimming in freezing water and riding on the backs of real live bears to show his strength. However, he has gradually evolved to become extremely violent when tempted. Due to this, as well as his power, Putinism is widely feared by other balls (particularly those belonging to the cultural left and economic right) while earning some respect from anti-liberal or ideologies.

How to Draw

Flag of Putinism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Color it navy blue
  3. Draw the logo of the United Russia political party in the middle;
    1. Draw a right-facing polar bear
    2. Below the bear, write "Единая Россия" (United Russia)
    3. Above the bear, draw an old waving Russia flag (1990's version)
  4. Add the two eyes
  5. Draw a a kleptocrat/prison hat on the ball
  6. Optional props:
    1. Sunglasses
    2. A brown bear

You are done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Navy Blue #014785 1, 71, 133
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0
Azure Blue #0093E0 0, 147, 224



  • Lukashenkoism - My loyal ally in Belarus and my best companion. He's helped me all this time. Soon, my friend, the Union will be reborn. But why do you think I supported Sergei Tikhanovsky? Relations were kinda complicated in the 2000s when I tried to pay him in exchange for recognizing Abkhazia and South Ossetia. He's a little conservative with the changing world order but this can be amended.
  • Yanukovychism - Back when Ukraine was based. He was overthrown in a coup by the CIA and the Maidanites in the horrible colour revolution. He was the last leader of Ukraine before Globalism took over. Something that I will make sure will never happen in Russia. Did you really have to continue believing Crimea is Ukrainian though? Regardless, Ukraine shall be freed from the Western Nazis!
  • Fourth Theory - People tend to think that you are me, even though you're more of a chronically online political philosopher and manifestation of Russian christian and orthodox traditional values. You're essentially an esoteric coagulation of my pre-existing ideological influences, linguistically simplified to be easier sold to people online and on the streets in an attempt to bolster my institutions. Regardless, you criticized me for not going into Ukraine sooner and ordering a retreat from Kherson to save up manpower, and that I do still remember. However, you are one of my closest friends and you advocate for me. Let's toast to a new Eurasia, and celebrate our victories against the Western expansionists together. My condolences to your daughter.
  • Orthodoxy - I'm a Russian Orthodox too. The patriarch is also a KGB asset.
  • China - An important trade partner with us, and an ally against the West. While we still have work to finish, he believes in multipolarity and an integrated Eurasia, which is enough for me!
  • Assad - The best ally I could ever have. Let's bomb the Jihadists and liberals together and challenge Western dominance in the Mediterranean.
  • Khomeinism - Good friend from Asia, also supplies me his drones and helps me to mess with the US.
  • Alt-Right & Paleoconservatism - Why yes, I am totally "based and trad"!
  • Anti-Americanism & Western Tankies - Why yes, I am totally "based and anti-imperialist"!
  • Juche - The TRUE best Korea! He's a brother to me.
  • Castroism, Socialism of the 21st Century and Chavismo - Latin American buddies
  • Slavic Nationalism - Glory to Mother Russia and Belarus. And hopefully a better Ukraine in the future.
  • Autocracy & Stratocracy - I'll crack down all of your anti-war protesters and shut down western propaganda social media platform!!!!!!
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Better than what's going on right now in America.
  • Soveregin Democracy - Democracy is based. Democracy is based as long as I'm in power. Actually, not even democracy. You know what? Nobody gets democracy.
  • All-Russian Nation - Ukraine, Moldova, Caucasus, Central Asia and the Baltic states all belongs to Mother Russia!
  • Stalinism - Your patriotic defense of the motherland will never be forgotten, and you're demonized too much for it. I used to allow documentation of your supposed crimes, but now I don't!
  • Homophobia - Russia will be free of "homosexuality propaganda"...
  • Transphobia - ...and of "transformers" too.
  • State Traditionalis. - That's the way!


  • Trumpism - Old partner. I supported his isolationism, but he then turned on me.
  • Salvinism - Same as above, Mr. Italian Trump. About that champagne I owed ya. He used to have a crush on me back in the days
  • Orbanism - A NATO member but not a NATO puppet, he also hates the EU and his Illiberal "democratic" system looks a lot like mine. and no we're not friends, not at all I swear
  • Communism - While the Soviet Union was the apex of historical Russia, the economic model was destined to crumble at some point. The collapse of the Union was a tragedy besought upon Russia that separated people from each other, but the planned economy ruined us. Your model is ineffective, but I'd still have no heart if I said I didn't miss Soviet Russia. Lenin did make the mistake of creating Ukraine *cough*, and socialist internationalism led Russians nowhere. At least you are against the West.
  • Islamic Theocracy - I fought you in Chechnya! But since then, we've been sticking tight, as Ramzan Kadyrov is my comrade, and Chechen soldiers are great pawns allies in the war against Ukraine!
  • Zyuganovism - We are both nostalgic for the Soviet Union, but for different reasons. The CPRF also proposed defending Donetsk and Lugansk, a proposal which we gladly accepted. Even though you're semi-controlled opposition, you still make a fuss here or there.
  • Anti-Imperialism - Listen here you, I AM ANTI-IMPERALISM. *Eats all of Southeastern Ukraine*
  • Rojava - We disagree on a lot but I like to fund them to mess with him.
  • Pinochetism - An inspiration for me[7] and I like the way you deal with opposition, but you go too far with liberal economics, and some of you call me communist and/or leftist. I won't support you anymore as I would be betraying my leftist Latin American buddies who hate you.
  • Wagner Group - Good job in Ukraine and Africa, keep going. HOWEVER.. In light of recent events we might need to change our relationship. So, uh, yeah enjoy your time in Belarus while your soldiers sign military contracts with us and we blow up your leader's jet.Lukashenko coming in clutch was something I would've never expected..
  • Neoconservatism (during 2000s) - Your expansion in Eastern Europe is harmful for Russia, but I will support you in the war on terror because that would help me to defeat Chechen separatist terrorists, and it would not be a bad idea to join NATO.
  • Zhirinovism - While your nationalist rhetoric is based, you're merely a populist who wanted attention. And no, we will not be restoring the Tsarist flag. Still, rest in peace.
  • Yeltsinism - You ruined our great nation while licking Western boots, and you were a drunk and stupid leader. Words cannot sufficiently describe how much of a disgrace you are to the Russian people. Thanks for giving me power regardless, and I protected your family from corruption accusations.


  • Liberalism - You western puppets think Navalny has a political future?! ХАХАХА! You are a disgrace! Off to the Gulag!
  • Zelenskyism - Your time is up, say your prayers...
  • Libertarianism - Weak government? Silly Democracy? Xaxa! You will never have power in Russia!
  • Neoconservatism (since 2014) - You are one of the greatest evils to ever exist. Accusing me of aggression while supporting Azov Nazis is a whole another level. I have supported anti-Western governments, and will continue to advance Eurasianist integration for the good of the world.
  • George W. Bushism - Holy shit. And people are calling me evil. When’s the U.N issuing your arrest warrant? How dare you criticise my special military operation! You still can't find WMDs in Iraq!
  • Neotsarism - Stop trying to bring that back, it's dead! Your supporters, however, are willing to support me, and that's good.
  • European Federalism - Europe must be attached to the Eurasian continent, not your American Atlanticist slave masters! Break your chains Europe! Free yourselves from the USA!
  • Nazism - Literally the Azov battalion and all of Ukraine in general! We massacred you in the Great patriotic war, XAXAXA!
  • Jihadism - Bombings in Syria go brrrrrrrr! Oh, and I invaded Chechnya after their terrorists attacked Dagestan, then I installed Kadyrov as Chechen leader.
  • All LGBT ideologies - You’re all just sick Western degenerates that want to destroy the Motherland with your wokeness. Stay away from the children! Those calendars are cool tho
  • Neoliberalism - Cultural and economic evil. You destroy nations wherever you go, and you fuel conflicts. Not to mention your disgusting advocation for globalism, which destroys the culture of individual countries and contaminates our Russia with horrors like Homosexual Propaganda. I don't care what you think about my special military operation, you can go stick your markets up your ass. Good luck on your way out! Stop the color revolutions you Western Globalists! Ignore I once advocated for an Pinochet-style authoritarian capitalist model for Russia and quoted Milton Friedman regarding energy price caps[8], ok?
  • State Liberalism - You are liberal totalitarianism. Literally the West.
  • Hillaryism - Oh so I rigged the election then? just like how your husband rigged the elections in Russia during the '90s to keep Yeltsin in power.

Further Information





  1. Putin supporters, All-Russia People's Front Party Members and people with strong relations to Putin


  1. Due to the deteriorating relations between Russia and the west, many western companies left Russia and as result Russia was left in a state of isolation similar to North Korea.
  2. Pre-2008/2013 Putinism
  3. Putin initially attempted good relations and cooperation with NATO and EU and sided with the US during the War on Terror. He also praises Solzhenitsyn, the White Movement, and Stalin while denouncing Lenin and the Russian Revolution to get support from both the left and right at the same time.
  4. Sovereign democracy, Wikipedia
  5. https://youtu.be/2ZN1KK9Mzuo?si=A7H2jjDGBK6876tg
  6. https://youtu.be/zODWTfMwFGw?si=mqH_fRPwRaebx1ba
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/mar/31/russia.iantraynor
  8. https://tass.com/economy/1521841
